Friday, January 05, 2018

The KKK president.

Image result for klansman mage    I am not sure what all the fuss is about this Michael Wolff book about Mr. trump.

I mean let's face it, everything in the book only confirms what those of us with half of a brain already knew about the man.

Still, what  I found most fascinating was the revelation about his views when it comes to the Klan.
(We already know how the Klan feels about him.)

"After a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, President Donald Trump privately rationalized why someone would join the KKK, suggesting the racist group doesn’t believe what it used to, a book published this week with insider details on the Trump White House claims.

In Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, author Michael Wolff wrote that when Trump finally addressed the August 2017 rally—saying “racism is evil” and that the KKK and other groups that cause violence around it “are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans”—it was “a reluctant mini-grovel,” and the president “was clearly reading forced lines.” 

After his KKK remarks, Trump got on Marine One and spewed his actual beliefs while traveling.

"Privately, he kept trying to rationalize why someone would be a member of the KKK—that is, they might not actually believe what the KKK believed, and the KKK probably does not believe what it used to believe," Wolff wrote. "And, anyway, who really knows what the KKK believes now? In fact, he said, his own father was accused of being involved with the KKK—not true. (In fact, yes, true.)."As Wolff notes, Trump’s father, Fred Trump, was arrested after a KKK riot in Queens, New York, in 1927." [Source]

"There are good people on both sides'", says the president. 

Now we know why he feels this way. 

*Pic from


  1. And another white snowflake fuckboi10:03 PM

  2. Anonymous10:06 PM

    ”I mean let's face it, everything in the book only confirms what those of us with half of a brain already knew about the man.”

    Mostly, the book is interesting because it reveals the extent to which everyone around Trump knows his flaws. Even the people who are “loyal” to Trump really aren’t. They know exactly how wretchedly incompetent and despicable he is, but they all hang around because they want something from him (money, enactment of a particular political agenda, etc).

    Nobody actually respects Trump. He has no real friends, only groveling coattail-riders.

  3. Field said...

    The KKK president.

    Hahaha!...But true! :D

  4. Lets just call him 'The Grand Wizard'

    Ahahhahahaaaaa! Grand Wizard Trump!

  5. Lance Cockstrong10:58 PM

    And then there are those who if they had half a brain would be gifted. It confirms the obvious that Butt Trumpet did not want or intend to be president (and would not be but for a cruel trick perpetrated by Hillary not bothering to show up for the campaign). Even if everything else in the book is bullshit getting soulmate Bannon on the record spilling the beans from money laundering to treason makes it worthwhile. Trumptwats can now debate Bannon if they want to be in denial.

  6. Republicanism is a cult, and Fergus is just the latest in a long line of fucked up focal points. Not "leader"- that fat bastard couldn't lead a hog to slop.
    He probably feels a grudging admiration for the KKK as an older, more devoted cult than the one he's stuck with.
    The Klan is a joke, at this point; a dangerous joke, but a joke nevertheless. It's not like 1926 when 30,000 klukkers marched down Pennsylvania Avenue in full regalia.
    It is agreed upon in decent society that the goddamn Klan is an embarrassment of history, not something to be accepted as OK or normal.
    Sort of like Fergus is rapidly becoming, an embarrassing mistake.
    We just have to make the morons who put him there own the son of a bitch this time. No fake Tea Party rebranding their way out of it this time.
    Burn the motherfucking life boats!

    -Doug in Oakland

  7. Anonymous11:20 PM

    An apple doesn't fall to far from its tree.
    Father was a KKK...
    Son was raised by a KKK
    Son becomes a KKK
    Mission accomplished....

    If son says anything derogatory about the KKK he will be dishonoring his father.
    Typical home training.
    End of story.

  8. Anonymous12:13 AM

    KKK...Started, Fed and watered by the Democratic Party. Hmmm? LBJ...Democrat. Put programs in to play that destroyed Black Economic independence, Black Home ownership, (Gotta Love What Cabrini Green did for you all) welfare programs that marginalized the importance and the potential positive outcomes of Black Fathers remaining in the household. Oversaw and signed the 1965 immigration law that further destroyed black economic gains due to unnecessary third world Immigration.

  9. Anonymous12:32 AM

    For once i agree with the Field Negro, You all only have half a brain.

  10. Anonymous1:09 AM

    KKK...Started, Fed and watered by the Democratic Party. Hmmm? LBJ...Democrat. Put programs in to play that destroyed Black Economic independence, Black Home ownership,
    and completely taken over by the GOP after the 1964 CRA which pissed off southern white asshole racists who became Republicans because LBJ signed the legislation. Yeah, we know the history of amerikkka fuckboi. Now go back to doing whatever it is fuckbois do, probably searching porn sites for BBC?

    1. Keith Ellison1:25 AM

      Thanks for the well known info that fuckbois like yourself think is somehow new because your dumbass just learned it. Funny your history leasons always stop at the part where white racist southerners migrated to the Republican party via the southern strategy. Hey FB, if I ever build a time machine and go back to the early 60's I'll be sure to not vote for the Dems. Bwahahaha!

    2. Anonymous11:08 AM

      Uh genius, what party was Senator Robert Byrd, Grand Wizard (or whatever his title) of the KKK in?

  11. Anon@12:13: That'e why we told you fucking morons it was a bad idea to invite all of those scumbags into your party.
    We knew what would happen.
    But would you and your racist brain-wizards listen?
    Hell no, you wouldn't.
    You could control the idiot hordes, you said.
    They would give you a permanent majority, you said, and America would go back to being segregated if need be, but you would have the power, and the idiots would obey your commands as long as you pretended to believe in their invisible sky god.
    How's that shit working out for you now that the moron you groomed to be your puppet president has turned on you, is up to his neck in legal jeopardy he was too stupid to avoid, is shedding staff from an already understaffed west wing, and losing his goddamn mind on national TV?
    "Where's my Roy Cohn?" he bleated, when he found out he couldn't order the attorney general around like a flunky at one of his bankrupt businesses.
    Answer your own damn question, you dumb motherfucker.
    Roy Cohn is dead in the ground, but before he croaked and after you disowned him publicly for having AIDS, he said of you: "Donald pisses ice water."
    If 9% of your idiot hordes were literate enough to have read that before the election, we wouldn't be saddled with the disgusting task of getting rid of your stinking ass.
    We tried to warn you that they weren't.
    You did not listen.
    Have fun going down with them, you deserve it.
    And don't even think about denying you did this.
    That smoke, those flames?
    Those are the life boats, motherfucker.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Doesn't really matter because Pence was the real President. trump is a useful idiot so the mouthbreathers can see someone they identify with as their leader while Pence appoints cabinet posts and influences domestic policy. Trump will be gone sooner than later and Pence will slither into the spot he would have never been elected. At least trump will go down in a blaze of money laundering and obstruction charges but Pence is more dangerous because he knows how government works.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hot damn Doug, that was BRUTAL!!!


  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Wow! Grand Wizards country has assigned millions of dollars to rescue hundreds of ocean sea turtles that are becoming sluggish because of the cold weather! They are being brought to NOAA'S Galveston lab to a special warm place, cleaned off,evaluated and massaged back to life. Hundreds more will be rescued as well, supposedly. I guess that goes for the cold iguanas dropping out of trees in Florida, these are all coldblooded reptiles and need warmth in order to function.Snakes also. I guess they will be rescuing them also. Ahhhh! America the great! Right? Turtles...millions $...

    Or do I see turtle steaks in the not too far away future...

  16. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Dumb in Oakland.... Carrying on the proud tradition of saying nothing talking loud.

  17. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Ryan Williams M.D.(Monkey Doctor) Kept on staff at Cleveland Clinic in spite of raping patients. So much for Negroes studying STEM.... Hahahahahahahahaha Apefirmative Action

  18. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Vereen/McNabb in 2020

  19. With nuck biggers it's all about "muh dik".  Especially with children.

    Black Male Top Pedophiles Crimes Per Capita in the USA.

    Probably everywhere else too..


    There is a long-standing myth perpetrated by Blacks and White
    anti-racists like Tim Wise that Whites are more likely to molest
    children than any other race. This goes back to some stereotype of the
    creepy, nerdy, weirdo White guy who can’t get laid so he molests kids.
    About time we shot this myth full of holes like it needs to be.


    % of total child molesters:

    White 51%
    African American 25%
    Hispanic 15%
    American Indian/Alaska Natives 2%
    Asian/Pacific Islanders 1%
    Relative to their population, likelihood of abuse compared to background population rate:

    American Indian +100%
    Blacks +92%
    Hispanics no difference

  20. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Trump’s latest Twitter commentary:

    ”’Actually,’ the president added, “throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.”


    Okay, dude.

  21. Or do I see turtle steaks in the not too far away future.

    Not if Tiger Sharks have anything to say about turtle steaks.

  22. Relative to actual numbers of pedophiles, whites are the worst, hands down.

  23. mike from iowa said...

    Or do I see turtle steaks in the not too far away future.

    Not if Tiger Sharks have anything to say about turtle steaks.

    10:29 AM

    LOL! BTW Turtle steaks are delicious! I tasted them many years ago while on vacation and when it was still legal to catch them.

    Indescribably delicious.

  24. Trailer troll spray11:20 AM

    So many trailer trash whites are so comfortable with pedophilia they wanted to send one to congress and it took us negroes to stop that shit. And stop selling your babies for meth you sick fucks!

    1. Now fuckbois are raping babies11:25 AM

      Ha! Fake news! No such site as prevent abuse, you just pulled some shit out of your ass and simple math says you white trailer trolls molest a helluva lot of kids! 51%? What is the white population in this country? That means you're most likely diddling a kid while typing your fantasies of conquering America for the white race. You are some sick fucks!

  25. Stop selling babies fuckbois!11:27 AM

    In West Virginia of all places. That bastion of white pride paradise!

  26. Anonymous11:27 AM

    KKK, Grand Wizard, Nazi, .....Whatever? None of this means shit coming from a race of folks who sold their own to the highest bidder on the west African shorelines. A race of folks who slaughter their own every night in every city in America over Tennis Shoes, Clothing, perceived disrespect, etc. etc. The greatest threat to you all and America is not KKK, White right wingers, it is teen Black bastard ghetto sons with 75 I.Q.s These animals will kill you at a funeral, a candle light vigil, a picnic, a birthday party, a basketball tournament for stop the violence. And this is just Negroes killing Negroes, Black violence against whites is even worse. Don't shit your pants in fear over Trump, be fearful of the blank staring, empty headed, ticking Bastard Son time bombs that live in your Hood 24/7.

  27. Lance Cockstrong11:30 AM

    "I am not a witch" - Christine O'Doodle
    "I am ... like ... really smart ... duh" - Butt Trumpet

  28. Anonymous11:34 AM

    The ones who live will be the ones who get out before it all goes down. The ones here talking trash are going to be among the first to die, either talking trash to someone carrying a rifle or killed and robbed of their loot when they get back to the hood with the proceeds from the first few raids (before they're shut down).
    Here is the secret plan. Shhhhhhhh, keep it a secret.

  29. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Pastor David James Manning of Harlem is the only person who can save the Hamitic people from their self destruction. ATLAH !

  30. Alt-right pussies=ISIS11:40 AM

    Don't shit your pants in fear over Trump, be fearful of the blank staring, empty headed, ticking Bastard Son time bombs that live in your Hood 24/7.
    Nah man, you shouldn't fear us negroes you need to fear the crazy eyed white guy who will go into your church and kill 4% of your town's entire population including babies, old people and pregnant women! Or how about the guy who shoots up a country music concert and kills a hundred at a time? Yup white fuckboi ahit. Not even a classroom full of babies is safe from a genius warrior lime the fuckbois who post here. So keep your eyes open at a kid's movie because one of these guys will shoot that up too. Cowards shooting up "soft targets" who they know can't fight back. Never seen such cowardly behavior in my life. And then they want us to be afraid of ISIS when it's bitch assed white fuckbois you need to watch.

  31. The GOP11:42 AM

    Roy Moore is the only person who can save the good white folk from teh gays by dressing up as a cowboy and prancing around on stage with a toy gun!

  32. Anonymous12:24 PM

    It must take a special type of individual to sit around all day and try to denegrate people. Funny that all the Black folk who post here are college educated career people and all of whom are married and successful but for some reason folks think it's cute to post Chicago crime stats and shit and tell us to get our acts together. This is the wrong site for that shit!😂

  33. Stop biting the hand that feeds you1:05 PM

    "It must take a special type of individual to sit around all day and try to denegrate people."

    It must take a special kind of race of people to live parasitically off another race and still blame all their own shortcomings on their host.

    Without whites, you'd starve.

    The more you indulge yourselves in anti-white hate, the more likely there might actually someday be something like the Klan that you have to deal with.

  34. Anonymous1:09 PM

    "Here is the secret plan. Shhhhhhhh, keep it a secret."

    Nobody needs to keep it a secret.  You're too incompetent to either get out ahead of time or deal with the situation when it arises, so telling you about it won't change anything.

    That includes you totally forgetting that you were ever told about it as it's going down.

    "It must take a special type of individual to sit around all day and try to denegrate people."

    For the country to be saved, it must be de-negrified.

    "Funny that all the Black folk who post here are college educated career people and all of whom are married and successful but for some reason folks think it's cute to post Chicago crime stats and shit and tell us to get our acts together."

    Most of your children and grandchildren will be 85-IQ gangbangers, if they're still in the Americas.

  35. ”’Actually,’ the president added, “throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.”

    If you have to hold a briefing to address your mental stability you've already lost.

  36. "Most of your children and grandchildren will be 85-IQ gangbangers, if they're still in the Americas"

    Ha! ALL of my kids will be at the top schools and have their choice of colleges. No time for gangbanging because they're too busy with flying, martial arts and other stuff. If they choose to become a lawyer that'll be easy because many of my friends and sister are attornies. Doctor? Got that covered too. Pilot? Well of course😂 Hell, my dog has anIQ higher than 85.
    Does this apply to anyone else here? Doc? Field? PC?
    Thinking this is the wrong forum for that post my man.


  38. Anonymous2:25 PM


    Nauseating. Poor people planning their lives around Trump’s empty promises. How long is it going to take these knuckleheads to figure out that Trump lied and he doesn’t give a rat’s ass about them?

  39. "How long is it going to take these knuckleheads to figure out that Trump lied and he doesn’t give a rat’s ass about them?"

    Til they find Barack's birth certificate?😂

  40. Anon Inc.3:39 PM

    "Funny that all the Black folk who post here are college educated career people and all of whom are married and successful"

    If so, then why so bitter? I mean, PilotX seems fairly well adjusted, but the blacks most obsessed with systemic racist oppression are those whose lives most convincingly disprove its existence.

    And while there are some black folk who post here who can make a cogent or at least clever point, there are those like "Yisheng" who make a mockery out of being college 'educated'. A 40 year Quixotic quest to be a MD, and all she has is hate for the white society that has so faithfully accommodated her life's dream. She is a textbook case how Affirmative Action can cause almost as much harm to the recipients as it does to those it robs.

    But I will admit the highest volume of the most unhinged and nonsensical posts come from white hangers-on line "Doug from Oakland", "Lance Cockstrong", "mike from iowa", and various menopausal shut-in white women who resent the lives their poor choices have bequeathed them. My advice to all of them is stop dumping the detritus of your minds on these poor black folks via your cringe-worthy comments and get your lives together.

  41. The Three kings didn't leave me any toys! x(

    *stomps off angrily*

  42. Anonymous4:17 PM

    ”The Three kings didn't leave me any toys! x(

    *stomps off angrily*”

    Oh, that’s right, you folks of the Latino pursuation do Epiphany. For the the rest of us, the holidays are already over and we’re back to the general drudgery of winter.

    Are there any interesting traditions for this day in Puerto Rico, other than not getting the toys you wanted from the three kings?

  43. Why are there so many mean comments here? Are you mostly trolls or is this your idea of fun?

  44. I'm going with fun, Heidi aka Mom. To engage stoopid fucking wingnuts lies you have to get in the cesspool with them.

  45. My Father of blessed memory always told us kids the only place where we smart was where his leather belt rubbed the hide off. He was dead on bald accurate and I was too sore (and smart) to auger with him.

    Drumpfuck is a fucking moron of the lowest form and is too stoopid to realize everyone is laughing at him.

  46. Anonymous5:29 PM

    ”Why are there so many mean comments here? Are you mostly trolls or is this your idea of fun?”

    They are mostly nasty racist trolls, and yes, being hateful is how they get their jollies.

  47. A subtle reminder to stoopid fucking wingnuts what happens when Kim Yungfuck Drumpf messes with the red button.

    Don't you understand what I'm tryin' to say
    Can't you feel the fears I'm feelin' today?
    If the button is pushed, there's no runnin' away
    There'll be no one to save with the world in a grave
    Take a look around you boy, it's bound to scare you boy

    And you tell me
    Over and over and over again my friend
    Ah, you don't believe
    We're on the eve of destruction

    Friendly reminder brought to you by Barry McGuire and Sesame Street featuring the letters stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  48. Notorious RBG plants a broadside on Drumpfuck's ugly phiz- Ruth Bader Ginsburg To Trump: I'm Not Going Anywhere


  49. Anonymous said...

    Oh, that’s right, you folks of the Latino pursuation do Epiphany. For the the rest of us, the holidays are already over and we’re back to the general drudgery of winter.

    Are there any interesting traditions for this day in Puerto Rico, other than not getting the toys you wanted from the three kings?

    4:17 PM

    Nope, that's about it! Oh no wait, some people celebrate something called "Las Octavitas", but I feel it's just an excuse to keep on partying :)

    Now it's time to take down the Christmas decorations, the tree, the ornaments, wash everything, put it all away...ugh...lotta work...*sigh*

  50. Usually today the governor has a big party at the Fortaleza, and gives gifts to kids that have lined up since very early, but this time he went in a helicopter to a lot of the towns where the mayors already had parties going, and gave out gifts to the kids and stayed awhile and sang and spoke. It was pretty cool I must say. They had given money to all the mayors to have a party and gifts for their towns. Three Kings is a big deal here, it has a very religious feel to it, whereas Santa Claus does not.

    Oh well on to St. Valentines!

  51. Does this apply to anyone else here? Doc? Field? PC?

    Truthfully PX, I'm generally unaware of what trolls post here 99.9999999% of the time unless someone decent quotes it.

    That said, I don't think what you quoted required a response at all. Our success speaks for itself in real-time. But I am THRILLED that my kid and I are tentatively set to graduate the same semester next year, me with the first of my Dr. degrees and her with an Engineering BS! :)

  52. Anonymous6:22 PM

    We're sick of the lies, Heidi.  This is where we come to mock the liars.

    There is no way to stop the lies without shaming the liars into silence.

  53. "me with the first of my Dr. degrees and her with an Engineering BS! :)"


  54. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Was Obama the Muslim Brotherhood President or the New Black Panthers President?

  55. Anonymous6:55 PM

    ”There is no way to stop the lies without shaming the liars into silence.”

    Physician, heal thyself. You Nazi trolls are the biggest liars around.

  56. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Nazis.  Yeah, right. Meanwhile, we have this:

    Lying or insane?  Either way, unfit to run free in civilization... just like all of you.

  57. Just the facts jack8:02 PM

    Was Obama the Muslim Brotherhood President or the New Black Panthers President?
    Valid question for Fox News viewers but for those of us in the real world neither.

  58. Lance Cockstrong9:12 PM

    No truth to the rumor that Mitch McConnell blew off Butt Trumpet to get a haircut ... actually Mitch was having his embalming fluid changed

  59. Yisheng has no shame10:09 PM

    "There is no way to stop the lies without shaming the liars into silence."


  60. Let me know when the party is Doc😄

  61. I sure will PX!!! 👍🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽

    BTW, I may be in your city this summer if my kid gets an internship in Chi-town!

  62. Busted1:30 AM

    Yīshēng said...
    "I may be in your city this summer if my kid gets an internship in Chi-town!"

    I thought your kid was graduating this summer? And already had clients lined up for her business?

    Summer internships are for students who haven't graduated yet.

    Are you lying again?

  63. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Meanwhile, in the Republican stronghold known as Chicago......

    Weekend totals: 3 killed & 10 wounded.

    Domb Trump & his KKK.

  64. Drumpf's Russia backed reign of terror has outsourced more jobs in his first year than the 5 year average from GOAT Obama. Drumpfuck lied to us again. What stoopid fucking wingnuts won't vote for to destroy my nation.

  65. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Chicago January 2018 to Date
    Shot & Killed: 6
    Shot & Wounded: 31
    Total Shot: 37
    Total Homicides: 7

  66. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Meanwhile, in the Republican stronghold known as Chicago......

    10:39 AM

    Chicago is 100% Dummycrat

    1. Anonymous3:05 PM

      I know, that was sarcasm.

  67. Anonymous11:37 AM

  68. Looks like Bannon has reconnected a hose to 45's ass again.


  69. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Busted said...
    "Are you lying again?"

    LMAO - nice catch - yes, yisheng is always lying!

  70. Anonymous12:09 PM

    p.s. - she will never be a doctor!


  71. Trump’s ass3:36 PM

    “Looks like Bannon has reconnected a hose to 45's ass again. BAWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAAAAA!!!!“

    Is there a hose wide enough?

  72. Little Jelly’s Lie Detector3:48 PM

    “I thought your kid was graduating this summer? And already had clients lined up for her business?”

    Jealous much that a young college kid is better than you are? When did Yisheng post her kids graduation date before, because I’ve never seen it. Her kid has a business before finishing college, but what do you have?

    That’s the jealous right’s MO, call everything a lie that’s impossible for your own life.

    Little “Jelly” is mad! 😡😡😡


  73. Her kid has a business before finishing her junior year. And already has clients lined up.


    What might that "business" be?

  74. Shorter Bannon: Come on dad, if I suck your dick on national television, can I have my billionaire back?

    -Doug in Oakland

  75. That’s the jealous right’s MO, call everything a lie that’s impossible for your own life.

    Why of course, utter failures like the trolls on FN, turn 50 shades of green at the thought of someone Black/minority living a better life than theirs. It’s in their DNA to (pathetically ) try to deny our success by questioning it, like their ancestors did in the burning of Black Wall Street back in the day. HEATHENS the ENTIRE lot of them!!

    BTW, my kid has TWO parents who are business owners, so besides domination in a STEM field, she also inherited business acumen as us well.

  76. ROTFL @ Little Jelly!!

  77. Anonymous12:15 AM

    "Why of course, utter failures like the trolls on FN, turn 50 shades of green at the thought of someone Black/minority living a better life than theirs."

    Given the existence of affimative action, all of your credentials and standard of living are tainted by un-earned benefits.

    Come back to us when Africans have created a true university system without the aid of others, and your crime rate in America falls as low as Hispanics (let alone whites).  You haven't done it in the last 400 years, and it's certain you never will.

  78. Anonymous10:04 AM


  79. And yet another fuckboy5:31 PM

    Given the existence of affimative action, all of your credentials and standard of living are tainted by un-earned benefits.
    yup, centuries of white male affirmative action created a bunch of you unqualified fuckboys. Just like the assholes trump tried to install as judges and didn't know basic first year law school shit.

  80. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Whites created the laws and the law schools.  Any black practicing law in the USA is committing cultural appropriation.

  81. Judge Mathis10:16 PM

    Whites created the laws and the law schools. Any black practicing law in the USA is committing cultural appropriation.
    And yet you still suck at it. We're better than you at your own game fuckboy. What law school did you go to? Bwahahahaha!

  82. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Yeah, that Ben Crump is really something......LMFAO

  83. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Tulsa did not occur due to jealousy, this is one of many Black myths that unfortunately are passed along thru the generations of the perpetually aggrieved American Negro.

  84. Little Jelly’s Lie Detector12:32 AM

    “Tulsa did not occur due to jealousy, this is one of many Black myths that unfortunately are passed along thru the generations of the perpetually aggrieved American Negro.”

    No, it occurred because the people who burned, raped, murdered, then destroyed the town were evil.

  85. Anonymous1:24 AM

    Negro myth

  86. Anonymous2:16 AM

    Negro myth
    white liar

  87. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Tulsa was burned because they deserved it. When we stopped disciplining the negro, everything went to shit.

    Take a look at your black neighborhoods now.
