Tuesday, January 23, 2018

"Mr. president, there is a Mr. Mueller here to see you."

Bob Mueller wants to interview Donald trump really soon. This is looking more like an obstruction of justice case than it is one of collusion. Isn't this how it always works with the feds?  They go after you for one thing, but they end up charging you with something else because of what transpires during the course of their investigation. If it's true that trump asked acting FBI director McCabe who he voted for in a meeting, there might be some real cause for concern on the obstruction front with team trump.

trump claims that he wants to talk to Mr. Mueller as well, but don't believe it.  That is the last person on earth that he wants to talk to. 

Fear is clearly setting in with trump's inner circle, because now he and his peeps are demanding changes within the FBI. It's a brilliant shoot the messenger strategy. And trump and his rogue's gallery of sycophants are doing their best to discredit and undermine the special counsel.

Sarah Sanders has said that Americans don't believe in this Russian probe, but nevertheless they want to see it come to a full conclusion. If that's the case you would think that Mr. trump would be anxious to talk to Bob Mueller and clear the air as it relates to possible collusion and obstruction charges. 

“For 11 months, they’ve had this phony cloud over this administration, over our government, and it has hurt our government,” Trump said during a news conference last week, referring to the probe. “It’s a Democrat hoax that was brought up as an excuse for losing an election.”

Hmmm, a "Democratic hoax"? We will see.

Finally, I will tell you you what I am convinced is not a hoax. The fact that your president had unprotected sex with a porn star.

I just heard Charles Barkley on the radio, and he said that he was at Lake Tahoe when Donald and Stormy were..ahem, ahem, hanging around a lot together. Although he said that he couldn't personally confirm that they actually slept together. Yeah right. Donald must have been asking Stormy for golf tips all weekend. Who better to help you work on your putting than a porn star? 

Throw all that in with the Wall Street Journal story of a payoff to keep her quiet, and Stormy herself giving an interview with a magazine in 2011 about her time with trump, and it all seems pretty credible to me.

"According to the transcript, Daniels said the sex was “textbook generic,” and that they did not use condoms. She also added that he asked her to sign one of her DVDs for him after sex." 

No wonder Melania changed her mind about going to Davos.

*Pick from cnn.com



  1. Anonymous8:55 PM

    ”No wonder Melania changed her mind about going to Davos.”

    I doubt that Melania is even mad. She was probably thrilled Donald cheated on her with someone else. Whenever Donald was boning Spermy Daniels, that was one night that Melania wasn’t obligated to spend underneath the creepy, fat lummox.

    She is a true trophy wife. She’s just praying that next Big Mac will be the one that causes Trump to croak, so she can inherit his money.

  2. Ho’s are us9:15 PM

    Melania changed her mind because she found out about that ho.

  3. Fergus is way out of his league with anyone on Mueller's crew. Like Malcolm Nance said, he thinks he's still up against an assistant DA in Manhattan, when what he's really looking at is the wood chipper of justice.

    Stormy Daniels was vastly underpaid.

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. President Boss10:03 PM

    The fact that your president had unprotected sex with a porn star

    Add that to his list of impressive achievments.

    Dude is a baller.

  5. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Why would Melanoma be mad about "The President And The Porn Star" ...

    After years of "Faking It" with the big white yellow haired hairy gorilla that she married, she told him,
    "The kitchen is closed...Go elsewhere to find your snacks."

  6. Thought experiment for hardcore Trump haters10:19 PM

    Would it be a big deal to you if the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign and transition team using a FISA warrant that was granted based on a piece of opposition research paid for by the Clinton campaign that they knew was false?

    How about if the Democrats in government had an "insurance policy" were they to lose the election where they would try to frame Trump for colluding with the Russian government, forcing Sessions to recuse himself and using Obama holdovers in the DOJ to appoint a Special Counsel staffed with Hillary-affiliated lawyers?

    What if the whole Hillary email investigation was a sham, and Comey's memo was rewritten to exonerate Clinton BEFORE she ever testified to the FBI?

    If true, would any of this bother you in the slightest?

    1. To Anon@10:19.
      Do u believe the story about Cinderella & The Golden Slipper?
      What if it was true?

  7. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Hillary and Bill are going to prison.

  8. Steve Bannon11:24 PM

    Hillary and Bill are going to prison.
    Yeah right, you know money laundering trump is going to the pokey first.

  9. Remember the kind of stains that were on the money that he laundered.

  10. Did Trump pay Stormy Daniels $130,888.33 for sex?
    No. He paid her $888.33 for sex, and $130,000 for silence.

  11. A thought experiment for trump supporters11:48 PM

    What if trump refused to show his tax returns because he knew it would expose his Russian money laundering? What if Russian oligarchs were funneling money to trump by buying a Florida property for $100,000,000 that was worth $40,000,000? What if Mueller knew this which is why he brought on financial experts to look into trump's financials? What if trump fired Comey because he was scared? What if there is fire where there is smoke?

  12. Anonymous11:56 PM

    ”Add that to his list of impressive achievments.

    Dude is a baller.”

    Trump better hope Spermy Daniels didn’t have some kind of industrial-strength porn-star version of the clap while he was raw doggin’ her. Otherwise, his nads may fall off and roll away, and then he’ll be a no-baller.

  13. Anonymous11:56 PM

    What if Mueller isn't just spinning his wheels and using this investigation as practice. What if this very experienced prosecutor actually has an inkling something is going on? Maybe just maybe Mueller is onto something.

  14. "If true, would any of this bother you in the slightest?"

    Would you be bothered if a radioactive mutant earthworm achieved sentience and wrote a sensational tell all book about your habit of buggering small furry animals?

    That is an equally probable circumstance.

    -Doug in Oakland

  15. President Boss12:18 AM

    Trump better hope Spermy Daniels didn’t have some kind of industrial-strength porn-star version of the clap while he was raw doggin’ her.

    Trump is a genetic freak, as his doctor attested to last week. He can eat Big Macs and KFC and drink 12 Diet Cokes every day, and remain in perfect health. There is no strain of clap or any other STD that can broach the defenses of his steely manhood. His semen probably inoculated Ms. Daniels herself against ever contracting any infectious agent associated with the porn industry.

    He is truly the ballingest of ballers.

  16. "Trump better hope Spermy Daniels didn’t have some kind of industrial-strength porn-star version of the clap while he was raw doggin’ her. Otherwise, his nads may fall off and roll away, and then he’ll be a no-baller."

    Not likely. Porn actors are tested for STI's as a requirement for working.

    -Doug in Oakland

  17. Anonymous12:26 AM

    ”Not likely. Porn actors are tested for STI's as a requirement for working.”

    Joke-ruiner. :-(

  18. Stubby McSpluge12:57 AM

    Doug is a big porn aficionado, specifically amputee midget rape porn, but he can talk all kinds.

  19. Not really, but I can read, so I know stuff...

    -Doug in Oakland

  20. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Doug is a poofter.

  21. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Mueller's investigation is a gift to Trump. The more he digs for trash on Trump the more trash he finds on democrats/communists. Then Mueller has to cover up that trash to protect the deep state. Eventually the FBI will have to gutted and rebuilt into a legitimate agency. Trump is doing God's work.

  22. If that damn HRC had just pled guilty tyo anything none of this other stuff would have seen the light of day. Damn HRC to 7734.

    I wonder if wingnuts have finally concluded there may have been a few meetings between Drumpf's campaign and the Russians or are they still lying to themselves.

  23. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2018/01/bank-of-america-celebrates-giant-tax-cut-by-raising-fees-on-poor-people?google_editors_picks=true

    Bank of America just got nearly three billion in taxcuts so they raise fees for low income checking accounts. How very wingnuttish of them.

  24. Thought experiment for hardcore Trump haters11:05 AM

    field negro said...
    "Do u believe the story about Cinderella & The Golden Slipper?"

    No, but if it were true, it would greatly change my view of the world.

    If (and I mean "if") there really was plot by the outgoing administration and the "Deep State" to sway the election, and if failing that a backup plan to sabotage the incoming administration through accusations of treason, I would think that should change your view of the world.

    Is it far-fetched and as yet unproven? Yes, but it is increasingly less and less like a fairly tale and more and more like what a lot of people have suspected for a while. This is not just a Democrat vs. Republican issue - there are as many Republicans vested in the permanent establishment as there are Democrats.

    Why did Bill Clinton get away with selling missile technology to the Chinese? Why did Bush get away with lying about why we went to war with Iraq? Why did Hillary get away with selling government favors and obstructing justice? Because they're all in this together, and the deal is nobody ever goes down.

    Then an outsider like Trump somehow gets in, and they are all freaking out.

    Maybe, just maybe Trump is draining a swamp. Would the swamp creatures be acting any differently now if this were the case?

  25. There is no existing actionable evidence to prove HRC sold government favors.

    Everyone of these so-called bombshells that will definitively prove Obama and/or HRC are guilty have been nothingburger-smear campaigns with zero illegal evidence and plenty of grist for the wingnut base to be mad about because they are too stoopid to read and decide for themselves.

    Your side keeps making shit up!

  26. Thought experiment for hardcore Trump haters11:43 AM

    A thought experiment for trump supporters said...
    "What if trump refused to show his tax returns because he knew it would expose his Russian money laundering? What if Russian oligarchs were funneling money to trump by buying a Florida property for $100,000,000 that was worth $40,000,000? What if Mueller knew this which is why he brought on financial experts to look into trump's financials? What if trump fired Comey because he was scared? What if there is fire where there is smoke?"


    If that were true, then Trump would be guilty of a felony and would have to step down.

    His tax returns are with the IRS, who has audited Trump several times over the years.

    I have no doubt Mueller is looking into Trump's financials, and if there is any impropriety there we will (likely) hear about it.

    Comey deserved to be fired for gross incompetence. It was clear that Hillary committed a crime, but he bowed to pressure from above and exonerated her, based on a redefinition of her actions and the incorrect conclusion that a determination of "intent" mattered at all. He then tried to cover his ass by reopening the investigation which caused great damage to her campaign until he pulled it back again. Later we learned he had written his memo clearing Hillary before she was even interviewed. None of the key people they spoke to were put under oath, and he gave immunity to central players like Cheryl Mills before the investigation got started. It was a real stroke of luck for Comey that his best friend Bob Mueller got put in charge of the special counsel. Real lucky.

    If Trump broke the law and it is shown that he has in a real way been compromised by foreign interests, it would mean the end of his presidency, and rightly so. He would not be the guy who drained the swamp, he'd be just another flawed numbnut who put on shoes he couldn't fill.

    But it would also mean that the establishment Uniparty won, that it successfully fought off an assault on its hegemony and any hope of shaking off the criminal enterprise that runs America will have been dashed for at least a generation.

    I believe it is everyone's interest that Trump succeed. You believe it is imperative that your side gets him out of office as soon as possible, but I'm not sure 'your side' is who you think it is.

  27. What crime, exactly, did HRC commit and it better be more than jaywalking.

  28. Anonymous12:12 PM

    HRC, as Secretary of State, in violation of law and of a specific agreement she signed with the Obama administration, conducted high level, classified government business on a private, unsecured server.

    She oversaw decisions where the parties involved made large donations to her private foundation and paid her husband very large speaking fees.

    HRC was obligated by law to turn over all her communication records when she left her position, but she did not. When these records were subpoenaed, she first deleted 30,000 of them and then printed out the rest. When the server itself was subpoenaed, she wiped it with Bleach Bit software to prevent any file recovery. Her staff then destroyed all their government issued Blackberries with hammers so that no email records could be obtained from these devices.

    These acts represent violations of national security laws and obstruction of justice. The possible sale of favors is of course an even more serious charge, something that the destruction of the server makes much harder to prove.

  29. I'm calling bullshit, anymoose. There is not a single iota of evidence to infer HRC sold anything for contributions or speaking fees.

  30. Anonymous12:47 PM

    "There is not a single iota of evidence to infer HRC sold anything for contributions or speaking fees."

    A lot of those iotas got erased with Bleach Bit, true.

    But there is certainly the appearance of impropriety, is there not? A total of $145 million (according to the NYT) in donations from people involved in the Uranium One deal? $500,000 for a speech paid to her husband from the Russian company involved? There were also significant donations to her foundation from companies that benefited from her changing her mind regarding approval for the Columbia Free Trade deal. Her actions are at minimum a violation of government ethics rules to avoid even the appearance of something shady.

    Ask yourself how you would view these actions if it were Trump instead.

  31. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Opioids now kill more people than breast cancer. Ohio, West Virginia and Pennsylvania are the leaders in opioids over doses.

  32. From Slate Magazine-

    I’ll leave the What Does This Mean for 2016? question to my colleagues in Washington, and instead focus on a more immediate one: Was Clinton’s use of private email to do government business a violation of the law?

    The short and unsatisfying answer is that no one seems to know for sure. The Times, for example, reports only that Clinton “may have violated federal requirements.” The Wall Street Journal, likewise, says it’s “unclear” whether she did. Still, that neither paper—nor anyone else—has been able to find a specific law that Clinton violated is telling. My search has also come up empty.

    Here’s what I can say: Clinton’s penchant for private email would indeed run afoul of the current law on the books—but likely not the rules that were in place while she served as President Obama’s secretary of state between 2009 and 2013. Under a law passed this past November, a government official can use private email accounts to conduct government business—but only if that official copies or forwards the email to his or her government account within 20 day

  33. But there is certainly the appearance of impropriety, is there not? A total of $145 million (according to the NYT) in donations from people involved in the Uranium One deal? $500,000 for a speech paid to her husband from the Russian company involved?

    This does get tiresome having to correct your records- 131 million dollars came from one person who sold his shares of U-1 and donated the money in 2007 long before HRC was SOS and before the whole kerfluffle of charges she sold Uranium to Russia. HRC sold nothing to no one. HRC did not have any say over the deal and did not have veto power to stop it. She did not even sign on to the agreement as part of 9 gov't agencies that had to approve the deal.

    The uranium never went to Russia with or without HRC's consent. Only one other person involved with the company donated any money to the WJ Clinton Foundation and he was another Canadian.

    There is no known connections between the SOS office and any speeches Bill Clinton gave. If you have proof you'd be the first one. It may look suspicious,but this has been investigated to death like other Clinton so called scandals and there is no proof of any wrong doing. There is a ton of proof of smear campaigns from the right.

  34. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Wow, you really will go a long way to get around some basic facts, won't you? At least the Clintons can take solace that someone thinks they are pure as the driven snow.

    Your partisanship prevents you from having an honest discussion about anything political. I hope you at least partially realize that.

  35. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Your side keeps making shit up!
    11:32 AM

    Look in the mirror.....

  36. Wow, you really will go a long way to get around some basic facts, won't you?

    What basic facts would that be? More made up shit from right wing nut jobs. Wisconsin wingnut Senator Johnson was babbling about a secret society in the FBI and Intel agencies working to overthrow Drumpf. Then he says he got that info from some conversations disgraced FBI agent had and then he claims he doesn't know what they mean.

    More wingnut smear attacks. This stoopid fucking wingnut is heading an investigation into HRC's emails and will fail just like all the rest because there are no, there weren't any crimes committed by HRC. Just the ones committed by stoopid fucking wingnuts lying about HRC being a crook. The side that keeps maki8ng shit up.

  37. Kushner and others in the WH are using private servers. Kill them!

  38. Your partisanship prevents you from having an honest discussion about anything political. I hope you at least partially realize that.

    Seriously? When all I get out of your side is easily disprovable bullshit? I'm the partisan? Don't make me laugh. When you/ if you can ever come up with a prosecutable charge against your favorite targets, then maybe we can have a discussion about that.

    I don't defend HRC because I like her. I do not like her. But, I would defend Bin Ladin if he was falsely accused of shit for thirty years. Clinton knows how the gubmint works from the inside out because she has decades of experience in and around the halls of government.

    Drumpf has decades of dodging responsibility, filing bankruptcies to protect his own ass and screwing every contractor who ever did any work for him. Drumpf is all about Drumpf and to hell with the rest of America. You own this stoopid son of a bitch because you voted for him.

  39. Your fearless, focused leader- After news of Tuesday’s deadly school shooting in Kentucky broke, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted that he had spoken with Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin and said that Canada’s “hearts go out” to all those affected by the tragedy.

    But more than 24 hours after the shooting, President Donald Trump has yet to comment publicly about the event. No tweets, no public statements issued by the White House, no press conference, nothing. The only thing Americans have heard from their president in the wake of this tragedy is an assurance from the White House press secretary that Trump has been briefed on the situation.

    “Our thoughts and prayers are with victims’ families,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters at the daily White House press briefing Tuesday afternoon. “And we offer our sincerest appreciation to the heroic Marshall County deputies who apprehended the shooter.”

    Trump has, however, found time over the past 24 hours to brag about how tax reforms and deregulation have boosted the economy, promote a right-wing conspiracy theory about the Russia investigation, and insult Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.

    None of the victims of the shootings look like Drumpf's spawn because he only has the best who'd never waste time being shot.

  40. "Trump is doing God's work."

    Can't really argue with that. God doesn't exist and Fergus isn't doing jack shit.

    -Doug in Oakland

  41. "This is not just a Democrat vs. Republican issue - there are as many Republicans vested in the permanent establishment as there are Democrats."

    Yup. And another name for "permanent establishment" is "United States Government", you know, that thingie we fought a war against the British in the late eighteenth century to establish?
    Although your assertion is incorrect: the Republicans are the ones claiming to want to "deconstruct" it, so unless they are lying about that and only want to enrich themselves with it, there are less of them, percentage-wise who want it to still be around.

    -Doug in Oakland

  42. With the four year old's attention span in the WH, brief has taken on a whole nother meaning.

  43. Anonymous4:40 PM

    dinthebeast said...
    "Yup. And another name for "permanent establishment" is "United States Government", you know, that thingie we fought a war against the British in the late eighteenth century to establish?"


    We fought a war against the British in the late eighteenth century to establish a representative government responsive to the needs of a sovereign people.

    The kind of permanent government that pursues its own agenda at the expense of the people and tries to subvert their sovereignty by overturning an election is what we fought against.

    You unironically defend tyranny in the name of democracy, and have repeatedly advocated genocide for people who don't vote correctly.

    You are a fucking sad joke, and you don't even know it.

  44. Anonymous4:53 PM

    "Fear is clearly setting in with trump's inner circle, because now he and his peeps are demanding changes within the FBI."

    Because there's now news of a "secret society" operating at the highest levels of the FBI which aimed at bringing down the president-elect (sedition, 20 year crime).  We already have the full history of the PissGate dossier and how it was constructed within the DNC, passed off to Steele in the UK and back to FusionGPS, then used as "information" for the FISA warrants.  We have the text messages which show that the agents in charge of "investigating" Hillary were (a) #neverTrumpers and (b) knew in advance that Hillary would not be charged in the e-mail scandal.  In other words, the people involved are corrupt as hell and occupied the top offices of the land.

    There's no way that Obama wasn't part of it.

    "It's a brilliant shoot the messenger strategy."

    Nice try changing the subject, but the drip-drip-drip of corruption news coming out is destroying the Democrat party just in time for the 2018 mid-terms.  Democrat voters may not vote Republican, but masses of them will stay home in disgust.  The Congressional Black Caucus may be the only D's with better-than-even odds of returning to office in 2019.

    "The fact that your president had unprotected sex with a porn star."

    Your Mulatto Messiah rented out his asshole to dozens of gay men in Chicago.  Nobody gives a fuck about that either.

    JFK fucked Marilyn Monroe and he's still your idol.  As we've learned from Harvey Weinstein, "actress" vs. "prostitute" is a distinction largely without a difference.  If Trump wants to screw porn stars while un-screwing the country, more power to him.

  45. “California — not Mississippi, New Mexico, or West Virginia — has the highest poverty rate in the United States,” the Los Angeles Times notes in a Jan. 14 piece by Kerry Jackson.

    “According to the Census Bureau’s Supplemental Poverty Measure –which accounts for the cost of housing, food, utilities, and clothing, and which includes noncash government assistance as a form of income — nearly one out of four Californians is poor.”

    “Unfortunately, California, with 12 percent of the American population, is home today to roughly one in three of the nation’s welfare recipients. The generous spending, then, has not only failed to decrease poverty; it actually seems to have made it worse,” Jackson continued.

    California was ethnically cleansed much more efficiently than the Serbs did in Bosnia. Going from 90% white to today's 37.7% white turned it from one of the richest states into one of the poorest. Who could ever predicted replacing the American population with a Mexican population would make California more like Mexico?


  46. Anonymous5:07 PM

    > Your partisanship prevents you from having an honest discussion about anything political.

    ... says the guy who thinks the killing of criminal thug Trayvon Martin was a crime, but the killing of completely innocent Kate Steinle wasn't.

    > When all I get out of your side is easily disprovable bullshit?

    If you consider yourself a Christian, you should be fearing hellfire for what you say here.

  47. There's a third altrernative besides collusion and obstruction. That's the dizzying degree of compromise thanks to Russian money laundering. Russian oligarchs and gangsters were using Trump businesses like laundromats--it's known by everyone who bothered to take a look, and the degree of the involvement is staggering. Explains how Trump can barely say a doubtful word about anything Russsian.

    But all three could bring down that leaky balloon known as the Trump Administration, and the landing won't be soft.

  48. Clown News Network5:31 PM

    "it's known by everyone who bothered to take a look"

    Gee, good thing no one ever bothered to look!

    WTF are you talking about? If this is a "known fact", how is large scale Russian money laundering by the President not being broadcast 24/7 by anti-Trump media?

    Come on, bozo

  49. Anonymous5:55 PM

    So it looks like Puerto Rico’s electric utility is indeed going to be privatized. A lot of wealthy wingnuts will be running around with boners today. Ka-Ching! Another Trump payday for rich people, brought about by the oh-so-classy method of exploiting disasters (economic and natural).

    Puerto Ricans better brace themselves. Their electric bills are about to skyrocket.

  50. Win-Win6:09 PM

    "Another Trump payday for rich people"

    Or another boon for consumers, who will be served by a responsive private entity instead of the incompetent bureaucratic government who couldn't maintain the distribution infrastructure sufficiently to survive a hurricane.

    And I'll bet the net cost to the people of Puerto Rico (electric bills plus tax subsidies) is considerably less.

  51. Anonymous6:26 PM

    "Or another boon for consumers, who will be served by a responsive private entity instead of the incompetent bureaucratic government who couldn't maintain the distribution infrastructure sufficiently to survive a hurricane."

    They won't be getting a "responsive private entity."

    They will be getting an unregulated monopoly owned by amoral vulture funders. As that old army expression used to go: Puerto Ricans, BOHICA (Bend Over, Here It Comes Again).

  52. . says the guy who thinks the killing of criminal thug Trayvon Martin was a crime, but the killing of completely innocent Kate Steinle wasn't.

    Making up more shit. Zimmerfucker should have been charged with murder immediately.

    I never said the killing of Steinle wasn't a crime. I said it could not have been murder. The bullet accidently fired and accidently struck he. Her shooter was not stalking her looking to kill himself a black kid wearing a hoodie. Zimmerfucker was and did.

    I do not claim to be kristian- the phoniest bunch of hypocrites the world has ever seen are stoopid fucking wingnuts passing their steal from the poor to make the wealthy wealthier plus breaking all the commandments.

  53. http://rudepundit.blogspot.com/2018/01/trump-defenders-have-bugnuts-meta.html

    -Doug in Oakland

  54. Because there's now news of a "secret society" operating at the highest levels of the FBI which aimed at bringing down the president-elect (sedition, 20 year crime). We already have the full history of the PissGate dossier and how it was constructed within the DNC, passed off to Steele in the UK and back to FusionGPS, then used as "information" for the FISA warrants. We have the text messages which show that the agents in charge of "investigating" Hillary were (a) #neverTrumpers and (b) knew in advance that Hillary would not be charged in the e-mail scandal. In other words, the people involved are corrupt as hell and occupied the top offices of the land.

    What a fucking stoopid wingnut load of shit this is. The only secret society in the FBI is the fun bunch in NYC whose dicks Screwdy Rudy Guiliani and former disgraced Speaker of the stoopid fucking wingnut House of Reprehensibles Tom Delay sucked on to get their get HRC bombshells that went nowhere.

  55. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Gee, with all the pro-Drumpf Russian trolls here, I feel like I need to switch to my Cyrillic character set and писать по-русски . . .

  56. Just another White Old Fart6:59 PM

    the Field Negro wrote...
    "[...] now he and his peeps are demanding changes within the FBI. It's a brilliant shoot the messenger strategy [...]

    - Brilliant? Um, sorry, but no.
    - It's the same old cheap trick that's been used since the proverbial Day One by mediocre would-be manipulators, and schoolchildren trying to avoid or lessen their own punishment by trying to "spread around the guilt".
    - Also, it's more of a tactic than a strategy:
    a tactic is a specific response, whereas a strategy is a complex and long-term action plan that often includes counter-responses to possible reactions by others.
    - If anything, use of the "Well Johnny took a cookie, too!!!" tactic proves the lack of brilliance on the part of those who rely upon it...

  57. This is why no one takes you seriously, Anyfuckingmoose- https://www.snopes.com/clintons-housekeeper-arkansas/

    Today it is the story of the Clinton's ex housekeeper people claimed was murdered while pregnant over thirty years ago, except like all the other stories there is no truth to it.

    Yesterday was the story of a supposed Clinton hitman who was dying and made death bed confessions of some of the people he killed for Bill and HRC. Except none of that was true either.

    Stoopid fucking wingnuts gotta stoopid fuck. Of course, Hannity will swear these are all true stories and stoopid fucking Anyfuckingmoose will buy into them.

  58. Good news for stoopid fucking wingnuts. My plan is to use the term stoopid fucking wingnuts around 5000 times then I can safely retire to a life of debauchery on parsimonius SS checks. Living on the underside of the poverty level has definite advantages. I can look straight down and see every stoopid fucking wingnut ever born looking up at me.

    So far my personal count of saying stoopid fucking wingnuts hasn't started.

  59. Wingnut Justice Department warns stoopid fucking wingnuts about carelessly releasing bullshit memo they claim proves wrongdoing.

    In a letter sent to Nunes on Jan. 24, Stephen Boyd, the Justice Department’s top Congressional liaison, wrote that “it would be extraordinarily reckless for the Committee to disclose such information publicly without giving the Department and the FBI the opportunity to review the memorandum and to advise the HPSCI [the House intelligence committee] of the risk of harm to national security and to ongoing investigations that could come from public release.”

    That letter also said the Department is “unaware of any wrongdoing” related to the FISA process – indicating the Department disagrees with the scores of Congressional Republicans who say Nunes’ memo is proof of wrongdoing.

    Even the Justice Department, like the FBI sees no wrongdoing. Uh Oh. Spaghettios.

  60. Anymoose and other wingnuts, put down the keyboards and back away slowly from Fake Noize outlets. Yer sanity depends upon it. You need an intervention. Wait patiently. The guys in white will pick you up shortly and soon you will be productive citizens like you always dreamed of.

    Fake Noize is not the place to go when you crave reality. You will thank us libs later.

  61. https://www.vox.com/world/2018/1/24/16929776/fbi-texts-fox-news

    Fake Noise report says reports of FBI story are fake noize.

  62. Yet on Wednesday afternoon, Fox published an article on its website by reporter Jake Gibson, saying this theory was flatly wrong. Gibson writes, citing “federal law enforcement officials,” that the messages were deleted by a technical error, not malice — one that had affected not just Strzok and Page’s phones, but “thousands” of Bureau-issued devices between the dates of December 14, 2016, and May 17, 2017.

    “The gap in records covered a crucial period, raising suspicion among GOP lawmakers as to how those messages disappeared,” Gibson writes. “But Fox News is told that the glitch affected the phones of ‘nearly’ 10 percent of the FBI’s 35,000 employees.”

  63. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Peter Strzok believed there was no Russian collusion.  In other words, the entire basis for Mueller's investigation was believed to be nonsense by the very people working on it:


    That means the only people dumb enough to believe it are... you.

  64. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Zimmerman in 2020

  65. One biased FBI agent does not a majority make. Keep grasping at straws, sucker. Fake Noize is going down and they are taking your stoopid fucking wingnut ass along to cushion their fall. Enjoy being piled on.

    Is that Zimmerfuck's expiration date?

  66. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Trayvon was a burglar.

  67. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Don't commit crimes and you wont get shot......
