Monday, January 22, 2018


Image result for super bowl eagles imagesCONGRATS TO THE PHILADELPHIA "IGGLES"!


*Pic from


  1. No, congratulations to the Field Negro, who, for the first time in forever, made a post that did not reference President Trump in a hostile and defamatory manner. Never mind that this happened to coincide with the day the President crushed the congressional democrats over their pathetic government shutdown, it is still an achievement worth mentioning, as is the Eagles winning the NFC championship.

    Here's hoping this signals Mr. Negro has turned the corner on his mental health issues, and is ready to join in Making America Great Again!

  2. Ah so what, Mr. Brady is just going to win again.😖

  3. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Patriots almost lost to Jags and Gronk may be out - Philly will be right there with them.

  4. Yisheng the brilliant10:31 PM

    I'm happy, Philly is my 3rd favorite team behind San Fran and Dallas.

  5. "Patriots almost lost to Jags and Gronk may be out - Philly will be right there with them."

    Yep and Brady will pull out a last minute win again. Hell, why even bother watching?

  6. Did any of the Iggles take a knee? Gotta know who to pull for.

  7. Lot to celebrate in Pennsylvania today, they got un-gerrymandered also.

    -Doug in Oakland

  8. We’ll survive Jello in Chief, just like we did Rea-gun.

    If we don’t get bucked first.

  9. Anonymous3:01 AM

    Yisthing's ass swallowed another chair. Talk about "junk in the trunk".

  10. "Did any of the Iggles take a knee? Gotta know who to pull for."


    Both of their leaders (Long and Jenkins) are big supporters of #7 (Kaep)


  11. "Here's hoping this signals Mr. Negro has turned the corner on his mental health issues, and is ready to join in Making America Great Again!"

    As soon as that slob in the WH is arrested or chokes on a hamburger I will be all in.

  12. Anonymous7:36 AM

    At least you admit BHO has done great harm to this country. That's a start.

  13. Here's hoping this signals Mr. Negro has turned the corner on his mental health issues, and is ready to join in Making America Great Again!"

    As soon as that slob in the WH is arrested or chokes on a hamburger I will be all in.

    Says the assholes posting negative BULLSHIT about Black people on this blog for over 10 years.

    Get over it, people like you have only delayed the browning of America over time, more of you will continue to overdose and die.

  14. Anonymous7:58 AM

    The browning of America will lead to the death of America for all, cause POC can't run civil societies anywhere in the world.

  15. Anonymous9:32 AM pushes Blaxit to, among other places, Angola.

    Angola had a per-capita GDP of $3606.60 in 2016. (USA:  $52194.90)

    "people like you have only delayed the browning of America over time, more of you will continue to overdose and die."

    Why don't you MAGA (Make Angola Great Again), Yisthing?  Oh, right; you need white people to create the society and opportunities you've decided you can't do without.

    Of course, it could be worse.  On the east side of the continent in Tanzania and Malawi, if you pump out an albino kid witch doctors might hack them up for their "magical properties".

  16. Never seen a game unravel as fast as my Vikings did. I don't want to congratulate Philly and I won't congratulate the cheater Patriots. My life ended when the Vikes lost.

    ps Lurie needs to get rid of that hairdo. That is more disgusting than the dead pelt atop Drumpf's butt plug.

  17. Anonymous said...

    The browning of America will lead to the death of America for all, cause POC can't run civil societies anywhere in the world.

    7:58 AM

    Sez the wasicu wastey whose white honkey relatives are proving once again that stoopid fucking wingnuts can't govern. Bwahahahahahahaha!

  18. Anyfuckingmoose sez- Why don't you MAGA (Make Angola Great Again),

    Angola is where you punkass mother was doing time for prostitution and drugs and where yer skanky ass be born, honkey.


    Whitey did a bad,bad thing.

  20. This will not turn out like you think10:05 AM

    Yīshēng said...
    "people like you have only delayed the browning of America over time"

    >Watching 29 minutes of ISIS beheadings
    >Watching Mexican drug gangs behead people
    >Watching over 300 Islamic rape gangs be convicted in the UK
    >Watching SAT scores steadily declining over time
    >Thinking this is somehow a cultural enrichment or greatest strength for our civilisation.

    We've gone literally mad.

  21. Whites have too much power.
    > White privilege

    Jews have too much power.
    > Anti-Semitism

  22. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Phillie will blow it,just like the Bills and Vikes Stupid Bowl history!

  23. Dr. Morgan Freeman10:52 AM

    You're not truly an American until the government is actively working against your interests.

  24. Anonymous11:15 AM

    The proper attitude of descendants of immigrants is gratitude to the nation that let their ancestors in and a corollary duty to do what's best for that same nation, not what's best for the 7 billion other foreigners in the world.

  25. FBI now says 50,000 text messages exchanged between two FBI officials who have come under fire for exchanging anti-Trump messages during the 2016 election are now 'missing':

    Those messages between Peter Strzok and his mistress (FBI lawyer Lisa Page) that were not lost indicate they were part of a "secret society" within the Obama DOJ working to prevent Trump's election, and they had an "insurance policy" ready to derail his presidency should Trump somehow win.

    This plan apparently involved using intelligence agencies to spy on the Trump campaign, using the Russian dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign to get a FISA warrant, even though it was known the report had no credibility.

    The "insurance policy" was to frame the Trump campaign as colluding with Russia to cover up the Clinton's massive corruption selling influence to foreign powers.

    Peter Strzok was no low-level backbencher. Strzok was one of two FBI agents who interviewed Michael Flynn. Strzok was also heavily involved in the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server that she used to transmit classified information in violation of the law. Strzok was the guy who interviewed Clinton’s longtime aides, Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, about their boss’s private, unsecured server she illegally used during her tenure as secretary of state. Abedin and Mills told the FBI they did not know about the server, but e-mails reveal these two had knowledge of the server prior to the FBI interview.

    Strzok was also the FBI agent who helped then FBI director James Comey change the description of Clinton’s use of a private server from “gross negligence,” a punishable offense, to “extremely careless” in a statement that cleared the former secretary of criminal wrongdoing.

    Now the FBI says that messages that Peter Strzok exchanged with Lisa Page between December 2016 and May 17, 2017 (the day the Mueller investigation was announced), over 50,000 in total, were lost due to a 'technical glitch'.

    It was our own government, not Russia, that interfered in the elections and tried to overthrow our duly-elected President.

    The Mueller investigation and its Clinton cultists staff were the "insurance policy", a plot cooked up by a "secret society" to remove the President of the United States. That’s the definition of Seditious Conspiracy, a charge punishable by law with up to twenty years in prison.

  26. The proper attitude of stoopid fucking wingnuts is to keep yer mouth shut. When we want yer opinion, we will beat it out of you.

    FBI conspiracy is just so much more stoopid fucking wingnut bullshit. Been there, seen that daily for years. Nobody, except stoopid fucking wingnuts, will believe any of this bullshit anymore. You have cried wolf waaaayyyyy too many times and have yet to deliver a wolf.

  27. The stupidity of Whooteemoos is demonstrable proof that “People of Color America, POCA”, will be a reality in THIS century!

  28. Did the porn star pee on the whooteemoo in the WH?

    ONLY in a whooteemoo country can a person stay in power with 3 baby mamas, and some hookers on the side.


  29. The Wisdom of Yisheng2:00 PM

    "The stupidity of Whooteemoos" is why America is a shithole, and the countries run by "POC" are places people want to immigrate to.

  30. Most corrupt administration ever2:14 PM

    "Now the FBI says that messages that Peter Strzok exchanged with Lisa Page between December 2016 and May 17, 2017 (the day the Mueller investigation was announced), over 50,000 in total, were lost due to a 'technical glitch'."

    A technical glitch like:

    1. Lois Lerner's IRS deleting thousands of emails, losing the backup tapes, and driving nails through hard drives before throwing them away,


    2. Keeping government emails on a private server you refused to turn over the government, deleting 30,000 emails and physically printing off the rest as part of your "cooperation", wiping said server clean with Bleach Bit software AFTER it was subpoenaed by congress, and physically destroying over a dozen government Blackberries with hammers.

    What unfortunate accident happened this time?

    At what point do say enough is enough?

  31. Whatever did or did not happen with Lois Lerner's hard drive, one thing is perfectly clear- Darrell Issa's brother did it. Just ask Darrell

  32. So Kushy Kush Kush told the intelligence services that it's no problem that he met with the Chinese without proper protocols in place because he can be trusted to not let the half billion he owes be used as leverage to gain advantage over such a stalwart and formidable character as himself.

    -Doug in Oakland

  33. Drumpfuck ass kisser Devin "Traitor" Nunes has deliberately gone out of his way to obstruct the investigation into Drumpfuck's band of treasonous bastards and Nunes needs to be stood up against a wall and made fun of until he dies of shame, which will take a lifetime. In that meantime, he won't be able to run anymore interference for the wingnut crooked regime.

  34. Anonymous2:56 PM

    transgender Iowa Ape will be the first to do when SHTF

  35. A sign of hope from the spirits on January 31st. One that will spook spooky wingnuts into mass suicides as they follow Drumpf-lemming into the sea. There will be a super, blue moon on the 31st with a total lunar eclipse which will turn the moon blood red and scare the ever loving shit out of stoopid fucking wingnuts. They will stampede to the ocean in hopes they will fall of the far right edge of the world.

    The rest of us get one of the most spectacular sights ever to be seen from Earth for free, whether you like plastic fed caviar or not.

  36. Democrats are starting to feel how Republicans felt before Donald Trump joined the party.

  37. From Raw Story- Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) on Tuesday torched his own party’s latest efforts to discredit the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
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    Speaking with CNN’s Manu Raju, Burr said that he wasn’t very concerned about text messages sent between FBI lawyer Lisa Page and FBI Agent Peter Strzok that the bureau says have gone missing.

    “I’m not going to read anything into it other than it may be a technical glitch at the bureau.The fact that they have provided the rest of them certainly doesn’t show an intent to try to withhold anything,” Burr said, according to Raju.

  38. No wonder Mueller covered up Strzok's removal.

    And why did DOJ lie about the reason for his removal?

  39. Patano3:28 PM

    Deep State, FBI, DOJ, Steele Dossier, FISA Warrants, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Fusion GPS, Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion, Obstruction of Justice, etc...

    The most serious political scandal in American history...

    All roads lead to Barack Obama.

  40. Anonymous4:06 PM

    FBI: "Whoopsies. We accidentally destroyed a bunch of evidence relevant to our impending corruption probes. Honest mistake!"

    “I’m not going to read anything into it other than it may be a technical glitch at the bureau.The fact that they have provided the rest of them certainly doesn’t show an intent to try to withhold anything,” Burr said, according to Raju.

    This is why the old GOP is being put through a meat grinder by Trump.

    You Dems better find someone who can do the same thing to your crooked party.

    The good old days of mutual assured corruption are coming to an end.

  41. Bob Mueller4:07 PM

    All roads lead to Barack Obama.
    Which is why the special council was convened to investigate the Obama administration. Yawn.

  42. Rethug Head Master4:09 PM

    Anonymous Jeb! said...
    Democrats are starting to feel how Republicans felt before Donald Trump joined the party.

    NO ONE gives a blow job to a POTUS like the party of Lincoln.

  43. Steve Bannon4:14 PM

    Money laundering is where you'll find the illegal activity.

  44. He who has the last laugh4:26 PM

    "Which is why the special council was convened to investigate the Obama administration."

    Happening right now.

  45. Schumer tells the orange shitgibbon no wall. The deal offered Friday that Drumpf shitholed was the last deal.

  46. More exciting news for Dems. Sen Duckworth will be the first sitting Senator to give birth and that baby will automatically be born a US Senator giving the Dems 50 Senators to 51 for stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  47. I seriously hope Schumer has something up his sleeve, but right now, it’s difficult to imagine what that could be.

  48. Schumer told Drumpf no border wall. Off the table for good.

    I thought fearless leader Drumpfuck the dumbfuck had won the war in Syria single handedly so why are we bombing ISIS targets in a war already won- unless of course Drumpfuck the dumbfuck was lying some more.

    Furthermore our ally Turkey is bombing and killing our Syrian Kurd allies in Syria. Guess wingnuts lied some more.

    Score update from Kaintuck- 2 dead and 17 wounded by 15 year old shooter in school.

  49. Whose the poor sucker suckered into this humiliating position to investigate squeaky clean Obama? You stoopid fucking wingnuts just love to be totally humiliated when every one of your witch hunts falls flat on its face due to lack of evidence and complete incompetence.


    This is a good one and I'm sure it is all true, amirite.

  51. Field Negro History Moment6:30 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    I seriously hope Schumer has something up his sleeve, but right now, it’s difficult to imagine what that could be.

    January 23, 2018: The day Yisheng made an insightful, relevant, non-deragatory, honest comment.

  52. Nunes sekret memo leaked and it is right here-

  53. curious6:45 PM

    How does Peter Strzok afford Harvey Weinstein’s lawyer David Boies - one of the most expensive in DC - on a FBI salary?

    Boies is from same firm as Karen Dunn who was slated to become Hillary’s White House Counsel had she defeated Donald Trump.

  54. A friend of former FBI director James Comey who leaked sensitive FBI memos to The New York Times in the wake of Comey’s firing in 2017 now claims to be Comey’s personal attorney.

    Daniel Richman, the law professor who leaked classified FBI records to the media at Comey's request, refused to disclose when exactly he became Comey's attorney.

    The specific timing of the attorney-client relationship is important, because it may shield conversations between Comey and Richman regarding the coordinated leak of FBI records to the media from law enforcement scrutiny. Richman’s legal work on behalf of Comey was not known before today, as Comey testified before Congress in 2017 that Richman was merely a friend.

  55. Anonymous7:07 PM

    When people like Jim Comey start lawyering up, and Rybicki leaves just before being called to testify, you can be assured that it ain’t looking good for the Obamagate participants.

  56. "Money laundering is where you'll find the illegal activity."

    That and obstruction of justice. But money laundering? For cartels and Russian kleptocrats? Just look at his building in Panama.
    When you run for president, you have to be ready to come clean about your past, in case you win.

    -Doug in Oakland

  57. Anonymous11:01 PM

    I thought this post was about football.

  58. Anonymous11:14 PM

    curious said...
    How does Peter Strzok afford Harvey Weinstein’s lawyer David Boies - one of the most expensive in DC - on a FBI salary?


  59. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Patano said...
    Deep State, FBI, DOJ, Steele Dossier, FISA Warrants, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Fusion GPS, Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion, Obstruction of Justice, etc...

    The most serious political scandal in American history...

    All roads lead to Barack Obama.
    3:28 PM

    Yes,and where was the anointed one trained??....CHICAGO.....the center of corruption.

  60. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Don't worry about the USA becoming a colored nation.  We can just throw you all across the nearest border.

    That's only six feet away.  Won't take no time a-tall.  Then we'll start the long, hard job of cleaning up the mess you left.
