Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Mr. trump's big speech..

I tried to stay awake during Mr. trump's state of his teleprompter address, but I couldn't make it past the first 15 minutes. (My wife's eight year old niece reads better than the president.) 

Fortunately there were other folks who watched it for me, so I will be able to give you their take on  Mr. trump's night in the spotlight.

"President Donald Trump spent the bulk of his first State of the Union address touting his tax policy and laying out an immigration proposal that would advance many white nationalist organizations’ top priorities.

Buried within the speech, however, was a proposal that would fundamentally rework the balance of power between civil servants and political appointees — and strike a deep blow to the rule of law in the process.

“I call on the Congress to empower every Cabinet Secretary with the authority to reward good workers,” Trump said, “and to remove Federal employees who undermine the public trust or fail the American people.”

On the surface, this proposal may seem benign — who doesn’t want public employees who “fail the American people” to be removed? But laws protecting civil servants against politically motivated firings are one of the foundations of liberal democracy.

They are what enable a prosecutor ordered to bring frivolous charges against the president’s political rivals to say no.

They are what permit investigators to target people suspected of genuine legal violations, not companies that compete with the president’s businesses.

They enable environmental regulators to tell the presidents’ appointees that they must obey the Clean Air Act. They empower Labor Department officials to target employers who give generously to the president’s party. They ensure that Medicaid benefits are still paid out to populations the president disapproves of.

Under current law, most civil servants may not be fired without “good cause” once they have served for a three-year probationary period. Protections like these are what prevents Trump from firing every civil servant who refuses to obey an illegal order.

And now Trump wants to eliminate this shield against unchecked presidential power." [Source]

Thank you Ian Millhiser.

I didn't think I missed anything. Just more racist dog whistles and hollow promises. 

*Pic from 


  1. I didn't watch it either, because what would be the point? But the Rude Pundit did:

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. A whole lot of fear mongering. Now people are afraid of MS-13 because they supposedly killed two teen girls but no mention if teens killed by domestic terrorists like in Kentucky. Why the difference?

  3. Lance Cockstrong9:15 PM

    Fuck Butt Trumpet ... Joseph Kennedy is a ray of hope as Democrats are left to ponder the consequences of Hillary and her pitiful no-show campaign. Reminiscent of a young Barack Obama, Kennedy was masterful in his defiance and the message of empathy and concern for the powerless came thru loud and clear. Inspired choice to break with tradition and delivering the rebuttal to a live audience. Their reaction served to reinforce and amplify the message.

  4. Lance Cockstrong9:16 PM

    Trey Gumby ... Damn I'll miss him and his little eraser head

  5. Lance Cockstrong9:20 PM

    ♪♫ Driving that Trump train ♪♫
    ♪♫ High on cocaine ♪♫

  6. That is chilling, Field. I should have smelled that.

    The MS-13, great new boogie-man to rally the dunderheads. Related... "finally end the horrible and dangerous practice of catch and release." Good play on words. Did someone write that just for his speech. Coming soon to the theater of the absurd.

    Had to laugh at the, "war on energy," but was unable to crack a smile for beautiful, clean coal.

    I think somebody showed Trump where Jesus told us to visit those in prison. See Trump's support for the Sessions war on marijuana for how he really feels about people locked up in private prisons.

    Frightening that he wants to build more nukes on every level.

    But the funniest line was something about caring for the needy, the underprivileged and the struggling all over the world. Comedy gold.

  7. Anonymous10:07 PM

    "But laws protecting civil servants against politically motivated firings are one of the foundations of liberal democracy."

    There's the rub. This isn't a liberal democracy. It's supposed to be a constitutional republic. Big difference.

    It's only claimed to be a "liberal democracy" by those wishing to sponge off the civil service tit and not have to worry about being cut loose for not doing a single thing.

    Affirmative action is such a joke.

  8. Anonymous10:37 PM

    "who doesn’t want public employees who “fail the American people” to be removed? But laws protecting civil servants against politically motivated firings are one of the foundations of liberal democracy."

    The executive branch decides how the laws will be executed (if Obama can decide that immigration law will not be enforced, Trump can decide that other laws will not be enforced.  Suck it.)  Civil servants who won't get with the program can obviously be fired for cause.  If you don't like it, you have to conclude that any civil servant who complied with DACA should have been fired for violating written immigration law.

    But this is part of your civil war.  You will not accept the results of the 2016 election which gave us President Donald J. Trump.  You fight against the proper consequences of the vote.  The war hasn't gone as far as shooting yet, but that's just a matter of time.  Remember, YOU are responsible for it.

    If you find yourself starving in the frigid dark in December 2018, after Americans have cut off your food, water, electricity and gas to force the rebels of the formerly American city of Philadelphia to surrender or die, remember that you had warning WELL in advance of the event and you deserve every last result thereof.

    "Frightening that he wants to build more nukes on every level."

    Name anyone killed by radiation at a commercial nuclear plant in the USA.  There aren't any.  Nukes are the USA's safest source of electric power, bar none.

    1. Anon@10:37, if the citizens of the city "formerly known as Philadelphia" wins the Super Bowl we won't give a f***.

      Seriously, though, are u on drugs?

  9. No you ignorant fuck, that's not how ionizing radiation works. It increases the probability that you get cancer depending on how much of it you are exposed to over how long.
    Meaning there definitely have been people killed by radiation exposure at commercial nuclear power plants in the US, they just took a little longer to die.
    Nuclear fission is the stupidest way to boil water ever, followed closely by the burning of coal.

    -Doug in Oakland

  10. Actually Friend Anonymous, Trump was talking about building more nuclear bombs. The nuclear arsenal was renovated under Bush. We could take the best-preserved nuclear bomb from 1988 and give it a new coat of paint and a rebuild. That would be enough to start WWIII.

    Obviously the motive to build more nukes is just to play to the base while making a pile of money. Even I don't believe that the madman actually wants to explode a nuclear bomb. I have been labelled an optimist. Runaway military spending coupled with the biggest tax cuts in history. You get that it doesn't matter to Trump if he brings our nation to its knees. Honey Badger doesn't care.

    But since you bring it up. Nuclear power is poison fire. My own county has a big problem of how to deal with the removal and storage of the spent fuel in San Onofre, also know as the Grand Tetons. I am actually thankful that there was a problem with the water cooling system that leaked radioactive steam into the plant. At least it was taken off-line. The contract gave SDG&E sixty-five years to remove the nuclear material. There is some pressure to have that happen a little bit sooner and restore the coastal bluffs. Nuclear power is far too dangerous to be economical.

    What's wrong with solar and wind? Geothermal can work well to cool and heat homes.

  11. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Tesla. We need a black Tesla to solve our energy problems.

    Calling all smart ni**ers! Save us!

  12. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Hold onto your pussy hats, cuz The Storm is about to begin!

  13. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Final Chicago January 2018 Totals:
    Shot & Killed: 36
    Shot & Wounded: 173
    Total Shot: 209
    Total Homicides: 41

  14. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Tesla. We need a black Tesla to solve our energy problems.

    Calling all smart ni**ers! Save us!
    6:59 AM

    Don't hold your breath. Notice that Africa is not a world leader in technology. Only the white Europeans brought and maintain technology in Africa,not negroes.

  15. Not a day goes by-when
    Stoopid fucking wingnuts don't lie- then
    Make everything about race by-in
    Terjecting racist poison, why- friend?

    Humpty Drumplefuckthinskin claims his SOTU had the largest audience ever. It is patently a possible bit of truth if you only counted viewers for that one time period on that single day and ignored empirical evidence of previous SOTU speeches by Potii that people actually liked and listened to.

    Don't waste time listening or watching Drumpfuck the Disturbed, despicable deplorable lie his ass off. Snopes and Politifact do it much quicker and less painful, they neatly summarize how fucking stoopid stoopid fucking wingnuts were to vote for this Russian stooge.

  16. Lord Obama smiles upon you stoopid fucking wingnut racists.

  17. Anonymous2:06 PM

  18. Stoopid fucking wingnuts have finally given up on repeal of Obamacare.


  19. Don't hold your breath. Notice that Africa is not a world leader in technology. Only the white Europeans brought and maintain technology in Africa,not negroes

    Don't hold yer breath......

  20. Stoopid fucking wingnut iowa sinator wants parents to have loaded guns on school properties because unloading and securing them is dangerous. This fucking moron is a former lobbyist for Russia/NRA in iowa.

    Right now it is a felony to have loaded gun on school property. Let's make being stoopid fucking wingnuts a felony.


    Wingnuts desperate to get their smear campaign in front of rabid viewers before adults can stop them.

  22. Wesley R4:33 PM

    At least we know Chump can read. He read what someone else wrote very well. It's a shame that they have to give him meds in order to help him his focus during his speeches.

  23. Anonymous4:37 PM

    If Trump is Racist then you Negroes are in good hands. What a joke, I can't wait to hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth when welfare reform gets started. The mulatto magician did jack shit for you for 8 years as well as nothing for the working class either, and you all face plant up his ass 24/7 Whining ass Negroes need to get the fuck outta here!

  24. Poor little anyfuckingmoose can't remember history and how stoopid fucking wingnuts promised to obstruct every thing Obama tried to do so he wouldn't have a legacy. poor widdle anymoose.

    Stoopid fucking Drumpfuck has a potus dream, a congress with stoopid fucking wingnut majorities and a stoopid fucking wingnut run Scoyus and still can't get shit done even after Dems have been processed out of any decisions.

  25. Choose wisely, Negro5:44 PM

    "If Trump is Racist then you Negroes are in good hands"

    Trump is a legitimate civic nationalist, who pursues policies that are good for "Americans". Because they don't specifically exclude white people for the benefit of non-whites, the Left howls racist! at him 24/7.

    Bit of advice: This is the best deal remaining to you. Trump offers you equal treatment and place at the table. If you reject this, the next guy will offer you neither.


  26. Trump is a legitimate civic nationalist, who pursues policies that are good for "Americans". Because they don't specifically exclude white people for the benefit of non-whites, the Left howls racist! at him 24/7.

    You mean like voter suppression to make sure wasicu wasteys get to vote, but not necessarily POC? Riiiight. I see no racism there.

    Who takes responsibility for Drumpf's lie about repealing and replacing ACA on Day 1, now that stoopid fucking wingnuts quit trying?

  27. Robert Mueller6:51 PM

    And yet it's trump that's under investigation and is going to jail! I know I know we have to wait. Yawn.

  28. James Brown6:52 PM

    If you reject this, the next guy will offer you neither.
    Good. then I'll just take the whole damn table.

  29. James Brown6:55 PM

    You mean like voter suppression
    You mean POC lack the basic competencies white people have regarding the ability to supply personal identification?

    Why do you think POC are inferior?

  30. And yet ANOTHER fuckboi6:55 PM

    Whining ass Negroes need to get the fuck outta here!
    Whining ass negroes??????? The biggest whiners on the fucking planet are you pussyless white fuckbois with your tiki torches crying about being ignored like a spoiled 5 year old. No wonder you guys like trump so much, you're just like him in constant need of affirmation. Bunch of bitches I swear.

  31. Brown James6:56 PM

    Good. then I'll just take the whole damn table.
    Good luck with that.

    1. Lucky charms7:00 PM

      Good luck with that.
      Thanks but I won't need it.

  32. Judge Dredd6:58 PM

    You mean POC lack the basic competencies white people have regarding the ability to supply personal identification?
    Um no asshole. Like the federal judges who ruled that the Republican Party used "surgical precision" to limit the rights of darker peoples to vote. It has nothing to do with ID, it has everything to do with tipping the scales in the favor of a certain demographic.

    1. Anonymous7:01 PM

  33. LeBrown James7:40 PM

    It has nothing to do with ID
    Actually, the whole stated problem with using voter ID to make sure people aren't committing voter fraud, thereby disenfranchising legitimate voters, is that somehow blacks are not competent enough to get their free IDs. They seem to be pretty good at getting all their other free stuff, but when it comes to IDs, they just just have the capacities of, for example, poor white trailer trash.

  34. Randy Rainbow strikes again:

    -Doug in Oakland

  35. The whole problem with voter ID is stoopid fucking wingnuts got their heads together and found ways to make it harder for the poor, the elderly and POC to vote by closing DMV offices in poor-read Black- neighborhoods and move them far away. Then they closed them down to where they were only open for short periods of time. Then they decided to make elderly and poor provide birth certificates or driver's licenses which a disproportionate number of blacks and poor and elderly do not have.

    Wisconsin moved to offices from downtown Madison which had bus service nearly to the front doors clear out in the sticks where the nearest bus stop is a third of a mile or more away. That will prevent poor, elderly, disabled etc people from having access. This was done deliberately and the courts have been taking notice of the deliberate attemopts to obstruct POC and others from participating.

    Alabama closed down every office in majority black areas for the same reasons- to keep POC from voting. Back to Wisc. they were supposed to provide free ids but charged Poc and others 28 bucks a piece until they got caught. Of course under one party rule nothing happened to the wingnuts.

    Patently obvious wasicu wasteys are racists and crooks- clear across the board. Bet they are born that way.

  36. Negro Modelo9:26 PM

    mike from iowa thinks blacks are too stupid to get IDs.

  37. Anonymous9:28 PM

    All this shit about voter I.D.'s for American voters. Everyone knows that the percentage of voter fraud is practically non-existent. Only a complete jackasss would believe that voter fraud is a problem in this country.

    Did any of these same Mo Foes ask Putting for his fuckin I.D. when HE hacked the American election?

    Answer: Hell NO.....his face is white.

  38. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Yeah..did any of those same mutha fuckas ask Putin for his fucking I.D. when HE hacked and FRAUDED the American election?


    Putin is celebrating in Russia.
    They'll never be any sanctions against Russia...

    Hey American Republicans...start learning the Russian National Anthem. cause you are all SELL OUTS with absolutely no allegiance to this country. Your behavior is so "unpatriotic."
    You're all kneeling for Russia...imagine hypocrites.

  39. Anonymous9:39 PM




  40. Ivan Beatinov9:45 PM

    Putin is the reason you're a loser.

  41. The Supremes10:06 PM

    Actually, the whole stated problem with using voter ID to make sure people aren't committing voter fraud, thereby disenfranchising legitimate voters,
    But that's a lie, there are no credible reports of voter fraud. But there is a case of the federal judiciary saying a state used "surgical precision" to disenfranchise voters. Fine, require ID's but what was up with closing DMV's in negro areas, limiting early voting, taking voting machines out of negro areas and limitimg hours? The whole voter fraud stuff was a ruse to cheat and we all know it. Hell, even the right leaning Supreme Court including Clarence Thomas knew it. GTFOH!

  42. Hillary's revenge10:10 PM

    They'll never be any sanctions against Russia...
    Not while his boyfriend is in the WH.

  43. Anonymous10:12 PM

    "No you ignorant fuck, that's not how ionizing radiation works. It increases the probability that you get cancer depending on how much of it you are exposed to over how long."

    Yet isn't it strange that the population of Washington DC (average exposure from all natural sources, 76.7 mrem/year) has a higher cancer rate (477.0/100k from all sources) than Denver, CO at 428.5/100k (more than twice as much at 164.6 mrem/yr, same source)?

    Summit Co. CO has the lowest cancer rates in the USA... despite having among the highest natural radiation exposures.  Those cosmic-ray muons add up.  They obviously do a lot less harm than oxygen radicals.

    There are places where ionizing radiation is far higher than Colorado, like Ramsar in Iran.  These places often have anomalously low rates of cancer, especially radiation-related cancers like leukemia.  Face it, idiot.  You have been sold a bill of goods by a bunch of liars and you were too dumb to detect it... and not just on radiation.  Do the world a favor, eat a shotgun already.

    "Nuclear power is far too dangerous to be economical."

    Name three people killed by commercial nuclear power in the USA.  You'll be able name a lot more killed by commercial aviation.  So why not ban commercial aviation, since it's obviously far too dangerous?

    "What's wrong with solar and wind? Geothermal can work well to cool and heat homes."

    Does "they aren't there when and where you need them" count?

    "Notice that Africa is not a world leader in technology."

    Except for Wakanda.  Don't forget Wakanda, the vibranium capital of the world!

  44. Anonymous10:47 PM

    > You mean like voter suppression to make sure wasicu wasteys get to vote

    I looked that up on  "Wastey" registered as "getting drunk", but "wasicu" is just nonsense.

    Sorta like every excuse for African deficiency.  Nonsense, every bit.  No more excuses, send them back (to be exterminated by the Chinese, which is all they deserve).

    > mike from iowa thinks blacks are too stupid to get IDs.

    He's right.  They are.  And he's no better.

  45. Iron Man11:02 PM

    Except for Wakanda. Don't forget Wakanda, the vibranium capital of the world!
    And Asgard has all kinds of magical stuff.

  46. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Black folks....Take back your cities. Make your neighborhoods great again.
    Stop waiting for the guvment to help you.

    Put down the weed, the crack, and the cocaine.
    It's turning you into a criminal and it's making your babies "special ed."

    Clean up your goddamn neighborhoods.. they look like city dumps.
    Trash is one thing you have control over so pick up a broom, sweep your sidewalks and gutters and stop all of the god damn littering!!!!!

    Black folks need to put away your guns and pick up some brooms...and books. You and your kids still can't read. Most of your kids are still 2 years behind according to grade level standardized testing.
    You and your kids still can't speak....
    "IS you hearing what I'm saying."
    "WHERE your brain?"
    "I'M is talking to you."
    And let's not forget that even after 400 years and an still don't add "ED" to past tense verb endings.

    This is what happens when you're taught by black teachers in your black schools.

    Fix yourselves! Cause the guvment ain't your friend!

  47. Well, we know THIS "guvment" ain't our friend for sure. In fact, unless you are Russian, it's a pretty good bet that they ain't your friend either, Mr Hillbilly.

  48. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Fuck all white people. I hope they all die.

  49. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Yisheng = nigger

    lilac = cunt

  50. Anonymous9:29 AM

    blacks are so lucky to have this president becuase he has lowered black unemployment! now go get a job and get away from the plantation mentality.
