Tuesday, January 30, 2018


Please give me your thoughts on the SOTU address being delivered by Mr. trump tonight.  

It might be hard to stay awake, but if you made it all the way through it, please tell me what you think.  


  1. I don't watch TV, but I just heard that a certain Camilla Cabella a Cuban Mexican said on the Grammy's that they, the 'Dreamers' had built and made the country!!! SAY WHAT!!!

  2. I'm sure they'll be plenty of comments on my FB feed tomorrow about the SOTU, as well as highlights, that's enough for me, because more or less I know what he's going to say, nothing new I'm sure ;)

  3. But the nerve of that chick, and I understand that she has used the N word many a time too! I mean really the nerve! She said "America was built by them and for them" Really? The nerve!

  4. Ok, that was funny when someone said trump is working on prison reform because he'll be there soon😂😂😂

  5. Overall it was an interesting speech. Some things I can agree with; parental leave, more jobs and prison reform but some things I have to differ. I don't think we need to restore military spending as well as building new nukes. That money can be spent better on education. A little bit of demonizing immigrants and a blatant call to religion were a bit too much for me but that speech wasn't given to me. Not bad overall but in a few hours he'll send a tweet going after a blah person that will undo any pretense of being Presidential.

  6. Also missing was any mention of the environment.

  7. Also going in on an18th century form of energy. Then new sanctions on Cuba but not one mention or movement on the bipartisan sanctions on Russia.

  8. Nope, sorry, had better things to do like review cases for derm clinic tomorrow.

    I’ll check my twitter feed in the afternoon!✌��

  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgiJ0OS9LwU

  10. Ben Jacobs


    As Trump said "we sought to restore the bonds of trust between our citizens and our government," one Democrat very audibly said "Oh Jesus."

    -Doug in Oakland

  11. Anonymous2:11 AM

    That democrat is an asshole.

    He will be visited by the Trump Curse soon enough.


  12. Anonymous2:29 AM

    When #TheMemo is released, ohhh shit. Can't wait. Dems shittin' their pants. Gonna be a good day.

  13. Steve Bannon2:38 AM

    When #TheMemo is released, ohhh shit. Can't wait. Dems shittin' their pants. Gonna be a good day.
    When the full story comes out trump will be in handcuffs. Can't wait.

  14. Anonymous3:04 AM

    You wish. Your nightmare's only going to get worse, though.

    #TheStorm is coming. Get right with God, or get cast into the fire.

  15. Robert Mueller3:56 AM

    #TheStorm is coming. Get right with God, or get cast into the fire.
    The money laundering charges will put trump away for 10-20. I guess he'll be lifting weights and convert to Islam. His sons will be with him because their dumb asses bragged about getting money from Russia. Only Barron will be spared.

  16. Lilacpr5:58 AM

    Okay so it's looking like Rep.Joe Kennedy the third, I mean Jose Kennedy :), will be the next Dem.candidate for POTUS. Those Kennedy's sure talk good, but after all, the Irish have the 'gift of gab'

  17. Puerto Rican food looks, smells, and tastes like shit9:00 AM

    tr**p's SOTU was just as you would expect: full of sound and fury signifying nothing.

  18. I don't feel the need to attempt to sit and listen to any more Drumpfuck lies. I'll read the truth the next day when real news reporters get done laughing their asses off about how incredibly fucking stoopid wingnuts are.

  19. Andrew Clark9:49 AM

    There are too many fat, angry single black mothers out there giving birth to dick-obsessed retarded black "men" whose recklessness is a result of the type of brain that has been passed on from mother to son.

  20. Last week, the Trump administration allowed Russian spy chief Sergey Naryshkin, who has been banned from entering the US since 2014 sanctions for the invasion of Ukraine, to enter our country. To make matters worse, Naryshkin reportedly met with Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats. So, let’s be clear…Trump refuses publicly to implement the sanctions ordered by Congress in 2017 for meddling in our 2016 elections; THEN, he allowed the head of Russian intelligence to illegally enter the US to meet with government intelligence officials.

    Just locker room talk, right?

  21. More things to blame on whitey10:39 AM

    Marauding black man gets life in carjacking/murder of white teenager:


    60 percent of black women have been sexually assaulted by black men by age 18:


    Black funeral director in Columbus tries to remind the black community that Black Lives Matter, as they behave as if they've never heard such a thing:


    1. teh blacks11:21 AM

      Thanks for the all negros are bad update. Is it time for the Chicago data yet?

  22. Anonymous Puerto Rican food looks, smells, and tastes like shit said...

    tr**p's SOTU was just as you would expect: full of sound and fury signifying nothing.

    9:00 AM

    Yet you sat there through the entire thing xD Sangano!

  23. https://www.rawstory.com/2018/01/lawyer-drafted-nunes-memo-brutally-slapped-judge-order-ineptitude/

    Nunes lawyer that drafted misleading memo about FBI was slapped down by a federal judge for ineptitude.

    Next wingnut investigation of HRC and Obama happens soon as train carrying stoopid fucking wingnuts to a retreat hit a garbage truck. One dead and the poor widdle SFW had minor injuries.

    Drumpfuck is prolly handing out Purple Hearts as we speak.

  24. Speaking of retreat, SFW will be in full retreat when the FBI memo is finally released and main street media and the Dept of Justice lawyers, except perjurer Sessions, has had a chance to totally debunk the bullshit.

    Oh Happy Days when criminal Drumpfuck does the perp walk like an Egyptian.

  25. One more thing, Benghazi liar in chief, Trey Gowdy Doody is retiring. In disgrCE, I'm sure.

  26. Joseph Kennedy III and James Comey are the best looking men that have appeared throughout this entire white men brouhaha that has invaded the TV stations country-wide. All the rest of these bastards look like Japanese Snow Monkeys personified.

    I didn't see any reason to watch an hour and one half of Trumpf when the entire next day would be nothing but SOTU address and Trumpf for the rest of the week non-stop.

    It's Wednesday, 1:50 p.m. and if I was to turn onto MSNBC or CNN right now, there's Trumpf right now. God, every day for his whole year plus days in office. His ugly face is everywhere. Pink makeup and white eye rings. Looks like some kind of alien raccoon. Ugh!!!!!

  27. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Have never seen a state of the union speech,but the old man always said he already knew the state of the union. That bunch of confederate lyin' white men are still fuckin'everything up!!!

  28. Omigosh- did you miss the full moon tri-fecta this morning before sunrise?

    The Blue Moon was the super moon then the lunar eclipse turned the moon blood red around 4 a.m. this morning central time. Too much cloud cover to watch eclipse but the early morning sky was some different during. And it was all free with no commentary.

  29. Yeah, I figured that if I wanted to watch a dim, orange, round thing, I would rather it be the moon than Fergus' ugly mug.
    Gowdy is "retiring" from politics to go back to the justice system.
    I wonder if that means an appointment to the South Carolina bench for life? Too bad it wasn't "Pillory Clinton" Gowdy instead of the guy in that garbage truck.
    Oh well, one more Republican house seat to contest this year.

    -Doug in Oakland

  30. More fake kristian, undoubtedly stoopid fucking wingnut antics-


    He looks like a typical Drumpfuck voter.

  31. 60 percent of black women have been sexually assaulted by black men by age 18:

    Remember blacks are only a small % of the population so the number of victims is small per capita or some stoopid fucking wingnut assertion.

  32. http://www.abajournal.com/news/article/federal_judge_issues_order_on_ineptitude_in_prosecutor_benchslap/?icn=most_read

    This be funny reading. Yup, the lawyer that authored Nunes memo on FBI.

  33. So the quack that Fergus appointed to run the CDC has resigned over the tobacco stocks she bought after her appointment...

    -Doug in Oakland

  34. My bad, Doug and Omigosh. Supermoon, blood moon and eclipse are all overnight and early tomorrow morning. My god, stoopid fucking wingnuts will want to boil me in oil for lying.

  35. She be the one that couldn't answer Congress when they asked if water expanded when it got hot. They refused to hold a vote for her then. Where do they find these creatures?

  36. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Hold onto your pussy hats, this ain't no ordinary Storm!


  37. Anonymous4:33 PM

    What kind of liberal lives in Iowa, anyway? Don't you get beat up a lot, Mike?

  38. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  39. https://crooksandliars.com/2018/01/gop-narrative-shattered-peter-stzrok

    FBI agent Stzrok instigated reopening HRC email case right before election. Sounds like a real deepstate agent against Drumpfuck, don't he.

    Norm Eisen sez Numbnuts Nunes may have lost his congressional immunity if he conspired with the WH on misleading memo about FBI. We already knew he colluded with the WH earlier since he walked information to them from his committee's investigation of the POS in the WH.

    Which stoopid fucking wingnuts are man enough to beat anyone up?

  40. Mike: I got up at 5:30AM to watch it, but it was hella cold so I didn't stay outside too long.

    -Doug in Oakland

  41. Did y’all catch Aunt Maxine of Angela Rye’s new show on BET? Straight 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 !!!!!

  42. Anonymous11:15 AM

    It was great to watch and can hardly wait to vote for him again in 2020!!

  43. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Did most of it unscripted unlike the chocolate jesus who turned into step-n-fetchit when the teleprompter went out.

  44. Anonymous9:54 PM




  45. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Best SOTU speech in decades!!!
