Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Open Thread Wednesday.

MORE DISCLAIMERS It's open thread Wednesday. And I, like most people, have been thinking about yet another mass shooting taking place in NRAmerica. This time it's in Florida. But it could have been anywhere. This is the 18th school shooting so far this year, and we are not even a full two months in. Think about that for a minute. 

We will now see the 24 hour cable news coverage, and we will hear from all the usual suspects about the need for gun control, or there is too much gun control..........blah blah blah.

And yet, in a week or two, it will be back to normal. trump will be talking about his wall to keep out those evil immigrants who commit all sorts of crimes, and all the politricksters who line their pockets with NRA money will be back to business as usual in Washington.

Meanwhile, the real threat to our safety, is the kid next door who has a self-esteem problem, or the stranger down the street who hates black people and Gays.

Oh yeah, and the politicians who make it so easy for them to get their hands on damn near any type of  weapon that they choose.



  1. "Meanwhile, the real threat to our safety, is the kid next door who has a self-esteem problem, or the stranger down the street who hates black people and Gays."

    Of course none of those folks are reasonable for the high murder rates in Chiraq, St. Louis and Baltimore...

    FN does such a poor job at deflecting...

  2. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Chicago February 2018 to Date:
    Shot & Killed: 15
    Shot & Wounded: 41
    Total Shot: 56
    Total Homicides: 18

  3. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Chicago 2018 to Date:
    Shot & Killed: 51
    Shot & Wounded: 214
    Total Shot: 265
    Total Homicides: 59

  4. The same Left that rationalizes violence against their political opponents wants to disarm their political opponents.

    Sorry, no.

  5. Given the left's violent nature and history, we must fight against them trying to disarm us...

  6. White Folks8:50 PM

    Advice to black folk who support mass third world immigration: It's best in the long run to pick your own cotton. Trust us, we know.

  7. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Gun Free Zones are High Crime Zones.......

  8. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Looks like the hispanic shooter was a democrat.

    1. Ethnic historian9:13 PM

      Now you know DAMN WELL Cruz is WHITE hispanic name!

  9. George Zimmerman9:16 PM

    Media Latino terminology:

    When victim: Hispanic

    When criminal: White Hispanic

  10. As if on cue trolls are gonna post Chicago crime stats and deflect. Shocking.

  11. Crazy eyed white boy9:35 PM

    Chicago February 2018 to Date:
    Shot & Killed: 15
    Shot & Wounded: 41
    Total Shot: 56
    Total Homicides: 18
    Parkland, FL 17 shot 12 killed. So one crazy eyed white boy with a gun (who else) does in one day what it takes weeks for an entire city to do.

  12. You got a point9:41 PM

    White people do get a lot more done than negroes......

  13. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Just a reminder that unless you live in the community, what happens at some shooting literally doesn’t affect you at all. America is an amoral, Brazilifying, neoliberal dystopia; guns are literally the least of our problems.

    Dumbshit basicbitch libs think the gun debate is about random mass shootings. The elites know it's really more about making sure we aren't able to rise up and punish them for what they're doing, and perhaps even stop them. What they want is one big, disarmed mulatto consumer underclass... that's the dream, baby

    So: From my cold dead hands, motherfuckers

  14. Sandy Hook10:11 PM

    White people do get a lot more done than negroes......
    Only when it comes to shooting up schools.

  15. And another fuckboi10:15 PM

    So: From my cold dead hands, motherfuckers
    blah blah blah, paranoid conspiracy theories, blah blah blah, billy bad ass keyboard warrior shit, blah blah blah

  16. Anonymous10:17 PM

    The shooter in Parkland, Florida is a member of Antifa, and a beneficiary of DACA.

  17. And another10:21 PM

    The shooter in Parkland, Florida is a member of Antifa, and a beneficiary of DACA.
    And you are a dumb ass.

  18. Anonymous10:29 PM

    If you're white you can get away with killing a classroom full of babies but let one white broad get killed by one illegal we have to build walls and change fucking laws. How's that for white privilege?

  19. You're not a lunatic10:55 PM

    "If you're white you can get away with killing a classroom full of babies"


  20. "So: From my cold dead hands, motherfuckers"

    Bring them, you ignorant poltroon, and it can be arranged.

    I'm really fucking sick of these goddamn cowards and their worship of guns they don't own and couldn't fucking shoot if they did.

    Maybe if they weren't so miserable about their own lives, they wouldn't be so terrified of every goddamn mouse that moves in the bushes, and so completely immobilized by that fear that you can write the stupid, stupid script of their reactions to what is a real problem that requires real work by real capable people, every damn time before it even happens.

    The gun lobby loves you stupid fuckers, and they're laughing their asses off at you all the way to the bank, and right past the goddamn funerals of the latest victims of the ongoing slaughter.

    Oh, and Fergus? What was that horse shit you said about American carnage? You know, the bullshit you made up to terrify stupid Republicans about crime in a country where crime has been steadily declining for twenty fucking years?

    Yeah, fuck you Fergus. And fuck all of you goddamn cowards who bought that bullshit and voted for him.

    Nothing will get better about gun violence as long as you shitheads scare so easily that you do what these assholes who only want to protect the $1.35 billion a year industry and the sweet sweet bribery that flows from it tell you to do.

    Y'all are so fucking stupid about this that you believe the goddamn Russians are standing up for your second amendment rights.
    How are you that goddamn dumb and still manage to dress yourselves and wipe your asses?

    I'm aooooo fucking thankful I'm not one of you that even when it gets this homicidally stupid I still feel OK about myself.

    So what do y'all think? Will Remington find a savior and get to file bankruptcy? Or will Fergus' election have been the final straw that killed the company, after the vulture capitalists bought them, loaded them up with debt, and bet on a sales surge in response to what they thought was gonna be the Clinton presidency?

    -Doug in Oakland

  21. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Virginia Tech ... Orlando ... San Bernardino ... Fort Lauderdale ... Fort Lauderdale again today ... Another Maniac-of-Color goes and guns down a bunch of innocent Caucasians.

    Explain yourselves, brown fuckers.

  22. Truth Hurts12:10 AM

    MAGA terminology:

    When killer: Billy Bob dun’ last his dam’ mind and shot up ____________

    When victim of Nazibilly killer: So?

    When victim of Democratic killer: It’s Obama’s fault.

  23. The thing that kills me is that this is a massacre on the scale of Columbine. But it's just another boring news day on CNN. Pastors and liberals have to pretend they care like it's not just the same old shit. So we pray about it, but it's a lie. This is the new reality that we have been facing for years. The media welcomes it for more hay to burn to make money. AR-15 with multiple magazines. So what else is new? I don't even have the energy to get pissed off at the 2A maniacs. NRA. What the fuck is the difference? What is there even to talk about? With Trump as King, the dickheads have carried the day.

    How can I hold my head high and proclaim my love for my sacred lands? The United States are illing. But the real truth is that lives have been ended or permanently disrupted. The injured lie clinging to life in hospitals. Parents grieve without possibility of consolation. People learn how to live on with cargo ship sized hole is their hearts. One might find comfort in the Bible. She mourns for her children and refuses to be comforted.

    And the shithead gun crowd cries, "What part of shall not be infringed do you not understand?" We ask, "Why is this still an issue, nobody is even trying to legislate sensible gun laws?" The answer rings back, "Because if we give up one right, the left will eventually take away all of our gun rights."

    Chris Rock is on netflix instant right now. "If the murderer didn't have a gun, he could have stabbed 100 people!"

  24. Anonymous2:23 AM

    Wakanda yo, Wakando nome sayin ?

  25. Anonymous2:38 AM

    No Field, the real threat to you is the 80 IQ Negro teen with no father and a worthless Mother who is running the streets. Dats right, Little Shitaveous dindu nuffin, he was going to change his life around. Field do you live in the hood? I bet you avoid Hood Rats at all costs.

  26. Is this really true? Is this the eighteenth school shooting in just the first forty-five days of 2018?

    That includes shootings without any fatalities.

    Another fun fact for all of you 2A maniacs is that there have been 30 mass shootings this year. No, a mass shooting is not just when two people are shot. It is defined as four people shot, not including the shooter.

    That's one mass shooting every 36 hours in the United States today. Fuck you NRA rats.

    What do you have to say for yourselves?

  27. What a total aberration of nature! I thought they shoulda just shot him on sight, at least dead he'd be useful as fertilizer, but I don't think even the trees want him after what he did!

  28. Dumbshit fuckstick cons think the NFL player protests were about the flag and the military.

    From yer cold dead hands, motherfucker? With pleasure, stoopid fucking wingnuts.

    It takes a stoopid fucking wingnut disciple of the Russian NRA to wear a shirt blaming Muslims for terrorist acts and then proceeds to massacre a bunch of students.

    And no I didn't, stoopid fucking wingnuts. I did not say he wore that shirt while slaughtering kids. Fuck you stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  29. Stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys must be terribly confused as they receive mixed signals about mass murders. First they shit their britches thinking it could have been them and when they realize they weren't targets they creme their jeans in ecstasy at the sheer number of deaths in a short period of time. Then they scream MAGAT at the top of their lungs.

  30. Anonymous9:28 AM

    > Is this really true? Is this the eighteenth school shooting in just the first forty-five days of 2018?

    Wouldn't surprise me.  Ghetto schools need metal detectors for a reason.

    > Another fun fact for all of you 2A maniacs is that there have been 30 mass shootings this year.

    If we actually got NEWS (as opposed to propaganda) this statistic would come with a map and pictures to show us WHERE the shootings are and WHO is shooting.  Hint, the ones we didn't hear about until now all occurred in "vibrant" areas and the shooters are "diverse".  That's why they aren't news.

    > That's one mass shooting every 36 hours in the United States today. Fuck you NRA rats.

    Where's your proof that any of the shooters were NRA members?

    > What do you have to say for yourselves?

    You support BLM, Antifa and #Resist, don't you?  So does this guy Cruz.  He has a long history of violent behavior and was banned from the campus of the school he shot up.  The only reason he was able to buy a gun is because he WASN'T adjudicated mentally ill, which would have put him on a no-guns list.

    I suggest we make support for BLM, Antifa and #Resist a crime so clowns like Cruz have to go to the trouble of getting stolen guns instead of buying them at the store.  Oh, wait, it already is.  It's sedition and/or support for terrorism.  We're just not prosecuting it yet.

  31. I am the school shooter.  As you can see, my idols are the same murderous commies who are all praised by the people who train our teachers and write our school curricula.  I was just following their example.  What's wrong with that?

  32. Marines in Syria fired more rounds than any artillery battalion since Vietnam — and burned out 2 howitzers in the process
    Business Insider

  33. Antifa fag10:20 AM

    Resist, Nicholas! Resist!

  34. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Schools are soft targets due to Democrat pussy mentality by not allowing real security to protect students.

    1. Idiots are rethug trolls10:24 AM

      The school in Florida HAD police officers STUPID.

  35. Vladophile10:21 AM

    brain damaged straw man fucker said...
    Y'all are so fucking stupid about this that you believe the goddamn Russians are standing up for your second amendment rights.

    No one believes this.

  36. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Israel protects its students:

  37. Vladophile said...

    brain damaged straw man fucker said...
    Y'all are so fucking stupid about this that you believe the goddamn Russians are standing up for your second amendment rights.

    Vlad the Drumpfuck fucker to the Drumpfuck fuckee is laundering money through the NRA.

  38. mike from iowa said...
    Dumbshit fuckstick cons think the NFL player protests were about the flag and the military.

    No, the NFL players were protesting for the right of violent black criminals to resist arrest without suffering any consequences.

    In truth, this is a non-existent problem, as per the Washington Post, unarmed whites are much more likely to be shot by police than unarmed blacks:


  39. POLITICO - TOP Stories
    Priebus on White House chaos: 'Take everything you’ve heard and multiply it by 50'

    Someone finally has the guts to admit the patently obvious. Drumpfuck's reign of terror is a cluster fuck and has been from the beginning.

  40. Drain the Swamp10:45 AM

    The FBI was warned about the school shooter back in September, but they were too busy undermining the duly-elected President to take care of such 'unimportant' issues.

  41. Fake News Update10:47 AM

    "Priebus on White House chaos: 'Take everything you’ve heard and multiply it by 50'"

    Read the article, not just the headline. Priebus still supports Trump and hs policies.

  42. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Join today and fight tyranny!!

  43. Anonymous10:59 AM

    A school that size needs more than one SRO.......


  44. Read the article, not just the headline. Priebus still supports Trump and hs policies.

    And Drumpfuck WH is still a shithole of chaos, just like Day 1. Priebus could believe in the tooth fairy and it doesn't change material facts about chaos in the WH.

  45. No, the NFL players were protesting for the right of violent black criminals to resist arrest without suffering any consequences.

    Completely wrong- par for the Drumpfuck course. Players are protesting white cops murdering unarmed blacks with impunity. White cops have a two part mentality when it comes to Blacks, suspects or just walking around being black. First part says I am scared for my life. Second part says he is running away.

    Actually cops are afraid the black is running away and might get away if they don't salt them down with 15 or 20 rounds. Gotta drop 'em so you can plant evidence against them.

  46. Fake News Update11:30 AM

    mike from iowa said...
    "I cite shit I haven't read that doesn't support whatever confused Democrat talking point I'm trying to make but it doesn't matter because I make up my own material facts. Drumpfuck wingnut wasicu wasteys stoopid fucksticks."

    Yeah, ok man. You should be on CNN.

  47. This has nothing to do with the tragedy, just thinking it's plain crazy to herd 3,000 + children into a building/s every day. Those type schools should be broken up and a school put in every neighborhood. Make them local and more personal. Those youngsters can't possibly be happy trekking every day into a 'school' like that. Just my 2 cents...

  48. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Please tell me the one throwing around playground taunts like "wasicu wasteys" is still in elementary school.


    Because it's fucking pathetic for an adult to have the mind of a child.

  49. Because it's fucking pathetic for an adult to have the mind of a child.

    Drumpfuck is prolly gonna have you killed for that statement, stoopid fucking wasicu wastey.

    Oh how I really wish stoopid fucking wingnuts would someday get caught up with the world as it is. Not gonna hold my breath, though.

    I read everything I cite, tool. Your total lack of understanding is a part and parcel of your fixation with Fake Noize propaganda. The problem is with you and Anymoose and others on here.

  50. Here's a mouthful of something from wingnut la-la land.

    Of course none of those folks are reasonable for the high murder rates in Chiraq, St. Louis and Baltimore

    Reasonable is debatable, maybe. Responsible is more likely.

  51. Anonymous12:17 PM

    mike is so super pissed off that the shooter wasn't one of those garsh darn racist white nazi trump supporters

  52. Anymoose is super pissed he can't blame it on a negro or fifty.

  53. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Don't you be ring fifty cent into the actions of this hispanic democrat...

  54. Anonymous at 9:28 A.M.

    You support BLM, Antifa and #Resist, don't you? So does this guy Cruz. He has a long history of violent behavior and was banned from the campus of the school he shot up. The only reason he was able to buy a gun is because he WASN'T adjudicated mentally ill, which would have put him on a no-guns list.

    I don't support fascism it that is what you are asking. I just believe that black lives matter, I am not a member of BLM but I know that they are doing some good work.

    If Trump manages to change the constitution and be elected to a third, I would support violent resistance to a sea change in our government.

    And wrong again, pal, your sick, twisted, animal-torturing anti-hero belongs to a Florida White Supremacist Separatist Militia. He likes to go marching around with other extreme right-wingers and play army.

  55. Surprise surprise.

  56. So Cruz is the kid’s ADOPTIVE PARENTS’ name, and he IS affiliated with Nazibillies.

    Yet another case of I TOLD YOU LAME ASS EVIL TROLLS SO!!

  57. Yup, what PilotX said-

    He seemed nice.

  58. . He has a long history of violent behavior and was banned from the campus of the school he shot up

    Like Zimmerfuckermn and totally opposite Trayvon Martin. Bwahahahahaha!

  59. The Long Island couple that adopted him were named Cruz. To me he has the phenotype of a Slav, of being from those countries.

  60. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Surprise surprise. Cruz is also a registered democrat.

  61. Wrong again, my brother.

    He's a MAGA guy just like you!

    Unless that's not his instagram account. Dewd is into guns. I guess he finally figured that it wasn't enough fun to just play around with guns.

  62. You know, I never fucked Fergus either, and I will agree to be quiet about it for $130,000...

    -Doug in Oakland

  63. “I’ve never said there was proof beyond a reasonable doubt” about collusion-Adam Schiff

  64. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Wrong again, Farting janitor.

    White nationalist story was a huge troll job on ADL/ABC News:

    Shooter pictured here with antifa tshirt:

  65. "This is the 18th school shooting so far this year"

    Lets look at some of those shootings-

    "January 4, a gunshot was fired at a high school in Seattle through an office window; no one was hurt. On January 10, a shot was fired shattering a California State University classroom window. No injuries were reported. The same day, in Texas, a bullet was accidentally fired through a classroom wall at the Grayson College Criminal Justice Center. No one was injured. On January 15, a bullet traveled through a residential hall’s dorm room. No injuries were reported.

    On January 25, a Mobile, Alabama, high school student fired a gun on campus. No one was injured. On January 26, in Dearborn, Michigan, shots were fired from a car in a parking lot; no injuries were reported.

    On February 5, in Maplewood, Minnesota, a third-grader pulled the trigger on a cop's gun. No one was injured. On February 8, in New York, a shot was fired inside Metropolitan High School. No one was injured"

    What happens when FN uses massa's misleading talking points with checking them out first.


  66. "More than 130 political appointees working in the Executive Office of the President did not have permanent security clearances as of November 2017, including the president's daughter, son-in-law and his top legal counsel, according to internal White House documents obtained by NBC News.

    Of those appointees working with interim clearances, 47 of them are in positions that report directly to President Donald Trump. About a quarter of all political appointees in the executive office are working with some form of interim security clearance."

    Remember what a scandal it was that Hillary was mishandling classified information?
    By definition, every goddamn piece of classified information that has gone across Fergus' desk has been mishandled, and all legal advice about it he has received has been illegal because his executive secretary and white house counsel don't have the security clearances to see them.

    And now we might get to find out which goddamn Russians have been in the fucking white house because Fergus just backed down from a FOIA lawsuit seeking access to the white house visitor logs.

    -Doug in Oakland

  67. Seems like only yesterday the left was in bed with Russia.

    What happen? Can the left ever share a bed with Russia again?

  68. Only once you have been buggered to death by a sheep can the bogus right/left designations be misapplied once more.
    The so-called political left in this country has always been saddled with associations to "leftist" socialist and communist countries that never really existed, but were great for winning elections for Republicans who fear mongered off of them.

    -Doug in Oakland

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. WaPo - Everytown has long inflated its total by including incidents of gunfire that are not really school shootings.

    WaPo finds that the number of school shootings that have occurred in 2018 is NOT 18.

  71. Well, Doug in Oakland, I only have the actions and words of people like Ted Kennedy and many so-called thinkers on the left. They seemed quite smitten with Russia back in the day.

  72. Anonymous5:26 PM

    It will be all over the news for the next 2 weeks.

    Politicians on the left will say we need gun control.
    Politicians on the right will say we need mental health issue control and stronger gun screening.

    Naturalists will say that the drug companies are to blame for prescribing psychotropic (antidepressant) drugs for depression that are known to give suicidal thoughts and urges to go out and kill (Remember Columbine, Virginia Tech, and St. John's...all those young adults were on anti depressants...a Billion Dollar Industry.

    Funerals will be held.

    Blame will be thrown back and forth.

    By week 4, it will be business as usual. In other words, NOTHING WILL BE DONE.

    Welcome To America...the smartest country on Earth.

  73. There's a hot new idea trending. People have figured out that if they throw out Republican congressmen and elect Democrats with no ties to the gun industry, they have a better chance of getting gun legislation.

    Worth pondering.

  74. Fergus' Muslim ban lost in court again, this time the fourth circuit, and a federal judge in New York has ruled that the DACA protections must be upheld and new applications processed.
    So maybe electing an "outsider" who has no government experience, and therefore no ability to get things done, wasn't the best way to get your stupid, stupid policies enacted.

    -Doug in Oakland

  75. Anonymous5:37 PM

    "Remember what a scandal it was that Hillary was mishandling classified information?"

    No one in the Trump administration has been accused of mishandling classified information.

    For reference, do you know how many members of the Obama administration did not have full security clearance by this point in his administration?

  76. Anonymous5:40 PM


    Call on the Russians to fix it.

  77. Drain the Swamp5:41 PM

    "So maybe electing an "outsider" who has no government experience, and therefore no ability to get things done, wasn't the best way to get your stupid, stupid policies enacted."

    Stacking the federal courts with incompetent political flunkies is a much worse way to get your stupid, stupid policies enacted,

    These judges have no standing to issue these orders, which are all based on nonsensical readings of the law and all either have been or will be overturned by higher courts. The GOP congress needs to start impeaching these out of control judges.

  78. Carmine5:46 PM

    In the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s there were gun clubs in schools. Guns and ammunition in the schools. How many school shootings were there? Dont tell me about the NRA being the issue. How many psychotropic drugs was Nicolas Cruz on?

  79. Anonymous5:57 PM

    "your sick, twisted, animal-torturing anti-hero belongs to a Florida White Supremacist Separatist Militia."

    Which nobody seems to have heard of until just now.

    Which has a very strange flag.  It has some white iconography, but the colors are all wrong.  It's blue-on-white.  These are Jewish colors, the colors of the Israeli flag... and the UN flag.

    This "white nationalist" group is obviously a Jewish operation, and they are probably on very good terms with the Broward county sheriff (((Scott Israel))).

    There are reports of multiple shooters.  It's very likely that Cruz is a patsy.

    "totally opposite Trayvon Martin."

    Somebody has forgotten that Trayvon Martin was on out-of-school suspension when he got himself killed

  80. Kinky Anne Conway8:05 PM

    They seemed quite smitten with Russia back in the day.
    While the right is downright licking Putin's ass.

  81. It did not attract a ton of attention at the time (nothing does these days) but about a year ago on February 28, 2017, Congress passed and Donald Trump signed a law revoking an Obama-era regulatory initiative that made it harder for people with mental illness to buy a gun.

    Yet despite this effort to roll back even a very modest effort to restrain the ability of seriously incapacitated people from obtaining deadly weapons, this morning Trump tweeted that there were “so many signs that the Florida shooter was mentally disturbed,” imply

    Gee stoopid fucker Drumpf, did you help the situation by rolling back Obama's measure to keep mentally ill from purchasing guns?

  82. Trayvon Martin was suspended because traces of pot were found in a baggie in a backpack. That did not give Zimmerfuckerman carte blanche to murder a black teen.

    Had stoopid fucking Zimmerfuckerman followed orders Martin would be alive as he should be. Fuck the wasicu wasteys.

  83. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Wacoonda magic juju will save us all..... Black Panther in 2020!

  84. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Trayvon got shot because he he unlawfully attacked Zimm. Don't commit crimes and you will be fine.

  85. "For reference, do you know how many members of the Obama administration did not have full security clearance by this point in his administration?"

    The Obama team had 200 potential staffers cleared before he was even elected.

    -Doug in Oakland

  86. Anonymous9:08 AM

    "Trayvon Martin was suspended because traces of pot were found in a baggie in a backpack."

    Along with jewelry stolen in a burglary, and a burglar tool.

    "That did not give Zimmerfuckerman carte blanche to murder a black teen."

    Cops said it was self-defense.  Prosecutor filed charges anyway.  Jury said it was self-defense.

    For those who have difficulty with words, that means it wasn't murder.

    "mike from iowa" seems to have a thing about black teens pounding on people.  Maybe he likes "rough trade" and is frustrated because he hasn't had any in too long.  Not sexy enough even for always-horny blacks.

    "Had stoopid fucking Zimmerfuckerman followed orders Martin would be alive"

    Stoopid fucking "mike from iowa" must have been told a million times that if Martin had obeyed the law, he would be alive.  How hard is it NOT to deal drugs, NOT to commit burglary, NOT to commit felonious assault?  Obviously "mike from iowa" doesn't believe we can ask such things of black people.  Such is the bigotry of low expectations.

  87. Stoopid fucking wingnut Anymoose has zero proof Martin dealt drugs, committed felonious assault or was a burglar. But that doesn't stop him from ass licking racist wasicu wasteys that perpetrate the kind of crimes Anymoose would be doing if he had any guts.

    Zimmerfuckerman disobeyed orders not to leave his truck and not to follow suspect. He was also armed in contravention of legal Neighborhood Watch trainees.

    He stalked an innocent black teen and murdered him and so far has gotten away with it. Martin's only crime was defending himself from a goon stalker that did not identify himself.

  88. Anonymous9:41 AM

    If Trayvon had never run into Zimmerman, he'd be dead or in jail today anyway. You know it.

  89. There has never been any one claiming the so called burgled jewels supposedly found in Martin's backpack. The police photoed them and put it on the web. Martin's family attorneys suspect there were no jewels and no screwdriver, just a typical right wing smear job.

    Trayvon Martin has no arrest record. You don't know shit if you think he would be dead or in jail today because he is black. Racist much?

  90. Anonymous4:35 PM

    For the past few years I have watched parents willingly submit their babies to being put on antidepressants.

    What happened to just going to the psychiatrist, sitting on the couch and "talking about" your problems.

    We became a pill popping nation. There's a pill for this, and a pill for that.
    Here a pill,
    there a pill everywhere a pill, pill.
    A pill solves 1 problem and creates 100 other problems.

    There's a new pusher on the's the drug companies.

    Didn't the drug companies pay off the families of the Columbine crew to get them to keep quiet and not implicate them?

  91. Anonymous4:39 PM

    'Nuff Said

  92. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Trayvon Martin has no arrest record.
    9:45 AM

    He was taken out of criminal circulation early, he had not been charged yet. His criminal career was effective stopped by a lawfully armed citizen defending himself from unlawful attack.

  93. This is very urrghh!, people tend to choose whatever gun they want, then Trayvon got shot because he was unlawfully attacked by Zimm. Don't commit crimes and you will be fine. Thanks for posting this to us.

  94. What about the burglary that never was. You're on another losing streak lets keep it going. Martin had every right in the world to confront an unidentified stalker. Zimmerfuckerman's story has more holes in it than mouse trap cheese. And you are still a racist making shit up.

  95. I checked yer sources- all extreme far right outlets. No mainstream media picked this up and none of yer sources provided more than an address, so I am calling bullshit on the burglary story.

  96. Anonymous2:02 PM

    > I checked yer sources- all extreme far right outlets.

    Well, if you define "extreme far right outlets" as those which actually print the FOIA'd police reports instead of the line that JournoList has decided to push, then they're all "extreme far right outlets" by definition.

    Know what that makes them?  It makes them correct and honest.

    > No mainstream media picked this up

    You expect the corrupt lamestream media which was only showing the 12-yr-old Martin's picture and claiming Zimmerman shot him in cold blood to print anything that contradicted that narrative?  Name one "mainstream" outlet which published the the police reports on Martin, or even referred to them.  That makes them corrupt liars.

    > none of yer sources provided more than an address

    You think a burglary victim should be doxxed?  You're sick.

  97. You expect the corrupt lamestream media which was only showing the 12-yr-old Martin's picture and claiming Zimmerman shot him in cold blood to print anything that contradicted that narrative? Name one "mainstream" outlet which published the the police reports on Martin, or even referred to them. That makes them corrupt liars.

    The pics the far right showed were of an entirely different Trayvon Martin, one that was a physical freak. The dead boy at 17 looked much more like the 12 year old pic. You lose again.

    Let's see any evidence the mainstream media is corrupt? Pamela Geller is the worst scumbag conspiracy theorist ever and the Spectator was started as a vehicle to prove Clinton's were dirty regardless of the methods or means used.
