Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Vlad's Manchurian.

OK, this Russian thing is starting to really bother me.

I just saw what all those intelligence officials said about Russian meddling in our elections, and yet our your president refuses to acknowledge that there is even a problem. That,  and......well I will just let the image of these tweets say the rest.

  1. @puestoloco:What Intel did Trump, Kelly & Pompeo give to 3 Russian spy agencies? • Why were they here? Why was it secret? Why did Trump waive sanctions for 2? • What did they take back to Russia? • Why did Moscow Times break the story? • Who are Kelly's 40 without security clearances?
Yeah what they said.


  1. Wow. Rachel Maddcow?

    Give it up, Field.

  2. The Steele dossier is absurd. Take 10 minutes and read it yourself. It's online. Ask yourself as you do: who would believe something like this? It's so transparently partisan and unlikely. ....Yet this is the doc the FBI used to justify spying on American citizens.

  3. You are a Russian bot9:49 PM

    The Steele dossier is absurd. Take 10 minutes and read it yourself. It's online.
    You just heard Tucker Carlson say this. Russian bots can't think for themselves.

  4. Ace Freely9:52 PM

    Susan Rice, known for her willingness to lie publicly to protect Obama administration/Hillary State Department narratives (see her fine work on Benghazi), wrote an email to herself, minutes before Trump was to become president, pretending to detail a meeting that had occurred 15 days before. She wrote the email on January 20th; she pretends to memorialize a meeting that occurred January 5th.


    Here, Rice says they talked about withholding information from the duly elected president:

    Rice continued, saying, “President Obama said he wants to be sure that, as we engage with the incoming team, we are mindful to ascertain if there is any reason that we cannot share information fully as it relates to Russia.”

    "The President asked Comey to inform him if anything changes in the next few weeks that should affect how we share classified information with the incoming team. Comey said he would."

    If Rice's email is truthful about Comey's presence at this little meeting, then Comey misled Congress by not informing them about it.

  5. Robert Mueller9:53 PM

    trump has been dealing with Russians since 1986, he refuses to release his tax returns, he refuses to enact sanctions, his son is on tape trying to make a deal with the Russians, his SoS was given the highest award that can be given in Russia by Putin himself, four of his associates have been indicted, he was bailed out of his financial troubles by Russians.........and we should just ignore ALL of this?

  6. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Chicago police commander fatally shot by career felon negroe:


  7. Ace Freely9:54 PM

    Comey Told Congress That FBI Determined that Michael Flynn Did Not Lie In Interviews, But DOJ Senior Officials Had a Particular Desire to Find Him Guilty of Something

    According to two sources familiar with the meetings, Comey told lawmakers that the FBI agents who interviewed Flynn did not believe that Flynn had lied to them, or that any inaccuracies in his answers were intentional. As a result, some of those in attendance came away with the impression that Flynn would not be charged with a crime pertaining to the Jan. 24 interview.
    Nine months later, with Comey gone and special counsel Robert Mueller in charge of the Trump-Russia investigation, Flynn pleaded guilty to one count of making false statements to the FBI in that Jan. 24 questioning.
    [I]t appears the FBI did not think Flynn had done anything wrong in the [calls to Russian FM Kislyak]. On Jan. 23, the Washington Post reported that the FBI had reviewed the Flynn-Kislyak calls and "has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government." (The calls had been intercepted by U.S. intelligence because the U.S. monitored the Russian ambassador's communications — something which Flynn, a former chief of the Defense Intelligence Agency, surely knew.)

    Still, Flynn's conversation had the attention of the Obama Justice Department, and in particular of deputy attorney general Sally Yates, who reportedly believed Flynn might have violated the Logan Act, a 218 year-old law under which no one had ever been successfully prosecuted. (Two people were charged in the 19th century, but the cases were dropped.)

    It was Yates who sent the FBI agents to interview Flynn, on the bizarre theory that he might have violated the LOGAN ACT (which is not enforced because you cannot make it illegal to talk to foreigners, and which only even gets discussed as a law when used against Republicans -- Democrats can chat up foreign potentates and enemy leaders all the doo-dah day) and on the bizarre theory that he might be blackmailable.

    On those thin reeds, Yates built her case against Flynn.

    Oh, and Yates was at that January 5 meeting. Coincidentally enough.

    Could it be that that January 5 meeting was to coordinate what the Obama loyalists who would continue in their jobs after the inauguration should be doing to further the coup?

  8. Ivan Beatinov9:57 PM

    Robert Mueller said...
    trump has been dealing with Russians since 1986, he refuses to release his tax returns, he refuses to enact sanctions, his son is on tape trying to make a deal with the Russians, his SoS was given the highest award that can be given in Russia by Putin himself, four of his associates have been indicted, he was bailed out of his financial troubles by Russians.........and we should just ignore ALL of this?

    No, we should investigate it, which is what we have been doing for a year now.

    The problem for you Trump haters is that everything you list above is either immaterial or false.

  9. Roger Ailes9:57 PM

    Wow, Fox News talking points all over. If you watch Fox for 5 minutes you'll know all of Ace's and Homey's talking points. Top story on Tucker's show was the Steele docier and Hannity lead off with the Susan Rice email. So predictable. Yawn. Let's ignore trump's smoke and go back to the Obama administration. The right sticks to their talking points very well. No need to think, just let Fox do it for you. Sheep, I swear.

  10. Robert Mueller9:58 PM

    The problem for you Trump haters is that everything you list above is either immaterial or false.
    Bullshit. All of what I listed is true and material to my case which is still ongoing.

    1. Robert Mueller9:59 PM

      And for the record I don't love or hate trump, I just follow the evidence to where it leads.

  11. Laquon McDonald10:01 PM

    Chicago police commander fatally shot by career felon negroe:
    Payback's a bitch!

  12. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Laquon McDonald said...
    Chicago police commander fatally shot by career felon negroe:
    Payback's a bitch!
    10:01 PM

    For what, criminal activity is unlawful.

  13. Smells like shit in here......thanks to all the nazibilly trolls.

    Black Panther, ONE DAY!!

  14. I meant Black Pamper THREE DAYS!! (Opens Friday)

  15. Why have Brennan, as well as Clapper, Morrell and Reines, suddenly all quit their consulting jobs and signed contracts to spin full time in the MSM — CBS, MSNBC, NBC, CNN, even Fox?

    Because they know the sh*t’s about to hit the fan ...

  16. Anonymous11:25 PM

    The email from Susan Rice to herself, is literally her own "insurance policy"

    Rice wanted it on file in the Obama archive.

    The timing and names of this email are significant.

    Susan Rice knows her crimes. This would give her immunity to take down a bigger fish.

  17. Obama had been dealing with intelligence about Russia interfering with our election for months, but felt that whatever measures he took before the election to counter it would be condemned as partisan, like McConnell had told him to his face, and having dealt with Republican obstruction since literally the day before his inauguration, wanted to avoid saddling Hillary with any more of that than necessary.

    Nobody thought Fergus would win (not even Fergus) so the actions were seen as the best for the country under the circumstances.

    After the election, Obama, in possession of the best intelligence he could get, broke protocol when he imposed sanctions on Russia for attacking our election by not alerting Fergus or his transition that he was going to do so.

    Meaning that they found out about the new sanctions when everyone else did, right after Obama met with Kislyak and told him that he was expelling a few dozen Russians, seizing a couple of Russian compounds, and imposing sanctions on various Russians involved in the attack.

    Kislyak was furious, and immediately called Flynn, who was vacationing at the time, and was caught by our intelligence services making a deal with him to hold off retaliating against the sanctions, a move unheard of in Russian foreign relations, and wait for Fergus' administration to assume office, after which all of the sanctions, not just the new ones, would be lifted.

    And fancy that, Putin decided not to retaliate, and Flynn lied his ass off about the call.

    This intercept left the Obama administration in a quandary: they had audio of Flynn, the incoming NSA, conspiring with a hostile foreign government to undermine US foreign policy.

    So how much classified info should they give him?

    Obama, in the meeting about that, told the law enforcement heads to continue their investigations, and to do it "by the book" with no input from him. He asked his counterintelligence heads to inform him if they found any national security information that would be unsafe to convey to the incoming national security apparatus.

    That's what Rice's note was about.

    Knowing that the baseless attacks against her would never stop as long as there was a Fox News, she made a record of circumstances that forced Obama to do things that as a "process guy" were entirely out of character for him, but entirely appropriate for dealing with the goddamn incoming NSA conspiring with the goddamn Russians to subvert US foreign policy.

    And about those sanctions? There have been multiple attempts to arrange lifting them, once by a "peace agreement" for Ukraine that Fergus' lawyer delivered directly to Flynn, who lied about that also, and most recently by Fergus and Tillerson refusing to implement the sanctions passed by congress.

    When you add in the gutting of the state department, the fracturing of our alliances with their adversaries, and the spectacular beclowning of our government and political processes, the goddamn Russians got a mighty big bang for their rouble, so of course they are back for more shenanigans ahead of this year's election.

    It's funny and sad watching NRA fans in Tennessee fawn over the Russians like they were some kind of good ol' boys, when they are about as anti-freedom as they are likely to run across, especially where guns are concerned.

    We tried to tell them.

    -Doug in Oakland

  18. Doug,

    I am still reading.


  19. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Infiltration of the USA by the Russian government hacking into our democratic elections and its implications to the national security of our country is no big deal to the folks that voted for this POTUS.

    Putin is laughing his ass off. I'm sure he looking at America as a sinking "ship of FOOLS!"
    When a foreign government can hack an election, and disseminate false information to fuel racial tension, that's when you know they've got this country by the balls.

    Time to learn the Russian National Anthem.
    American belongs to Putin.

  20. Be careful Comrade Doug.

  21. Someone is going to jail9:32 AM

    "Obama, in the meeting about that, told the law enforcement heads to continue their investigations, and to do it "by the book" with no input from him"

    If you are doing things "by the book", you don't need to say so twice in a one page memo, and you don't write the memo 11 days after the meeting as you are walking out the door for the last time.

    How did Obama plan on keeping Russia investigation information way from the incoming administration? By coordinating people (like Yates) who were holdovers to conspire to keep information from the President. This itself is a high crime.

    1. Robert Mueller9:36 AM

      Yeah, Obama's the one going to jail. Yawn. I guess on the same day the 4,000 indictments will come out right? Bwahahahahahaha!

  22. I'll take Vlad9:37 AM

    "Time to learn the Russian National Anthem.
    American belongs to Putin."

    Russia's evil plan:

    Tax cut to stimulate the economy.
    Lower unemployment to record levels.
    Huge increase in American military spending.
    Enforce America's border laws.

  23. https://i.imgur.com/3LsjPhH.jpg

    Just in. Sekret photo of Drumpfuck cheating on Melanoma with what looks to be a fur coat. Can the end be near for our accidental bogus potus?

    For dessert, Barstool Palin and her Marine are calling it quits. I hope the Marine got interventioned in time to save him from the Wasilla Hillbilly cabal.

  24. Yer order is ready, stoopid fucking wingnuts. You always order the same nothingburger with extra drama and no substance. This comes with a side of Rice nothingburger. Enjoy, stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  25. Stoopid fucking wingnuts, what psrt(s) of the Steele Dossier have been proven false? Let's see them and your so called proof because I have seen nothing that says any of it is not true, just unverified.

  26. http://jobsanger.blogspot.com/2018/02/the-demographics-of-drop-in-us.html

    Confidence in US leadership has dropped precipitously since Drumpfuck was appointed Putin's stooge.Bwahahahahahahahahahahha! Respect my ass.

    Happy Valentine's Day, stoopid fucking wingnuts. May your loves be as fickle and fleeting as yer thoughts.

  27. http://jobsanger.blogspot.com/2018/02/trump-ignores-america-first-in-hiring.html

    134 hires for Drumpfuck's properties. One American hired, one rejected. 133 foreign guest workers hired. Shows American's ain't all that stoopid.

  28. My bad- it was 144 workers hired and only one American.

  29. The Black Panther has a sister does that make her the Pink Panther?

  30. Collusion with Russia by any other name is collusion with Russia.

    Glad Drumpfuck assured us all no one from his campaign had any contacts with any Russians because that would be more collusion.

    Glad Drumpfuck Jr only met with a few Russians in Drumpfuck Tower because that was only minor collusion.

  31. Yet this is the doc the FBI used to justify spying on American citizens.

    Nothing in the Dossier has been refudiated. It was not the only excuse for a FISA warrant.

    Show me what was refudiated and the evidence for that.

  32. Fucking white people are doing all they can to keep black people happy. They've entirely created, written, funded and marketed a movie that blacks get to pretend has anything at all to do with them. Black unemployment, lowest ever. And still it's not enough.

    I have $500 to donate right now to the efforts of black Americans to return to the Motherland to build Wakanda. I wholly support the idea of the black ethnostate.

  33. Steely Dan12:31 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Stoopid fucking wingnuts, what psrt(s) of the Steele Dossier have been proven false?

    Everything alleging any wrongdoing.

    Pure fiction.

  34. Black Panther!!!!!!!!!!!!!👊🏽👊🏾👊🏿

  35. Wakanda is REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!������������

    1. Yisheng's ass wipe aka stalker troll5:59 PM

      And I LOVE the smell of her perfectly formed ass!

      Viva la shit!

  36. Rod Johnson1:18 PM

    I want Stormy Daniels and Rob Porter to get together and read the Democrat response memo to Louise Linton so I can reach a singularity of not giving a fuck.

  37. Have a happy St.Valentines Day!

  38. Thanks Lilac, you too.

  39. Everything alleging any wrongdoing.

    Pure fiction.

    And yer proof, Steely Dan?

  40. Here is a part of what Glenn Simpson told congress under oath about the Dossier- Well, the facts are — beyond what’s here I don’t have any additional facts. The alleged incident that’s described here is the one that he was referring to. As I say, I don’t have really any additional information beyond this except that — I mean, it’s probably in here somewhere actually, but it’s well known in intelligence circles that the Russians have cameras in all the luxury hotel rooms and there are memoirs written about this by former Russian intelligence agents I could quote you. So the problem of kompromat and kompromating is just endemic to east-west intelligence work. So that’s what I’m referring to. That’s what he’s referring to.

    There is no smoking proof it did happen, but there is a good chance it did happen and there is nothing to say it did not happen.

    Had you trotted something like this out against HRC, it would be sworn gospel it was all true and every right wing dingbat on the internet would be howling for HRC's head on a platter.

  41. Ricky Retardo2:57 PM

    "There is no smoking proof it did happen, but there is a good chance it did happen and there is nothing to say it did not happen."

    There is no smoking proof that mike from iowa ate a lot of lead paint chips when he was a kid, but there is a good chance it did happen and there is nothing to say it did not happen.

  42. Let me know when you stoopid fucking wingnuts get tired of being lied to, lied at and lied about by yer great white pathological lying POS in the WH and his administration, will you? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

    Give him credit for being the greatest pathological lying POS ever to disgrace the WH.

  43. Anonymous4:01 PM

    ALL profits from the Black Panther movie should be given to blacks.

  44. Anonymous4:05 PM

    I just heard that AMC Theatres and Cinemark in Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia and Atlanta are hosting free screenings for African American youths at select theaters for the Black Panther premier!

    That’s awesome! Thank you.

  45. "I have $500 to donate right now to the efforts of black Americans to return to the Motherland to build Wakanda. I wholly support the idea of the black ethnostate."

    Please deliver it in unmarked bills to the front desk of Cypress Auto on Peralta Street with a note explaining what it's for.

    -Doug in Oakland

  46. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Re: 9:37 Am
    So you'll take Vlad... THE POTUS and Vlad are happy you feel this way.

    Tax breaks for the very rich, no taxes paid by corporations. How long do you think your middle class tax dollars can keep this country running while the very rich pay NOTHING, NADA, ZILCH IN TAXES?

    Taxes from the middle class AMERICANS will be paying for the wall (NOT MEXICO).
    Anyone with a modicum of intelligence knows that 99.9% of the people who are overstaying their visas or here in this country illegally did not come across a border wall from Mexico.
    They can build a 100 foot wall and it still wouldn't stop all of the border control officials who may be "on the take" and getting paid millions to look the other way or forced to remain silent ....Or else!

    It is amazing how the rich keep getting richer on the backs of the uninformed....


    - Those Who Can Least Afford It Will Pay the Most for These "Reforms." The math is most compelling because it's mostly subtraction for working people.

    Since the in GOP plan is not cutting corporate loopholes, bringing back trillions in offshore cash by corporations and cutting defense spending, again, the only way to reduce the federal deficit is to slash big programs like Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid.

    This cruel math hurts everyone from retired people in nursing homes to the working poor. There's no help for families paying for long-term care, payroll taxes or college.

    Graduate students and families paying off college debt see whatever modest tax breaks vanish. That will further mushroom the outrageous cost of college. GOD HELP YOU IF YOU GET SICK OR HOSPITALIZED AND HAVE ADDITIONAL MEDICAL BILLS THAT YOUR MEDICAL INSURANCE DOESN'T COVER....NO MORE WRITE OFFS FOR THOSE EITHER

    Instead of giving families tax credits for college bills and nursing/home care bills, they pay more out of pocket while the estate and alternative minimum tax on the ultra-affluent disappear.

    And on health care, the GOP tax reform template would cause millions to lose their health coverage or pay more, according to a fresh analysis from the AARP Public Policy Institute:

    -- People ages 50 to 64 would face average premium increases of up to $1,500 in 2019 as a result of the bill, the AARP study found.

    -- The Senate plan eliminates the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate, which requires most Americans to have health insurance. But eliminating the mandate would leave 4 million more Americans uninsured by 2019 and 13 million by 2025, according to Congressional Budget Office estimates.

    -- With fewer younger, healthier people obligated to pay for health insurance, average overall premiums in the individual market would rise about 10 percent annually “in most years” over the next decade, the CBO said.

    -- Older Americans ages 50 to 64, who typically pay higher insurance premiums, would bear the brunt of the mandate’s demise.

    The independent, non-partisan Tax Policy Center reached this conclusion:

    "...not only would the tax cuts continue to be regressive, but the vast majority of American households would actually be worse off, with the tax cuts plus the financing, than they would be if the tax cuts had not occurred."

    If only key members of Congress could receive visitations from the wise spirit representing the grim, morbid future for most Americans under GOP tax reform, then this flailing of "the excess population" can be avoided.

  47. Viva Vlad!4:30 PM

    Tax cut benefits middle and lower classes the most, and provides a huge stimulus in the form of the corporate tax cut. Corporations have responded by issuing bonuses and raising pay, resulting in the first real bump in wages in a decade.

    But you are butthurt because Trump did it, so you parrot a bunch of liberal group talking points that lower taxes and higher wages are a bad thing for working people.

    No one buys this shit anymore.

  48. The Tax Policy Center is neither independent nor non-partisan.....

    Feel free to eat whatever bs the left feeds you.

  49. There's an African in your family tree, MAGA!!6:04 PM

    Anyone else notice that pure/real white people (Europeans) are cool with Black people?

  50. I'm down with the brothers. We cool.

  51. Yisheng said...
    Anyone else notice that pure/real white people (Europeans) are cool with Black people?

    Anyone else notice that pure/real black people (Africans) are cool with White people?

    Yisheng's problem is that she's part whootiemoo.


  52. Corporations have responded by issuing bonuses and raising pay, resulting in the first real bump in wages in a decade.

    Wanna start naming them good guys as opposed to the ones who gave the money to shareholders?

    Another school shooting, today. This one in Florida.

    Dem hero Adam Schiff says there is plenty of evidence of collusion and money laundering yet to be made public. Schiff wants to pursue money laundering, but apparently stoopid fucking wingnuts are determined to protect the crooked pos in the WH.

    No, GM is not bringing a factory back to Detroit from Korea. Drumpf making shit up again.

    Last, we have stoopid fucking wingnuts trolls on here that think unemployment for blacks and whites dropped immediately upon Putin installing Drumpfuck in the WH. The economic recovery as well as unemployment numbers rose steadily under the tutelage of Obama and Dems, in spite of stoopid fucking wingnut obstruction.The stock market had hit record highs near the end of Obama's term. All praise Obama and fuck the orange shitgibbon usurper in the WH.

  53. The possibility of money going to workers helps to insulate Republicans against a possible backlash, although the bonuses so far are a far cry from the $4,000 in additional income each year that White House economists claimed would go to an average American family because of the corporate rate cuts.

    Yup and a $1000 dollar bonus is pretty small compared to the billions in tax savings these korporations will receive.

    Walmart raised wages for some and then closed all Sams Clubs in Alaska. Enjoy yer bogus bonus Alaskans.

  54. https://www.rawstory.com/2018/02/trump-loving-sc-lawmaker-used-obamas-presidential-portrait-call-chicago-street-ngger/

    stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys.

    In other news, Orangeturd in WH butt buddy Netanjehu is ignoring police reports of corruption and vows to stay in power because he can. What's with these scumbags like Drumpfuck and Putin and others? There all crooks and don't care that the whole world knows they are crooks.

  55. mike from iowa said...
    Dem hero Adam Schiff says there is plenty of evidence of collusion and money laundering yet to be made public.


    Why hasn't he leaked it to CNN like he has done in the past?

  56. Anonymous8:09 PM

    "the stock market had hit record highs near the end of Obama's term"

    Rally started the day after the election. This is Trump's boom.

  57. Rally started the day after the election. This is Trump's boom.

    Keep telling yerself this is true, stoopid fucking wingnut.

    Why hasn't he leaked it to CNN like he has done in the past?

    Of course, you have proof he did that? Hell no you don't.

    At least 17 dead in Florida school massacre today. Is it time to talk sensible gun control, yet?

  58. "Rally started the day after the election. This is Trump's boom."

    We will hold you to that.

  59. Anonymous8:41 PM

    > At least 17 dead in Florida school massacre today.

    Perp's social media shows ISIS and Antifa alignments.

    > Is it time to talk sensible gun control, yet?

    It's time to talk "if you are black, muslim or a leftist you are disqualified from having guns, holding public office, teaching or voting.  Oh, you also have to leave the country by 2023."

    Philadelphia, Cleveland, Chicago, Detroit and even Newark would be heaven if all those turd-world groups were returned where they belong.

    1. And yet another white fuckboi10:18 PM

      I bet the people in Las Vegas, Sandy Hook, Aurora, Littleton, ect. wish crazy white fuckboys weren't able to buy guns. White pussies love to shoot kids who can't shoot back.

  60. Kinky Anne Conway10:20 PM

    Feel free to eat whatever bs the left feeds you.
    As Kinky eats the right's super duper shit. Keep it up fuckboy.

  61. Anonymous2:29 AM

    All profits from the Black Panther film should go toward repatriating American Negros to Wakanda. Flying Pyramids and shit yall.

  62. Anonymous6:10 AM

    The Dumb Americans and The Bogus "I'm Gonna Help You" Tax Reform Scam:

    My corporation hasn't issued any bonuses and most corporations WON'T BE ISSUING ANY GODDAMN BONUSES!

    This bonus shit is just a 1-time temporary ploy to make ignorant or naieve people think that this tax reform won't hurt them. The poor on welfare don't pay taxes and the rich hire tax attorneys to find ways that they NEVER PAY TAXES. It throws crumbs at the middle class in the form of what can be consider a few "temporary dollars"
    It's a diversion, it's temporary, and it serves their purposes. And remember...MOST corporations have not and will not be giving their workers any bonuses... unless those bonuses are going to the ones at the corporations already making 6 figures as history has repeatedly already shown

    You do the math...if corporations have been avoiding paying taxes since FOREVER...what the hell makes you think that the BILLIONS that they have already been profiting from could have been going to fuel low wage employee bonuses years ago.

    Like I said, the rich know that they can BAMBOOZLE just enough naive middle class folks into thinking that they've got your back.

    History has shown it time and time again that the rich have gotten rich off of the backs of the poor and they are greedy and there is no trickle down. But then rich folks have already established that you aren't tracking history.

    Corporate greed loves people like you....Naieve and unsuspecting. Throw them a bone and keep them believing and chasing their tails.

    P.S. It took Americans 8 years (two terms) to realize that Bush and Cheny only cared about the rich folks. They're billionaires now. How did you benefit from all of the stolen oil?

  63. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Re: 6:10 AM...... So True!!!!!!!

    Rich corporations don't give a damn about the working folks.

    For years the MTA kept 2 sets of books in order to make the public believe they weren't making a profit.
    They did this to justify fare increases and shitty wages.

    They kept 1 set of books that showed a deficit
    And the other set of books that they tried to keep hidden showed that they were making BILLIONS in profit.

  64. Anymoose here is empirical proof that the accidental Russian butt puppet in the WH fell into a booming stock market.


    103 months of bull markets- Drumpf gets credit for 11.
    Stock market increased value by 325% under Obama.

    Be thankful I bothered to use Tiny Url for this link. The original was 672 characters.

  65. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Obama took over after the crash of 2008, the only way from there was up, yet he completely blew it, resulting in the weakest recovery ever.

  66. Anonymous10:58 AM

