Friday, February 23, 2018

When good guys don't need guns.

I can't believe that folks are not more outraged at the president's latest proposal to arm school teachers.

It is a silly and lazy proposal to a serious problem, and , more importantly, it is straight from the NRA playbook. Not surprisingly, trump is parroting this talking point.

Teachers have a hard enough job trying to TEACH. Why are we giving them the added responsibility of being armed protectors?There are already people in society who we train and pay to do that. They are called police officers. Giving some poor English teacher a few hours of  firearm training and sending him out there to stop the next mass shooter is ridiculous. Teachers don't want a bonus for firearm training, they want bonuses for helping their students learn.

The NRA wants everyone to have a gun. Preachers. Teachers. Nurses. Doctors. Everybody. More guns means more membership dues, and more people spending money. It doesn't mean a safer society. That notion that a "good guy with a gun beats a bad guy with a gun" was recently debunked in Parkland, Florida. This good guy with a gun did nothing.   I suspect that what we say happen  in Parkland (the school police officer stayed outside rather than confront the shooter) would be the norm with this half-brained idea.

"These people are cowards. They're not going to walk into a school if 20% of the teachers have guns -- it may be 10% or may be 40%. And what I'd recommend doing is the people that do carry, we give them a bonus. We give them a little bit of a bonus," Trump said. "They'll frankly feel more comfortable having the gun anyway. But you give them a little bit of a bonus." 

The head of the teachers union had a different take.  

"Teachers don't want to be armed," "We want to teach. We don't want to be, and would never have the expertise needed to be, sharp shooters; no amount of training can prepare an armed teacher to go up against an AR-15."

* Pic from



  1. I agree with you FN. The real problem is liberalism in schools. Schools didn't become violent until liberalism started creeping into them.

    How many mass shootings in schools in the 1940's? 1950's?

  2. So what happens after the well-armed teacher blows the head off of an unruly kid who reached into their backpack for some school supplies that the teacher mistook for a gun? Or more likely misses the kid and kills or maims a couple more kids sitting behind them?
    The NRA gun safety rules would prohibit anyone from pointing a gun at someone in a classroom full of children, so what, exactly, are they proposing?
    This is even stupider than usual for Fergus, but hardly surprising; the goddamn NRA spent thirty million dollars getting him elected, and some of those dollars may have come from Russia.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. If a trained cop didn't engage a shooter with an assault style rifle why would we expect a teacher to do such?

  4. Then again the NRA is the lobbying arm for the gun manufacturing industry so it makes sense. Millions of new gun sales.

  5. Kinky Anne Conway3:08 PM

    The real problem is conservatism in schools. The rise of the John Birchers closely follows school shootings and violence creeping in other schools.

  6. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Why are they no gays in wakanda? Are gays not welcome in wakanda?

  7. "How many mass shootings in schools in the 1940's? 1950's?"

    Colt didn't start selling AR-15s until 1964.

    -Doug in Oakland

  8. Most everybody here has guns and rifles and nobody gets shot. Well there are shootings among drug dealers, but no one else. To be able to get a gun legally you have to have a clean record and a few other permits, but of course illegally anyone can get one.

  9. You guys, have you seen how Manafort got caught with falsified records?

    He created his own paper trail. If it were a Democrat, I'd say this was unbelievable. Don't let this genius have guns.

  10. Hey Kinky,

    I guess you couldn't really use the 60s, 70s and 80s as an example of peaceful times in the U.S. because that would go against the conservative playbook that our entire culture has been destroyed by hippies and the sexual revolution.

  11. Anonymous3:57 PM

    In Wakanda, there are no school shootings--and they have weapons galore!

    1. Anonymous4:13 PM

      It's spelled Wauconda and it's 40 miles outside of Chicago.

  12. Black Panther4:11 PM

    Why are they no gays in wakanda? Are gays not welcome in wakanda?
    Why not go see for yourself and report back.

  13. In 1764, three men entered a schoolhouse near present-day Greencastle, Pennsylvania, and reportedly killed 10 people. It wasn't until 1966, though, that the next mass shooting — or, at least, the next incident that would readily be recognized as a mass shooting today — occurred.

    In August of that year, a 25-year-old man named Charles Whitman went on a 96-minute shooting spree from an observation deck at the University of Texas-Austin, killing 17 people and wounding 31 others in an attack that sounds eerily reminiscent of the stories that you're all too used to hearing today. Whitman also murdered his wife and mother earlier that day before continuing on to the university — not unlike Adam Lanza, who shot and killed his mother before opening fire at Sandy Hook Elementary in 2012.

  14. Anonymous5:47 PM

    "The NRA wants everyone to have a gun. More guns means more membership dues, and more people spending money."

    Field is so stupid, he thinks that people need to have an NRA membership to have a gun.  Hey, Field?  Owning a gun isn't like having a job where you have to pay union dues to work.  It's a RIGHT.

    "It doesn't mean a safer society."

    Yet even as the number of guns in the USA has exploded, crime has been steadily going down (with the exceptions of some cities experiencing the Ferguson effect due to the Democrat war on cops).  Most states now have shall-issue or even no-permit concealed weapons.  Crime goes DOWN...

    ... except where there are lots of Africans-in-America.

    Guns aren't the problem.  You are the problem.

  15. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Go move to Africa. No legal guns there.

  16. How can Wakanda be s great without diversity? Doesn't that go against everything the left tells us?

  17. Anonymous6:35 PM

    BREAKING: CNN Reports FOUR Broward County Deputies Waited Outside School As Children Were Ruthlessly Slaughtered

    These cops ALLOWED that school to be turned into a slaughterhouse as those children were BUTCHERED.

    Then Democrat Sheriff Scott Israel went on CNN and covered this up as he attacked Dana Loesch.

    This corrupt piece of shit needs to resign and his actions investigated.

  18. Anonymous6:54 PM

    The NRA is the only civil rights organization that will defend the rights of every single American regardless of party affiliation.

  19. Fake News Update6:56 PM

    CNN might want to have a do-over of the whole town hall thing.

    This time unscripted.

  20. Anonymous7:00 PM

    A person close to the teenager accused of killing 17 people at a Florida high school warned the FBI she was concerned he would “get into a school and just shoot the place up,” according to a transcript of her call with a bureau tip line operator more than a month before the massacre.

    “You know, it’s just so much,” she said on the call. “I know he’s—he’s going to explode.” She said she was making the call because she wanted a “clear conscience if he takes off and, and just starts shooting places up.”

  21. I think the answer lies in the family unit where it all begins, nurturing, socialization, education, responsibility and discipline are the basics in the upbringing/rearing our children in the home.

    But it's not the answer people like or want to hear because it is the hardest work you will ever do, physically, mentally, emotionally.

    Bringing up children has always been the family's responsibility. Never the responsibility of the government, nor the schools nor any institution.

    Mother and father being the example of what a father is, and a woman being a mother. Lots of work.

  22. I wish the FBI was half as good at protecting school kids as they are at protecting Clinton and Obama.

  23. All the NRA cares about is firearms manufacturer's profits ...

  24. Anonymous7:25 PM

    The NRA is neither a gun manufacturer nor retailer and the legal system is configured in such a way that puts gun owners at a huge disadvantage because of lawfare. If anything, the NRA is the oldest and most important civil rights organization in America. And it's not going anywhere.

  25. "Minnesota man" chains, rapes, starves and beats his twin daughters for years, impregnating one twice.

    Oh, wait, he's not really Minnesotan, he's actually an African-in-America.  So sloppy of the headline writer not to catch that error.

    1. Anonymous10:01 PM

      Now wait, was that Captain Kangaroo looking muther fucker that kept his 20 kids in captivity an American?

    2. Anonymous10:03 PM

  26. NRA trolls must have been paid today. Civil rights group? Stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys. Now they are in bed with the enemy Russkies.

  27. Anonymous10:00 PM

    How can Wakanda be s great without diversity? Doesn't that go against everything the left tells us?
    Because they don't have idiots like you there.


  28. "... except where there are lots of Africans-in-America.

    Guns aren't the problem. You are the problem."

    Not seeing a lot of those "African Americans" shooting children in schools and churchgoers in churches now are we?

    Now go back to your date night. I am sure your sister is lonely.

  29. "Not seeing a lot of those "African Americans" shooting children in schools and churchgoers in churches now are we?"

    Someone is not paying attention:

    Way back in September of 2017, the "Nashville Church Shooting".

    - A black immigrant fatally shoots churchgoing white natives.

    - He is from Sudan, one of the countries included in Trump's initial travel ban. That ban, propitiously enough, expired today, on the very day of the shooting. The new ban added Chad, North Korea, and Venezuela but dropped Sudan. Maybe we put Sudan (both of them) back on the list, Mr. President?

    - His Facebook cover photo shows a black man taking a knee.

    - Samson's murder spree is cut short by someone running to his vehicle to grab his gun and then exercise his second amendment right to hold Samson down until police arrive.

    - He refers to Africa as "the Mother Land" (imagine if Roof had referred to Germany as "The Fatherland").

    - He shared this colorful clip exhorting blacks to raise young warriors to prepare for the coming fight for independence.

    - He supports all white-owned land in South Africa being seized reclaimed from whites and given returned to blacks.

    You get the idea

  30. I don't think you want to play this game.

    BTW, do you remember this guy?

  31. How about this one?

    Lots more where these came from.

  32. Not playing a game, just calling out your bullshit.

  33. It's always an aberration when the shooter is a white guy. Mental illness or something or the other. The problem is these guys always want to be the tough guy carrying around M-60's because they want to be Rambo. Forget the collateral damage to everyone else as long as I can have my military style weapon and try to live out my movie hero fantasies. Welcome to America.

  34. A Clockwork Watermelon11:00 PM

    Mr. Field, is it more palatable to you that Blacks shoot and kill each other as well as whites everywhere but schools and church? I guess Funerals, BBQs, Peace marches, candle light vigils, Children's B-day parties, Amusement Parks, Etc. Etc. Don't cross your Racist Radar?

  35. PilotX said...
    "It's always an aberration when the shooter is a white guy."

    Had Nikolas Cruz been one of the victims, you and the media would have called him Hispanic.

  36. eternal one11:20 PM

    his soul has been sold.he is a servant of an inferior master.the idea of corrupt flesh living in a youthful or human state forever is a lie.evil is an epigenetic trigger that causes the dna to degrade.every serial killer has a scar on their dna in the exact same spot.we wear our sin.

  37. " I guess Funerals, BBQs, Peace marches, candle light vigils, Children's B-day parties, Amusement Parks, Etc. Etc. Don't cross your Racist Radar?"

    Nope, what scares me is the killing of "random" strangers en masse.

  38. Anonymous11:37 PM

    What scares me is blacks killing white strangers en masse isn't "random".

  39. And another fuckboi11:43 PM

    What scares me is blacks killing white strangers en masse isn't "random"
    Yeah, white males are usually paranoid snowflakes.


  40. "Had Nikolas Cruz been one of the victims, you and the media would have called him Hispanic."

    Doesn't matter the race, young people were killed. That's all that matters. I have a coworker grieving over his daughter because young mentally unstable can buy a fucking rifle and not beer.

  41. "I have a coworker grieving over his daughter because young mentally unstable can buy a fucking rifle and not beer."

    ▪ Feb. 5, 2016: A Broward Sheriff’s Office deputy is told by an anonymous caller that Nikolas Cruz, then 17, had threatened on Instagram to shoot up his school and posted a photo of himself with guns. The information is forwarded to BSO Deputy Scot Peterson, a school resource officer at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

    ▪ Sept. 23, 2016: A “peer counselor” reports to Peterson that Cruz had possibly ingested gasoline in a suicide attempt, was cutting himself and wanted to buy a gun. A mental health counselor advises against involuntarily committing Cruz. The high school says it will conduct a threat assessment.

    ▪ Sept. 28, 2016: An investigator for the Florida Department of Children and Families rules Cruz is stable, despite “fresh cuts” on his arms. His mother, Lynda Cruz, says in the past he wrote a racial slur against African Americans on his book bag and had recently talked of buying firearms.

    ▪ Sept. 24, 2017: A YouTube user named “nikolas cruz” posts a comment stating he wants to become a “professional school shooter.” The comment is reported to the FBI in Mississippi, which fails to make the connection to Cruz in South Florida.

    ▪ Nov. 1, 2017: Katherine Blaine, Lynda Cruz’s cousin, calls BSO to report that Nikolas Cruz had weapons and asks that police recover them. A “close family friend” agrees to take the firearms, according to BSO.

    ▪ Nov. 29, 2017: The Palm Beach County family that took in Cruz after the death of his mother calls the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office to report a fight between him and their son, 22. A member of the family says that Cruz had threatened to “get his gun and come back” and that he has “put the gun to others’ heads in the past.” The family does not want him arrested once he calms down.

    ▪ Nov. 30, 2017: A caller from Massachusetts calls BSO to report that Cruz is collecting guns and knives and could be a “school shooter in the making.” A BSO deputy advises the caller to contact the Palm Beach sheriff.

    ▪ Jan. 5, 2018: A caller to the FBI’s tip line reports that Cruz has “a desire to kill people” and could potentially conduct a school shooting. The information is never passed on to the FBI’s office in Miami.

    ▪ Feb. 14, 2018: Nikolas Cruz attacks Stoneman Douglas High. Peterson, the school’s resource officer, Scot Peterson, draws his gun outside the building where Cruz is shooting students and staff. He does not enter.

    1. And after all that he legally buys an assault type weapon. Gotta love America.

  42. This is a very interesting thread from someone very familiar on the official government policies that had been implemented in Broward County that led to their complete inability to stop this tragedy:

  43. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Scott Israel, the Broward County Sheriff Would have been Hillary's FBI Director. Think About That.

  44. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Armed sheriff's deputy saw Cruz get out of his Uber carrying a duffel bag and wearing a backpack. Deputy recognized him as a "former troubled student", watched him walk "purposefully toward the 1200 building", and within a minute heard shots fired.

  45. Rick Gates lied to the feebies in his proffer, and now they are brutally buggering him for it.
    Only an idiot lies to the feebies, or someone in a fit of suicidal hubris, or someone mortally afraid of the consequences of the Russian oligarchs feeling rolled over on.

    -Doug in Oakland

  46. does anybody else find it really fucking disgusting that pretty much the whole country now knows the names of a few sociopathic striver kids with well-connected parents, but almost no one knows the names of any of the kids who died?

  47. to be honest the aftermath of the parkland shooting is a way more damning indictment of america than the shooting itself, it highlights everything that’s wrong with our news/social media/celebrity culture and exposes how rotted out our morality is and just how dumb many americans really are

  48. Anonymous1:06 AM

    "Honestly, Jonathan Martin should just walk away from football. He clearly doesn't need it. Dude has a degree from Stanford and Harvard educated lawyers as parents. Maybe it's time to use his brain instead of his brawn to make a living." --Field Negro, Nov. 5, 2013

    The NFL player at the center of the Dolphins' bullying controversy appears to have used social media to threaten two of his former teammates.

    Jonathan Martin, who hasn't played in an NFL game since 2014, shared a picture of a gun on his verified Instagram page on Thursday night.


    1. To fly west my friend is a flight we all must take as a final check.

  50. For goodness' sake.

    Lilacpr has a blooger id.

    Good for you, Lilac!



  51. Kinky Conservative,

    You are about as kinky as finding a pair of abandoned underwear in a bush or a shitty hotel.

    You have no substance. We don't need to hear from you.

  52. NoWatermelonForYou3:44 AM

    Having teachers armed presents two new problems,especially among the kids. One is teachers,being assaulted by black/hispanic "students" using their guns for self defense. A different kind of school shooting.
    "LaQuantavious a goot boy he dindu nuffin!"
    Also,students could take the guns away from the teachers!

    1. NoMethForYou3:54 AM

      Or a crazy white boy taking the gun to shoot kids and babies. Nah, they NEVER do that.��

  53. NWFY,

    I'm going to predict an early death for you.

  54. Secret Squirrel4:47 AM

    Because we need more people in sensitive positions without security clearance. Thanks trump.

  55. How not to troll from Russia-

    Left his location on his message. Straight from Moscow.

  56. Outside, Seale delivered the Black Panther executive mandate before a crush of reporters. This section of remarks, reprinted in Hugh Pearson’s The Shadow of the Panther, still resonates today:

    “Black people have begged, prayed, petitioned, demonstrated, and everything else to get the racist power structure of America to right the wrongs which have historically been perpetuated against black people. All of these efforts have been answered by more repression, deceit and hypocrisy. As the aggression of the racist American government escalates in Vietnam, the police agencies of America escalate the oppression of black people throughout the ghettoes of America. Vicious police dogs, cattle prods, and increased patrols have become familiar sights in black communities. City Hall turns a deaf ear to the pleas of black people for relief from this increasing terror.”

  57. mmjames9:39 AM

    Oh please. Blacks love guns and shoot up their own communities all the damn time.

    See more at:


    For the rest of the story. Blacks weren't always militant. Racist whitey cops had a lot to do with it.

  59. and Blacks exercised their rights and immediately whitey went to change the rules about Blacks openly carrying guns, although none were fired that day.

  60. The communications director of CPAC proves conservatives are racists.

  61. ALWAYS A FASCINATING READ -- WARREN BUFFETT’S ANNUAL LETTER -- TAX REFORM WORKED FOR BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY!: “The $65 billion gain is nonetheless real – rest assured of that. But only $36 billion came from Berkshire’s operations. The remaining $29 billion was delivered to us in December when Congress rewrote the U.S. Tax Code.” Read the entire letter

    Well, 29 billion is a bit more than the $2.60 I lost on my 2% SS raise.

  62. That’s a heart breaking photo PX, thanks for sharing!😢😢

    1. It was good to see our sisters and brothers show up in force. That has to be the hardest thing to bury your child.

  63. Anonymous linkola mindset said...
    does anybody else find it really fucking disgusting that pretty much the whole country now knows the names of a few sociopathic striver kids with well-connected parents, but almost no one knows the names of any of the kids who died?

    Hell no it’s NOT a surprise, the results of sociopathic men running the country will NEVER be a surprise.

    1. Yep, America has a cult of celebrity surrounding killers. They have movies made about them. Zodiac, Hillside Strangler, DC sniper, ect. We are a pretty violent society.

  64. Anonymous1:57 PM

    > The communications director of CPAC proves conservatives are racists.

    Yup!  Making someone the chair just because they're a certain race is racist by definition.

    Now let's talk about liberals and Perez vs. Ellison, okay?

  65. Bobby Seale is still around, last I heard he was living in North Oakland. His daughter runs an outfit that plants trees in urban environments that don't have any of them.

    And perhaps think twice about condemning the FBI for not doing anything about the kid who shot up the school in Florida. The idea of "he seems like he might do something bad, so we have to arrest him" is not one I want US law enforcement taking up in its present form.
    And according to Florida law enforcement, the standard for involuntarily committing someone with mental health issues is the "Baker Act" and to a one they all say he didn't qualify.

    This is a complicated issue, about which we don't really know jack shit because the goddamn CDC has been prevented from studying it since 1996.

    It says a lot about the Republican party that they are more afraid of the possible detrimental effects of some biased science on the profits of a $1.35 billion a year industry that funds their campaigns and threatens to primary them if they step out of line than they want to do anything about a problem that kills more than 30,000 US citizens each year.

    So all of those shooting statistics you brain-wizards like to post here every fucking day? Yeah, those are much higher than they have to be because the goddamn Republicans are cowards who are afraid of finding out how to prevent them.

    -Doug in Oakland

  66. And as our governor (Cuomo) pointed out, even solving the problem of massacres IN SCHOOLS leaves all the other venues--churches, concerts, etc.--unsolved!

    I can't believe there weren't a lot of eyes rolling in the Oval Office when Trump held forth on that. Maybe they were too stunned?

    "I hear you," my ass.

  67. The GOP3:49 PM

    Yup! Making someone the chair just because they're a certain race is racist by definition.
    So you admit Republicans are racists. Next you'll be telling me water is wet. Nooooooooooooo! Say it ain't so!

  68. A math teacher3:52 PM

    Let's let a few math teachers protect trump instead of trained Secret Service agents.

  69. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Gun Free Zones=bad guys know you are easy prey

  70. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Please donate to the NRAs ILA today and fight TYRANNY!!

  71. Doug, this killer in Florida exhibited more than enough mental impaiments he should have been institutionalized for the sake of society. I have no problems with interventions in obvious cases- like the shitgibbon in the WH. If it were up to me half this country's pop would be in custody of the white suits and getting their electrical shocks and mind numbing drugs.

    You really have to be mentally retarded to support Drumpf, not just to vote for him.

  72. Blogger PilotX said...
    Yep, America has a cult of celebrity surrounding killers. They have movies made about them. Zodiac, Hillside Strangler, DC sniper, ect. We are a pretty violent society.

    And a few of those cable stations regularly run shows about Hitler, and we know BLM ain’t watching!

  73. Cadet Bone Spurs, the five-time draft dodger, called someone else a coward?

    That's like Elmer Fudd saying, "You talk funny."

  74. Permanently boycott Russia/ NRA until they totally disband and then we can have a new group doing the good stuff the NRA used to do before $ signs got in their eyes. The same for US Chamber of Commerce.

  75. Anonymous4:17 PM

    ”Most everybody here has guns and rifles and nobody gets shot. Well there are shootings among drug dealers, but no one else.”

    Really, Lilac? No woman in Puerto Rico ever comes home to find her husband in bed with Carmen from next door and shoots them both dead in a rage? No little Boricua boy ever gets killed playing with the gun dad foolishly neglected to lock up? I find it hard to believe that only the career criminals misuse guns where you live.

    And sadly, if there haven’t yet been any school shootings in PR, it is probably only a matter of time.

  76. Anonymous4:23 PM

    ”These cops ALLOWED that school to be turned into a slaughterhouse as those children were BUTCHERED.

    Then Democrat Sheriff Scott Israel went on CNN and covered this up as he attacked Dana Loesch.”

    Riiiiiight. The cops let those kids die so that the Democrats could campaign on gun control. TOTALLY plausible.

    You might want to stop watching Alex Jones. It will melt your brain.

  77. Anonymous4:30 PM

    ”The NRA is the only civil rights organization that will defend the rights of every single American regardless of party affiliation.”

    But not regardless of race, apparently. Just ask the family of Philando Cruz. A cop shot him down for being a gun owner, and there was nothing but crickets from the NRA.

    And that’s because the NRA is a conservative entity, and in America, conservative=pro-cop/anti-black.

    They should be more honest and change their name to the NCGRA: the National Caucasian Gun Rights Association.

  78. Anonymous4:36 PM

    ”Scott Israel, the Broward County Sheriff Would have been Hillary's FBI Director ...”

    According to some pinhead wingnut blogger on the Internet, who is about as reputable as a Magic Eight Ball.

    Sorry, I won’t waste any time “thinking about that.”

  79. Anonymous4:43 PM

    “does anybody else find it really fucking disgusting that pretty much the whole country now knows the names of a few sociopathic striver kids with well-connected parents, but almost no one knows the names of any of the kids who died?”

    I agree! It was so unfair they didn’t even let the dead kids speak at the protest! So mean!

    The only possible explanation is a false-flag operation. Alex Jones says so.

  80. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Breaking wingnut news (via Sean McElwee on Twitter):

    “The Republican Governor of Missouri was taken into custody after using the threat of revenge porn to cover up his affair and the state party is blaming a global Jewish conspiracy ...”


    The G.O.P. is a J.O.K.E.

  81. To be fair, dude was a Democrat when this happen.

  82. 24 February 2018. Meters of wall built = 0.

  83. Awww yes. The Purple Cow... How the hell are you?

  84. Democrats rebuttal to Nunes memo was released today. Wasicu wasteys still living in denial. Nunes is claiming Dems colluded with government without offering any proof. That is a thems song foe stoopid fucking wingnuts. They have no proof, but want you to believe them.

  85. Kill white men, fuck white women5:17 PM

    Kill white men. Fuck white women.

  86. I Hate Spics, Gooks, Kikes, and Faggots5:20 PM

    As long as the victims of a shooting are white, the problem isn't too bad.

    #BlackPride #BlackPower #BlackisBeautiful

  87. dinthebeast said...
    "Bobby Seale is still around, last I heard he was living in North Oakland."

    Hopefully, things in Oakland are safer for hm now than when he was raped by Huey Newton:

    "Seale had been whipped — literally — and then personally sodomized by Huey with such violence that he had to have his anus surgically repaired by a Pacific Heights doctor who was a political supporter of the Panthers."

  88. Yisheng is a genius5:36 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    And a few of those cable stations regularly run shows about Hitler,

    Yes, all those pro-Hitler shows are a problem.

  89. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Kinky Con said...
    "Awww yes. The Purple Cow... How the hell are you?"

    As full of shit and sneering faggotry as ever.

  90. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Anonymous The Last Refuge said...
    This is a very interesting thread from someone very familiar on the official government policies that had been implemented in Broward County that led to their complete inability to stop this tragedy:


    It turns out that the Miami-Dade and Broward County public school districts were in cahoots with the Obama Administration, the NAACP and various other race lobbies to eliminate the non-existent school-to-prison pipeline. That’s why the Nutbar’s many warning signs were blown off, that’s why there’s a delay between reality and recording in their schools’ security camera systems (giving school officials enough time to cover up problems and hit delete), and, in summation, it’s why there are seventeen dead bodies.

  91. The Fixer6:46 PM

    Yisheng’s ass licking stalker is a dumbass cunt said...
    Yes, all those pro-Hitler shows are a problem.


  92. Anonymous said...

    ”Most everybody here has guns and rifles and nobody gets shot. Well there are shootings among drug dealers, but no one else.”Really, Lilac? No woman in Puerto Rico ever comes home to find her husband in bed with Carmen from next door and shoots them both dead in a rage? No little Boricua boy ever gets killed playing with the gun dad foolishly neglected to lock up? I find it hard to believe that only the career criminals misuse guns where you live.

    And sadly, if there haven’t yet been any school shootings in PR, it is probably only a matter of time.

    Nope, a beating maybe, Never, and I doubt it!

    4:17 PM

  93. Come on down! The waters fine and the living is easy, well except for a little hurricane now and then, makes for s little adventure I say ;) but otherwise, paradise! Ask all the gringos living in Rincon. They wouldn't leave for anything!

    And we def do not have angry wives shooting it up, or men that don't lock up their guns and rifles, OR little boys boys that don't know the do's and dont's of guns! Yeppers!

  94. The main problem with school shootings is too easy access to too many assault style weapons by too many people who should not have sharp objects, let alone weapons of mass destruction. In other words, the problem is spelled NRA.

  95. Anonymous7:36 PM

    20,000 gun laws on the books,they will not stop a bad person from doing evil.

  96. Anonymous7:38 PM

    The Happy Land fire was an act of arson that killed 87 people:

  97. I love scratching my asshole8:01 PM

    Fuck the NRA, the NBA, and the NSA.

  98. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Field Negro at 11:24 Pm Spoken truthfully like the race baiting huckster you are.

  99. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Muslim in Germany killed 120 people with a truck. At a Christmas fair.

  100. Anonymous9:20 PM

    PilotX said...

    "Had Nikolas Cruz been one of the victims, you and the media would have called him Hispanic."

    Biological mother was jewish, adopted parents Hispanic

  101. Stoopid fucking wingnuts miss the main point in all these shootings. They all have in common one thing- guns. You need less guns, not more to help stop the slaughter. Ban assault weapons as they are known today. If you can't kill a deer with three or four shots, why waste another 25? The problem is you don't concentrate on making a clean kill. You want to hose the surrounding battlefield with lead like Rambo would.

    Then fuck your supposed 2nd amendment rights to be armed like the fucking Marines.

  102. PR, you were super critical of Hillary while she was running for President, especially after she had what suspected to be a stroke.

    But I’ve just gotta know, do you think she would have left PR in the dark for an indefinite amount of time? Because I think she would have made sure US citizens there had electricity within a month tops.

    Stroke or no stroke, the US and most certainly PR would have been MUCH better off with her than what we ended up with.

  103. Yīshēng said...

    PR, you were super critical of Hillary while she was running for President, especially after she had what suspected to be a stroke.

    But I’ve just gotta know, do you think she would have left PR in the dark for an indefinite amount of time? Because I think she would have made sure US citizens there had electricity within a month tops.

    Stroke or no stroke, the US and most certainly PR would have been MUCH better off with her than what we ended up with.

    9:56 PM

    I don't really know, To me they're all the same, both parties, so I just can't tell. The electric grid here was so messed up, it was totally destroyed, even if they had the materials there was no way to rush, a lot had to be done, and honestly I don't know.

    We're not even allowed to vote for the POTUS here and nobody has ever cared, Dems or Repubs. The only reason they give any kind of shit is because they need the island as a jumping off point to reach around the world, and they have three huge strategic air force bases here. So...

  104. Anonymous11:19 PM

    The thing about "mike from iowa" is... I think he's actually stupid enough to believe what he's saying.

    > Stoopid fucking wingnuts miss the main point in all these shootings. They all have in common one thing- guns.

    Stoopid fucking mike misses the main point in all the genocides of the 20th century:  disarmed victim populations.  He also misses that the Coward Co. sheriff's deputies had FOUR people on-scene and they all refused to go in to confront the shooter.

    > You need less guns, not more to help stop the slaughter.

    You need police agencies willing to commit weird people for mental-health evaluation during at least 1 out of 39 calls to their home.  That would have been sufficient to put Nikolas Cruz on a "no guns for you" list.  But nobody did it.

    > Ban assault weapons as they are known today.

    We had an "assault weapons ban" for 10 years.  It did nothing.  Almost no crimes are committed with rifles, and that was true before, during and after the ban.

    There's a few rifle shootings in Chicago but the vast majority of blacks shot by criminals are shot with handguns.  Rifles are mostly a white thing, and whites don't shoot blacks with them.  Mike is so cavalier about whites being shot most of the time, what's different about this incident?

    Oh, right.  He was TOLD to be outraged by the propaganda organs which do his thinking for him.  Without them, he wouldn't know what to do, say or think.

  105. We're not even allowed to vote for the POTUS here and nobody has ever cared, Dems or Repubs. The only reason they give any kind of shit is because they need the island as a jumping off point to reach around the world, and they have three huge strategic air force bases here. So...

    I agree that for the most part, politicians are politicians. But let’s be clear here, one party HAS done more than the other in support of minorities and the poor, and that’s the Dems.

    I have heard folks at the hospital discussing shortages in some medical equipment that’s mostly made in PR. But I’m assuming those factories have utilities.

  106. This comment has been removed by the author.

  107. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  108. Here ya go, stoopid fucking Anymoose, right up yer alley-

    That Arming Teacher Thing …

    February 24, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself

    Yep. It happened in Utah.

    A teacher in Utah accidentally shot herself in the leg Thursday inside an elementary school building. In the bathroom of the teacher’s lounge. She’s a sixth grade teacher.

    State law allows individuals to obtain a concealed-weapons permit and carry firearms onto school campuses, following the completion of a safety training course.

    Obviously she did not listen at the training course. Nor did she do her homework. And the dog ate her good sense.

    Last week a professor at Idaho State University shot himself in the foot as he was strolling across campus.

    Maybe Wayne LaPierre can come up with a better solution. A solution that doesn’t, you know, require guns.

    Let's throw more fuel on an already out of control fire. Stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys!!

  109. The final report concluded the ban’s success in reducing crimes committed with banned guns was “mixed.” Gun crimes involving assault weapons declined. However, that decline was “offset throughout at least the late 1990s by steady or rising use of other guns equipped with [large-capacity magazines].”

    Ultimately, the research concluded that it was “premature to make definitive assessments of the ban’s impact on gun crime,” largely because the law’s grandfathering of millions of pre-ban assault weapons and large-capacity magazines “ensured that the effects of the law would occur only gradually” and were “still unfolding” when the ban expired in 2004.

  110. Let's hire stoopid fucking Anymoose to stand around and hold armed teachers at gunpoint to ensure they run right out and confront an active shooter, like deputies didn't do.

    Brave little wasicu wastey Anymoose can be a hero like he reckons hisself to be. Put your life on the line, SFAnymoose. Force them teachers to be brave. You can do it. You can even wear pink or some other color to identify you as a non-combatant to the shooter and the cops. If you get wasicu wasted anyway, too fucking bad. You should've had more guns.

  111. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Mikey doesn't give one example of a teacher shooting a student, accidentally or otherwise.

    It's almost like student safety is totally irrelevant to his world-view.  If he talks about it at all, it's an excuse to get at something else.

  112. So now you want teachers shooting students. Move the goalposts much?

  113. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Good guys will always need guns to fight off bad guys with guns like hollyweirdos,liberals,progressives,nazis........

  114. Anonymous11:19 AM

    SJWs always project.  Mike wants teachers shooting students, but that doesn't happen so he harps on teachers with bad skills who hurt no one but themselves.

  115. I are a doctor12:25 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    But I’ve just gotta know, do you think she would have left PR in the dark for an indefinite amount of time? Because I think she would have made sure US citizens there had electricity within a month tops.

    This is a special kind of dumb.

  116. Hey muy estupidos, Anymoose- Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Mikey doesn't give one example of a teacher shooting a student, accidentally or otherwise.

    Who wants teachers to shoot students? Methinks you stoopid fucking wingnut too much.

  117. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Mikey doesn't give one example of a teacher shooting a student, accidentally or otherwise.
    Because there isn't a widespread program to arm teachers. Then again there is the teacher that accident shot themself.

    1. Anonymous3:37 PM

  118. I never made the argument that teachers shoot students. Anymoose made that up.

  119. Anonymous1:00 PM

    That's why liberals hide behind armed security and ride in armored limos. Then tell others how to live their lives.

  120. Anonymous7:37 AM

    > I never made the argument that teachers shoot students.

    Now you admit even armed teachers do NOT shoot students even when they screw up.  So how's this a problem for student safety again?

    > Anymoose made that up.

    Observing things you implicitly claim but which aren't supported by the facts is not making things up.  It's merely pointing out that you're going through life in a stupor and can't follow the rules of logical inference.  Being in a stupor is the state of being stupid.
