Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Justice denied.

After yet another very public state killing of a  black man in America, we learn today that the police officers involved will not be charged. Apparently their actions were deemed "reasonable". I mean it's not like they shot a dog to death or anything. It was just another black man. So... eh.

"Louisiana's attorney general ruled out criminal charges Tuesday against two white Baton Rouge police officers in the fatal shooting of a black man during a struggle outside a convenience store nearly two years after his death caused widespread protests.

Attorney General Jeff Landry's decision came nearly 11 months after the Justice Department ruled out federal criminal charges in Alton Sterling's July 2016 death.

Officer Blane Salamoni shot and killed Sterling during a struggle outside a convenience store where the 37-year-old black man was selling homemade CDs. Officer Howie Lake II helped wrestle Sterling to the ground, but Lake didn't fire his gun. Two cellphone videos of the shooting quickly spread on social media, leading to large protests.

Landry made the announcement of no charges against the officers at a news conference after meeting with family members of Sterling.

Hi's aunt, was in tears after meeting with Landry.

"They said they didn't find anything," she said. "They said it was justifiable, what happened to Alton was justifiable."

Quinyetta McMillon, the mother of one of Sterling's children, Cameron, said the officers killed Sterling "in cold blood."

"They took a human away. They took a father away," she said.

Landry said his office reviewed all of the evidence compiled by the Justice Department, including opinions issued by independent experts, and also conducted its own interviews of eyewitnesses.
"I know the Sterling family is hurting," Landry told reporters. "I know that they may not agree with the decision."

Citing a toxicology report, Landry also said Sterling had illegal drugs in his system at the time of the confrontation. It was "reasonable" to conclude Sterling was under the influence of drugs during the struggle with the officers "and that contributed to his non-compliance," Landry said." [Source]

So "non-compliance" is enough to get you the death penalty these days?

Meanwhile, the black police officer in Minneapolis who killed a white woman will be criminally charged.

"A Minneapolis police officer who shot and killed an Australian woman in July turned himself in Tuesday after a warrant was issued for his arrest, his attorney said. A jail roster said he was held on third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter charges.

Officer Mohamed Noor shot Justine Ruszczyk Damond, a 40-year-old life coach on July 15 minutes after she called 911 to report a possible sexual assault in the alley behind her home. Damond's death drew international attention, cost the police chief her job and forced major revisions to the department's policy on body cameras.

At a press conference on Tuesday afternoon, Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman told reporters that he filed charges because Noor abused his authority to use deadly force. " [Source]

See how that works, folks? He "abused" his authority.

*Pic from huffingtonpost.com


  1. Maybe he should have wrestled her to the ground first. 😖

  2. Anonymous11:39 PM

    "So 'non-compliance' is enough to get you the death penalty these days?"

    If you're attempting to "non-comply" a pistol out of your waistband, with the intention of "non-complying" a stream of bullets into the police officers that are arresting you, then yes, it will justifiably get you killed. At any rate, that's what the cops believed Sterling was doing when they shot him.

    Was the cops' belief reasonable? Was Sterling really going for his gun? As a member of the general public, it's not easy to make that determination, since we're told that the officers' bodycams fell off during the struggle with Sterling and captured no useful video for us to see, and the cellphone footage taken by bystanders, while shared widely on the Internet, does not depict the final moments when the shooting actually happened. There's not much to go on to refute the officers' version of events.

    There's a lot of uncertainty in the Sterling case and, as such, it does not seem like the best comparison with Justine Damond case. Her shooting appears to have been a straightforward screw-up by the officer.

    A better comparison with Damond's death is the Stephon Clark shooting that just happened in Sacramento. Both Damond and Clark died because an officer couldn't see what was going on in the darkness, panicked over the possibility of a gun that might be pointed in his direction (but which didn't actually exist), and commenced shooting. We shall see what happens to the officers who shot Clark, but it was clearly some terrible police work on their part.

  3. Sterling didn't have a gun in his waistband.

  4. Noor’s race and religion got him convicted and we ALL knew he would be and why.

    A VERY high profile Black person will have to be killed for something to change. Actually, that won’t mak a difference.

    On another note, how can Black cops work with these people?

  5. What? A white cop held an unarmed black suspect down and executed him?
    And got off scot-free? That can't be right, can it?
    Oh yeah, I forgot, it happens all of the damn time, even when there's video of it, like there was with Oscar Grant, but at least with him the goddamn pig had to do 11 months, and that was only because there would have been full-scale chaos had he been fully acquitted.


    -Doug in Oakland

  6. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Stop committing crimes and your TNB and you wont get shot. Maybe by your own because blacks wholesale slaughter each other everyday all over the country.

  7. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Obey the law and you wont get shot......

  8. Anonymous9:43 AM

    That pig... I mean... noble defender of the peace... flew into a murderous rage because he thought that Alton Sterling had a jelly doughnut on him and was being "non-compliant" in refusing to hand it over for evidence.

  9. Anonymous9:48 AM

    "Obey the law and you wont get shot......"

    That's right. Justine Ruszczyk Damond was not obeying the law when she refused to comply with Officer Mohamed Noor's commands.

    Hence, her death should be rule as justifiable homicide, Officer Noor exonerated of all charges, and he should probably receive a medal for performing his duty to serve and protect.

    Damn White people are always making excuses when they break the law.

  10. When America glorifies a whore, this prostitute that keeps appearing on peoples internet feeds as if she was meritorious of doing anything good for humanity, and whom, other than selling her body, probably walks around in a drug induced haze all day to be able to sell her 'wares' much like an animal, except animals don't do that! When this is the news of the day, and when children who should be in schoolrooms preparing for their future and the future of a nation, the world, are instead marching in the streets for their lives against other killer children, that's a problem...a biggie!

  11. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.

  12. Anonymous10:13 AM

    White boys got tiny brains and tiny dicks! LOL!

  13. Anonymous10:40 AM

    SOLID police work!!

  14. Anonymous10:44 AM

    "Officer Mohamed Noor shot Justine Ruszczyk Damond, a 40-year-old life coach on July 15 minutes after she called 911 to report a possible sexual assault in the alley behind her home."

    Affirmative action hire Noor was blowing his down-lo partner and the Aussie women witnessed the sodomy. So the substandard hire officer killed her to protect his latent homosexuality.

  15. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Officers Noor's actions were unlawful and the Australian women was not committing a crime but when a street thug is committing a real crime and you do not obey you may get shot.

  16. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.
    10:12 AM

    Where will your LINK and EBT come from???

  17. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Justine Ruszczyk Damond is now the poster child for White irresponsibility and excuse making.

    If you don't obey a police officer's commands, don't complain when you get shot.

    Ruszczyk Damond learned that lesson the hard way.

  18. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Hey white people, eat my shit straight from my ass!

  19. Anonymous11:57 AM

    "Hey white people, eat my shit straight from my ass!"

    That is one of Donald Trump's favorite sexual practices--right after being on the receiving end of Golden Showers.

  20. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Hey white people, eat my shit straight from my ass!
    11:27 AM

    negroes learn some strange practices in prison....

  21. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Ruszczyk Damond learned that lesson the hard way.
    10:57 AM

    She was murdered by an affirmative action hire that should have never been on the job.

    What commands did officer Noor give???
    Miss Damond was not committing any crimes unlike the black guy who was stopped from furthering his burglaries and home invasions.

  22. Anonymous12:49 PM

    > it does not seem like the best comparison with Justine Damond case. Her shooting appears to have been a straightforward screw-up by the officer.

    Noor did not "screw up".  Noor murdered a woman for not being "properly modest".  Noor fatally imposed his religion and culture on Justine Damond.  This is "multiculturalism" in action.

    > Noor’s race and religion got him convicted

    He hasn't been convicted yet.  If the Somalis can intimidate the officials and jurors enough, he may never be despite iron-clad proof of his guilt.

    Convicted or not, the Sessions justice department can go after him for civil rights violations.  The death penalty is on the table for such crimes.

    > and we ALL knew he would be and why.

    We all know that he should be, and also that this crime should have been impossible because Noor never should have been in the USA or anywhere outside of Somalia.  Somalis deserve each other.  No one else deserves them.

    I'm all for drowning Noor in a barrel of boiling lard, and telling all Somalis in the USA that they have a year to leave and any protest, misbehavior or overstay will get them the same.  Won't happen, but a guy can dream, right?

    > A VERY high profile Black person will have to be killed for something to change.

    When the Obamas, Lynch, Holder and others are convicted in military tribunals this year or next, you'll have your high-profile fatalities shortly thereafter.  Firing squads are efficient.

  23. Anonymous12:58 PM

    You are a worthless human being if you vote for Democrats and/or Republicans.

  24. Anonymous1:09 PM

    It's been said,white men wont go up and up with anyone,they gang up on you! Punks!

  25. Inborn disparities in intelligence and temperament lead to horrible problems. We need to partition the country into ethno-states.

  26. What commands did officer Noor give???
    Miss Damond was not committing any crimes unlike the black guy who was stopped from furthering his burglaries and home invasions.

    What black guy are you lying about? Castille was not a burglar. Alton Sterling wasn't. Clark in Sacremento wasn't.

    The only connection between Castille and an alleged robber was his black skin and a pig looking to make a name for himself.

  27. Anonymous2:19 PM

    ”Noor did not ‘screw up’. Noor murdered a woman for not being ‘properly modest’. Noor fatally imposed his religion and culture on Justine Damond. This is ‘multiculturalism’ in action.”

    Haha, you Nazi clowns have no end of conspiracy theories.

    Officer Noor blindly shot a person in the dark because he heard a loud noise. He had no idea how she was dressed or even if it was, in fact, a woman he was firing at.

    The dumb stuff you bozos obsess over ...

  28. Anonymous10:27 PM

    > Officer Noor blindly shot a person in the dark

    Which police officers are NEVER supposed to do, and by which standard Slager and Wilson never came close to doing wrong.

    > because he heard a loud noise.

    It would be so nice if police could simply kill every African within earshot of a loud noise and get off scot-free.  We could keep Africans away and stop them from making loud noises with one measure.

    > He had no idea how she was dressed or even if it was, in fact, a woman he was firing at.

    He had no business having his gun un-holstered or opening fire not knowing his target.  He should have been prosecuted for murder on that alone.

    > The dumb stuff you bozos obsess over ...

    There's a completely innocent woman who's dead because of that motherfucker who never should have had a uniform or a gun.  Compared to the dumb stuff YOU obsess over like the death of confirmed criminals, that's nothing.

  29. Here's the reaction from a local blogger< https://preview.tinyurl.com/yd6h2vzx>.
    There were no expectations in LA that any charges would be brought against these 'officers'. Blue trumps black everytime. The AG of Louisiana is a republican/tea party hack at the best of times and this was NOT of those times

  30. You can count on racistmoose to get his racist screed in at least one post per day.

  31. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Thank you, Mike!  Always nice to be acknowledged.

  32. Anonymous11:08 AM

    "Why do conservatives hate the kids from Parkland so much?"

    Because they are trying to take away Americans civil liberties and make America unsafe.

  33. Anonymous1:32 PM

    'Where will your LINK and EBT come from???"

    The same place you get yours you toothless moron.

  34. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Anonymous said...
    'Where will your LINK and EBT come from???"

    The same place you get yours you toothless moron.
    1:32 PM

    Incorrect again. I am educated and have a job, I earn my money.

  35. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Democrats want America unsafe and unprotected.

  36. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Department of Justice opens investigation into FISA abuse around the Steel dossier:


    This is probably for show.  More likely than not this matter has already been in front of a Federal grand jury and the indictments are already done, just waiting for the right time to un-seal them.

    Hillary, BHO, Holder, Lynch, Comey, McCabe and all the rest will be perp-walked this year.

  37. Anonymous7:55 PM

    I can hardly wait!!!

  38. Gotta love wingnuts and their fantasy world.☺

  39. Anonymous8:51 AM

    field negro said...
    Gotta love wingnuts and their fantasy world.☺
    9:34 PM

    Field how come you haven't moved to Wakanda with all the other libtazis???

  40. This is probably for show. More likely than not this matter has already been in front of a Federal grand jury and the indictments are already done, just waiting for the right time to un-seal them.

    Hillary, BHO, Holder, Lynch, Comey, McCabe and all the rest will be perp-walked this year.

    Total, BULLSHIT! None of it is true otherwise Drumpf would have been tipped off and you know he'd be bragging to the world how smart he is.

  41. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Why do conservatives hate the kids from Parkland so much?"

    Because they are trying to take away Americans civil liberties and make America unsafe.

    Because these kids from Parkland have had advanced civic courses through their school years and know how the system works. And they are all smarter than stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys.

  42. Anonymous6:10 AM

    To clarify Psycho from Iowa's comments:

    Conservatives hate the Parkland kids because those kids are:
    * Actors (members of the drama and TV clubs)
    * Pushing a provably fake narrative (Hogg's closet video was made before the shooting)
    * In order to take rights away from ordinary Americans who had nothing to do with anything in Parkland.

    Hogg, Gonzalez and the rest deserve 10x the hate they're getting.

  43. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Its not about safety of students....this is a good old fashioned POWER GRAB by the left.

    Bad things will happen if you give up your weapons....remember tattoos on peoples arms....now they have bar codes.

  44. Anonymous9:47 AM

    "Because these kids from Parkland have had advanced civic courses through their school years and know how the system works. And they are all smarter than stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys.
    2:10 PM "

    Bullshit,they have been BRAINWASHED by leftist propaganda and weaponized(Russian).

    The 2nd Amendments true nature may be implemented............

  45. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Doesn't David Hogg look and sound just like Joseph Goebbles??

