Thursday, April 19, 2018

Et tu, LA Fitness?

I am starting to see a trend.

One of the good things about living in a world where we can use our cell phones as video cameras, is that we can now see and hear things that some of us thought never happened in this country. Like, for instance,  open racism and bigotry in public spaces.

We all know by now what happened in that Philadelphia Starbucks on the edge of Rittenhouse Square. (BTW, the police were called within minutes of the men entering the store. They did not loiter for hours as some racist websites are suggesting.) But it's not only Starbucks with the alleged racist employees. Let's go to an LA. Fitness gym (full disclosure my current gym of choice) in the great state of New Jersey.

 "Amid nationwide backlash over a racial profiling incident at a Philadelphia Starbucks, three employees at a New Jersey gym have been fired for a similar situation.

In a series of Facebook videos that went viral Tuesday, two black men were kicked out of an LA Fitness in Secaucus after an employee called police.

Tshyrad Oates, who posted the videos on his account, said he was visiting on a four-day guest pass Monday. His friend, he said, had been a longtime member at the gym.“After about a half hour I was approached by this same employee telling me that I had to leave or pay and I explained to her that I just signed in with her with the guest pass,” Oates wrote on Facebook. 

“She stated that it was my friend who did not pay (unaware that her manager had already signed him in with his membership pass). My friend stated to her that he is an active and current member and that his gym tag was in his locker. He felt racially profiled and embarrassed by the harassment of this LA Fitness employee in front of other members at the gym.”

Oates continued to say that two policemen showed up at the LA Fitness to question them.
“We explained to them about our guest pass and rescanned my friend’s member tag and it resulted in current active statues. (The LA Fitness employee did look at the computer screen that showed current member status and said nothing),” he wrote.

“We again started our workout and 10 mins later an LA Fitness manager told us to leave, we stated that we did not do anything wrong and have active current memberships. 2 mins later 5 police men show up asking us to leave.”

The gym manager allegedly told Oates that he had been banned from the LA Fitness and his friend’s membership “has been terminated effective immediately.”

In one of Oates’ videos, his friend noted that they were “the only two black people in the gym” and that he had been “having problems with this staff for months.”

In another video, a man, seemingly a gym employee, insisted that no filming was allowed on premises as the videographer recorded his conversations with the police and other employees.
A spokesperson for the national branch told the Daily News late Thursday that the three employees are "no longer with the company."

"For over 30 years, people of all races have been welcome in our clubs. We do ask for a Membership card or ID to gain entry. The front desk staff employee was confused and thought the member was a guest. He explained that he was a member, had checked in earlier, and did not want to retrieve his membership card a second time. The front desk employee who made the request was not working when this member checked in the first time, so she was unaware," the statement to The News read.

"Regrettably, from there our staff unnecessarily escalated the situation and called the police rather than work through it. Clearly, this is a long time member, with a current, valid membership. We want to clarify that no membership was cancelled and no one, including the member’s guest, was banned from the club. We have spoken to the member to apologize and assure him that he and his guests are welcome in our clubs at all times."

LA Fitness also said that the company is "currently exploring potential training content and opportunities to better train our staff."

Oates did not immediately returned a request for comment. The local police also declined to comment." [Source]

I will paraphrase what a colleague of mine declared recently: The shit is exhausting, bro.   


  1. We shall overcome9:41 PM

    Two black guys got questioned as to their membership status a private gym.

    TIME TO RIOT!!!!!

  2. This is working out great. Black people are now going to be entitled entitled to free coffee and gym memberships.

    Now you just have to get two brothers kicked out of a KFC, and you'll be set.

  3. Pee-pee tapes, anyone?

  4. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Ah beez da feeled knee grow n sheeeeeeeeeeeeeit. Gnome sang?

  5. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Segregation in 2020

  6. Yisheng can't even pay anybody to pee on her.


  7. Anonymous11:09 PM

    A federal judge ruled that Dolt 45 cannot withhold policing money from Chicago (or presumably any other city) to punish them for being a “sanctuary city.”

    Hahahahaha, fuck Trump.

  8. We're getting there11:14 PM

    Solution: Start hanging judges.


  9. Anonymous Morpheus said...
    Yisheng can't even pay anybody to pee on her.

    But I bet you get paid a LOT to let “John” shit in your mouth!!

  10. Trinity11:17 PM



  11. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Yisheng posted both comments at 11:15 and 11:17.



  12. White people call the damn cops way too often. The cops are not, in fact, your mother, or your babysitter. They say they have important work to do, although I have seldom found that to be the case, so saddling them with the maintenance of your cowardice and racism would tend to distract them from that work, no?
    You wanna be a kkklucker or a goddamn Nazi, that's on you, not the cops, who have their own damn issues to work through before you even called.
    Plus, it's fucking stupid. There are very, very few situations that cannot be made worse by the addition of the police. I guess white people don't have that impressed upon them as much as non-white people normally, so calling them seems like a better idea to them than to anyone who has actually been around when they showed up.

    -Doug in Oakland

  13. Anonymous11:21 PM

    BREAKING: Starbucks Announces That All Baristas Will Begin Wearing Body Cameras Immediately.

  14. Anonymous11:23 PM

    "White people call the damn cops way too often."

    Whomen call the damn cops way too often.

  15. Anonymous11:55 PM

    WTF? Trump is adding Rudy Giuliani to his legal team.

    Rudy can’t save your flabby orange ass, dude.

    Mueller is coming.

  16. Lance Cockstrong12:36 AM

    All the micro dick white boys in the gym were jealous that a well endowed black man was occupying the same space as them.

  17. Even though Trump is in office, Black Run America continues.

  18. Forced integration isn't working. Do you really need to sweat next to Whitey?

  19. What, the basketball court in the ghetto wasn't good enough for this negro?

  20. Truth Hurts, bitch!9:17 AM

    @11:20, good for you, you guessed correctly! 🙄

    Now if you were only that correct on your SATs, you wouldn’t have grown up to be such a dumbass!!


  21. We don’t either, Counselor! 👍🏽

  22. dinthebeast said...
    White people call the damn cops way too often. The cops are not, in fact, your mother, or your babysitter.

    They do so out of pure, evil, malice NOT fear.

    And Becky’s tears are THE most manipulative weapon in their arsenal!

  23. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Philly black man throws coffee into a Dunkin Donuts employees face:

    And again in 2012:

    And in 2011, a black man raped a woman in the bathroom of the coffee shop where she worked:

    (Funny, Field didn't get that business either.  The lawyer's name is dot-Indian.)

    You'd think white people would have ample reason to be wary of blacks in coffee shops in Philadelpha.  However, there's no mention of Christopher Reeves or David Timbers on this blog, and "threw coffee" gets no hits either.

    Apparently, Field thinks black people can do no wrong.  And you wonder why white America is fed up.  Read the news.  Oh, I hope that Starbucks caves completely to you, is abandoned by its paying clientele, and goes out of business.  They deserve to.  But you deserve the blame for all of it.

  24. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Racism or Realism???

  25. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Two black guys got questioned as to their membership status a private gym.

    Pull a Al or Jesse "gibs me dat" shakedown of a business.

  26. Anonymous10:01 AM

    If we could only get rid of niggers, blacks would have nothing to worry about.......

  27. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    A federal judge ruled that Dolt 45 cannot withhold policing money from Chicago (or presumably any other city) to punish them for being a “sanctuary city.”

    Hahahahaha, fuck Trump

    This occurred because stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys sued Obama and won a court case stating the fed couldn't withhold payments to states that stop funding Planned Parenthood through Medicaid. Wingnuts get bit by their own hate. That is Hillary-ous!

  28. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Two black guys got questioned as to their membership status a private gym.

    Amazingly firm grasp of the situation by a typical anystoopidfuckingmoose. Tide's turning wasicu wasteys. Soon, but not near soon enough, you will be switching places with POC and the shit will hit the fan. You will have deserved everything you get in return for yer treatment of minorities all these decades.

  29. wasicu wastey11:09 AM

    "You will have deserved everything you get in return for yer treatment of minorities all these decades."

    You mean we are going to get Affirmative Action, government contract set asides, and special legal status for crimes against us??

  30. kike from iowa11:12 AM

    "Hahahahaha, fuck Trump"

    It's good that unelected district court judges control domestic and foreign policy, not the elected executive branch as specified by the Constitution.

  31. These incidents are really,really sad :( They might as well just put up signs 'NO BLACKS ALLOWED' and save themselves having to call the police(race soldiers)...I think the writing's on the wall need for signs...

  32. Feeled Kneegrow12:28 PM

    So sad. Being asked to buy something or show a membership card is just like lynching.

    Nothing has changed.

  33. mmjames12:29 PM

    I'm Chinese-American and think blacks complain too much about petty racism. Get your heads out of your asses and take some personal responsibility and maybe the perception other people have of you will improve.

    See more at:

  34. Ancient Chinese secret.

  35. Reading wasicu wastey comments filled with nothing but racism sure explains why stoopid fucking wingnuts are de-evolving beyond the speed of light.

    Hurry faster, bitches, yer trees await thee. Bwahahahahahahahahaha!

  36. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  37. Fuck Trump and fuck all of you.

  38. Yisheng like woman gets busted for fake job credentials:

    Company officials became suspicious when she had trouble "performing duties within the educational level and experience listed on her resume" and when she began delegating many tasks assigned to her

  39. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Trump honing in on Hillary and Obama........

  40. The cell phone generation aka the Education of Whitey. But sometimes a credible story will do. Michael Harriot has an incident that nails the petty authoritarian type pretty well. He stood in his hotel lobby in a hoodie waiting for an Uber. Hotel employee tells him the lobby is for guests only. He shows his hotel room key. She SAYS SHE NEEDS TO SCAN THE KEY. Concierge overhears the conversation and tells employee that he brought Harriot's luggage to his room, vouches for him as a guest. Ignores concierge, says she will have to SCAN THE KEY. Harriot says no you won't Uber arrives and Harriot departs.

    Our NYC gym has almost an all-black & Latino staff and maybe 1/4 of the members are black, too, everyone gets along beautifully But we can't feel superior to Jerseyites or Philadelphians. Google James Blake police incident, never mind Eric Garner, Abadou Diallo, Abner Louima. Sigh.

  41. Sigh. We love our criminals.

  42. Potato Rodriguez5:42 PM

    It’s OK to be white
    It’s OK to be black
    It’s OK to be brown
    It’s OK to be yellow

    But I draw the line at stupid. It's not OK to be mike from iowa.

  43. Winning!5:43 PM

    Republicans banging Playmates > Democrats banging portly interns.


  44. Michael Harriot has an incident that nails the petty authoritarian type pretty well. He stood in his hotel lobby in a hoodie waiting for an Uber. Hotel employee tells him the lobby is for guests only.

    Blacks knew that with the Baby Daddy in Chief, White folks would be pulling this shit FAR more often.

    We also expect this to get MUCH worse until the pee-pee tapes are released and he quits in urea and uric acid shame!

  45. Jewey Bishop5:57 PM

    James Comey and Andrew McCabe are such good buddies that they insisted that their reputation should both die on the same day.

  46. Affirmative Action Jackson6:00 PM

    Yīshēng, WAKOONDAN SURGEON GENERAL!!!������������ said...
    Blacks knew that with the Baby Daddy in Chief, White folks would be pulling this shit FAR more often.

    If Whites get much more uppity, you'll get your useless ass thrown out of whatever institution of higher learning you're squatting in.

    I can't wait.

  47. Wakandtard6:03 PM

    Yīshēng, WAKOONDAN SURGEON GENERAL!!!������������ said...
    We also expect this to get MUCH worse until the pee-pee tapes are released and he quits in urea and uric acid shame!

    Imagine believing such "tapes" exist.

  48. Looks the Dems have FINALLY grown a backbone!

  49. Drumpfuck the liar caught in another lie. He claims he did not spend a single night in Russia in 2013, but flight records and pictures show he was there from Friday until Sunday.

    Steele Dossier is proven true again. Drumpfuck can't help but lie.

  50. This oughta be good7:19 PM

    "Looks the Dems have FINALLY grown a backbone!"

    Looks like they still need a brain!

  51. Missouri's stoopid fucking wassicu wastey guv indicted -

    This is too, too much for the party of family values. OTOH had he been a black man the process servers would have shot him in the back and claIMED MORTAL FEAR FOR THEIR LIVES.

  52. Pee on me, when I'm not strong8:13 PM

    ...but flight records and pictures show he was there from Friday until Sunday...

    Of course he was there his hair caught on fire, and the prostitutes peed on him to put his wig out!


  53. President Upgrade8:37 PM

    Trump is on pace to actually deserve a Nobel peace prize.

  54. Two loiterers being removed from a Starbucks gets about 100 times more attention than two cops being assassinated while eating lunch

    1. Reminds me of the cops in Vegas who were assasinated a few years back. The same eyebrows should have been raised when cops had high powered rifles pointed at them by militia types over a guy who refused to pay grazing fees. Now that was some bullshit!

  55. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Jim Crow in 2020 !

  56. Pee on my parade10:10 PM

    Anonymous President Downgrade said
    Trump is on pace to actually deserve a Nobel pee-pee prize.


  57. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Hey Monkeez, how long before Oxygen is Racist?

  58. Doc, Desert, Sharon, PC, Field, Doug, Mike and the other cool kids if you're in Chicago May 4th roll to the Captain X birthday/captain party!

  59. That sounds like FUN PX, but unfortunately that’s a week before finals so I’ll in the books. 😐

  60. Speaking of flying, part of the flight crew of one of the planes I was on last week had a Black Pilot and an Asian co-Pilot that looked about 18 years old. I joked on the way off the plane that they “hid” the co-pilot during boarding because he looked so young!

  61. Anonymous11:07 PM

    The Asian pilot was there to make sure the black guy didn't touch anything.

  62. Get Shorty11:29 PM

    The Asian pilot was there to make sure the black guy didn't touch anything.

    Which is impossible because his feet probably couldn’t touch the floor and he could barely see over the controls.

  63. kike from iowa12:32 AM

    BREAKING: US judge in Hawaii orders North Korea to continue nuclear weapon and missile testing pending outcome of DNC lawsuit.

    Hahahahaha, fuck Trump

  64. Dems some balls12:36 AM

    The DNC rigged their own primary, laundered campaign contributions to circumvent federal limits and created a fabricated political hit piece on their political opposition in conjunction with rogue operatives in government and now they are suing for conspiracy?

  65. Anonymous1:15 AM

    You will have to excuse the delusional babblings of the Alt Reich and other White trolls here.

    Like their cult leader, Donald Trump, they live in their own "alternative facts" un-reality.

    In general, White America is increasingly mentally unhinged, as they feel their grip on racial power and dominance slipping away as the world becomes more multicultural and multiracial. The most extreme examples of this mental imbalance are evidenced by the conga line of White male mass murderers/shooters who have slithered across the American social landscape in recent years.

    Overall, Whites cannot stand the thought of having their White supremacist ... I mean... colorblind meritocratic ....way of life and power ended. Hence, they will stand reality on its head and paint themselves as innocent victims as pure as the lily White snow, who are threatened by people of color.

    Donald Trump in many ways is merely the symptom.

    White supremacy is the disease itself.

    The article below offers some insight into the crazy, unhinged mind of White identity politics and its minions. As it states,

    They are citizens of what the journalist David Neiwert calls “Alt-America” – “a mental space beyond fact or logic, where the rules of evidence are replaced by paranoia”. The inhabitants of Alt-America are overwhelmingly white, with better-than-average levels of income and education. Their distrust of the mainstream media and American establishment has rendered them oddly gullible, susceptible to believing any story that supports their world-view. The “beating heart” of Alt-America is white identity politics.

    Welcome to the Heart of Whiteness.

    The alt-right, and how the paranoia of white identity politics fuelled Trump’s rise

  66. Anonymous3:16 AM

    Holy god, listen to these idiots! Superior race my ass. Bet they are trolls here.

  67. YoDawg!8:28 AM

    You know, any black in America who thinks it is the most 'da rasis' place is welcome to move to Liberia or some other 'Afican' country. But I guess there is not enough whites or other culture that can produce something to parasite from, so it's just a pipe dream for now.

    1. Yeee haw!12:40 PM

      Or any white who wants to be free from us negroes is free to move to Iceland but I guess there isn't enough meth or trailer parks so that is a pipe dream.

  68. Is anybody else watching former first lady Barbara Bush's funeral? It's being live streamed over CBS.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.


  71. @ PR I know who’s NOT watching it, no orange people with wives that bare ass and nipples on magazines.😉

  72. "Is anybody else watching former first lady Barbara Bush's funeral? It's being live streamed over CBS."

    It's on every channel. They preempted Lucky Dog for that.

  73. Holy crap, this is STILL ON! Can we throw this broad in a hole and move on?

  74. Kill white men, fuck white women2:07 PM

    Kill white men.
    Fuck white women.

  75. And the media is also fixated on a newly born Bush baby, so the Pig People don't get their trotters in a bunch thinking they were short a Bush.

    Anon @ 1:15: Neiwert used to be on staff at Crooks and Liars where he covered the "sovereign citizen" and "militia" crazies and wrote a few books, one with John Amato called "Over the Cliff: How Obama's Election Drove the American Right Insane" and one called "Eliminationists: How Hate Talk Radicalized the American Right" that could have been subtitled " a guide to the mental derangement of the trolls at the Field Negro."
    I didn't know he had a new book, but it does seem like he probably would have one on this subject, which is right up his alley, so to speak.
    Excessive and focused credulity also seems to be a symptom of habitual meth use.

    -Doug in Oakland

  76. Black entitlement is a very real and dangerous thing in this country.

  77. Yīshēng, WAKOONDAN SHEBOON!!!������������ said...
    @ PR I know who’s NOT watching it, no orange people with wives that bare ass and nipples on magazines

    Do you think the ex-President who's momma posed naked for Frank Marshall Davis is watching?

  78. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.

  79. Yisheng = nigger, lilac = cunt5:01 PM

    Obama is the epitome of class. Trump is the epitome of trash.

  80. BREAKING: Verne Troyer Dies, Aged 49.

    He lived a short life.

  81. Dave Zirin is a fuckboi6:17 PM

    Stupid white fuckboys like Dave Zirin are a very real and dangerous thing in this country.

  82. Check a Bitch8:16 PM

    Obama is the epitome of class. Trump is the epitome of trash.

    And you’re the epitome of a no life having bitch, that has herpes on her chin from sucking 🍆 in greyhound bathroom stalls.


  83. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Black people claim they built everything, while their native lands are festooned with nothing of their own making better than mud huts, primitive spears and the crudest of woven cloth.  Handed complete Western cities, they destroy them and sell off the leaded glass windows, copper and brass in the plumbing and even the very bricks.

    If black people cannot see their actual nature and effects, they are far too stupid to be allowed to participate in Western societies and should be removed to Africa.

    If black people actually understand what they are doing, they are evil and should be exterminated without delay or regret.

    There are no other choices.  Pick one.

    1. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand another fuckboi11:26 PM

      If dumbasses like anon 8:33pm actually believes people give a shit what he thinks he's an idiot if he doesn't believe it and posts his bullshit anyway he is a fuckboi. Choose one.

  84. Still a bunch of fuckboys11:33 PM

    White people claim to be these brilliant creators but how come around here we get methheaded fuckboys who smell like apes and live in shitty trailer parks? Master race my ass. Go to Missouri to see how these red necks really live with their bigheaded inbred no shirt wearing asses. And then have the nerve to come here and lecture us when they know damn well they need to be lecturing the baby selling meth freaks in their neck of the woods. Jesus, leave us the fuck alone no one wants to be bothered by your dumb asses. White folks always wanna be i. somebody's business. Nosey no life having asshole fuckboys. Get a fucking life.

  85. @11:26, the most attention it gets is on this blog.

    Then it crawls back into the hole under his mammy’s trailer.

    1. Anonymous11:46 PM

      Maybe he needs to spend time dealing with this instead of funking up this place.


    Alleged photos of Obama's mother debunked. Another right wing lie laid to rest.


    Wasicu wastey shoots and kills 4 in a Tennessee waffle house. The honky gunman was nude except for a green jacket. Had his toy taken away before he ran away.

    What's left to say, but, fuck the NRA.

  88. He shot up a waffle house with an assault rifle. Shouldn't there have been a point on the way where he wondered what the fuck he was doing and why?
    Apparently no, he just took his pants off and went for it. Whether the lack of pants contributed to the loss of his weapon to a customer in a scuffle, they didn't say.

    -Doug in Oakland

  89. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Wow, crazy white fuckboi shoots up restaurant while a negro disarms him and is the hero. And we want to get rid of all negroes and get more fuckboys?Why exactly?

  90. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Waffle House shooting suspect arrested last year by Secret Service for being in restricted area near White House.

    After the arrest, his Illinois firearms authorization was revoked and local Illinois police confiscated his firearms.

  91. But if HRC didn't have emails the SS could have extraordinarily rendered wasicu wastey and taught him to shoot only blacks and other minorities. It is all HRC's fault.

  92. Cops in Alabama waffle house made a black woman strip so they could see if she was the naked shooter from Tennessee. This woman complained to employees about having to pay extra for plastic eating utensils that were free the last time she was in the joint. There is video out there of this incident.

  93. Stop me if you've heard this stoopid shit before- a woman with a 2 year old daughter and a concealed carry permit checks into a hotel. Placing the toddler on the bed, for some inexplicable reason the woman reaches into her purse to bring out the gun which fires and kills her daughter.

    I am so fucking tired of hearing about guns that don't kill people killing people, especially innocent children. I am so fucking tired of hearing about responsible gun owners who do irresponsible things and get relatives and kids killed.

    I am sure Russia/NRA will applaud the woman for defending her person from a nasty terrible 2 year old. Fuck you people right square in your brains-if you have one.

  94. Anonymous6:01 PM

    2 black thugs deliberately shoot a 13-month-old white boy in the head after trying to shoot his mother.

    Psycho from Iowa:  <yawn>

    9 black people shot and killed in Chiraq last week... by other black people.

    Psycho from Iowa:  ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzZZZZZZZzzzzzz

    Alleged (no link, no article found) shooting of a 2-yr-old in a hotel when mother mis-handles her gun.

    Psycho from Iowa:  "OUTRAGEOUS!  All white people should be disarmed!  Fuck the NRA!"

    One gets the feeling that he doesn't care about anyone's life.  He only cares about making everyone powerless to resist the edicts of tyrants like himself.  You have to wonder how many of his neighbors know this, and are ready to deal with him as soon as the flag goes up.

    We can hope it's at least 3.

  95. Anonymous6:49 AM

    If dumbasses like anon 8:33pm actually believes people give a shit what he thinks he's an idiot if he doesn't believe it and posts his bullshit anyway he is a fuckboi. Choose one.
    11:26 PM

    Well, apparently, YOUR dumbass cared enough to reply!

    And he's right, ANYTHONG or PLACE given to you all look the same today, Detroit/Kenya...Chiaq/ Nigeria...Baltimore/ Somalia...its not the location, ass sniffer, its the common denominator...YOU and your useless race! EVERY thing you touch turns to shit, once awesome cities are now cess pools and shooting galleries! More people are killed in chiraq every year than are killed in Iraq! That's something to be proud of, asshole!

  96. Anonymous6:53 AM

    @12:32 AM

    LMFAO...Trump is going to get a Nobel for actually doing something, brought South and North Korea together again, while Obama got a Nobel PEACE prize for BOMBING Libya!!!

    ROFLMFAO again!!!

    Man you're a stupid fucking nog!

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