Tuesday, April 17, 2018

It's 2018.

Former First Lady Barbara Bush passed away today.

Here is what your president tweeted:


  1. Wasians suck "eggrolls" dipped in meth10:41 PM

    So it turns out one of the Black men arrested in Starbucks is a Penn Alumni.

    No wonder Starbucks jumped on the contrition train so fast.

  2. ‘Why should we hear about body bags and deaths? It’s not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?’

    Welp, Babs, now you won't have to trouble yourself with even the thought of it. I did answer your question at the time, as I recall, by saying that your idiot son ordered those deaths that filled those body bags, and the whole thing could have been avoided if you had just blown Poppy that one time.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. The Office of the POTUS may have slightly humanized the monster in the last sixteen months. But it is too little too late.

    He will never learn how to make nice to all peoples of the earth.

    Fuck him. Crush the limo he rode inside to Washington, District of Columbia.

    May his bones be burned. May his memory be excised.

  4. Mrs. Bush would look good on a two dollar bill. You heard it here first.

  5. Anonymous2:27 AM


  6. Anonymous2:35 AM

    I hope starbucks starts playing nigger garbage rap music so all the filthy ghetto hood animals start going there and demanding free shit and trashing the place. Should make good videos for Worldstar.

  7. Anonymous2:48 AM


  8. Anonymous2:54 AM

    America has Negro Monkey fatigue.

  9. Interesting day, had a young sista ask to take a photo of myself and my flying partner because she said she had never had two brothas as her pilots. Funny part was one of our flight attendants said she couldn't do something like that without being called racist. Not sure if I should spend time explaining the situation or not. Probably not.🤔

  10. Anonymous2:59 AM

    Thank Heaven for White People

  11. RIP to the woman who lost her life on the SWA flight today. She was just traveling to see loved ones and unfortunately was in tbe wrong place.

  12. Barbara Bush is a million times better looking than that tranny ape "Michelle" Obama.

  13. I suppose the crooked Bush clan will petition the Scotus to reimstate Bab's life and give her necessary medical treatment to keep her alive u
    ntil the next time she decides to forego treatment again.

    St Peter found out she married Hitler Weasel Bush and bore crooks dumbass dubya, Jed and Neil and told her to go to hell.

  14. Lance Cockstrong9:53 AM

    All the Bush men are typical micro dick white boys. Barbie just got tired of being around them.

  15. Puerto Rican food looks, smells, and tastes like shit10:07 AM

    I'm not a fan of either Bush, but their wives are classy women. Infinite more close than tr**p has in that big empty head of his.

  16. 40 lattes and a mule10:33 AM

    All black people should demand free coffee as 'reparations'. What's Starbucks going to do, fire their white barista for trying to NOT be racist?

  17. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Gibs me dat!!

  18. Lilac pr.12:16 PM

    This is incredible! Every week an outage here at my home and now the entire island is out!!! Again! Anx tbe outrageous prices they charge!!!Feels like 1918 around here!

  19. Laura Bush has something not even HRC has- a body count for real.

  20. Anonymous12:57 PM

    "This is incredible! Every week an outage here at my home and now the entire island is out!!! Again! Anx tbe outrageous prices they charge!!!Feels like 1918 around here!"

    Just heard about that, Lilac. PR's electrical grid is obviously still in crappy shape, even 7 months after the hurricane. That sucks.

    1. Lilac pr.1:47 PM

      Because they don't fix it! They live high on the hog and forget about the islands needs! This is ridiculous! They're saying the gas lines are already as long as for Maria, and I guess the ATMS are also out of service! Sucks big,big time!

    2. Lilac pr.2:27 PM

      Thank God I have the little solar panels cos I've had to have three therapies so far because of Saharan dust over the island. So I just connected the extension cord for the fridge. And at least we'll have the fans tonight, if that doesn't konk out too! This is no way to live. Soon the tower generators will shut down and we won't have internet or phone service so toodle ooh guys. I'm gonna have, we're gonna have to learn to drum, so we can communicate in pr...xD

  21. Anonymous1:13 PM

    "‘Why should we hear about body bags and deaths? It’s not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?’

    Welp, Babs, now you won't have to trouble yourself with even the thought of it. I did answer your question at the time, as I recall, by saying that your idiot son ordered those deaths that filled those body bags, and the whole thing could have been avoided if you had just blown Poppy that one time."

    Doug, I think this is a case of a quote from an interview being taken out of context. Barbara Bush wasn't saying that the deaths of soldiers in Iraq didn't matter. She was asked about whether she was following the TV news in the lead-up to the Iraq War, and she said that there wasn't much point in watching the news (about this subject) because it was all just conjecture about what was going to happen, and none of the media commentators really knew for sure how the war would develop.

    In other words, she was saying she didn't care about the news media's opinions, not that she didn't care about the deaths of American soldiers.

    Snopes: Barbara Bush ‘Beautiful Mind’ Quote

    This is a similar situation to the "what difference does it make?" quote from Hillary Clinton's congressional testimony, which was taken out of context and distorted by right-wing media. They made it seem like she was saying the deaths of 4 Americans in Benghazi didn't matter, when she was actually saying the Republican senators' dumb questions about the terrorists' motives didn't matter. (Those questions were only relevant to the made-up wingnut conspiracy theories about Benghazi.)

    In Context: Hillary Clinton's 'What difference does it make' comment

  22. Dave the pale ape2:08 PM

    Barbara Bush is a million times better looking than that tranny ape "Michelle" Obama.
    Dave Zirin smells like an ape but is a lot uglier and dumber.

    1. Dave Zirin is a weirdo2:09 PM

      Dave has a thing for women who look like Thomas Jefferson. Let your freak flag fly Davie boy.

  23. Now I think the White House is just playing with us. "Where's them fuck-up?" is getting old. 2017? He could say, of course, that he was clar1voyant and knew a year ago that Babs would buy the farm yesterday, or maybe he had a contract put out that would only be exercised a year from then, but nobody's asked. Somebody just quietly corrected the so-called error, and there are too many other huge fuck-ups to worry about this one.

    Now, hand me my cofefe, I need it for my trip to Nambia.

    In other news, one of Queen Elizabeth's corgis died.

    A blackout where?

  24. Bubble Boy2:13 PM

    "Doug, I think this is a case of a quote from an interview being taken out of context"

    Doug fits whatever he hears into the context he wants.

  25. In other news, one of Queen Elizabeth's corgis died. WTF is this one of them? It was the last one she owned. Now she's back to potty training Charles and Godzilla.

  26. Anonymous2:48 PM

    We can tell that the tweet about Barbara Bush’s death was actually written by Trump, and not some White House staffer, because, as usual for his statements, it makes no damn sense.

    Literacy is a family value? Um, what?

  27. I read that snopes piece before I posted. Also, as I said, I was alive and aware of what she said when she said it.
    Fuck her in her neck with a flaming crucifix, along with the rest of the Bush family. There was a reason that during the Reagan administration all of those stickers said "shoot Bush first."
    I still remember what they really did, not the misty-eyed media fluff that gets pumped out about them now. Like the pardoning of the Iran-Contra felons that let Reagan scoot safely away from accountability for the illegal war he waged in central America. I know folks who had to flee from that war. Real, actual, human beings who had to get their families out of the country they were born in to avoid being slaughtered by the illegal war Saint Ronnie claimed that in his heart he still believed never happened, but the evidence said otherwise.
    And don't even get me started about Prescott Bush.
    America will be a better place when the whole lot of them are gone.
    I don't give a rat's ass how "grandmotherly" they say she looked. I saw her, and she looked fucking evil.

    -Doug in Oakland

  28. https://www.vox.com/identities/2018/4/18/17252086/diante-yarber-police-shooting-barstow-california-walmart

    More police target practice using live black people as targets.

  29. Nigmund Freud4:09 PM

    dinthebeast said...
    "Fuck her in her neck with a flaming crucifix"

    Methinks Doug has issues. Serious issues.

  30. Nigmund Freud4:11 PM

    Flying Junior said...
    "Fuck him. Crush the limo he rode inside to Washington, District of Columbia."

    This one has issues too. Perhaps daddy issues. Or maybe he is just a virtue-signalling cuck.

  31. J. Burton4:24 PM

    The ideal outcome of this Starbucks farce is that self-respecting white Americans stop patronizing them, and henceforward their customer base consists primarily of permanently-aggrieved "people of color" who get their drinks for free.

  32. I bet when Michelle Obama dies negroes will loot and riot to "honor" her.

  33. "Methinks Doug has issues. Serious issues."

    One fewer issue than the day before yesterday.

    -Doug in Oakland

  34. Phillip, does your cousin/wife know that you spend so much time on Negro blogs?

  35. shadowsweep9:21 PM

    As a Chinese-American, I believe Barbara Bush had more integrity in her pinky finger than the Obamas had in their entire bodies.

    See more at:

  36. You are not Chinese, and you are not American.
    Can you say *Bot* boys and girls?

  37. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  38. "While we're on the subject of the horrors of war, and humanity's most poisonous and least charitable attributes, let me not forget to mention Barbara Bush (that would be former First Lady and presidential mother as opposed to W's liquor-swilling, Girl Gone Wild, human ashtray of a daughter. I'm sorry, that's not fair. I've no idea if she smokes.) When the administration censored images of the flag-draped coffins of the young men and women being killed in Iraq - purportedly to respect "the privacy of the families" and not to minimize and cover up the true nature and consequences of the war - the family matriarch expressed her support for what was ultimately her son's decision by saying on Good Morning America on March 18, 2003, "Why should we hear about body bags and deaths? I mean it's not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?"

    Mrs. Bush is not getting any younger. When she eventually ceases to walk among us we will undoubtedly see photographs of her flag-draped coffin. Whatever obituaries that run will admiringly mention those wizened, dynastic loins of hers and praise her staunch refusal to color her hair or glamorize her image. But will they remember this particular statement of hers, this "Let them eat cake" for the twenty-first century? Unlikely, since it received far too little play and definitely insufficient outrage when she said it. So let us promise herewith to never forget her callous disregard for other parents' children while her own son was sending them to make the ultimate sacrifice, while asking of the rest of us little more than to promise to go shopping. Commit the quote to memory and say it whenever her name comes up. Remind others how she lacked even the bare minimum of human integrity, the most basic requirement of decency that says if you support a war, you should be willing, if not to join those nineteen-year-olds yourself, then at least, at the very least, to acknowledge that said war was actually going on. Stupid fucking cow.”

    ― David Rakoff, Don't Get Too Comfortable: The Indignities of Coach Class, The Torments of Low Thread Count, The Never-Ending Quest for Artisanal Olive Oil, and Other First World Problems

    -Doug in Oakland

  39. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Psycho from Iowa's article says this:

    "Yarber was inside a car in a Walmart parking lot in Barstow, California, on April 5 when law enforcement officers arrived, according to a press release. They were responding to a call about a “suspicious vehicle” and attempted to conduct a traffic stop. Yarber reportedly “reversed the vehicle and struck one of the patrol cars.” The release also stated that Yarber accelerated toward the officers and struck a second vehicle before officers opened fire on the car."

    In other words, Yarber was using the vehicle as a very deadly weapon.

    Psycho didn't have any problems with the cold-blooded murder of Daniel Shaver.  I doubt he would have any problems if police shot a white guy who did this.  He just thinks black people should have total impunity.  He has to go.

  40. That article also said witnesses claimed officers were not in the vehicle's path and were not in danger. Nice cherry picking, Anystoopidfuckingmoose!

    Babs Bush real name was Ralph before extensive sex changing surgery. In the recovery room, surgeons suddenly noticed she was an exact twin to U of Colorado's buffalo mascot-Ralphie, so the quick thinking doctors went to a homeless shelter, grabbed the first white haired anything they could find and gave it a new identity as a Bush. ( full disclosure-parts of this story are true)

  41. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Liberal Nazis!!!


  42. Anonymous11:43 PM

    How easily we forget, and how easily the press hurried up and squelched the horrible racist thing that Barbara Bush said about the black people during the devastating flood down south a few years ago.

    Funny how they "claim" to be inclusive and "not a racist" until what they say about blacks behind closed doors suddenly slips our in public.

    Rest in peace.
