Sunday, April 15, 2018

Starbucks, we have a problem.

Two black men walk into a Starbucks coffee shop. It sounds like the start of a bad joke, until you see what happens next: The manager called the police to have the two men arrested for being....well...two black men in a Starbucks.

Thankfully, there were some white folks there who used their white privilege to record the entire sorry episode and post in on social media.  It's always good to have conscious white folks around who will take note of the disparity in treatment between the races and call out the perpetrators on their actions.

True confessions. I used to go to Starbucks quite often, primarily because I had a thing for their Caffe Misto. But I have since broken away from my Starbucks jones,  because I do not like the idea of being addicted to a particular drink--- or anything else for that matter. Sadly, I always noticed a classist yuppie vibe about Starbucks that I found offsetting. There is a perception that they are these liberal progressive folks who cater to a like-minded people, but I have learned long ago that certain types of "liberal progressive" people can be some of the most racist who harbor implicit biases about black folks that are no different than those in different ideological camps.

Anyway, clearly the manager at this particular Philadelphia store fit into that category. She felt the need to call Philly's finest on the two men for trespassing  because she felt that they stayed in the store too long without making a purchase. Forget the fact that the men were waiting on a friend to consummate a business deal, or that Starbucks is a place where folks (see white people) hang out for hours after purchasing just one cup of coffee or nothing at all.

"Ever since I posted this, I’ve had white strangers AND friends say “there must be something more to this story.” That assumption is a big part of the problem. It does happen. All the time. Just not to you and me. Believe it and speak up."

Melissa, I could not have said it better myself.

*Pic courtesy of  @missydepino 



  1. Anonymous6:22 PM

    negros have no business at starbucks. leave this place to the whites...maybe some enterprising negro will open a black only coffee shop. sorry not likely to happen.

    1. As much of a dick comment as this is it's pretty much true. Whites will never stop thinking if themselves as the master race and blacks are threatening savages no matter how progressive they claim to be (unless that white person is bedding a black) and then it might just be to get a designer mixed baby to go full liberal with. If blacks want equality it'll come from other blacks...and even that's a stretch because everyone tends to be jealous of everyone else and secretly wants them to fail.

  2. Field said...
    There is a perception that they are these liberal progressive folks who cater to a like-minded people, but I have learned long ago that certain types of "liberal progressive" people can be some of the most racist who harbor implicit biases about black folks that are no different than those in different ideological camps.


    Truer words were never spoken.

  3. Anonymous7:34 PM

    It's just a cup o'joe, not a white yuppie plot. The men shouldn't have been tossed, and the CEO of the company has apologized. Maybe you want free coffee for blacks?

  4. Wesley R7:35 PM

    Trump's America.

  5. Anonymous7:37 PM

  6. Anonymous7:39 PM

    A coal burner and a skinny jean climate change kook.

  7. Anonymous said...

    It's just a cup o'joe, not a white yuppie plot. The men shouldn't have been tossed, and the CEO of the company has apologized. Maybe you want free coffee for blacks?

    7:34 PM

    Maybe I want that this truly be a free country, maybe I want that everyone can go wherever, drive wherever, shop wherever, and not live in fear of being arrested or killed because of the color of their skin. and no, no one wants "free coffee" from that miserable over touted joint.

    We have one here in San Juan, because they're too hoity toity to come to the rest of the island, and they might as well not, nobody would go. I found it to be small, crowded, understaffed and dirty, the coffee..meh, I've had better, first and last time I went.

  8. Yisheng = nigger8:16 PM

    Starbucks sucks ass. Terrible coffee, terrible company.

  9. Didn't realize blacks even went to Starbucks, or drank coffee. I thought grape soda and 40's were your thing.

  10. Lance Cockstrong8:33 PM

    Don't ever go to Starbucks. It is a place by and for micro dick white boys and their ugly women.

  11. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Stalker = Wasisn with a loose anal sphincter muscle due to anal sex with camels.
    I sucks LOTS of ass. Terrible in STEM, terrible gay hooker.

  12. Dave Zirin is a negro stalking fuckboi pussy, yes he is9:32 PM

    Well we know coffee isn't for the Dave Zirin types, they prefer Mountain Dew and meth.

  13. Lilacpr said...
    "Maybe I want that this truly be a free country, maybe I want that everyone can go wherever, drive wherever, shop wherever, and not live in fear..."

    You mean like white folk being able to stroll through a black neighborhood?

  14. Maybe if you negroes weren't synonymous with loud thuggish behavior, people in Starbucks wouldn't feel threatened by your kind.

  15. Puerto Rican food looks, smells, and tastes like shit10:08 PM

    Who would've thought that people in Starbucks of all places would be taking cues from the tr**p clan.

  16. Yisheng secretly craves white dick10:21 PM

    Nobody should be wasting their time or money in Starbucks.

  17. Reginald Denny said...

    You mean like white folk being able to stroll through a black neighborhood?

    9:48 PM

    What a silly question! Yes of course! Why not? Now if you were to ask in a poverty stricken neighborhood, no of course no, but then ask yourself why? Why is it poverty stricken? And black folks shouldn't be walking in white poverty stricken meth ridden trailer parks either. But now see, do you see? No of course you don't!

    Why are you assuming that all black neighborhoods are dangerous? If you'd like a little education,here,enjoy:

  18. "Why are you assuming that all black neighborhoods are dangerous?"

    Because all of my life experience and all available crime data tells me so.

    Blacks are much safer in white neighborhoods than whites are in black neighborhoods. That is an undeniable fact.

  19. "You mean like white folk being able to stroll through a black neighborhood?"

    I'm white, and I've been living in and strolling through black neighborhoods for 34 years, the last ten with a quad cane.
    Don't believe the bullshit. It just makes you a coward like they want you to be.

    I've heard a few good things about Starbucks as a company, but never really checked to see if they were true. I don't think I've ever been in a Starbucks on purpose (they had one inside a book store I used go in sometimes, but I don't remember ever getting anything there).

    As a former truck driver, I'd say the best coffee in the East Bay used to be Peets, Uncommon Grounds, and the Westside Cafe, and the best in San Francisco used to be the Horseshoe. That was a while back, though, and I don't even drink coffee any more, so things have probably changed and I don't know about it.

    The CEO is probably mostly doing CYA damage control, the cops say they had to do what they were called to do, so perhaps that shop needs a new manager?

    Perhaps white people should cool it with the paranoid poltroonery.

    -Doug in Oakland

  20. Yisheng’s stalkers openly sucks white dick11:36 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. Come on Field and LilacPR,

    Starbucks is a nationwide specialty coffee chain. Just about every donut shop and Mom and Pop coffee shop has put out of business by this chain. Some cities have Starbucks that are barely one city block apart. It always makes me think of Daddy Warbucks in Little Orphan Annie. The only Dunkin' Donuts that I know of is in Ramona, California.

    The coffee is way better, BTW.

    Don't you guys think you may be overgeneralizing just a wee bit?

    Everybody comes in to the Starbucks where I live. Every color of person can get a job there.

    Didn't these two guys ask whether or not they could use the bathroom? It sounds like a grave miscarriage of justice. Maybe they just had to strain the potatoes and then they were going to order.

    I really am beginning to see race less and less. The lily white is a definite minority. We have had Mexican-Americans and other South and Central American neighbors since before I was born. I don't really see as many black people as I do mixed race people today. When I was a kid there were black people and white people. Virtually no intermarriage. I have been seeing mixed race people just about everywhere I go for the last thirty years. It's hard to tell just who is Persian, Iraqi Chaldean, Indian Muslim or Hindu. Arabic, Semitic, Eritrean, Somalian or from Ghandi. (Well, I can always spot the Indian women!)

    I'm not kidding. It really is getting to the point where I hardly see it at all.

  22. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Funny how Starbucks has rules.

    One of the rules is that restrooms are for customers only.

    If you want to use the restroom, buy coffee.  Don't just sit around asking to get something for nothing.

    Two nogs don't follow the rules, get asked to leave, refuse to leave, get escorted out by police.  All because they aren't willing to spend a few bucks to buy coffee and become customers to get the prerogatives of customers.

    And somehow the two goddamn nogs are the victims?  I don't think so.

    "I'm white, and I've been living in and strolling through black neighborhoods for 34 years, the last ten with a quad cane."

    It's a pity that Doug isn't a French street artist looking to do work in Detroit.  He'd be dead now and we'd be spared his endless defenses of murderous Africans-in-America.

  23. Anonymous, My Erstwhile Friend,

    You are sadly mistaken. Your prejudice has told you that you did not need to inquire after this matter in any intelligent way. You simply spouted off at the mouth your predictable narrow-minded shit. Something about how black people just can't obey the law and need to be arrested constantly.

    First thing, friend. These men were not escorted off of the premises peaceably by the oh-so-lovely crunch policemen. (Am I tripping or were both of the officers wearing riot gear or helmets? I guess I am not familiar with the uniform.)

    They were arrested. Are you French Canadian or something? Arrested means taken down to the tank. In this case they were held for eight hours.

    What's more the guy that they were waiting for showed up just in time to argue with the cops. His name is Mr. Yaffe. Apparently he was a business associate.

    Watch it for yourself or anyone else how is interested in the take by the WaPo. Two guys were sitting at a table. They explained that they were waiting for somebody. The cops were called. Instead of de-escalating the situation, somehow the police officers took it upon themselves to arrest the guy. Even when their friend and associate vouched for them. Fuck. It was time to order coffee.

    I'm not going to check back anytime soon for your response. A Ninny-Mouse.

    Here it is folks. From the WaPo. Pretty much the entire story captured and brought to you by friendly Wypipo.

  24. Silly me. They were just bicycle cops. They were wearing bicycle helmets. lol

  25. "He'd be dead now and we'd be spared his endless defenses of murderous Africans-in-America."

    To quote John Hiatt: "It hasn't happened yet."

    -Doug in Oakland

  26. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Maybe they were being too damn LOUD in Starbucks.

    Black people are the loudest of all races. When most of them are out together in public places like restaurants, hospitals, stores, or other places of business, they have no concept of social graces or social norms.

    Their cursing and loud boisterous talk, and loud knee slapping laughter are the reasons why signs have to be put up in public places outlining "RULES OF CONDUCT."

    Even blacks coming out of their high schools in the afternoon are loud, wild and behaving like hoodlums.
    quite often

    I recently was having dinner at a small upscale restaurant and two black females were having a conversation and talking to each other so loudly and so GHETTO, you could hear them roaring all throughout the restaurant.

    And to further exacerbate the situation, listening to their "BAD GRAMMAR" was like listening to chalk being scratched on a chalkboard.

    It made me and other patrons want to leave What made matters worse is at no point did either one of them realize that they were too DAMN LOUD even after we all started staring at them like they were crazy.

  27. Now see...i could get into whites always blowing their noses at the table after every meal, but i won't. That would be stereotyping.☺

  28. I'm afraid that this "soft" racism will be the last of the stain to come out. The one that just doesn't stop to think---if they were white, would your reaction be the same? There is also the "over-correction", in which a white tries to compensate for his/her "discomfort" with a black person by being willfully welcoming and receptive--call it condescending white liberal smarminess. (I've fallen into that and been bilked for my confusion. Not at all proud of it, either) So happy when I like a voice or a work of art BEFORE I find out tha color of the person making it, then I know it's unaffected by racial residue. "If they were white, would your reaction be the same?" such an easy question to ask.

  29. Blacks whine 24/7 about racism. Get your heads out of your fat asses.

  30. Blacks whine 24/7 about racism. Get your heads out of your fat asses.

    And wasicu wasteys deny racism exists 48/14. Get yer head out of yer blowhole.

    I'm guessing the two gentleman should thank their lucky stars they weren't killed on the spot for resisting bike cop arrest.

  31. Mike from Iowa, how was it growing up with a nasty fatass single mama?

  32. Anonymous9:44 AM

    mike was raped every night by his mom's black boyfriend. He was told it was punishment for his "waisicm".

  33. I had both parents-married- until Dad passed in 1980 when I was 27. My dear sweet, Mother of blessed memory, passed in 2001. I have no idea how it feels to come from a single parent family.

    Since I suspect you were shit out on a fence post, maybe you can regale everyone with childhood memories of no parents. JG

  34. Reuben Levy from ZReview9:49 AM

    Hey Mikey boy from the cornfields, once Paul Ryan returns home from D.C. are you going to cross the border and get down n dirty with him on the dairy farm?

  35. Upside the head9:54 AM

    Cucking Janitor said...
    >I really am beginning to see race less and less.<

    Well guess what you old cracker, society is seeing race more and more, and you happen to be the wrong race. The transition from resented majority to hated minority will be seamless. As soon as the opportunity presents itself, you'll get your head bashed in.

    If you think that's impossible, well, I have a farm in South Africa to sell you.

  36. Kill white men, fuck white women9:55 AM

    Kill white men.
    Fuck white women.

  37. We shall overcome10:08 AM

    Wesley R said...
    Trump's America.

    Yes, Starbucks is a hotbed of pro-Trump activism.

  38. Police blotter10:10 AM

    Yisheng was served with a restraining order preventing her from twerking within 200 yards of a school.

  39. Theresa May reduced "stop and search" tactics because of concerns over “racism”.

    Now London has dozens of knife and machete attacks every week. The London murder rate is now higher than New York's.

    It is weird how racial behavior is similar across cultures and countries. It is almost as if race is real.

  40. Anonymous10:16 AM

    A simple request to talk to corporate by a well-trained police officer would have nipped this in the bud to the satisfaction of both party's. But due to white Americans treatment of police officers in America (as their personal guard dogs) the low intellect officers fell in line with their masters as always and now it's going to cost Starbuck big bucks and bad press. And I have to put up with the officers chief all over cable trying to deflect about his officers' inability to resolve the simplest of spats.

  41. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Them bros should have bought some coffee.

  42. Bill Maher is a kike10:46 AM

    Remember to vote Libertarian in 2020.

  43. Lance Cockstrong10:48 AM

    Starbucks definitely isn't a hotbed of Butt Trumpet lovers, but it is definitely full of stupid micro dick hipster white douchebags.

  44. Fuck Nebraska10:49 AM

    Fuck Starbucks.

  45. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Dont buy from Starbuck's or any other bigoted business,dont go in the goddamn place. Have your meetings in your house.

  46. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Or at Chuck E. Cheese.

  47. Light-skinned black guy with a white girl

  48. White feminists are retarded cunts11:46 AM

    It's not worth giving money to Starbucks. Their product isn't worth putting in your body either.

  49. Byron Wong12:08 PM

    I'm Chinese-American and think too many black people have the unfortunate combination of racial obsession, arrogance, and self-centeredness. Get a new mindset and your people will improve. Otherwise negro fatigue will become even more rampant.

    See more at:

  50. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  51. Here is what will happen, wasicus will conclude the 2 black gentleman had a plan with the third guy to sit at Starbucks and force them to call the fuzz so the aggrieved parties could sue in court and make easy money.

    You know Alex Jones and Breitbart are gonna be all over this like stink on shit.

  52. Roy LeBoy1:19 PM

    In reality, all those men had to do was buy something to qualify themselves as paying customers. But since they refused to buy anything and refused to leave, what else were the employees supposed to do? They had no choice but to call the cops. Especially since they were dealing with a couple of blacks, a racial group known for their unpredictably violent behavior.

    It’s also just common courtesy to buy something if you are waiting for any lengthy period of time at a coffee shop. Of course, this type of common courtesy is a foreign concept to blacks. It’s the same reason why blacks are notoriously horrible tippers.

  53. Time to put away yer little fantasies, wasicus, and admit this was all about race and nothing else. Whiteys can sit there all day long without the hassles POC face. You've seen it. I've seen it. We've all seen it.

  54. Freedom Train1:54 PM

    We all need to work together to make a world where black people can hang out in any business as long as they want and never have to buy anything. A world where black people can violently resist arrest and not face any consequences from the police. A world where black people can do absolutely nothing in school and still gain admittance to any institution of higher learning anywhere in the world. A world where blacks don't need any qualifications to be promoted to the top levels of employment. A world where a history of not paying your bills doesn't disqualify black people from being given a mortgage that they never have to pay back.

    Until that day, we will not truly be free.

  55. Yisheng is an genius1:59 PM

    Coffee is black too.

    Think about it. The irony, that is. About coffee being black and black men being thrown out of a coffee shop. The whole "black" thing is what I'm getting at. It's ironic.

  56. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Blaxit in 2020

  57. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Another Negro Lottery setup. Segregation or civil war part 2 can't come quick enough.

  58. Equal but separate2:38 PM

    As part of any settlement with Starbucks, black people should be given their own bathrooms and drinking fountains at every store in the US.

  59. Anonymous3:04 PM

    ”Another Negro Lottery setup. Segregation or civil war part 2 can't come quick enough.”

    Team Racism lost the last civil war. I wouldn’t count on a different outcome this time around.

  60. Anonymous3:18 PM

    "In reality, all those men had to do was buy something to qualify themselves as paying customers. But since they refused to buy anything and refused to leave, what else were the employees supposed to do?”

    If the joint was extremely crowded to the extent that paying customers could not sit down, then, yes, I would tend to agree with the store manager. At that point, it would be reasonable to ask customers who had been hanging around for a long time without ordering anything to either make a purchase or leave.

    But in any other circumstance, why be such a hardass? What do you gain by chasing people out if there are already tables free? Unless, of course, you are doing it because you do not like the “look” of those two men, if you know what I mean. (Which is, you know, illegal.)

  61. Freedom Train said...

    We all need to work together to make a world where black people can hang out in any business as long as they want and never have to buy anything. A world where black people can violently resist arrest and not face any consequences from the police. A world where black people can do absolutely nothing in school and still gain admittance to any institution of higher learning anywhere in the world. A world where blacks don't need any qualifications to be promoted to the top levels of employment. A world where a history of not paying your bills doesn't disqualify black people from being given a mortgage that they never have to pay back.

    Until that day, we will not truly be free.

    1:54 PM

    Exactly what white people have done all this time! So yes.

  62. What do you suppose would have happened if one of those men had been packing with a legal permit to do so?

    -Doug in Oakland

  63. Stoopid fucking wingnuts want to get Negroes off the street but piss and moan because when blacks go into Starbucks they didn't drop an order fast enough for management, who wanted them back on the street where cops have an easier time killing them and claiming the black thugs are menacing and wasicu wastey cops fear for their lives.

  64. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Oops! Another Russian journalist “accidentally” fell off a building to his death after reporting on governmental corruption.

    Such a strange coincidence how this keeps happening to anyone who criticizes the Russian government.

  65. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Kill white men, fuck white women said...
    Kill white men.
    Fuck white women.
    9:55 AM

    Now you wonder why people call the police on you.......

  66. Anonymous5:15 PM

    One machete crime every 90 minutes on Britain's streets as police try to deal with thugs carrying out murders, rapes and burglaries
    Criminals are using machetes more and more to instill terror in their victims
    Shocking data reveals police dealt with 15 attacks a day in last 2 months of 2016
    425 were in London, 99 in Greater Manchester and 77 in the West Midlands

  67. Anonymous5:18 PM

    A reminder that today is the Anniversary of the Boston Bombing. Another case dropped by the FBI. They had multiple warnings that this terrorist was about to cause harm and did nothing. The explosions killed 3 civilians, including an 8 year old boy, and injured an estimated 264 others.

  68. Fuck Starbucks5:39 PM

    Apologies aren't good enough. Starbucks should fire all of its upper management and replace them with American blacks and Third World refugees.

  69. Nice death threat loser.

  70. Anonymous6:02 PM

    > To quote John Hiatt: "It hasn't happened yet."

    Because you're carefully staying thousands of miles away from Detroit.  That keeps you from being the next Paul Monchnik.

    > Team Racism lost the last civil war.

    BLM would have won the presidency for Breckenridge in 1860, just like it won for Trump in 2016.

    > If the joint was extremely crowded to the extent that paying customers could not sit down, then, yes, I would tend to agree with the store manager.

    Allowing loiterers is bad for business, period.  A business has a right to reserve all its facilities for paying customers.  All anyone has to do to become one is buy something.

    The lengths that leftards are willing to go to to justify black behavior they would not hesitate to condemn if it was done by whites is astounding.  It's like they don't think black people CAN live up to the same standard as whites.  The rich ones live in places which keep all but the few richest and best-behaved blacks out.

    The real irony is that they ACT that way, but if anyone SAYS it they pile on them with words like "racist".  It would be funny if it wasn't so serious.

  71. "The lengths that leftards are willing to go to to justify black behavior they would not hesitate to condemn if it was done by whites is astounding"

    Being black means never having to say you're sorry.

  72. The only behavior stoopid fucking wingnuts approve of for blacks is they die when shot in the back a hundred times. If you don't like being called a racist stop being a racist.

    Some of you wasicu fuckups will die being racist and will forever be known as dead racist wasicus. Go ahead. You've earned it.

  73. Anonymous7:08 PM

    ”BLM would have won the presidency for Breckenridge in 1860, just like it won for Trump in 2016.”

    Rampant cheating won it for Trump in 2016.

    And even if Lincoln hadn’t gotten elected, a civil war would still inevitably have happened and the South would inevitably have gotten stomped.

  74. Anonymous8:01 PM

    > Rampant cheating won it for Trump in 2016.

    Accusing your enemy of what you do again, I see.  Some Dimocrap precincts counted 300+ votes for 50 ballots actually in the box.  Nobody found anything like that on the Republican side.

    > And even if Lincoln hadn’t gotten elected, a civil war would still inevitably have happened and the South would inevitably have gotten stomped.

    If Breckenridge had won, the confiscatory tariffs which the South wanted out of would have been reduced and there would have been no secession.  If there had been secession, Breckenridge would not have gone to war.

  75. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Thank Heaven for white people !

  76. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Only Pastor David Manning of Harlem can save you Negroes

  77. Not Sean Hannity😂😂😂😂😂😂Can we cancel this bad reality show yet? I bet the Cartoon President is pretty spot on.

  78. Anonymous9:02 PM

    “Not Sean Hannity������������Can we cancel this bad reality show yet? I bet the Cartoon President is pretty spot on.”

    Hannity is now trying to distance himself from Cohen.

    Right now, he’s at: “I never paid that guy.”

    By tomorrow he’ll have moved on to: “I don’t know that guy.”

  79. Bust that bubble9:52 PM

    Liberal morons will believe anything.

  80. "Liberal morons will believe anything."

    You mean like the whole sealed indictment thing that was going to semd 1/3 of all Dems and the Clintons to jail? Nah man, that's all youse guys😂

  81. Wesley R10:01 PM

    We shall overcome, Trump's America means 2 Brother's can't do the same thing as White Folks without getting profiled and arrested. Try to keep up.


  83. Why didn't Hannity disclose that Cohen was his lawyer? I'd better start popping some popcorn😝

  84. Anonymous11:15 PM

    He wasn't his lawyer, and what would it matter anyway?

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. Well, there was the whole "reported lies about him on national TV without disclosing their relationship" thingie...

    But what am I even saying? That was Fox News. That's what they do all the damn time. Lie to folks who really, really want to be lied to, so they probably feel like they don't really have to try too hard any more.

    I wonder why Sean was so scared of having his name associated with Cohen at trial. If those things he said on TV are true, it'll be a major vindication for him, and he can say "See, it was me telling the truth the whole time."

    But if those things weren't true, is he even capable of being embarrassed about it at this point? Or is he afraid that his sponsors will start bailing on him and he'll be the next one to "retire" from his obscenely lucrative gravy train of lies and propaganda?

    Or maybe he's just desperate now that he's losing to Rachel Maddow in the ratings, and paranoid about anything that might accelerate his inevitable slide into irrelevance.

    -Doug in Oakland

  87. Digby posted a decent takedown of Michael Cohen entitled, Cohen, Stormy and His Goombahs. It is good information if a little bit biased. I also asked the Great Gazoogol if Cohen was under criminal investigation and found an article on that explained just what it is our rocknroll right-wing lawyer is up against.

    But it was a little video on twitter quoted by Digby that had me laughing my ass off. Cohen is seen walking down the street in downtown Manhattan. Looking very shady and suspicious indeed. Unaware that he was being filmed. The soundtrack is the legendary opening sequence music to The Sopranos played while Tony is driving his Escalade through the neighborhoods of Jersey. "Woke up this morning..." So after walking about two blocks, Cohen comes upon his buddies sitting in chairs at a sidewalk café. His face brightens. One of the Goombahs gives up his chair so Cohen can sit down and hang with his buddies.

    Comedy gold.

  88. Anonymous2:16 AM

    “I wonder why Sean was so scared of having his name associated with Cohen at trial.”

    Well, let’s see.

    Cohen appears to be ... not so much in the lawyer business as in the “fixer” business. Did you fuck up, badly? Did you do something highly embarrassing and/or criminal? Cohen will go bribe and threaten people to make it all go away.

    So if Cohen is on Hannity’s payroll, what bad thing did Hannity do that he needs to make go away?

    Stay tuned. This has potential to be hilariously entertaining. (Particularly if Cohen, as he is reputed to have done, kept recordings of his misdeeds.)

  89. Love scratching my asshole6:29 AM

    2018 will be for Democrats what 2010 was for Republicans.

  90. Reuben Levy from ZReview6:44 AM

    Did this guy go into Starbucks thinking they had purple drank or something?

  91. Fuck Yisheng's cuck husband. She needs a real man like me! Hit me up sista!

  92. The CoatesvilleExPat7:21 AM

    Come on Judge, Starbucks is a very progressive corporation, and this one instance represents the actions of an isolated asshat, and not a corporate culture.

  93. I Hate Spics, Gooks, Kikes and Faggots7:42 AM

    The white race is a disease. Always has been, always will be.

    #BlackPride #BlackPower #BlackisBeautiful

  94. Anonymous7:50 AM

    LOL, of course this guy is with a white girl and not a black one.

  95. Black people are the very definition of whiny little bitches.

  96. Reuben Levy from ZReview said...

    Did this guy go into Starbucks thinking they had purple drank or something?
    6:44 AM

    Perfect example of stereotypical racist in action.

  97. If Cohen wasn't Hannity's lawyer, there can be no expectoration of client/liar privilege. Hannity decided white privilege should allow him to skate on this one.

  98. Anonymous10:23 AM

    White boys got tiny brains and tiny dicks! LOL!


    Whoa if true.

  100. mike from iowa is boring af.

  101. This blog is boring af.

  102. Anonymous12:12 PM

    White boys are pussies and retards.

  103. Anonymous12:18 PM

    This scam will garner all three of the grifters a nice financial "windfall". I'm quite pleased they targeted fivebucks. Maybe this will turn into a "movement". Fivebucks does not have enough money to payout hundreds of these type of "lawsuits".

    I wonder how that fivebucks in Ferguson, Missouri is doing?

  104. Kent said...
    "mike from iowa is boring af."

    This is what goes on inside his mind:

  105. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Conservative white males are the very definition of whiny little bitches.

  106. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.

  107. Hannity was embroiled in a scandal a year ago and it just disappeared. He has admitted he paid some bucks to Cohen, Coincidence?


    Tax revenues are down 22% this quarter.

    Lying Ryan keeps on lying.


    FBI investigations were part of internal operation to damage HRC chance to be Potus. FBI agents were clearly working with outsiders to damage Clinton, including at the top.

  110. Kimball, WV2:47 PM

    Fuck Yisheng.

  111. Director Homey3:19 PM

    mike from iowa actually said...
    "FBI investigations were part of internal operation to damage HRC chance to be Potus. FBI agents were clearly working with outsiders to damage Clinton, including at the top."

    The entire FBI leadership was made up of Hillary fan-boys who, in their own words, hated Trump. The Obama justice department was pushing them to exonerate Hillary, as well as directing their spying on Trump. It should be clear to anyone with just a cursory look at the facts that the Obama administration was using the FBI (and the CIA) to attempt to sway the election for Hillary.

    Anyone who is capable of believing what you wrote is deluded to the point of insanity. But we knew that.

  112. So now Starbucks is gonna close all its shops half of Friday or some shit for racial sensitivity education.
    Sounds sorta CYA to me, but if it helps, then good.

    -Doug in Oakland

  113. "The entire FBI leadership was made up of Hillary fan-boys who, in their own words, hated Trump."

    That's why the New York division was calling themselves "Trumpland", right?

    -Doug in Oakland


    You are correct, Doug.

    Screwdy Rudy and former SOH Tom Delay both had stated their friends in the FBI predicted big announcements that would derail HRC's candidacy. Both had moles in the New York FBI office and Rudy worked with many of these agents. Of course you are free to believe all the bullshit Fake Noise can spoon feed you and, Director Homely, I do not write for the Atlantic or anyone else. Bit, if you had a living brain cell you could have figured that out for yerself.

  115. Good news from Missouri, the state's AG claims he has evidence embattled stoopid fucking wingnut guv Greitens committed a felony that had nothing to do with his domestic charges.

    Wasicu wastey Collins of New York has sponsored and co-sponsored legislation that would financially benefit himself and family at his majority owned drug company. He stands to profit handsomely.

  116. Director Homey3:40 PM

    But then Loretta Lynch threatened the New York PD and FBI with coming down hard on the leadership with the Eric Garner case, and they shut up about what they had seen in the email trove on Wiener's computer.

    See how that works?

  117. Anonymous3:41 PM

    dinthebeast said...
    So now Starbucks is gonna close all its shops half of Friday or some shit for racial sensitivity education.
    Sounds sorta CYA to me, but if it helps, then good.

    If it helps what?

  118. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Brain-damaged Doug in California doesn't understand that a state field office isn't the agency leadership.

    We have the timeline of the FBI "investigation" (whitewash) into Hillary's classified-info mishandling.  Her exoneration was a done deal before the investigation was officially complete.  We know the fix was in, and Comey's words were carefully chosen ("careless" instead of "grossly negligent") to minimize the gravity of what she'd done and paint it as not-quite-illegal when it blatantly was.

    Hillary was a horrible candidate backed by scummy people who rigged her nomination from the beginning, and America got a huge win when she, despite all her cheating in the general, lost as she deserved to.

  119. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Real Estate agents???

  120. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Conservative white males are the very definition of whiny little bitches.
    12:29 PM

    only the minority that wears skinny jeans.

    Come to rural America.

  121. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Love scratching my asshole said...
    2018 will be for Democrats what 2010 was for Republicans.
    6:29 AM

    you thought Hillary was going to win too......

  122. White Privilege4:51 PM

    Black guys temporarily handcuffed for loitering in Starbucks:
    >National headlines, dominating news cycle
    >Both men meet with CEO of Starbucks
    >Nationwide discussions about "implicit bias" and racism
    >Starbucks to close all stores to conduct racial sensitivity training

  123. Black Privilege4:52 PM

    320,000 whites are the victims of black crime in the U.S. each year
    >Radio silence

  124. Lance Cockstrong6:00 PM

    I've had my moments of doubt, admittedly, but Trump has dropped the hammer on ISIS, kept things from escalating in Syria so far, and is doing a bang up job with North Korea.

    Way more competent at this than whatever "experts" were crafting our foreign policy beforehand.

  125. Black Run America6:08 PM

    Training: Day 1

    “Hi, welcome to Starcucks. What can I get you?”

    “Tall drip, please.”

    “Take it African-American?”

    “Um, no, a little cream please.”

    “Stop! Great work, Sandy. Very sensitive.”

  126. Anonymous6:10 PM

    The West has turned into a daycare for non-whites.

  127. Director Homely, just how was the FBI involved in the Eric Garner murder?

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The West has turned into a daycare for non-whites.

    Drumpfuck takes up all the daycare in the world, trying to pacify his orange, spoiled, whiny,sappy fat ass.

  128. So Neil is voting with Dems?


  129. RIP Barbara Bush, one of the last classy Republican FLOTUS’ in modern history.

  130. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Rosannes new show is great!!!

  131. Anonymous8:45 PM

    More staged paid crisis actors from Soros and company.

  132. Yisheng's Husband9:15 PM

    I want that white girl in the picture. I need that white girl. I'm so lonely.

  133. Wasians suck eggrolls dipped in meth10:09 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Rosannes new show is a great representation of the trash that inhabits America.

  134. Anonymous4:28 AM

    So Starbucks is going to have a day for diversity training for its staff. That's a positive thing, but....

    ...their charred overroasted bitter coffee will still suck.

  135. Anonymous8:35 AM

    I don't see a problem to boot out loitering blacks since they usually cause problems and never spend a penny its good to make room for paying customers. Good on Starbucks for nipping a problem in the bud.

  136. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Yisheng = nigger

    lilac = cunt

  137. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Looks likes more nigger shakedown tactics to make money.Play the race card and get a payoff like jesse and all do all the time.

  138. I would think that any large corporation such as Starbucks should have in place a solid training and education program to address multiple pertaining to behavior and policies in the workplace. Relationships between employees and supervisors, channels for grievances and complaints, an open-door policy or lack thereof all need to be spelled out and defined.

    Commonplace workplace issues such as discrimination in employment or hiring, sexual harassment, definitions of discrimination and protected classes of people all need to be clearly defined. Safety issues. There is a raft of policies that any large employer should teach to every employee going up to the highest administration.

    It sounds to me like Starbucks was sadly ill-prepared. Maybe they could use a mission statement for starters.

  139. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Buy something at Starbucks equals not being fucked with. Can’t afford a 2 dollar cup of coffee? Racist!!!!!!!!

  140. Funny how how two blacks were denied taking a dump at Starbucks and it some big racial news. Gotta close all the stores to teach them how to deal with blacks. A black man in NYC randomly sucker punches a white 5 year old on the subway and its local news. A group of home 5 home invasion blacks rapes a grandmother, cuts her fingers off and lights her on fire and its local news.
