Saturday, May 19, 2018


Image result for giuliani images

I need a caption for this pic.

*Pic from 


  1. Trump: You don't know it but I have a feeling you're gonna be my lawyer some day.

  2. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Putin sent me to see you.
    You can grab me by the Pussy anytime.

  3. The GOP is turning into the KKK10:42 PM

    GOP Candidate Set Up Trust That Pays His Kids For Marrying White People

    This bozo is not only a Republican politician — he is a former judge.


  4. Lance Cockstrong11:49 PM

    ♫♪ Hey Trudy ... Take A Walk On The Wild Side ... ♫♪
    ♫♪ And The Colored Girls Sing ... ♫♪

  5. Lady in Grace Jones voice “try some of this daaahling, this is the ess-sance of sex”!

  6. Donald the First: You know, I love how Twitter allows me to circumvent the filter of the establishment media, but... I really do think social media might be becoming the biggest driving force for destruction of social cohesion, because it allows people to see what others really think and shatters illusions about human nature that allowed civilization to develop.

    Rudolph of Queens: We don’t live in societies anymore, we live in markets, little ties us together besides economic transactionalism, it's been that way for a while but what’s new is we can go online and easily learn that most people are like Yisheng - selfish, amoral and gross. We have no reason to like each other anymore

    Donald the First: Religion and tribalism used to counteract man’s revulsion at the fallen nature of his fellow man. But we’ve forsaken God and family and replaced them with narcissism, relativism and diversity, so we’re left with neoliberal platitudes barely disguising a black hole of cynicism and greed.

    Rudolph of Queens: Most people sit in ideological echo-chambers though and only see the contextless "bad" stuff that gets shoved in their faces. They never see any in-depth explanation for other peoples views and end up creating new delusions/illusions about themselves and their enemies.

    Donald the First: This is the ground we tread, the sea we swim in, the air we breathe.

    Rudolph of Queens: Word to your mother.

    Donald the First: It is in my mother's memory that I shall take this fight to the end.

  7. "Not with those tiny little hands you don't..."

    And Yisheng: Today is Grace Jones' seventieth birthday.

    -Doug in Oakland

  8. Warm! Deh deh deh dentch. Leatherette!

    Happy Birthday Grace!


  9. I feel pretty:
    Oh, so pretty;
    I feel pretty, and witty and gay.
    And I pity any girl who isn’t me today!

  10. Anonymous2:06 AM

    At last, Rudy admits that he only offered his services as a defense attorney (a job he clearly sucks at, given his tendency in interviews to blurt out admissions of his client’s guilt) only so he could get close enough to ask Donald for assistance in pursuing his lifelong dream: competing in the Miss Universe pageant!

  11. Anonymous2:42 AM

    Donald explores alternatives to his usual bizarro combover hairstyle. His friend Rudy helpfully suggests he try out the “Marilyn Monroe look.”

  12. MS-13 motto: “Kill, rape and control.”

    Liberals: Don’t call them ‘Animals’. They are our children.

  13. Lance Cockstrong8:45 AM

    Closet Queens From Queens

  14. Anonymous9:01 AM

    So says the guy copying his name from a gay pornstar.

  15. Lance Cockstrong9:10 AM

    Butt Trumpet: You used to have a dick, right?

  16. Lance Cockstrong9:12 AM

    We're all just biding our time until the next micro dick white boy shoots up a school.

  17. Lance Cockstrong9:15 AM

    Butt Trumpet Jr. and Eric Butt Trumpet probably cry themselves to sleep every night over how tiny their dicks are. They curse their father for this inheritance.

  18. @Doug, I got a LOT of Grace tributes on my timeline today!😉

  19. Anonymous2:08 PM

    " not a libtard….so I don't do trannys…."

  20. LeonT2:23 PM

    Haaapy buhrthdaay, mistah presi-i-dent
    Haaapy buhrthdaay, t'yooooooouu

  21. Drumpf was going to marry Rudy to upstage the Royals for not making the Royal wedding all about Drumpf.

  22. Ctrl+Halt+Del4:57 PM

    File photo: Rudy Bar Sinister going to the Halloween party as Ivanka and Donny as a human being.

    Says Rudy..." My eyes are up here!"

  23. Ctrl+Halt+Del5:03 PM

    Take 2

    File photo.

    Halloween party: Rudy goes as Simon Bar Sinister in drag and Donny his sidekick, Cad Lackey.

    That's better.


  25. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Oh, much more than $130,000!

  26. Anonymous8:23 PM

    "Talk to barry he likes chiks with stiks"

  27. Rudy, I want you to spy on Obama. He loves drag queens.
