Friday, May 18, 2018


Image result for thoughts and santa fe texas gun imagesIf only "thoughts and prayers" could stop bullets we would all be in a better place. Unfortunately, they can't.

We will be hearing a lot of that from republican politicians over the next few days. Why? Well we just had another mass shooting in one of our schools, and rather than try to find real solutions to the gun problem in this country, they will continue to take the NRA's money and stick their rather empty collective heads in the sand.

President trump read from a teleprompter about the shootings, and he read something that was obviously written for him by one of his aides for the occasion. The fact that this man can't just speak from his heart after such a tragedy says all you need to know about him. I guess in order to speak from your heart you have to have one. In fact, the only time he really goes off script and says what he really means is when he is spewing hate. 

But this too shall pass. After a month or so we will forget all about Santa Fe, Texas. Just like we did about Newtown, Parkland, and Columbine. The NRA, of course, will follow their old tried and true playbook: Keep a low profile, keep giving money to all the right people, and keep feeding the crazies on the right with rhetoric that the government is coming to take their guns away.

“To the students, families, teachers and personnel at Santa Fe High, we’re with you in this tragic hour and we’ll be with you forever,” Trump said. “My administration is determined to do everything in our power to protect our students, secure our schools, and to keep weapons out of the hands of those who pose a threat to themselves and to others.”

“Everyone must work together at every level of government to keep our children safe,” the president continued. “May God heal the injured and may God comfort the wounded, and may God be with the victims and with the victims’ families.”

“Very sad day..... “Very, very sad.”

Your words ring hollow tonight. Just a couple of weeks ago you were in Dallas, Texas (the very state where this animal slaughtered his classmates today), and you were embracing the NRA and telling them that they will always have a friend with you as their president. You called them all patriots. As if to suggest that the rest of us were not. This was after you lied to the parents of the Parkland massacre about pushing legislation to address gun safety and sensible gun laws in this country.  That task force you put together to look into school shootings has met only twice so far. Twice!

This doesn't make it look like you cared so much about school shootings to me. You did it all for political expediency. Just like you are doing now.   


  1. Kid was a nazi supporter, gun nut and trumpet. What could possibly go wrong? Then again as Mike from Iowa would say this could not have happened because trump promised to end the "carnage" in America. Welp, there have been more school shootings so far this year than any other. Welcome to trump's America where kids aren't safe at school.

    1. Also did you see the governor's response? Let's lock the doors. Brilliant strategy, now why haven't we thought of that before? WTF is wrong with this country? Are all Republicans brain damaged?

  2. So a kid whooteemoo goes to school everyday in a black trench coat with Nazi paraphernalia, and ALL the idiot white folks around him think that’s normal?


  3. StillaPanther210:58 PM

    Most of his day was instilling doubt in the acts of the FBI and his campaign. Now I heard that the investigation can’t probe into any acts between him and his bagman Cohen. I would enjoy Cohen going to jail with the real BUBBAS, don’t know if he is a virgin.

  4. Yīshēng, WAKANDA FOREVER!!!������������ said...

    So a kid whooteemoo goes to school everyday in a black trench coat with Nazi paraphernalia, and ALL the idiot white folks around him think that’s normal?


    10:45 PM

    Yes because they have to be tolerant of 'diversity'. To single him out because he was weird and wore a trench coat to school every day, would have been 'un-accepting' or maybe even to have delved into his background, and watch out for him, would have been called 'bullying'.

    So no, not "stupid", but trained sheeple. Just let it slide, act as if nothing and carry on, and when that 'weird' guy brings an automatic to school and does what he did, well then it's too late to check him, isn't it?

  5. "...we’ll be with you forever,”

    Uh, no you won't. And we can all be thankful for that. You'll be long dead before the surviving students take their own places in the running of things, and you can't kill them all. As a matter of fact, the more of them you do kill with your pandering inaction, the more certain it becomes that the ones you miss will be the ones to finally do something about it. Having your friends killed tends to leave a lasting impression on you. You would probably understand that better if you had any friends yourself.

    -Doug in Oakland

  6. Anonymous12:15 AM

    “Then again as Mike from Iowa would say this could not have happened because trump promised to end the ‘carnage' in America.”

    Yeah, but by “ending the carnage,” Trump really meant getting rid of MS-13, and the Crips and Bloods, and ISIS.

    And by “MS-13,” he really meant everyone Latino.

    And by “Crips and Bloods,” he really meant everyone black.

    And by “ISIS,” he really meant everyone Muslim.

    You’ve got to feed everything Trump says through the racist-to-English translator.

  7. May the Goddess bless you, Field. It's so everyday it is easy just to give in and not care anymore.

    I mentioned this on a right-leaning blog. Got a bite when I said, "Why doesn't this happen anywhere else in the world?"

    RW friend informed me that it happens all over the world, only MSM doesn't see fit to report on mass school shootings in other countries.

    So just out of my noodle, I pick Germany. The first shocking mass school shooting occurred in Erfurt in 2002. The German government responded by raising the minimum age to join a shooting club to twenty-one instead of eighteen. They also instituted psychological evaluations before gun ownership. A second incident in 2009 brought about even stricter gun controls.

    My RW buddy asked me if I had heard of a school shooting wherein an alert officer had actually killed the school shooter before he killed anyone? He claimed that it was not reported by MSM, but only by FOX News. He was talking about the Arapahoe school shooting.

    So I again asked my friend, why does the U.S. have dozens of mass school shootings every year and hundreds of instances of accidental discharges and non-fatal shootings every year as well? Have you noticed that the level of violence is only going up?

    IMNHO, the main reason is the psychotic relationship that wingnuts have with guns. This unhealthy relationship is only amplified and aggravated by their tribal politics.

  8. Anonymous5:32 AM

    > You called them all patriots. As if to suggest that the rest of us were not.

    FFS, you idiot.  You label YOURSELVES with identities which supercede American (what falls in front of the hyphen).  If you are not American, you can't be a patriot.  You don't know it yet, but you have to go.

    > This was after you lied to the parents of the Parkland massacre about pushing legislation to address gun safety and sensible gun laws in this country.

    FFS, you idiot.  It's the crazies who go on gun rampages, not the general public.  It is YOUR libtardian judges who insist that we can't confine crazy people for observation and treatment.  The public CORRECTLY interprets this imposed malfeasance as an attack on its own rights, and says FUCK YOU.

    > This doesn't make it look like you cared so much about school shootings to me.

    We care about school shootings.  It's fuckheads like YOU who won't LET US act to prevent them, because YOU WANT THEM in order to take our rights from us.  Seriously, the sooner everyone like you is removed from the USA, the better.  How that removal is done doesn't matter.  Get on an airplane, fine.  Eat a bullet, fine.  Just be GONE.

    > You did it all for political expediency.

    We won't remove you for political expediency.  We'll remove you for survival.  Get out NOW.

    > Trump really meant getting rid of MS-13, and the Crips and Bloods, and ISIS.

    > And by “MS-13,” he really meant everyone Latino.

    > And by “Crips and Bloods,” he really meant everyone black.

    > And by “ISIS,” he really meant everyone Muslim.

    > You’ve got to feed everything Trump says through the racist-to-English translator.

    Sounds good to me.  Only America would be left!

    > why does the U.S. have dozens of mass school shootings every year

    Because most of them are by "protected minorities" and the Lamestream Enemedia is not allowed to report them properly.

    > the main reason is the psychotic relationship that wingnuts have with guns.

    Almost none of the shootings are by so-called "wingnuts".  Most are by "oppressed minorities".

  9. this could not have happened because trump promised to end the ‘carnage' in America.”

    Are you clairvoyant, Anymoose?

    What the heck only the 22nd school shooting so far and the year is still young.

    This shooter has a Russian sounding name so he must be tied up with Drumpf somehow.

  10. I am not going anywhere,wingnut @5:32. My ancestors built this country with zero compensation. You might want to pack up the Samsonite and head back to the old country. 😏

  11. And yet the FBI is concerned with Black Identity Extremists🙄When one of those shoots up a school or church it'll be a first.

  12. Ctrl+Halt+Del10:22 AM

    Happy birthday Malcolm X! He would have been 93 years old today. He is a true hero and a great citizen of the world.

  13. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Hmmmm, more deaths due to democrats and progressives delusional actions. Schools are GFZ and that means a soft target. Notice how elites hide behind men with guns, body armor and armoured limos....but not for the common man and woman.

  14. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Part of the progressive brainwashing going on in our schools and Universities/Colleges. Put everyone on psych meds and label them for the big gun grab....then enslavement and tyranny from the elites.

  15. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Chicago alone does this every week and more:

    Week in Progress (5/13 – 5/19)
    Shot & Killed: 9
    Shot & Wounded: 43
    Total Shot: 52
    Total Homicides: 12

  16. Anonymous1:04 PM

    But did they shoot his ass? Even in the legs! Like that punk at Trump's golf course,,they shot him in the legs! Black,Indian,Mexican would'nt stand a chance!

  17. RCP Average has the Democrat lead in the 2018 Generic ballot 4 points. Back in November, Democrats had a 13 point lead.

    More Americans are seeing how Trump is MAGA... So cheer up. It's starting to look like Republicans will keep the Congress and gain Senate seats..

  18. Not since Democrat LBJ spied on Nixon, have we had a president spy on a presidential campaign.Obama acted like he is Putin and the FBI is the KGB.

    Trump will expose the illegal actives of the deep state.....

  19. Almost none of the shootings are by so-called "wingnuts". Most are by "oppressed minorities".

    You missed the "stoopid fucking wasicus are now a majority minority in America" memo?

  20. The fake news is the news that favors Trump1:34 PM

    Remember that story about how China was going to roll over and give Trump massive trade concessions? It was yet more bullshit.

    “China has rejected Trump administration claims that it had offered to cut its trade surplus with the US by $200bn, China’s foreign ministry said on Friday.

    Various US news outlets, citing anonymous sources, had reported that Chinese trade officials, meeting with US counterparts in Washington this week, had acceded to Trump demands to cut its $375bn annual trade surplus, in part by increasing purchases of American goods.

    ‘This rumor is not true. This I can confirm to you,’ the foreign ministry spokesman, Lu Kang, told a regular news briefing.”

    So, once again, media outlets let themselves get played by White House liars. Who were their anonymous sources for this story about the nonexistent trade deal? “John Barron”? LOL


  21. Anonymous2:21 PM

    > My ancestors built this country with zero compensation.

    Your ancestors went from Africa to Jamaica, and they didn't build Jamaica either.

    Your bruthas and sistas turned Jamaica into a hellhole which has vied for the highest murder rate in the world, and has to protect its tourist industry from destruction with special police charged with keeping burr-heads like you OUT of the resorts and other safe areas.

    And you come to my country (when you have your own), land yourself a fine job on the public payroll because of AA, and complain about how "oppressed" you are.

    SMDH.  Don't think we don't Notice.

  22. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Black men are arrested for murder at 6x-7x the rate that white men are. They die from gunshots at 10x the rate that white men do, with more than 90% of those murders being committed by other black men. The difference between the arrest rate and the death rate is the high rate of "non-clearance" of murders among black people.

    Think you're going to get our guns? You'd better think again. White people aren't that stupid. We are armed to the teeth, and that will not change.

    p.s.: The numbers come from the FBI (which gets them from police departments) and the Centers for Disease Control. So much for the "ban on gun research." All you gun control freaks ever do is lie

  23. From Steve Benen:

    If there’s a sensible defense for this, I can’t think of it: “One of the most prominent anti-LGBTQ leaders in the country is now a federal appointee shaping U.S. policy on religious freedom, thanks to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.). Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council – which the Southern Poverty Law Center considers a hate group – announced Wednesday that McConnell appointed him to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.”

    McConnell has to go. Kentucky is too stupid to do it, so his majority leader role must be taken from him.

    Also, remember the second article of impeachment they drew up for Nixon before he quit on his own accord (read that the Republicans had a little chat with him and told him it was all through)? Arguably the most damning charge, backed by documents (the enemies list) and audio tape, was that he had tried to use the agencies of government (read that the FBI, CIA, and most importantly the IRS) to attack his political enemies, one of which was the Los Angeles Times and the Chandler family who ran it.
    Had he not resigned, Nixon would have been impeached and removed from office for as he put it "Screwing those sons of bitches" with IRS audits and FBI investigations.
    Fergus is now trying to attack the Washington Post by getting the USPS to double the rates it charges Amazon to ship its packages.
    The goddamn Republicans are so corrupt now that Nixon wouldn't have to leave office for his crimes if he committed them now instead of 1972.
    They have to go, and so does Fergus.

    -Doug in Oakland

  24. Anonymous3:00 PM

    > Arguably the most damning charge, backed by documents (the enemies list) and audio tape, was that he had tried to use the agencies of government (read that the FBI, CIA, and most importantly the IRS) to attack his political enemies

    So why weren't you calling for Obama's impeachment over HIS abuse of the IRS against right-leaning political groups?  The IRS even settled a class-action suit over it.

    Oh, right.  You think it's different when YOU do it.  Traitor.  If you live long enough for the cold civil war to go hot, I hope to see a picture of you dangling from a lamp post.

  25. The IRS under Obama targeted a few groups that falsely claimed to have humanitarian and educational purposes rather than the overtly political fundraising and electioneering outfits that they really were. It's an argument about tax-exempt status. NGOs like the Sierra Club and even the Heritage Foundation qualify to be 501Cs.

    You don't even know what a 501C is. You have zero understanding of the controversy. You just parrot the RW talking points that you read and hear over and over and over and over...

  26. Sen. Rand Paul passed along baseless speculation that “the person running Obamacare” was the one “who wrote the policy” at the center of the IRS controversy. That’s a reference to a former IRS commissioner of the office responsible for tax-exempt organizations who now heads the IRS’ Affordable Care Act office. But a Treasury Inspector General’s report found that employees in the Cincinnati office, not any administrators in Washington, “developed and implemented” the policy in question.

    Only the employees of Cincinnati IRS were involved. Most of the groups targeted were doing business illegally. And progressive groups were targeted as well.

  27. Remember the IRS Scandal? It was Fake News All Along - Newsweek

    Fact Check: No, New IG Report Doesn't Prove IRS Targeting Scandal ...

    Now that time has passed the fake IRS scandal is seen in a different light- that there was no scandal there. Just a bunch of whiny fucking wasicu wasteys bawling their eyes out they got caught cheating.


    Talk about the Potus using the fed to attack political enemies. It don't get no better than this. Bwahahahahahahahahzahaha!


    Mountain lion killed one and wounded one. Imagine if we let them fuckers carry concealed weapons. No one would be safe in the mountains or forests. Thank Kismet for some actual gun controls.

    Fuck the NRA!

  30. Destroying emails, wiping hard drives, stonewalling and taking the 5th doesn't speak to fake news...

  31. Destroying emails, wiping hard drives, stonewalling and taking the 5th doesn't speak to fake news.

    Dumbass dubya did all that and more and stoopid fucking wingnuts let out a collective but Hillary's a crooooooook!

  32. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Just another white boy mass murderer?

    ...and they think that speaking Spanish is a threat?????!!!!!!
    Hell, first of all Spanish is a "European" language.....
    and Hispanics are coming over here to work hard and live a "peaceful" life.

    When did you hear of a Hispanic shooting up a school and mass murdering?

  33. Anonymous7:50 PM

    The Parkland shooter is hispanic.

  34. If there was something to the IRS "scandal" the many congressional inquiries would have found misdeeds one would think. After months and months of investigations by the Republican majority there have been no indictments or arrests on any of Barack's administrative staff. I know I know, any day now right? Either there was nothing or the Republicans are very inept investigators or both.

  35. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Anonymous said...
    The Parkland shooter is hispanic.
    7:50 PM


  36. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Quit your chimping out....Negroes kill each other and whites everyday. When whites wake up and start killing you all everyday then you can bitch.

  37. There was the Iraq war...

    -Doug in Oakland

  38. "When whites wake up and start killing you all everyday then you can bitch."

    What happens when they kill each other in large numbers?


  39. "Anonymous Ctrl+Halt+Del said...
    Happy birthday Malcolm X! He would have been 93 years old today. He is a true hero and a great citizen of the world."

    I co-sign.

  40. Anonymous9:49 PM

    “The Parkland shooter is hispanic.”

    The Parkland shooter was a white kid who was adopted by a Latino couple.

  41. Anonymous12:54 AM

    "When whites wake up and start killing you all everyday then you can bitch."

    What happens when they kill each other in large numbers?

    We call that a World War, because nobody else can manage warfare on that scale.

    Be warned, because you're fucking with people who can do that to you and you are utterly incapable of doing it back.

    “The Parkland shooter is hispanic.”

    The Parkland shooter was a white kid who was adopted by a Latino couple.

    He isn't white.  He is half-Jewish, and explicitly hates his mother who abandoned him.

  42. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Yisheng = nigger

    lilac = cunt

  43. The Washington Post has had the temerity to public the truth about Trump (including keeping track of the thousands of lies he tells the American people). He has tried endlessly, through tweets and public statements, to damage the reputation of that newspaper. But he has not succeeded. His loyal trumpista base believes his lies, but no one else does.

    So he decided to play a dirtier game. Since Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos also owns Amazon, he decided to use a government agency to hurt Bezos by hurting Amazon. He called Postmaster General Megan Brennan into his office several times (each time in secret, leaving her visit off the official schedule), and asked her to raise the postal rates on Amazon. He had publicly claimed that the U.S. Postal Service was shipping Amazon packages at a loss, and now he asked Brennan to double the cost of Amazon shipping with the Post Office.

    It was a lie. The Post Office has given Amazon a good contract to get their business, but the Post Office is NOT losing money on those shipments. That would violate federal law.

    Brennan is a trumpista, but she is not stupid enough to break the law so Trump can get back at people he doesn't like. Each time, she explained that the USPS could not arbitrarily raise rates because they had a contract, and that must be reviewed by a regulatory commission. She would be breaking the law to do as Trump asked.

    What Trump did is abuse the power of his office. It doesn't matter that Brennan refused to do it. Just asking her to do it was an abuse of power -- and that is an impeachable offense. It wasn't legal for Nixon to do it, and it is not legal for Trump to do it.

    How can the Republican Party continue to support and cover for this criminal?


    Drumpf lied some more. Who could've known Drumpf would lie some more?

  45. Anonymous2:10 PM


  46. "wolf...…….wolf...…..wolf......"

    Arga warga. Look it up.

    "How can the Republican Party continue to support and cover for this criminal?"

    Easy. They are Republicans. The same party who supported Bush/Cheney's war crimes, and still support them. The same party who support killing poor people by taking away their health insurance for no reason. (No, it does not "save money" for them to sicken and die, it saves money for them to be kept healthy. It's not prudent, it's just straight up cruel for cruelty's sake), the same party who are stealing children from their parents at the border when they don't have the correct paperwork, and have somehow "lost" 1,500 of said children.
    Republicans are evil. There are the actively evil ones in government, and the passively evil ones who vote them in.
    Corruption and abuse of power is what they do, when we let them.
    We have to stop letting them, and the best way to do that is to show up and vote them out of office.
    I mailed my primary ballot in last week.

    -Doug in Oakland

  47. Those 1500 lost kids are being sold into child prostitution out of the basement of many of Drumpfuck's golf courses.

  48. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  49. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Join the NRA!!

  50. "Join the NRA!!"

    Nah, I let my membership lapse back in the seventies, and I won't be supporting them any more. Or any other assholes who take Russian money and funnel it into our elections.

    -Doug in Oakland

  51. Anonymous5:31 PM

    What happens when they kill each other in large numbers?

    Um, that would be black people. They simply do it in smaller batches, but a lot more often.

  52. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Chicago May 2018 to Date:
    Shot & Killed: 29
    Shot & Wounded: 180
    Total Shot: 209
    Total Homicides: 34

  53. Hello everyone reading this message I'm here to ask for your assistance in helping those poor kids out there. I want to feed 5,000 (five thousand kids) in Africans this Christmas and I want to also send them back to school and I'm asking for your help to make this possible. No amount is too small or big $50, $100 any amount will be appreciated. Contact email via: ( thanks.
