Tuesday, May 29, 2018

One of Mr. trump's "good people" takes a fall.

Poor Roseanne Barr seemed to have miscalculated the trump racism wave cascading over America, and as a result she came out of her shell a bit too early. 

Unfortunately for her it is still not cool to be a racist publicly in America. Yeah I know that there are all those trump rallies and FOX NEWS pundits acting like writers for Der Angriff every night, but overall most Americans like to treat their racism like their jump-off:  Hidden. Not Roseanne, she was emboldened by trump's praise and her big ratings, and she just lost her mind on twitter decided to tell us her true feelings.

One could argue that Roseanne didn't do a very good job of hiding hers over the past few years, which I guess this is why she was embraced by so many folks in red state America. It will cost her dearly. ABC pulled the plug on her money making show, and declared that there is no place for this kind of bigotry when someone is employed by their company.

Of course, as is to be expected, folks on the right are defending her. Free speech and all of that. Keep in mind that these are the same people bashing NFL players for exercising their right not to stand for an anthem. But I digress.

All Roseanne had to do was not call black folks apes or n*****s in a public forum and I am sure that she could have kept her job. But she couldn't do it, she misread the tea leaves and her racism itch needed to be scratched.

Now she is out of a show, and she will lose millions of dollars before embarking on the I am Not A Racist Apology Tour. She will be calling all of her black "friends" and asking them to publicly support her (Kanye, your phone is ringing.), sadly some of them will oblige her. 

trump called Roseanne personally after her ratings success, and he praised her and called her one of "us" at one of his rallies. 

That might be one of the very few true things that trump has said since taking office.

*Pic from today.com


  1. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Nothing racist about her tweet.

  2. Yisheng = nigger, lilac = cunt9:26 PM

    Trump supporters are human shit stains.

  3. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Roseann Barr is a Jew.

    Watching Jews eat their own is a treat.  But her show will probably be picked up by Fox or go to cable and ABC will be that much closer to bankruptcy.  They won't be far behind ESPN, and might even be ahead.

  4. Anonymous9:48 PM

    I tend to fall on the end of the spectrum that says, with a few important exceptions, that employers should not be policing their employees’ speech outside the workplace. Defending a right to free speech, even if it gives racists more opportunity to spew hate, I believe to be important if we want to maintain it for those who are not spewing hate but may be saying things that are critical of the status quo and that upset certain people.

    So I am not celebrating Roseanne’s downfall, even though I do think she is a deranged bigot and even though I couldn’t care less about her sitcom.

    Undoubtedly, we will now have to endure a couple weeks of wingnuts moaning about being silenced and how they are victimized and oppressed by the mean liberals and all the rest. This event will just add more fuel to their gross, false martyrdom narrative. I am really, really not going to enjoy that.

  5. All Roseanne had to do was not call black folks apes or n*****s in a public forum and I am sure that she could have kept her job.

    She didn't call anyone a ni**er, and Valerie Jarrett isn't even black.

    Roseanne tweeted "muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby = vj"

    A childish insult, not even funny, but hardly "racist"

    Muslim isn't a race, its a religion/political ideology.

    And apes aren't human.

    So how the hell does this get construed as being "racist"?

    1. Anonymous7:55 AM

      If we have to explain it to you.....oh nevermind you god damned fucking moron.

  6. Anonymous10:02 PM

    “Watching Jews eat their own is a treat. But her show will probably be picked up by Fox or go to cable and ABC will be that much closer to bankruptcy. They won't be far behind ESPN, and might even be ahead.”

    Ah, the good old Trumpian, my enemies are “failing” routine.

    The NY Times is “failing.” Jeff Bezos is “failing.” Google is “failing.”

    Have you ever noticed that all of these “failing” people seem to actually be tremendously popular and successful? There is a small discrepancy between his predictions and reality?

    Strangely, it seems to be a lot of the chumps who voted for Trump that are failing. West Virginia is failing. Mississippi is fucking failing. Most of the Midwestern Rust Belt is made of solid, 100% pure fail.

    And, despite his promises, Trump is doing nothing to help them. He’s just kicking Mexicans and Muslims, and taunting NFL players and North Korea.

    When Trump leaves office, Resmeckistan will still suck.

  7. Anonymous10:03 PM

    When I read Pilot X I think of Auburn Calloway.

  8. Roseanne head writer Wanda Sykes compared President Trump to an ape:


    But she's cool.

  9. Anonymous10:22 PM

    “Roseanne head writer Wanda Sykes compared President Trump to an ape:”

    Maybe people are cool with this because there is no history of people believing Caucasians are literally apes and not people, and treating them accordingly?

  10. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Wait a minute, are you saying black people look like apes?

  11. Splain me dis10:31 PM

    Valerie Jarrett isn't even black.

    So, when people said Bush looked like a chimp, or that Trump looks like a baboon or an orangutan, they were being racist towards blacks?



  12. coalflakes10:39 PM

    Black pipo be like "calling me an ape is too spicy"

  13. This is a great example of what Driftglass calls the tribe that rubs shit it its hair. They all gather online and exchange pictures of their latest shit-dos and get all excited about their fecal pompadour creativity, and then they go out in public and can't understand why nobody wants to talk to them.

    -Doug in Oakland

  14. "When I read Pilot X I think of Auburn Calloway."

    Hmmmmm, I wonder why. I never flew in the Navy, I was born here, I'm not divorced so what praytell are the similarities? Oh, never mind I guess we're all the same to racists😂

  15. Anonymous11:06 PM

    ABC still employs this woman:


  16. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Blaxx are sensitive about being likened to apes because, well, the truth hurts.

    I think Mel Gibson should get a sitcom. Call it My Racist Grampa. That shit would be a barrel of laughs.

    #Make TV great again!

  17. Bert Fugg11:29 PM

    dinthebeast said...
    "This is a great example of what Driftglass calls the tribe that rubs shit it its hair. They all gather online and exchange pictures of their latest shit-dos and get all excited about their fecal pompadour creativity, and then they go out in public and can't understand why nobody wants to talk to them."

    Classic Doug comment.

  18. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Blaxx are sensitive about being likened to apes because, well, the truth hurts.
    Trumpettes are so dumb they can't even spell basic words. Make America illiterate again.

  19. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Trump supporters are sensitive about being likened to inbred mouthbreathing morons because, well, the truth is the truth.

  20. Anonymous11:49 PM

    The Bell Curve don't lie.

  21. Anonymous11:54 PM

    'Black fragility'

  22. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Hot Fun in the Summertime..... Murder and Mayhem in Baltimorgue, Chimpcago and Black Bike week in Myrtle Beach S.C. But the Fraud Negro is worried about a never funny Roseanne? Is Farrakhan a racist? Is Joy Reid a racist? Is the show Blackish racist? Is anyone who is Black or Brown ever taken to task for the fucked up shit they say about whites? I'm tired of the double standard and the bullshit put forth daily by Liberals, Jews and POC. When University profs start calling for the death of Blacks with the same venom and frequency that they do for whites and the Jewsmedia reports on it, then i'll listen to your complaints.

  23. Roseanne has always been off the curb. She accused her own parents of child molestation to get attention.

  24. Anonymous12:43 AM

    “But the Fraud Negro is worried about a never funny Roseanne?”

    Right. Only this blog cares about this story.

    That’s why Fox, and the talk radio shouters, and Breitbart and Daily Caller and Townhall.com, and the rest of the wingnut-o-sphere will all be in outraged, hair-on-fire freakout mode for the next two weeks, and all their stories will have a “Roseanne got fired so America’s not free no more” theme.

    That’ll be because they so totally don’t care, according to you.

  25. If even Fox news calls you a racist you're a racist.


  26. Andy Borowitz:

    "White House in Panic Mode After TV Star with Racist Twitter Feed Loses Job"


    -Doug in Oakland

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. This is good.

    1. Roseanne has overplayed her importance for decades. The old show from the late 1980s was cute. I never found her to be personally appealing. But the show was watchable and had some memorable characters, particularly the young people. She had put together a thing of value. It was irreverent. It had a soul. But why did she throw all of this away to go on to become a professional jerk? Better management, please.

    2. This premise of opening a dialogue between Trump supporters and their liberal family members is a poison. Trump supporters need to be shown the error of their ways. We don't need to further legitimize these poor misguided souls. They need help and counseling. I'm starting to agree with the doctors who vainly portray the epidemiology of mass school shooters with a public mental health issue. It affects mostly young white males. It has a mode of transmission. Most of these young men are into very strong forms of social media. It's a mental health issue just like Trump said. But I would like to take the point of view of the doctor who knew the kids in Santa Fe Texas one step further. RW politics today is a public, mental health issue. It is a disease and a epidemic. We do not wish to perpetuate it any more than we would perpetuate any other fatal disease.

    3. It really makes Trump look like a big, fucking idiot.

  30. Apparently Trump Junior was quite excited by some of the offending tweets himself, in particular those about George Soros.

    I never deeply understood the RW hatred of Soros until quite recently when I heard of his efforts to protect freedom of the press in his native Hungary since the rise of radical RW politicians in Hungary.

    I just happened to be watching the boob tube when a story came up on the KPBS News Hour about suppression of the press in Hungary and the recent creation of a blacklist of those who would oppose the current president. Opposition voices in the press, including those of traditional conservatives, have been silenced by the new RW paradigm.

    No wonder those crazy fucking republicans hate Soros. He's antifa.

  31. Come on! This one's a loser:

    1) Everyone knows that VJ looks like that POTA chick. WTF? It was funny.
    2) Why are y'all letting VJ run around pretending to be a black woman?


    Trump and his diehards have got on some dumbphuckery here and there, but this is way tf over-blown, and only bcz Trump. VJ literally claimed to want to subvert America's freedom of religion to convert us to Islam, which IMO is a fuck of a lot worse than calling an ape-looking chick an ape-looking chick.

  32. The CoatesvilleExPat7:59 AM

    And your thoughts on Michelle Wolf Judge? I see you over there.

  33. Josh is a teenaged girl8:48 AM

    Hey great, Josh is back. Guess she got bored like Rosanne and needed to flash her tits. Hey Josh! How ya been?

  34. Eddie Murphy8:51 AM

    And your thoughts on Michelle Wolf?
    White people are not funny, they should stop trying.

  35. And apes aren't human. Neither are stoopid fucking wingnuts that are too fucking stoopid and inbred to see racism for what it is and how it is presented.

  36. Josh is kind of a dumb girl9:04 AM

    Yeah Josh, calling Black people apes is hilarious. Now go back to your klan meetings that your boyfriends takes you to.

  37. Anymoose @ 12:16 playing the victim card when all else fails. So typically stoopid fucking wasicu wastey wingnuttery.

  38. Our Glorious Future10:05 AM

    Farting Janitor said...
    "This premise of opening a dialogue between Trump supporters and their liberal family members is a poison. Trump supporters need to be shown the error of their ways."

    Here here. Family members shouldn't talk about their differences, the right-thinking liberal ones should have their wrong-thinking kin reeducated, perhaps in some sort of camp setting, enclosed with razor wire for their protection.

  39. Right is Right10:30 AM

    Flying Junior said...
    "I never deeply understood the RW hatred of Soros"

    But you've never deeply understood anything.

    Currency manipulation, stock market crashes, tax evasion, crony capitalism, subversion of democratic elections, funding of Antifa and every other hardcore leftist thug group, promulgating open borders propaganda and pushing mass immigration policies on all European countries. What's not to hate?

  40. Don Ho10:36 AM

    PilotX said...
    "If even Fox news calls you a racist you're a racist."

    When you've lost True Conservative™ Shep Smith, you've lost the family-values homosexual base of the Republican Party.


    You live in such a tiny bubble, X.

  41. Know thyself11:06 AM

    I didn't think Valerie Jarrett was black, and she actually does kind of look like that chick from the Planet of the Apes movie. The insult seemed specifically addressed at her and her alone. Until this thing blew up, I wouldn't have ever looked at this tweet as a disparagement of all black people.

    I guess if this Roseanne incident proves anything, it's that the position of the Liberal-Progressive orthodoxy is that black people look like apes and you are not supposed to notice. If that's the case, immediately cancelling the number one rated show in America for 'racism' and engaging in multi-day mass media hate fest kind of defeats the purpose.

    But of course, it's not really about what Roseanne tweeted, is it? If she had been a Hillary supporter, the apology/clarification would have saved her show. As with everything with the Left these days, it's about a deep abiding hatred of Donald Trump and anyone who dares not hate him.

    Ultimately, it's not even about Trump, but about what he symbolizes: The White Man. There are many disparate groups that make up the Left, but at the core of every Leftist's belief system, the thing that unites them all, is the absolute hatred of the White Man.

    1. Anonymous8:02 AM

      No. Jesus was a Liberal. He was the original tree hugging, bleeding heart Liberal. Being Liberal is simply about being a good person but you are likely too dense to understand this.

  42. Currency manipulation, stock market crashes, tax evasion, crony capitalism, subversion of democratic elections, funding of Antifa and every other hardcore leftist thug group, promulgating open borders propaganda and pushing mass immigration policies on all European countries. What's not to hate?

    Sounds just like the last five stoopid fucking wingnut Potii.

  43. Anonymous11:29 AM

    "Sounds just like the last five stoopid fucking wingnut Potii."

    Kind of makea you think, huh?

    Nah, you're mike from iowa.

  44. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Segregation Now !!!!!!!!!!

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. "Segregation Now !!!!!!!!!!"

    Wow Field, you got George Wallace posting here. 👍🏾

  47. "When you've lost True Conservative™ Shep Smith, you've lost the family-values homosexual base of the Republican Party."

    Yup, and all that's left is the ignorant,mouthbreathing, racist and intolerant inbreds.

  48. Field Cretin12:36 PM

    So Roseanne Barr, who is Jewish, sent a mean tweet to racially ambiguous Valerie Jarrett and gets her show cancelled.


    Let's use it to attack Trump!

  49. Roseanne is like a lot of racists--a collection is goofball ideas and labels and clichés that do not add up to anything coherent. You can't reason with them. In 2009 she gave out George Zimmerman's parents' address on her twitter feed, she was so incensed at Trayvon's murder. But she also believed 9/11 was an inside job. That most Hollywood celebs were liberal because of the (Obama?) CIA's mind control.

    I have somehow acquired an Israeli-American FB friend who's pro-Trump. He keeps posting anti-Palestinian propaganda--photos of Arabs holding guns to their children's heads, etc. Flattering articles about the Donald. He also supports universal health care and gun control. And then racist articles about Obama, slams against Hillary. How could i talk to this person? He's too silly for words. He also posts lovely nature photos.

    People very commonly don't know how to think. Consistently, rationally. This is Our People. Blame the schools if you want--they've been underfunded and undervalued for a long time. Blame junk culture. Unless you're a member of a victimized minority, of course. But that was no use to Jewish Roseanne. She called Israel a "Nazi state" without any second thoughts.

  50. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Jews are at the root of most problems.

    1. Anonymous8:05 AM

      You forgot Killary and Obummer you pathetic, sad little asshole.

  51. Fake News Update1:38 PM

    Journalist Arkady Babchenko, who mike from iowa told us yesterday was killed by Putin, showed up at a news conference today.


  52. https://www.theroot.com/trump-still-hates-jeff-sessions-for-being-jeff-sessions-1826424117

    What do you think of this Field?

  53. Maybe the religious nuts are right, we are in the last days.


    1. This fool thinks a person famous for being famous is the best person to discuss an important issue. Dear god and I'm supposed to take the republicans seriously.

  54. Fake News Update said...

    Journalist Arkady Babchenko, who mike from iowa told us yesterday was killed by Putin, showed up at a news conference today.


    1:38 PM

    Yer totally delusional, delusional stoopid fucking wasicu wastery wingnut. I never mentioned a word about that. More fake lies.

  55. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Sounds just like the last five stoopid fucking wingnut Potii."

    Kind of makea you think, huh?

    Nah, you're mike from iowa.

    If you could think! They are all worse than Soros in everyway because they were fake potii of the most powerful country in the world and the one nastion in bed with 80% of the world's dictators.

  56. http://www.the-immoral-minority.com/oklahoma-senator-scott-pruitt-introduced-bill-giving-men-property-rights-over-fetuses/

    Pretty good indicator how far stoopid fucking scummy wasicu wastey wingnuts are willing to go in their war on women. Remember, etoopid fucking wingnuts don't give a shit what becomes of a fetus after it is carried to term. Many, I truly believe, are fed to gatherings of stoopid fucking wingnuts at fund raising dinners as appetizers.

  57. https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/trump-effect-new-study-connects-white-american-intolerance-support-authoritarianism-ncna877886

  58. Calling "black people" apes

    "Black people"

    "Black people"

    How many posts did Field have about the two black serial killers we've had in the past 8 months, targeting old white men? How many about the roving gangs of black teens in MD and NV following and beating white women for being white women?

    You know, the REAL racism in America, which is violent and only works one way. 0 times any of you have called it out. If it's not "black people,' it doesn't exist.

    You fucking crybabies. A raunchy Jewish comic makes an observation that's entirely accurate about this ape-looking broad, and suddenly you LARP as poor oppressed slaves, wringing your hands at a white America that somehow is responsible for all the fucking nothing-burger you've dealt with personally.

    So fucking fragile.

    Did the mean Jewish lady's words hurt your fee-fees? Is a woman none of you ever knew was black--because she doesn't appear remotely black--bring back times through which you never lived, where racism you never endured comes crashing back like rogue waves on your privileged, first-world asses?

    Fucking children.

    1. Anonymous8:08 AM

      So Mom let you move back into her singlewide?! Good for you!

  59. Anonymous2:44 PM

    “Journalist Arkady Babchenko, who mike from iowa told us yesterday was killed by Putin, showed up at a news conference today.”

    Not really the news media’s fault.

    Babchenko faked his own death, with the help of the Ukrainian government, in an effort to catch the Russian agents he says are genuinely trying to kill him.

    This story is developing, so we’ll have to see where it goes, but there is no plausible way that any journalist could have debunked the claim of Babchenko’s death in the SINGLE DAY between the announcement of his murder and the admission that it didn’t happen.

    Particularly because people aren’t exactly on the lookout for fake murders. This crazy scenario is the stuff of Hollywood movies. Everything surrounding Russia is a circus.

  60. The hell with the fake murder, what about me (sez mfi in his feyest Drumpfuck pig whine)? My character has been assassinated and I want it back.

  61. Josh is an attention whore3:06 PM

    Blah blah blah blah (flash tits for attention) blah blah blah blah (flash tits again) blah blah blah (say something racist for attention) blah blah blah.
    Yup, welcome back Josh.

    1. Josh is a little girl3:08 PM

      Guess she was done sucking Jame's dick long enough to post again.
      Welcome back Josh.

  62. Anonymous3:12 PM

    The Olympic-level mental gymnastics that wingnuts are attempting in order to convince themselves Roseanne is not racist are truly amazing.

    These jokers will try to justify anything. She could be caught on camera beating a black child to death while shouting racial slurs and wearing a Nazi uniform, and they’d still be going on about how misunderstood she is.

    I can at least respect the free-speech argument that she shouldn’t be punished by her employer for saying racist stuff on her own time. But claiming it wasn’t actually racist? C’mon, man. This is a sad spectacle. You aren’t fooling anyone.

  63. Josh is a dumb racist girl3:13 PM

    Whaaa whaa whaaa, negroes have cut off old white ladies in traffic and gave me a mean look so when people say racist shit in public it's ok (Josh logic). I guess all the white male butthurt that goes on whenever someone says anything remotely mean about them is the epitome of responsible adulthood. Fuck you Josh and your dumb ass. Go back to sucking white supremacist dick and call us when your racist ass says a fucking peep when your so holy white people committ crime on other whites. Dumb bitch ass.

  64. Fuck Rosanne and her bitch Josh3:33 PM

    BTW, my feelings weren't hurt at all but that fat racist bitch still lost her show #winning.

  65. As Joe Bob Briggs said:

    "Evolution is bullshit. We look like monkeys because god made us to look like monkeys."

    That's the kind of "logic" we're dealing with here, only he was joking and they are not.

    -Doug in Oakland

  66. Anonymous4:01 PM

    “That's the kind of ‘logic’ we're dealing with here, only he was joking and they are not."

    My brother had dinner with a couple of evangelical Christian wingnuts one time.

    They told him there was no such thing as a dinosaur and God created fossils to test man’s faith and adherence to scripture. They were completely serious. It was an awkward conversation.

  67. Anonymous4:03 PM

    > The NY Times is “failing.” Jeff Bezos is “failing.” Google is “failing.”

    > Have you ever noticed that all of these “failing” people seem to actually be tremendously popular and successful?

    We noticed that Bezos bought the WaPo about the same time he got a "cloud computing" contract from the CIA worth multiples of the purchase price.  The American public is paying for his propaganda organ.

    We noticed that the NYT got a big cash infusion from a Mexican phone-cartel billionaire, too.  Funny how it never gives him any bad press despite him making tons of cash by jacking up rates for poor Mexican peasants, isn't it?

    Yeah, we noticed who's on your side.  That's one way we know you're the enemy.

  68. So voters with no party affiliation now outnumber registered Republicans by more than 70,000 in California.
    This is not surprising, as "independent" usually means "too ashamed to admit you're a Republican", whereas actual Republicans have no shame.
    Still, even if you add up the Republicans and no party affiliation voters, you only have about a million more than registered Democrats, and we have a cornucopia of lefty organizations who also fall under the NPA label.
    The headline read: It's Official: Republicans Now At Third Party Status in California.

    -Doug in Oakland

  69. Anonymous4:04 PM

    > The Olympic-level mental gymnastics that wingnuts are attempting in order to convince themselves Roseanne is not racist

    Blacks (note I don't say "people") are the most racist population in western societies.  Everything is about race to you.  If Roseanne has had enough of black demands and whining, we don't care if you call her "racist" any more.  If it's good sense to be racist against your stupid, sorry race, then Roseanne is fine with me.  You condeming her for that is pure, naked hypocrisy and we have no fucks left to give for you.

  70. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Awwwwww, trump's feeling were hurt when ABC didn't call him like they did Valerie Jarred. Such tough white male behavior. He's as big a bitch as Josh and all the rest of the big tough white guys. Bwahahahaha! Fucking snowflakes!

  71. I still have a job4:09 PM

    If Roseanne has had enough of black demands and whining, we don't care if you call her "racist" any more.
    Yeah but her fat ass lost her show so good on ABC! And also we don't give a fuck about you or your ilk. Stop yer bitching about "teh blacks" and move on with your pathetic life. Nah, you'd rather bitch about "teh blacks". And dumb ass asks why everything is about race with "you people". Racists certainly are kinda dumb.

  72. Anonymous4:11 PM

    More double standards from the alt left crowd.....

  73. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ambien-roseanne-barr-racism-is-not-a-side-effect-of-sleep-drug/?ftag=CNM-00-10aab6a&linkId=52362937

    She's blaming the sleeping pill Ambien LOLOL for that comment! And the makers, Sanofi-Aventi put out a statement that their medicine does not cause racism!

    Ahahahahaha! Wipipo! Lord ha' mercy!

  74. Anonymous4:24 PM

    “We noticed that Bezos bought the WaPo about the same time he got a "cloud computing" contract from the CIA worth multiples of the purchase price. The American public is paying for his propaganda organ.

    We noticed that the NYT got a big cash infusion from a Mexican phone-cartel billionaire, too. Funny how it never gives him any bad press despite him making tons of cash by jacking up rates for poor Mexican peasants, isn't it?”

    Ah, so in your fantasy world, Jeff Bezos is the richest man in the world because of a CIA contract and not because Amazon is a gigantic online retailer?

    And the NY Times is successful because of Carlos Slim (he’s dastardly because he’s Mexican!) and not because lots of people like to read it (even more so since Trump’s election improved their circulation)?


    Go ahead, have a tinfoil MAGA hat. You’ve earned it.

  75. Richard Spencer4:37 PM

    More double standards from the alt left crowd.....
    More bitchassedness from the racist, er alt-right assholes.

  76. Conservatives are certainly fucking snowflakes4:40 PM

    Whaaa whaaaa whaaaaa, but what about.........(standard response from conservatives, you know the take personal responsibilty crowd). Bunch of bitches.

  77. The Party of Science!4:52 PM

    My brother had dinner with a couple of evangelical Christian wingnuts one time.

    They told him there was no such thing as a dinosaur and God created fossils to test man’s faith and adherence to scripture. They were completely serious. It was an awkward conversation.

    My brother had dinner with a couple of progressive atheist moonbats one time.

    They told him there was no such thing as racial differences in IQ and evolution only worked from the neck down. They were completely serious. It was an awkward conversation.

  78. Porter5:01 PM

    Now obviously alluding to a public figure as a monkey is racist unless you’re a liberal talking about George W. Bush. In this case it’s appropriate as NPR explains here:

    In the U.S., there’s not a history of white Protestants like Bush being portrayed as simians by anyone in a more privileged and powerful social and economic position.

    So now you understand why blue-collar whites may be mocked in explicitly racial terms: there’s no one in a more privileged and powerful social and economic position than them.

  79. Porter5:05 PM

    The re-booted Roseanne was apparently already approaching the shoals of racial insubordination during its singular season. One episode in particular displayed an egregious lack of deference in supposing it could repeat the left’s own racial mantra as if it were actually designed to be taken seriously. See if you can read the following without suffering an embolism from blood boil…

    We missed all the shows about black and Asian families,” Dan remarked, referencing the sitcoms Black-ish and Fresh Off the Boat, to which Roseanne quipped back, “They’re just like us. There, now you’re all caught up.”

    Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! You can’t say blacks and Asians are ‘just like us’ unless you’re a left-wing anthropologist or advocating for open borders. Or at the very least, you need to ask. There are times when being just like us accrues to their benefit and preference, and times when it does not. Overpaid play-actors who want to keep their series’ active are advised to learn the difference.

    For instance, if you say non-whites are *not* like us when they want to migrate to the West, then you are a racist. And if you say they *are* like us once they are here and prefer to reap the unique opportunities and lucrative victim status of their group, then you are something else entirely: a racist. Without knowing which is most profitable for them at the time, you really can’t safely say whether they are like us or not.

  80. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Ebola Now !!!!!!!!

  81. Anonymous5:06 PM

    “They told him there was no such thing as racial differences in IQ and evolution only worked from the neck down. They were completely serious. It was an awkward conversation.”

    It ain’t Democrat politicians and “moonbat” professional protesters who think your crackpot 19th-century racialist theories are a joke. It is the actual scientific community.

    Stormfront is not an authority on human biology. Neither is Occidental Quarterly, which is just Stormfront in a bowtie.

    I regret to inform you that you aren’t any less laughable than the dinosaur-deniers.

  82. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Porter, you do realize that NPR (Negro Public Radio) is full of shit don't you? Blacks and Browns have Carte' Blanche to say and do whatever they want and the liberal whites and jew handlers will support them to the hilt. Imagine what this place will be like when Minorities are the majority? You want Negros and mystery meat illegals running the utilities, the hospitals, research and development for drugs and medical improvements? Fourth world shithole is what this country will be. Delusions and magical thinking and bullshit fantasy Wakanda movies does not create a first world society.

  83. Anonymous5:19 PM

    The Bell Curve don't lie. Negroes were dumb, are dumb and gonna stay dumb. The kerner commission was all jew bullshit. Even in the best of enviroments Negroes as a whole cannot compete.

  84. The Party of Science!5:28 PM

    It ain’t Democrat politicians and “moonbat” professional protesters who think your crackpot 19th-century racialist theories are a joke. It is the actual scientific community.

    Perhaps you could use actual science to explain how different human populations separated for thousands of years evolved different skin colors, hair types, body proportions, climate adaptations, disease resistances, and skull and dentition differences, yet intellectual capabilities remained exactly the same?

  85. Joy Reid is a 9/11 truther

    Joy Reid Promoted An Infamous 9/11 Conspiracy Documentary On Her Old Blog

    The “Loose Change” post isn’t the only skepticism on her blog about the attacks that killed 3,000 people. In a March, 2006 post titled “Flashback: September 30, 2001,” Reid’s blog notes that the US government identified the plotters suspiciously soon. It then repeats common truther questions about the collapse of building WTC 7, which was not hit by an airplane.

    “For that matter, why did any of the WTV [sic] buildings fall...?” Reidblog states. “Somehow I think it will be a generation before we get the full story on what happened on 9/11?”


  86. Anonymous6:01 PM

    “Perhaps you could use actual science to explain how different human populations separated for thousands of years evolved different skin colors, hair types, body proportions, climate adaptations, disease resistances, and skull and dentition differences, yet intellectual capabilities remained exactly the same?”

    I don’t have to. There are scads of books by reputable experts in evolutionary biology that explain how this works. You don’t want to read them; you prefer Internet forums and cranks who tell you what you want to hear.

    Not really my problem.

  87. Anonymous6:53 PM

    There are scads of books by reputable experts in evolutionary biology that explain how this works.
    Bwahahahahaha! And yet he can't name one. Move along racist asshat. Oh I'm sorry, Mr. Genius. Bwahahahahhaahahaha!

  88. Mandingo6:55 PM

    Even in the best of enviroments Negroes as a whole cannot compete.
    I've never had a problem competing, especially with white women. Check out www.blacked.com to see how I "compete" with white chicks. Boom!

  89. Porker, when you say POC are animals, you are a dues paying racist. End of story.

  90. Even in the best of enviroments Negroes as a whole cannot compete.

    Anyone notice how Obama got elected/re-elected in spite of the racist lies about him and his family? Obama competed fairly against stacked decks and won the office and adulation for being presidential and grown up amidst a sea of inbred stoopid fucking wasicu wastey wingnuts.

    Drumpf the dumbfuck, otoh, is several eons removed from truth and reality and is taking inbred knuckledraggers down to hell with him.

  91. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Ohh i forgot..... The Magical Mullato. Well hell Negro why didn't you tell me you were gonna pull out the Super Shine Trump Card? BHO covers the entire tab for the trillions of dollars and countless acts of destruction and dysfunction caused by you Wakandans. I stand corrected and defer to Negro excellence.

  92. Anonymous7:42 PM

    BHO never met a Jew Banker he didn't Love more than anyone else. He didn't do shit for anybody but Wall Street. Long legged Mack Daddy Hoodwinked all of America.

  93. Next recession/depression lies squarely on the shoulders and backs of the stoopidest fucking potus and his stoopid inbred fucking enablers in Congress.

    Obama and Dems rescued America's economy from stoopid fucking crook wingnuts only to have stoopid fucking wasicus reverse the safeguards so Americans can be raped by big banks and other korporate kriminals.

  94. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Planet of the Apes:


  95. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Planet of the hillbillies.

  96. Anonymous8:46 PM

    With regard to Roseanne Bar:

    Hmphf...it's interesting how white folks love to refer to Blacks as apes.
    White folks have a hell of a lot more hair on their bodies than people of color.
    One would say that big, fat, sloppy, WHITE TRASH Roseanne Bar looks like an "Albino Ape" herself.

    My question is why the hell the Jews didn't say anything when she donned a hitler mustache and made Jewish Children Cookies and joked about how she was going to put them in the oven like Hitler sent 6 million Jews to the ovens and gas chambers. SHE FUCKING MADE FUN OF THE HOLACAUST!!!! AND GASSING AND BURNING 6 MILLION WHITE JEWIS.

    No one in their right mind is surprised about the racist statements from the white trash that inhabit this country. This country was founded by white trash. The elites did NOT come over here from Europe on the Mayflower or any other boat. Europe sent their white trash ( criminals, pedophiles, rapists. and sexists). They bought German measles, syphillis, mumps, small pox and herpes (from sleeping with animals) and infected Africans, and Native Americans.

    Our POTUS is also a descended of "white trash" and people need to stop making excuses for him.
    People need to Stop saying this bullshit about how he is "UNABLE" to apologize or condemn racists acts.
    You know good and goddamn well that he is "UNWILLING" to apologize.

    White men have this crazy notion that they and only they should inhabit the world. It stems from the fact that they are the true minorities.

    GOD is not pleased...
    "...and the sins of the fathers shall be visited upon the children." Exodus 20:5

  97. Anonymous8:52 PM

    In response to white folks constantly referring to Blacks as apes:

    "It takes one to know one."

  98. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Many would say that white folks are descendent from DOGS.

    Just stand next to one of them when they sweat or when they haven't bathed or washed their hair in 24 hours.

    The smell of it will strangle you and put you in a coma.

    You'd swear you were in a room with a thousand wet, and dirty canines .

  99. Anonymous9:07 PM

    > Nah, you'd rather bitch about "teh blacks".

    I don't come here to bitch about you.  I come here show the lurkers just how you react when you're called out on your egregious behavior (not in a civilization-compatible manner).

    > And dumb ass asks why everything is about race with "you people".

    I have never asked a black why they weren't doing enough for me.  I have never asked or wanted a black to do anything except behave themselves and leave me alone.  That means not taking jobs via AA that you're not actually qualified for and staying off the welfare I've been paying for all my working life, too.

  100. Anonymous9:08 PM

    > It ain’t Democrat politicians and “moonbat” professional protesters who think your crackpot 19th-century racialist theories are a joke. It is the actual scientific community.

    The ACTUAL scientific community agrees with James Watson:  “I am inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa ... all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours – whereas all the testing says not really.”

    It also agrees with the results of the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study, which found that the more black you are the dumber you grow up to be even in a smart household.

    The radical environmentalists say we can end racial inequality by believing hard enough.  They're either lying, or going along to keep from losing their jobs (like James Watson did).

  101. The Party of Science!9:12 PM

    I don’t have to. There are scads of books by reputable experts in evolutionary biology that explain how this works

    Liberal science in a nutshell. You are firmly committed to 'scientific' ideas you are incapable of understanding because they reinforce the narrative you want to be true. Your side owns the academy now, therefore credentials are unassailable.

    There are "scads" of books in evolutionary biology saying the opposite as well, but you don't read wrongthink books.

    I don't believe that any race is superior in the whole. I believe that any thinking person can see with their own eyes there are significant differences between racial groups, that on average mean some races are better at some things than other races are.

    Furthermore, the idea that every racial group should be equally represented in every human endeavor is a refutation of this reality. This should not limit the opportunity for everyone to excel at whatever, but you cannot expect equal representation when you have a level playing. The lack of diversity in 100 meter dash winners is not a social construct. Neither is the lack of diversity in AP calculus.

    If some 'expert' tells me something that furthers a political viewpoint but which is on its face absurd, I am not going to believe it just because they have a degree.

    Believing that evolution has not resulted in difference across groups in cognitive and behavioral traits is as absurd as believing that dinosaur fossils are God's way of testing one's faith. You are a Liberal Creationist, and your ideology of radical equalitarianism leads directly to the worst kind of tyranny.

  102. J. Burton9:22 PM

    My sincerest dream for America is that one day our mainstream public discourse will be sane and realistic enough to admit that, yes, Valerie Jarrett really does look like that one monkey lady from Planet of the Apes.

  103. Anonymous9:23 PM

    "My question is why the hell the Jews didn't say anything when she donned a hitler mustache and made Jewish Children Cookies and joked about how she was going to put them in the oven like Hitler sent 6 million Jews to the ovens and gas chambers. SHE FUCKING MADE FUN OF THE HOLACAUST!!!! AND GASSING AND BURNING 6 MILLION WHITE JEWIS."

    Uh, this was nine years ago. And some Jews did object to this. But not because she was really making a Holocaust joke. Everyone knew she wasn't. It was a lame parody.

    See, this was published in a humorous Jewish magazine, called Heeb. They were trying to make a joke about Roseanne, sending up her awful reputation, by showing her made up as Der Führer, implying that she really wasn't so bad and the people who criticized her were exaggerating.

    The thing is ... they weren't exaggerating. She is truly awful.

    Did Roseanne Barr Pose as Adolf Hitler for a Magazine Photo Shoot?

    So the conversation went like this:

    Jews who worked at Heeb: "Haha, guys, relax, she's not that bad. She's not actually Hitler."

    Other Jews: "Of course she's not Hitler, but she is really a racist and a nutty conspiracy theorist, and you schmendricks are not helping by rehabilitating this bitch when you make light of her gross political views. Fuck you and your crappy magazine."

  104. Trump should name Roseanne ambassador to Mexico.

  105. Anonymous9:32 PM

    "Liberal science in a nutshell. You are firmly committed to 'scientific' ideas you are incapable of understanding because they reinforce the narrative you want to be true. Your side owns the academy now, therefore credentials are unassailable."

    Yup, it's all a conspiracy. Poor, poor racists. So oppressed. Nobody respects their brilliant ideas. Unfair.

    A million tiny violins, etc.

  106. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Nobody respects truth.

    But reality cannot be denied forever.

  107. Anonymous10:08 PM

    So now it's not ok to be an atheist?

  108. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Neither is the lack of diversity in AP calculus.
    It absolutely is. Higher education classes have been purposely kept away from public schools.

  109. Anonymous10:30 PM

    The lack of diversity in 100 meter dash winners is not a social construct.
    It absolutely is. Sprinting classes have been purposely kept away from Koreans.

  110. Anonymous10:33 PM

    > Higher education classes have been purposely kept away from public schools.

    "Optics" has put "honor students" who cannot do algebra into AP Calc classes.

    All they can do there is disrupt the learning of those who are actually capable, and learn to hate their intellectual superiors.  That is probably the point of the exercise.  No (actual human) child gets ahead.

  111. Why anyone gives a shit about piggy Roseanne is beyond me.

  112. The Party of Science!9:57 AM

    Yup, it's all a conspiracy. Poor, poor racists. So oppressed. Nobody respects their brilliant ideas. Unfair.

    "Human sacrifice is wrong!"

    Aztecs: "Shut up and get on the alter. We need the rain, and your beliefs didn't prevail in the marketplace of ideas."

    Anon: "Ok, you're the experts"

  113. Trump and Roseanne: shining examples of white supremacy.

  114. I think Kinky has a crush on Joy Reid.
    Give up, Kinky, she's married.

    -Doug in Oakland
