Monday, May 28, 2018

You're so vain, I bet you think this day is about you.

  • "Sociopath- "a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience."
Image result for image of black soldier cryingYou know we are in trouble as a country when the president makes a day that is to honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country about him. What makes it worse is that there is no collective outrage. Throw in the fact that said president is a draft dodger (Bone spurs?!) who made fun of a captured American soldier to score cheap political points, and you can see that it's not hyperbole to say that we are heading for disaster.

"Happy Memorial Day!," Trump tweeted Monday morning. "Those who died for our great country would be very happy and proud at how well our country is doing today. Best economy in decades, lowest unemployment numbers for Blacks and Hispanics EVER (& women in 18years), rebuilding our Military and so much more. Nice!"'

Nothing "happy" about this day for those who lost loved ones. And you have to be a real sociopath if you  don't understand that this day is not about self-promotion or partisanship. 

But hey, it won't matter. He will still have his lemmings and a cowardly republican party to support him and remain complicit every step of the way. 


  1. Lance Cockstrong10:06 PM

    Too many micro dick white boys and queers and homos in the military, but I support the well endowed black members of our armed forces. Butt Trumpet is too cowardly to ever put on the uniform.

  2. Go back to Jamaica10:15 PM

    Trump is Making America Great Again, and Field Negro can't stand it.


  3. Blacks are typically too vain and narcissistic to realize not everything is about them. You people piss and moan like petulant children when 100% of the attention isn't on you. It's appalling.

  4. Did the Trump administration separate nearly 1,500 immigrant children from their parents at the border, and then lose track of them?

    No. The government did realize last year that it lost track of 1,475 migrant children it had placed with sponsors in the United States, according to testimony before a Senate subcommittee last month. But those children had arrived alone at the Southwest border — without their parents.

    Officials at the Department of Health and Human Services, which oversees refugee resettlement, began making calls last year to determine what had happened to 7,635 children the government had helped place between last October and the end of the year.

    From these calls, officials learned that 6,075 children remained with their sponsors. Twenty-eight had run away, five had been removed from the United States and 52 had relocated to live with a nonsponsor. The rest were unaccounted for, giving rise to the 1,475 number. It is possible that some of the adult sponsors simply chose not to respond to the agency.

    Losing track of children who arrive at the border alone is not a new phenomenon. A 2016 inspector general report showed that the federal government was able to reach only 84 percent of children it had placed, leaving 4,159 unaccounted for.

    On Monday evening, Eric Hargan, the deputy secretary for Health and Human Services, expressed frustration at the use of the term “lost” to refer to the 1,475 unaccounted-for children. In a statement, he said that the department’s office of refugee resettlement began voluntarily making the calls as a 30-day follow-up to make sure that the children and their sponsors did not require additional services. Those calls, which the office does not view as required, Mr. Hargan said, are now “being used to confuse and spread misinformation.”

    In many cases, the statement said, sponsors cannot be reached because “they themselves are illegal aliens and do not want to be reached by federal authorities.”

    Here's the money quote-

    "Losing track of children who arrive at the border alone is not a new phenomenon. A 2016 inspector general report showed that the federal government was able to reach only 84 percent of children it had placed, leaving 4,159 unaccounted for.'

    Who was president in 2016? OBAMA!!!!

    So when "1500" go missing filed joins the liberal hysteria and posts this-

    "We are also now learning that some 1,500 children of immigrants have gone missing, and that the trump administration and their inhumane policies are to blame."

    What did field say when over 4,000 were lost under obama's watch? What did mike from iowa say? What about doug from oakland and the rest complaining about Trump say?

    Not a damn thing.

    Proving this ain't about the children. It's about the left using children has a weapon to bash Trump with.

  5. Anonymous11:35 PM

    The USA needs to lose ALL of these alien children, accompanied or not.

    They need to get lost to their own countries and Never. Come. Back.

    Just like Feeled, and PilotX, and all the other black grievance whores need to go back to their home continent (which is not anywhere in the Americas) and leave everyone else alone... and be prepared to receive the rest of the African diaspora, which is utterly useless to the civilized world.

    Once you're home again, we'll let you choose.  Either you demand re-colonialism and submit to competent rule, or we allow the Chinese to boot you out a few thousand hectares at a time until they own the continent like you thought you took over Rhodesia and South Africa.  Except unlike the Dutch and English, the Chinese play for keeps.

  6. This holiday is about honoring those who have died serving our country, so I wholeheartedly support Fergus making it all about him.

    -Doug in Oakland

  7. Julian Cope - All The Blowin’ Themselves Up Motherfuckers Will Realize The Minute They Die That They Were Suckers

    -Doug in Oakland

  8. Who was president in 2016? OBAMA!!!!

    The fuck he was!!!!! Drumpfuck took care of that with a racist EO and announced himself as the de-fucked up bogus Russian Potus. And he is all yers stoopid fucking wasicu inbred wingnuts. Bwahahahahahahahahaha!

  9. Anonymous Dave Zirin said...

    Drumpfuck is typically too vain and narcissistic to realize not everything is about hom. His inbred fucking stoopid wasicu trash people piss and moan like petulant children when 100% of the attention isn't on you. It's appalling.

    Fixed it for you, stud.

  10. In a few years you stoopid fucking wasicu wingnut trash will be seeking asylum in any country that will take millions of inbred racist thugs with no respect for any human life if it isn't worth billions. You'll be cast upon the water without ship or life preservers and armed guards will make sure you don't return to the ruins you're leaving behind.

    Nobody wants you here. This is no longer a country that will tolerate your hate and divisiveness. Maybe Hitler and Stalin will welcome you in Hell.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I wish that it could have been true that we only had an Armistice Day and a Decoration Day. But there was a second World War. So the war to end all wars fell short of that mark. Sadly the end of WWII only brought about a temporary and extremely shaky world peace.

    I'm okay with Veteran's Day and Memorial Day. It makes sense in light of all that has happened in the last eighty years. The two days are more or less interchangeable. Leave it to the great thinkers like Eisenhower, Kennedy, Reagan, Clinton and Obama to pen the remarks that make the remembrance holy.

    But that does not make it proper to forget the Civil War and the untold sacrifice of those who fought to keep our young nation united as one.

    Happy Memorial Day? Did Trump really say that? I mean, he's fucking president. He's not just waking up to have a barbecue and a four-day weekend.

  13. Puerto Rican food looks, smells, and tastes like shit7:29 AM

    tr**p's narcissism is too much for Washington to handle. Fortunately the bloat will be gone by January 2021, hopefully sooner.

  14. Fact of the Day7:39 AM

    There is no such thing as a good white person.

  15. Anonymous8:22 AM

    I thought I saw crazy before.  And then I saw this:

    mike from iowa said...

    Who was president in 2016? OBAMA!!!!

    The fuck he was!!!!! Drumpfuck took care of that with a racist EO

    This clown thinks Trump was able to issue executive orders before he was even elected.

    "Psycho from Iowa" doesn't go nearly far enough to encompass his insanity.

  16. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Thank Heaven for White people. Wakanda is not real Negroes.

  17. This clown thinks Trump was able to issue executive orders before he was even elected.

    You really are this stoopid!

  18. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Always worth a few laughs to check in on the 80IQ Free Shit Army comments. Delusional outdated farm equipment that is totally dependent on the "Evil Whitey" for their survival constantly bitching about racism. Funny as Hell.

  19. Arlington Cemetery is running out of room so to reloeve the congestion, all wingnut oils and potii are to be removed immediately and the contaminated ground rehabbed according to Obama's EPA standards.

    Wingnut remains may be dumped in West Virginia drinking water with coal ash to bring back coal mining jobs.

  20. Drumpf only likes soldiers that don't get caught and don't get killed in action because what would be the point of fighyinh for Comrade Drumpf if you are dead or captive?

  21. mike from iowa said...

    Who was president in 2016? OBAMA!!!!

    The fuck he was!!!!! Drumpfuck took care of that with a racist EO


    If only it was that easy.....🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  22. Anonymous9:03 AM

    White boys got tiny brains and tiny dicks! LOL!

  23. Name me one Obama action that he or his family profited from. I want iron clad proof. Not plaintive pig wails.

  24. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Obama has been paid for all of his actions by the people he serves. Before he was President, he was given millions for his autobiography (written by Bill Ayers), his house by Tony Rezko, and had his education financed by a Saudi Prince. On the way out of office he got a $60 million book advance. Netflix just gave him another $30 million.

  25. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Donald Trump is making fundamental revisions to how America will be governed from here on out.

    The Left is full of angry and hateful people that fear change.

  26. Obama's spying scandal is starting to look a lot like Watergate:

  27. DIY deportation is not a thing11:27 AM

    Okay, so here’s a crazy story. Don’t know if you’ve read about this yet.

    When stories of everyday racism come up, it’s never possible to 100% attribute them to a “Trump effect.” I mean, it’s not like racist acts didn’t happen before the great ass clown became president. But, boy, he definitely does appear to have encouraged a lot of people to engage in behavior that is not remotely okay, to indulge hideous impulses they would have previously kept under control.

    What am I talking about? Well, see, there were these two employees of a flight school who decided that a foreign student’s English language skills were not good enough, so that meant he was an “illegal.” So they decided to appoint themselves honoraracy officers of Immigration and Customs Enforcement and carry out a “citizens’ deportation.”

    Oh, and by the way, while the victim is of East Asian descent, so is one of the insane pair who tried to deport him. Seriously.

    I am just shaking my head at every single aspect of this tale.

    Flight Instructor Tried To Deport Foreign Student ‘Back To China’: Cops

  28. Anonymous11:47 AM

    They have to go back to China.

  29. How many of you stoopid fucking hypocritical,wasicu wastey wingnuts remember the stink you guys raised when it was determined, and rightly so, to return Elian Gonzalez to his Dad in Cuba? Remember the threat of violence and every stoopid fucking wingnut pol chimed in wanting to show their phony kristian values by keeping a father from reuniting with his child?

    Why didn't that child automatically have to go home in your eyes? Why does every Haitian that makes American soil automatically get denied asylum and gets sent back?

  30. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Donald Trump is making fundamental revisions to how America will be governed from here on out.

    Will last far shorter than Obama's stuff, guaranteed.

    Drumpf will be found to be illegitimate in office and life and none of his decisions will stand constitutionality.

  31. Razor1:19 PM

    SOLDIERS MISTREAT ABU GHRAIB PRISONERS UNDER BUSH: Front page of NYT for 32 days in a row of "what did Bush know and when did he know it!!!"

    CUSTOMS OFFICIALS CAGE IMMIGRANT CHILDREN UNDER OBAMA: one day of "how will Trump get out of this one" then down the memory hole

  32. Unlike Watergate, there is no scandal in Obama's administration. All delusional fever dreams of stoopid wasicu wasteys wasted on dopioids.

  33. Problem Solved1:33 PM

    It's a little known fact that Mexican families don't have to be separated at the U.S. border if some of them don't come to our country in the first place.

    In Mexico, these families can be kept intact.

    We need to Build a Wall of Love to keep these families together.

  34. the0clean0slate1:36 PM

    As a Chinese-American I find it hilarious that a black person would criticize someone else for being vain when you people have BLM, a black supremacist group intent on mainstreaming bullshit Afrocentrism.

    See more at:

  35. “Wet foot, dry foot” for Cubans. “Wetbacks out!” for Mexicans1:38 PM

    "How many of you stoopid fucking hypocritical,wasicu wastey wingnuts remember the stink you guys raised when it was determined, and rightly so, to return Elian Gonzalez to his Dad in Cuba? Remember the threat of violence and every stoopid fucking wingnut pol chimed in wanting to show their phony kristian values by keeping a father from reuniting with his child?"

    But Elian was a white-looking Cuban (here is him, as a child and adult), the kind of Latino the wingnuts like. Basically not a Latino at all in their eyes, and so an acceptable sort of immigrant.

    Unlike the “dirty brown kind” of Latino, who Trump claims is probably part of MS-13 and should be sent back, even if they qualify for legal residency. As for the reason we aren’t laying out the welcome mat for Haitians, I can explain that in one word (*Trump voice*): “shithole.”

    Also there was the whole “fightin’ the Cuban commies” aspect of the idiotic Elian saga — despite communism having ceased to be a real threat by the ‘90s, Republicans were stuck on stupid and wouldn’t let go of the Cold War. Still haven’t, in fact.

  36. Only in Drumofuck's racist America can hospital staff stand around and watch preemie babies of color die after being born alive and ignore Mother's pleas.

    Make more sense to racist wasicu wasteys had they allowed the cops to shoot them in the back.

    Wasicu racists- bad!!!!!


    It is all Drumpfuck ans stoopid fucking wingnut's fault for allowing Russia to elect Drumpf.

  38. Just wow, Rosanne got her show cancelled just like that. MAGA mutha fuckas!😂

  39. kike from iowa2:21 PM

    Drumpf murders brown babies to make Putin laugh!

  40. BLM, a mainstream organization2:23 PM

    I find it hilarious that a black person would criticize someone else for being vain when you people have BLM, a black supremacist group intent on mainstreaming bullshit Afrocentrism.
    And no one gives half a fuck what you think.


  42. Anonymous2:26 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Just wow, Rosanne got her show cancelled just like that. MAGA mutha fuckas!"

    PilotX: There's no leftist control of the media!

    PilotX: ABC cancels their highest rated show after star insults ex-Obama administration offical. Yay!

  43. Inquiring mind2:27 PM

    @ PilotX

    Could you please explain what was 'racist' about Roseann's tweet to Valerie Jarrett?

  44. PilotX said...
    Just wow, Rosanne got her show cancelled just like that. MAGA mutha fuckas!😂


    And Joy Reid and Alec Baldwin still have jobs.No worries. It's better having her fired than on the air.

  45. We are shocked, shocked to find that racism is going on in here!2:55 PM


    It’s hard to know what to make of this.

    I hadn’t watched the show (and won’t personally miss it), but my impression is that Rosanne the character wasn’t all that racist. Although she was a redneck Trump supporter, they didn’t make her politics a huge part of the rebooted show.

    On the other hand, Rosanne the real-life actress is majorly racist. But this isn’t new. She has been saying crazy, batshit, hateful stuff for a while now, so the producers can’t have been completely unaware of this before they decided to launch the show. They must have been okay with it, right? But after Rosanne called Valerie Jarrett an ape and implied she is part of some secret Muslim plot to impose American shariah law ... now they’re not okay with it?


  46. Obviously, they were just looking for an excuse. They had already planned to cancel the show.

    The network, and Jewry as a whole, was upset about the fact that Roseanne was doing so well. Roseanne herself is in fact Jewish. But she is a special kind of jew once dressed up as Hitler and baked Jew cookies and sent out other “anti-Semitic” tweets which have gotten Jews riled. The Jews who run these networks wanted it canceled because they care more about kiking the goyim than making money.

    It was literally the number one show on TV.

    Furthermore, it was the first time ABC had had a number one show in 18 years.

    The only thing actually “conservative” about the show is that it is pro-Trump.

    Well, that’s maybe selling it a little bit short. It has a tranny boy – who John Goodman is not happy about, but is otherwise presented as a sympathetic character. And there is an adopted negroid child. It is all whites except the adopted negro, and there is immigration discussion, and talk of the various social problems that the former working and middle classes in America are dealing with.

    I can see why people latched onto it, in the sea of explicitly anti-white programming. But now they don't even have that.

    The media masters are upping the stakes, pushing the levels of control well beyond “Nazism” and seeking to shut down anything that deviates even slightly from the mainstream narrative.

  47. Anonymous3:05 PM

    “The network, and Jewry as a whole, was upset about the fact that Roseanne was doing so well. Roseanne herself is in fact Jewish. But she is a special kind of jew once dressed up as Hitler and baked Jew cookies and sent out other ‘anti-Semitic’ tweets which have gotten Jews riled. The Jews who run these networks wanted it canceled because they care more about kiking the goyim than making money.”



    Fucking hell, this is what passes for logic in wingnut world. Truly pathetic.

  48. Anonymous3:26 PM

    So wait. Is the argument that Valerie Jarrett doesn’t look like an ape? Or are you just not supposed to point that out, because it’s rude?


    Sure enuf was a racist joke, but trust etoopid fucking wasicus not to see the racism.

  50. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  51. This place is boring af.

  52. Inquiring mind4:10 PM

    "Sure enuf was a racist joke, but trust etoopid fucking wasicus not to see the racism."

    I don't see any racism. Not a smidgen.

  53. Anonymous4:25 PM

    “I don't see any racism. Not a smidgen.”

    No, you see plenty of racism. You just like racism and think it is a good thing.

  54. Yisheng = nigger, lilac = cunt4:29 PM

    Trump supporters are the dregs of society.

  55. Trump ‘gone lose in court again4:50 PM

    “... up and down the border this year, from Texas to California, immigrants coming into the United States, even those applying for asylum at ports of entry, have had their children taken from them.


    Erika Guevara-Rosas, Americas director at Amnesty International, said in a statement that the U.S. government’s separating children from their parents as they seek asylum is ‘a flagrant violation of their human rights. Doing so in order to push asylum seekers back into dangerous situations where they may face persecution is also a violation of U.S. obligations under refugee law.’”

  56. Inquiring mind4:53 PM

    "No, you see plenty of racism. You just like racism and think it is a good thing."

    What is 'racist' about Roseanne's tweet?

  57. Roman Polansky4:58 PM

    Hollywood punished Roseanne for a tweet faster than they punished Woody Allen, Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey for being sexual predators.

  58. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Valerie Jarrett is a traitor to the United States, but don't joke about her!

  59. Prescott Bush was a traitor and so was his son and dumbass Grandson dumbass dubya. The family has ties to Hitler and to the criminal Saudi Royal family and bin-Ladin's family.

    Pick a lane and educate yerselves.

  60. What are the odds?5:11 PM

    It’s such a strange coincidence how everyone who criticizes Trump’s best buddy Vlad keeps dying.

    So weird, right?

    Russian journalist Arkady Babchenko shot dead in Kiev

  61. Gonna need more rope5:35 PM

    "Prescott Bush was a traitor and so was his son and dumbass Grandson dumbass dubya. The family has ties to Hitler and to the criminal Saudi Royal family and bin-Ladin's family."

    Agreed. Let's hang all the Bushes. Then all the Clintons. Then everyone in the Obama Administration who was involved in spying on the opposition campaign.

  62. Kill white men, fuck white women5:39 PM

    Kill white men.
    Fuck white women.

  63. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Wait a minute ,this Roseanne garbage sang the national anthem and then spit on the ground. They rewarded this slut with stardom! Best thing they did was can her ass!!!

  64. Then everyone in the Obama Administration who was involved in spying on the opposition campaign.

    Obama administration comes through with a perfect bill of health as they did not spy on Drumpfuck, just the commies he and his COLLUDED with to steal an election.

    If Drumpf's crew of crooks had not had these conversations with spies they would not have been caught on video. Something wasicu wasteys can't wrap their mangled apricot brains around.

    Stoopid fucking wingnuts are amazing. They will not admit their side cheated or is crooked, but if they can find one little instance where HRC colored outside the lines or worse, they go full impeachment mode.

    One last thing, all these secret ops that are going to bring Dems down are only brought up on Fake Noize, because mainstream media fact checks these stories and they don't pass muster. That is why if it is only talked about by right wing stoopid fuckers it is invariably a flat out fucking stoopid fucking wingnut lie.

  65. Saw a recent video of Motor City child molestor Nugent and he looks like he has been making the rounds of all you can eat buffets instead of killing helpless little animals illegally at times.

  66. Oil prices have been dropping like flies, why does gas in America keep going up and up? Making American awl Greedy Again

  67. Missouri wingnut scumbag guv resigns in disgrace. Typical phony kristian.

  68. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Nothing about Morgan Freeman on this blog....hhhmmmm

  69. I haven't looked into it too deeply, but it would appear that Parson will be a better governor than Greitens, who is basically just an asshole who thinks himself above things like laws and decency.

    -Doug in Oakland

  70. Nothing about Morgan Freeman on this blog....hhhmmmm

    The women are all lying bitches, aren't they?

  71. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Mike still says "muh Russia!"  What a maroon.  Not even Mueller could find a connection.

    Mike thinks $100,000 in Russian Face-kook ads was enough to kill Hillary's $2 billion campaign.

    When the sealed indictments take down the DNC and a good part of the Democratic caucuses in both the House and Senate (plus a pile of judges), Mike will probably kill himself.  Can't happen a minute too soon, either.

  72. "Not even Mueller could find a connection."

    Just keep telling yourself that over and over and maybe you will believe it for a while and it'll comfort you a little.
    We don't know what Mueller found because he doesn't run his mouth about ongoing investigations.

    The news, on the other hand, does not look good for Fergus, his felons, or his despicable spawn.

    -Doug in Oakland

  73. Anonymous8:35 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    "Missouri wingnut scumbag guv resigns in disgrace. Typical phony kristian."

    He's Jewish, you fucking moron.

  74. Disney owns ABC and ESPN. Roseanne apologized and got fired. This guy didn't and was recently promoted:

    This Clown World is on its last legs.

  75. Inquiring mind8:45 PM

    "No, you see plenty of racism. You just like racism and think it is a good thing."

    I can't be racist against Valerie Jarrett because I have no idea what race she is supposed to be to begin with.

  76. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Valerie Jarrett is one of Chicago’s biggest slum lords; she made millions from a ghetto-property scheme backed by then State Senator Obama. There are worse names for someone like that.

  77. Anonymous8:57 PM

    ABC / Disney hires convicted child molester Brian Peck to work on children's TV show 'The Suite Life of Zack and Cody'

    Just 1 year after he is released from prison.

    Fires Roseanne and cancels her #1 show within hours, for a tweet.

  78. Anonymous9:14 PM

    The FBI Inspector General's report doesn't look good for McCabe, Strok, Page, Comey, Mueller, Hillary or the Obamessiah either.  And it's coming out soon, after months of drip-drip-drip of revelations about how corrupt #44 and his whole regime were.

    I would bet even money that Doug is one of several suicides here after THAT shoe drops.  Having your whole world come apart around you does that to unbalanced people, and you clowns are nothing if not unbalanced.

  79. Fuck you. I have a life.

    -Doug in Oakland

  80. "Could you please explain what was 'racist' about Roseann's tweet to Valerie Jarrett?"

    Not sure. Maybe ask trump, he seems to know a lot about Rosanne.

  81. "No worries. It's better having her fired than on the air."


  82. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Valerie Jarrett is one of Chicago’s biggest slum lords; she made millions from a ghetto-property scheme backed by then State Senator Obama. There are worse names for someone like that.
    Whine. Wolf. Whine. Wolf. Whine. Wolf. Wah fucking wah!
