Friday, May 04, 2018

Please help me, there are Negroes in my space.

At some point racist white people have to realize that the police (and those in authority) should not be their personal gestapo to check the "evil" brown people around them to satisfy their own ignorance and fears.

It's happening over and over again. White people in public spaces do not feel comfortable around people of color, and rather than check their own issues, they call for help.

The latest in this ongoing American tragedy took place in Colorado.

 "This week, two prospective CSU students, both Native American, had the police called on them during a campus tour simply for being quiet. Although the boys were not arrested, they were separated from their group and unable to continue the tour.

This incident is not uncommon. It is a result of society’s unconscious bias against people of color, especially men. CSU students need to acknowledge these biases and take what happened to those boys in the tour seriously – and they need to work on doing better.

The event on CSU’s campus comes on the heels of two black men being arrested a few weeks ago for simply sitting in a Starbucks after they had the police called on them by a store manager for “looking suspicious”. The men did not order anything, as they were waiting for a friend to join them. The video has been viewed over 11 million times, and has created national controversy.

Unconscious biases, also known as implicit bias, are social stereotypes about certain groups of people that individuals form outside their own conscious awareness. Everyone holds unconscious beliefs about various social and identity groups, and these biases stem from one’s tendency to organize social worlds by categorizing.

Please stop calling the police on people of color simply because you think they look suspicious or out of place. Especially when they are doing completely normal things.

The fear of those different than us, especially from the white majority, is perpetuated by unfamiliarity and the media portraying people of color as dangerous.

And CSU and the Fort Collins community is no different than other predominantly white communities when it comes to displaying unconscious bias against people of color. The incident this week has brought the issue into our local spotlight as well.

According to a public post from the woman whose sons were reported to the police, it was another mother in the group who called them, saying the boys “made her nervous.” The police arrived and pulled them out the group. After finding nothing wrong, they left, thus leaving the boys separated from the group and unable to continue the tour.

They returned home to New Mexico “embarrassed and disappointed” wrote their mother.
The school addressed the incident in a mass email Wednesday evening writing “the fact these students felt unwelcome on our campus while here as visitors runs counter to our Principles of Community.” [Source]

Hello officer, two Native American men are in our group and they are way too silent and serious for my liking.  Please do something about it, ASAP.



  1. Lilac pr.10:50 PM

    They were supposed to be shucking and jiving, and buck dancing, or in their case Indian dancing. Then they woulda been too "rowdy" can't win, damned if you do,damned if you dont!

  2. Shoot don’t poot11:05 PM

    If not global warming, did all the pee-pee man’s supporters fart at the same time?

  3. People of color need to start doing the same thing, calling the police since it’s obvious so many white people are dangerous.

  4. Anonymous11:18 PM

    In most of these sorts of incidents, I would tend to blame the person who called the police, more than I’d blame the police themselves, who are required to respond if a potential crime is reported. (For example, if that Starbucks manager had told the emergency 911 dispatcher that two black men were refusing to leave that cafe when asked, that would constitute trespassing and the cops would be obligated to go over and throw them out.)

    However, in this case — assuming it has been accurately reported on — I would say the police do share heavily in the blame. I mean, no actual crime had even been reported on this campus tour, so what the hell did the cops even think they were responding to? A “too quiet” in progress? Utterly ridiculous.

    Why would the 911 operator not tell the caller to hang up and call back if something actually happened? It was obvious this was a nuisance call before any police investigation took place.

  5. Space to destroy11:26 PM

    "White people in public spaces do not feel comfortable around people of color"

    Gee, why might that be?

    1. Anonymous3:53 AM

      Aks Jesse Jackson why he feels safer with white footsteps behind him late at night on the streets of hymie town. Aks yoself and answer honestly.

  6. I are a scientist11:29 PM

    "If not global warming, did all the pee-pee man’s supporters fart at the same time?"

    Inability to spot obvious hoaxes and third grade level bathroom jokes are a good indication of why you never got into medical school.

  7. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Trump told a gathering of NRA loonies that London is like a “war zone” due to all the knife crime. Good thing that good old ‘Murica has guns galore, amirite?!

    Meanwhile ...

    Per capita homicide rate UK: ~1 per 100,000
    Per capita homicide rate USA: ~5 per 100,000

    For those of the “ignant” wingnut persuasion, 5 is greater than 1.

    Uh-oh, Trump’s pantalones are en fuego once again!

    If only we could trade our endless horiffic Wild West gun massacres for some nice polite British knifings ...

  8. "Gee, why might that be?"

    Because they're ignorant poltroons so cowardly and easily frightened that they believe the cops should stand in for their babysitter or mommy whenever they see someone that Fox News has told them to fear, for the most part.

    Or maybe they just suck.

    Or maybe both.

    Either way, it sure would be nice if they grew the fuck up and stopped acting so crazy, but you can't really expect much from them most of the time.

    -Doug in Oakland

  9. Anonymous1:22 AM

    White folks really aren't very smart at all....they're just RUTHLESS.

  10. Anonymous1:57 AM

    How to become President of the United States without being qualified and without really trying:

    *Be a racist.

    *Preach racial hatred and divisiveness.

    *Be ignorant of United States history.

    *Preach racial hatred and divisiveness.

    *Be ignorant of World history.

    *Preach racial hatred and divisiveness.

    *Have no political experience.

    *Preach racial hatred and divisiveness.

    *Marry or cavort with women who could have dangerous ties to foreign governments.

    *Preach racial hatred and divisiveness.

    *Have limited vocabulary skills.

    *Preach racial hatred and divisiveness.

    *Have no reading comprehension skills.

    *Preach racial hatred and divisiveness.

    *Allow foreign governments to black mail you (jeopardizing national security).

    *Preach racial hatred and divisiveness.

    *Disrespect military heroes and prisoners of war.

    *Preach racial hatred and divisiveness.

    *Try to repeal a health care plan that keeps middle class ( especially white) Americans from dying or going bankrupt if they should incur hospital bills due to a medical surgery or hospital stay or chronic illness. (Just because Obama is Black.).

    *Preach racial hatred and divisiveness.

    *Make fun of people with disabilities.

    *Preach racial hatred and divisiveness.

    *Hail Hitler and Ku Klux Klan.

    *Preach racial hatred and divisiveness.

    *Give tax breaks to the rich off of the backs of the middle class.

    *Preach racial hatred and divisiveness.

    *Lust after your daughter.

    *Preach racial hatred and divisiveness.

    *Disrespect your wife and all women.

    *Preach racial hatred and divisiveness.


    *Preach racial hatred and divisiveness.

    *Dye your skin orange in order to look like an orangutang.

    *Preach racial hatred and divisiveness.

    *Wear a "comb over" that looks worse than a toupee.

    *Preach racial hatred and divisiveness.

    *Tell so many lies that you can't even keep the lies straight.

    *Preach racial hatred and divisiveness.

    *Every time you open your mouth prove to the world how ignorant you are.

    Ahhhhh yes America, You Have Reached An All Time Low.....Never To Recover.

  11. Anonymous2:32 AM

    Whites have been fearing Blacks way before Fox News...
    They have been fearful of Blacks for the last 500 years.

    It all began when they went to Africa, saw the pyramids, science, medicine, math, agricultural geniuses, diamond mines, hunters, fishermen, builders, wood carvers...and the list goes on.

    They are still in awe over how the Egypitans (Africans) built those pyramids with such geometric and mathematical precision.

    Let's not forget how jealous Napoleon was when he saw the Sphinx's...he took one look at the African features on the Sphynx sculptures and shot off their broad noses and lips.

  12. Anonymous2:43 AM

    Europeans invented very little...instead their cultures are stolen from every other culture of color.
    Even Hitlers swastika was stolen from Asia.

  13. WTF were they afraid of? This is ridiculous.

  14. Anonymous8:14 AM

    The amount of insanity, stupid, and stupid insanity on display here every day is amazing.  It's a lesson in why mud people fail at civilization.  A few of you can fit in, but everywhere you dominate turns into a Detroit, Liberia or Haiti.

  15. White privilege on display in Colorado. Pure and simple.

  16. Fact of the Day8:57 AM

    The white race is worthless.

  17. Anonymous said...

    Why would the 911 operator not tell the caller to hang up and call back if something actually happened? It was obvious this was a nuisance call before any police investigation took place.

    11:18 PM

    Interesting observation. Be nice to be able hear that call and what exactly was said by both parties...

  18. Lance Cockstrong9:16 AM

    All white boys are bitter and resentful because of their tiny dicks, and they are filled with hate and anxiety over being envious of black men.

  19. Anonymous10:17 AM

    > The white race is worthless.

    If you really think that, Haiti and Liberia are waiting for you.  No white people to speak of.

  20. Math: The Final Frontier10:30 AM

    Per capita homicide rate UK: ~1 per 100,000
    Per capita homicide rate USA: ~5 per 100,000

    USA has five times as many negroes.

  21. Come on, man10:34 AM

    "This week, two prospective CSU students, both Native American, had the police called on them during a campus tour simply for being quiet"

    Yes, we believe this story. People call the police all the time to complain about Indians being too quiet. Freaks them out, how they sneak around in those moccasins.

  22. Fake News Update10:36 AM



  23. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Most White people are not very smart...they are very ruthless and without a conscience.

    People of color, on the other hand, are very forgiving and trusting.

    That is the only reason that whites have been able to dominate. PERIOD...END OF STORY.

    P.S. And the reason why Blacks are the most hated is because when Europeans travelled the world and took one look at a black man's face and body, that''s when they discovered that Black men are among one of the MOST BEAUTIFUL OF ALL OF GOD'S CREATIONS.. Not to mention that their sexual organs are much larger too.

    And the blacker they are, the more beautiful they are. Like polished black onyx stone.
    Melanin...a natural protectorant from the harmful rays of the sun. IMAGINE THAT!

  24. Crabs in a bucket10:53 AM

    "People of color, on the other hand, are very forgiving and trusting."

    This is why black neighborhoods are so peaceful and open to outsiders.

  25. Martin Luther Caucasian10:56 AM

    "Most White people are not very smart...they are very ruthless and without a conscience."

    Those are the ones called Jews.

  26. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Even when blacks become self sufficient and rely only on themselves...whites are jealous and resentful.
    As evidenced in what happened in Tulsa, Oklahoma in a community known as Black Wall Street back in 1921.

    A Self sufficient and prosperous black community burned to the ground by jealous whites.

    It is a system designed to keep people of color...(especially Blacks) from becoming prosperous.
    No other race is hated as much.

  27. Anonymous11:13 AM

    White people are so preoccupied with your color or what you look like.

    You could be 95% black and as long as you look white that's all they care about.

    That's always the first thing they notice...

    Sick...very sick.

    They are so hell bent on trying to preserve what they perceive is the "white race" that they have forgotten that god made us all part of the HUMAN RACE.

    Isn't it interesting how whites are really the MINORITY but they have labelled people of color "MINORITIES" and those people of color just willingly accepted their minority label without hesitation.

    YES...people of color are very ACCEPTING and FORGIVING they allow their brains to be manipulated and dominated.

  28. Look who benefits11:19 AM

    "YES...people of color are very ACCEPTING and FORGIVING they allow their brains to be manipulated and dominated."

    By Jewish news/entertainment/advertising/educational institutions that keep them hopeless and angry so that they can be used as a weapon against white society.

  29. Anonymous11:20 AM

    I’ve now heard more details about what the 911 call about these Native American kids sounded like. The woman who made the call is clearly super duper racist.

    “The 911 caller, who has not been named, told a dispatcher that the students’ ‘behavior is just really odd’, according to audio released on Friday. ‘They’re definitely not a part of the tour.’

    The woman further said the black clothing they were wearing was suspicious, that they appeared to be Hispanic and that one was from Mexico. She later added: ‘They just really stand out … They’re just creepy kids … It actually made me feel sick.’ The mother, who left the tour to call police, said another man on the tour also ‘believed they don’t belong’.

    The woman claimed that the teens weren’t answering her questions about why they were there and ‘were lying the whole time’.”

    So she grilled these other students on the tour with her, for having the audacity to be the wrong color, and when they refused to answer her questions (because who the hell is this strange lady interrogating them?), she called the cops on them.

    What a gigantic bitch.

    The tour guide should have kicked HER off the tour. But I can see how that might not happen, since the tour guides are usually young student volunteers from the college who might not yet have the confidence to confront an older adult who is acting obnoxious.

  30. White People11:27 AM

    "Even when blacks become self sufficient and rely only on themselves...whites are jealous and resentful."

    Believe me, whites desperately wish for nothing more than blacks becoming self sufficient and relying only on themselves. Everything this country has done for the last 50+ years is try to get blacks on board with participating as contributing members of Team America.

    Whites have been conditioned to see black acceptance and the only path to the redemption of America. Blacks have been conditioned to reject acceptance so as to deny any legitimacy to America.

    Who benefits?

  31. Second Fact of the Day2:16 PM

    White males are the very definition of mediocrity.

  32. "Everything this country has done for the last 50+ years is try to get blacks on board with participating as contributing members of Team America."

    Uh, ok. That would be cool because everything done before then was designed to destroy Black people and prevent Black achievement. So, maybe one day the scales will even out.

  33. On another note youse guys missed out of an epic bday/captain party last nite. πŸ‘πŸΎπŸΎπŸŽ‰ But you have to excuse me because niw it's time for asprin and water.

  34. "Whites have been fearing Blacks way before Fox News..."

    Sure they have. But history is toxic to Republicans (another word for "racists") who only allow themselves to remember back to the Fox ordained beginning of history, which now stands at a little after 11:05 Eastern on June 16, 2015, when Fergus rode the escalator of doom, but previously was set at January 20, 2009.
    Remembering further back would cause them to face how utterly wrong they have been about everything they believe for their whole lives, and how much evil they have supported all the while.
    Scary monsters live in the depths of time before the Kenyan Usurper destroyed 'murica, that they don't want to remember, much less have to answer for. There are rumors of a guy named George who none of them remember voting for twice, and even crazier whisperings of a war he lied the country into that killed thousands of US soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi citizens and destabilized the Middle East for generations and spawned the worst terrorist organization in living memory when the stated purpose of said lied-into-war was to stop terrorism, and all kinds of other inconvenient shit that makes them all cranky and constipated...
    So basically THESE white people believe they are the very first organisms to be smart enough to hate organisms slightly darker than themselves, because believing anything else would ruin the perfectly good pile of shit they have so carefully excreted to block the sight lines to the scene of their last crime.

    -Doug in Oakland

  35. Anonymous2:40 PM

    I'm always leery when I see 2 or more europeons standing around talking!

  36. Whiny, entitled bitches thy name is black people.

  37. Dave Zirin is like a cockroach, nasty and dirty and no one wants him around2:46 PM

    Punk ass bitch David Zirin is thy name.

  38. Lance Cockstrong2:50 PM

    Butt Trumpet and all his white micro dick supporters are like two peas in a gay retarded pod.

  39. I love seeing white women with non-white men. They look so much happier and more free.

  40. crazy mm'er3:18 PM

    As a Chinese-American I just have to say that Black America might actually improve if you people actually took some personal responsibility for once. Are your brains even capable of doing that?

    See more at:

  41. Anonymous said...

    I'm always leery when I see 2 or more europeons standing around talking!

    2:40 PM

    And well you should be!!! I am too, for real. They're undoubtedly planning a takeover of some sort! That's what they love to do! xD

  42. Yisheng = nigger, lilac = cunt3:49 PM

    Trump supporters are absolutely worthless members of society.

  43. Same old song3:52 PM

    As a Japanese-American I just have to say that white America might actually improve if you people actually took some personal responsibility for once. Are your brains even capable of doing that?

  44. Muumar5:03 PM

    Obama created ISIS.

  45. Getty6:08 PM

    Candace Owens is a true Field Negro. However, the losers here will view her as a House Negro.

    1. Well Owens did say Tea Partiers were bat shit crazy so she can't be all bad.

  46. Morbidly obese, whooteemoo educator couldn’t steal this Harvard bound kid’s acclaim:

    Of course, they NEVER do!πŸ‘©πŸ½‍⚕️πŸ‘©πŸ½‍πŸ’»πŸ‘©πŸ½‍πŸŽ“πŸ‘ΈπŸ½πŸ™…πŸ½‍♀️πŸ‘ŠπŸ½πŸ‘ŠπŸΎπŸ‘ŠπŸΏ

  47. Anonymous6:49 PM

    > The white race is worthless.
    Great reason to stay far far away from us. Y'all wouldn't want the worthless to rub off on you now, would you?

  48. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  49. Anonymous9:49 PM

    history is toxic to Republicans (another word for "racists") who only allow themselves to remember back to the Fox ordained beginning of history

    We remember a lot further than that.  We remember back to the fundamental errors of 1610 or so.  Africans never should have been allowed to set foot in the Americas.

    Remembering further back would cause them to face how utterly wrong they have been about everything they believe for their whole lives, and how much evil they have supported all the while.

    Oh, most definitely the nomination and election of Lincoln was a mistake.  Prosecuting the Civil War was a mistake.  Reconstruction was an ENORMOUS mistake, which could only have been ameliorated by recolonizing all the Africans.  Everything that followed, including Civil Rights, could never have occurred save for that.

    Letting idiots like "dinthebeast" run around loose instead of jailing them for sedition and hate crimes against his own race?  Huge mistake.

  50. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Chicago May 1st-6th 2018
    Shot & Killed: 4
    Shot & Wounded: 58
    Total Shot: 62
    Total Homicides: 5

  51. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Anonymous said...
    White folks really aren't very smart at all....they're just RUTHLESS.
    1:22 AM


  52. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Second Fact of the Day said...
    White males are the very definition of mediocrity.
    2:16 PM

    Whites invented:

    Two industrial revolutions
    steam power
    light bulb
    powered flight
    space flight
    nuclear power
    cell phones
    smart phones

  53. Anonymous10:30 AM

    There is a negroe in our space:

  54. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Hold them.......hold them!!!
