Thursday, May 17, 2018

Strolling with your baby while black.

Now this is just getting ridiculous.

Did you hear about the black man who had security called on him by a frightened white lady who saw him out with his baby in a stroller? 

Yes, it really happened.

 "Well, it looks like the epidemic of well-meaning white folks (I guess) calling the police or security on black people as they go about their lives is par for the course in 2018 America.

It is becoming increasingly clear that although the whites have always had an irrational fear of black people, as they move in closer proximity to them (i.e., via gentrification), they also bring their biases—along with ironic dive bars and astronomical rents.

If you are even a semiregular reader of The Root, you have seen in the last month or so (since the “Starbucks incident”) that this type of shit happens every day—that these attacks (because be clear: When you call the law on black people in America, it is an attack) happen with frightening regularity to black folks from all walks of life.   

This time, a black father was pushing his son in a Washington, D.C., park, and a white woman saw fit to notify park security about “a suspicious man walking the bike path with a baby.”

It should make no difference that that man, Donald Sherman, is a professional, a lawyer, because to some folks, he will always be a scary black guy.

Sherman explained in a May 10 Facebook post that on the day in question, his son was not feeling well, so he stayed home with him.
After some time, baby Caleb seemed better, so he took the little guy out for some fresh air at Kingman and Heritage Islands Park, man-made islands in the Anacostia River, not too far from his gentrified neighborhood. Sherman wrote:
30 minutes into our stroll I got flagged by a security officer in one of those cars marked “Special Police” on the side. I was a bit confused as to whether she was looking for me to stop but she honked twice and pulled over so I got the picture. She told me that she received a complaint from someone who said there was a “suspicious man” walking on the bike path with a baby. She said that when the complainant was asked to describe my race, she declined.
What is clear to anyone with eyes, however, is that Sherman is dark-skinned while his son is not, perhaps prompting the woman to think that a black man somehow stole a white baby. I guess.
Sherman noted that the only person he saw on their walk was “a white lady on a bike who veered off as Caleb and I were walking in her direction” and that she was the one who “saw fit to report me to security.”

Thankfully, Sherman reported that his interaction with the security officer was “pleasant” and that she just wanted to let him know what happened.

But being a black man in America, we know it could have ended in tragedy.

“If this complaint had been made to a different security officer or an actual cop, things could have gone very differently,” he wrote. “This is exactly why we have to talk about white privilege and why black lives matter. Because at any point doing anything anywhere my safety and my child’s safety could [have] been in jeopardy because [of] some well-intentioned complaint.”

Let’s break out the flowchart one mo’ gin for those who obviously need it:"

A brother can't even take his infant out on a stroll without that "fear of a black planet" ruining his day. *shakes head*   

++Photo from Donald Sherman (Facebook)


  1. Puerto Rican food looks, smells, and tastes like shit10:31 PM

    White people have always had a strong desire to call the cops on black people just living their lives. The tr**p Factor certainly works itself into these situations, but it is also just in white people's nature to be frightened, paranoid, and bigoted.

  2. Why do liberal white people fear blacks? Don't liberal white folk love diversity?Don't liberal white men love the idea of black men doing they wives?

  3. Puerto Rican food looks, smells, and tastes like shit said...
    White people have always had a strong desire to call the cops on black people just living their lives.


    Not me. My mammy taught me how to spot the good ones from the bad ones.

  4. "It is becoming increasingly clear that although the whites have always had an irrational fear of black people"

    A black person is 200x as likely to commit aggravated assault against a white person than vice versa.  Calling the fear of this "irrational" while claiming to be afraid of law enforcement is the height of hypocrisy.

    "as they move in closer proximity to them (i.e., via gentrification), they also bring their biases—along with ironic dive bars and astronomical rents."

    White people generate wealth, which is the only reason they can afford "astronomical" rents.  (Those rents only look astronomical to people of third-world mentalities who have no idea what a real job is.  In "diverse" cities such rents are considerably higher than they would be in a Whitopia, but that's because there is much less real estate that's safe so businesses can't spread out in search of lower costs.  You "diversities" generate large areas where you can buy buildings for $1, but nobody wants them at any price.)

    "This time, a black father was pushing his son in a Washington, D.C., park, and a white woman saw fit to notify park security about “a suspicious man walking the bike path with a baby.”"

    Maybe if the involved black father wasn't such a rarity, with 78% of black children born out of wedlock, such things would look commonplace instead of suspicious.

    "this type of shit happens every day—that these attacks ... happen with frightening regularity to black folks from all walks of life."

    Maybe if black people didn't try to kidnap white children on a regular basis nobody would have reason to be suspicious, eh?  (And pay children for sex despite being police officers.  Can't forget that.)

    “If this complaint had been made to a different security officer or an actual cop, things could have gone very differently,” he wrote. “This is exactly why we have to talk about white privilege and why black lives matter. Because at any point doing anything anywhere my safety and my child’s safety could [have] been in jeopardy because [of] some well-intentioned complaint.”

    There were no actual police officers on the scene, no weapons, no threat of arrest, so in other words, you think black people should be privileged in cases where people have reason to suspect that a child may be in danger.  The welfare of the child should take a back seat to the "respect" due the black person.

    "(because be clear: When you call the law on black people in America, it is an attack)"

    So why don't you all just go off to black countries to escape all this "racism"?  Nobody would have looked twice at Sherman in Ghana or Jamaica or Tanzania or Haiti.  Ooooh, right!  They might have taken a VERY unhealthy interest in the child... and his mother as well.

    It won't matter for long anyway.  There will be separation, and those with mixed-race children will be dead very quickly because no one will accept them anywhere.

  5. Lance Cockstrong11:09 PM

    This white bitch was just angry, bitter and jealous that this brother was packing more between his legs than her dopey husband. These bozos in all likelihood support Butt Trumpet and any micro dick white boy like him. They just can't stand the fact that a well-endowed black man produced a child who is smarter and better looking than any white piece of shit she pops out of her snatch.

  6. Anonymous11:14 PM

    I wish we could get an explanation from the 911 caller on this one. What was her reasoning for deciding to call the po-po? What crime did she think she was stopping?

    But in the absence of that, I guess the theory proposed in this article is at least plausible: She assumed he was a white-baby-napper, because he has a kid with different skin color. For what it’s worth, there have also been instances of white dads with biracial kids having the cops called on them because people made similar wrongful assumptions.

    Walmart Under Fire After Accusing Dad Of Abducting His Biracial Daughters

    How long will it take for it to sink in that a lot of parents today may not have the same racial makeup as their kids?

  7. This woman was just shocked to see a black man actually attending to a child, which is a rarity with you people.

  8. Yisheng = nigger, lilac = cunt11:58 PM

    Trump supporters are the dregs of society.

  9. Fact of the Day12:24 AM

    The white race is a disease.

  10. I can kinda relate. My cousin is married to a Latina and his kids look like her so when I took them to the store I was kinda worried that somebody might do some dumb shit like that. He got on me for being paranoid but homie lives in NYC where there is a lot of mixing but in Chicago not so much. Now I guess my paranoia was justified.

  11. Scared white women are dangerous. They attract the attention of angry white men who will be thinking with their gonads instead of their cerebrums, if at all. And the police, when called, will usually just do what they were called for, or occasionally just shoot the black man because they can.
    There is no fucking excuse for this.
    If you spend billions of dollars on a media empire that tries as hard as it can to make white people fear brown people, you will get scared white women, and more than a few white male cowards as well. Fancy that.

    -Doug in Oakland

  12. Republicans R Not Smart, Part 647,8921:09 AM

    GOP Congressman Mo Brooks thinks that the rising sea levels have been caused, not by fossil fuel consumption, but by rocks falling in the water.

    I suspect some rocks may have fallen on his head. And the heads of the citizens of Alabama, who chose this dunce to represent them in the Congress.


  13. Republicans R Not Smart, Part 647,8931:51 AM

    Trump didn't know the difference between HPV and HIV, Bill Gates says

    Really, though, given his sexual history one might expect that the subject of STDs would fall within his area of expertise. That and getting peed on. :-D


  15. Anonymous2:27 AM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  16. Kinky Con! Are you for real? You're living in your own world. But please stick around. I can't help but be drawn to your ridiculous world view.

  17. Well-to-do, successful black people in Washington D.C? Is this something new?

    Oh, wait a minute. Duke Ellington's parents provided a life of music, culture and elegance for their son beginning in the nineteenth century.

    I guess some people just aren't quite up to speed on their American history.

  18. Love scratching my asshole5:29 AM

    Every white person, no matter how "liberal" they are (or THINK they are), is a racist at heart. It's just in their nature.

  19. Its a frosty Friday when decent Black Americans can't engage in any all American activities without a wasicu wasdtey calling the cops on them.


    Drumpf brat wants to label this an act of terrorism for some reason. Bet Drumpf properties will be off limits to guns from now on. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahashashashashashasha! Stoopid fucking wasicus.

  21. GM Field,
    I enjoy reading your blog entries and getting them in my email. You are a rare talent - intelligent, witty and downright BRUTAL with the check-ups and shade when needed.

    My son has experienced similar problems when my grandson was very young. My (former) daughter-in-law is of German descent - light hair, brown eyes, average white woman coloring, and my grandson was very fair skinned with dark curly hair as a young'un.

    My son took to carrying a copy of his birth certificate with him (my son is deep chocolate in color) because he got stopped / asked / questioned about HIS SON truly being his so much.

    SMDH - it's a true shame when you have to resort to measures like that just to LIVE YOUR LIFE. My grandson is now 8 and can speak for himself, and still has to quite often.



    Up yours stoopid fucking wingnuts!

  23. And ANOTHER school shooting. Not a mass beating with a baseball bat or mass stabbing with a butter knife but a mass shooting. Let's wait for the memes that guns aren't the problem and more guns will help these situations.🙄 MAGA!

  24. Anonymous11:05 AM

    “My son took to carrying a copy of his birth certificate with him (my son is deep chocolate in color) because he got stopped / asked / questioned about HIS SON truly being his so much.”

    Some black women married to white men have taken to carrying their kids’ birth certificates as well, anticipating such misunderstandings.

    To be honest, though, it’s less common for black women to be accused of kidnapping. Typically, when people see them with light-skinned children and make a wrongful assumption, it is that they are nannies.

  25. Anonymous12:03 PM

    “And ANOTHER school shooting. Not a mass beating with a baseball bat or mass stabbing with a butter knife but a mass shooting. Let's wait for the memes that guns aren't the problem and more guns will help these situations.�� MAGA!”

    No doubt, the NRA will respond by relentlessly celebrating the “good guy with a gun” who stopped the attempted school shooting in Dixon, Illinois, by shooting the assailant.

    There are still a couple of huge problems with their “good guy with a gun” theory, though.

    First, the “good guy” in Dixon was a trained police officer assigned to protect the school, not just some meathead off the street with poor marksmanship, who’d probably have run away or shot innocent people while trying to handle the situation. And no reasonable gun control advocate has been advocating cops have their guns taken away.

    Second, the number of crimes stopped by such a lone hero on the scene is tiny, in any case. You will never make a dent in gun crime without getting guns out of the hands of the “bad guys.”

  26. Best case scenario under the "good guy with a gun" doctrine: Living in a constant, low level, ongoing, gunfight.

    Having lived through the late eighties and early nineties in poor neighborhoods at the height of the crack epidemic, I'm here to say that you really wouldn't like it at all.

    -Doug in Oakland

  27. Anonymous3:25 PM

    > Best case scenario under the "good guy with a gun" doctrine: Living in a constant, low level, ongoing, gunfight.

    Rural white America has tons of guns, but nothing resembling a constant gunfight.

    > Having lived through the late eighties and early nineties in poor neighborhoods at the height of the crack epidemic, I'm here to say that you really wouldn't like it at all.

    Doug is proof that living around black people poisons your view of your fellow whites as well... unless you become "racist" and decide that we are not all the same and cannot be treated so.  "Civil rights" is a toxin.

  28. Oh fuck you.

    From Twitter, via Crooks and Liars:

    "Wait for it... Captain Tara Wright is about to announce to Alaska Airlines passengers that they’ll be "piloted by two African American female pilots for the first time in Alaska Airlines’ history." ✈"

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Both are good pilots and better people.

  29. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Chicago May 2018 to Date
    Shot & Killed: 24
    Shot & Wounded: 148
    Total Shot: 172
    Total Homicides: 29

  30. Mr Sherman appears to be large enough to take care of wasicu wastey weasels who question his presence and other stuff.

  31. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Rural white America has tons of guns, but nothing resembling a constant gunfight.
    Nah, just a bunch of kids and old people in school and/or church getting killed.

  32. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Rural white America May to date:

    OD: 15,000
    Babies sold for meth: 15,000
    Showers taken: 0
    Number of teeth: 1

  33. Didactics 1 complete with NO grade lower than an A-.👊🏽👊🏾👊🏿

    Black excellence strikes again in an era of whooteemoos run amok.


  34. And ANOTHER school shooting. Not a mass beating with a baseball bat or mass stabbing with a butter knife but a mass shooting. Let's wait for the memes that guns aren't the problem and more guns will help these situations.🙄 MAGA!

    Awww another Nazi whooteemoo stresses out from being a WM in America.

    Did he have ketchup on his Whopper?

    1. Jeez, should have seen this coming. 8 years of a negro in the White House drove white men crazy. You'd have thunk we elected Min. Farakahn or something.

  35. Anonymous3:58 AM

    These school shooters all have something in common:  they were reported to law enforcement dozens, up to over 100 times, and LE did nothing to stop them.  It's also the usual situation that A. the local pols and sheriff are Democrats and B. they have a "soft on crime" stance because a major part of their voter base is black and/or Jewish.

    So we're supposed to rely on proven-failed LE as our ONLY defense against school shooters?

    Worse is the likelihood that these shooters were DELIBERATELY allowed or even managed (a la MK Ultra) to go on their rampages to justify attacks on the rights of the public, or just to get news of official misdeeds and corruption out of the news cycle.  They don't care WHO dies as long as their money and power are intact.  That's why they don't care about all the dead in Chiraq... and because you've let them brainwash you, neither do you.


    Wasicus exempt from work requirement in 3 states for Medicaid.


    This goes with above post.


    No racism here.

  39. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Remember,europeons are descendants of savages!!!!!

  40. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Being descended from savages is fine.  What's shameful is still being one.

  41. Anonymous3:29 PM

    The odds of a black man kidnapping a baby are very slim.
    Hell, most black men are running AWAY from their responsibilities.

    But on the other hand, if I saw a white man with a black baby then I'd call the police, and the national guard.
    Because white people have been known to do TERRIBLE and HORRIFIC things to black children and other children of color.

    On a side note: Have you ever noticed that even when whites adopt children of other nationalities the first thing they do is give them a WHITE ANGLO SAXON NAME...which in itself is disrespectful to the child and it's country of origin.

  42. Anonymous3:34 PM




  43. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Like the late great Muhammad Ali said, people have long been brainwashed to believe that "black" is bad and white is good.

    Examples of derogatory terms:
    black mail
    angel food cake is white, devil's food cake is brown
    black balled
    black list
    black sheep
    black mark
    black magic
    a white lie is good lie but a black lie is evil
    ...and the list goes on.

  44. Anonymous3:53 PM


    Whites have been known to "smile in your face" and do horrible things behind your back.

  45. Anonymous3:56 PM

    White women are more dangerous than white men....
    Why do you think they have gone out of their way to make sure that white women keep their mouths shut.

    Why do you think we had a black man president before a white woman president?

    White women are an even bigger threat to white men than any so called "nigger" can ever be.

  46. Anonymous3:59 PM

    White people are no smarter than any other race....they're just more ruthless.

    Black aren't dumb. They're just too damn trusting and too damn forgiving. They'll never change because instead of lifting themselves up, they are still BEGGING THE WHITE MAN TO ACCEPT THEM.

  47. Waicus and their superior barbarism.

  48. Anonymous8:39 PM

    one never knows what a negro will do...even the most civilized of them can lash out at whites without reason. Remember...when dealing with negroes keep a tight grip on the leash lest they get loose. A little corrective behavior modification is usually needed.

  49. Anonymous12:45 AM

    "Have you ever noticed that even when whites adopt children of other nationalities the first thing they do is give them a WHITE ANGLO SAXON NAME...which in itself is disrespectful to the child and it's country of origin."

    Don't you know?  Race is a social construction, and putting a child in another country makes it indistinguishable from someone who was born there.  Stop being so damn racist, you nigger.

  50. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Yes, I have noticed that when whites adopt children from other "COUNTRIES" the first thing they do is give them a WHITE ANGLO SAXON NAME...which in itself is disrespectful to the child and i's country of origin.


  51. Anonymous10:00 AM

    As long as WHITE MEN believe that they should "OWN THE WORLD" racism will remain in existence.

    It doesn't matter to them that they have "single handedly" destroyed the environment.

    Their jealousy over all of the beautiful brown people in the world has driven them to insanity.

    Race mixing may be the only antidote to dilute and cure the sickness that plagues the white race.

  52. Anonymous5:19 PM

    > As long as WHITE MEN believe that they should "OWN THE WORLD" racism will remain in existence.

    The Chinese aren't white, and think you're worthless animals.  They're already colonizing Africa.  In 100 years the ONLY place black people will exist is in white countries... if you haven't worn out your welcome first.

    > It doesn't matter to them that they have "single handedly" destroyed the environment.

    Comes from being at the cutting edge of everything and having to learn by doing.

    > Their jealousy over all of the beautiful brown people in the world has driven them to insanity.

    You're insane if you think ANYONE, ANYWHERE is jealous of you, your looks, or anything.  They just want you to be away from them.  Even Gandhi hated "kaffirs".  You have to be pretty awful for Gandhi to be that soured on you.

    > Race mixing may be the only antidote to dilute and cure the sickness that plagues the white race.

    Race replacement is the only cure for the backwardness of the black races.  Perhaps the Khoisan and negritos can have some nature preserves on the dark continent, but the bantu are unfit for civilization and useless.  Useless even to yourselves; you sit around expecting everyone else to do things for you while you eat, drink, smoke and fuck.  10 years from now nobody will be putting up with that anymore.  Nobody, anywhere.

  53. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Have you seen us Uncle Remus?
