Thursday, July 05, 2018

A sex scandal, and the swamp gets restocked.

I work with a lot of  Penn State alum, so I am well aware of what a sexual abuse scandal can do to institutions and people in power. It brought down one of the most powerful people in college football, and it cost a flagship state university millions of dollars, not to mention the tarnishing of its athletic program. It wasn't pretty.

Fast forward to the present. Remember that grandstanding fraud of a congressman, who tried to play to trump's base by embarrassing himself on national television when he was checked on the law by Rod Rosenstein? Well, as it turns out, he might have a little Penn State like issue himself.

"Right-wing Ohio Republican  Congressman Jim Jordan’s sexual abuse scandal is getting even worse for him and it could cost him a seat in Congress and his party control of the U.S. House of Representatives.

Jordan has been accused of being aware that a team doctor was sexually abusing athletes while he was a wrestling coach at the Ohio State University (OSU). He is also accused of overlooking the charges and trying to cover them up instead of putting a stop to it. Although Jordan is not accused of any abuse himself, several former OSU athletes have said that Jordan of covered up the team doctor’s abuse." [More]

This is why people in glass houses should never throw stones. And they certainly should never try to draw attention to themselves and their house. Sadly for them we will always find out what's lurking inside. Those skeletons always seem to find a way to come tumbling out of the closet.

trump, of course, is standing by his man. (He always seems to stand by folks accused of sexual misdeeds. Hmmm, why is that?)

"Mr Rosenstein, why did you hide information from this congress?"

Mr Jordan, why did you hide information from the American people and the people of Ohio?

On a happier note, Scott Pruitt, probably one of the most corrupt individuals to ever come to Washington (and that's saying something) resigned today. 

That cheering you hear is from the thousands of EPA workers all over the country who couldn't wait to see that charlatan hit the door. He made a mockery of the agency that he was supposed to lead, and he allegedly used it as his own personal ATM machine.

trump, the man who promised to "drain the swamp" in Washington---- but who has been restocking it with his own parasites, accepted Pruitt's resignation, but not before praising the job Pruitt did.

"I have accepted the resignation of Scott Pruitt as the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Within the Agency Scott has done an outstanding job, and I will always be thankful to him for this." 

trump will be replacing this charlatan with another: Andrew Wheeler,  a man who is a former lobbyist for the coal industry. The coal industry! And he will be leading the EPA.

America, you deserve better. Or, maybe not.

*Image from


  1. Wheeler is like Pence in that he is an insider who can push trump's agenda quietly.

  2. Least the EPA didn't cause any disasters like they did when the obamesiah was president.

  3. "Jim Jordan’s sexual abuse scandal "

    Jim Jordan didn't sexual abuse anyone. So how is it his scandal? The left and their lies and misleading. ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„

  4. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Only LeBron James can save us in 2020!!!

  5. ICE Investigators Serve Human Trafficking Warrant In West Oakland Neighborhood

    OAKLAND (CBS SF) — Federal agents served a search warrant on the West Oakland home of an immigrant family from Guatemala Wednesday morning, according to the Department of Homeland Security and Oakland police.

    The Oakland Police Department said Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) agents served a warrant in connection with an investigation of sex trafficking of juveniles.

    People were seen being taken away from the home, including at least one person covered by a blanket and led to a waiting car by unidentified people in plain clothes.

    The raid by federal agents prompted a gathering of neighbors and supporters protesting against the presence of ICE and advocating for the rights of undocumented immigrants.

    While ICE agents busted up a child prostitution ring, liberal abolish ICE kooks were protesting the agents....

    This is how fringe and dangerous the left is...

  6. Lance Cockstrong12:08 AM

    Of course Butt Trumpet will replace a micro dick white boy with another micro dick white boy. The gay retard cycle just continues on and on.

  7. Yisheng = nigger, lilac = cunt12:11 AM

    Trump supporters are without morals, heart, intelligence, and common sense.

  8. So now we get a less scandal plagued and more bureaucratically competent toady who is better positioned to take the air and water back to 1970s levels of contamination.
    Still, it feels good to be rid of Pruitt just because of how much of a scumbag he is.
    Hopefully this makes it less likely that he gets appointed AG, but you never know with Fergus, who just hired a Fox News exec who participated in the covering up of hundreds of instances of sexual abuse.

    -Doug in Oakland

  9. Doug's buddy1:46 AM

    Doug has missed his estrogen shots. Sorry. We've been using soy products to help him until we get some new estrogen. Please be patient.

  10. Dave Zirin = faggot kike2:52 AM

    Only the worst from the white race still support Trump, which is saying something, since the white race as a whole is beyond shit.

  11. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Hallelujah and's a wrap.

    Who We Are- Sean Slaughter (youtube)

  12. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Touch not my anointed do my prophet no harm

    Psalm 105:15-19

  13. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Chicago Final June 2018 Totals
    Shot & Killed: 48
    Shot & Wounded: 289
    Total Shot: 337
    Total Homicides: 57

  14. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Jacob (44) not only stole your inheritance; but laughed as the black genocide in his home town (Chi-town)...where is the love of my peaple

  15. Jim Jordan didn't sexual abuse anyone. So how is it his scandal? The left and their lies and misleading

    Seriously? Explain to me how many crimes crooked HRC has been charged with and convicted of.
    Drumpf's environmental disasters are in the POS he hires to destroy our environment, plus he has only been bogus potus for less than 2 years. Obama was the GOAT and legally elected twice, served 8 years and left America in far better shape than when stoopid fucking wasicu wingnuts dumped a steaming pile on Obama's doorway and challenged him to fix the deliberate damage.

  16. Did anybody check this clown's green card-Joder La Resistencia? How about his immigration status? Call ICE.

  17. Anonymous8:38 AM

    He who win souls is wise...obey the Gospel

    2nd Coming Flame (youtube)

    You Can't Stop me -Andy Mineo

  18. Doug, a severed viper head still poisons. I'm afraid Drumpfuck the Putin butt Puppet still has need of Pruitt.

  19. Anonymous8:44 AM

    We know whose parents didn't take them to church or give them enough love...people's behavior reflect their upbringing.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    We know whose parents didn't take them to church or give them enough love...people's behavior reflect their upbringing

    Drumpf to a T.

  21. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Some posting to the blog disgrace themselves and their family...they really believe know one knows who they are hiding behind these fake names so sad.

  22. Anonymous9:25 AM

    They are watching/reading and taking notes to keep people safe,

  23. Anonymous9:27 AM

    You're an idiot if you haven't figured that out! such thing as privacy your device is a footprint

  24. Anonymous9:36 AM

    There is no such thing as free speech for certain individuals...there will be repercussions ' perhaps not today or tomorrow but you better believe it will come.

  25. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  26. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Like the cat playing with the mouse prior to chewing it up and spitting it out!

  27. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Before it's all over you will call upon the King of kings and the Lord of lords!

  28. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Rural white America final June 2018 totals:

    Number of OD's: 20,000
    Number of babies traded for meth: 30,000
    Number of high school diplomas: 3
    Number of teeth: 6
    Number of showers taken: 0

  29. "Number of babies traded for meth: 30,000"

    This is bullshit. Why would a meth dealer want a baby? They're not worth anything and your sentence gets doubled if they catch you with one when they bust you.

    -Doug in Oakland

  30. What I was- you are.
    What I am- you'll never be good enough.

    Frederick mfi


    I wuz scairt ta deth.




    Comcast, in direct conflict with what Ajit Pai, FCC chairman said would happen, is announcing to its customers that, since net neutrality is now dead, it will begin throttling mobile video speeds unless customers pay up.

    Thanks stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  35. Kino Jimenez Arrested, Accused of Felony Theft

    records show.

    Jimenez is accused of attacking 16-year-old Hunter Richard at a San Antonio area Whataburger restaurant. Video of the confrontation, in which the man is also heard uttering a racial slur and seen walking away with the red hat, went viral. In the wake of that, Jimenez was fired from his job at Rumble bar and kicked out of the state Green Party.

    Violent thuggery from the left must stop before they get hurt.

  36. Poor widdle racist made racist comments and had his Magat hat taken. Wah, fucking, wah.

    Drumpfuck claimed today, again, NK promised to de-nuclearize and will do so within a year. More lies on top of more lies.

  37. The only racist comments was made by the liberal Mensa member.

  38. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Violent thuggery from the left must stop before they get hurt.
    6:04 PM

    No shit, pussy hats and kale don't offer much ballistic protection.

  39. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Have you seen us, Uncle Remus?

  40. @ 1:01PM, LOL!๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

  41. We look pretty sharp in these clothes...

    -Doug in Oakland

  42. Poor little Manafort is stuck in solitary and wants a change of venue away from all of those mean Hillary voters.

    -Doug in Oakland

  43. Stinky the snotnosed fuckboi11:30 PM

    Violent thuggery from the left must stop before they get hurt.
    By whom? Bitch assed punks that get their lunches taken from them like you Stinky Winky?
