Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Open thread.

MORE DISCLAIMERSThe Mrs. and I visited The Museum of African American History Culture yesterday in D.C., and it was a wonderful and educational experience. The Mrs struggled with some parts of it more than I did, because she is a child of the South, and some of the harsh realities of the nation's history was hard for her to take. 

I would like to give a shout out to the folks in D.C., who always show us love every time we come through. I always enjoy spending time in The DMV.  

So today is the 4th of July, America's birthday, and I have to tell you, given all that's going on, I don't feel like doing too much celebrating. 

Anyway, it's open thread night, so in your own words please tell us what this day means to you. 


  1. As a veteran of a number of this country's military adventures, and a survivor of it's many attempts to erase my existence over the last 5+ decades, I can say with complete sincerity that this day means nothing to me.
    It's just another day.

  2. Anonymous10:19 PM

    It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.
    --Frederick Douglass

  3. Back in 1974 we had Kathryn&Duffy&the Enemies List on the radio singing "Nixon's the One" and now we have Randy Rainbow on YouTube singing "WTF You Guys" which is fucking brilliant, so I guess in some ways progress has been made:

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. Anonymous10:21 PM

    We have a powerful potential in our youth, and we must have the courage to change old ideas and practices so that we may direct their power toward good ends.

    --Mary McLeod Bethune

  5. This day means that I am a citizen of the greatest military power on earth, and one cannot help but be proud to be a part of. It means that my dad fought in the Korean war, to help maintain this country as the great empire it is. It means my family and I have worked in society to make and keep it that way, of course I'm proud!

    It also means that as a minority person I have felt the harsh and cutting sting of discrimination against me by the privileged white class. It also means that...

  6. Anonymous10:27 PM

    The sooner you learn that life is not fair, the better off you'll be, because you'll spend less time railing against life's unfairness and feeling aggrieved and entitled, and more time figuring out how to maximize your assets, and your talents and how to deal with things that you're not very good at.

    --Condoleezza Rice

  7. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Slavery discourages arts and manufactures.

    --George Mason

  8. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.
    --Thomas Jefferson

  9. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
    --John F. Kennedy

  10. Anonymous10:36 PM

    The greater our knowledge increases the more our ignorance unfolds.
    --John F Kennedy

  11. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong.
    --Jean Jacques Rousseau

  12. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil.

  13. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Hear the other side.
    --Saint Augustine

  14. Anonymous10:50 PM

    I see there's some "anonymous" a$$hole(s) trying their best to be disruptive, and spamming meaningless, supposedly uplifting, quotes.
    Probably some MAGA-loving keyboard commando(s) with no education, posting from their mom's basement, wearing their camo-jammies they got to play "Call of Duty" in, and thinking they are actually "Doing something for the cause."

  15. Anonymous11:16 PM

    If you negroes want to "Do something for the cause" Wear a condom.

  16. Lance Cockstrong11:37 PM

    Maybe a white boy will accidentally blow off his micro dick with a firework.

  17. Anonymous11:52 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    If you negroes want to "Do something for the cause" Wear a condom."

    I KNEW that "anonymous" was a bigoted redneck who wouldn't be able to resist the bait!!! Just insult their pathetic attempts to be something they can't possibly fathom, and they revert to their same old hackneyed and trite words, and their ever so dull selves. They're all the same, those of this ilk: dumb, stupid, predictable, and pathetic.

  18. Yisheng = nigger, lilac = cunt12:29 AM

    Trump supporters are not true Americans. True Americans don't think and act like they do.

  19. #UNMAGA12:30 AM

    It means that the Preamble to our Consitution is an ideal that is still elusive, and, under trump, will become even more elusive.

    "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

  20. Crack Attack12:36 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    If you crackers want to "Do something for the cause" swallow.

  21. Damn, it sounds like a war with cheerleaders outside right now.

    -Doug in Oakland

  22. And that reminds me: how's everyone's civil war going today? This was supposed to be the day, right?
    Kinda like those end-timers whose apocalypse never shows up on the day they put on their billboards, but somehow they come out and face their followers the next day with a fresh set of batshit crazy lies...

    -Doug in Oakland

  23. Dave Zirin = faggot kike2:46 AM

    Less white babies, less racism and violence.

  24. "Who knew they would do this?" ejaculated Condomeater Rice from dumbass dubya's WH standing there with the August 2001 PDB in her hand that said terrorists would hijack planes and fly them into buildings.

    "You would have known if you stoopid fucking wingnuts could read and pay attention," screamed 2800 dead citizens of the world from the ruins of the WTC on 9-11.

  25. "Don't have a cow." Bart Simpson

  26. 4th of July fireworks last night in NW iowa were all Mother Nature's. But,seriously, we don't need any more rain for a week or more. Thanks.

  27. Know what is really pathetic? Stoopid fucking wingnuts. That is what is pathetic. They climb on the backs of free market bullshit and trash the economy and then depend on hated Libs to save them from themselves, over and over again.

    We just want Dems to keep government out of our lives except those rare occasions when days of the week end in Y.

  28. Look at this punk ass bitch attack a kid. This pussy ass liberal would never attack a man. This is how violent the left is.

    Man attacks San Antonio teen who was wearing Trump hat

  29. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Educated Black Man and positive role models


    House of Representatvie and Our GOD and What do you see -The Cross Movement

    God over Everything and Relentless 4ever --Viktory

    2nd Comming and No Slience and Trap Money by Flame

    Inside- Out d-Maub

    That Girl -R-Swift

    Thesis Pieces --Ambassador

  30. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Wonder why these stand up brothers get NO exposure!

  31. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Our grandfathers had to run, run, run. My generation's out of breath. We ain't running no more.

    Stokely Carmichael

  32. Why that Magat hat stealing thug threw a glass of milk on Casper Milquetoast and walked away. That devil!

    A real Magat man would have shot the kid (if the kid was a POC) and screamed self defense. That's what real Magat men do.


    Drumpfuck's russian brain is exploding as Mueller expands his probe beyond proven contacts and collusion with Russia into meatier and juicier crimes against the entire Drumfuckski crime family and various animals. Gonna be a long 2 years for Drumpfuckski.

  34. This makes my day-


    When is the left gonna learn society doesn't accept their violence and hatred?

  35. You stoopid fucking wingnuts get yer kicks out of throwing people off SNAP, insurance plans and heating assistance and then stand around betting on who will die first so the koch bros can have that money.

    This makes your day.

  36. Pathological liar in choef keeps telling supporters he is already building border wall which is just another of about 2 million lies Drumpf circulates every day.

    But HRC had emails.

  37. Eating while white.

    Why can't white people eat without being attack by minorities?


  39. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Progressive Center Left/Democrat=NAZI

    National Socialism=leftwing=liberal=democrat=nazi

  40. From Juanita Jean's blog today. Arrest and imprison treasonous stoopid fucking wingnuts in Russia for aiding and abetting Putie Pie.

    United States Senator Richard Shelby of Alabama, speaking about the trip to Russia with secret meetings …

    “We could be competitors—we are competitors. But we don’t necessarily need to be adversaries,” Shelby added.

    They stole our damn election. And the United States Senate admits it. You know, the same United States senate where Richard Shelby tells people he works.

    The Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday backed the intelligence community’s assessment that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election to aid President Donald Trump and is continuing its efforts to undermine U.S. democracy.

  41. Wasicu wasteys need the minorities to call the cops on them where ever they are, when ever they are there. Then maybe the white privilege facade will fall away and stoopid fucking wasicu wingnuts will get a taste of the harassment POC face every day of their lives in most cities. Payback is a bitch, bitches.

  42. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Feelz went to the Black Grievance Industry museum and was (surprise!) aggrieved. Don't worry it's a multi-billion dollar industry completely funded by the federal government.

    Kino Jimenez is a really tough leftist. Picking on children, it's the way of America's left. What a bunch of pussies. You know why he did not go after an adult? He would have been ventilated or at least stomped into a grease spot.

    Puff out your chest Mike and Doug, it's your time to explain how the kids triggered the adult (or what the left calls an adult).

  43. Magat hats will do that every time, Anymoose.

    Ain't you glad yer treasonous buds in the stoopid fucking wasicu wastey wingnut senate are snuggling up to America's enemy Putin? Of course you are. Anything to hurt America's standing in the world is okay since the bogus potus isn't a real American and Black.

  44. The 4th used to be special,until stoopid fucking wingnuts hijacked patriotism and made it a filthy. disgusting, deplorable thing to be. The scum of the Earth wrapped themselves in the flag and shit all over it and blame every one else for their actions.

    Raygun, Ford, Nixon and 2 dubya's all need to be impeached and even that wouldn't clean the stench of traitors and treason from America.

  45. fuckboi2:09 PM

    Putin never called me a racist or Nazi, so there's that.

  46. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Will Mike get this posting to over 100 comments? Of course he will.

  47. "Man attacks San Antonio teen who was wearing Trump hat"

    That could indeed have been a liberal. If it was a Republican, he would have buggered the teen because that's just what Republicans do.

    "Why can't white people eat without being attack by minorities?"

    They can. I do it every day. The trick to it is not being an asshole.

    "When is the left gonna learn society doesn't accept their violence and hatred?"

    Yeah, our violence and hatred wants you to have health insurance so we're dangerous... why, exactly?

    "Picking on children, it's the way of America's left."

    You mean picking them out of the cages they were locked in by Republicans? You fuckers don't really think too good, do you?

    -Doug in Oakland

  48. So I just read some good news: Three poachers after rhinos were eaten by lions in a South African game preserve. No word on whether the lions suffered any digestive problems from their unexpected meal.

    -Doug in Oakland

  49. Anonymous said...

    Will Mike get this posting to over 100 comments? Of course he will.

    Jealousy is not a good look for stoopid fucking anymoosies. Besides, I have plans to visit my Great Grand Girlie who is 8 months old and smarter than all you stoopid fucking wingnuts.

    Great News. Fuckhead Pruitt is out. Too many scandals in a scandalridden administration.

    Better news-

    Even better news-

  50. Imagine where this post would be had I posted all these good news items separately?

    Halfway there, Anymoose. What plans haveyou to sabotage the count?

  51. Any intelligent libs read the letters from second civil war? Freaking funny they were. One of the best involved Maga hat wearer's hats turning pink and someone screamed bad guy with a gun so they shot themselves. The funniest part is it would be true if there was a second civil war compliments of delusional pig Alex Jones.

  52. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Why celebrate the savage colonists breaking from the King of England? Its just another day off of work!


    He received 630 million taxcut in first quarter of this year. Quite a return for a small investment. Better than the 100 grand wingnuts tried to fry HRC for. No wonder wingnuts want to keep big money in politics.

    But HRC had emails.

  54. Man what a day. The news just keeps getting better.

    Twitter fit coming soon.

  55. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Three negroe poachers eaten by lions after trespassing into a game preserve to poach Rhino.

  56. The poor little teens thatlost their hat were joking about lynching blacks before the hat and run. Nice little stoopid fucking wasicu wingnuts doing wasicu wingnuts stuff that doesn't hurt anyone, right?

    Them three negroe poachers are the appetizer for a couple of Drumpfuck's worthless off spring. Silwane and Nyalubwe await.

  57. Fuckboi Facts5:24 PM

    Anonymous fuckboi said...
    Putin never called me a racist or Nazi, so there's that.

    Not while you’re bent over.

  58. Drop it like it’s Scott?!?!


    1. I wonder which scandal was the one that broke the camel's back.

  59. I guess good day/bad day. Pruitt is gone and we have to wait until the next Once-ler comes along to destroy the environment and sadly Ed Schultz died. He was one of my favorite radio hosts and was the anti-Rush. He was truly about the working woman and man and had a feature on his show on Fridays when small business owners would call in and get free publicity for their businesses. I actually called in and promoted my simulator training business. Really radio show host and even better person.

  60. PilotX- does your simulator simulate a DC-10 losing all hydraulic lines like UNited 232 29 years ago. The one that almost made a landing at Soo Gateway in Sioux Rity?

    Just curious because there has been a re-creation video on the net of the struggles the pilots and crew went through just to get that close to safety.

  61. So how much cleaning up was required after that blowjob of a resignation letter? And all of the god-bothering in it reminded me of one thing:

    -Doug in Oakland

  62. "I wonder which scandal was the one that broke the camel's back."

    Pruitt was getting more attention than Fergus, and that shit is not allowed. Which is kinda dumb given the effort they are investing in distraction, but kinda dumb is par for the course there.

    At least it probably makes his appointment as AG less likely, but you never know with Fergus.

    -Doug in Oakland

  63. Okay, Anymoose. I am officially out of here for s few quiet hours. How much damage can you do when I am not around to cane yer ass?

  64. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Why can't white people eat without being attack by minorities?
    Awwwwwwww, did poor Stinky Winky get bothered by the bad negroes while him was eating his mayonnaise sandwich? Awwwwwww, poor wittle guy. Just point em out and we'll take care of it for you baby.

  65. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Trump is creating a “denaturalization task force” to revoke the citizenship of those he and his racist buddies have decided do not deserve it, and then deport them.

    Operation Get Rid Of All The Brown People is humming right along.

  66. Anonymous6:40 PM

    "I wonder which scandal was the one that broke the camel's back."

    I don’t know.

    Maybe it was when Pruitt forced his staffers to put his business travel on their personal credit cards — and then refused to pay them back?

    Or maybe it was when he tried to leverage his position to get his wife a job she did not deserve?

    Or the taxpayer money he spent on “tactical pants”?

    Or ... you know what, the list is way too long to guess which of his shamelessly greedy acts got him fired. The guy was a straight-up grifter who stole anything that wasn’t nailed down.

    But then again, so is the president who appointed him. What, you thought the biggest and baddest of the swamp dwellers would “drain the swamp”? The swamp is Trump’s natural habitat.

  67. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  68. I’ve git your be in DC for a meeting this fall and I can’t wait to visit the AA museum while I’m there!😁

  69. Spell check, lol!😂

  70. Anonymous9:42 PM

    I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content, I know how to be abased , and I know how to abound.

    -The Apostle Paul


  72. "PilotX- does your simulator simulate a DC-10 losing all hydraulic lines like UNited 232 29 years ago. The one that almost made a landing at Soo Gateway in Sioux Rity?"

    Nah, it was just a generic piston twin engined sim. I don't know if anyone has a DC-10 sim. A lot of our 10's have been converted to DC-11's after we sold them to FedEx.

  73. Anonymous12:09 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


    Plus other lies wingnuts tell debunked by factual facts which terrify stoopid fucking wingnuts.

    Keep flying over iowa you might want to invest in a pair of pontoons for those emergency water landings.

  75. More ingenious Drumpfuck incompetence- Postal Service misidentifies Statue of Liberty in stamp in a $3.5 million mistake

    WTF it is only money. They'll just take it from poor SS collectors to cover their asses.

  76. OMFG!!! The unemployment rate ballooned to 4%. Scuttle Drumpfuck's ass, now!







    Lucky for the victim ne wasn't off-color inmstead of off his rocker. Oe he'd be DAIIIIIID!!!

  82. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Said "do-gooder" walked into the path of a driver who had changed lanes to avoid him.

    Definitely an idiot, and that is a trait associated with n1663rs.

  83. So wasicu slowed from 55 to 53.5 and was going too fast to avoid the black guy. Gotcha. Any driver not of the wasicu racist bent would have slowed down enough to brake to a stop before killing a person.

    I guarantee if the situation was reversed, there would have been numerous charges such as failure to stop in an assured clear distance, reckless and careless driving, driving too fast for the road conditions and probably intentional vehicular homicide plus driving while Black.

    The fact there was an accident at all meant there should have been some charge filed. White privilege. That the little honky fucker bragged about it shows clear intent to do bodily injury.

    Of course an all wasicu jury would have blamed the Black guy.

  84. White Privilege example #2936:16 PM

    Being blamed if you don't watch for traffic when you walk into a roadway, but for hitting a Black pedestrian who recklessly walks into your path as a driver, is White Privilege.

  85. Anonymous12:53 AM

    I wanted to comment on recent events of Mexicans being sent back. Some feelings are mixed as most are good folks to provide services no one else will do. My issue with black getting upset is most Mexicans don't like blacks, they can be just as racist as whites. In the rankings they are probably 4th or 5th behind what whites, asians, middle eastern, people from India then Mexicans. So black people stop fighting for the cause of others and fight for your own.
