Sunday, July 15, 2018

Benedict trump?

A head and shoulders profile engraving of Benedict Arnold. He is facing left, wearing a uniform with two stars on the shoulder epaulet. His hair is tied back.The following article is from Charles Blow writing for the New York Times. 
The Field Negro education series continues.   
'Put aside whatever suspicions you may have about whether Donald Trump will be directly implicated in the Russia investigation.
Trump is right now, before our eyes and those of the world, committing an unbelievable and unforgivable crime against this country. It is his failure to defend.
The intelligence community long ago concluded that Russia attacked our election in 2016 with the express intention of damaging Hillary Clinton and assisting Trump.
And it was not only the spreading of inflammatory fake news over social media. As a May report from the Republican-run Senate Intelligence Committee pointed out:
“In 2016, cyber actors affiliated with the Russian Government conducted an unprecedented, coordinated cyber campaign against state election infrastructure. Russian actors scanned databases for vulnerabilities, attempted intrusions, and in a small number of cases successfully penetrated a voter registration database. This activity was part of a larger campaign to prepare to undermine confidence in the voting process.”

And this is not simply a thing that happened once. This is a thing that is still happening and will continue to happen. As Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats told the committee in February, “Persistent and disruptive cyberoperations will continue against the United States and our European allies using elections as opportunities to undermine democracy.” As he put it, “Frankly, the United States is under attack.”
The Robert Mueller investigation is looking into this, trying to figure out what exactly happened in 2016, who all was involved, which laws where broken and who will be charged and tried.
That investigation seems to be incredibly fruitful. According to Vox’s tally:
“Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team has either indicted or gotten guilty pleas from 32 people and three companies — that we know of. That group is composed of four former Trump advisers, 26 Russian nationals, three Russian companies, one California man, and one London-based lawyer. Five of these people (including three former Trump aides) have already pleaded guilty.”
Twelve of those indictments came last week with a disturbingly detailed account of what the Russians did. As The New York Times put it:
“From phishing attacks to gain access to Democratic operatives, to money laundering, to attempts to break into state elections boards, the indictment details a vigorous and complex effort by Russia’s top military intelligence service to sabotage the campaign of Mr. Trump’s Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton.”
Whether or not Trump himself or anyone in his orbit personally colluded or conspired with the Russians about their interference is something Mueller will no doubt disclose at some point, but there remains one incontrovertible truth: In 2016, Russia, a hostile foreign adversary, attacked the United States of America.
We know that they did it. We have proof. The F.B.I. is trying to hold people accountable for it.
And yet Trump, the president whom the Constitution establishes as the commander in chief, has repeatedly waffled on whether Russia conducted the attack and has refused to forcefully rebuke them for it, let alone punish them for it.
In March, the White House, under pressure from Congress, seemed to somewhat reluctantly impose some sanctions on Russia for its crimes. As CNN reported that month, Congress almost unanimously passed the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act last summer, “hoping to pressure Trump into punishing Russia for its election interference.” But as the network pointed out:
“Trump signed the bill reluctantly in August, claiming it impinged upon his executive powers and could dampen his attempts to improve ties with Moscow.”
Instead, Trump has repeatedly attacked the investigation as a witch hunt.
Just last week at a joint press conference with British Prime Minister Theresa May, Trump said:
“I think I would have a very good relationship with Putin if we spend time together. After watching the rigged witch-hunt yesterday, I think it really hurts our country and our relationship with Russia. I hope we can have a good relationship with Russia.”
Now Trump is set to pursue just such a relationship as he meets one-on-one with the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, on Monday in Finland. As Trump said earlier this month at a rally:
“Will he be prepared? Will he be prepared? And I might even end up having a good relationship, but they’re going, ‘Will President Trump be prepared? You know, President Putin is K.G.B. and this and that.’ You know what? Putin’s fine. He’s fine. We’re all fine. We’re people.”
Actually, none of this is fine. None of it! Trump should be directing all resources at his disposal to punish Russia for the attacks and prevent future ones. But he is not.
America’s commander wants to be chummy with the enemy who committed the crime. Trump is more concerned with protecting his presidency and validating his election than he is in protecting this country.

This is an incredible, unprecedented moment. America is being betrayed by its own president. America is under attack and its president absolutely refuses to defend it.
Simply put, Trump is a traitor and may well be treasonous. " [Source]
Tell us how you really feel Mr. Blow.

*Image from


  1. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Womp womp.

  2. Trump 2020!9:57 PM

    Russia didn't elect Trump, real Americans did. Real Americans who were sick of being sold out for the benefit of the 1%.

    Charles Blow is another low-IQ mouthpiece for the elite.

    The real traitors are those who are trying to overturn an election that they lost.

    I'd support the lot of them being hanged.

  3. Bernie S.10:05 PM

    The DNC is not the federal government. The DNC fixing their nomination process is not a state secret.

    It prpbably wasn't them, but if Russia did hack the DNC, they did us all a huge favor.

  4. Fuck the dumbass democrats10:29 PM

    The "Russia attacked this country" rhetoric only makes sense if you equate John Podesta's gmail account with "this country." That's an extreme logical leap, and unsurprisingly, millions of Americans don't buy it

  5. Fergus won't do anything to stop the attack Russia is mounting on our election right now or in the future as long as he thinks it helps him personally, because that's just the kind of motherfucker he is.

    And his little MAGAts and pig people just squeal with delight over how strong they think it makes him to let America get attacked by someone who makes no pretense about wanting to tear this country and the rest of the West down.

    This will come back and bite you on your ass really hard.

    And we will clean up after it, and you, again when Fergus is gone.

    Meanwhile, in the real world, real people and real countries are suffering over the ignorant fits he throws instead of doing his fucking job.

    We will remember what you did for a long time, and you will pay.

    -Doug in Oakland

  6. Literally Hitler11:19 PM

    I hope when Putin and Trump set up the concentration camps, they make Doug take a top bunk.

  7. What's amazing to me is that many people don't seem to care because they approve of the results of the last Presidential election. To me (and I didn't like either major party candidate), it doesn't matter whether the Russians managed to change the results of the election or not. It was an attack, and not (as suggested by another commenter) just on the DNC.

    This much is absolutely clear to me.

    But I feel really defeated lately. The darkness is settling in, we've given up our decency and humanity, and we're not to the worst of it.

  8. Burn it down11:44 PM

    "The darkness is settling in, we've given up our decency and humanity"

    That happened long ago.

  9. Grow the fuck up11:52 PM

    "it doesn't matter whether the Russians managed to change the results of the election or not. It was an attack"

    Harry Hamid has the vapors.

    Guess what: Lots of countries muck with our elections. We muck with almost every other country's election. China steals trillions in intellectual property from us every year.

    Russia doesn't have 1/100 the influence on American politics Israel has.

    Hundreds of thousands of foreign citizens vote in our elections.

    This is nothing new. The hysteria over the DNC getting exposed is the way the Democrats are dealing with losing the election and covering up the fact they used the FBI to spy on the other party.

  10. It's fun to anonymously insult people online, I know.

    You don't deserve a response.

    But I'm not a Democrat. I don't weep over the loss of Hillary Clinton, easily the worst presidential candidate in recent memory. But, yeah, I do worry about the people who actually hold power right now, and what they're doing.

    I know: It's funny to laugh and point at people who care. But if you laugh and point at people who care, you can go fuck yourself, because you're irrelevant to the solution. Seriously. Go fuck yourself.

  11. Grow the fuck up12:04 AM

    No one insulted you.

    And I am the solution.

  12. Yeah. I'm sure you are.

    Have a great night.

  13. "Simply put, Trump is a traitor and may well be treasonous."

    Trump has done more for this country in 18 months than previous presidents have done in a generation.

    Trump is on Team America. If you reflexively oppose everything he does, you are the traitor.


  14. This may get worse. A new study came out detailing the notion that half of the entire population of the US will live in just 8 states in the next 20 years. That could possibly mean permanent control of the senate by red states. Well unless 3/4 of the state vote to amend the constitution so they can relinquish power. That means one of two things 1. if conservatives control the senate forever they will of course stock the judiciary and cabinent positions full of hacks or just block every Dem appointment until an R gets into the WH and then force everyone in the country to live by their rules like it or not (the founders went so far to prevent tyranny of the majority they accidently created a way for tyranny of the minority) or 2. every state goes its own way and does what it wants to do. Alabama will become a Christian state with all the associated laws while California will become a secular state with all the associated laws. My guess is if the current crop of conservatives is any indication we will see 1 and as hard as it may be for some many will have to abandon the US because no matter how much you fight the numbers just aren't on your side. Any other solutions?



  16. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Bridget Austin, Jeanee Dunn....Nuff said.

  17. "And I am the solution."

    60% weasel piss and 40% stupid juice, no doubt.

    And PX, I just read Bad Tux's post about that over at Comrade Misfit's place, and I had this response:

    I agree, and have another point to raise. I, myself, am an example of the population flight to the cities, and would like to point out one aspect of large cities that holds true wherever they are located. They tend to be liberal.
    My friend Sara lives in Huntsville, Alabama, and while she wishes there was access to Medicaid to help her pay for the PT she needs on her broken right arm (she is a violinist, so it impacts her ability to make a living) she notes that overall, Huntsville is a liberal place.
    So as more and more of the population migrates to the cities, the pendulum swing will gradually be biased in one direction. Demographics will have a similar pressure, as we are already a majority-minority country below the age of about ten, and will be for all children by next year.
    I live in a majority-minority state, in a diverse city and neighborhood, and won't be willingly leaving any time soon. It's a good place to live, and we all seem to like it here. We are arguably the most liberal district in the country (hello Barbara Lee!) and everyone I know owns firearms. I guess what I'm saying about it is don't believe the scary propaganda, we're just normal people living normal lives.
    That said, I'm not a big fan of the representation of acres instead of people in the senate, and I really believe we need to do something about the way political campaigns are financed and regulated, but I'm a long, long, way from giving up the fight to improve the way our government works.
    There is a new generation coming into their own politically right now, and while they will make the same mistakes that always get made in the entry level of politics, they, especially the women among them, seem to have a much more hands-on approach than I or my cohort ever did.
    As depressing as things look right now, I can't help but be encouraged by the 20,000 female candidates seeking office at every level of government this year, and the 30 point gender gap in recent polling.
    Driftglass said on the podcast yesterday that Todd Akin may be vindicated here, that women's bodies may after all have a way of "shutting the whole thing down", namely voting and running for office.
    So short version, yes, I believe it's a problem, but no, I don't believe we've passed the tipping point to permanent tyranny just yet.
    Perhaps we might be well served to get up and try to do something about it, and right away.

    -Doug in Oakland

  18. Anonymous1:22 AM

    You better hope that Blacks and Browns never run this country cause you all can't do shit. The jews/Liberals have pumped your heads full of so much bullshit that you all believe you can maintain or improve western society? Give me a break. Hopefully Trump gets two more SCOTUS appointments after Kavanaugh, and then the house of cards known as the Warren/Burger Supreme fuck ups will be eliminated. Then, all of this welfare, Affirmative Action, constant Negro whining shit will come to an end. And you all will have to sink or swim based on your abilities. That's right Negroes, you will have to compete without Uncle Sam lowering all the standards on everything so you all can feel good about yourselves. My money is on that you all fuck up early and often.

  19. "Then, all of this welfare, Affirmative Action, constant Negro whining shit will come to an end. And you all will have to sink or swim based on your abilities. That's right Negroes, you will have to compete without Uncle Sam lowering all the standards on everything so you all can feel good about yourselves. My money is on that you all fuck up early and often."

    Spoken like a true racist er I mean trump supporter😂

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. "The jews/Liberals have pumped your heads full of so much bullshit that you all believe you can maintain or improve western society?"

    Nah, don't need any jew/liberal to tell me something I already know. Now back to improving western society one day and flight at a time.

  22. You gumby fuckers saying jews don't support Drumpfuck the dumbfuck and other right wing fucking racists? BULLSHIT!!!

    Charles Blow and many others are correct that the biggest danger to America is the dumbest fucker ever to set foot in the WH. He is in Helsinki fluffing Putin as we speak. That is how he gets his marching orders. He is plugged into Purin's information stream and Drumpf gets a creme pie for his efforts.

    1. trump saw Red Dawn and thought it was a documentary.

  23. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Race Realist Pilot X, Race Realist. The Data is so overwhelming that even the staunchest 80 IQ Hood Rat knows that you all as a race will not be able to maintain a civil, first world society. Look at your Muthaland, shitholes as far as the eye can see. Look anywhere in the world that you all are clustered, crime, poverty, sloth, despair. The Negro dirty laundry is widely known by whitey, and the Tribe and Liberals can't bullshit it away.

  24. Anonymous9:09 AM

    The biggest threat to America, are Tribe Commie politicians who cater to Black and Brown misfits. Trump is correct....Shit holes provide maggots that destroy western elite societies created by whites and maintained by whites. I don't want this country turning into Haiti the sequel.

  25. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Charles Blow.....Yet another Affirmative Action commie dupe forced upon America by "Gods Chosen Demons".

  26. Anonymous9:27 AM

    @ mike from iowa

    Your're the dumbest Mfer in America...go to night school.

  27. Lance Cockstrong9:36 AM

    Benedict Arnold, like Butt Trumpet, was just another micro dick white boy. It's appropriate that they are being compared.

  28. Anonymous9:43 AM

    We must admit 45 got swag; he's wit it. Remember his theme song of the Apprentice, The Temptation s' Money Money Money

    The Pres says what he means and means what he says..step off and don't uck with America including Black American MAGA!

    The Pres sent a strong message to America by reopening Emmit Till investigation. Others kick rocks. MAGA!

    12:52 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    What did 44 do to promote blacks sure didn't nominate one to the SCOTUS

    Black lives of law abiding citizens really do matter- is the message conveyed

    No 19th century Hispanic picked cotton in the US how did one get appointed SCOTUS before a black American whose ancestors were enslaved?

    Still 'stuck' masticating on this one:

    "Dreams from my Father" by Barack HUSSEIN Obama

    'Of course, when I was in college,I began experimenting sexually.
    Sometimes with multiple partners, sometimes with the same sex. I

    particularly found underage boys my favorite sexual partners'

    pg 137

    The first President of 'color'bisexual. Damn!

    Immigrants of late living in America look down upon Black Americans as to say your ancestors were slaves ours were not therefore we are superior/better than black. . Yet they adopt the Black culture / style and take advantage of the opportunities afforded to disadvantage African-American under the guise of being a minority.

    If this president is what it took for black people to wake up and be true to thyself, so be it. Perhaps we'll get a new generation to clean up this mess.

    Intelligent informed black individuals with self-awareness, has nothing to fear regarding the current president or otherwise

    44 was nothing more than a puppet. He had no identity adopting his from Black Culture. He never has and never will understand the Souls of Black Folks. Go read the book you might actually learn something.

  29. Anonymous9:45 AM

    So, our POTUS goes to Russia and "TRASHES THE UNITED STATES" to his slave master Mr. "P"

    Would all of the good old white boys in the United States have tolerated this from Obama?

    Hell NO.

    Racism "TRUMPS" democracy every time.

  30. Anonymous9:47 AM

    When juxtaposed with the current president, Obama's representation was indicative of the anti- Christ. He legalized sin.

  31. Yisheng = nigger, lilac = cunt9:51 AM

    Trump supporters probably don't even know who Benedict Arnold was. LOL

  32. Anonymous9:52 AM

    @ Anonymous Anonymous said...
    So, our POTUS goes to Russia and "TRASHES THE UNITED STATES" to his slave master Mr. "P"

    So your hope is built on nothing less than 45 (as oppose to Jesus Christ) and his rightousness. I dare not trust i sweetest name..

  33. I'm surprised to see someone like Benedict Arnold referenced on this black blog considering black people's hatred for any race not their own, as well as you people's racial and cultural insularity.

  34. PilotX is an ugly loser10:01 AM

    I hope PilotX crashes the next time he is up in the air.

  35. Franklin Rutherford10:03 AM

    I also hope that happens to PilotX. I would laugh my ass off.

  36. Remember how stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys groused and threw tantrums when Michelle Obama said she was prowd of America for the first time?

    With Russian Drumpf trashing America all over the world, you gt wingnut crickets.

  37. San Francisco Mayor London Breed said the streets of her city are flooded with the excrement of the homeless in an interview Friday.

    Breed, a Democrat who was inaugurated as San Francisco’s mayor Wednesday, urged homeless advocacy groups that receive money from the city to teach homeless people to “clean up after themselves.”

    “There is more feces on the sidewalks than I’ve ever seen growing up here,” Breed told KNTV. “That is a huge problem and we are not just talking about from dogs — we’re talking about from humans.”

    The streets of San Francisco are littered with a “dangerous mix of drug needles, garbage, and feces”, KNTV’s investigative team reported in February after surveying the city’s streets.

    Liberalism is the shits......🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  38. PilotX is a pussy10:09 AM

    I wouldn't trust any flight that PilotX is piloting, because as we all know he only got in that position because of Affirmative Action.

  39. Anymoose says I think not, therefore I am not.

  40. Anonymous PilotX is a pussy said No worries, shithead. You can't get a boarding pass without teeth and a birth certificate.

  41. Obama team was warned in 2014 about Russian interference

    Obama cyber chief confirms 'stand down' order against Russian cyberattacks in summer 2016

    Obama did nothing.....

  42. Dave Zirin = faggot kike10:18 AM

    White people have been fucking up this country since 1776.

  43. Benedict Arnold was still better looking and more attractive than the vast majority of black men, whether they be from the 18th century or the 21st century.

  44. J-E-S-U-S is the light of the world!!!!

  45. Anonymous10:35 AM

    When juxtaposed with the current president, Obama's representation was indicative of the anti- Christ. He legalized sin.

  46. Anonymous10:41 AM

    So what came first the egg or the chicken and how did the the egg or the chicken come to be?

  47. Anonymous10:46 AM

    ...crickets!!! Where are all my FNB scholars?

  48. Anonymous10:58 AM

    > Spoken like a true racist er I mean trump supporter

    Reality has a strong racist trend.  All you have to do to become "racist" is to see what's around you.

    African sorta-joke:  What's the difference between a tourist and a racist?  About two weeks. ��

    Even Muhammed Ali agreed:  "Thank god my granddaddy got on that boat."

  49. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Some validity...immigrants/tourist --who become illegal immigrants (..between a tourist and a racist) who has come to the US learned being anti-black is how one gets ahead.

    You're deflecting question--So what came first the egg or the chicken and how did the the egg or the chicken come to be?

  50. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Spoken like a true illegal alien supporter!

  51. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Do your really want to go there with NOI Muslums whose leader has 15 baby mamas...and whose current leader played a role in Malcom X's (the smartest one) death ..please don't do that to Ali.

  52. Anonymous11:27 AM

    So what came first the egg or the chicken and how did the the egg or the chicken come to be?

  53. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Float like a butterfly sting like a bee; mess with the one above he will shut you down completely!

    -Cassius Clay/Ali

  54. Boo fucking hoo!

    The view that the Obama administration failed to adequately piece together intelligence about the Russian campaign and develop a forceful response has clearly gained traction with the intelligence committee

    We got caught flatfooted and with dubya's pants around his ankles shortly before 9-11 with intel saying terrorists would hijack planes and fly them into American buildings and we got crickets from dubya until after the fact.

  55. Stoopid fucking wingnuts are all stump broke. Unknown but well received.

  56. So what came first the egg or the chicken and how did the the egg or the chicken come to be?
    Dinosaurs came before either and evolved into chickens, however dinos were born from eggs. Maybe you can figure the rest of it.

  57. Anonymous11:45 AM

    @mike from iowa

    Didn't expect you to answer the question...EVERYONE knows you are the dumbest mutherfocker in America..go ahead have your moment here as you can't get attention elsewhere.

  58. The toughest thing for tRump this trip will be washing the taste of Putin's dick out of his mouth.


    Didn't expect you to answer the question...EVERYONE knows you are the dumbest mutherfocker in America..go ahead have your moment here as you can't get attention elsewhere.

    Speaking of dumb mofos, you wouldn't know a real answer when one bit your ass because you be a stoopid fucking wasicu wastey wingnut with shit fer brains.


    Add Neville ChamberDrumpfuck to the Been a Dick Arnold Drumpfuck charge.

    I'll bet stoopid fucking wingnuts in congress still refuse to do their sworn duty and execute this orange POS.


    One wingnut has a functioning brain. Drumpf bowed to Putie, blames the US for bad relations with the country that hacked/stole the last election and now wingnuts are focusing on more taxcuts for the koch bros.

  62. Never has a column by a pundit "of color" had so little to do with racial problems. Blow is trying like hell to slap us awake:

    This is an incredible, unprecedented moment. America is being betrayed by its own president. America is under attack and its president absolutely refuses to defend it.

    If those lines don't reach you, nothing will.

  63. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Always wait 3 days before pronouncing judgement on the God-Emperor's statements.

    Day 1 is for the enemedia/unintelligentsia to REEEEE.

    Day 2 is for them to stampede.

    Day 3 is for the God-Emperor to reveal the cliff dead ahead of the stampede.

    This game never gets old.


    Another stable genius Drumpf supporter.

  65. Jimmie Carter is on PuDrumpf's ass-

    Drumpfuck,the spy that got left out in the cold.

  66. George Soros was a wingnut donor in the 80's and 90's. Crickets.

  67. "I wouldn't trust any flight that PilotX is piloting, because as we all know he only got in that position because of Affirmative Action."

    We all know that huh? So pray tell what qualifications did I lack when I was hired? 😂

    1. Like you could afford a ticket😂

  68. Man, trump just gave America the finger. How can anyone still support this clown? I mean beyond a Russian.

  69. Fearless Paul Ryan taking a hammer to Drumpf today- Paul Ryan: “The president must appreciate that Russia is not our ally” Guffaw. What a fucking pussy!! How can you Drumpfuck supporters claim to be Americans?

    But HRC had emails, damnit.

    There can be no doubt in any American that Drumpf is a wholly owned subsidiary of Putin and Russia. None! His ascension to the WH is illegal and he is bogus.

    1. His supporters love it Mike. On Fox they love it that peace is breaking out everywhere and Rand Paul is defending that chump. Then again is this a surprise? They guy got tons of cash from Russia, refused to release his tax returns and was a C-list reality tv star. How is any of this a surprise? I just wonder after trump and Palin who's next for Republicans, Phil from Duck Dynasty?

  70. Anonymous5:43 PM

    We may need to come up with some new espionage terminology. The expression "double agent" doesn't really seem to fit recent events.

    What do you call it when a woman serves as an agent for the Russian government, an organization hostile to the American people, while also infiltrating the NRA, another organization hostile to the American people?

    Russian woman with close ties to NRA charged with spying in US for Moscow

  71. Butina was in Sioux Falls a year or so ago. South Dakota is a state with fairly lax banking regulations and she may have been able to launder money through the corrupt wingnut establishment. South Dakota was recently named the most corrupt state innthe nation. They are perennial top 10 corrupted and have total wingnut control so nothing of any importance gets a serious investigation. Including a state employee stealing educational grant money and killed his four kids, wife, set fire to his house and killed himself.

  72. National Review reported Rosenstein "politicized" the indictments of 12 Russkies. The whole wingnut lead house investigation into this mess was politicized and interference for Drumpf was run from that committee's scumbag chairweasel Devin Numbnuts.

  73. Anonymous6:30 PM

    What came first the egg or the chicken? You may want to answer that question if sky is really falling as you don't want to be "Left Behind" --by the way great movie.

  74. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Who will you run to when he cracks the sky?

  75. Kirk Cameron6:39 PM

    Left Behind" --by the way great movie.
    No it wasn't.

  76. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  77. The fools that keep predicting the end and are always wrong have already been left behind. That is just plain Hillaryous.

  78. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Russa have to do with being black in American? Analyze why ignorant black folk in Chicago don't know how to act. You have no politcal influence and no one outside of this blog pays attention to your wannna be politcal pundits comments. You are insignificant get over youself!

  79. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Know it all race chasers let's blog about this:

    Chicago July 2018 To Date:
    Shot & Killed: 19
    Shot & Wounded: 89
    Total Shot: 108
    Total Homicides: 23

  80. Neal Cavuto at Fake Noize thinks jet lag might have been Drumpf's performance problem. Riiiiight!

  81. Drumpf shut down violence in Chicago. Get with his program, dude.He,alone could fix it so he clapped his micro dick with a sand shovel and voila- no more violence.


    Watch the WTO laugh Drumpfuck's feeble national security assessment out of town and leave Drumpf with cowshit egg on his face.

  83. Randy Rainbow strikes again:

    -Doug in Oakland

  84. Anonymous7:09 PM


  85. Anonymous7:13 PM




  86. Anonymous7:17 PM



  87. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Why on Earth would the POTUS admit to Russian hacking...after all it's what got him elected the first time, and it's what will get him elected the 2nd time.

    Haaaa Haaa Haaaaa.....

    The world knows it.
    His base knows it.
    The Democrats know it
    The Republicans know it.
    The Blacks know it.
    The Whites know it.

    It works every time. Just play the race card:
    manipulate a nation,
    divide the nation..
    conquer the nation

    They're saying that Putin is a Genius.

  88. Anyone going near the WH in the near future? Be interesting to find out if Drumpf is offering personalized pardons for sale at his own gift shop.

    This was posted in March of last year as a kinda precursor of what is now happening.

    Maria Butina's front group paid for ex Milwaukee co sheriff David Clarke's pilgrimage to Putin's Moscow last year. The plot thickens, the noose tightens.

  89. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Wow...Russia's President is very, very, powerful....Wow!

  90. Anonymous8:09 PM


    Do you mean the Republcan (authored the Emancipation Proclaimation) or the Republican who passed the Civil Rights Act so that dumb ASSES --like you) could to post buffoonary?

  91. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Putin has something so damaging and powerful against Trump (probably financial).
    Anyone with a 4th grade education can see this.

    Everyone needs to stop pretending they don't know what is the OBVIOUS.

  92. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Learn your history to avoid looking like a know the saying " a fish won't get hooked if it keeps its mouth closesd."

  93. Without more Dems that voted for the Civil Rights Act than wingnuts, it would not have passed. Important context left out like always.

  94. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Who gives a rat's ass about Russia or Putin are do they pay your bills? How does it effect your life directly?

  95. a fish won't get hooked if it keeps its mouth closesd."

    Another blatant lie. Ever hear of paddlefish?

  96. Kill white men, fuck white women8:24 PM

    Kill white men.
    Fuck white women.

  97. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Putin dropped a Hillary bombshell today.  Turns out someone named Browder made $1.5 billion in Russia and smuggled $400 million of it to Hillary's campaign... without paying taxes, anywhere.  US intelligence agencies were involved.

    So HILLARY is the Russian stooge!  Gee, who coulda seen that coming...

    Oh, yeah, the left always accuses you of what it's doing.

  98. "Analyze why ignorant black folk in Chicago don't know how to act."

    That's easy. We act very well thank you. Where do you live? Take a trip here and I"ll show you exactly how we act. Lemma know when you get in town.

  99. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Putin dropped a Hillary bombshell today.

    And stoopid fucking Anymoose fell for it. Typical wasicu wastey honky stoopid fucking wingnut.

  100. Anonymous10:09 AM

    The real Russian connection is with Obama and Hillary.

  101. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Yisheng = nigger

    lilac = cunt

  102. Anonymous11:30 AM

    That was Obama not Trump.

  103. "The real Russian connection is with Obama and Hillary."

    Ridiculous. He owes Russians millions, he refuses to release his tax returns and he trusts a KGB agent over his own intelligence agents. Not a good luck for an American leader.

  104. The term Quisling may be more appropriate.
