Monday, July 16, 2018

The #TreasonSummit went as expected.

If you are still a trump supporter after that disgraceful performance in Finland today, I need to know why you have not been forcefully committed to an insane asylum. Folks in your own gang can't endorse his behavior today.

trump embarrassed his country, his family, his party, and himself....(I take that back, he has no shame, so he can't embarrass himself) today, and you have to wonder when it will all end. He stood next to a murderous dictator and trashed his own intelligence community and blamed his country as much as Russia for the attempts to undermine American democracy. (Good people on both sides.) I am now convinced that Putin and the Russians have some very damaging information on trump. Stunningly, when asked about it in the presser today, Putin did not deny it. With trump standing by his side, and Mrs. trump sitting across from him, Putin smiled and deflected the question. You just know that trump's heart was pounding in that moment, but Putin did not let him down and give up the goods. Not totally. He still needs him as his agent. 

I gotta tell you, I was never big on all this I word talk, but now, after today, I don't know.

"With #TreasonSummit now trending on Twitter, it’s probably a good time to revisit that whole “high crimes and misdemeanors” thing.

The calls for impeachment are coming from far and wide — even from some who are experts in fighting against treasonous  empires.

At this point, after seeing our president openly discredit American intelligence agencies in favor of sucking up to Vladimir Putin, impeachment as a consequence seems unfitting only in its disproportionate mildness. But since involuntary commitment seems to be off the table as a more immediate solution right now, we should talk about our options.

Under Article II, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution, a President can be impeached upon the “Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors.” The House brings those formal charges against the president, and then the whole circus moves over to the Senate, which acts as the trier of fact. The Senate then hears evidence and makes the decision whether to convict and remove from office (by a two-thirds majority).

Fun as it would be to use treason as the vehicle to rid ourselves of the Donald, it probably won’t work. The treason statute, 18 U.S.C. § 2381, reads as follows:

“Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”
Trump’s post-Putin presser was an absolute disgrace, but it probably doesn’t clearly rise to the level of levying war against the U.S. That’s fine, though. We’ve still got “high crimes and misdemeanors” and those will do just fine, as long as Congress can find their backbones.

The battle between the #MAGA army and those seeking to oust Trump tends to come in the form of “that behavior is bad, but it’s not an impeachable offense,” versus the Maxine Waters view that”impeachment is about whatever the Congress says it is.” Let’s elaborate a bit on what the Constitution actually meant by “high crimes and misdemeanors.”...

.......Since the 2016 election, the potential for Trump’s impeachment has come up many times, in response to Trump’s suppression of the press, his comments in Charlottesville, and his general, everyday, dismantling of our government and all that we hold dear as Americans. What we saw today, though, is next-level in terms of “high crimes and misdemeanors.”  The House already had the authority to begin impeachment proceedings; now, though, with Trump’s cozying up to Russia for all to see, it has no sound basis for dragging its feet any longer.

Whether our elected representatives will act, though, is far from certain.  As Bradley Moss put it:
“In truth, however, no one truly knows for certain what would happen in that context. The Clinton and Johnson impeachment proceedings were far more conventional in that regard. Furthermore, the threshold to successfully impeach and convict a sitting President is so high specifically to minimize frivolous charges. For President Trump to actually be removed from office, it would require significant desertions by members of his own party in the Senate.”
Those of us on impeachment watch will be hanging our hats on just those “significant desertions.” [Source]

trump is certainly giving the I word folks a lot to hang their hats on of late. 

*Pic from


  1. ICYMI9:26 PM

    ICYMI:  Putin dropped a Hillary bombshell today.  Turns out someone named Browder made $1.5 billion in Russia and smuggled $400 million of it to Hillary's campaign... without paying taxes, anywhere.  US intelligence agencies were involved.

    So HILLARY is the Russian stooge!  Gee, who coulda seen that coming...

    Oh, yeah, the left always accuses you of what it's doing.

    Hillary is going down, and a lot of swamp will drain along with her.

  2. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Yeah thanks to the traitor Obama who sabotage for election

  3. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Obama loathed Hillary the same way he loathed Oprah he resent ed the fact both had more power and influence him. Obama didn't have the balls to do what Trump does he soft

  4. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Obama sabotage Hillary's the election!

  5. Anonymous9:36 PM

    How was the most popular president in modern history not able to get people to vote for Hillary

  6. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Who was in office when HC private email scandal broke ; under whose direction was that information to be released... the timing of it all

  7. Lance Cockstrong9:49 PM

    Butt Trumpet worshippers can never give up their love for him because micro dicks always stick by each other, no matter what.

  8. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Why on Earth would the POTUS admit to Russian hacking...after all it's what got him elected the first time, and it's what will get him elected the 2nd time.

    Haaaa Haaa Haaaaa.....

    The world knows it.
    His base knows it.
    The Democrats know it
    The Republicans know it.
    The Blacks know it.
    The Whites know it.

    It works every time. Just play the race card:
    manipulate a nation,
    divide the nation..
    conquer the nation

    They're saying that Putin is a Genius.

  9. Anonymous9:56 PM

    So now all of the good ole boys (the Republican Cowards) are tap dancing and walking a tight rope.

    They're all taking out of both sides of their mouth and making contradictory statements.
    Saying negative things about the POTUS and then in the same breathe quickly following it up in the same sentence by making excuses for their POTUS.

    What a side show.

    At intermission I'm going to refill my popcorn and soda.

  10. Anonymous9:59 PM

    "ICYMI: Putin dropped a Hillary bombshell today. Turns out someone named Browder made $1.5 billion in Russia and smuggled $400 million of it to Hillary's campaign... without paying taxes, anywhere. US intelligence agencies were involved."

    Vlad hates Bill Browder with a burning passion -- almost as much as he hates NATO and the EU and anyone else who wants to get in the way of him reassembling the territories of the Soviet Union under Russian rule. So he is not exactly an impartial or credible authority when it comes to discussing Browder.

    Browder was instrumental in getting Congress to pass the Magnitsky Act, to financially punish Vlad and his henchmen for their corruption and violence:

    "The Magnitsky Act, formally known as the Russia and Moldova Jackson–Vanik Repeal and Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act of 2012, is a bipartisan bill passed by the U.S. Congress and signed by President Obama in December 2012, intending to punish Russian officials responsible for the death of Russian tax accountant Sergei Magnitsky in a Moscow prison in 2009. Since 2016 the bill is applied on a global scale by the US government."

    I am frankly surprised Vlad has, to date, not had Browder murdered. Browder should be regularly checking his tea for radioactive polonium and his doorknobs for novichok nerve agent. He should also be on the lookout for burly, heavily accented men who might accidentally throw him out a skyscraper window.

  11. Anonymous10:02 PM

    You can't deny it...Putin is a very smooth operator and a VERY powerful man.


    Trump admitted it himself...when he uttered the following at today's press conference:
    "Presdent Putin is extremely strong and powerful."

    Those words were very revealing. Looks like the leader of the US may have his back against the wall.

  12. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Randy Rainbow has gone Pirates of Penzance on tRump.

    It is a thing of majestic beauty.


  13. Anonymous10:37 PM

    If it is true that Putin actually runs Trump and the USA.....How will he be toward minorities in America when he takes over? I ain't never heard of any shines or beaners in Russia. You Negroes better hope Trump sticks around a bit cause white russians have no jew induced guilt for you all.

  14. The good news is that it won't take too much work to change the first A to an R on all those MAGA hats.

  15. More indictments today, and this time the perp is in US custody, and charged with being an unregistered Russian agent who facilitated collusion between the Russian government and Fergus' campaign via the NRA.

    As for Fergus, he's way out of his depth here and frantically trying to hold on to the ratfuckery that caused his election in the first place.

    Two things:
    Three states won by less than 100K votes between them.
    One of the items stolen from the DNC off of a cloud account was the Clinton campaign's analytics.

    Remove those stolen analytics, or Kobach's crosscheck, and there goes Fergus' election.

    Fergus is dumb, but even he understands that, and so as his first loyalty is always to himself, his alliance with Putin is a simple case of attempted self-preservation, which he may or may not understand will be biting him really hard on his repugnantly fat ass soon.

    And Putin, who doesn't give a rat's ass about Fergus or which moron is there to do his bidding, will get one small giggle and move on to the next operation.

    Our job now is to do something about that next operation, which, according to our IC, is already underway, while we are all conveniently distracted by Fergus antics.

    The corpse of Ronald Reagan has to be clocking 10,000 RPM right about now.

    -Doug in Oakland

  16. Anonymous11:21 PM


    Now that the 2 hour "behind closed door SECRET meeting" took place...I'm willing to bet you that our POTUS was "instructed by his MASTER" to do damage control by going out and creating another "DIVIDE AND CONQUER DIVERSION" by going back out amongst his base and "STIR UP" another "RACIAL HATRED RALLY."

    Let's see, ummm, which black, brown or beige community will be tomorrow's target.


  17. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Blacks in America don't have to worry about what will happen to them if Russia takes over the USA because Blacks in America are still doing a GREAT job destroying themselves.

    Look at any Black urban city.
    Bad parenting (schools serving breakfast and lunch...hell soon they'll be serving the kids dinner too)
    Bad behavior by the children (no decorum).
    Bad schools
    Unemployed men
    Single Mothers (many babies; different fathers)
    Horrible Role Models
    Bad Grammar (even among the educators)
    Litter and Trash all over the place (Can't blame that on the white man)
    Self Hatred...and the list goes on.

  18. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Don't hate because you're a black person who didn't have the wherewithal to be one of the haves so don't hate the fact that you're a (have NOT)... don't hate the player hate the game partner!

  19. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Ignorant poor black people concern themselves with Russia and Putin that's the least of their problem. Woke black people know what time it is

  20. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Get woke, go broke.

  21. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Absolutely right the NOA Muslims will not call Putin Russian whites a white devil. The KGB will as tear them a new ass before telling them about them about their leaders' raggedy asses


  22. Charles P. Pierce
    ‏Verified account @CharlesPPierce

    You will have to forgive me if I chuckle a little when Nicolle Wallace asks Michael Chertoff if he can remember a president so blatantly ignoring the advice of his own Intelligence agencies. #WMD

    -Doug in Oakland

  23. What did we expect from a guy who got tons of cash from Russians, refuses to release his tax returns and was a C-list reality tv show. This just proves on the world stage America is either under the influence of a nation with a GDP the size of Texas or we have a lot of stupid people here. Or both. Many did think Sarah Palin would make a good veep. I just have to wonder who will be the GOP nominee in 24, Phil from Duck Dynasty?

  24. Colbert:
    "We know where the server is, he's standing right next to the master."

    -Doug in Oakland

  25. PX: I'm thinking Ted Nugent or Richard Spencer. They always get worse, and where else do you go to get to worse than Fergus?

    -Doug in Oakland

  26. Anonymous1:41 AM

    "Many did think Sarah Palin would make a good veep."

    Caribou Barbie just got punked by Borat for his new TV show, so she's about to look like an even bigger and more ridiculous fool than she already did.

    "I just have to wonder who will be the GOP nominee in 24, Phil from Duck Dynasty?"

    Hey, why not? Why wouldn't real rednecks vote for a fake redneck? Based on recent electoral experience, this sounds entirely plausible.

    (For anyone who still doesn't know this, the Duck Dynasty guys are a bunch of rich preppy assholes who grew beards and pretended to be hillbillies in order to get rural American suckers to identify with them and watch their lame show: How A Wealthy, Clean-Cut ‘Duck Dynasty’ Tricked The World For Publicity).

  27. Yeah Doug, I see a Phil/Ted ticket. Richard Spencer seems a bit too rational for their senses.

  28. Belated summer greetings, Mr. Field and fellow posters. Much gratitude to Doug, Pilot X, Flying Junior, Mike, Harry and a few extraodinary Anons for serving as stellar examples of nuanced and compassionate commentary.

    In response to Anonymous9:59 PM, concluding with: “I am frankly surprised Vlad has, to date, not had Browder murdered. Browder should be regularly checking his tea for radioactive polonium and his doorknobs for novichok nerve agent. He should also be on the lookout for burly, heavily accented men who might accidentally throw him out a skyscraper window.”


    Here’s Full Text of Bill Browder's Testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee featured in The Atlantic, in which Mr. Browder is very much cognizant of the Russian government’s attempts to kill him.

    Also compelling is Mr. Browder’s testimony to the senate judiciary committee occurred within one year of the Trump-Putin Summit.

    As reported by Time, Mr. Browder further debunks the blatant lie regarding political donations the 2016 election.

    “I'm Bill Browder. Putin Made a Mistake When Talking About Me.”

  29. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Imagine a world with no lefty/commie scum...... Beautiful.

  30. Anonymous9:04 AM

    ...and the church said Amen.

  31. Yisheng = nigger, lilac = cunt9:36 AM

    I can't decide which describes Trump supporters more accurately: stupid or ugly. I suppose both work in equal measures.

  32. PilotX is a pussy9:41 AM

    Never trust a black pilot.

  33. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Very telling the expert on Russia, a brillant sister,
    Secretary Condoleeza Rice (Alabama Southern), has not said one word.

    Let me enlighten those who know everthing. Madeleine Albright and Madam Secretary not only had a lot in common,but Madeleine's father, Josef Korbel, equipped both with extensive mentoring and knowledge about Russia and the Slav people.

    Madam Secretary inundated herself with all things Soviet Union including Russian language, media, and Pravda (Russian Newspaper), military journals, Boris Yeltsin ect ..don't sleep on the US.

  34. Dave Zirin = faggot kike10:01 AM

    It would be hilarious if that soccer ball that Putin gave Trump exploded when he handed it to Barron.

  35. Anonymous10:10 AM

    ISP: Negroe Driver Fired Gun On Kennedy In Rush Hour With Kids In Back Seat
    February 11, 2017 at 10:34 am
    Filed Under:I-90, isp, Kennedy Expressway, shooting

  36. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Heavily armed negroe shot and killed by CPD:

  37. Puerto Rican food looks, smells, and tastes like shit10:14 AM

    Of course a dictator like tr**p supports a dictator like Putin. Even some members of the idiotic GOP are starting to turn on tr**p.

  38. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Chicago July 2018 To Date:
    Shot & Killed: 26
    Shot & Wounded: 116
    Total Shot: 142
    Total Homicides: 30

  39. Gambler210:15 AM

    Imagine a world with no right-wing bigoted assholes. Stunning!


  41. Gary Beckett10:33 AM

    I'm horny.

  42. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Two Black American women (CR & OW) are amongst the most revered women in the world yet 44 did NOT nominate a Black American woman SCOTUS.

  43. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Chicago July 2018 To Date:
    Shot & Killed: 26
    Shot & Wounded: 116
    Total Shot: 142
    Total Homicides: 30

    Where's the mighty ACLU gay right fighters, all the llegal immgrant human rights fighters?

    44's neighbors..says a lot about his priorities as well as other so call human rights fighters.

  44. If the Black Messiah Obama was so great, then why did Trump get elected under his Presidency? You blacks really need to get your heads out of your asses. A tall order I know, but still.

  45. Anonymous10:56 AM

    The white race needs a good cleansing.

  46. Nobody died in Chicago, dumbass. Drumpf stopped all that. Ask him.

  47. "Two Black American women (CR & OW) are amongst the most revered women in the world yet 44 did NOT nominate a Black American woman SCOTUS."

    But had two Black Attornies General including the first Black woman. On the other hand 44 appointed a guy deemed too racist to become a judge. I mean if you wanna dwell on the past but if a Black woman SC justice is so important to you write 45 but it seems he only sees white males.

  48. "Nobody died in Chicago, dumbass. Drumpf stopped all that. Ask him."

    Yup, he stopped all the American carnage and didn't Jerod solve the opioid issue?

  49. Jarhead solved Middle East peace, too.

    Drumpf's former Syrian rebel friends are being turned away from Golan Heights, which Syria owns according to International law. by Israeli illegal occupiers so Syria and Russia can annihilate them since Drumpf abandoned them.

  50. Wesley R2:49 PM

    Deferment Donald is such an embarrassment that Fox News has been trolling him all day.

  51. Gambler24:07 PM

    Oops, judging from world and country reaction, Trumpie has stepped on his male appendage this time!

  52. Gambler24:12 PM

    Hey Yellow MONEY, Maybe the reason a dumb white man got elected under Obama is because no black man or woman was running. Please try to think before you post.

  53. Gambler24:14 PM

    To 1-52 of 52, Please get off that crap about Hillary. That stuff is so old and boring that no one is interested any more.

  54. Gambler24:23 PM

    Too the anonymous poster who whines daily about the murder rate in Chicago: here are some facts: Data from PEW RESEARCH - Here is the the list of US cities' murder rates (per 100K population) ranked from highest to lowest starting with St. Louis, Baltimore, Detroit, New Orleans, Birmingham. Chicago ranks 25th. The rest you can look up for yourself. Please stop spreading nonsense. There are people out there who may believe your lies. Or is that your aim?

  55. Drumpf sez a Chicago motorcycle cop said he could stop violence immediately.

    Drumpf sez a Chicago motorcycle cop said he could stop violence in a week.

    Drumpf sez a Chicago motorcycle cop said he could stop violence in 2 days.

    Drumpf sez a high ranking police official said he could stop violence in a week.

    Drumpf sez bullshit all the damn time.

  56. Putie demands absolute loyalty from Drumpfuck's orange ass.


  58. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Hope the Benedick Obama stays in Africa...people smiling in his face while talking and laughing at him behind his back Welcome to the dirtest pool in the world; politics.


    No wonder wingnuts support Drumpf.

  60. Stoopid fucking wingnuts attack the poor again-

    Can't use SNAP cards to purchase fresh foods from Farmer's Markets. Another stoopid fucking wingnut slap at America's farmers, as well.

  61. Anonymous6:32 PM

    "Here’s Full Text of Bill Browder's Testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee featured in The Atlantic, in which Mr. Browder is very much cognizant of the Russian government’s attempts to kill him.”

    Thanks for the links, Faith.

    I was aware that Putin was trying to have Browder extradited to Russia to charge him with fake crimes. I was not aware of the details of the death threats he has received.


    Wingnuts and the dumbfuck in the WH assured Americans his taxcuts for the koch bros would wipe out the deficits. Now the deficit will exceed a trillion bucks in 2019, a year earlier than thought. Thanks for the winning, you stoopid fucking wasicu wastey wingnuts.

  63. The WSJ and wingnut leaders took the DOJ to task for the timing of the release of indictments against 12 Russians. The usual shit they always gripe about. then they find out Drumpf hizownself approved the release of the indictments thinking it would strengthen his hand with Putin.

    Can't make this shit up. Wingnuts=losers.

  64. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  65. Anonymous10:27 PM

    All Positive Props to Walter Carr of Homewood Alabama. A story that should be celebrated by all. The Human Spirit is alive and well.

  66. Dave Zirin = faggot kike10:31 PM

    How can anybody believe in white supremacy when the white race gave us losers like Trump and Putin? On the other hand, the black race gave us Barack and Michelle Obama. White people are beyond retarded.

  67. Anonymous4:22 AM

    The real proof of black inferiority is that 10:31 PM above is NOT being sarcastic.

  68. 10:31 got it 100% right.

  69. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Keep up the lunacy progressives!! Its gunna be TRUMP 2020!!

  70. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Yisheng = nigger

    lilac = cunt
