Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Damage control.

TWEET MEDonald trump actually believes that the rest of America is as gullible as his rabid supporters. (Although, to be fair,cracks are starting to show in the republican gang.)

Today he tried to make us believe that he meant to say "wouldn't" and not "would" in his grand butt kissing session with Putin. 

“I said the word ‘would’ instead of ‘wouldn’t,’” Trump told reporters, reading from a prepared statement. “The sentence should have been ‘I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t be Russia,’ sort of a double negative.”

The scary thing is that the White House actually believed that the American people would buy this lame attempt of an explanation. They have to be desperate these days. That performance from their president should have made them all dust off their resumes. The man is clearly not well. Even while trying to do damage control he managed to let his fear of Putin manifest itself.

"I have a full faith and support for America's great intelligence agencies," Trump said, reading slowly from a page of written remarks -- a major break from his usual freewheeling style in these sorts of situations. Then, Trump added this: "I accept our intelligence community's conclusion that Russia's meddling in the 2016 election took place -- could be other people also."

"Other people"? He really can't help himself. His poor aides are all saying this to each other: *That is not what we wrote for him*.

I guess, at this point, what everyone is trying to figure out is if trump's ego just won't let him acknowledge that there might have been forces beyond his control helping him to win the 2016 presidential election, or if the Russians have something so serious on him that trump knows that he cannot say something that would piss off the Russians.

On his way back to Russia from Finland, Putin and his crew were partying like it's 1682, and drinking Ruso Baltique vodka. Things couldn't have turned out better if they scripted that fiasco summit themselves. Of course having an American president under your control can do that for you.


  1. Yisheng = nigger, lilac = cunt10:36 PM

    Trump supporters are beyond saving. In fact, they were never worth saving in the first place. They are human waste, and that might be too nice of a description for them.

  2. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Why doesn't President Obama look straight into the camera when he speaks; what does he have to hide --always looking to the left or right.

  3. Lance Cockstrong10:50 PM

    Putsky was on his way back to Mother Russia bragging about how much bigger his dick is than Butt Trumpet. Little does he know his dick is equally small. I mean, come on, these are white boys we're talking about after all.

  4. Anonymous11:07 PM

    "I guess, at this point, what everyone is trying to figure out is if trump's ego just won't let him acknowledge that there might have been forces beyond his control helping him to win the 2016 presidential election ..."

    It's definitely that. He cannot acknowledge the fact that he is an illegitimate president, that he reached the White House via a fundamentally befouled, corrupted, and undemocratic process (corrupted by many factors, not only by Russian hackers and Russian "fake news"). But that's precisely what he is, and that's precisely what happened.

    The only question is what part he played in contaminating the electoral process. Was it limited to prolifically lying and defaming Hillary Clinton? Or did he also collude in the criminal activities of a hostile foreign power, which would make Nixon's efforts to cheat his way to victory in the 1972 election look small-time?

  5. Anonymous11:08 PM

    2002 the NAACP bestowed the President Award/ on Condoleezza Rice and praise her for becoming the first woman to be appointed as National Security Advisor and gave her accolades for overcoming bias against black women.

  6. Dave Zirin = faggot kike11:11 PM

    White people are just stupid. How have we not confronted and fixed white stupidity after centuries of their retardation?

  7. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Why didn't 44 appoint a black woman SCOTUS ( lifetime permanent position)? Thought black Americans was at the front ( not the back) of the line during Obama's administration

  8. Things I would rather do than eat Puerto Rican food:

    -Circumcise a Jew with a plastic knife
    -Listen to country music
    -Go to a country music concert
    -Watch Donald and Melania getting it on
    -Listen to a speech by Mike Pence
    -Fly on a plane piloted by PilotX
    -Go to Saudi Arabia and scream "Fuck Allah!"
    -Watch soccer
    -Watch hockey
    -Wipe my ass with poison ivy

  9. The mediocrity of Trump is actually rivaled by the mediocrity of your Black Messiah Obama. It's quite the indictment of you people that you can't see that.

  10. Anonymous2:11 AM

    Putin made Mike Wallace look like "burnt toast."
    And the Republicans have now replaced an American President with an Imperial one.

    Proof that the brain is a very easy tool to "manipulate."

    It's intermission.
    I'm going to refill my popcorn and soda before the curtain goes up for "ACT 2" of this "National Drama."

  11. Anonymous2:18 AM

    This has nothing to do with the ego of the POTUS....
    But everything to do with "Blackmail."

    Everyone is just pretending not to see it because they are choosing not to deal with reality.

    And all of those complaining Republicans aren't going to do anything tangible about it because they feel that they have cleansed their souls by going on record as "Complaining About It."

    ...Basic psychology 101

  12. Anonymous2:23 AM

    Historical Fact:
    Folks will listen to a white man with "NO DEGREE"
    before they listen to a Black man with a "PHD."

    ...Jealousy is no longer a "green eyed" monster
    It's a yellow haired, orange skinned orangutan.

  13. Anonymous2:29 AM


    The Russian President made CHRIS Wallace look like "STALE BREAD" during that interview.

  14. lt. Commander Johnson3:48 AM

    I may have related this before, but all this collusion crap reminds me of a story from my younger days.

    I worked at our Zoo for a summer, feeding the animals and other bothers.

    One of them, was to use a pressure hose to spray the crap out of the animals living spaces in enclosures with concrete foundations.

    First day I was there, I was attempting to spray clean the Hyenas cage (nasty animals).

    Some guy, in a uniform, comes running and screaming at me "Stop" "Stop"!!!!! (cont.)

  15. lt. Commander Johnson3:54 AM

    Anyway, I stopped. He explained to me that you CAN'T spray all the crap out of the Hyena's pen. THEY HAVE TO HAVE THEIR SHIT.

    If you spray it all out, they will practically kill themselves to crap more.

    Trump is your Hyena.

  16. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  17. Anonymous7:24 AM

    @nHistorical Fact:
    Folks will listen to a white man with "NO DEGREE"
    before they listen to a Black man with a "PHD."

    Obvious this individual postor has not been conferred a degree the black man has a "JD" not a PHD"

    ...stayed in school kids

  18. Anonymous7:28 AM

    ...bunch of uneducated fools here trying to be relevant.

  19. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Uneducated idiots go post on the Love and hip hop blog-- you align more with their line of thinking.

  20. Amazing the restraint shown by stoopid fucking wingnuts who just can't find a single impeachable offense committed by any stoopid fucking wingnut Potus. Not even war crimes or crimes against humanity approach the baseline lying about sex that triggers Dem impeachment talks.

  21. Sam Fletcher8:17 AM

    If you hate Trump you are probably ugly. If you support Trump you are probably a hottie!

  22. Sam Fletcher just came out of the closet, I think. He imagines himself a hottie? Maybe he is just a Drumpflike egomaniac.

  23. Anonymous8:41 AM

    ...dipsy doo and dipsy dumb; uninformed bloggers.

  24. Anonymous9:14 AM

    @nHistorical Fact:
    Folks will listen to a white man with "NO DEGREE"
    before they listen to a Black man with a "PHD."

    African Obama got his JD from the white man's university

  25. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Had he got his JD from an HBCU , like Justice T Marshall; he would have a legit black card.

  26. Anonymous9:32 AM

    North Carolina A&T and FAMU in the house!

  27. Anonymous9:35 AM

    THE Bethune-Cookman in the house!

  28. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Dr. Martin L King, Jr., PhD

    -Prominent Morehouse Alumni

  29. Anonymous10:14 AM

    First black woman astronaut, Mae Carol Jemison born in Decatur, Alabama.

  30. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Tuskegee Airmen Black-American military pilots who fought in World War II. forming the 332nd Fighter Group and the 477th Bombardment

    Tuskegee University

  31. Anonymous10:46 AM

    ONLY one to successfully separate conjoined twins joined at the back of the head,

    Dr. Benjamin Solomon Carson Sr. MD

  32. Hey Hey HO HO
    The traitor trump
    has got to go

    It makes no sense
    to replace him
    with michael pence

    What will it be
    russian controlled
    white GOP?

  33. Lt. Commander is a pussy11:57 AM

    Oh wow, no serving pussy Lt. Commander Pussy is back. He was off doing military exercises. Bwahahahahahaha! Nah, his punk ass was playing with his toy soldiers.

  34. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Trump retracts the “misstatements” he made in Helsinki.

    By the way, that really is the way the Vey Stable Genius spells “collude.”

  35. Anonymous1:49 PM

    All of you got the point!

  36. Drumpf said Russia is not hacking the 2018 election. Right in front of dog and everyone.

  37. NANCY? Pelosi suffers face spasm saying ‘intelligence’, calls colleague by wrong name

    “Intelligence” triggers Nancy Pelosi.

    When the House Minority Leader attempted to say the word today, she suffered a face spasm — just one of several during today’s press conference with Intelligence Committee Democrats.'


    This is the Democrat leader...

  38. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Don't get mad get even go get a degree

  39. Anonymous3:01 PM

    By the way ,unlike money, you will take your degree to the Grave

  40. obama,😴😴😴😴😴at the wheel.

  41. Anonymous3:24 PM

    trump wide awake and committing treason.

  42. Comrade Stinky3:25 PM

    This is the Democrat leader...
    and this is the Republican leader. Sucking off Putin and committing treason all the live long.

  43. Guess which shit wearing, puke soaked, present day Rambo wannabe and 2nd Amendment shill hides behind gun free zones in his concert contracts?


    I'm guessing firing all yer guns at once and explode into space is more musically and lyrically superior to the screeching noise the Motor City phony patriot produces.

  44. https://www.npr.org/2018/07/18/630123093/trump-again-contradicts-intelligence-officials-says-russia-not-targeting-u-s?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=npr&utm_term=nprnews&utm_content=20180718

  45. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/black-students-atlanta-harvard-debate-competition_us_5b4f5b5ae4b0b15aba8aae62

    Congrats, youngsters.

  46. https://www.npr.org/2018/07/18/630094267/maria-butina-was-in-contact-with-russian-intelligence-feds-say-in-new-documents

  47. Anonymous4:20 PM

    So Obama put his hand on Bible to get sworn into office yet he legalized gay marriage? Who does that?

  48. I'd love to think Trump's Helsinki suckup is a major liability that will make a difference in November. Meanwhile I was trying to think of anyone alive who would have made a WORSE choice for President. Who? Is Charles Manson alive? You'd have to think of a lunkhead so arrogant he'd refuse to learn the job OR to take anyone else's advice. I guess you could find others who'd use the Federalist Society as an employment agency for judges and cabinet officers--thats's no biggie. Or reactionaries so loony that they'd take a sledgehammer to what inadequate social services we have. But all that PLUS someone who alientates our friends and kisses up to dictators? A serial liar who is also a total incompetent? Rod Blagojevich? Alex Jones? Glenn Beck? I'd swap out in a second with any one of them.

  49. Drumpfuck put his hand on 2 bibles, including a yooooge one, and lies through his teeth. Who does that?

  50. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Democrats pushing the cold war narrative to continue making money....

  51. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Chicago July 2018 To Date
    Shot & Killed: 29
    Shot & Wounded: 123
    Total Shot: 152
    Total Homicides: 33

  52. In previous edition of FN-Blog, Mike from Iowa provided the link to “Inside the Decade-Long Russian Campaign to Infiltrate the NRA and Help Elect Trump.”

    This has to be one of Rolling Stone’s most riveting journalism to date, which further cements the effort to keep dark money out of our democratic and political initiatives.
    Along with dark money and loopholes in campaign finance laws, no wonder America was nothing more than a sitting duck since 2014, and will continue being as long as we have foreign trolls, gerrymandering and voter suppression.

  53. Anonymous9:36 PM


    Thank you for sharing; however, what does that have to do with the plight of black folk (how does your assertion effect you personaly)...or do you have something to prove.

    Obama gave you and other wanna be political pundits a false sense of not only political relevency ; but a false sense that your opinion matter.

    Try analyzing this:

    Chicago July 2018 To Date
    Shot & Killed: 29
    Shot & Wounded: 123
    Total Shot: 152
    Total Homicides: 33

    giving you are so intellectually engaged.

  54. Anonymous9:40 PM


    Or are you using FN Blob to try to boost your low "Profile views - 386"

  55. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Bye Felecia!

  56. Anonymous9:53 PM


    Hope your employer doesn't read view this blog as the employer may be a Trump supporter. Then what will you be blogging about; finding a new job.

  57. @Late evening Anon: HA!! Masked troll behind a keyboard. You imagine you’re coming for me? From a Katy Perry song... Not today bish or any day. Your posts are so devoid of substance that the best you got is FN views! And not to worry about my employer, as none of posts disparages Trump supporters. Try paying attention instead of “Trolling on the River.” Regardless of color, gender, faith, political affiliation, etc., the national conversation affects every citizen impacted by dark money and cyber threats undermining U.S. electoral processes.

  58. PilotX- the Butina narrative git its start whenshe showed up in Sioux Falls, South Dakota with local aging lothario.cum attorney Paul Erickson. They set up Bridges LLC and claimed it was for providing funds for her masters education if she needed help.

    South Dakota has some of the least stringent banking rule and it is easy to launder money through the state. Erickson has wingnut connections all over. So too does Lee Stranahan, another lawyer from South Dakota who is now a reporter for Sputnik news.

    Butina and Erickson became lovers, she used him to make contacts with important wingnuts and organizations. Sinceboth parties are partial to guns, I suppose it wouldn't be much of a stretch to find her contacts within the NRA provided opportunities to launder contributions to Drumpf from Russia with STD laden love. I just can't prove it.

  59. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Yisheng = nigger

    lilac = cunt

  60. Gambler29:51 AM

    To anonymous who keeps posting "shot and killed" rates - Please educate yourself. The homicide rate per one hundred thousand population in major US cities is as follows:

    St. Louis 64.05
    Baltimore 55.2
    New Orleans 40.4
    Detroit 38.7
    Cleveland 33.4
    Kansas City 31.7
    Newark 25.9
    Chicago 23.8

    Please stop with the lies already.

  61. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Gambler2 isn't bright enough to understand that the Chicago statistics are verified and collected from https://heyjackass.com/.

    Nor is he bright enough to realize that citing far-higher homicide rates of OTHER black-dominated cities doesn't exactly make the case that black people are wonderful.

  62. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Heyjackass get the numbers right from CPD.The police and MEs office reports do not lie. The newspapers always report less because of their bias.Its safer in Iraq and Afghanistan////

  63. Gambler21:06 PM

    Dear Anonymous,
    Now you sound like your idiot leader disregarding facts. First; I guess one can't count on PEW Research to report accurately?? After all, PEW Research is is just one of the most highly regarded research groups in the world. Second, it was never my intent to make a case that "black people are wonderful." They make that case for themselves very day of the week. My intent was to educate ignorant people who post false information on this web site. As for not "being bright enough" I don't pretend to be a genius, but am much better informed than any Trump supporter. And BTW, I am not a he, I am a she.

    P.S. I am a white woman.

  64. Anonymous5:56 PM

    PEW=leftist bullshit

  65. Anonymous12:03 PM

    > As for not "being bright enough" I don't pretend to be a genius, but am much better informed than any Trump supporter.

    Then why were you ignorant of the sky-high murder and shooting rate of Chicago, and who's responsible for it?

    > My intent was to educate ignorant people who post false information on this web site.

    Which you do by... displaying blatant ignorance and posting information which disproves the very assertions you're making.  Rather ironic there, almost like you're a foil for realtalkers.  However, I don't see that level of sophistication in you.  I'm sure you're just as dumb as you look.

    > it was never my intent to make a case that "black people are wonderful." They make that case for themselves very day of the week.

    Really?  How?  Vandalizing, robbing, carjacking, assaulting, murdering?  Turning once-thriving cities into hellholes of abandoned rotting buildings that even they escape at their earliest opportunity?  Ever stop to think why the one-time "Paris of the Midwest" is so often called "Detoilet"?

    > And BTW, I am not a he, I am a she.
    > P.S. I am a white woman.

    If you are what you say you are, your husband needs to whip you back into line.  That is, if you don't keep his balls in your purse.

    Do you let him watch when you fuck your black boyfriend?
