Sunday, July 01, 2018

How "Permit Patty" and other trumpbots use the police.

  • New 911 call shows 'Permit Patty' did call police on 8-year-old for selling water
Living in trumpland is making it really hard for black folks to do normal and mundane things. And no black person is immune from the wrath and fear of the trumpbots. Not black women, not black men, not little black girls, or little black boys. These trumpbots will find a way to make your life difficult because of their hatred and fear of the Negro being in their space.

Sometimes it's as simple as calling the police on the Negro for just living his or her life. (Memo to White People: Can you please just stop using the police and 911 as your own personal customer safety assistant? They are not there to assuage your fears of the Negro. There is real crime going on out in the world that they need to fight.)

Sadly, sometimes the trumpbots can get violent. This was the case with a woman in South Carolina who felt it necessary to assault a child.

"A white woman the internet has nicknamed “Pool Patrol Paula” was charged with assaulting a black teenager at a community pool in South Carolina.

She allegedly shouted racial slurs at the young man and told him he didn’t belong there, according to a police report from the Dorchester County Sheriff’s Office. Days later, the report said, she attacked the officers who came to arrest her, biting one’s arm.

The 15-year-old victim had been invited to swim in the Summerville, South Carolina, pool by a friend, according to the report. The woman, Stephanie Sebby-Strempel, 38, told him to “get out” and hit the boy multiple times before threatening to call the police on Saturday, the report said.

That part was caught on camera. The video was posted to Facebook where it has since been viewed more than one million times.

In the video, filmed by the victim, Sebby-Strempel aggressively swats at the boy’s phone camera and hits him as he and his friends leave the pool area, saying, “How’s that feel?”
“Get out! Get out now!” she yells. “There’s three numbers I can dial: 9-1-1. Okay? Get out. Little punks.”'

"Get out", huh? That sounds a lot like what her leader likes to tell the immigrants.  


  1. The root of the problem is not uptight white ladies who reflexively call the police on black people, its that black people actually do cause a lot of trouble to start with.

    Yes, they are annoying bitches, but you've got a reputation, and you've earned it.

    If you want to change your reputation positively, start conforming to the white norms of behavior that most other ethnicities seem to be able to handle.

    Its not everybody else, its you.

  2. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Just watched "Only the Brave". Not one black firefighter. Only. The. Brave.

  3. 10:48 is right. if black people didn't try to sell water or go to the pool, then white people wouldn't have to treat them that way. It's common sense.

  4. Anonymous12:16 AM

    They should of stuck to filling swimming pools with concrete.


    -Doug in Oakland

  6. Doug: "Trevor, the woman sells weed to dogs!"

    You'd think someone with so much job satisfaction would be more rational.

  7. I never sold any weed to any dogs, but our German Short Haired Pointer lapped up a half gram of red Lebanese hash off of the coffee table one time...

    -Doug in Oakland

  8. Harry Homo and FBI,

    Get a room.

  9. Man what a scary-ass bitch? I had to wonder if she was hitting the kid with a pool noodle or something like that. A big, fat-ass woman like that in her physical prime with something like a hundred pounds of upper body weight has to pack some punch. She probably swims laps like harbor seal. If I was the kid, I would have been ducking for cover. Glad that she has been charged. What's next, a George Zimmerman styled defense fund? Gun shop endorsements?


    You likened the attitude to the Trump moron mentality about Central American refugees, so I will cross-post my latest comment regarding this very real problem. My comment was addressed to those who, flying in the face of all morality and common sense support full deportation of undocumented immigrants.

    What if Europe had turned its back on the refugees that were forced to leave Syria when their homes and cities were destroyed in civil war? What if the nations neighboring Iraq, including Egypt and Jordan, had refused to take Iraqi refugees from the U.S. led war of aggression on Iraq which destroyed and made inhabitable so many prosperous cities and villages? What if all of the refugees from Northern Africa attempting to cross the Mediterranean Sea had been refused by Italy and other points of entry into the European continent?

    Is it so different that refugees from Central America from the drug wars, again caused by, paid for, armed and fueled by misinformed U.S. policy and societal forces should seek refuge in the Beautiful North?

    It is a source of shame for my nation to be the home to such ignorant and xenophobic, small-minded citizens as would support Trump, Sessions and other forces for death.

  10. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Timmy Kinner......Nuff Said.

  11. Look closely at Ramos and you'll see Zimmerfuckerman's face. Dopplegangbangers to be sure. Just provea all wasicu Hispanics are murderers, don't it?

  12. It's posts like this, Field, that I wish could be printed in the Op-Ed of a major newspaper. And just the way you expressed it, with "Negro," which reflects back on the 50s and 60s and suggests we haven't come all that far. That this isn't two-thousand-fucking-eighteen at all.

    But there's a difference between 1950 and 2018--the existence of cellphones. God be praised, these little morsels go viral. The (white) public gets "woke," the racists get shamed, the nation inches a little closer to realizing what a horrific mistake it made 11/9/16.


    Sinclair Broadcasting is government propaganda outlet doing Drumpf's propagandizing.

  14. Anonymous8:47 AM

    White people in America continue to treat police officers as their personal guard-dogs which account for the hypocrisy seen from so call small government Republicans who sit by silently while rogue police officers cost small towns and city's in America billions in tax dollars due to lawsuits and outrages insurance premiums. This ultimate white privilege move will prove to be the downfall of police officers as forward-thinking young voters including minorities and women have finally begun the process of voting out negligent judges, prosecutors, and mayors who have allowed this cowardly behavior to permeate through our society. From Florida where a long time prosecutor got the boot to the recent recall of a judge in California even in Pittsburgh where Ross protesters have vowed to vote out low intellect DA Stephen Zappala (Zappala will face an opponent for the first time in years)this behavior by whites has run its course.

  15. Anonymous9:50 AM

    There’s a world of difference between truth and facts. Facts can obscure the truth.Maya Angelou

    -Maya Angelou, Descendant of American Slaves

  16. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Some Negros disgrace the trialblazera who fought for their freedom (to chasing the cheese) i.e. Love and Hip Hop, Baskets ball wives, drug dealers, robbers, hood rats, black women who take off their clothes to sell records, Hip Hop rappers who degrade black women, black men who find it difficult to obay and respect the law, those who cannot intellegently articulate a thought....know ye this ---only your reputation remains in the end.

  17. Anonymous10:09 AM

    All aformetioned supporters of 44; and 44 knew their are dumb, blind and stupit.

  18. Common Sense10:18 AM

    Harry Hamid said...
    10:48 is right. if black people didn't try to sell water or go to the pool, then white people wouldn't have to treat them that way. It's common sense.

    If black people didn't steal or commit assault so much, people wouldn't care if they came to the pool.

  19. Anonymous10:42 AM

    No wonder Jayz sleep with Becky, unlike his wife, Becky keep her clothes one knew what Becky was working with as opposed to his baby's mama.

  20. Only in Fn can a liberal activists who voted for hillary be a "Trumpbot". Fn will lie,trash what little cred he had in order to smear DJT.

    I LOVE IT! Keep showing the world who you really are. While DJT will continue to be your president.

  21. Accepting Truth from Power10:52 AM

    It's posts like this, Field, that I wish could be printed in the Op-Ed of a major newspaper.

    Actually, this post is exactly in line with the kind of op-eds posted in every major newspaper in the country. Take isolated cases of people overreacting or acting rudely toward blacks and treat them as if they are indicative of a pervasive climate of oppression and injustice. Combined with ignoring stories that refute or counter this narrative, this is done to create fear and anger in blacks and fear and shame in whites for the purpose of deepening division.

    If you step back and try to get a look at how reality is being shaped to manage how you perceive it, and how uniform and coordinated this effort is, you can see how this narrative serves power and disserves you.

    Or just keep dancing like puppets on strings and make the puppet masters' lives easier. Your choice.

  22. Speaking of lying frauds. There's the great brown hope of the Democrat Party.

    "Girl From The Bronx" Ocasio-Cortez Called Out In Fact Check; Actually Grew Up In Wealthy Enclave

  23. Man accused of planning July 4 terrorist attack in Cleveland

    Authorities say the suspect talked about hitting targets like St. John's Cathedral and giving remote control cars packed with explosives to the children of military members.
    Author: WKYC


  24. I don't know why FN is so upset. Blacks commit more crimes against whites than whites commit against blacks. Better safe than a victim.

    And besides, they were following the obamessiah's "see something, say something" policies...

  25. Stinky the snotnosed fuckboi12:19 PM

    Blacks commit more crimes against whites than whites commit against blacks. Better safe than a victim.
    Bullshit Stinky, if you were that concerned about crime you would call the cops on white people because we all know more crimes against whites are committed by whites sooooooooo if you follow the obvious logic......oh that's right conservatrolls hate logic and facts.

  26. Another bitch assed paranoid white guy12:23 PM

    And besides, they were following the obamessiah's "see something, say something" policies...
    Yeah, see a little girl selling water. Oh my god! Well these are the same people who were scared shitless of the knockout game. Oh golly, is that still a thing? Should I still be afraid of scary negroes playing knockout games?????? Even Sean Hannity won't tell me if that's still a thing! Dear god I'm so scared! Wait, there's a negro girl selling Girl Scout cookie! I gotta go, I have to call 911!

  27. Mexico just had an election and the winner is promising to prove every cold-hearted Anglo north of the border right about the nature of Mexico.

    The American media will never honestly report about anything, so we can expect them to celebrate this guy as the antidote to their great nemesis, Donald Trump. You just know they will find some way to link his rise to the election of the Puerto Rico bimbo in Brookly, who beat the old white guy. Alternatively, they will swear Trump caused it. It depends upon how things unfold. If chaos ensues, then you can be sure it will be blamed in Trump’s rhetoric. In reality, this is just Mexico being Mexico

    Here’s a summary of AmLo’s platform:

    *Amnesty to all drug cartels.
    *No longer will work with U.S. immigration enforcement.
    *Nationalize oil industry (again).
    *Farm subsidies.
    *Elimination of multinational corporate influence on farming.
    *Support and assistance for economic growth plan:
    .....•using mass migration of Mexican nationals into Southern U.S.,
    .....•create AmeriMex border region, and
    .....•remittance of earnings back to Mexico as initiative for rapid domestic economic growth.

    Obrador is probably a good result for Americans. He will no doubt make an excellent bad guy in the coming war with Mexico. That’s where things are headed, whether anyone realizes it. The Mexican government is incapable of ending the flow of drugs into the US and they have no choice but to facilitate the flow of migrants.That means the border will have to be closed and most likely guarded by the US military. That’s an option the public will support, if Mexico is led by a nutty Marxist who hates America.

    Putting that aside, it is another reminder that Mexico is a failed state. The central government retains control of Mexico City and the immediate area surrounding it, but the rest of the country is controlled by drug cartels. One reason the political elite facilitates migration is they skim from the remittances back to Mexico, from their people living in America. Carlos Slim, the owner of the New York Times, owns the Mexican phone company, which means he gets a taste, every time Pablo calls home from America

    Those old enough to remember, will note that NAFTA was supposed to prevent this from happening. Instead, it has been a disaster for Mexico, making the people poorer, while their elites grew rich. Mexico was never going to withstand unfettered contact with the first world, for the simple reason it was never a modern country and is never going to be a modern country. The human capital of Mexico cannot sustain it. This is a reality of the human condition that people used to know, until there was money in pretending otherwise.

    Now, America has a failed narco-state on its southern border, thanks to the greed heads we politely call globalists. You’ll note that everything these pirates of the new economy touch eventually falls to pieces. That’s because this form of economic activity can only thrive in chaos, so it works to create it. A disordered world, where sovereign people no longer have control of their borders, lurches inexorably toward chaos. Instead of Vikings raiding the West, the last 30 years has been men in suits raiding the West.

  28. Some people just don't get it12:27 PM

    "if you were that concerned about crime you would call the cops on white people because we all know more crimes against whites are committed by whites"

    The ability to understand per capita should be a prerequisite for the right to vote.

  29. Anonymous12:33 PM

    CCW is the answer!!!

  30. According to Robert Reich, former cabinet member and U.C. professor, only 27% of Americans are Republican.

    Did everyone but me know that? GodDAMN but we are gerrymandered and voter-suppressed and screwed. 27%.


  31. Anonymous Stinky the snotnosed fuckboi said...
    Blacks commit more crimes against whites than whites commit against blacks. Better safe than a victim.
    Bullshit Stinky, if you were that concerned about crime you would call the cops on white people because we all know more crimes against whites are committed by whites sooooooooo if you follow the obvious logic......oh that's right conservatrolls hate logic and facts.


    That is fact. According FBI data...

  32. Another Dead Negreo1:25 PM

    'Knockout Game' played role in 14-year-old's shooting death, detectives testify

    Three teens' plan to assault random victims in the "Knockout Game" unleashed a chain of events that led to one becoming New Orleans' youngest homicide victim of the year, two police detectives testified Wednesday (June 18).

    New details in the circumstances of 14-year-old Miquial Jackson's death came into focus during the preliminary hearings for Gregory Johnson, who is accused of fatally shooting the Central City boy in the head on May 5, and Randy Pittman, Johnson's roommate whom police said supplied the gun and drove Johnson's getaway car.

    Police said Johnson followed and threatened to kill the teens after one purposely bumped him off his bike into a fence, puncturing a tire.

    "One of the (teens) said they were intending to play a 'Knockout Game,'" NOPD Homicide Detective Melanie Dillon testified. "It's a game in which a random person is selected and beat up or punched very hard for no reason. I believe it was the Jackson brothers looking for someone to knock out."

    Investigators said Johnson made a phone call asking for a weapon while following the teens, and made good on the threat after arming himself upon Pittman's arrival.

    Pittman, 49, was arrested May 6 and eventually booked with one count of being a principal to first-degree murder, one count of accessory to first-degree murder, and two counts each of principal and accessory to attempted first-degree murder. Police accused Pittman of driving his gold Mercedes the wrong direction down a one-way stretch of Josephine Street to deliver a gun at Johnson's behest, and then spiriting his friend away from the scene after the shooting stopped.

    Johnson, 52, was arrested 10 days after police said he was identified by Pittman as the man who chased and shot at the boys near the intersection of Josephine and Brainard streets following a sidewalk altercation. Miquial was fatally injured, his 15-year-old brother Lamichael was wounded in the leg and the unidentified third teen escaped injury.

    It was all fun and games until Miquial got shot dead. I wsh they had watched Hannity.

  33. Flying Junior:

    I'm not sure what's worse - the fact that you can't recognize obvious sarcasm or the fact you respond to it with a gay slur.

    I didn't think people still did that in 2018.

    I'll wear the slur with pride, but seriously... You might not be up to commenting.

  34. Joder La Resistencia said..I'm the stoopidest of the stoopid fucking wingnuts.

    Ocasio-Cortez actually grew up in a wealthy enclave where the median income is 90k which means half the people get less and half get more. Not very wealthy at all unless you are a stoopid fucking wasted wasicu wingnut looking for minor crap to whine about.

  35. Anonymous1:59 PM

    She interned for Kennedy. Of course she knows how to lie

  36. Here is one for the ages, brought to you compliments of dumbass dubya-

  37. She grew up in a working class neighborhood. Not wealthy. Drumpfuck grew up in a wealthy neighborhood. Dumbass dubya grew up in a wealthy neighborhood. Most Dems pull themselves up to the next levels. They aren't born there.

    As for liars, you got and own the gold standard of pathological lying POS in the WH.


    Meet the 11 year old BLACK Michalangelo wannabe. Fuck you wasicus. Unlike stoopid fucking wasicu wingnuts, this kid is fabulous.

  39. China Was Bill Clinton’s Russia
    In 1996, a foreign government didn’t just meddle, it donated.

  40. Anonymous2:35 PM

    mike from iowa said...

    Meet the 11 year old BLACK Michalangelo wannabe. Fuck you wasicus. Unlike stoopid fucking wasicu wingnuts, this kid is fabulous.


    The kid will be slanging rock by the time he's 15.


    Drumpf campaigned and actively sought funds from foreign countries. Russia laundered millions for Drumpf through NRA.

  42. That was quite a load of bullshit, Z-man, perhaps you could bag it and sell it to gardeners.
    The truth is that migration from Mexico has been over for a decade.

    -Doug in Oakland

  43. epublican Donald Trump needs help paying for his US presidential campaign - and he's been asking foreign politicians to cough up.

    His efforts appear to be generating more anger than interest, however - and even if he did find a receptive audience overseas, any financial assistance he receives would be a violation of US law. Even the act of asking could get the Trump camp a rebuke from the US government.

    Members of parliament in the UK, Iceland, Canada and Australia have reported that they are being inundated on their official government emails accounts with fund-raising pleas from the Trump campaign - some from the candidate himself and others from his sons.

  44. Sarcasm doesn't work on-line. Maybe an emoji?

  45. The whole truth2:46 PM

    anotherbozo said...
    According to Robert Reich...


    The latest Gallup survey says only 27% consider themselves Republicans, but also that only 29% consider themselves to be Democrats:

    Elections are decided by the 43% of people who consider themselves Independents, most of whom in 2018 side with Trump on most major issues.

  46. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Farting Janitor said...
    Sarcasm doesn't work on-line. Maybe an emoji?

    GTFO here, you old white cuck.


    Did he or didn't he? Snopes says unproven. Lots of strange coincidences that lead to a healthy Scotus justice surprise retirement. With wingnuts it is best to assume the worst and then you are safe because they, unlike HRC, really are fucking crooks.


  49. Flying Junior:

    I said, "If black people didn't try to sell water or go to the pool, then white people wouldn't have to treat them that way. It's common sense."

    I'm looking at it again and yeah, I think it says what I wanted to say exactly as I wanted to say it. It's hard to believe that it required an emoji when you're the only one who seems to have read it wrong.

    I don't know. I feel as though I'm wasting precious seconds of my life replying to you at this point, so have a great afternoon.

  50. Stinky is kinda dumb4:46 PM

    That is fact. According FBI data...
    And a fact is more white people are assaulted, killed and raped by fellow whites sooooo by using common sense whites should call the police on fellow whites. Wow, I knew you were dumb but jezus you are REALLY dumb. Then again you are a conservative so par for the course.

  51. most of whom in 2018 side with Trump on most major issues.
    That's a lie. Name the issues.

  52. Anonymous4:51 PM


    Well, cool!  An actual Federal judge has correctly ruled that when a city hires incompetent black teachers, and uses the latest educational fad instead of established best teaching practices, in front of classrooms full of children they are not allowed to discipline to even maintain order so as to try to convey what little actual material is in their curriculum, and as a consequence they can't even teach the little shits to read...

    the state government is not violating anyone's rights.  Halleluia!  A tiny bit of sanity.

    Used to be that parents taught their own children to read.  At home.  But when the kid is a moron, and the baby-mama is a moron too, and the teacher is barely more than a moron (like Detroit Board of Education PRESIDENT and sex offender Otis Mathis), and the median number of books per household in the neighborhood is 0, nobody's going to have the sense to even try.

    An article written for people with more than 30-second attention spans had this:

    "The lawsuit was filed by Public Counsel, a Los Angeles-based law firm that is the nation's largest public interest law firm. Mark Rosenbaum, the lead attorney for the plaintiffs, declined to comment Saturday"

    (((Mark Rosenbaum))).  Every. Single. Time.

    Let's try holding the damn parents responsible for not teaching their brats to read, and replace their EBT with government food baskets as the first level of escalating punishments.

    Uh oh. More MAGA, making attornies get attornies.

  54. Hillbilly heroin4:59 PM

    Let's try holding the damn parents responsible for not teaching their brats to read, and replace their EBT with government food baskets as the first level of escalating punishments.
    Agreed. Let's see how it works in the trailer parks in Kentucky cause those assholes should be teaching their kids to read instead of doing meth. Yeah right,like any yahoo in Kentucky can read.

  55. She was born in the Bronx and spent the first 5 years there. Where did she deny living in a better neighborhood?

  56. Anonymous5:31 PM

    "And a fact is more white people are assaulted, killed and raped by fellow whites sooooo by using common sense whites should call the police on fellow whites."

    Rapper Smoke Dawg was just shot dead in Toronto.

    When was the last time a white rapper was shot dead by another white rapper?

    "Wow, I knew you were dumb but jezus you are REALLY dumb."

    Talk sense to a fool, and he calls you foolish.  This goes double for black fools with their toxic levels of self-esteem.

  57. Let's hold pols accountable for stealing billions of public dollars for unaccountable religious and charter schools, illegally. Let's hold the fucking criminal in the WH accountable for his crimes and all the lies he tells every day.

  58. Anyone else notice that the people calling the police are ALWAYS ugly ass, WW?

  59. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Cause fat ugly ass negro women like you can't afford a phone...

  60. Hillbilly heroin6:26 PM

    When was the last time a white rapper was shot dead by another white rapper?
    Because both of em know each other? Stupid hillbillies normally either kill themselves because they're stupid or they're dog or kid shoots them.

  61. and another fuckboi6:27 PM

    Talk sense to a fool, and he calls you foolish. This goes double for black fools with their toxic levels of self-esteem.
    And it goes triple for white fuckboys with toxic levels of stupidity and Axe spray.


    Yeah we know, it wasn't racist to deny an 89 year old Black woman the use of gas station's employees only biffy. She had just recently got out if hospital for a stroke and had to relieve herself in the heat in the grass. Really surprised they didn't call the cops on this miscreant.

    The road to hell is paved with stoopid fucking wasicu wingnuts.

  63. When was the last time a white rapper was shot dead by another white rapper?

    Who the fuck gives a shit?

  64. Hillbilly heroin6:31 PM

    Stooopid hillbilly woman shot by 4 year old son. Maybe they were both rappers?

  65. Vanilla Eminem6:32 PM

    White people can't rap so there is that.

  66. Michael Cohen about to sing like a bird. trump is going to jail.

  67. mike from iowa said...
    Let's hold pols accountable for stealing billions of public dollars for unaccountable religious and charter schools, illegally.

    Let's hold Democrats who steal billions of public dollars and spend it on themselves.

    See the Detroit public school system has example A.

  68. Mike Huck-a stoopid fucking wasicu wastey wingnut-bee says Drumpf never encouraged violence. All stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys are pathological liars.


    Drumpf promised to lower drug prices. Mass had a plan to reduce prices for Medicaid and Drumpf said fuck you for believing anything I say.

  70. I find it amazing wasicus are okay with reporting Blacks for every minor inconvenience and refuse to do anything at all about the fucking crook in the WH. Melanoma has earned hundreds of thousands of dollars by selling media rights to her image. Doesn't anyone in this fucking madhouse bother to read the law?

  71. "Melanoma has earned hundreds of thousands of dollars by selling media rights to her image."

    There is precedent. Michelle Obama got seven dollars and a pound of hamburger meat for hers.

  72. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Demetrius Nathaniel Pitts....Nuff Said.

  73. Someone said the Koch brothers were on my side. Nope.

  74. Anonymous9:04 PM

    There is nothing more enjoyable than Commie / Negro Hysterics in America. Trump JuJu got you all fucked up..... hahahahahahahahahaha

  75. Anonymous9:07 PM

    The biggest threat to Unions has and always will be the bullshit AFL/CIO A crooked closed monopoly that hasn't done shit for workers in 70 years.

  76. Anonymous9:16 PM

    @nothing more enjoyable than Commie / Negro Hysterics in America

    Intellects understand happiness is not based on external stimuli...wisdome defies common sense. Getting angry because of what a stranger says/writes is ignorant. All who project qualities one dislikes in other is actually a reflection of oneself.

  77. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Know God know peace; no God no peace...send the rain as we lift our eyes above the temporary earthly things. Know your season.

  78. Anonymous9:44 PM

    "When was the last time a white rapper was shot dead by another white rapper?

    Who the fuck gives a shit?"

    We were talking about actual levels of danger here.  Black rappers are undeniably prone to kill each other.  Exactly who does Eminem have to fear being shot by?  Has he even been shot once?  Where's HIS "street cred"?

    When was the last time a white kid was killed in the crossfire during a drive-by shooting committed by a white?

    The truth is that Africans are not "oppressed".  Africans create the same kind of mayhem no matter where they are, proving that their problems (which may not be problems where they come from) are genetic, not social.  Africans are savages who cannot be civilized and belong in their own tribal societies back on their home continent.

  79. Anonymous9:52 PM

    And white hillbillies are uncivilized imbeciles who are dying in record number because they are ODing on opioids. Their problems seem genetic as trailer parks all over are shitholes. Let's hope fuckboi @9:44pm hurries up and dies like the rest of the toothless inbreds.

  80. @9:52, I’m seeing more and more of them in the HIV clinic too and because of it, Ryan White funding is reasonably secure.

    When white folks start getting sick/dying, things get DONE!

  81. 1,310,365 items from the Michael Cohen raid were released to the prosecutors today.

    -Doug in Oakland

  82. And the reconstructed contents of his shredder basket was published by Buzzfeed.
    Flip flip flippety flipflipflip.

    -Doug in Oakland


  83. When was the last time a white kid was killed in the crossfire during a drive-by shooting committed by a white?

    July 28th 1931, Coll attempted to kidnap a low ranking member of Schultz’s gang Joseph Rao, the attempt failed and a fire fight ensured, caught up in the crossfire was a crowd of children, and one five year old boy Michael Vengali was shot in the abdomen and killed by mistake. Coll was sent to trial but was eventually acquitted in December of that year.

    You can bet yer racist ass it has happened plenty since then.

  84. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Yisheng = nigger

    lilac = cunt

  85. Anonymous11:39 AM

    >> When was the last time a white kid was killed in the crossfire during a drive-by shooting committed by a white?

    > July 28th 1931

    So, LITERALLY four score and seven years ago.  And it wasn't a drive-by either.

    We read about black people doing this maybe once a week.  Then there was the stabbing of 7 rapefugeelets in Idaho by a black perp just the other day.

    > You can bet yer racist ass it has happened plenty since then.

    Prove it.

  86. Prove it. Like you do? Don't make me laugh.

    We read about black people doing this maybe once a week. Maybe isn't real definitive. prove it!

  87. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Cleveland two weeks ago:
