Monday, July 02, 2018

Mourning while black.

Image result for mourning blacks african americans imagesI blogged about this issue yesterday, and  thought that I was going to leave it alone for awhile. But an incident in Maryland recently forced me to revisit the issue of white folks freaking out on black folks and calling the police.

Let's go ahead and add mourning while black to the things that black folks can't do in peace anymore in Donald trump's America.

The following article was written in a numerous way, but there is nothing funny about what happened to this poor family.

"Despite having ample evidence that Jesus will work it out, a Catholic priest halted a homegoing service in Maryland to have a black family removed from the church. The servant of God even kicked the dead body out of the funeral, proving once again, there is no sanctuary when it comes to racism.

Aside from the fact that she was no longer alive, Agnes Hicks’ Charlotte Hall, Md., mass was going along perfectly fine on Tuesday until an attendee of the funeral went in for a hug and accidentally knocked over a chalice at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, angering pastor Michael Briese. 

“There will be no funeral, no repast, everyone get the hell out of my church,” Briese reportedly told the family. According to Fox 5, Briese then kicked the family out of the place of worship, telling them to remove the body of the woman who wished to be laid to rest in the church where she was baptized.

But Briese wasn’t done. Yea, though he walked through the valley of the shadow of death, the priest feared no evil, but he was a little bit scared of black people. Instead of getting Jesus on the main line, Briese decided to call his Lord and Savior from whom all white things flow: the police.

After the police responded to the call, the officers determined that the family had done nothing wrong and escorted the family to another church in a nearby county where they finished the service.
Following the incident, the Archdiocese of Washington issued a statement saying: “What occurred at St. Mary’s Parish this morning does not reflect the Catholic Church’s fundamental calling to respect and uplift the God-given dignity of every person nor does that incident represent the pastoral approach the priests of the Archdiocese of Washington commit to undertake every day in their ministry.”

Church officials said they are still investigating the incident." [Source] 

"My church." The Priest actually said that it was HIS church.

My wife won't mind if I tell you this story.

My wife was born and raised as a Catholic, and my mother- in- law, bless her soul, still goes to mass and church every Sunday. There are two Catholic churches in her small hometown in Louisiana. One is "the black church", the other is "the white church", and they actually have separate cemeteries for both congregations. I once asked my wife what would happen if a black person tried to buy a plot in the white cemetery. "It would never happen", she said. " Have you ever heard of it happening?", I pressed. "Nope. It's a white Catholic church in Louisiana!"

She didn't have to say another word. I totally got it. The disease of racism follows some folks, even when they are dead. 

*Pic from 


  1. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Know God know peace; no God no peace...send the rain as we lift our eyes above the temporary earthly things. Know your season.

  2. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Ego loves melodrama seizing opportunities to be a validated outside of oneself

  3. Merkel, to Survive, Agrees to Border Camps for Migrants

    Chancellor Angela Merkel, who staked her legacy on welcoming hundreds of thousands of migrants into Germany, agreed on Monday to build camps for those seeking asylum and to tighten the border with Austria to save her government.

    It was a spectacular turnabout for a leader who was once seen as the standard-bearer of the liberal European order but who has come under intense pressure at home over her migration policy.

    Ms. Merkel will limp on as chancellor as a result of her move, an agreement with conservatives in her coalition government. For how long is unclear as populism and nationalism are taking root — fast — in the mainstream of German politics.

    Seems like Democrats in this country are the only ones who want open borders.

  4. Are they afraid we'll bother them from the grave😂 These are some special types of folks. And bruh, you seriously need to find a way to hide these troll comments. It's getting out of hand.

  5. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Religion has long been a source of division, and not only of the racial variety. The town where I grew up has separate Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish cemeteries. These were filled with the bodies of white folks, who apparently did not want to associate with those other white folks, the ones who followed the “wrong” religion. They did not want to associate with them, even in death. It was just the way things worked back in the day.

    That said, it is not clear that racism was even the cause of the priest’s bad behavior in the story you referenced. After all, the priest was initially willing to conduct the funeral ceremony for the black family in question. He did not turn them away.

    It was only during the ceremony, after someone accidentally knocked over a chalice, that he freaked out and canceled the funeral and kicked them out of the church. So we have to consider the possibility that the priest isn’t, in fact, racist. Maybe he’s just an asshole. Maybe he would have treated a white family equally badly.

    This is an extremely crazy incident, to be honest. I can’t say that I’ve heard of a priest canceling a funeral in mid-stream, ever, much less for such a trivial reason.

  6. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Womp womp.

  7. Anonymous10:27 PM

    "Let's go ahead and add mourning while black to the things that black folks can't do in peace anymore in Donald trump's America."

    Let's go ahead and add shooting up funerals while black as something that black people should be expelled from America for doing, or even making excuses for.

    "Agnes Hicks’ Charlotte Hall, Md., mass was going along perfectly fine on Tuesday until an attendee of the funeral went in for a hug and accidentally knocked over a chalice at St. Mary’s Catholic Church"

    Why don't black people know how to behave... and 27 other questions along those lines.

  8. Anonymous10:28 PM

    "It was only during the ceremony, after someone accidentally knocked over a chalice"


  9. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Chicago Final June 2018 Totals
    Shot & Killed: 48
    Shot & Wounded: 289
    Total Shot: 337
    Total Homicides: 57

  10. Auntie Maxine as Field Negro!!👍🏽👍🏽

    And I’m CERTAIN those hillbillies would hate to see the cripts and bloods gang up on their asses, pun intended. I hear they’re SUPER protective of Aunt Maxine.😉

  11. Not a very Jesus-y way to act, is it?

    -Doug in Oakland

  12. Anonymous6:53 AM

    I never knew negroes were catholic. Go figger...

  13. Glad to see you quoting Michael Harriot, Field. He's humorous the way Voltaire or Jonathan Swift was humorous--with bite to it. You can feel the rage, the withering contempt. Godfrey Cambridge. Dick Gregory. Humor like theirs.

    "The most segregated hour in America." When will so-called Christians be embarrassed enough to do something about this? Different styles of worshiping? Give me a break. I like the pilgrimages some white congregations take to black churches, like they're going to a foreign country. Hands across the sea!

    Has there been a GoFundMe to buy the priest a new chalice? Was it a priceless 14th c. relic? Oh, I correct myself: it wasn't HIS chalice, it belonged to the effing church.

  14. Seems like Democrats in this country are the only ones who want open borders.

    I've yet to hear drumpfuck the dumbfuck call for a Canadian wall and gonna make Canada pay for it. I guess stoopid fucking wingnuts are only for Mexican walls.

    So the father needed to step away from the confessional booth and he told the church janitor to taske his place. He said when someone confesses to sin give them a hail Mary or two.

    The first confessor shows up and confesses and the janitor grabbed a passing altar boy and asked what the father gave for oral sex. The boy calmly asnswered, a candy bar.


    Drumopf figured all along he could make money from being a prick.

  16. Morning Joe nails Paul Manafort as Russian ‘agent’ — and ex-RNC chair says collusion was obvious in 2016

    Collusion is blatantly obvious except to stoopid wasicu fucking wasteys.

  17. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Lebron James is a smart man in that he bounced not letting them fools who don't know how to obey and respect the law ruin his career, unlike the dumb football players...and he married a sista.

  18. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Today’s Constitution is a realistic document of freedom only because of several corrective amendments. Those amendments speak to a sense of decency and fairness that I and other Blacks cherish.

    --Thurgood Marshall (decendant of enslaved Americans and the REAL hero of the black community )

  19. Anonymous9:49 AM

    -Justice Thurgood Marshall (decendant of enslaved Americans and the REAL hero of the black community)

  20. Anonymous9:57 AM

    By-the-way, a Republican Congress changed Jim Crow laws in 1964 as in the Civil Rights Act

  21. Lance Cockstrong9:58 AM

    White boy's black penis envy will never go away, especially with Butt Trumpet in power.

  22. Yisheng = nigger, lilac = cunt10:00 AM

    Trump supporters have small brains and small hearts.

  23. 9:47 PM
    Blogger PilotX said...
    Are they afraid we'll bother them from the grave😂 These are some special types of folks. And bruh, you seriously need to find a way to hide these troll comments. It's getting out of hand.

    Getting out of hand?, lol? BEEN out of hand! This site is as much a platform for their prejudice as it is about issues important to Black folks🤷🏽‍♀️

  24. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Timmy Kinner is a Nazi that hates black folks, but Fraud Negro and the Crew here will keep it under the carpet.

  25. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  26. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Thurgood Marshall was a charlatan and a racist. Much like MLK he has been deified and the truth of his antics buried away from history's scrutiny.

  27. Timmy Kinner10:35 AM

    No I'm not.

  28. Thurgood Marshall was a little bitch.

  29. Dave Zirin = faggot kike10:44 AM

    The white race is a disgrace to the human race.

  30. Anonymous12:31 PM

    I never knew negroes were catholic. Go figger...
    Yeah,white fuckboys are pretty ignorant.

  31. "By-the-way, a Republican Congress changed Jim Crow laws in 1964 as in the Civil Rights Act"

    The same year they nominated Barry Goldwater for POTUS. Interesting times.

  32. "Getting out of hand?, lol? BEEN out of hand! This site is as much a platform for their prejudice as it is about issues important to Black folks"

    Yeah, we are kinda outnumbered. I'm of the belief that there should be some mechanism to block certain posters at least temporarily. Maybe something like the Root where you have to unblock them to read their comments. Then again pissing off racist assholes is fun to me and that would piss em off royally.😂

  33. "By-the-way, a Republican Congress changed Jim Crow laws in 1964 as in the Civil Rights Act"

    BTW wingnuts needed massive numbers of Dems votes to pass it and Dems outnumbered wingnut votes in both houses I believe. And a em potus signed it so all is right with the world back then.


    Time for this guy to go.

  35. "BTW wingnuts needed massive numbers of Dems votes to pass it and Dems outnumbered wingnut votes in both houses I believe. And a em potus signed it so all is right with the world back then."

    And this was a time when there was a such thing as a moderate Republican. Our own senator Everette Dirkson pushed this through. Too bad today's gop doesn't have someone like him or Edward Brooke.


    The very picture of civility.

    -Doug in Oakland

  37. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Alan Dershowitz wrote a whole opinion column lamenting that nobody invites him to dinner parties anymore because he says nice things about Trump.

    He claims that he has only been standing up for Trump’s civil liberties. Oh really? I wasn’t aware Trump’s civil liberties were under any kind of threat. It seems to me it is everyone else whose civil liberties need defending FROM Trump.

    Dershowitz is a wee bit confused.

  38. "By-the-way, a Republican Congress changed Jim Crow laws in 1964 as in the Civil Rights Act"

    BTW it was the activist right wing nut job wing of the Scotus that determined racism was dead and the civil rights of Blacks voting didn't need to be protected from free to gerrymander stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  39. Heads Up. Alex Jones reports a Dem from Berkley threatened Rand Paul and his kids. Paul reported an incident last week, but declined to name anyone. Meanwhile Capitol Police say the Berkley, California (not U of Berkley) man threatened an Oregon official's family and his kids and was arrested and was being sent to Oregon. He may have been the one who threatened Paul.

    Wingnuts are pushing this as a typical leftist Liberal thingievia false info.

  40. "BTW it was the activist right wing nut job wing of the Scotus that determined racism was dead and the civil rights of Blacks voting didn't need to be protected from free to gerrymander stoopid fucking wingnuts."

    And it was Republicans who refused to reinstate the VRA. The worm has turned.


    Uh Oh.

  42. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Damn,was there whiskey in the chalice?? I know growing up the two most racist and vile churches were the Episcopalians and the Catholics! And still is!!!

  43. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Trump lies again.

    He recently tweeted this: “Just out that the Obama administration granted citizenship, during the terrible Iran Deal negotiation, to 2,500 Iranians, including to [sic] government officials. How big (and bad) is that?”

    But no Iranians were given citizenship as part of the Iran nuclear deal. Didn't happen.

    This is some conspiracy theory made up by US-hating hardliners in Iran.

    Every day, it's some new bullshit from our president.


    What is it with stoopid fucking wasicu wastey wingnut wrestlers and child molestations? Hasturd and Jordan.

  45. Senate intel committee concludes Putin personally approved meddling to aid Donald Trump

    Drumpf is taking credit for preventing war with NK.

    And the wasicu whale at the pool that hit the black kid has been fired from her job.


    Drumpf says he is helping motorcycle companies from overseas destroy Harley Davidson. Does not surprise me in the least this 2 year old tantrum throwing spoiled bitch.


    Stoopid fucking wingnut's heads will explode. Remember all those crimes wingnuts laid at the feet of Wasserman Schultz and her Pakistani gang of computer experts who destroyed all that evidence that could have sent HRC and friends to Sing Sing?

    After 18 months they had the leader plead guilty to a minor offense because most of the conspiracy shit tossed out there was bogus bulloney. Drumpfuck is madder'n hell.

  48. Maybe Rachel Dolezal is black!


    Former Spokane NAACP President Rachel Dolezal, a white woman who was pretending to be black under the name Nkechi Diallo, was arrested on multiple charges relating to welfare fraud on Monday.

    She pled guilty to state charges of first-degree theft by welfare fraud, making false verification and second-degree perjury last month.

    Diallo, who legally changed her in 2016, is facing up to 15 years in prison.

    She has been accused of accepting $8,800 in food and childcare assistance illegally between August 2015 and November 2017, according to Fox News.

  49. First part of a highway was named after the Tuskegee Airmen and now a part of a highway named after Barack. 👍🏾

  50. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Asians are filing a lawsuit against Harvard because they can no longer take advantage of Affirmative Action...REALLY! News flash--- it was enacted to help disenfranchised 'African Americans' harmed as a result of discrimination *SMH*

  51. Drumpf is accepting alms as king of America. He is a proven fraud and needs to spend life in a dog cage with his own children.

  52. Stinky the snotnosed fuckboi8:06 PM

    Maybe Rachel Dolezal is black!
    Stinky is definitely racist!

  53. Anonymous8:44 PM

    “First part of a highway was named after the Tuskegee Airmen and now a part of a highway named after Barack.”

    I don’t know if you’ve heard about this, but there was recently acknowledgement that a Tuskegee Airman, Walter Manning, was lynched by a racist mob when he was shot down over Nazi Austria in 1945.

    Honors, finally, for a Tuskegee Airman from Philly, lynched by the Nazis

  54. Anonymous at 8:44 PM

    A fitting tribute for which we all thank you. Happy Fourth of July to all the wonderful patriots who enjoy the camaraderie of the Field. And an especially happy Fourth to you, Field.

    I was just dropping by to wish all a good holiday when my attention was arrested by the last comment. Hope you all are doing what you love to do with the people that you love.

    It should be pretty sunny tomorrow.

  55. mike from iowa said...

    So the father needed to step away from the confessional booth and he told the church janitor to taske his place. He said when someone confesses to sin give them a hail Mary or two.

    The first confessor shows up and confesses and the janitor grabbed a passing altar boy and asked what the father gave for oral sex. The boy calmly asnswered, a candy bar.

    7:59 AM

    Ahahahaa! I'm still laughing! xD


  56. "I don’t know if you’ve heard about this, but there was recently acknowledgement that a Tuskegee Airman, Walter Manning, was lynched by a racist mob when he was shot down over Nazi Austria in 1945."

    Yes, and some of his squadron mates were there. Glad to see the honor.

  57. No offense to my friends or Field here, but, there is a near certainty this statement- Honors, finally, for a Tuskegee Airman from Philly, lynched by the Nazis- can be cause for stoopid fucking wasicu racist wingnuts to celebrate as well, and not for the best reasons.

    You know they are thinking about it. If ever in doubt about wasicu wastey wingnut intentions, go with what you know. They take the low road every time.

  58. I must confess the 4th is like any other day anymore. You can legally buy fireworks in iowa now and that takes all the fun out of having to cross South Dakota or Minnesota or Missouri borders and bring the rascals back foe your own celebration.

    Looks like we will have natural fireworks today/tonight and mayhaps drown out planned displays. But if you stay up and look around at night you can see many fireworks days before and after the 4th.

    With stoopid fucking wingnuts supposedly in charge of the gubmint, there truly is no reason to celebrate this once great nation except look to the future and upcoming elections. It scares me to imagine how many more percent of the popular votes Dems will have to receive to overcome scotus approved racial gerrymandering of red states. Then I can can celebrate.

    More fun in stoopid fucking wasicu wastey kland

    Alabama woman gunned down by abusive ex-husband after judge let him keep his weapons

  60. Revolutionary War reenactment underway as 8 shot in Chicago ‘since yesterday’

    "Eight people have been shot in Chicago since yesterday as police prepare for the Fourth of July holiday by deploying extra patrols"

    Only in Democrat controlled cities....

  61. Revolutionary War reenactment underway as 8 shot in Chicago ‘since yesterday’

    Bullshit. Drumpf personally ended the violence in Chicago one summer ago. Get with the program.

  62. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Perhaps Asians can steal another move out of the Black Play book-- that is create an 'Historical Asian collegea and univerisities' If not, they'll try to take over ours ,the same way Africans has taken over Historical Black colleges and universities (HBCU).

  63. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.

  64. Fact of the Day9:48 AM

    White people are stupid, ugly, and worthless.

  65. Puerto Rican food looks, smells, and tastes like shit10:00 AM

    tr**p is bad for America, and bad for the world. He is also bad for your health, and bad for your sanity.

  66. Niggers gonna nigg10:21 AM

    Trump has bigger balls than any President since at least Eisenhower.

  67. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Trap money is good but the wrath only follows (ask the real Rick Ross). Jacob (44) stole y'all held by Trip Lee youtube (Snitch)

    Only a house negro deletes Christian rappers from their blog as FN learned well how to exploit his wife's race.


    Duh stoopid never ends.

  69. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Just had an epiphany...that's right 44 taught FN the game.

    Chicago Final June 2018 Totals
    Shot & Killed: 48
    Shot & Wounded: 289
    Total Shot: 337
    Total Homicides: 57

  70. Anonymous10:58 AM

    “I don't know what the future may hold, but I know who holds the future.”
    -- Ralph Abernathy

    2nd comming Flame youtube

    Who we AreSean Slaughter

    Let's see if FN deletes this post like a good House Negro would!


    He seemed nice. No, not gawd.

  72. Anonymous11:08 AM

    “Memories of our lives, of our works and our deeds will continue in others.”

    --Rose Parks

    I am that I am-- Cross Movement

  73. Trump has bigger balls than any President since at least Eisenhower.

    They're Putin's and Drumpf was ordered to spit them out with Putie's micro dick.

  74. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Jonna Kojo Armartey....Nuff Said.


    Another victory for Putin thanks to Putin's Puppet Drumpfuck the treasonous dumbfuck.


    Another victory for Putin thanks to Putin's Puppet Drumpfuck the treasonous dumbfuck.


    Another victory for Putin thanks to Putin's Puppet Drumpfuck the treasonous dumbfuck.

    This is getting monotonous. Impeach the treasonous, treacherous bastard!

  78. Did you catch the Pruitt attempts to stab perjurer Sessions in the back to get him fired so Pruitt could be appointed perjured AG? Nice friend not to have. But then he is a stoopid fucking wasicu wastey.


    Principal was not going to allow first Black Valedictorian to speak. I wonder why?

  80. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Does "mike from iowa" have to dress up as a woman to get the BBC he loves?  He obviously loves BBC a lot more than real white women do.

  81. I doubt you know what a real wasicu woman does or does not love. I doubt you have ever been around a real wasicu woman.


    Absolutely Hillaryous and make sure you read the comments from the battle.

  83. Anonymous1:30 PM

    This is the least patriotic I can remember ever feeling on a 4th of July. The country is not moving in a positive direction with the Very Stable Genius heading up the government. Nothing will be right again until he’s removed from office and, hopefully, jailed.

  84. Anonymous2:22 PM

    " mike from iowa' wants to keep truth hidden that is why he is allowed to flood this blog. Skip (avoid reading) his post and you will find truth in between the BS.

  85. Happy Independence Day.
    BANG! BANGBANGBANG! The cops are all getting twitchy and the dogs and cats are hiding and the illegal fireworks in the street all blast out "Liberty, motherfucker!" over and over and over again.
    I hope nobody gets hurt and nothing burns down...

    -Doug in Oakland

  86. Skip (avoid reading) his post and you will find remain stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys forever.

    I speak truth the way truth is spoken between men. You chews to be a stoopid fucker. Not my problem. Typical inbred trailer trash. You had a chance to lose yer virginity and you blew it, literally. Have a Happy 9th.

  87. Fourth of July holiday gas prices hit 4-year high

    More Drumofuck winning. Getting tired of it yet?

    Anymoose, when Field asks or orders me to cease and desist I will with no hard feelings. Until then, go fuck yer bad self.

  88. Where was I? That's right-

    Employee called cops said she was afeered the store would be robbed by frequent dark skinned biffy users.


    Wasicus if you want the madness to end take phones away from stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys until they learn to use them responsibly. Maybe place a bounty on every wasicu that calls the cops on a POC doing POC things.

  90. This is what wingnuts have done to America- A Clinton County, Pennsylvania couple apparently got just a little too messed up on Saturday (police claim they’d overdone it on the bath salts) and waged an epic battle with summertime fireflies—which they had mistaken for “alien lasers,” reports WNEP.

    Jesse Shields fired a handgun at the “lasers” at the fluorescent creatures and he and Katherine McCloskey ran away to hide in a barn, thinking they were being chased by aliens.

    They ran to a neighborhood home, where a neighbor was able to make them relinquish their weapon. Shields begged the neighbor to “get the goo off him that was burning his skin.”

    Yeah, well HRC had emails, so there is that.

  91. Jim Jordan: Buggery? What buggery, I don't see any buggery... oh THAT buggery! Never heard of it until this very moment. What? There are witnesses? They must be lying, I would never, ever fail to report the non-consensual buggery of students I coached, what do you think I am, Dennis Hastert?

    -Doug in Oakland

  92. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Negroes.....Because Haiti and Liberia are shining cities on a hill. Delusional Monkeys as usual.

  93. NPR is reading the Declaration of Independence on the air again and once again wasicu wasteys are freaking out.

    3 million year old apelike child skeleton found in Africa shows two year olds could walk upright and climb trees to escape predators. Amazing how little wasicus have evolved over three million years. I doubt the two year old in the WH knows what a tree looks like.


    At least there is some resolution. Now excuse me this delusional monkey has to go fly a multi million dollar aircraft across the country.😝

  95. This was pretty awesome.

  96. Wave as you fly over the flyover state, PilotX. I'll know it is you. Happy 4th and watch out for box cutter carrying wasicu wingnut terrorists.

    1. We have layovers in Des Moines and Cedar Rapids so we don't fly over. I don't allow that kind of stuff on my plane but why would someone bring a knife to a gunfight😝

  97. Three Illegal Aliens Wanted For Kidnapping, Raping Teen Sisters, Police Say

    Ohio law enforcement officials have arrested one illegal alien and now federal authorities are launching a nationwide manhunt for three additional illegal aliens accused of kidnapping and raping two Ohio teenage sisters.

    The sisters, ages 13 and 14, managed to escape the four illegal aliens after being kidnapped while staying in a hotel with their parents and held against their will.

    And the left tells us illegels commit no crime.

  98. Fish for flour? Barter is the new currency in collapsing Venezuela

    RIO CHICO, Venezuela (Reuters) - Under the midday sun, dozens of fishermen wait to sell their day’s catch by a lagoon in the town of Rio Chico on the Caribbean coast of Venezuela. But they aren’t expecting cash in return.

    Instead, they’re swapping mullets and snappers for packages of flour, rice and cooking oil.

    “There is no cash here, only barter,” said Mileidy Lovera, 30, walking along the shore with a cooler of fish that her husband had caught. She hoped to exchange it for food to feed her four children, or medicine to treat her son’s epilepsy.

    Democrats want America to be like Venezuela.

  99. Anonymous5:51 PM

    "Democrats want America to be like Venezuela."

    Republicans want to invade Venezuela.

    I only wish I were making this up, but our fucking idiot president seriously discussed invading Venezuela and had to be talked out of it.

    Every day is some new brainless Trump atrocity.

    Make it stop.

    Trump asked advisers about invading Venezuela in 2017

  100. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Jacob (44) covered himself with animal skins, put on Esau's (black americans) clothes, and then lied to his father to steal Esau’s birthright.

    Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.

    --Abraham Lincoln , Republican

  101. Anonymous6:02 PM

    The devil uses the same old tricks with new people

    Anomlay --KB youtube

  102. Mike from Iowa is a faggot6:09 PM

    Mike from Iowa is a retard.

  103. Mike from Iowa is a retard6:09 PM

    Mike from Iowa is a faggot.

  104. The sisters, ages 13 and 14, managed to escape the four illegal aliens after being kidnapped while staying in a hotel with their parents and held against their will.

    So the so called illegals rescued the girls from where they were being held against their will, paid their heroes with sexual favors and wasicus decided to charge the heroes with rape? Have I got that right. stoopid?

  105. Dave Zirin = faggot kike6:12 PM

    4th of July: Ultimate White People Holiday

  106. The four illegals are going to be charged with the Bowling Green Massacre at Drumpf's golf course because Bowling Green police arrested one of them.

  107. Anonymous6:15 PM

    That is why Jacob (44) married Leah ( the wife) the tendered eyed thirsty sister ( the one opposite of eye candy)as a result of his deception-in other words his punishment.

  108. Watching the Cartoon President and this is like a documentary😄

  109. Liberals don't claim immigrants never commit crimes. We distinguish between the few crimes they do/have committed and the criminal element in Drumpf's cabinet and the comparison isn't even close. Drumpf and crooks are the crookedest administration ever and should be extraordinarily rendered and returned to Siberia.

  110. "Democrats want America to be like Venezuela."

    No, we don't. Not nearly as much as Republicans and their entirely retarded subspecies, libertarians, want America to be like Somalia, a tax-free theocratic GOP wet dream.

    -Doug in Oakland

  111. more in Britain poisoned by Putie. Drumpf's overlord.

  112. Us House stoopid fucking wingnuts searched everyone of HRC's emails, some dozens of times and we did not find a shred of evidence that Drumpf colluded with Russia. We did, however find HRC had emails, some dozens of times and there is ample evidence that HRC had emails and must be persecuted to the furthest extent we can make up. Signed Devin Numbnuts.

    ps dosregard what the Senate Select Comm sez about Russian efforts to hack the election and get Drumpf installed as Li'l Czar.

  113. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  114. Let's go ahead and add campaigning while black to the mix.

  115. Oregon is kinda weird, or at least it used to be a long time ago when I used to go there to race motocross a lot. We had to ride herd on them to keep them from cheating us because we were from California. After they got to know us they calmed down with the bullshit, and were like "You're from Eureka? That's not really like California, so I guess you guys are OK." and we were like "Yes, yes it is California, and thank god we're going home there in a few hours, but you guys put on really good races and your tracks are superb, so we guess you're OK. Kinda."

    -Doug in Oakland

  116. Ball Buster12:33 AM

    Anonymous Niggers gonna nigg said...
    Trump has bigger balls than any President since at least Eisenhower.

    Eisenhower was 1/8 Black (from his mother) so that partly explains your fetish with balls.

  117. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Why do blacks kill each other at exponential rates compared to other races???

  118. Anonymous7:29 PM

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  119. Anonymous12:08 AM

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