Thursday, August 02, 2018

A meeting of the "Moonshines."

Image result for pastor scott trump pastor prison reform images"     You know the damage one ignorant Negro can do? We were in France in the first war; we'd won decorations. But the white boys had told all them French gals that we had tails. Then they found this ignorant colored soldier, paid him to tie a tail to his ass and run around half-naked, making monkey sounds. Put him on the big round table in the Cafe Napoleon, put a reed in his hand, crown on his head, blanket on his shoulders, and made him eat *bananas* in front of all them Frenchies. Oh, how the white boys danced that night... passed out leaflets with that boy's picture on it. Called him Moonshine, King of the Monkeys. And when we slit his throat, you know that fool asked us what he had done wrong? "

Harsh, I know, but Sgt. Waters describing the fate of a coon in that movie classic, A Soldier's Story, is still relevant in describing the modern House Negro and how his/her behavior is still hurting black folks, collectively. Of course no one is advocating  the slitting of throats, but these modern day House Negroes do need to be called on the carpet. Their behavior is self-serving and dangerous.

Take for instance those hustlers black pastors who met with trump yesterday to talk about prison reform, and other "initiatives" to help black folks. It was a glorified photo op set up by trump and his team to to throw a bone to the Negro, and to try and convince the rest of Americans (who don't make up the 30% of his base) that he is not so much of a racist. * See, I can sit down and talk to the blacks. I can't be that bad, can I?*

trump, of course, was with the usual suspects who have been cooning for him from day one.  Someone should ask Pastor Darrell Scott what he has gotten out of all this jigging that he has been doing for trump. I suspect that it as been nothing but promises. I certainly don't see Pastor Scott in Washington sharing the seat of power with trump and his white male friends. But Darrell, like that ignorant Negro in Sgt Water's story, is all too willing to eat bananas and make monkey sounds.

“This is probably going to be … the most pro-black president I’ve seen in my lifetime,” Mr. Scott said Wednesday in an Oval Office meeting with the president. “This president actually wants to prove something to our community, our faith-based community and our ethnic community. The last president didn’t feel like he had to"

Pastor Scott, I will tell you what Sgt. Waters told CJ: 

"See, the Black race can't afford you no more. There used to be a time, we'd see someone like you singin', clownin', yassuh-bossin'... and we wouldn't do anything. Folks liked that. You were good. Homey kind of nigger. When they needed somebody to mistreat, call a name or two, they paraded you. Reminded them of the good old days. Not no more. The day of the Geechee is gone, boy. And you're going with it." 

*Pic from



  1. Anonymous8:45 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  2. Drumpfuck is the most Afrophobic Potus ever.

  3. Field the Hateframer9:11 PM

    "Of course no one is advocating the slitting of throats"

    Not yet anyway.

    But you're sure working towards it.

  4. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Trump's approval among black Americans is now up to 29%. Still low, but more than doubled since he took office.

    Black people are starting to wake up.


  5. "Trump's approval among black Americans is now up to 29%. Still low, but more than doubled since he took office."

    Of course you have proof of this right? Nah.😝😂😂😂

  6. Scott is such a joke and like his massa got caught lying. He never talked to any "top gang thugs" in Chicago and no one here has even heard of this clown. But like trump he just wants his name in the spotlight. The vast vast vast majority of blah people have never even heard of these hacks that supposedly speak for our communities.

  7. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Preachers,biggest hustlers in history.The congregation of a church in my town bought their pastor a Bentley,while some of the members cant pay their bills!! Give 'em some money Donald!

  8. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:16 PM

    To PilotX, I went to the article regarding Trump's approval numbers among black American that you cited. It's a very good article. I am having trouble understanding how any black men can approve of Trump as well as any women, black or white. Trump is a man/child that enjoys inflicting pain and humiliation on other people. Moreover, he is a grifter, a con man and a thief who steals promised wages from ordinary people who work for him.

    1. There are a lot of people who remember trump from the 80's when he was normal and was the poster child of success plus his tv show. As far as Fox news watchers they never hear any negatives and just see stories about his "winning" so there's no surprise his support among the foxies.

  9. Just as these "pastors" are traitors to their race and their god, all Fergus supporters are traitors not just to humanity, but to vertebrates.

    -Doug in Oakland

  10. Just got through cooking up some cheeseburgers made from one of my friend's cows. Real beef tastes a lot better than the commercial stuff, and I had almost forgotten how good it is.

    -Doug in Oakland

  11. Anonymous2:09 AM

    You eat meat? I thought you were progressive.

    Fucking murderer.

  12. Anonymous3:35 AM

    “There are a lot of people who remember trump from the 80's when he was normal and was the poster child of success plus his tv show.”

    Sad thing is, Trump was never normal. The NY media normalized him.

    They found him an amusing “character,” a tracky, obnoxious, self-promoting boor. His over-the-top, flashy lifestyle and his outlandishly arrogant statements were entertaining, in a car-crash sort of way. But he was regarded as basically harmless.

    Nobody really looked too hard at the unethical business decisions he made. Nobody took him too seriously. They certainly didn’t take his political aspirations seriously — who could be foolish enough to vote for this ridiculous joker, amirite ...?

    Trump claims to hate the media, but he’s had literally decades of undeservedly positive coverage of him before they finally turned on him, once they realized he might actually get elected and wreck the country. They should have covered him from the outset as the truly bad person he is, rather than feeding into his ego and his desire to be seen as merely “colorful” or “flamboyant.”

  13. Anonymous3:37 AM

    *tacky, not tracky

  14. Anonymous6:35 AM

    the beast says...

    -Just got through cooking up some cheeseburgers made from one of my friend's cows.-

    Good grief! How many sisters do you have?

  15. Friday greetings to all...

    Me thinks I should watch “A Soldier’s Story” again, as I disagree with the portrayal of CJ.

    The movie ends with evidence pointing to the death of Sgt. Waters at the hands of two black soldiers pained by the loss of CJ.

    CJ’s real friends and brothers understood he was a good soul with the ability to take the higher ground in the midst of racism.

    However, the overall message about the dangers of skin-folk such as Pastor Darrell who promote false narratives at the expense of the communities they are claiming to serve is spot on.

    Also must caution about the portrayal of Fox News reporting. Though very true it's a conservative network that often veers to the extreme right, I actually stepped out of my comfort zone the last few weeks to view the morning news segment plus I like Shepard Smith.

    Was pleasantly surprised Fox's America's Newsroom featured independent and moderate panalists who are pushing back on the dishonest rhetoric and misinformation.

  16. Though a 29% approval rating is equivalent to coming across a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, per the May 6, 2018 CNN article that Pilot posted the reality is as follows:

    "A Pew Research Center survey from late April also shows Trump's approval rating at 13%. And a Quinnipiac University poll from a few days earlier in April showed 14% approval."

  17. The CoatesvilleExPat8:20 AM

    "You know the damage one ignorant Negro can do?"

    I ask myself that same question with each of your fever dream-inspired screeds Judge.

  18. Coatesville Unemployed Asshole10:23 AM

    I ask myself that same question with each of your fever dream-inspired screeds Judge.
    Of course you do, and that's because you're a toothless welfare redneck with no job and nothing else to do.

  19. Moar drumpf winning- The news of China’s potential retaliation comes the same day as the release of Commerce Department numbers showing that the U.S. goods trade deficit with China rose again in June and remains on track to match or surpass the record of $375 billion set in 2017, despite Trump's attempts to rein it in.

    The monthly trade gap, which measures how much U.S. imports exceed U.S. exports, totaled $33.5 billion for China in June, up slightly from $32.6 billion from May. For the first six months of the year, the goods trade deficit with China was $186 billion, up nearly 9 percent from the $171 billion gap during the same period in 2017.

    The overall trade deficit in both goods and services also increased in June to $46.3 billion, a jump of more than 7 percent from the May tally. At the current pace, the overall trade deficit will rise for the second consecutive year under Trump, surpassing last year's level of $552 billion.

    Tired of winning and whining, too still yet?


    Stoopid fucking wingnuts can't govern, don't understand economics and suck balls.


    What could go wrong? Stoopid fucking wingnuts will start a riot (like usual)and run for their lives and blame Democrats.

  22. Anonymous10:51 AM

    NO Silence

    Flame (youutube)

    It's hot!

  23. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Yo dawg, find you some pull..your 'god' is no longer the HNIC (Head N in charge).

    Christians ain't got nothing for you; but forgiveness for being so ignorant.

    Get to the back of the line.


  24. So Drumpfuck the dumbfuck announced last month in Minnesota a steel company had six new plants to open. This certainly was news, especially to the named company that had no idea what dumbfuck was lying about.

    1. Anonymous11:07 AM

      @mike from iowa

      Get back on your meds; you'll feel much better --- promise

  25. Anonymous11:03 AM

    One Sixteen

    Andy Mineo (youtube)

    I's hot!

  26. Anonymous11:15 AM

    One Sixteen

    by Trip lee featuring Andy (youtube)

  27. Anonymous11:35 AM

    anti-Christians --- what you're working with

  28. Christians ain't got nothing for you; but they sure love them mucho tax breakos for the koch bros.

    Fixed it for you. No need for thanks.

  29. Anonymous12:06 PM


    by KB (youtube)


    Tuskegee Airmen defeat Nazi jets in bomber escort mission.

  31. Dan Rather plans to hold tangerine shitmuffin responsible when his crowds assault others because of Drumpfuck's poisonous rhetoric and with his tacit consent.

  32. Anonymous1:23 PM


    Trump: 50%
    Macron: 36%
    May: 30%
    Merkel: 29%

    This, despite a global media that is 90%+ adversarial to Trump and pro-globalist. Incredible.

    1. Anon@ 1:23,this is Rasmussen. Fake polls.

  33. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Multiculturalism requires a police state to hold it together.

  34. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Unrestricted capitalism is without morals and higher values, seeking only customers.

  35. Rasmussen polls are next to worthless with a decided right wing slant. Drumpf is about as welcome around the world as red ants and skunks at picnics and for the very same reasons.


    Trump: 50%
    Macron: 36%
    May: 30%
    Merkel: 29%"

    You do realize that you should provide context such as what is being approved and where you got your information. Internet etiquette 101.


  38. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Why aren't blacks allowed to have their own opinions?

  39. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Hilarious, a 30-year old Korean-American woman with Cal and Harvard degrees on NYT Editorial Board pretending to be Eldridge Cleaver. That there's some next-level minstrelsy. Seoul On Ice!

  40. Anonymous3:49 PM

    "You do realize that you should provide context such as what is being approved and where you got your information. Internet etiquette 101."

    Source: That troll's butt.

    Trump's real approval rating is about 40%. His DISapproval rating is 50%. In other words, he is underwater. The rednecks still like Trump, but nobody else does.

    The ratings on the European politicians also look wrong -- too low. Not like I expect those politicians to be doing great, though.

    Merkel is in the middle of a fistfight within her governing coalition over Germany accepting future Middle East/African refugees. Until she sorts that out, her approval ratings will suffer.

    Macron was never that popular; his election was not so much a victory for his unappealing centrist policies so much as it was a rejection of his disgusting fascist opponent. The French people basically figured: better a banker than a Nazi.

    And May is an embarrassing train wreck. Despite her reputation for cool-headed competence, she doesn't know what the hell she is doing as prime minister. And even if she did, she couldn't possibly make a success of Brexit, because Brexit is an idiotic self-harming move, an unpolishable turd. The UK should call new elections.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. "Hilarious, a 30-year old Korean-American woman with Cal and Harvard degrees on NYT Editorial Board pretending to be Eldridge Cleaver."

    That's not as funny as how bad Andrew Sullivan lost his shit over it.

    And yes, I eat meat. I grew up raising our own beef and pork, had a milk cow, and a half-acre vegetable garden. So I kind of know how stuff works all the way down to the dirt it comes from.

    -Doug in Oakland

  43. Doug, I will trade you a bunch of new potatoes and garden fresh green peppers and onions for a haunch of beef pretty pronto. Got six kinds of spuds and 2 or 3 kinds of onions. PilotX could air drop the beef going over iowa and I will send up a balloon and cable attached to garden goodies for him to snag on his way back.

  44. "Why aren't blacks allowed to have their own opinions?"

    Uh, what makes you think we don't? Never had a problem with that in the past.

  45. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Blacks are allowed to have their own opinions. But others, including other black people, are allowed to point out when those opinions are foolish. That's how freedom of speech works. There is no right to "freedom from criticism."

    If you're a black person voting for Trump, then you are a black person voting to be kicked around by the police. Because that's what Trump stands for.

    For examples of other political dumbasses, see also: Trump Latinos voting to be deported and Trump Muslims voting to be put on a "Muslim registry."


    Interesting piece worth the read. Not to mention Ms. Jeong is an attractive young lady.


    Yup, of the law abiding Negro had just let the Police strangle him to death without struggling, he might still be .......wait, that doesn't make sense. Neither did the death of this unoffending Black man at the hands of over zealous wasicu wastey cops!


    Fabulous parenting.


    Shaking my head.


    Just as suspected, no voter fraud.

  51. Anonymous7:28 PM

    field negro said...
    Anon@ 1:23,this is Rasmussen. Fake polls.

    Rasmussen was most accurate polling agency for the 2016 election.


    Libs may be getting the worst of campus free speech shutdowns.

  53. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Black support for Donald Trump has DOUBLED since last year.

    Trump is America's last best hope for civic nationalism.

    If the Left takes him down, it's identity politics from here on out.


    Full restart of DACA program. Take that MAGATS.

  55. J. Burton7:44 PM

    Hey white people! I'm here to tell you about a movement I want you to join called "anti-racism".

    It's where you have to treat non-whites with infinite deference or you will lose your job, but they get to act as nasty and spiteful to you as they want and nothing happens.

    Pretty cool, huh?

  56. Anonymous7:46 PM

    New York Times didn't hire Sarah Jeong DESPITE her hatred for white people, they hired her BECAUSE of it.

    “If White men were not complaining, it would be an indication we weren’t succeeding and making the inroads that we are.”
    - Arthur (((Sulzberger))), NY Times Publisher

  57. Sara Jeong7:50 PM

    Let's not engage in yellow journalism or slant coverage in a way that gooks up rational discourse. It's a slippery slope to outrage mobs nipping at our heels. These kinds of incidents are a chink in the armor of responsible reporting.

  58. It's where you have to treat non-whites with infinite deference or you will lose your job, but they get to act as nasty and spiteful to you as they want and nothing happens.

    Pretty cool, huh?

    Wah fucking wah.

  59. Anonymous7:53 PM

    mike likes to be pissed on.

    1. Anon @7:53, you meant Donald, right?

  60. Anonymous8:14 PM

    CNN has reached an all-time high in exploiting stereo typical ignorant gutterrat black female who wants to be a star. She probably can't spell bigot. This trick had the nerve to rock cornrows as if she's down for the cause or indicative of the educated/ inform black woman. If 44 hadn't been elected, that trick would be somewhere in a club.

    Bye Felicia!

  61. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Don't hate the player hate the game.

    Don't hate Trump is putting black Christians on.

    Ignorant black Dumbocrats (who got no return on their investment) gave 44 pass. Now they cry foul play because 44 did NOT put influential blacks in prominent permanent positions to balance the political playing field.

    So who really got got?

  62. Ignorant black Dumbocrats (who got no return on their investment) gave 44 pass. Now they cry foul play because 44 did NOT put influential blacks in prominent permanent positions to balance the political playing field.

    Stoopid fucking wasicu wastey, while you were busy pissing and moaning about an articulate, handsome, super intelligent, gentlemanly Black Potus, Obama was presiding as a Potus for ALL Americans- not just a chosen few extremely wealthy campaign donors.

    Obama the Great is everything you could ask in a leader, not a spoiled 4 year old wasicu wastey with shit fer brains like we have now, thanks to Russian interference in the past election.

    If you live long enough you can tell your Grandkids you were honored to be presided over by a Black statesman, not a wasicu moron criminal.

  63. Drumpfuck thinks the ACLU should have to reunite parents and kids Drumpfuck separated. I think he thinks he can escape judge imposed spankings by pushing the responsibility to someone else.


    I'm definitely getting one of these.

  65. Anonymous8:54 PM

    “Don't hate Trump is putting black Christians on.”

    Trump isn’t putting black people anywhere, other than in his meaningless photo ops. Once the camera shutter clicks, he orders them onto the bus and tells the driver to take them “back to the ghetto.”

  66. Good one, PilotX. Remember back in the time before the time before whuitey was given a brain, they used to be ruled by chickens having been told all their lives that the comb on a chicken's head was fire and would burn them?

    They haven't bothered to evolve much. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaa!

  67. Dang judge just ruined my Summer fun- Judge rejects government call for ACLU to bear reunification responsibility

    Drumpfuck is still on the hook for his own mess.

  68. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:10 PM

    To Mike from Iowa who said,

    "Obama the Great is everything you could ask in a leader, not a spoiled 4 year old wasicu wastey with shit fer brains like we have now, thanks to Russian interference in the past election.

    If you live long enough you can tell your Grandkids you were honored to be presided over by a Black statesman, not a wasicu moron criminal."

    You got that right, Mike! How I long for the days when we had a president that spoke above a third-grade level, and who cared about our country and all the people in it. His name is Obama the great.

  69. Those were the days!9:42 PM

    Obama the Great is everything you could ask in a leader. How I long for the days when we had a president who gave us a stagnant economy, lost jobs overseas, got America's credit rating downgraded, started meaningless wars in Syria and Libya, drew red lines that our enemies laughed at, lost to ISIS, got an ambassador killed and then lied aboutit, used the IRS to attack political opponents, rammed a government healthcare system nobody wanted down our throats, opened the borders to gang members and murderers, ignored the opioid abuse crisis, had reporters bugged, used the NSA to spy on all Americans, and used the FBI and CIA to spy on and sabotage the other party's presidential campaign.


    Doug, you know about this guy. RIP Bro Dellums.

  71. Sounds like someone cut the heroin with Drano again.

    -Doug in Oakland

  72. "Doug, you know about this guy. RIP Bro Dellums."

    Ron Dellums was a giant in East Bay politics. He used to hold the seat that Barbara Lee has now, and was her friend and mentor. He wasn't that great as mayor of Oakland, but that's a way different kind of job than congressman. He was still better than Jean Quan, though.
    Before I knew anything else about politics, I knew about Ron Dellums.
    He will be sorely missed.

    -Doug in Oakland

  73. Obama ignored the opioid crisis? He didn't appoint Jared Cushner or something? You do know Obamacare includes coverage for drug addiction therapy right?

  74. Anonymous9:58 PM

    @ Anonymous who replied to "Don't hate Trump...

    You see those who know don't tell and those who tell don't know... what you don't know is what's going on behind the scene . Those who do are NOT going to show you their hand... keep running your mouth while they run their business.

    You know what it is!

  75. Who colluded?10:01 PM

    Hillary’s team actually paid for information from Kremlin-connected sources while hiding 30,000 emails.

    The Trump team walked out of a meeting with a Russian lawyer after a few minutes and disclosed the emails in full.

  76. All of you lying liberals are thirsty and Trump won't give you any water.

  77. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Field, Thanks for keeping it REAL.

    You can always find a N_ _ _ _ R to dance a Jig and act like a Coon.
    This is why Black folks will always be their own WORST ENEMIES.

    Too many House Negroes will still jump through hoops, damn near break their necks, act like a bunch of jackasses and do anything to try to be accepted by a MASTER who will always, loathe and despise them.

    And the WORST one was Pastor John Gray.

    Pastor Gray would have been more productive and beneficial to his congregation and his people by

    After all, a congregation would be better served by a healthy minister rather than an
    overweight, unhealthy one being used for a photo op by a racist POTUS who never did, and never will give a hooters damn about ANYONE that is BLACK, BROWN, YELLOW, OR BEIGE.

    1. Anonymous10:29 PM

      Frankly it's none of your business... who are you to tell anybody who they can or cannot speak with-- perhaps that's why you're on this blog and not in an influential position to meet with anybody other than your next door neighbor.

      So if ALL black people are supposed to march to the beat of the Democratic drum? If you want to remain enslave do so but don't try to convince others two remaining psychologically enslaved enslave like you. Seems like you're enslaved to the democratic slaveholder

  78. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Looks like the wannabes ( who didn't get invited to meet with Trump) are gearing up in New Orleans to auditions at the NetRoots Got Talent to select the next HNIC.

  79. "All of you lying liberals are thirsty and Trump won't give you any water."

    Got our own water. Don't need anything from trump.

    1. Anonymous10:37 PM

      Then why is Trump still winning
      and you --still thirsty and angry?

  80. Anonymous10:28 PM

    F.Y.I. to all the Ignoramuses:
    Illegal aliens aren't taking away any jobs from any whites.

    When was the last time you saw any white guys lined up to take a job out in the hot fields to pick crops for 16 hours a day or to cut miles and miles of grass in the hot sun, or be a nanny to some some rich perverted white man's kids while trying to protect themselves from being sexually harassed by him.

    Whites NEVER wanted to do these jobs. That's why they forced slaves to do it.

    All of this hoopla and insanity is because they are so afraid of being outnumbered by Colored Folk and losing their SLAVE MASTER status in America.

  81. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Field...thanks for telling it like it is.

    You're the BEST!

    1. Anonymous10:34 PM

      Thanks for conceding.

      You're a looser!

  82. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Who do people think you are trying to control what other black people as if you pay their bills. Frankly my dear they don't damn!

  83. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Antjuan Seawright got bitched slapped tonight. He's nothing but a wannabe whose uncle is AME bishop. Clearly ,he's looking for airtime. These young boys who didn't pay their dues are riding off the fruit of their relative labor . He just want to be somebody relevant and trying to come up; and couldn't get a spot on CNN? A bunch of damn spoiled entitled brats who thinks somebody owes them.

  84. A federal judge just ordered Fergus to completely reinstate DACA, and gave him 20 days to get his shit together for any appeal.

    -Doug in Oakland

  85. Anonymous Those were the days! said. @ 9:42- if that was yer answers to a history quiz you would have gotten a ZERO grade. Virtually every thing you said is and has been easily debunked scores of times. Keep swilling Fake Noize Kool-Aid and you will soon be dumber than a whole box of rocks. Absolutely phucking Hillary-ous.


    To end racism, stop forgiving racists, duh.

  87. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Perhaps the 'trick' on CNN , from Columbus Ohio, was auditioning for a role on Love and Hip Hop Political addition.

  88. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Don't understand you bass ackwards BLACK democrats fighting for post Civil Rights immigrants who has do N-O-T-H-I-N-G for you Negros other than take advantage of Civil Rights enactment meant for yo DUMB ASSES.

  89. Anonymous9:33 AM

    The real winner here is Field (quick study) his website has blown up thanks to you dumb democratic robots

  90. Guess you stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys didn't get the message from Cheap Justice Roberts that racism is dead.

  91. Anonymous9:48 AM

    F.Y.I. to all the Ignoramuses:
    Illegal aliens aren't taking away any jobs from any whites.

    When was the last time you saw any white guys lined up to take a job out in the hot fields to pick crops for 16 hours a day or to cut miles and miles of grass in the hot sun, or be a nanny to some some rich perverted white man's kids while trying to protect themselves from being sexually harassed by him.

    Whites NEVER wanted to do these jobs. That's why they forced slaves to do it.

    All of this hoopla and insanity is because they are so afraid of being outnumbered by Colored Folk and losing their SLAVE MASTER status in America.

  92. Anonymous9:52 AM




  93. Anonymous9:53 AM

    So what do you dumb Democrats do; chase the money instead of taking advantage of affirmative action and other civil rights legislation to empower you politically and otherwise . Newsflash Negroes ---power begets money . Principals make dividends ---dividends don't make press principles.

  94. Anonymous9:55 AM


  95. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:59 AM

    Anonymous J. Burton said...

    Hey white people! I'm here to tell you about a movement I want you to join called "anti-racism".

    "It's where you have to treat non-whites with infinite deference or you will lose your job, but they get to act as nasty and spiteful to you as they want and nothing happens."

    Where's the evidence to support what you are saying here? I worked with black men and women for more than 30 years and never saw anything that would support your outrageous claim. If you treat all people regardless or their color with respect and kindness, you won't have a problem.

  96. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:19 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "Ignorant black Dumbocrats (who got no return on their investment) gave 44 pass. Now they cry foul play because 44 did NOT put influential blacks in prominent permanent positions to balance the political playing field."

    I guess following Trump has made you a liar too. Do some research. Thirty-seven percent of Obama's judicial appointments were to black men and women.
    Your beloved Trump is not even half the man that Obama is. No wonder Trump and you hate Obama.

  97. Anonymous11:30 AM

    That is one dumb white bitch.

  98. Sara Jeong11:34 AM

    She sure is. Dumbass fucking white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants.

  99. Change12:16 PM

    "Don't understand you bass ackwards BLACK democrats fighting for post Civil Rights immigrants who has do N-O-T-H-I-N-G for you Negros other than take advantage of Civil Rights enactment meant for yo DUMB ASSES"

    Don't want to speak for negroes, but I would posit that blacks support massive non-white immigration as a way to exact revenge on white America.

    Flooding America with third world immigrants has depressed wages and diverted resources from blacks. A Mexican who sneaks in illegally is instantly classified as "oppressed" and gets a share of all the affirmative action benefits that rightly belong to the descendants of slaves. As the middle class shrinks, the ability to pay for it all diminishes.

    Continuation of this process will lead to a much poorer, fractious nation in which the new plurality will owe no amends to blacks for slavery and segregation. There will be new priorities, and they will be those of someone else.

    Probably not going to be a great thing for blacks. Certainly not going to be a great thing for working class whites.

    But it might be a great thing for Jews and perhaps Asians and those of the white elite who throw in with them, as they will form a small ruling caste that will oversee a diverse population with little in the way of common interests, a population much easier to manage than one that insists on free speech and the right to bear arms and is committed to limiting the power of the state.

    Maybe that's preferable to the black population. But if you are going to follow marching orders, it's advisable to pick your head up once in a while and see just what it is you are marching towards.

  100. Cory Booker holds up a sign advocating tearing down border walls in America and Israel, gets accused of anti-semitism, apologizes by saying "Sorry, I only meant the anti-American part".

    Booker, a New Jersey Democrat who is known for his closeness to the Jewish community, is seen posing while holding a sign reading “From Palestine to Mexico, all the walls have got to go” and depicting a crumbling brick wall. The slogan was coined by the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, which posted the photo Friday on Twitter.

    The sign likens President Trump’s Mexican wall proposal to Israel’s security barrier.

    A spokesman for Booker, Jeff Giertz, said Booker believed the sign referred only to Mexico.

    Cory Booker sure ran back in the House right quick, didn't he?

  101. Anonymous12:57 PM


    You just shut it down!

    Well articulated piece; I applaud your insightfulness!

  102. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Damn Negroes....Who is gonna pacify the Nappy Headed Suffering ?

  103. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Most Black Democratic spokespersons (on air) are extremely animated and lack self-control. No one wants to be led by individuals who can't control one's emotions. We never saw the former president act out of character( like him or not)

    These inarticulate emotional black individuals holding up the Democratic Banner are a utter disgrace to the Trailblazers who paved the way for black Americans whose for parents were enslaved.

    I doubt 44 would ever associate with the likes of those representing today's Democratic party ,

  104. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Booker is trying real hard to do what Obama did ; but, he's not picking up tractions. Therefore. desperate cimes call for desperate measures. Another
    thirsty politician.

  105. Change said...argle bargle Look at the foreigners Drumpfuck has to hire at his properties because no decent American citizen would work for shit wages.

    You are totally mistaken about benefits immigrants, for the most part, don't get when they come to America.

    While you flap your gums about shit you know nothing about, stoopid fucking wingnuts are stealing your SS, Medicare and and every tax dollar you ever may have paid to make the koch bros wealthier.

  106. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:26 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "That is one dumb white bitch."

    Sara Jeong said...

    "She sure is. Dumbass fucking white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants."

    Thank you, Anonymous and Sara Jeona, for your pathetic insults. I Could say it's an honor to be vilified by the likes of you, but it's not because insults are all you got, and your insults weren't very clever. And you didn't say one word to refute the point I made in my post. Have a nice day!

  107. "No one wants to be led by individuals who can't control one's emotions."

    Uh, have you ever seen a Fergus rally?

    -Doug in Oakland

  108. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Damn Negroes....Who is gonna pacify the Nappy Headed Suffering ?

    I'm guessing you won't, racist scum.

  109. Anonymous3:32 PM

    The point..regardless of the inarticulate animated individual lacking self-control, those unsophisticated uneducated , uncouth, buffoons are not indicative intelligent informed educated black society.

  110. IKAGO4:05 PM

    > buffoons are not indicative intelligent informed educated black society.

    That's right.  The ignorant, hateful baboons don't represent EITHER of them.

  111. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Import the Third World, become the Third World.

  112. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Wise ones reach across the aisle. Ignorant unwise ones have a myopic worldview.

  113. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Most college-educated people understand the more they learn the more there is to learn and the less one knows.

  114. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Hahahahaha, Melania Trump “be-bested” her own husband over his cyberbullying of Lebron James. Their crumbling marriage is starting to become a real source of amusement.

    I suspect that if Trump makes it all the way to the end of his term of office (highly doubtful at this point) and tries to run for re-election, Melania may end up campaigning for his opponent. That would be a real milestone in American history.

  115. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Very honorable M Jordan to speak in support of LeBron James . The streets are talking about about Michael Jordan not supporting the black community who pay $300 sneakers he's ges made in China for $30

  116. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Michael Jordan pimps the black community who don't know no better. They think they are IT because they rockin a pair of Jordan for which they stood in line for 12 hour line to get a pair of $300 sneakers Jordan had made in China for $30. BwHahahahahahaha SUCKERS!!!!


    Judge rules anymoose donations to dark money groups is illegal and has to stop.Whining stoopid fucking wingnuts will cry !st amendment violation and beg Scotus to reconvene and make it all go away. That is what they were bought and paid for.

  118. Let me see, James put his money where his mouth is, started a public school with his own money and Drumpf hates him.

    Drumpfuck started a sham school, lied about everything about it, scammed thousands of people out of millions of bucks for useless info and lost in court and had to pay substantial millions back plus plead no contest to fraud in New York and look like an all around shitheel, plus he is still lying about not losing in court.

  119. Berkshire Hathaway stock began life in the 1960's at 11 bucks a share and now is over 350,000 bucks per share. A 2 million percent increase and it owes nada damn thing to the orange assed kumquat elected by Putin.

  120. Should read nearly 305,ooo bucke per share. Not sorry for the stoopid fucking wingnuts.


    Then copies Drumpf and lies about it.

  122. Anonymous7:46 PM

    It's not white racist keeping the black people down is black celebrities and athletes and entertainers that got their foot on the black communities neck.

  123. Anonymous7:48 PM

    As long as moonbats get their wings.

  124. Anonymous8:07 PM

    To add insult to injury you can't even rock the Jordans on a job interview... can't blame that stupidity on white racest.

  125. It was Black entertainers and sports stars forcing Blacks to use colored fountains, forcing them to the back of the bus, siccing police dogs and water cannons on brothers and sisters and denying themselves the right to vote or enter for wasicu only schools? Riiiiiiight. The stoopid is strong on here today.

  126. Hey Field, it's been awhile since I've commented. Mostly, cuz lurking's been enough. But this one line in the post just, fuckin' aggravates the hell outta me -- even though they're not "YOUR" words:

    The day of the Geechee is gone, boy.

    As a Gullah-Geechie descendant of slaves in America (which does not include you), it gets on my last damned nerve to hear that shit! It speaks to the divide and conquer bullshit that still reigns supreme in our communities. If one was from the West African, Gullah-Geechie heritage of the South (from which I hail), we were deemed, ignorant, white-submissive and most assimilated. We were never, and for the most part -- are not! I hate the perpetuation of the image, particularly by writers of the Diaspora whose purpose is to expose the House vs Field Negro bullshit. Just sayin...

  127. Anonymous10:02 PM

    CNN needs to have their cameras ready to catch the next Kodak moment when the new Jordans come out. They can interview Section 8 recipients and non child support paying baby daddy's staying in mind overnight to pay $300 for a $30 pair of sneakers.

  128. Anonymous10:24 PM

    CNN= Clueless Niguh News

  129. Anonymous10:49 PM

    If Obama appointed 37% black men and women as justices; have the Justices impacted judicial reform... did you grab those numbers from the sky or do you actually have data?

  130. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Or are the justices just getting the buff check?

  131. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Obama did NOT appoint a black Supreme Court Justice whose ancestors were enslaved.

  132. Anonymous11:16 PM

    That house negro behavior

  133. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Selling poor black people( the only ones who buy them) $30 sneakers for $300 is house Negro behavior

  134. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Selling concert tickets $200 a pop knowing mothers with three or four kids cannot afford to pay that price is House Negro Behavior

  135. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Negroes shooting ,killing , and robbing is house negro behavior

  136. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Men and women having babies but not providing financial support and raising them to be productive citizens is house Negro behavior

  137. Anonymous11:33 PM

    People who blame other people for their problems is house negro behavior

  138. Anonymous11:48 PM

    House Negroes do what they do because they can. Not because it's right; not because it's just ;not because this moral. They do what they do because they think they can; they " in the house."

    Just like Heavy D used to say "Heavy D in the house"

  139. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:38 AM

    To Those were the days!

    Everything you posted is bull sh*t. You should do a little research, read a few books, and frequent a variety of web sites to learn about history and current events. I could refute everyone of your claims, but it's not my job to educate you. And it would be a waste of my time because you don't believe in facts.

  140. Those were the days12:57 AM

    "I could refute everyone of your claims"

    No you couldn't.

    You couldn't refute your way out of a paper bag.

  141. Those were the days said.. virtually everyone of your lies about Obama have been refuted, rebutted and proven to be total fabrications. You just don't realize it because you are a stoopid fucking wingnut goober.


    Cops chose to ignore the violent proto-fascists and instead go after antifa.


    Drumpf admits son went to meeting with Russians to get dirt on HRC. Now claims meeting was legal.


    The true story of how Screwdy Rusy and the dumbass dubya administration worked hand in glove with Purdue Pharma to keep the opioid crisis fand going strong. Long read but well worth yer time if you want truth as truth is spoken among men.

  145. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Field I'm to the point of taking names as these ignorant Moonshines including the Negro's who choose to participate in the Evangelicals treasonous prayer posse seem to have lost all perspective when it comes to the ignoramus Trump. What puzzles me is these ignoramus failure to realize that Trumprovsky will not be forever and then comes the reckoning.

  146. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Yeah, we got the same problem with White People supporting Black Lives Matter.

  147. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    To Those were the days!

    Everything you posted is bull sh*t. You should do a little research, read a few books, and frequent a variety of web sites to learn about history and current events. I could refute everyone of your claims, but it's not my job to educate you. And it would be a waste of my time because you don't believe in facts.
    12:38 AM


  148. Anonymous6:54 PM


    > Cops chose to ignore the violent proto-fascists and instead go after antifa.

    The article, despite its extreme bias, says this:  "Eder Campuzano, a reporter from The Oregonian, went to the hospital after being struck in the head by an object thrown by counter-protesters."

    When they're they least bit honest, even the HuffPo implicitly admits that the "anti-fascists" are the actual fascists, violently suppressing dissent to their totalitarianism.

  149. Anonymous11:53 PM

    It's good to see people like yourself unquestioningly dancing for the Democrats instead. Now those are some white people you dance for.

  150. The article, despite its extreme bias, says this: "Eder Campuzano, a reporter from The Oregonian, went to the hospital after being struck in the head by an object thrown by counter-protesters."

    Doesn't say counter protesters and this isn't the antifa guy that was nearly assassinated by a concussion grenade to the back of his bike helmet.

  151. Anonymous2:13 PM

    > Doesn't say counter protesters

    Are you getting high on your own supply?  That was a cut-and-paste straight from the article.  Paragraph 7, last line, right above the second pic with the riot-geared cops with one holding the grenade launcher.

  152. offthepigs9:02 AM

    Yeah, KKKonservatives with black skin love sucking up to their white KKKonversative massas (like the Orange Dunce).

  153. offthepigs9:58 AM

