Monday, August 06, 2018

A tangled web in a tower.

"Ingraham asked Don Jr. about that discrepancy when he called into her show on Monday, and she even aired a few clips of Trump and various officials confidently claiming the meeting was about adoptions.

You want any comment on that, Donny?” the Fox News host asked. “Because they’re hitting you on that for contradictions––I mean, they’re calling it worse than contradictions obviously. Donny what is your reaction to all that?”

“Hello?” Don Jr. could be heard saying, before a long silence.

“We’re going to see if we could reconnect with Donald Trump Jr. on all this, because we can’t seem to hear him,” Ingraham said after a silence. “We don’t know where he went.”'

Hold your breath, Laura, Don Jr. will not be coming back.

Donny and his daddy are already in deep enough do doo.  If only his daddy would chill with the twitter fingers. Now, thanks to  twitter, we are learning that team trump has lied all along about that infamous meeting in trump tower.

We were told that the meeting was about Russian adoptions. We know now that this was a blatant lie. The meeting was to dig up dirt on trump's opponent, Hillary Clinton. Something that is probably against the law. Most of us knew all along that team trump had orchestrated this lie, the question now is why. Why did they feel the need to cover up this meeting in the first place? I submit to you that they did this because they knew that what they were doing is illegal. The intent was there to do something nefarious. This would certainly push it closer into the crime category. 

trump's lawyers are now begging him to stop tweeting. about the meeting. They realize that he is putting himself and his family in serious legal jeopardy, and forcing them to make fools of themselves, even when communicating with friendly news outlets.

“We’re going to see if we could reconnect with Donald Trump Jr. on all this, because we can’t seem to hear him,”

The problem for Donnie is that we can't hear him, but sadly for him we are hearing his daddy loud and clear.

*Pic from


  1. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Where are all protesting on behalf of illegal immigrant children when it comes black children in Chicago? Are you serious?

  2. Anonymous10:16 PM

    ... black lives matter... really? Or is it Chicago black lives does not matter?

  3. Anonymous10:19 PM

    So CNN believes it's more news worthy to discuss a basketball players and all that foolishness than the black in Chicago?

  4. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Is Beyonce that vain or does she really believe Vanity Fair gives a care. They could NOT care less about a high paid
    stripper's (who sings) body... They're sell magazines( the same way she sells her soul) exploiting her ignorant ass in the process.*SMH*

  5. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Did Michael Jordan play for the Chicago Bulls?

  6. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Wouldn't be surprised if the majority of the people shot were wearing Jordans sneakers.

  7. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Adele makes just as much money as B and she's never taking off her clothes

  8. Lying is a sin11:38 PM

    We were told that the meeting was about Russian adoptions. We know now that this was a blatant lie.

    No, we were told from the beginning that the meeting was held with Natalia Veselnitskaya because she said she had dirt on Hillary Clinton.

    When it became clear that she used that as a pretext to get a meeting with Don Jr. so that she could talk about Russian adoptions, he left.

    That was the story then, and that is the story now. No crime was committed.

    Now do Hillary paying a British intelligence operative several million dollars to buy information from Russian intelligence sources to get dirt on Trump and getting the Obama administration to use the FBI to spy on the Trump campaign despite the consensus that the information was garbage. That is a crime.

  9. Lying is a sin11:44 PM

    Another interesting story you probably don't know about:

    From The Hill, 7/12/17

    The Russian lawyer who penetrated Donald Trump’s inner circle was initially cleared into the United States by the Justice Department under “extraordinary circumstances” before she embarked on a lobbying campaign last year that ensnared the president’s eldest son, members of Congress, journalists and State Department officials, according to court and Justice Department documents and interviews.

    This revelation means it was the Obama Justice Department that enabled the newest and most intriguing figure in the Russia-Trump investigation to enter the country without a visa.

    Later, a series of events between an intermediary for the attorney and the Trump campaign ultimately led to the controversy surrounding Donald Trump Jr.

    Now why would senior officials of the Obama administration go to “extraordinary circumstances" to facilitate this meeting?

  10. The Great Realignment12:24 AM

    Being a Republican nowadays means hating the Koch brothers, the FBI, Harley Davidson, and football.

    Being a Democrat nowadays means defending Wall Street, mainstream media, and the surveillance establishment, demanding overseas aggression, undermining the working class with mass immigration and bad trade deals, and welcoming corporate tyranny.

  11. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Ralandus Lathon & Antonio Steed.... Nuff said.

  12. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Being a Democrat nowadays means ignoring the blight of Black America!

    Thank you President Obama --the black people in your home town are killing each other with the understanding if a black president we voted for does not care why would anyone else care.

  13. Anonymous12:38 AM

    People laughed while Noah build the Ark

  14. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Being a Democrat nowadays means ignoring the plight of Black America!

    Thank you President Obama --the black people in your home town are killing each other with the understanding if a black president we voted for does not care why would anyone else care.

  15. Anonymous12:56 AM


    P.S: Field, keep up the Great Work. You're the best!

  16. Anonymous12:58 AM

    Daddy threw Sonny under the bus.

  17. Anonymous1:02 AM

    A guilty person will ALWAYS tell on themselves.
    It's human nature...and it's the way the brain operates.

    People just need to wait, look, and listen and recognize the confession when they see it or hear it.

    There is NO perfect crime.

  18. From Show Me Progress:

    “52 U.S. Code § 30121 – Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

    (a)ProhibitionIt shall be unlawful for—
    (1)a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make—
    (A)a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;
    (B)a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or
    (C)an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or
    (2)a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.
    (b)“Foreign national” definedAs used in this section, the term “foreign national” means—
    (1)a foreign principal, as such term is defined by section 611(b) of title 22, except that the term “foreign national” shall not include any individual who is a citizen of the United States; or
    (2)an individual who is not a citizen of the United States or a national of the United States (as defined in section 1101(a)(22) of title 8) and who is not lawfully admitted for permanent residence, as defined by section 1101(a)(20) of title 8.
    (Pub. L. 92–225, title III, § 319, formerly § 324, as added Pub. L. 94–283, title I, § 112(2), May 11, 1976, 90 Stat. 493; renumbered § 319, Pub. L. 96–187, title I, § 105(5), Jan. 8, 1980, 93 Stat. 1354; amended Pub. L. 107–155, title III, §§ 303, 317, Mar. 27, 2002, 116 Stat. 96, 109.)”


    “36 U.S. Code § 510 – Disclosure of and prohibition on certain donations

    (a)In General.—
    A committee shall not be considered to be the Inaugural Committee for purposes of this chapter unless the committee agrees to, and meets, the requirements of subsections (b) and (c).
    (1)In general.—
    Not later than the date that is 90 days after the date of the Presidential inaugural ceremony, the committee shall file a report with the Federal Election Commission disclosing any donation of money or anything of value made to the committee in an aggregate amount equal to or greater than $200.
    (2)Contents of report.—A report filed under paragraph (1) shall contain—
    (A)the amount of the donation;
    (B)the date the donation is received; and
    (C)the name and address of the person making the donation.
    The committee shall not accept any donation from a foreign national (as defined in section 319(b) of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 (2 U.S.C. 441e(b))).[1]
    (Added Pub. L. 107–155, title III, § 308(a)(2), Mar. 27, 2002, 116 Stat. 103.)”

    -Doug in Oakland

  19. Anonymous2:52 AM

    The monkeys are going ape in Chicongo this week!

    Forty one Basketball-Americans shot in the last seven hours alone!

    Way to go, black America!

  20. Definition of pathetic is having wasicu wasteys post derogatory comments about Blacks all day on a Black blog.

    Their loar in chief is destroying the fabric of America and they are whining about Blacks in Chicago and elsewhere killing hother. You'd think maybe they would go to Stormfront and cheer a bit. Maybe haul more gins to Chicago and make some blood money on the side.

    No, they all feel the wasicu privilege need to come here and proceed to lecture Blacks on bad behavior as if they knew anything. Like I said- pathetic.

  21. Anonymous said...

    So CNN believes it's more news worthy to discuss a basketball players and all that foolishness than the black in Chicago?

    Fake Noize spends their days ignoring the criminals in the WH and whine about HRC's emails.

  22. Anonymous7:46 AM

    The definition of pathetic is Negroes, period.

  23. Anonymous7:48 AM

    President Obama

    1. Pushed legislation of illegal immigrant children --The DREAM ACT

    2. Legalized gay marriage

    3. Did NOT appointed a justice who enslaved ancestor's blood, sweat and tears did build this country

    4. Turned his back on the black citizens, including children, who lives in the City he represented as Senator

    5. Betrayed the legend who put him on the map Oprah
    6. Sabotaged HC presidential race with the email scandal
    7. You House Negros picked a real winner!

  24. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Where are parents with their children wrapped in those silver blankets ...are they planing a support rally for Chicago's children?


  25. Anonymous8:13 AM

    So who's left to clean up the mess Obama left behind in Chicago? Massive murders began long before Obama left office..

  26. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Chicago's blood is ,in fact, on Obama's hands!

  27. Some good news out of West Hollywood- council members vote to remove Drumpfuck stain from Hollywood walk of fame because of his treatment of women. Finally some humans with intestinal fortitude. Watch the inbred gomers go ballistic because someone dare defy Drumpfuck the Mad.

  28. here are parents with their children wrapped in those silver blankets ...Drumpfuck is still holding them in cages and lying about it.

  29. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Re: Murders and Mayhem in Chicago and All the Black Cities In America and In The World

    If Blacks keep expecting the very same people that hate, loathe, and despise them to help them fix the mess that exists in their communities...they will "DIE WAITING"

    Black gang members were sired by ANGRY, unmarried, ignorant, unloved, uneducated, drug dependent, sexually abused, verbally abused, emotionally abused fathers AND

    ANGRY, unmarried, ignorant, unloved, uneducated, drug dependent, sexually abused, verbally abused, emotionally abused mothers.


    When Black Parents, Black Ministers, Black Principals, Black Teachers, Black Doctors, and Black Lawyers like Field who does his part do what they are supposed to do then and only then will this cancer in the Black Cities be eradicated.

    Until that time..."When You See Someone Black, Watch Your Back!"

  30. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:06 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "So who's left to clean up the mess Obama left behind in Chicago?

    What are you talking about? What Mess? I don't recall Obama ever being a part of the city government in Chicago?

    Why are you so obsessed with Obama? NEWS FLASH: Obama isn't president any more! Instead we have a would-be dictator who can't seem to speak above a fourth grade level, can't seem to tell the truth about any thing, and is obsessed with sexually molesting pretty women.

    And by-the-way, Trump leaves messes everywhere he goes. Atlantic City comes to mind, so think about this: How do you bankrupt a casino? Then there's Trump's failed"university ", his failed steak venture, and his lousy wine failure. All you Trumpies have been punked!

  31. Anonymous9:13 AM

    “Some good news out of West Hollywood- council members vote to remove Drumpfuck stain from Hollywood walk of fame because of his treatment of women.”

    People relentlessly vandalizing the star, over and over again, probably also had something to do with the decision.

  32. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:15 AM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...

    "Definition of pathetic is having wasicu wasteys post derogatory comments about Blacks all day on a Black blog.

    Their loar in chief is destroying the fabric of America and they are whining about Blacks in Chicago and elsewhere killing hother. You'd think maybe they would go to Stormfront and cheer a bit. Maybe haul more gins to Chicago and make some blood money on the side.

    No, they all feel the wasicu privilege need to come here and proceed to lecture Blacks on bad behavior as if they knew anything. Like I said- pathetic."

    I agree, Mike. The first 10 or 12 posts on this blog today are just garbage. They are off topic, childish, and insulting. Too bad we have to waste our time reading this crap while trying to find intelligent posts to read.

  33. Lance Cockstrong10:01 AM

    Idiocy always runs in the family, especially when it comes to Butt Trumpet and his micro dick sons.

  34. Dave Zirin = faggot kike10:18 AM

    The white race gave us Donald Trump, Roseanne Barr, James Gunn, George Wallce, David Duke, Adolf Hitler, and Alex Jones. The white race is trash.

  35. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Ahh the knowledge of Dindu's and Mud Sharks....Priceless.

  36. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  37. Sara Jeong10:56 AM

    "Too bad we have to waste our time reading this crap while trying to find intelligent posts to read."

    "Intelligent" posts. Priceless.

  38. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:58 AM

    Dave Zirin = faggot kike said...

    "The white race gave us Donald Trump, Roseanne Barr, James Gunn, George Wallce, David Duke, Adolf Hitler, and Alex Jones. The white race is trash."

    Yes, Dave. You have a good point. An addition, the white race killed more than 20 million people during two world wars in the 20th century and committed genocide on the native American population during the 16th and 17th centuries. This is not exactly a praise worthy record.

  39. Don't worry about Blacks in Chicago if you aren't Black or in Chicago. Trust me, it's always been a little rough around the edges since Capone and his bots were running around. But in the real world real gangsters are in and around the WH and Mueller is the modern day Elliot Ness. He's gonna take down the trump crime family one brick at a time. While the Manafort trial is going on new allegations about Wilbur Ross are popping up about him stealing millions of dollars. Maybe when trump is arrested/impeached we can have what the trolls seem to want, a President who cares about Chicago. Hey, Deval Patrick is from here, that sounds like a good choice! Sobsay we all!

  40. Anonymous11:14 AM

    @Gambler2 ASKA White Woman

    Giving you are a white person extremely committed to civil rights, when will you organize a rally, with you comrads, in support of slaughter children and fellow Americans in Chicago?

  41. Anonymous11:16 AM


    Spoken like a real House Negro!


  43. Why don't these trolls care about the thousands of poor whites ODing every day because of the opioid crisis? I guess they are house honkies? Funny though trump said he would make both situations better but it seems to be getting worse. I think we made a mistake electing the orange menace.

  44. "@PilotX

    Spoken like a real House Negro!"


  45. Some other things white people did11:35 AM

    "Yes, Dave. You have a good point. An addition, the white race killed more than 20 million people during two world wars in the 20th century and committed genocide on the native American population during the 16th and 17th centuries. This is not exactly a praise worthy record."


    Germ theory.


    X-Rays, MRIs and CAT scans.

    Modern agriculture.

    Steam power.


    Treated water systems.

    Sewage systems.

    Trains, planes and automobiles.


    The telephone.


    Cell phones.

    Space travel.


    The Internet.

    Ending the 10,000 year old practice of slavery.

    Human rights.

    Humanitarian relief.

    Environmental responsibility.


  46. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:41 AM

    Anonymous said...

    @Gambler2 ASKA White Woman

    "Giving you are a white person extremely committed to civil rights, when will you organize a rally, with you comrads, in support of slaughter children and fellow Americans in Chicago?"

    Sorry dude. I spent 55 years as an activist. I am now 81 years old, walking with a cane. Unfortunately my major activist days are over. Why don't you do it instead. It would be good for your soul to practice love instead of hate.

    1. I guess the concern trolls were here during the anti-violence march down the Dan Ryan highway and the one that shut down Lake Shore Drive and ended outside Wrigley Field.


  48. So by all means concern trolls, if you're concerned about violence in Chicago get in contact with Father Phleger and volunteer.

  49. Good to see the Dems are going all in for Stacey but they had better pull out all the big guns or I'm done with them. So I wanna see Michelle, Hillary, Barack and Bill stomping throughout Georgia.

  50. someone else made use of the same "tangled web" metaphor:

    it'd be wonderful if this particularly unfruitful meeting brought down President Wrecking Ball, since there are so many other more hideous offenses he's committed against the country of which he is inarguably guilty as hell.

  51. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Definition of pathetic is having to appropriate the accomplishments of others and suppress any talk of your own misdeeds in order to be seen as not entirely worthless.  When you talk about your ATP license as if you built the aviation industry from scratch, you are pathetic.  When you aim your opprobrium at the people who notice the shootings in Chicago and not the shooters, you are pathetic.

  52. Anonymous1:58 PM

    "The meeting was to dig up dirt on trump's opponent, Hillary Clinton. Something that is probably against the law."

    What law is that, Feeled?

    If it is unlawful, then the DNC's and Hillary's financing of the Steele dossier is a much worse violation of said law.  This whole thing reeks of PARVO:  Project, Attack, Reverse Victim & Offender.

    There's nothing illegal about sleeping with a stripper, or paying said stripper to keep quiet about it.  There's something un-Constitutional about raiding the office of counsel, though.  And now that the oppo has legitimized the playing of recordings made in private meetings, they have no defense against Trump doing this right back to them.

    Only the Dims and Deep State have REAL crimes to hide, and guess who was stupid enough to carry a smartphone (aka spy device) while talking about illegal stuff?  Almost every last one of them.

    And these recordings are going to be played over their pictures in vids on YouTube and BitChute, damning them all with their own words.

    Looking forward to Barack's and Hillary's "convicted offender" status.  Tick tock.

  53. "Giving you are a white person extremely committed to civil rights, when will you organize a rally, with you comrads, in support of slaughter children and fellow Americans in Chicago?"

    Like PX said, there was such a rally there recently. I support it, but don't have the financial resources to attend, and really, the addition of one old white guy with a cane at the rally doesn't really make an impact worth the price of traveling to Chicago on my fixed income.

    But someone apparently beat you to the punch on your suggestion.

    -Doug in Oakland

  54. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Man, listen to all the delusional Trumpkin ranting and raving on this blog.

    If Trump gets removed, the wingnut freakout is going to be epic. Many of these fools will have to be hospitalized for their own good.

  55. "What law is that, Feeled?"

    I posted the relevant statutes above. It's the eighteenth comment, if I counted correctly.
    (h/t: Show Me Progress)

    -Doug in Oakland

  56. Anonymous2:14 PM

    How worthless must your life be if the only thing that gives it meaning is watching Trump try to “own the libs” and if he is removed, you have nothing left?

    As the orange man himself would say: Sad.

  57. "Man, listen to all the delusional Trumpkin ranting and raving on this blog.

    If Trump gets removed, the wingnut freakout is going to be epic. Many of these fools will have to be hospitalized for their own good."

    I know a blogger who was raised by a malignant narcissist, and she says Fergus' behavior fits that diagnosis down to the finest detail.
    She also warns of a fit of epic proportions that he will throw the first time he meets a concrete consequence of his actions, so look for that in the near future because the legal noose is tightening around him and his children.

    -Doug in Oakland

  58. "When you talk about your ATP license as if you built the aviation industry from scratch, you are pathetic."

    When was the last time I mentioned an ATP? Uh never? I talk about whatever I feel like talking about just like you. Do you talk about the opioid crisis? Do you talk about global warming? Do you talk about plastics clogging our oceans? Do you talk about species becoming extinct at alarming rates? If not you're pathetic. See how internet shaming works? Now cut it out, stopvbeing an internet troll and do something with your life ok kid?

    1. I do remember a white female poster a little while back who used to brag and brag about her plane and her kids building flight time with the plane so you would have really hated her. I also recall a troll who claimed to be a United Airbus pilot, that mofo lasted about 3 posts before he got wise and figured out I'm the real deal and skadattled. I see where you're going son and this has already been attempted. First you try to establish that I'm not who I say I am and once that goes badly as it always does then it goes to me only having my job due to affirmative action and from there it's as a Black man how dare I become successful when I should be out fighting racism in the streets or some kind of you should be unsucessful bullshit. I know I know, I'm more successful than anyone you know and it drives you crazy. As the old saying goes "there's nothing a white person with a nickle hates more than a Black man with a dime". So there is that.


    Great interview with the next governor of Georgia👏🏾😄

  60. Crooked Drumpfs got illegal foreign contribution- dirt on HRC.

    The Steele dossier was paid for by HRCs campaign and was not a contribution to her campaign. That is the difference that makes Drumpf's move illegal.

  61. Anonymous3:02 PM

    “The Steele dossier was paid for by HRCs campaign and was not a contribution to her campaign. That is the difference that makes Drumpf's move illegal.”

    The Steele dossier was also put together by an American oppo research firm working for a Republican presidential candidate, and acquired through perfectly legal investigative methods. (Hillary Clinton’s campaign got involved later.)

    The file Don Junior was seeking from his Trump Tower meeting was put together by undeclared agents of a hostile foreign government, and acquired through crime.

    Those aren’t minor details. The first example is standard oppo research. The second is Watergate with treason frosting.

  62. This revelation means it was the Obama Justice Department that enabled the newest and most intriguing figure in the Russia-Trump investigation to enter the country without a visa.

    She was representing some Russian in a court case in June 2016. Her earlier attempts to gain access were denied because she was not needed as a witness to preliminary appeals motions.

    Li'l Donnie Drumpfucker is going down because he is a crook, just like his Dad and it isn't some stray Russian lawyer or the Obama administration that is to blame. No one held a gun to the POS 's head and forced him to break the laws.

  63. I have never seen so many stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys go so far out of their way to protect traitorous crooks of the United States. You stoopid bastards don't know what crime is. Get yer heads out of Fake Noize's ass and learn to think for your selves. Yer pathetic little fucking easily led astray losers.


    You get a twofer of stoopid wingnut today

    Enjoy :)

  65. So this is trump's plan to replace Obamacare, junk insurance. Well that's another trump lie, he'll give us something better than Obamacare at a lower price.

  66. Anonymous3:36 PM

    anotherbozo said...
    "there are so many other more hideous offenses he's committed against the country of which he is inarguably guilty as hell."

    Name one if you can. Just one.

  67. Anonymous3:37 PM

    PilotX said...
    " First you try to establish that I'm not who I say I am"

    We know who you are. You are the guy who sits next to the white guy who flies the plane.


    More feel good stories😆

    1. Snowflake tears! I love it, as Don Jr. would say.


    Moar winning?


    Moar whining?


    Watch Frontline and Propublica for a doc about the Charlottesville nazi rally last year.

  72. Let's stick to the facts4:34 PM

    Anonymous said...
    “The Steele dossier was paid for by HRCs campaign and was not a contribution to her campaign. That is the difference that makes Drumpf's move illegal.”

    The Steele dossier was also put together by an American oppo research firm working for a Republican presidential candidate, and acquired through perfectly legal investigative methods. (Hillary Clinton’s campaign got involved later.)

    The file Don Junior was seeking from his Trump Tower meeting was put together by undeclared agents of a hostile foreign government, and acquired through crime.

    1. Nothing was received by the Trump campaign, and no payment was made. Moot point.

    2. The fact remains that Hillary Clinton’s campaign DID pay a foreign national (Christopher Steele) to solicit information through a private intelligence firm (Fusion GPS) from a foreign intelligence agency (the Russians) to get dirt on her opponent.

    3. Natalia Veselnitskaya was in the US to lobby on behalf of the repeal of the Magnitsky Act. No "file" was provided to the Trump campaign. She had been allowed into the US without a visa by the State Department under "extraordinary circumstances" following the intervention of Obama Administration. Within 24 hours of the meeting with Don Jr., she met with Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn R. Simpson.

    The facts are:

    A). Representatives of the Trump campaign met for 20 minutes with a Russian lawyer who said she had information on HRC, but did not. She was not paid anything.

    B). Representatives of the Clinton campaign paid millions of dollars to a British foreign national over several months to buy information from Russian intelligence operatives. They did so using a private intelligence firm that interestingly also had a relationship with the Russian lawyer who contacted the Trump campaign. This Russian lawyer was also interestingly only in the country through the intervention of the Obama administration.

    Based on the available public information, we know that one of the campaigns really did collude with Russians to win the election, and that it was the Clinton campaign.

    Further, the Obama administration used the information that the Clinton campaign paid for to justify the unheard of step of spying on a presidential campaign, including inserting moles in the Trump organization, despite the FBI's conclusion that the information was unverifiable. They withheld this opinion from the FISA judge.

    The Obama administration lied about spying on Trump and the press mocked Trump for asserting he was "wiretapped". Once this lie was exposed, they switched to saying they were justified in spying on Trump because they were concerned about Russian infiltration, and they were trying to "protect" him. If this were true, they would have informed Trump of the issue and worked together with him to root out this infiltration. But of course they weren't looking out for Donald, they knew there was no Russian infiltration because they themselves had manufactured this whole collusion narrative in order to justify bugging him and sabotaging his campaign.

    A great plan that went awry, because all their spying came up with nothing and Hillary lost, meaning they couldn't bury what they had done forever.

    The politicization of the intelligence services and the abuse of the FISA process in spying on the opposition party is the biggest scandal in US history.

  73. Anonymous5:00 PM

    How long ago did they stop midnight basketball in Chicago? Must be the reason for all this shooting.

  74. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Donavous Jerome Drennen......Nuff Said.

  75. "Anonymous Let's stick to the facts said..."

    An admirably large chunk of fiction. You should try writing pulp novels, you'd be a natural.

    -Doug in Oakland

  76. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Trump WILL be President in 2020!!

  77. Nothing was received by the Trump campaign, and no payment was made. Moot point.

    You have no idea nothing was received and the fact Drumpf didn't pay for it is proof they received a contribution from a foreign country.

  78. Candace Owens and Michael Eric Dyson going at it on The Beat. Was she one of your house negroes yet?

  79. Prove Clinton paid millions of dollars for the 35 page dossier. Prove HRC knew of the dossier before the election. Prove any of it was illegal.

    The dossier helped prove Drumpf did spend at least one night in Russia. He claimed he flew in and out the same day.

    Cohen was also proven to have been in Prague when he claimed he had never been there.

  80. The politicization of the intelligence services and the abuse of the FISA process in spying on the opposition party is the biggest scandal in US history.

    The only abuse will be you beating the shit out of your blow up Drumpfuck doll when you are proven to be so far off base the bull pen can tag you out.


    Howz that white privilege working out for you, chickie? Not too good, you say?


  82. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Out of control negroes again:


  84. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Chicago Year 2018 to Date (08/07/18)
    Shot & Killed: 292
    Shot & Wounded: 1526
    Total Shot: 1818
    Total Homicides: 347

  85. The view from Republican bizarro world8:36 PM

    The increasingly fascistic GOP grassroots continue to display their total non-comprehension of the Constitution.

    These are people who are convinced that the 1st Amendment legally obliges private sector publishers and broadcasters and Internet companies to help them spew their hate speech. (It does not.)

    But now, recent polling indicates they also believe the 1st Amendment is okay with the president shutting down media outlets that say mean things about him. (The First Amendment. completely forbids this.)

    Republicans: Give Trump the Power to Shut Down Media

    America, America über alles, über alles in der Welt ...

  86. Anonymous8:47 PM

    and the Second Amendment specifically forbids infringements.

  87. Let's stick to the facts8:59 PM

    Nothing was received by the Trump campaign, and no payment was made. Moot point.

    You have no idea nothing was received and the fact Drumpf didn't pay for it is proof they received a contribution from a foreign country

    It is publicly available information. As a matter of fact, most of it can be found on Wikipedia.

    No one has ever alleged that anything was given to the Trump campaign by the Russian lawyer. The problem people have is that the meeting took place at all. However you feel about it, as far as we know, no crime was committed.

    However we do know that Hillary's campaign paid for the dossier. This has been documented many times over and is not disputed.

    These are the facts that have been made available to the public. You can speculate all you want about what Mueller has uncovered, but the facts say the Clinton campaign colluded with Russia to get dirt on Trump.

  88. These are people who are convinced that the 1st Amendment legally obliges private sector publishers and broadcasters and Internet companies to help them spew their hate speech

    Not the same people who are convinced that the 14th Amendment legally obliges private sector bakers and photographers to participate in ceremonies that violate their personal religious convictions.

    It is your side that is using the government to ruin people's businesses and censor speech.

  89. Anonymous9:18 PM

    “Not the same people who are convinced that the 14th Amendment legally obliges private sector bakers and photographers to participate in ceremonies that violate their personal religious convictions.”

    No, the 14th Amendment doesn’t do that. State and local anti-discrimination statutes do that.

    And the 1st Amendment right to religious freedom does not create an inherent right to punish people you don’t like, regardless of what your faith may say, and therefore cannot invalidate anti-discrimination laws.

    And, oh, just for good measure, cakes aren’t speech, so the 1st Amendment doesn’t enter into the issue in that way, either.

  90. No, cakes are a product.

    A specialized form of this product is a wedding cake.

    A niche of the wedding cake product line is a gay wedding cake.

    A Christian baker who opposes gay marriage cake keeps gay wedding cakes off his product list.

    He doesn't sell gay wedding cakes to anyone, not to gay people or straight people, not to Rosie O'Donnell or the Pope. He doesn't discriminate against anyone - no one can buy something from him that he doesn't make. They need to go down the street to one of the many bakers who do have gay wedding cakes on their product list.

    He does sell the things he does make to anyone, regardless of race, creed, or sexual orientation.

    But our government makes him produce a product that he doesn't want to or puts him out of business. They do this to punish him for his religious beliefs at the behest of a favored legal class. This is tyranny.

  91. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Rural white America 2018 year to date:

    OD's: 45,000
    Babies sold for meth:55,000
    Showers: 77
    High school diplomas: 45
    Teeth: 56

  92. Anonymous11:34 PM

    > If Trump gets removed, the wingnut freakout is going to be epic

    If it happens, it will be the start of Civil War 2 going truly hot.  Be careful what you wish for.

    > I posted the relevant statutes above.

    The statutes are about campaign finance.  Just how much money did this Russian gal (who was admitted on an expedited basis by the Obama administration, I might add) donate to the Trump campaign?  Dollar amount, plz.

    > Howz that white privilege working out for you, chickie?

    White privilege is a myth.  Black privilege exists.  Among other things, it's the privilege of having your justifiable shooting by citizens or police while committing a violent crime protested nationwide, and having your suicide in jail because your family wouldn't cough up a few hundred bucks to bail you out be considered a racist offense against you.

  93. "(A)a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value"

    Other thing of value being oppo on their election opponent, something that regularly gets millions of dollars spent on it.

    -Doug in Oakland

  94. Anonymous1:44 AM

    What happens when gas, electric, water, or phone companies start deplatforming their customers for Hate?

    Utilities are common carriers. Common carrier status should be imposed on Social Media. Social media companies should also be forbidden from producing content of any kind whatsoever. There is an unresolvable conflict of interest when an entity (the phone company, for example) provides a medium of communication as well as content carried over that medium. Everyone can see that. Now, apply that same reasoning to YouTube, Facebook, Apple, Twitter, etc.

    Much of this also arises out of globalism. Most large markets (China, EU) do not have free speech provisions, and are far more restrictive than in the US. So in order to obey stricter anti “hate speech” laws in those countries, the multinationals throttle speech in the US. That should also be a crime. But it isn’t. So what does that tell you? What can we learn from that fact?

    The powers-that-be, the ruling class, the oligarchs – call them what you may – despise the Bill of Rights, and are working tirelessly to destroy the liberties therein, or at least render them null-and-void. The most-visible attacks have been against the Second Amendment, but the First and Fourth aren’t far behind.

    A significant and very wealthy portion of the international globalist movement is composed of the sheiks from the Sunni Muslim Arab oil states. These men abhor the fact that westerners – the hated infidels – can criticize Islam freely, an act which is prohibited under sharia law. Via the UN and other avenues, these Arabs and their allies in the West (most of whom hail from the political left, but by no means all), have in recent years been attacking free speech and expression in Europe (with great success) and in the United States (with far less success).

    Like their Muslim partners and allies, the Leftists (Cultural Marxists) despise free speech and expression, since the rights protected by the First Amendment can be used to criticize leftism. Like the Arabs, they too want very badly to crush what few liberties free people retain.

    Having failed to finish the job through legislative and judicial means, the powers-that-be are now shifting their game to the multinational corporations – an avenue of attack through which they have had considerably more success. Since companies are free to set policy regarding the communication habits of their employees, and increasingly, their customers – all of the usual suspects (Facebook, Twitter, cable TV and news, big media, etc.) have been able to throttle free expression.

    What the multinationals are doing is a crime – or ought to be. So why isn’t it? The only conclusion possible is that the multinationals have some very powerful patrons and allies who support their actions, namely the deep-state apparatus – including a large portion of the permanent federal bureaucracy, federal judiciary, and Congress.

    Any totalitarian system built upon lies cannot abide even the smallest amount of truth – for that truth threatens to spread and undermine the whole, rotten, corrupt and criminal enterprise. This fact accounts for the absolute panic the Trump movement is causing amongst the leftist deep-state and its allies. The latter are worried that the former will blow the lid off of the enormously profitable criminal enterprise which they call their own.

    1. Another conservative dummy3:49 AM

      Bullshit, trump is the biggest criminal to ever occupy the WH. A bigger crook than Nixon who regularly calls for media to be silenced. If you want to bitch about the First Amendment being trounced take a look in your own house you hypocrite. Social media companies can do what they want and they have terms of service you have to agree to before using them. Just like a conservative to want to renege on a deal. Can't trust you guys.

  95. Anonymous3:50 AM

    Any totalitarian system built upon lies cannot abide even the smallest amount of truth – for that truth threatens to spread and undermine the whole, rotten, corrupt and criminal enterprise.
    So is that why trump lies so much?

  96. Anonymous3:52 AM

    If it happens, it will be the start of Civil War 2 going truly hot. Be careful what you wish for.
    Good, then we can finally get rid of fuckboys like you. Bring it on bitch cause Russia won't be here to help you. Bitch.


    Flying the Cayman flag allows DeVos to skip taxes because she is registered as a foreigner. More giveaways to the wealthy.

  98. White privilege is a myth. Black privilege exists.

    Yer brain is a myth.

  99. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:58 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Is Beyonce that vain or does she really believe Vanity Fair gives a care. They could NOT care less about a high paid
    stripper's (who sings) body... They're sell magazines( the same way she sells her soul) exploiting her ignorant ass in the process.*SMH*"

    Wow, sounds to me like someone is really, really jealous! By the way, she is beautiful and talented. Is that your problem with her?

  100. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:01 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "The definition of pathetic is Negroes, period."

    NO, you are pathetic. You are filled with hate for people you don't even know. How dumb is that? I feel sorry for you. So sad.

  101. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:08 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    " President Obama

    1. Pushed legislation of illegal immigrant children --The DREAM ACT

    2. Legalized gay marriage"

    Why are you so obsessed with President Obama? Let's see could it be because: Obama is intelligent and you are not? Obama is good looking and you are not? Come on now and fess up.

  102. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Old woman, you can't become a decoration on a lamp post soon enough.

  103. Anonymous11:04 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  104. And yet another1:42 PM

    Old woman, you can't become a decoration on a lamp post soon enough.
    Another internet tough guy. Yawn.

  105. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:29 AM

    Now that yet another one of trump's pals have been indicted for swampy behavior, is it fair to say that trump and the people around him are some of the most corrupt ever?

    Unfortunately the answer is yes, Field. But this should come as no surprise to anyone who knows a little about Mr. Trump. He has a long history of dishonesty and corrupt behavior that is public knowledge.

  106. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:38 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Old woman, you can't become a decoration on a lamp post soon enough."

    If you are talkin' to me, sonny, let me warn you; I'm a pistol packin' grandma with good eyesight and a steady aim.

  107. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Yes I was talking to you, and unless you decide never to set foot outside your abode ever again that isn't going to help you one bit.  The people who come for you aren't going to challenge you to a gunfight, and at 81 you won't be any challenge for them.  What you'll be is an example.

  108. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Spike Lee hustle has always been and will always be stirring up controversy and raising conscience awareness; that's how he gets down (and paid).

    NEVER expect Spike to rise above his myopic view as he is incapable. You can't teach an old dog a new trick.

    CNN will pimp in celebrity or baller to further its agenda ; CNN believes black people can't think for themselves. Therefore, the must lead them along the path of truth

  109. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Given JUDGE EMMET G. SULLIVAN is the"FIELD NEGRO OF THE DAY" why didn't Obama consider Judge Sullivan for the Supreme Court nomination?
