Tuesday, August 07, 2018

But what about Chicago?

"Here is something you cant understand
How I could just kill a man
Here is something you cant understand
How I could just kill a man"

~Cypress Hill~

Sadly, I can understand. And as I see the drama of the senseless loss of young black lives playing out in cities like Chicago more and more each day, I am starting to understand it even more.

I live in Philly, and I do a lot of criminal defense work, so sadly I understand the culture that creates this climate of senseless violence and depravity that is being played out in some of our inner city neighborhoods on a regular basis. These urban terrorist who kill and create mayhem don't feel remorse or care about the consequences of their actions. They live for the moment. Most of them don't even think about living past thirty. Or, for that matter, being free on the streets after thirty. It's either dead or in jail. While they are here, though, getting a rep on the street and getting fast money is all they care about. 

Last weekend in Chicago there were 33 shootings and 12 murders for all the reasons I gave you above. The racist trolls who like to point to these happenings as evidence of some type of dysfunction that is specific to the black community are having a field day. Every time you point out some type of social injustice or an instance of institutional and individual racism, they bring it up. Donald trump is a liar and a sexual predator. Yeah but what about Chicago? Police officers have to stop  killing innocent people of color. Yeah but what about Chicago? The America government is wrong to separate young children from their families. Yeah but what about Chicago? I think you get the point. 

The problem is, of course, that what happens in Chicago and cities like it is the end result of a problem that was created by a society that left out the have-nots, and is set up in such a way that only a few can succeed. The so called American dream will never be realized by many of these people and they know it. So what happens? The have-nots turn on each other.  

Also, killings is not something unique to black folks. In case you haven't been paying attention, white men have been killing their families in serious numbers in this country. (Just yesterday here in Philly, a man strangled his  seven year old daughter to death because of a bitter custody battle with her mother.) Don't believe me? Check out this link, and this one, and this one, and this one. There are lots more, so feel free to use Google. 

These types of killings, one could argue, are even more heinous, because they involve the killing of a loved one the killer is supposed to protect and care for. What's their excuse? They lost their job? Marital breakup? A lost custody battle? In Chicago and cities like it, we know why they kill each other, and it's tragic and sad. However, I will never understand how someone can kill his or her entire family. The people he or she loved at one point and formed a bond with. 

The point is, to quote the orange one occupying the white house: "There are bad people on both sides." Killing a fellow gang- banger or drug dealer is bad. Killing a family member or loved one is bad as well. We don't need the pontificating from folks in the majority population about all those evil Negroes in the hood killing each other. We know why they kill each other. And sadly, in a lot of ways, we are all to blame. 

*Pic from huffingtonpost.com


  1. Wesley R9:58 PM

    According to the web site Gun Violence Archive, at the time I'm writing this, there has been 34,876 shootings and 8,746 deaths as a result. So this gun violence that Chump said he was going to stop, isn't just happening in Chicago, it's a nation wide problem.

  2. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Who, exactly is "we" that are to blame?

  3. AMEN, Mr. Field, to what has to be one of your most powerful columns to date. Sadly, this may not be your last analysis of clarifying the complex reasons for urban crime and homicide statistics.

    While the bots on any comments forum are similar to the annoyance of a piece gum stuck on bottom of one’s shoe, the real-life anons forever posting the tragedies impacting Chicago and other cities as mass weapons of rhetoric are devoid of heart and soul.

    Though the collective community may not have the same resources as LeBron James establishing a school for at risk youth, we each can do our part to empower families with better schools, social services and vocational opportunities.

  4. Anonymous10:24 PM

    “So this gun violence that Chump said he was going to stop, isn't just happening in Chicago, it's a nation wide problem.”

    It is a nationwide problem. Last year, Chicago ranked 9th, not 1st for homicides per capita, despite what the liars in wingnut media would have you believe. And it wasn’t a close contest. St. Louis had nearly three times the homicide rate that year!

    Chicago is not a particularly violent city, by American standards. The obsession with attacking the city was initially just a backdoor way of ripping on Obama. And now that he’s out of office, it’s morphed into racist wingnut shorthand for “black people suck.”

    Then again, American standards of violence are still quite bad as compared to most wealthy, industrialized countries. But those countries have less violence because they have fairer economic systems and less racism, and aren’t flooded with an unlimited supply of guns.

    Conservatives demand the policies that result in enormous violence, and then point at other people and pretend they had nothing to do with it.

  5. Anonymous10:25 PM

    *St. Louis had nearly three times the Chicago homicide rate

  6. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Chicago is the epicenter of corruption......

  7. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Chicago doesn't need gun control it needs nigger control.

    1. And you need to stop being an anonymous coward.

  8. "Chicago is the epicenter of corruption......"

    Nah, the WH is the new epicenter.

  9. And if we look at gun violence by state Illinois isn't even close to the top. Wyoming, Alaska and Montana lead the way.

  10. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/359395002

    State gun violence stats.

  11. I've lived right in the thick of the killing (a long time ago when Oakland was actually a violent place) and there's not much you can do, besides try to know your neighbors and make a community out of your neighborhood.
    We had some success at that, but mostly the violence just diminished and the neighborhoods calmed down.
    In 1989 we had three murders within 30 feet of our front door on MLK Way behind the MacArthur BART station, and now apartments on that block are renting for more than $2K/mo. And no, the neighborhood didn't get any whiter, the whole damn city calmed down after the worst of the crack epidemic passed.
    We lived next door to Rosie's Little House of Soul Food, behind which was the headquarters of the local gang, the 38th street boys, and I got to know them pretty well. My friend Jack even went to court as a character witness for them and made the prosecutor look like an idiot who didn't know anything about the part of Oakland we lived in, which he in fact was.
    I don't know if it helped them or not, but it did help us, as we gained favor among the gang's members and were all the more safe because of it.
    There are things you do in dangerous situations that might not make much sense to folks who have never been in such situations, but you do them anyway because they are the right things to do.
    My girlfriend at the time got disgusted with the incompetence on display during the gunfights that happened on that block two or three times a week, and took three of the 38th street boys into the vacant lot behind the house and taught them the correct way to fire a handgun.
    Her reasoning was that it would shorten the duration of the gunfights and reduce the number of unintended targets. I don't know if the first part worked or not, but the second definitely did, and we only had one window shot through after that.
    Also, everyone knew that we could shoot well afterward, and that probably reduced the "let's go fuck with the white guys" sort of activity that we occasionally saw among the customers of the crack dealers.
    I, personally, had more problems with crime in the nicer neighborhoods I lived in. I had my front door kicked in twice and lost four electric guitars in the process, once on 62ond st. and once on Humboldt Ave.
    I'm really glad that I don't have to just account for gun violence likely to occur in my daily life any more. It's scary as fuck and a major pain in the ass.
    I don't know whether the stricter gun laws have contributed to the lessening of the gun violence here or not, but my feeling is that they at least haven't hurt the situation. There are still plenty of guns around, but it seems like it might actually be a little more difficult (and expensive) for your garden variety crazy fuckhead to get their hands on one, and even a small delay in that situation is likely to prevent it from turning deadly, as crazy fuckheads have short attention spans and homicidal rages usually don't last that long.

    -Doug in Oakland

  12. Anonymous12:39 AM

    PilotX said...
    And if we look at gun violence by state Illinois isn't even close to the top. Wyoming, Alaska and Montana lead the way.
    11:43 PM

    Total bullshit.

    1. "Total bullshit."

      Did you even read the story anon? Of course you didn't. Why care about facts?

  13. Anonymous12:42 AM

    Anonymous said...
    “So this gun violence that Chump said he was going to stop, isn't just happening in Chicago, it's a nation wide problem.”

    It is a nationwide problem. Last year, Chicago ranked 9th, not 1st for homicides per capita, despite what the liars in wingnut media would have you believe. And it wasn’t a close contest. St. Louis had nearly three times the homicide rate that year!

    Chicago is not a particularly violent city, by American standards. The obsession with attacking the city was initially just a backdoor way of ripping on Obama. And now that he’s out of office, it’s morphed into racist wingnut shorthand for “black people suck.”

    Then again, American standards of violence are still quite bad as compared to most wealthy, industrialized countries. But those countries have less violence because they have fairer economic systems and less racism, and aren’t flooded with an unlimited supply of guns.

    Conservatives demand the policies that result in enormous violence, and then point at other people and pretend they had nothing to do with it.
    10:24 PM

    You are playing the old numbers game and out right lying as well. Chicago is more dangerous than Iraq and Afghanistan.

  14. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Violent negroes Crash Wedding Of Cop Linked To Stephon Clark Shooting
    August 7, 2018 at 2:37 pm
    Filed Under:2018, Police Shooting, stephon clark, Trending, wedding crashers


  15. I'm almost convinced Rahm is letting crime happen in certain neighborhoods. Furious Styles had it right 26 years ago.

  16. Anonymous1:03 AM

    PilotX said...
    "Total bullshit."

    Did you even read the story anon? Of course you didn't. Why care about facts?
    12:59 AM

    Yup,thats you,the luney left.

  17. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Trump backed GOP African-American candidate wins primary:


  18. Anonymous1:35 AM

    The problem is, of course, that what happens in Chicago and cities like it is the end result of a problem that was created by a society that left out the have-nots, and is set up in such a way that only a few can succeed.

    The despair of poverty certainly contributes to dysfunction, but black homicide rates are off the charts. There is no comparison to any other demographic, and the same disparity in homicide rates exists all over the world.

    Black people are statistically more prone to violence. this needs to change.

    That being said, murderers are a small percentage of the black population, and this can be addressed.

    1. Promote the ideal of two parent families. Stop demanding subsidizing single motherhood at the expense of the black man's role in the family.

    2. Start cooperating with law enforcement. End the "snitches get stitches" culture. Stop blaming the police who are combating criminals for the crimes that the criminals commit.

    3. Stop depending on white people to fix this for you. Promote a culture of personal responsibility.

    4. Stop teaching your kids that they are powerless victims in a society designed to oppress them. Teach them instead that they need to conform to the same standards of behavior that everyone else is expected to conform to. Equal rights means equal responsibilities.

  19. Just another mediocre white boy talking stupid shit2:04 AM

    1. Promote the ideal of two parent families. Stop demanding subsidizing single motherhood at the expense of the black man's role in the family.

    1a. White mass shooters probably had a two parent home or if not deal with your own pathologies. Do the massive amounts of white opioid overdose victims have two parent?

    2. Start cooperating with law enforcement. End the "snitches get stitches" culture. Stop blaming the police who are combating criminals for the crimes that the criminals commit.

    2a. Most of us are law abiding citizens who would cooperate with law enforcement so stop using Fox News talking points about shit you have no clue asshole.

    3. Stop depending on white people to fix this for you. Promote a culture of personal responsibility.

    3a. II don't expect or demand a goddamed thing from white people because most of them are pretty dumb like yourself.

    4. Stop teaching your kids that they are powerless victims in a society designed to oppress them. Teach them instead that they need to conform to the same standards of behavior that everyone else is expected to conform to. Equal rights means equal responsibilities.

    4a. How the fuck would you know what we teach our kids? Maybe if you taught some of your own kids that shit you're talking they wouldn't be offing themselves with fucking drugs Einstein.

    Thanks for the unsolicited advice white fuckboi but this is the wrong crowd for that bullshit as every single Black person on this blog is more successful and better educated than you. So go preach bullshit somewhere else because it looks like it's needed in Kentucky, West Virginia and all the other fucked up rural white areas with fuckboys like you doing hillbilly heroin.

  20. Anonymous2:07 AM

    The election results are just coming in, and it looks like our CONSERVATIVE boys are kicking ass!

    Blue wave? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! More like a Red Tsunami!

    Go Trump! Go conservative values! Go USA!!!!!

  21. A dreamer2:08 AM

    While the bots on any comments forum are similar to the annoyance of a piece gum stuck on bottom of one’s shoe, the real-life anons forever posting the tragedies impacting Chicago and other cities as mass weapons of rhetoric are devoid of heart and soul.
    Which is why Field should just delete their worthless comments. Why are they given yet another forum to drive posters away and spread their toxic bullshit. I would love for him to do it because it would drive them crazy and oh how they would howl like little punks on the other forums. I can dream right?

  22. Blue wave2:10 AM

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! More like a Red Tsunami!
    Tell you what asshole, pick a screen name and stick with it and we'll table this discussion til November.

  23. http://mentalfloss.com/article/23157/how-superman-defeated-ku-klux-klan

  24. Anonymous3:28 AM

    @ Blew Wave -

    I came in your momma's weave.

  25. Blue Wave3:42 AM

    I came on your mother/auntie's tooth.

  26. https://www.aei.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/BlackMenMakingItInAmerica-Final_062218.pdf

    Check this.

    1. https://www-m.cnn.com/2018/07/03/opinions/good-news-for-black-men-in-america-opinion-wilcox-wang-mincy/index.html?ofs=fbia&r=https%3A%2F%2Fm.facebook.com%2F&rm=1

  27. The problem for stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys is Fake Noize tells them the center of the world is black Chicago and that is what stoopid fucking automatons focus on. They ignore the crimes of the Drumpf family because they have not been told to focus on them.

  28. AnyfuckingMoose opines- Black people are statistically more prone to having darker skin color than pastey hided wasicu wasteys.

  29. Anonymous9:28 AM


    You wrote.."there's nothing a white person with a nickle hates more than a Black man with a dime."

    Actually, the GOP shows an authentic 'Field Negro' how to turn a dime into a dollar(to avoid the hardship of field); for they master the money game.


  30. A Clockwork Watermelon9:43 AM

    Trillions of dollars have been spent on Schools, programs, improved public housing, public transportation, breakfast and lunch programs all year round...etc. etc. No improvement at all. Look in the mirror Black America, the problem is YOU. I realize that the Jews in America will not allow you to come to this conclusion, but it is Blacks that must solve their own bullshit. It's not White priv. it's not racism, it's not the judicial system, It's your own self inflicted dysfunctional shit that causes your lot in life as a race in America. Until you look at yourselves and stop blaming Whitey for everything, you are doomed as a people.

  31. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Only Pastor David Manning of Harlem can save Black Folk....ATLAH

  32. Lance Cockstrong10:10 AM

    It's the micro dick white boys that are truly behind the crime rates in Chicago and other cities. Those assholes love it when well endowed black men kill each other off. It turns them on. They stroke their tiny peckers until they come in their socks.

  33. Anonymous10:19 AM

    @ Lance Cockstrong

    Thanks for sharing!

  34. Michael Dean Miller10:19 AM


    Black lives DON'T matter to black trigger fingers.


  35. Anonymous10:22 AM

    @ Lance Cockstrong

    Be that as it may but you can't say the same for their wallets!

    When I say M you say A when I say G you say A.


  36. Blacks are just naturally violent. Not much a person can do to stop that.

  37. Anonymous10:28 AM

    @ Lance Cockstrong

    There is actually an app for that -- called implant ... brothers can't compete with that device; and women love it!

  38. Dave Zirin = faggot kike10:28 AM

    The world would be a much better place if more whites killed each other off. Oh wait, you retards do that every time you shoot up a school or church or mall. Stupid pale faced fuckers.

  39. Anonymous10:32 AM

    @Dave Zirin = faggot kike

    ..and your point.. more importantly so how does that statement enhance your life?

  40. Puerto Rican food looks, smells, and tastes like shit10:37 AM

    An incompetent racist like tr**p doesn't care at all about black lives, especially if they aren't getting him more votes.

  41. Anonymous10:41 AM

    @Puerto Rican food looks, smells, and tastes like shit

    Puerto Rica can really use your energy to help resolve some of issues over there on their Island.

  42. It isn't bad enough cops are trying to entrap blacks into committing crimes, they are now stereotyping blacks, too.


    In black neighborhoods near basketball courts. Racial profilng at its finest.

  43. Yisheng = nigger, lilac = cunt10:54 AM

    Trump supporters laugh when they hear about blacks being murdered. I almost typed "when they read about," but we all know Trump supporters can't read too well.

  44. https://www.vox.com/2018/8/8/17663938/collins-arrested

    New York wingnut congresscrook Chris Collins was just arrested for insider trading. Maybe the swamp will get drained, one POS at a time.

  45. A Clown World Production11:05 AM

    Barack Obama, who expanded drone kills 10 times over Bush, oversaw the destruction of Libya, Syria, Yemen, the creation of ISIS and the African refugee crisis, and who prosecuted more whistleblowers using the espionage act than all previous presidents combined, receives human rights award from the Kennedy family.


    President Peace Prize just keeps feeling the love.

  46. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Obama was the HNIC and free leader of the world when the Chicago mess got out of control; why didn't he fix it.

    So you wanted to be President Mr. Barry O; why didn't you deal with it DAMN IT!

  47. Winston Smith11:09 AM

    The Hate Speech Kafkatrap: If you say you are against hate speech rules, you are guilty of hate speech.

  48. Obama was the HNIC and free leader of the world when the Chicago mess got out of control; why didn't he fix it.

    Whatever happened to stoopid fucking wingnuts and state's rights?

    Drumpf's buddies in Saudi Aravbia are paying al-quada to leave Yemen. ISIS was created before Obama took office- blame dumbass dubya and Neocons for the leadership void in Iraq after they destroyed the country.

    Syria is still alive and kicking thanks to Drumpf's butt fucking buddy Putie and the fact Drumpf removed all help from the rebel forces which are being systematically hunted down by Russian planes with Syria's help.

  49. Our system works best when each official and agency does their proper job and does not try to micro-manage other parts of the government.

    If the State of Illinois wanted the help of the President, the Governor could declare a state of emergency and formally ask for help. This is a mechanism provided for by law in cases where local conditions are beyond the power of a state to deal with, and the President is empowered to respond to such a declaration (if he chooses) by bringing the resources of the Federal government to bear on the problem. This is usually used in response to natural disasters, but can also be invoked in cases of civil unrest and extreme violence.

    Since the Governor of Illinois has not done this, it is safe to conclude that the State of Illinois feels they can handle the problem on their own. If any President were to interfere without being asked, that would rightly be considered an inappropriate intrusion into State affairs.

    Trump appears not to understand any of this. Neither do stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys.

  50. http://thehill.com/policy/finance/400876-federal-deficit-jumps-20-percent-after-tax-cuts-spending-bill

    How does winning look, now, stoopid fucking wingnuts?

  51. "rebel forces which are being systematically hunted down by Russian planes with Syria's help"

    "Rebel forces" = ISIS.

    Funny how ISIS has collapsed since Obama left office.

  52. "Actually, the GOP shows an authentic 'Field Negro' how to turn a dime into a dollar(to avoid the hardship of field); for they master the money game."

    Doubtful. The gop opposes unions which the data has shown gives workers better pay and benefits. I know my best contracts occured under DEM administrations.

  53. Missouri and Michigan voters threw sand in the face of wingnut pols and both defeated right to work laws. Workers are, quite frankly, tire of the shit end of the stick on pay and benefits while korporate fat cats grow wealthier and wealthier without having to lift a finger except to call stoopid fucking wingnut congresscrooks and beg for more taxcuts.


  54. Funny how ISIS has collapsed since Obama left office.


    Most of the destruction of ISIS was done before Putin installed his butt fucking buddy, Drumpf. Drumpf and you both lied. No biggie.

  55. Drumpf deserves sole credit for slaughtering many times more civilians than Obama did. There's that to hang yer Magat hat on.

  56. The prosecutor in Ferguson, No that DID NOT file charges against cop in Michael Brown's questionable death is out of a job. He lost his bid for re-election. Now maybe some white crime will be fined beyond the legal extent of the laws.

  57. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/missouri-couple-accused-of-imprisoning-children-in-plywood-boxes_us_5b6b0d4ae4b0b15abaa957ca

    Nice whiteys.

  58. clueless in iowa2:17 PM

    "Now maybe some white crime will be fined beyond the legal extent of the laws."

    That's Ferguson's problem. Those darn white people.

  59. The Trump presidency is the best thing to happen to America in our lifetimes.

    All of us.

    The only proof you need is how hard the global institutional and corporate power structures have fought against him.

    People on the left think socialists like Bernie Sanders are their champions, but those people are never subjected to full-on assaults from the global media apparatus that represents the billionaire class, because they are owned by them.

    You know who the champion of the people is by who the enemies of the people hate. And yes, the corporate press is in the pocket of the ruling class, and they are the enemy of the people.


  60. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:28 PM

    A dreamer said...

    "While the bots on any comments forum are similar to the annoyance of a piece gum stuck on bottom of one’s shoe, the real-life anons forever posting the tragedies impacting Chicago and other cities as mass weapons of rhetoric are devoid of heart and soul."
    I agree a thousand percent. I came here to learn more about what black people are thinking and doing across the country. I'm sick to death of all the insults and stupidity of the racists who are wasting my time with their bull shit. They have their own web sites such as Storm Front. I wish they go there where they are wanted and stay the hell away from here.

  61. Way to go Missouri. Maybe you're not quite useless afterall.


  62. Well, we got a ten point swing in our direction in Ohio, and ten points is exactly what we need to overcome gerrymandering and voter suppression in November. It would have been nice to beat them outright, like we have done 47 times so far since Fergus was elected, but that wasn't the only election yesterday, and we did well in some of the others. Like the Ferguson prosecutor, and measure A in Missouri.
    I haven't been through my news feed yet, so I'll probably return later with more.

    -Doug in Oakland

  63. "The Trump presidency is the best thing to happen to America in our lifetimes."

    Well unless you're a biological being that depends on the planet earth. We'll see an increase in carbon emissions, pollution, a lowering of auto mileage standards, loosening of environmental protection laws, persecution of gays and more unsafe back alley abortions but other than that Mrs. Lincoln how was the play?😂

  64. Kenny Rogers AKA The Gambler3:31 PM

    "I came here to learn more about what black people are thinking and doing"

    Not much and next to nothing.

  65. Come on, man3:33 PM


    We'll see none of that.

    Pull your panties out of your crack and look out the window.

  66. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:52 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    PilotX said...
    And if we look at gun violence by state Illinois isn't even close to the top. Wyoming, Alaska and Montana lead the way.
    11:43 PM

    "Total bullshit."

    The data is easy to find; just google gun death by states. Take a look at this website:cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/firearm_mortality/firearm.htm. You will see that Alaska does indeed lead with the most gun deaths. Following closely behind and in order are Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi - all red states.

    Illinois ranks 35th among the 50 states. Chicago is in Illinois, in case you have forgotten. I suggest that you rightwingers clean up your own messes before crying about Chicago.

    This data is from the CDC for 2016. There is no data for 2017 or 18 because Trump shut down the CDC program for compiling and tracking gun deaths.

    Have a nice day.

  67. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:59 PM

    Fight the Power said...

    " The Trump presidency is the best thing to happen to America in our lifetimes.

    All of us.

    The only proof you need is how hard the global institutional and corporate power structures have fought against him."

    You are being illogical. Your opinion is not proof of anything. Maybe the global community opposes Trump because he a rude, ignorant fool who is trying to destroy the world economy just to put a few more bucks in his pocket.

  68. Anonymous4:17 PM


    One day you'll get the whole "GOP shows...how to turn a dime into a dollar." In the meanwhile keep counting those dimes

  69. Anonymous4:35 PM

    "Maybe the global community opposes Trump because he a rude, ignorant fool who is trying to destroy the world economy just to put a few more bucks in his pocket."

    Maybe you're a moron who believes that a unified, coordinated, and relentless agenda pushed across by 90% of media outlets doesn't represent the interests of the people who own that media.

    If someone did come along who threatened to ease the grip of the rapacious elite on the mass of humanity, don't you think he or she would be called all the things Trump is being called today?

    Look at what is being done to people across the globe and ask yourself whose interests are being served.

  70. Ban Hate Thought Now!4:44 PM

    Stuff liberals believe:

    1. America is a racist, violent, gun-soaked hellhole of oppression and everyone deserves to come here.

    2. Colleges are cesspits of racism, sexism, misogyny and rape, and everyone should attend them.

    3. Social media sites are run by creepy data-harvesting mind control billionaires and only good-thinking people should be allowed to be on them.

  71. Kenny Rogers AKA The Gambler said...

    "I came here to learn more about what black people are thinking and doing"

    Not much and next to nothing.

    Yer reading the stoopid fucking wasicu wastey musings which is why yer a dumbass. PilotX can learn you more than all the stoopid fucking wingnuts ever combined.

  72. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:09 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Obama was the HNIC and free leader of the world when the Chicago mess got out of control; why didn't he fix it.

    So you wanted to be President Mr. Barry O; why didn't you deal with it DAMN IT!"

    Obviously, you don't know much about how government works. Homicide is a state crime.
    Not federal, except I believe in cases in which the victim is a federal officer of some kind. But I"m not sure about this part. So President Obama would not be interfering in a state or city homicide problems unless invited by local officials.

    If you disagree, then why don't you write to Trump and see if he will do something about the gun-death rate in Alaska. It leads the nation in gun-deaths per capita?

  73. https://www.rawstory.com/2018/08/6-republicans-connected-insider-trading-scandal-just-exploded-trump-loving-congressman/

    Party of greed. 5 sitting fucking wingnuts....but HRC had emails.

  74. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:17 PM

    YellowMONEY said...

    "Blacks are just naturally violent. Not much a person can do to stop that."

    White men are just naturally violent - 20 to 30 million people dead in two world wars in the 20th century. Not much a person can do to stop that from happening again.

  75. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:25 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Maybe the global community opposes Trump because he a rude, ignorant fool who is trying to destroy the world economy just to put a few more bucks in his pocket."

    " Maybe you're a moron who believes that a unified, coordinated, and relentless agenda pushed across by 90% of media outlets doesn't represent the interests of the people who own that media.

    If someone did come along who threatened to ease the grip of the rapacious elite on the mass of humanity, don't you think he or she would be called all the things Trump is being called today?

    Look at what is being done to people across the globe and ask yourself whose
    interests are being served."

    Trump is one of them. Aren't you thrilled with his massive tax cut for corporations and wealthy people?

  76. Anonymous5:44 PM

    "I live in Philly, and I do a lot of criminal defense work"

    So Feeled is defending the specific people turning the former "City of Brotherly Love" into Monrovia West.  If he cared about the city he would be prosecuting them.

    "I understand the culture that creates this climate of senseless violence and depravity that is being played out in some of our inner city neighborhoods on a regular basis."

    But not that it is 100% black culture.

    And attributing it all to white people.

    Feeled is fucked in the head.

    "These urban terrorist who kill and create mayhem don't feel remorse or care about the consequences of their actions. They live for the moment."

    Feeled does not understand where low time preference comes from, which is not from Africa.

    "While they are here, though, getting a rep on the street and getting fast money is all they care about."

    If Feeled really cared about the future of the city and society, those who don't have remorse or any concept of consequences should be his first candidates to get a needle, breathe cyanide or ride the lightning.  He doesn't care enough to actually push for anything that would make a difference.

    "Last weekend in Chicago there were 33 shootings and 12 murders for all the reasons I gave you above."

    ONE reason:  blackness.

    "The racist trolls who like to point to these happenings as evidence of some type of dysfunction that is specific to the black community are having a field day."

    Oh, come on.  Those of us who dare to Notice have been having said field days for more than a century.  You prospered as long as Noticing was oppressed and ostracized by a certain (((tribe))).  Now that (((tribe)))'s control over The Narrative is collapsing.  Now is the time to deal with the truth... except you can't handle the truth.

    "The problem is, of course, that what happens in Chicago and cities like it is the end result of a problem that was created by a society that left out the have-nots, and is set up in such a way that only a few can succeed. The so called American dream will never be realized by many of these people and they know it. So what happens? The have-nots turn on each other."

    LOL!  You think becoming one of the "haves" changes what they are?  Your average NFL player is rewarded way beyond the 90% percentile of whites who consider themselves as achieving the American dream, yet they behave so badly we call it the Negro Felon League.

    What happened in Chicago is the end result of seeking cheap labor and dumping the social costs on the white population, combined with "equal rights" for the manifestly unequal and unable.

    "(Just yesterday here in Philly, a man strangled his seven year old daughter to death because of a bitter custody battle with her mother.)"

    A few picks from recent news, omitting things like rape, animal cruelty and child molestation:

    3 black thugs kill a white boy:

    Black man murders his girlfriend:

    White tourist in Queens murdered by a black man:

    Black mob invades white woman's home and murders her:

    Oh, and a black guy who skated on murder charges due to screwups appears to have become a serial killer:

    Don't want white people having a field day over your egregious misbehavior?  Move to a black country.  Relieve them of having to deal with it in any way and they'll stop paying unwanted attention to it.

  77. http://thehill.com/homenews/media/400989-new-york-times-reports-24-million-profit-in-second-quarter-of-2018

    NYT is failing bigly.



    Raygun appointee is nothing but biased towards prosecution.

    Lone judge in Texas who will decide to kill DACA program is a enemy of immigrants and makes no bones about it. That is probably why he endeared himself to stoopid fucking wingnuts and got him his job. This is what you get when you litmus test hudicial candidates like wingnuts do so you can stack the judiciary with known political hacks.

  78. Anonymous5:45 PM

    "Don't believe me? Check out this link, and this one, and this one, and this one. There are lots more, so feel free to use Google."

    You go back to July, and then you have to reach back to May to find anything.  That's what, one a month for the entire country?  Chicago is over two a DAY, for ONE CITY.

    You are not bright enough to live in this society.  Both you specifically, and you in general.

  79. Anonymous5:50 PM

    "In 1989 we had three murders within 30 feet of our front door on MLK Way behind the MacArthur BART station"

    😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

  80. Don't want white people having a field day over your egregious misbehavior? Move to a black country.

    Better still, you move to a white country. Then you can piss and moan about wasicus killing no one but other honkys. Won't that be fun? Oh, shit, you just realized if they only kill wasicus in wasicu countrys your life ain't worth a plugged nickel. How stoopid do you have to be to fuck yerself over this bad? I'm waiting.

  81. You are not bright enough to live in this society. Both you specifically, and you in general.

    Brave little anymoose pissant, ain't you? This is how you gutless fucking wonders get your micro dicked rocks off.

  82. and a black guy who skated on murder charges due to screwups appears to have become a serial killer:
    https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/detroit-city/2018/08/07/suspected-serial-killer-freed-after botched-detroit-murder-case/895445002/

    Appears he was suspected of serial killing before he was let off. That shoots yer theory that mercy made him a worse killer. What's yer excuse?

  83. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/08/08/trump-race-relations-poll-766395

    Majority says race relations have gotten worse under Drumofuck the racist dirtbag dumbfuck.

  84. Anonymous6:08 PM

    For mike, even black serial killers are some white person's fault.

    He makes worms seem majestic.

  85. So Fergus' EPA has decided to bring back asbestos. Not just any asbestos, mind you, but Russian asbestos with Fergus' face on the packaging...


    -Doug in Oakland

  86. As long as the traitorous Drumpfuck the Russian butt fucked Putin puppet is in charge the WH will be called the Kremlin Annex. Thanks to Debbo for the name.

  87. disman8:19 PM

    As a Chinese-American I can say that blacks are just more angry and violent than other races. It must be in your DNA.

    See more at:

  88. Since the FBI nabbed all them crooked stoopid fucking wingut insider trading swampcritters, I guess Drumpf will be screaming for an investigation into FBI tactics and blame HRC for it.

    The FBI us draining stoopid fucking wingnut's swamp half dozen at a time.

  89. The "Texas man" who slit his children's throats in Houston the other day?  Turns out he's a Congolese immigrant.


    If you don't want wypeepo noticing this stuff, the Congo is where you want to be.  Or Ghana.  Or Liberia.  Anywhere but the Americas or Europe.

  90. Anonymous The Narrative, She Collapses said.. You'd rather be in Germany with the couple that sold their 9 year old son for sex and filmed his rape. More your style?


    You can always blame immigrants or HRC's emails.

  91. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Chicago August 2018 to Date:
    Shot & Killed: 20
    Shot & Wounded: 97
    Total Shot: 117
    Total Homicides: 21

  92. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  93. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Yisheng = nigger

    lilac = cunt

  94. Field,

    Are you following this Daniel Clary attempted murder on a cop trial?

    Since it happened last November, I don't know exactly why the TV News showed the dashcam video this afternoon. Man! That was a fucking shootout. Suspect Clary breaks free before he gets cuffed, he gets tased. It looks like it's all over for him then he gets back on his feet again, runs around the front of his car and reaches through the driver's window to grab a pistol. He shoots one of the officers who ends up diving over the guard rail to safety.

    He drives off, but of course... He gets caught.

    That's got to be the fastest action shootout I ever saw!

  95. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Here is the video to show why violent negroes are so dangerous:


  96. Anonymous9:03 PM

    IF y'all would simply STOP shooting each other, violent crime EVERY where were plummet...but nooooooo!
    Field, though I know you'll never admit this but y'all are y'alls worse problem and MORE whites are killed by police in this country then blacks are by over 5 times....chirp...chirp...chirp!

    You're so full of shit, typical!

  97. Anonymous11:05 AM

    'gun violence' is a semantically null locution - it contains no information. Guns are tools; people are (well, some are) criminally inclined. It has been ever thus. In the 19th century, the Irish committed most of the violence crime. In New York City, the Jews had a near monopoly on contract murder, culminating in the infamous organization, based in the Brownsville neighborhood of Brooklyn,called Murder Inc; I'm sure you have heard of it.

    Now the Negro male, five percent of the population, does over half of the violent crime. It was not always so, so why now? Why this? There has been no miraculous increase in raysism cine the Civil and Votin Rights acts It were passed. Blackmen need to cast out the evil among them. If not, the natrual reaction of the rest of us will be to arm; that cannot end well.
