Saturday, August 25, 2018

Caption Saturday.

Image result for image pecker trump

I need a caption for this pic.

*Pic from reddit


  1. Anonymous10:50 PM


  2. Bloviating Ignoramus10:52 PM

    Not without a condom daddy ... we don't want any little Tiffanys

  3. Gross.

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. Don't be a naughty baby;
    Come to papa, come to papa do;
    My sweet embraceable you!

  5. This is how you get the crowd going in West Virginia.

  6. Anonymous3:37 AM

    ... And we all thought we'd never see anything as uncomfortable as when Al Gore kissed his wife.

  7. Ctrl+Halt+Del5:03 AM

    "I Could Stand In the Middle Of Fifth Avenue And Do My Daughter And I Wouldn't Lose Any Voters"

  8. Anonymous6:01 AM

    "I love you, Sweetheart. I'm so proud of you. I couldn't have made America great again without you and Jared."

  9. Anonymous7:09 AM

    قناة المصرية هي قناة مصرية وطنية تستهدف الجمهور الأسري، وتبثّ ضمن برامجها حصصاً ترفيهية ومتنوعة باللغة العربية. ينطلق البرنامج كل صباح بعد تلاوة لآيات من القرآن الكريم، لتعرض القناة بعدها برامج اليوم. تقوم قناة المصرية باختيار أحسن البرامج التي تبثّها القنوات العمومية العربية، لتوزيع محتوياتٍ ذات نوعية جيّدة، تستهدف مجموعة واسعة من المشاهدين. اذ أنّها تتلائم وأذواق الصغار والشباب وكذا الكبار بعرضها لبرامج ثقافيّة ورياضيّة ترفيهيّة متنوعة. تتقاسم القناة مع جمهورها حصصاً ومنوعاتٍ حديثة، تدعو من خلالها فنانين معروفين ومحبوبين لدى الجمهور وكذا برامج موسيقية خاصة بالشباب. كما أنّكم ستستمتعون بحصص ال talk-show واعادة بثّ لحصص رياضية عديدة لاسيما فعاليات الدوري المصري. كما تقوم القناة بعرض جميع المسلسلات العربية المشهورة لتتسنّى لكم متابعة أحداث أبطالكم عبر حلقات المسلسلات. تعرض القناة كذلك أفلاماً سنيمائية حديثة عديدة، وتعيد بثّ الأفلام المشهورة القديمة، وتُعلمنا بآخر مستجدات العالم بنشراتها الاخبارية. فقناة المصرية قناة كاملة في نفس سياق القنوات العامة لشركة Eutelsat. وقد خلفت قناة المصرية عام 2007 قناة ECC Egyptian Space Channel. تعرض مجموعة Eutelsat منذ 2010 القناة المصرية على القمر الصناعي HOT BIRD ضمن باقتها المتكونة من 1500 قناة دولية.


  10. Bloviating Ignoramus8:05 AM

    Jared gets sloppy seconds

  11. I think I'm gonna puke.

  12. Do they give out a Nobel for no chemistry?

  13. Dave Zirin = faggot kike8:46 AM

    Dumbfuck Trump gives it to Ivanka better than Jared Kushner does.

  14. Anonymous11:14 AM

    "you WILL be President in 2020"

  15. Typical Drumpf going for the cheap feel. The only way his micro dick ass could stiff his daughter is if he didn't pay her. Then drumpf would tweet to the world he was a biologist. I made a hor mone by not paying her.

  16. Lance Cockstrong2:59 PM

    Butt Trumpet wishes he could make a hybrid of Melania and Ivanka to enjoy his micro dick.

  17. Anonymous3:15 PM

    “Daddy, is that a Diet Coke in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?”

  18. A lot of men would rather kiss their daughter than kiss a black woman.

  19. For all you stoopid fucking wasicu wastey haters out there, suck this-

    She's outlived you haters. She is demotrably smarter thn you haters and as a Black Woman is a demostrably better human being than all of you combined.

  20. Anonymous5:23 PM

  21. 4 killed 13 wounded in Jacksonville shooting. Madden NFL football video party.

  22. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Stop it! They're looking!!!!!

  23. Anonymous6:58 PM

    "I’ll bet in the last moments of her life Mollie Tibbetts wished there was a big redneck with a Confederate flag decal on his jacket there."

  24. Yer racist confederate would have killed her as well. Probably filmed himself doing it. Then brag all over Facebook about it.

  25. Porter7:28 PM

    Molly Tibbetts would have likely considered herself an enemy of “white supremacy” in perhaps the same way she might have considered herself opposed to cloud flares on Neptune. But those weren’t things that actually posed a danger to her. Unforgivably, one was almost certainly used as a substitute fear-totem for those things that actually did pose a danger. Just because your young and malleable mind has been turned toward raging at phantoms does not mean traffic will stop as you meander across the street. Nor do the products of foreign cultures stop either. What you choose to believe of the world has no impact on how it behaves.

  26. Anonymous7:58 PM

    A lot of men would rather kiss their daughter than kiss a black woman.
    Yes, they're called hillbillies AKA rednecks.

  27. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Molly Tibbetts would have likely considered herself an enemy of “white supremacy”
    if she did and posted here she would have been threatened with hanging by the racist ass whites fuckboys who post here. Just ask Gambler2.

  28. "This is how you get the crowd going in West Virginia." #1

    "Stop it! They're looking!!!!!" #2

  29. Anonymous11:58 PM

    "This is normal for us. It's not uncommon for us to do you, our sons and the hired help to."

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