Sunday, August 26, 2018

Another bad moment for "Cadet Bone Spurs."

TWEET METhe malevolence and debasement of all that is good and decent by the president of the United States knows no bounds. Now that John McCain is dead you would think that he would at least pretend to be decent for the sake of the country and the man's family. But no, it didn't happen. He only doubled down on his ignorance. ("I like people who weren't captured".) 

Sure he tweeted about McCain's passing and offered "condolences" to the family, but he made no mention of the man or his life in his tweet. One could argue that his narcissistic and creepy Instagram post was even worse.

We are now learning that he had no regrets about saying that McCain was not a war hero, and he refused to have the White House issue a formal statement about McCain's passing.

I  honestly can't blame McCain for not wanting trump at his funeral. His presence would just put a pall (pun intended) over the the entire event. Come to think of it, Barbara Bush didn't want him at her funeral, either. I am starting to see a pattern with this guy.

And so it goes. trump, the draft dodger and coward, refuses to acknowledge the courage of a man who served his country and spent years as a prisoner of war being tortured by the enemy. Sadly, trump is still popular with a lot of republicans who choose to ignore all of this and anoint him as their leader.

You think that a group of people who claim to be patriotic would see right through "Cadet Bone Spurs."

Anyway, I think I know the source that triggered trump's hatred for the now deceased John McCain:

"The Kremlin-backed Russian state media slammed Sen. John McCain shortly after his death.
Steve Rosenberg, the Moscow correspondent for BBC tweeted out about the attack, writing: “No tribute from Russian state tv, as it reports the death of John McCain: ‘He was an implacable opponent of Russia, who supported even tougher sanctions…'”

Comrade trump is still the best president that rubles can buy. 


  1. Lance Cockstrong10:09 PM

    Interestingly, John McCain's white dick isn't quite as small as Butt Trumpet's.

  2. Anonymous10:10 PM

    You called McCain a Nazi when he ran against Obama, just like you called Bush a Nazi. And Romney. Now because McCain was an opponent of your current designated Hitler, you lament the passing of a hero.

    Fuck you.

  3. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Huffpo 2008: McCain mentally unfit to he president

    Huffpo 2012: McCain a racist and a woman hater

    Huffpo 2018: McCain a bipartisan american hero.

  4. Dave Zirin = faggot kike10:16 PM

    McCain may be a member of a shit race of people, but he isn't quite as shit as dumbass Trump.

  5. Truth Speaker10:17 PM

    Fag Negro is a hack.

  6. Field Negro is a partisan hack10:33 PM

    "No tribute from Russian state tv, as it reports the death of John McCain: ‘He was an implacable opponent of Russia, who supported even tougher sanctions…'”

    He was also an implacable supporter of every illegal war pursued by Clinton, Bush and Obama. He supported Hillary over Trump because he wanted war with Russia.

    In a more sane America this would be viewed as a watershed moment where a sitting President symbolically rejects the violent hyperinterventionism of his predecessors.

    But in Clown World America, a formerly rabid anti-war blogger uses absolutely everything to attack the first President in nearly a century who resists the warmongers.

    You are a slave to the Narrative.

  7. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Truthfully, it was not possible for Trump to respond to McCain's death without looking like a dirtbag. He'd behaved abominably toward McCain in life, and there's really no way to walk that back upon his death without looking ridiculously insincere. As a politician, if you treat someone as an enemy, rather than a political adversary, you'd better mean it and they'd better deserve it.

    McCain didn't deserve that sort of treatment, but Trump sure does. I hope that when his death is announced one day, no Democrat hesitates to state loudly and clearly that Trump was an evil man and had no redeeming qualities. They shouldn't offer condolences to the family. They should ask for directions to his coffin so they can piss into it.

  8. Anonymous10:40 PM


  9. Anonymous10:46 PM

    "You called McCain a Nazi when he ran against Obama, just like you called Bush a Nazi. And Romney."


    Nobody called McCain or Romney Nazis. There was plenty of other criticism of both of them, but not that.

    A small number of people did call Bush a Nazi, and that was over the top. But he was a terrible president who lied to justify launching a totally nonsensical war and authorized indefinite detention and torture.

    Calling Trump a Nazi is pretty damn close to the mark.

  10. Anonymous11:24 PM

  11. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:28 PM

    Anonymous said: "Nobody called McCain or Romney Nazis. There was plenty of other criticism of both of them, but not that.

    A small number of people did call Bush a Nazi, and that was over the top. But he was a terrible president who lied to justify launching a totally nonsensical war and authorized indefinite detention and torture.

    Calling Trump a Nazi is pretty damn close to the mark.

    I think some people may have worried about Bush having sympathy for Nazis because his grandfather, Prescott Sheldon Bush aided Hitler's rise to power. Prescott Bush's company assets were seized in 1942.

    You can read the article at

  12. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:33 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "You called McCain a Nazi when he ran against Obama, just like you called Bush a Nazi. And Romney. Now because McCain was an opponent of your current designated Hitler, you lament the passing of a hero.

    "I don't recall anyone calling McCain a Nazi when he ran against Obama. I do recall some people calling McCain a warmonger, but not a Nazi. Can you cite a web address where you got your information? Thanks.

  13. "I like people who weren't captured"

    So I guess you don't like your friends and attorneys much these days, and pretty soon you'll have to figure out how to like people who are captured, because you're a malignant narcissist and your turn is fast approaching.

    McCain was an exceptionally good man for a Republican, which is a lot like saying "he was an exceptionally good machinist for a duck" in that outstandingly favorable qualities from among his cohort are a low to nonexistent bar to clear and have little to say about how he measured up in the actual world.

    Not everyone who is failing to lionize him is doing so out of partisan spite. For a taste of some genuine and truthful reasons to dislike what he did, check out the writing of almost any native American from Arizona right now. He fucked them hard for years, and they haven't forgotten just because he died.

    This is a comment Bad Tux made on Comrade Misfit's blog in response to a post about Kelli the fuck Ward saying that McCain timed his announcement that he was discontinuing treatment to interfere with her bus tour:

    "This is why I cannot respect the majority of modern conservatives. They have substituted mean-spiritedness and spite for principle. Someone like John McCain sometimes violated his own moral compass for the sake of maintaining his political viability, but at least he *had* a moral compass, and generally regretted it afterwards when he violated it. Today's modern conservatives have no regrets, no principle other than winning, and no emotions other than spite and vindictiveness. There is nothing to respect there. Nothing."

    -Doug in Oakland

  14. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    Can you cite a web address where you got your information?

  15. Anonymous11:48 PM

    "I think some people may have worried about Bush having sympathy for Nazis because his grandfather, Prescott Sheldon Bush aided Hitler's rise to power. Prescott Bush's company assets were seized in 1942."

    Yeah, that was a pretty big stretch, though.

    Had Prescott Bush been a Nazi, it wouldn't necessarily follow that his grandson would be.

    And Prescott Bush wasn't a Nazi, anyway. At worst, he was a war profiteer, a guy willing to do business with Nazis, legally or illegally. He was guilty of unprincipled greed, not having fascist beliefs.

    I'm pretty confident that the people who used this to attack Dubya already hated him for other, far more justifiable reasons.

  16. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Rep. John Lewis comparing McCain rallies to those held by George Wallace.

    Ezra Klein asserting a McCain campaign video looked like “an over-the-top parody of fascist campaign propaganda from a movie, and sounds like Triumph of the Will.”

    Josh Marshall claiming that McCain’s ad painting Obama as a celebrity candidate was intended to link Obama to “oversexed and/or promiscuous young white women.”

    And the media debate over the seminal question of whether McCain referring to Obama as “that one” was racist.

    And the Obama campaign’s claim that McCain was playing racial politics for daring to suggest that Obama was preemptively accusing him and the GOP generally of racism.

  17. J.R. Salzman11:59 PM

    Pretty mind blowing to see the same media who painted McCain as a senile racist old white man during the 2008 presidential election now trying to see who can write the most adoring eulogy. Shit like this is why the American public doesn’t trust the media as far as they could throw them.

  18. Anonymous12:03 AM

    @anon 11:44

    None of the links you attached involved anyone calling John McCain himself a Nazi, other than (lol) Madonna, for shock value.

    It is always possible to find some crazy crank who said something outrageous, but no significant number of people were literally calling McCain a Nazi during his presidential campaign.

    All of the links you attached, other than the Madonna one, referenced McCain meeting with various racists on various occasions. But that's fair game, as it did happen.

    And that sort of thing is guaranteed to happen all the time to every single Republican politician, because the party is rife with racist scum. If you are active in the Republican Party, even if you are not personally a racist, you are going to end up in pictures shaking hands with racists, sharing beers with racists, standing on a stage with racists at some point, because it is a party that does contain a lot of racists.

    Trump did not materialize out of nowhere. The GOP has for a very long time been a coalition between the greedy corporate donor class and redneck bigots.

  19. Anonymous12:10 AM

    @anon 11:48

    Same thing. Some of McCain's campaign ads may have been over the line, and came off as a bit racist. That's a long way from anyone credible thinking he's Hitler. Nice try.

    Sarah Palin, though, is plenty racist and disgusting. Nominating her as his running mate was one of the worst things McCain did. He kissed the ass of what we'd now call the Trump wing of the party. It didn't pay off for him.

    Nice try, though. Thanks for playing. I'm done with you now.

  20. Fuck you, loser12:16 AM

    "Show me where McCain was called a racist Nazi?"

    [provides numerous links of McCain being called a racist Nazi]

    "That's irrelevant!"

  21. Tomorrow's liberal hot take12:19 AM

    The Russians put that tumor in McCain's brain. Putin is responsible for his death. If Trump doesn't launch nuclear missiles at Moscow for this, he's a traitor.

  22. Anonymous12:53 AM

    Google hits for "bushitler": 33,800

    You'll lie about ANYTHING, won't you?

  23. StillaPanther21:01 AM

    A moment when some civility is proper. This Brother Field has never called anyone a Nazi. Having been a part of his internet family for the last decade (has it been that long....), I have never heard him call anyone a Nazi. For one day, Can we all get along? Now where have I heard this plea..". Still a Black Panther.

  24. Amen StillaPanther2

    Discrediting the demon Trump does not honor McCain. To his credit, Trump ordered the flag at the White House to be flown at half-mast. Maybe it will turn out to be the one thing Trump did right during his entire presidency.

    I did a light posting in honor of McCain's passing. You would not believe the McCain conspiracy guys that came out to post their insane accusations.

    I will include the substance of my post in the comment field here on the venerable Field Negro.

  25. I salute the life of service offered by a true American. I freely confess that my opinion has a personal bias. My maternal uncle graduated from Annapolis in 1955 just three years before John McCain. A few summers ago, Uncle Jim visited San Diego to attend a solemn service in remembrance of September 11, 2001 on the U.S.S. Midway. Senator John McCain was the guest of honor.

    McCain is about the last of the old guard. Even though he ran against Barack Hussein Obama to be the president of the United States, he had the grace to tell his supporters that President Obama was fully prepared to lead the U.S.A. John McCain famously said, “We don’t have to hate each other.”

    McCain never wavered in his support of the Republican party. But neither did he vilify his democratic colleagues. I will never forget his vote not to support the repeal of the ACPPA. There are still people today that are benefitting from this historic vote despite attempts to gut and sabotage this compassionate legislation. Many Red States are fighting to keep the Medicaid expansion that was part of this plan to care for all Americans. Seven Red States have ballot initiatives to implement Medicaid expansion. Another Red State has a ballot to preserve Medicaid expansion. He was already diagnosed with brain cancer. He very likely faced an uphill battle just to make it to the Senate floor. What did he say when reporters asked him why he cast his historic vote? “Because it was the right thing to do.”

    He was one of the last lions who lived long enough to bridge the period of history of the United States from the time of Ronald Reagan all the way to the difficult times that we find ourselves in today, McCain was a force for bipartisanship and communication between democratic and republican factions within the U.S. Congress.

    His last year of life is characteristic of his bravery and fortitude. As a captain who was captured by the Viet Cong with his company, he refused an offer to be released unless his men could be released with him. Instead he endured six years of inhumane captivity and torture because he cared more about his honor than his comfort. We will never forget this act of heroism. This year after his fatal diagnosis of cancer, he was reported to have taken a constitutional hike in the mountainous country of his beloved Sedona. I know this country. It is truly breathtaking from the incredibly sculpted faces of the ancient Native Americans in the hillsides, (to the mind’s eye!) to the cool and clear swimming holes of the West Fork of Oak Creek. It is God’s country. One of my fantasy bucket list dreams was to enjoy a barbacoa at McCain’s house. I would have been manning the grill with ten tri-tips! I wish I could have been with him that day.

    But the most amazing thing is that McCain never retired or shied away from the business of government despite his disability. Even more incredible is that he continued to fight his disease until the very end. No sooner do we hear that he has chosen to discontinue therapy, than we hear of his death days later. He kept up the good fight even when the Angel of Death sought to end his life.

    My hat is off to the Maverick. God’s peace unto you, friend. May your legacy of friendship, hard work and using political office to help the people of your State and the people of the United States never be forgotten.

  26. A commenter actually corrected me in that McCain was not a captain of a company, but a bomber pilot. The, "company," was nothing more than his fellow prisoners. He was offered a chance to go home because he was the son of an Admiral. He famously refused it. The prisoners were routinely tortured. McCain's various statements to his Vietnamese captors to try to throw them off spawned a mythology that he was the, "Canary of the Hanoi Hilton."

    This hateful lie was perpetrated by a man named George Kiley who formed, "Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain." He just happened to be one of the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth who torpedoes John Kerry four years earlier.

    I can think of no lower and more base and vile way to dishonor one's service to their country than to bear false witness against one of their comrades.

  27. Hey PX, do you know of Val's Halla Records in Oak Park? I just read that Val Camilletti, the owner has recently died, and all of the Chicago area music people I respect and admire are saying she was a major force in music around Chicago and a genuinely good person.
    The Trib described her as "More than just the old lady who could talk to you about Motorhead" and an Oak Park fixture for 46 years.
    I was interested after reading about her on Kelly Hogan's Twitter feed and wondered if you had ever heard of her.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Nah Doug, never heard of her. She sounds like she was a cool lady. Shame we're losing so many music icons.

  28. Anonymous3:01 AM

    > His last year of life is characteristic of his bravery and fortitude.

    His sorry ass was only rescued from court martial for treason by Nixon's pardon.  Then came more treasons in the Keating Five and Gang of Eight, among others.

    Damn him to hell, and you too.

  29. People don't trust the media because of the 24/7 barrage of lies from right wing sites claiming real news is fake news.

    Decent people take their foot off the enemy's throat when the enemy has expired. Wingnuts keep it on the throat and then call for reinforcements to think up more degradations to pile on the corpse.

    As for Drumpfuck's sorry ass, in a day or two he will claim he never had a problem with McCain. It was all made up by CNN and other fake news sites.

  30. Dumbass dubya's family aided Hitler. The family was in a longterm relationship with the Saudi Royal family-15 of 19 9-11 hijackers were Saudis. The family has a long term relationship with bin Ladin family- bin Ladin was the leader of the 9-11 attacks and was later killed under the GOAT Obama.

    Bush family has a lot od 'splaining to do.

  31. So McCain ran against your Lord and Savior Barack Obama, and now you're heaping praise on him? This just goes to show that black brains are indeed smaller.

  32. Yisheng = nigger, lilac = cunt9:13 AM

    Trump supporters know nothing of a hero because they worship a zero.

  33. Anonymous9:16 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  34. Flying Trump Derangement Janitor:
    “We don’t have to hate each other.”

    Yes we do. (((They))) insist on it.

  35. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  36. Anonymous9:47 AM

    "Decent people take their foot off the enemy's throat when the enemy has expired."

    I remember when Nixon was mocked for crying at his wife's grave.

    Liberals aren't decent people.

  37. Bomb Iran for Israel!9:50 AM

    "Bush family has a lot od 'splaining to do."

    But they hate Trump so now everything is cool.

  38. Nope, it is not kewl. Dumbass dubya, his dad, Raygun, Ford, Nixon all deserved to be tried as war criminals and impeached, even the dead ones. Then it would be kewl.

  39. Farting Janitor10:04 AM

    RIP Osama Bin Laden. He might have had some bad ideas but he fought the Russians in the 80's. A war hero is still a war hero even if we disagree on some things.

  40. Kill white men, fuck white women10:10 AM

    Kill white men.
    Fuck white women.

  41. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Did anyone think for a minute that Trumprosky would show any type of sympathy or graciousness toward the American John McCain? Trumprovsky only loyal to Russia and himself.

  42. Anonymous11:50 AM

    I have to admit that McCain and even Bush look better by contrast with Trump.

    The Bush crowd love this, by the way. They are being semi-redeemed without even doing anything to earn it. But Bush and company are still horrible guys. They just have a few redeeming characteristics, while Trump is despicable in every possible way.

    And an honest assessment of McCain is that he was a mixed bag as a politician. On a personal level, he was a mostly honorable, decent person. Politically, he made a few votes I can respect and reached across the aisle occasionally, and he didn't make absolutely everything into an unnecessary partisan fight. He was able to work with the other side when he didn't have a genuine ideological conflict with them, which is rare today.

    However, it is also true that his "maverick" reputation was wildly exaggerated. He spoke out against his own party on numerous occasions ... but then usually knuckled under and voted however the GOP leadership commanded. He voted the Republican party line 80-some percent of the time. Reporters fixated on his rhetoric of compromise, but his actions rarely matched up with the rhetoric. If McCain had actually done all the "maverick-y" things he claimed to have done, if he had put his money where his mouth was when it came time to vote, he wouldn't have gotten elected to six terms as a senator. He'd have gotten "primaried" by wingnuts in Arizona and driven out of office a long time ago.

    The bottom line is that McCain's reputation for bravery as a politician is partly fabricated, and rooted heavily in his actual bravery as a naval officer. As much as anything, he was good at manipulating his image in the media.

    In the final analysis, I think McCain was an okay politician, but he now has the image of a saint mainly because the rest of his party has become such a dysfunctional, foul, stinking toilet, and many people wish it were not so.

  43. Anonymous11:51 AM

    @ Field Negro is a partisan hack said...

    Hear Hear!

    Actually, Field and commenters misconstrue Malcom’s’ delineation of HN v.FN. For one, Field is a Jamaican; therefore, he’s unable to fully conceptualize American Black culture. Second, unless one studied- in its totality -or actively engaged in the Civil Rights Movement, he or she is inept regarding Black American culture.

  44. Anonymous11:59 AM

    @ Gambler2 ASKA White Woman

    You lost all respect and credibility after threatening to use your Second Amendment right against the very people you claim to support politically. That entire bombastic diatribe showed your true “color.”

  45. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Find it interesting Senator McCain selected President Obama as a Eulogist; but initially he voted against making Dr. King’s birthday a national holiday…and his true motive is what exactly ?

    On another note, does it really matter whether one gets an invite to a funeral… unless one has got to be seen or craves the spot light once it’s gone.

  46. Anonymous12:20 PM

    I commend Jamaicans who succeed in America. Most Jamaicans are dirt poor. Children about 7 and 8 year old living in Ocho Rios, Jamaica swim for miles to beg American tourists for money.

    Many Jamaican who served in the US military said the came here with nothing but the clothes on their backs.

  47. Anonymous12:52 PM

    "Google hits for 'bushitler': 33,800

    You'll lie about ANYTHING, won't you?"

    Didn't lie. Unlike McCain or Romney, a significant number of people did call Bush a Nazi. That was unfair. Bush is a giant asshole and not too bright (compared to the requirements of the job he held), but also not a Nazi.

    A significant number of people is far from the majority of left-wingers, though. This was still always a fringe group of people. How many people do you think are Democrats in the U.S. Possibly a bit bigger than 33,800?! Also, the Internet is a very big place, and not confined only to American commenters. The WORLD, not just many Americans, despised Bush.

    But maybe you are just not very good at math? Same as when you keep lying about Chicago being the US murder capital, or illegal immigrants committing an especially large amount of crime?

  48. Malcolm Y1:25 PM

    "Actually, Field and commenters misconstrue Malcom’s’ delineation of HN v.FN."


    There is nothing Field espouses that is not part of the dominant political/academic/corporate/media narrative. Therefore, Field is completely in the "House".

  49. As a disabled person, I will owe McCain for his role in passing the Americans With Disabilities Act forever.
    He did some good stuff. We would live in a far different country had he won the 2000 election.

    So it's looking like Don Jr. may be the next indictment. The noose tightens.

    -Doug in Oakland

  50. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Michael Cohen is apparently guilty of even more shady behavior. In addition to dodging taxes and various offenses committed as Trump's "fixer," he is also a slum landlord. Much like his buddy, Donald Trump, and Donald's dad.

    Michael Cohen accused of faking documents to flip rent-stabilized apartments

    He would lie about the occupancy of buildings he owned, in order to get city construction permits approved. And then he would carry out construction so obnoxious it would drive rent-controlled tenants out of their apartments, so Cohen could then rent them to someone else at a higher rate.

  51. Anymoose @ 11:51- I never birthed a shoat, but I know good bacon when I eat it.

  52. Anymoose is the fuck who claims the privileges shown to him because of his pastey wasicu hide don't exist because he refuses to see them.


    Wingnuts working for a wingnut candidate in Virginia have been charged with forging at least 4 dead people's sigs and dozens of other forgeries to get an independent candidate on the ballot to take away votes from a Democrat.

    Wingnuts can't win if they don't cheat.

  54. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:40 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "@ Gambler2 ASKA White Woman"

    "You lost all respect and credibility after threatening to use your Second Amendment right against the very people you claim to support politically. That entire bombastic diatribe showed your true “color.”

    11:59 AM Dear Anonymous, I must admit that I am greatly puzzled by you post. My diatribe (as you call it) was toward a white supremacist who has been threatening to kill me because according to him, I am a "race traitor." (Those are his words.) I married a black man and apparently white supremacists consider that a death penalty offense. The purpose of my post was to let him know that I am armed and not easily intimidated.

    So please explain to me what you were talking about in your post.


    Raising and lowering the flag?

    I hope ALL you trump asswipes rot in hell with your wide ass leader!!

  56. Anonymous said...
    You called McCain a Nazi when he ran against Obama, just like you called Bush a Nazi. And Romney. Now because McCain was an opponent of your current designated Hitler, you lament the passing of a hero.

    I voted for McCain you shit faced bastard, now what?




  58. "So please explain to me what you were talking about in your post."

    This is the game they play, spew racist and violent stuff and then when they get pushback they play victim and melt like snowflakes. It would be so much easier for all of us if they would pick a lane and stay in it. Are they billy badasses who want to lynch everybody or snowflakes that cry when called racist. Kinda bi-polar.

  59. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:53 PM

    To PilotX,

    OK, thanks. I get it. I've dealt with white terrorist on the net before, but they didn't whine like these do. Have a great evening!

  60. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:59 PM

    "Hear Hear!"

    "Actually, Field and commenters misconstrue Malcom’s’ delineation of HN v.FN. For one, Field is a Jamaican; therefore, he’s unable to fully conceptualize American Black culture. Second, unless one studied- in its totality -or actively engaged in the Civil Rights Movement, he or she is inept regarding Black American culture."

    And you know all of this because? - personal experience? studying the issue? Please enlighten us.

  61. Choklahoma wingnut Sinator Jack Himoff claims McCain is partialy responsible for flag flap because he was mean to Drumpfuck the dumbfuck. Grow the fuck up stoopid fucking wasicu wastey wingnuts.

  62. Fake News Update7:30 PM


    "McCain...[is] running a campaign on partisan division, class warfare and even hints of racism.”
    —NYTimes, "Obama for President,” 10/23/08


    “McCain...gave hope for the future. His example still does.”
    —NYT, "McCain, A Scarred but Happy Warrior,” 8/25/18

  63. Anonymous8:39 PM

    McCain just didn't want to let it go! He craves attention; even until his death. His adopted daughter, craves the same speaking out of both sides of her mouth that's why BW gave her the musical chair.

  64. "So McCain ran against your Lord and Savior Barack Obama"

    Nah, our Lord and Savior was Harold Washington. If you're gonna talk about Blah people at least have your facts right.

  65. Anonymous9:05 PM

    “Black bodies with white heads” most notably called “Negro Progress” or Black “leaders.” Malcom X often confronted what his called the “house” and “yard” Negro…. “Black Ph. D. puppets acting so friendly ‘integrating’ calling each other by their first name…such a big lie it made me sick to my stomach.”

    -The Autobiography of Malcom X

    Absolutely correct, Field is oblivious…

  66. "Find it interesting Senator McCain selected President Obama as a Eulogist;"

    Why? He had the opportunity to have the greatest orator of our time speak at his funeral and he took it.

    -Doug in Oakland

  67. Randy Rainbow strikes again:

    -Doug in Oakland

  68. Anonymous9:30 PM

    These intellectual and professional Negros seems to think humbling themselves , and begging , and trying to ‘integrate’ with so called ‘liberal’ white man wo was telling them, ‘In time…just wait and have patience.” (sounds like 44)

    ‘Since slavery, the American white (liberal) man has always kept some i Negros who fared much better than the black masses suffering and slaving out of the hot field. The white man had these ‘house and yard’ Negros for his special servants.’
    -The Autobiography of Malcom X


  69. "And you know all of this because? - personal experience? studying the issue? Please enlighten us."

    It can't.

    That would require reading a book.

  70. Anonymous10:30 PM


  71. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Demorats and Progressives like Mr. House Negro here are hypocritically defending John McCain!

    This is the same John McCain who, when he was running against their hero Barack Obama, these progressives were (accurately) vilifying as a militaristic political hack.

    Now they are fawning over McCain!

    Progressives are just as shameless partisan propagandists as the Trump Regime, which they attack.

    So much for the (phony) anti-Trump Resistance.

  72. "Now they are fawning over McCain!"

    Not really, it's called respecting the dead. Typically when one dies you only talk about the positive contributions they made. He was actually a good guy in some ways, look how he shut down his crowd that was whipped into a frenzy by his running mate. This is loat on the current crop of politicians.

  73. "but they didn't whine like these do"

    Yup, these new trolls are pretty weak.

  74. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Yisheng = nigger

    lilac = cunt


  75. Blogger PilotX said...
    "but they didn't whine like these do"

    Yup, these new trolls are pretty weak.

    PX pul-eeze, these are the same depressed and angry fools that had been posting here for the last 10 years or so.

  76. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Niggas Love to Not Know:
