Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Questions of the day.

 I have a few questions about some of the major news stories of the day.

Now that yet another one of trump's pals have been indicted for swampy behavior, is it fair to say that trump and the people around him are some of the most corrupt ever?

Should Omarosa release the trump tapes?

Should Robert Mueller subpoena trump?

If the democratic candidate, Danny O'Conner, ends up losing the special election for Ohio-12 last night, is the Green Party to blame? 

Is this the worst case of white privilege you ever heard of ?

Were black activists right to protest the latest Nertoot s convention?  

Is it cool for police to taser an 11 year old girl?   


  1. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Well, well, well..the dead has arisen folk finally woke up. Still trying to figure out when those white parents with their children wrapped in silver blanket are going expose their white children to the atrosity AND teach them the importance of protesting on behalf of black children slaughtered in Chicago.

  2. Anonymous10:52 PM

    I am seriously contemplating boycotting the mid term elections---and all other elections until black Americans receive protection, support, and advocacy other ethnic groups enjoy.

  3. Anonymous11:00 PM

    When are blacks going to learn the rules of engagement for the Democratic Party. Shut up and just click the name that has a D next to it on the ballot box. You are to be seen, as props during the election season, but not heard. Do I make myself clear; don't you forget it!

  4. Field the Hateframer11:37 PM

    Is this the worst case of white privilege you ever heard of?

    "The woman was booked at the Beaufort County Detention Center." Keep trying, though.

  5. Were black activists right to protest the latest Netroots convention?

    Their complaint? They weren't the center of attention at a convention that somebody else had organized. The white liberals in attendance weren't coddling them enough, and they hadn't used their resources to pay for black people to come their meeting. So they hijacked the proceedings and lectured the assembled conventioneers about how everything, everywhere, has to be about black people.

    And it worked:

    "The crowd was very receptive to the group’s admonitions, cheering and applauding the criticisms listed by the protesters.

    When the group asked audience members to threaten not to attend next year’s conference, scheduled for Philadelphia, unless it was more attuned to the needs of black Americans and local residents, the attendees shouted, “Yes.”

    After the Black Ass Caucus walked off stage to a standing ovation, Ocasio-Cortez took the stage to similar adulation. She immediately sought to “affirm” the concerns of the demonstrators."

    Ha ha ha! I love seeing these cocksuckers have to cater to their spoiled pets.

    One has to think even these testosterone-challenged progs have to have an upper limit to effrontery and nonsense that come with catering to these clueless children. I bet they do.

    The leftist coalition is on its last legs. Lots more entertainment to come, but it's done.

  6. Lance Cockstrong12:12 AM

    When will white boys realize their micro dicks aren't an excuse to be all bitter and resentful and spiteful?

  7. Anonymous12:21 AM

    Netroots interruption: YES, call out tokenism and bigotry by organizers and attendees!

    Green Party to blame for a loss: NO, blame the thousands of idiots who willingly voted for a no-good rethuglican endorsed by Unsharp Cheddar Cheese! That number far outpaces the minor number the Green Party candidate received.

  8. Not a smidgen of corruption12:26 AM

    Now that yet another one of trump's pals have been indicted for swampy behavior, is it fair to say that trump and the people around him are some of the most corrupt ever?

    Not sure how a Republican congressman's insider trading charges (filed by the Trump SEC, btw) for activities from two years ago implicate Trump, but give the man his day in court.

    If Trump wants to be the most corrupt ever, he will have to beat the previous administration's use of the FBI and CIA to illegally spy on the opposition's presidential campaign. That's a pretty high bar.

  9. I'm guessing if a cop can't handle an 11year old you don't need to be a cop. I mean unless we're talking about an 11 year old tiger.

    1. And yes, Omorossa should release the tapes. Funny aside, my sister used to be her attorney/agent😂


    One of our greats here in Chicago. Was in the same chapter as my uncle.😥

  11. Anonymous12:39 AM

    PilotX said...
    I'm guessing if a cop can't handle an 11year old you don't need to be a cop. I mean unless we're talking about an 11 year old tiger.

    You are right. And you can be sure the cop's career is over.

    And, disappointing as it must be to Field, there is no racial angle here. Both the cop and the girl were black.


    Seriously? trump has to be an internet troll.😖

  13. Anonymous12:59 AM

    Asbestos is a very useful material.

    Any company that produces products that contain asbestos is exposed to huge liability claims, and thus any use of asbestos will be subject to very strict safety precautions,

  14. Alex Jones on police brutality and Bill Gates:

    These simpering control freaks [with] big nerd packs, taking everything over! Ruining everything, becoming police officers with weapons. Tasering us for fun…

    I’ve had it with control freaks! And scum! You people are cancer! [seething noise] [angry grunt] [smashes fists on table]!

    [Pauses] All right. I’m not in a good mood now.

    It’s just — I just start thinking about Bill Gates up there with that little chicken neck [imitates prancing motion], hopping around [imitates a rabbit-like hopping motion with hands] — little murdering eugenicist. You know how he walks [exaggerated arm movements] like a demonic elf, [in elf-like voice] “I’m Bill Gates! Heh heh-heh!”

    [Goes on to insinuate that Bill Gates is behind vaccinations which result in many baby deaths]

  15. 1) Didn't another one of his cabinet nominees get in trouble involving that same company? Was that Price? I do remember a different one having a scandal involving using their position to benefit the price of stock they held in that same company. So yeah, corruption is just what they do, but I feel anxious about making it a contest.

    2) Were they legally recorded? If so, sure. If not, she could end up with legal trouble instead of a book deal or whatever angle she's using to cash in.

    3) Only he knows the answer to that question, but if he wants to, he should be able to.
    If so, he may want to do it soon, before the supreme court seats the justice nominated specifically to thwart such proceedings.

    4) Nope. As infuriating as they can be on election day, they deserve to be able to participate like everyone else. The fact that they have often damaged their own interests with their activity doesn't diminish their right to do so, rather like working class Fergus supporters who are getting buggered by his policies and still think he's just ducky.
    If we want to win, we have to turn out our voters in sufficient numbers to win against everyone running (and gerrymandering, and voter suppression, and Russian interference, etc.) and we may have done so there after all the votes are counted, but probably not.
    We still swung the district by ten points, a margin that will net us control of the house if we pull it nationally in November.

    5) Nope.

    6) Yup. Black women are the backbone of the Democratic party, and it's long past the time when we should have acknowledged that fact and started treating them like who and what they are.
    That said, this is being used to drive a "Democrats in disarray" narrative, when such occurrences are pretty much SOP at Netroots.

    7) Maybe, if she has a knife and is attacking someone? Other that that, probably not.

    -Doug in Oakland

  16. "thus any use of asbestos will be subject to very strict safety precautions,"

    Not any more.

  17. What are the requirements for Space Force? I would love to join😄

  18. Police in Sin Sin Natty are allowed to taser kids as young as 7 if they resist arrest.

  19. Still trying to figure out when those white parents with their children wrapped in silver blanket

    Give it up Anymoose. Deep thoughts only aggravate yer hemorrhoids.

  20. Shut up and just click the name that has a D next to it on the ballot box.

    If we learn Drumpf colluded with Russia to get elected we will still support him.

    We'd rather be Russian than Democrats.

    Drumpf had to collude with Russia to save America from Democrats.

    Pigs in Portland sided with the Fascists claiming anti-fascism is bad.

    Brainwashed stoopid fucking wingnuts. America, thanks to assholes like Drumpf and wasicu wasteys, is in deep, deep trouble.

  21. he will have to beat the previous administration's use of the FBI and CIA to illegally spy on the opposition's presidential campaign. That's a pretty high bar.

    Of course you have n proof of any of this other than what Fake Noize tells you to whine about.

  22. And, disappointing as it must be to Field, there is no racial angle here. Both the cop and the girl were black.

    Liar! Yer kind is always whining that Blacks don't work, let alone have a second job as a security guard.
    Everything you post just oozes racism.

  23. Anonymous8:55 AM

    White privilege is a made up term by progressive left types. it does not exist.

  24. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Chicago August 2018 to Date:
    Shot & Killed: 23
    Shot & Wounded: 102
    Total Shot: 125
    Total Homicides: 24

    Notice how the murder and shooting rate goes up as the temperature increases?


    and Jennifer Rubin unloading on Devin Numbnuts-


    Kinda gets you right here, donut? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  27. Anonymous9:04 AM

    "If the democratic candidate, Danny O'Conner, ends up losing the special election for Ohio-12 last night, is the Green Party to blame?"

    Typical Democrat/Progressive mindset.....blame someone else for their own failures. people are growing tired of the batshit krazy liberal narrative.

  28. Anonymous9:14 AM

    @ Pilot x
    Not Trump... every black American should be enraged at the fact that liberals not only advocate on behalf of illegal immigrant children but exploit their children in doing so. Yet white Democrats /liberals refused to protest on behalf of slaughtered black legal children in Chicago whose ancestors were enslaved.

    And another thing, black people are tired of being used as props during a campaign but once a candidate wins the election those black props have no access to that government official. That's a black thing not a Trump thing

    1. Anonymous9:19 AM

      ... ask Oprah and a few others

    2. Anonymous9:25 AM

      In 2012, when Obama ask Oprah to campaign on his behalf for reelection ,Oprah told him to kick rocks

  29. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Pilot X.... keep counting them dimes my brother that should keep you busy for a while!

  30. Anonymous9:47 AM

    If LeBron James want to protect his basketball career, he might consider stand out of politics and stay in his lane and keep giving back to his community.

    1. Anonymous10:07 AM

      Trump supporters buy tickets to basketball games

  31. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:13 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "I am seriously contemplating boycotting the mid term elections---and all other elections until black Americans receive protection, support, and advocacy other ethnic groups enjoy."

    What do you expect to accomplish by not voting?

  32. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:19 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "If LeBron James want to protect his basketball career, he might consider stand out of politics and stay in his lane and keep giving back to his community."

    Being an athlete doesn't disqualify LeBron from participating in politics. If Mohammad Ali had stayed out of politics, the Vietnam war would have lasted much longer.

  33. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:24 AM

    "The leftist coalition is on its last legs. Lots more entertainment to come, but it's done."

    Keep dreaming. Do you also believe in the the Easter Bunny and Santa Clause?

  34. The liberal left will shut down a bakery owned by a husband and wife over their personal business decisions but feel Twitter, Google, Facebook and other MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR GLOBAL COMPANIES have the right to silence whomever they want at will.

  35. Ivan Beatinov11:12 AM

    There has been no evidence whatsoever that Donald Trump or the campaign was involved in any kind of collusion to fix the 2016 election. In fact the evidence is the opposite, that Hillary Clinton and the Democrats colluded with the Russians to fix the 2016 election.

    It's all a bunch of shit.

    Julian Assange said that Wikileaks "did not receive the DNC emails from Russia, or any state actor".

    Two years of a special investigation with unlimited powers has yet to find anything that supports the false Trump-Russia collusion narrative. This despite the Obama administration illegally bugging the Trump campaign, intercepting their email and texts, and planting moles in their organization.

    Follow that up with the President's personal attorney being raided by the FBI and all of Trump's privileged communications being illegally confiscated, including secretly taped phone conversations between Trump and his lawyer.

    Yet still nothing.

    Democrats are pathetic.



  37. No spies, no infiltration.

    On Friday, the Washington Post and the New York Times reported that FBI agents sent an informant to talk to two Trump campaign advisers — Carter Page and George Papadopoulos — after it had received evidence of suspicious contacts with Russia. (The informant also met with Trump campaign aide Sam Clovis.)

    According to the Times, the FBI used an informant, rather than sending its own agents to do interviews, because it feared a more aggressive approach might lead to leaks that an investigation was underway, which could improperly influence the election.

    The informant, an American academic working in the United Kingdom, offered Papadopoulos $3,000 to write a research paper on a disputed gas field in the eastern Mediterranean and come to London to discuss it, then asked him over drinks at a high-end hotel what he knew about Russian involvement in the hacked Democratic National Committee emails, according to the Times.

    The informant also talked with Page during a symposium at a U.K. university and several times in the Washington, D.C. area, and met with Clovis for coffee in Northern Virginia, according to the Post.

    Rangappa noted that using an informant is a standard technique for law enforcement and intelligence services who are trying to learn more during an investigation, arguing that it is different from “spying” done on foreign adversaries.

    “A source is being used as a way to prevent infiltration by a hostile foreign power of the campaign,” she told TIME. “The term ‘spy’ as applied to the FBI suggests they were the ones doing the infiltration, and I don’t think there is any basis to suggest that.”

  38. Julian Assange said that Wikileaks "did not receive the DNC emails from Russia, or any state actor".

    Assange has many reasons to lie, but US Intel says they know for a certainty that Assange got Russians.

    I will believe our US Intel over lying stoopud fucking winbnuts any day/every day.

  39. Beatinov gets beaten again, some more and too still yet.


    No, the privilege only covers communications relating to legal advice, said Lisa Kern Griffin, a former federal prosecutor and a professor at Duke University School of Law.

    It does not protect a person’s discussion of business, personal, or financial matters with a lawyer if they are unrelated to a legal representation.

    Also, too, Drumpf and attorneys waived privilege on audio tapes.


    To discriminate and race bait. Much more accurate than to protect and serve whites only and by far more accurate than most cop's shooting at Blacks.


    This is so cool. White privilege takes it on the chin. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  42. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:01 PM

    Anonymous Who, whom? said...

    "The liberal left will shut down a bakery owned by a husband and wife over their personal business decisions but feel Twitter, Google, Facebook and other MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR GLOBAL COMPANIES have the right to silence whomever they want at will."

    Selling wedding cakes is not "personal business"; it is engaging in commerce. This means they can do business but must follow the Constitution. They can make all kinds of rules about how employees can act on the job and customer behavior in their place of business as long as these rules do not violate the constitution. There is no Constitutional provision that prevents business, corporations, etc. from limiting speech.

    The First Amendment guarantees the the government ("Congress shall make no laws..."). It says nothing about "freedom of speech" in any other circumstances. If you don't believe me, look it up.


  43. Ari Melber


    Wow the @Maddow scoop on this new secret tape of Devin Nunes reveals:

    1) Nunes secretly wants another Rosenstein impeachment push — just after SCOTUS hearing

    2) Nunes admits foreign *collusion* on stolen email *is a crime*

    (A legal fact, but at odds with Trump legal team)
    8:31 PM - Aug 8, 2018

  44. Anonymous Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

    Great job. Keep it up.


    Florida wants to help bullied students go to private schools which don't accept LGTQ students.

  46. Bake the damn cake2:25 PM

    Anonymous Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said..
    "Selling wedding cakes is not "personal business"; it is engaging in commerce"

    Semantics. A personal business means one you run yourself, with no employees.

    Are you arguing that multi-billion dollar social media sites aren't "commerce", and unlike mom and pop bakeries, they can refuse service to whomever they want?

    BTW, the bakers in these cases DID NOT refuse service to homosexuals, they refused to make a cake for a homosexual wedding that they wouldn't have made for anyone. The homosexual were not denied the ability to purchase anything in the shop that they did make.

    Hypothetical: If a Nazi went to a Jewish baker and asked him to make a Happy Holocaust Anniversary cake, must he bake it?

  47. Wikileaks servers are in Russia.

    -Doug in Oakland

  48. When will blacks take responsibility for the faults of their communities and culture instead of piling the blame on other races?

  49. Anonymous2:45 PM

    “Selling wedding cakes is not ‘personal business’; it is engaging in commerce. This means they can do business but must follow the Constitution.”

    One correction to this, Gambler. Businesses must follow the law, in general, not just the Constitution. The Constitution, unfortunately, has no provision explicitly protecting gay people from discrimination by businesses, nor has the Supreme Court so far found any part of the Constitution applies to this issue. So, in many parts of the country, businesses can legally refuse to hire gays employees and legally refuse to serve gay clientele.

    However, in many other parts of the country, there are local and state statutes that ban anti-gay discrimination by businesses. And wingnuts are trying to dodge or opt out of these by making bogus 1st Amendment appeals.

    The first of these appeals entails interpreting freedom of religion in an unbelievably expansive way, such that I must be allowed to break laws and harm other people if I feel that my religion mandates it. So if I interpret my Christian beliefs to say that gays are bad people, I must be able to punish them by denying them services at my business, and if I can’t, then I’m being religiously oppressed. Mysteriously, no importance is placed on gay people’s religious belief that being gay is perfectly fine; apparently, their religious freedom counts for zilch, and it’s okay to violate it.

    You can see the absurdity of such an interpretation. If I can just opt out of any law I don’t like by pointing to a religious edict, then the sky’s the limit. What if I insist I am a follower of the Aztec god Huitzilopochtli, and he demands human sacrifice; therefore, I must be allowed to kidnap your child and tear his beating heart out of his chest? If I have to abide by kidnapping and murder laws, then I am being religiously oppressed.

    Their other lame 1st Amendment appeal is to claim that anti-discrimination laws are curtailing their freedom of speech, by interpreting “speech” in an unbelievably expansive way such that all goods and services offered by a business constitute speech. This is just ridiculous. I’m sorry. Cakes are not speech; cakes are pastries.

    Wingnuts should be ashamed to make these insane arguments with a straight face. They are insulting to everyone’s intelligence.

  50. I was right, it was Price. And now, apparently these other fucks:

    "Amee Vanderpool
    ‏ @girlsreallyrule

    Four additional Republican congressmen are now implicated in Chris Collins' recent charges-Mike Conaway (TX), Doug Lamborn (CO), Billy Long (MO), and Markwayne Mullin (OK) purchased the stock in Jan 2017 and two are on a Health subcommittee w/ Collins."

    Isn't Conaway the one who had to take over from Nunes when he stomped on his own dick so hard that he had to pretend to recuse himself?

    -Doug in Oakland

  51. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Maybe we need a Wingnuts, Do Your Damn Job amendment to the Constitution.

    All of this “conscience clause” malarkey is getting out of hand.

  52. Bake the damn cake3:00 PM

    "You can see the absurdity of such an interpretation."

    I can see the absurdity of your comment.

    Discrimination is when you refuse to provide a product to a person (or a group) that you provide to everyone else.

    There is no Constitutional right to force someone to produce a product that they don't make for anyone.

  53. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Tyrone McCallister....Nuff Said.

  54. Anonymous3:34 PM

    “There is no Constitutional right to force someone to produce a product that they don't make for anyone.”

    A cake shop that doesn’t make custom wedding cakes? Hmmm, I’m pretty sure they do.

    Oh wait, you’re pretending that a gay wedding cake is somehow fundamentally different from a straight wedding cake. Let’s see ... flour, sugar, eggs, frosting ... nope, they’re exactly the same thing.

    But since we’re playing this game, I’m sure no Christians will be upset and Fox News won’t go into nuclear meltdown when I open my restaurant that mysteriously has no products that Christians are allowed to order.

    “Sorry, sir, but we’ve got no Christian pizza, only the atheist kind. Also we don’t stock Christian Budweiser, only atheist Budweiser. You’ll have to leave.”


  56. Negromoney3:38 PM

    When will whites take responsibility for the faults of their communities and culture instead of piling the blame on other races?

  57. A negro attorney3:41 PM

    Pay close attention fuckboys.

  58. “There is no Constitutional right to force someone to produce a product that they don't make for anyone.”

    If they engage in public commerce they cannot D_I_S_C_R_I_M_I_N_A_T_E against anyone for any rerason.

    Religious freedumb bullshit notwithstanding. This total fucking joke of a rule will be found to be unconstitutional on about 200 different levels. Sessions and stoopid fucking phony kristians are trying to pretend America is a phony kristian nation and that violates the separation claus.

  59. "If we do not keep the majority, all of this goes away."

    That was Nunes not sounding very confident in his boss' innocence, or ability to survive an investigation without Republican obstruction.

    -Doug in Oakland

  60. Raygun appointed judge in Manafort trial kinda sorta apologized for bias against prosecutor. He should have been removed.

  61. So here comes the next crash:

    "The Trump administration moved on Wednesday to shrink a government agency tasked with identifying looming financial risks, notifying around 40 staff members they would be laid off, according to a person familiar with the changes.

    The employees at the Office of Financial Research (OFR) were formally told on Wednesday they will lose their jobs as part of a broader reorganization of the agency that was created in the wake of the 2007-2009 global financial crisis, the source said. [...]

    Consumer advocates say the bureau provides a critical function by gathering data on areas such as banking, lending and trading from the country's complex web of federal and state regulators to provide a bird's-eye view of system-wide risks."

    -Doug in Oakland


  63. No worries, Doug. With Drumpfuck the head Koyote in charge the hens were divvied up before the koyotes ever got sworn in.


    Obama did it so Drumpfuck is doing it. Drumpf invented al-qaiduh right before he sexted Snowgrift Snoozie in Alaska where they could watch Putie watch them.

  65. Shorter Rudy: Fergus might talk to you as long as you agree not to ask him about how he obstructed justice.

    -Doug in Oakland

  66. Anonymous4:36 PM

    " Shorter Rudy: Fergus might talk to you as long as you agree not to ask him about how he obstructed justice."

    I can't see how Trump's lawyers can let him be deposed on even the most innocuous subject and not have it end in disaster for him. Every time the Very Stable Genius opens his pie hole, some sort of horrible admission of guilt comes out.

    Get him talking about the new Mission: Impossible movie and he'll confess to kidnapping the Lindbergh baby.

    Trump seems to want to go with the "I did it, but so what?" defense. Good luck with that in court.

  67. For you dumb fuckers that get their history marching orders from Fake Noize it was Raphael Cruz who single handedly shut the gubmint dwn and caused America to have its credit rating down graded. Obama had nothing to do with it. Now run along and sniffle on Hannity's nice Spiderman drippers.

  68. So instead of merging with Sinclair, Tribune is suing them for a billion dollars. From the legal filing:

    "From virtually the moment the Merger Agreement was signed, Sinclair repeatedly and willfully breached 3 its contractual obligations in spectacular fashion… Sinclair fought, threatened, insulted, and misled regulators in a misguided and ultimately unsuccessful attempt to retain control over stations that it was obligated to sell."

    -Doug in Oakland

  69. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Progressive Center Left=Nazi

  70. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Lenin himself said, “The goal of socialism is communism.”

  71. Bake the damn cake5:12 PM

    A cake shop that doesn’t make custom wedding cakes? Hmmm, I’m pretty sure they do.

    Oh wait, you’re pretending that a gay wedding cake is somehow fundamentally different from a straight wedding cake. Let’s see ... flour, sugar, eggs, frosting ... nope, they’re exactly the same thing.

    But since we’re playing this game, I’m sure no Christians will be upset and Fox News won’t go into nuclear meltdown when I open my restaurant that mysteriously has no products that Christians are allowed to order.

    You are either willfully obtuse or stupid. By your analogy above, it's clear you are stupid.

    Not allowing Christians to buy something you sell to someone else would actually be discrimination.

    If they came in and asked for some special "Christian pizza" (whatever the fuck that is) that is not on your menu, you should be under no obligation to come up with one.

    The idea is that you shouldn't be able to force somebody make something they don't make for anyone else.

    Walk into a Muslim caterer and tell them "We want your standard lunch offering, except we want bacon on the sandwiches". When they tell they are sorry but they don't do bacon because it violates their religious tenets, but you can go to any of the non-Muslim caterers in town and they'll take care of you, you can scream "Ha - gotcha - discrimination!" and petition the government to shut them down.

    That's exactly what happened to these bakers. They did not refuse to sell the anything on their menu, they refused a special order that violated their faith. But you think it's cool because you're a dick. And too stupid to know what discrimination is.

  72. Muslims are not allowed to eat pork. They go to ordinary restaurants and do just fine. I am sure they can even handle pork products, although they may not want to.

    This gross stoopidity of allowing commercial bakers to discriminate is a back door attempt by the phoniest kristians the world has ever seen to grant them selves SPECIAL RIGHTS to discriminate against Gays. That is all this is and it will not be upheld as constitutional unless wingnuts get to stack the Scotus with ignorant, unqualified opiniated party activists.

  73. Perhaps if their faith prevents them from doing business with the actual public, they may be in the wrong business.
    The same with pharmacists who won't fill prescriptions they believe their sky god frowns upon.
    It doesn't matter WHY you can't do the damn job, if you CAN'T do it, you shouldn't pretend to be an option for customers who want or need that good or service.
    I'm sure there is plenty of room at the wingnut welfare trough for any "principled" objectors to contemporary life who just can't face functioning in the world as it actually exists.

    -Doug in Oakland

  74. Portland police contend that they only used the grenades and pepper-spray to disperse a crowd of counter-protesters after objects were thrown at officers. But reporters covering the face-off—including those from the local Oregonian, The Guardian, and Willamette Week—say projectiles were thrown only after the police attacked the demonstration without provocation, and unedited footage and interviews with nearly 20 protesters near the front lines appears to support that.

    Portland Nazi Police lied about projectiles thrown at them. Video shows they lied.

  75. Bakers can always go private and not have to worry about the law when they discriminate, but that is such a hardship for their micro sized brains to fathom.

  76. Here's what Drumpf's butt fucking buddy Putie is doing in Syria-

    Drumpf's Saudi buddies bombed a loaded school bus full of kids. Moar winning. Be prowd yer a rebel because Cadet Bonespurs has got tons of civilian blood on his hands.

  77. Anonymous6:26 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Bakers can always go private and not have to worry about the law when they discriminate

    You are too fucking stupid to even know what discrimination is.

    This is the fatal flaw of democracy.


    Sessions ordered people deported after Judge told him to stop. Sessions is threatened with contempt. This whole administration has nothing but contempt for the actual rule of law. Good job stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys.

  79. ou are too fucking stupid to even know what discrimination is.

    That is all you got? Moron? I know what discrimination is and it looks like everyone of you stoopid fucking honky white privileged POS.

  80. Live and Let Live6:32 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Muslims are not allowed to eat pork.

    Adherent Muslims are not allowed to eat pork.

    Adherent Christians (and Muslims) are not allowed to violate the sacrament of marriage by celebrating homosexual sodomy.

    The First Amendment says "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof".

    Stop forcing others to conform to your morality.

  81. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!


    Kremlin Annex has the highest crime rate of any area in DC. But HRC had emails.

  83. STFU about freedom of speech6:36 PM

    InfoWars has been banned by the following:

    > Facebook
    > YouTube
    > LinkedIn
    > Apple
    > Pinterest
    > Spotify
    > Discus

    NO PLATFORM has cited a SINGLE sentence of "hate speech" he has said.

    Here is Salon, still allowed by all of them:


  84. Live and Let Live said...about the stoopidest thing I have heard all day and that is saying something.

    Stop forcing others to conform to your morality.

    Let me ask you one question, oh wise one, do I look like Congress to you? Where do you find people like you? I got a bonus for nailing yer ass with the first question.

  85. Live and Let Live6:42 PM

    "do I look like Congress to you? "

    When you use the power of the state to force your morality on others, it is a violation of the First Amendment.

  86. Anonymous7:00 PM

    "NO PLATFORM has cited a SINGLE sentence of 'hate speech' he has said."

    I doubt it will be hard to find instances of Alex Jones hate speech, but he did not even have to spread hate speech to get banned. His "fake news" conspiracy theories were enough. Spreading lies to the effect that school shootings, like the ones at Sandy Hook and Parkland, didn't really happen and were merely "false flag operations" staged by "crisis actors," and inciting his fans to harass the victims' families, is a violation of the social media platforms' terms of services.

    Wingnuts have gotten so used to slinging bullshit and not getting busted for it that they're stunned when it turns out there are consequences and their microphones get taken away.

  87. "His "fake news" conspiracy theories were enough"

    In that case, CNN should be banned for pushing the Trump-Russian collusion story for the past two years.

  88. Anonymous7:22 PM

    "When you use the power of the state to force your morality on others, it is a violation of the First Amendment."

    Virtually all laws force some people's morality onto other people. This is an unavoidable aspect of any government. Anti-pedophilia laws force the beliefs of non-child-rapists onto wannabe-child-rapists. Do you think the pro-child-rape people are victims because they have been forced to abide by morality of the rest of us?

    Laws that govern everyone should, however, be based on some sort of evidence. If an activity is mandated by law, there should at least be some sort of empirical evidence that that activity is beneficial. If an activity is forbidden by law, there should at least be some sort of empirical evidence that that activity is harmful.

    If your only reason for passing a law that controls people's behavior is "God says so," and you cannot point to any other legitimate evidence in favor of the law, then THAT is a violation of freedom of religion. Because the rest of us do not necessarily believe in your God's existence, much less your interpretation of his edicts.

    And above all, your right to "religious freedom" cannot override people's other, fundamental civil liberties, one of which is freedom from discrimination.

    This is not hard. You just do not believe in a pluralistic society or civil liberties. You want a society where everyone looks and acts like you, and if not, they get punished. This is also known as fascism.

  89. When you use the power of the state to force your morality on others, it is a violation of the First Amendment.

    You're none too bright, are you? The state is using the law of the land- the constitution, not yer stoopid, insipid bible, to ensure we all follow the same rules. We do not grant special rights to wasicu wasteys who claim victimhood everytime they gety their religious feelers hurt. The bible is not and never will be the law of this land.

  90. that case, CNN should be banned for pushing the Trump-Russian collusion story for the past two years.

    There is obvious collusion between Drumpdf and Russia every time wingnuts meet with Russian officials, not only just to get dirt on HRC but trying to reduce sanctions before Drumpf was even sworn in. You have no one to blame but yerself because you choose not to see or believe it.

  91. You're almost there, mike8:08 PM

    "The state is using the law of the land- the constitution, not yer stoopid, insipid bible, to ensure we all follow the same rules."

    So you must be advocating for the government to ensure social media sites allow all people access to their products, regardless of ideology, right?

  92. Mueller should definitely subpoena Drumpf. And Pence and Ryan and McCTurtle and all wingnuts in both houses of congress. Let's have a real high tech lynching and put Drumpf under oath where the whole world will see him lie some more and wingnuts still wouldn't do anything about it because RC had emails.

  93. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Wonder why I never see eastern asians getting arrested,in rehab,getting shot,on the news,here in the US? Only whites and blacks,and mexicans.Is it they know how to behave?

  94. No I don't. The problem with such intervention is the very premise. Private entities cannot censor. Professor Ari Waldman, a witness at the Filtering Practices hearing, was correct that "we don’t have a First Amendment right to Facebook’s amplification of our words."

    Governments can censor. And in a convoluted way, that's what social media regulation would do.

  95. Anonymous8:52 PM

  96. Love to see the whole stinking Drumpf crime family frog marched out of the Kremlin Annex and hauled off to be water boarded for the hell of it.

  97. Anonymous9:14 PM

  98. Anonymous9:17 PM

    "Private entities cannot censor"

    You are absolutely hopeless.

  99. Resist we much9:28 PM

    One of the most interesting aspects of Our Democracy is how resistant it is to the results of democracy.

  100. Anonymous9:54 PM

    The death toll in Puerto Rico from Hurricane Maria has been quietly raised from 64 to 1,427. Most of those deaths happened after the storm, because of the inadequate federal emergency response. Thanks, Trump!

  101. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Why are white men so ugly and disgusting and white women so fine and fuckable?

  102. Dave Zirin = faggot kike11:13 PM

    When will white people realize that they are a disease on this planet?

  103. Womp womp12:01 AM

    "The death toll in Puerto Rico from Hurricane Maria has been quietly raised from 64 to 1,427. Most of those deaths happened after the storm, because of the inadequate federal emergency response. Thanks, Trump!"

    All hurricane are the fault of Republicans.

  104. Anonymous1:14 AM

    Thank Heaven for Black on Black Killings.

  105. All of the botched US government responses to hurricanes which caused US citizens to needlessly die this century so far have been the fault of Republicans.

    There, I fixed it for you.

    -Doug in Oakland


    -Doug in Oakland

  107. "As a nation, we began by declaring that 'all men are created equal.' We now practically read it 'all men are created equal, except negroes.' When the Know-Nothings get control, it will read 'all men are created equal, except negroes, and foreigners, and Catholics.' When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretense of loving liberty -- to Russia, for instance, where despotism can be taken pure, and without the base alloy of hypocrisy."

    Abraham Lincoln, in 1855 letter to Joshua Speed

    -Doug in Oakland


  109. Anonymous said...

    "Private entities cannot censor"

    You are absolutely hopeless.

    You are a moron. You have no right to have your voice amplified by Facebook. That means they can remove anything they want to for any reason. That is the law, stoopid. Learn about the law from someone other than Fake Noize.

  110. The Constitution says I have the right to force a baker to make a cake in the shape of a pig so I can fuck it.

  111. Drugged in Oakland9:11 AM

    "I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality."

    Abraham Lincoln, in 1858

  112. Drugged in Oakland9:13 AM

    "You and we are different races. We have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think your race suffers very greatly, many of them, by living among us, while ours suffers from your presence. In a word, we suffer on each side. If this is admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be separated."

    Abraham Lincoln, in 1862 address to black ministers

  113. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Spike Lee hustle has always been and will always be stirring up controversy and raising conscience awareness; that's how he gets down (and paid).

    NEVER expect Spike to rise above his myopic view as he is incapable. You can't teach an old dog a new trick.

    CNN will pimp in celebrity or baller to further its agenda ; CNN believe black people can't think for . Therefore, the must lead them along the path of truth

  114. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Given JUDGE EMMET G. SULLIVAN is the"FIELD NEGRO OF THE DAY" why didn't Obama consider Judge Sullivan for the Supreme Court nomination?

    1. Anonymous9:35 AM

      There is a high probability the honorable Judge voted for 44

    2. Anonymous12:01 PM


  115. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Why is CNN giving an insignificant Negroid, who is trying to sell movie tickets, so much attention as opposed to news coverage of the atrocity in Chicago, I suppose those black lives DON'T matter.


  116. Anonymous moronic pigfucker from iowa said...

    The Constitution says I have the right to force a baker to make a cake in the shape of a pig so I can fuck it.

    9:05 AM

    Do you have an innate need to proclaim yer beastiality preference to the world? Why would you tell a baker that? Why? Because you're a fucking idiot. That is why.

  117. btw pigfucker, why not go find a sow or boar in the country and have a lasting affair? We promise not to laugh at you cuz you chose the ugliest one.

  118. Liberalism is now full of people like Sarah Jeong who are excused for nursing racial grievances despite the fact that they are influential, privileged, and by any reasonable standard much more powerful than the average person. These are people who aim hatred toward white people because of the color of their skin, and then we’re told that they can’t be racist because minorities have no power in a country where a black man just spent eight years as president of the United States. Jesse Jackson has no power? Al Sharpton? Ta-Nehisi Coates? Julian Bond? Leonard Pitts? Marc Lamont Hill? Charles Blow? Cornel West? Shaun King? Aiming hatred at white people is an industry in the United States and it pays well in money and attention. That’s why it’s such a growing field on the Left.

    So, if you’re someone who is hated by a political party because of your skin color, what do you do about that?

    Liberals certainly express a point of view about what minorities should do in that situation. They habitually falsely accuse Republicans of hating minorities and then say that means those voters are crazy if they don’t vote for them. Of course, their claim is not true. Conservatives overwhelmingly believe in judging people as individuals, by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. Still, this is how Democrats approach this issue.

    So, should white people abandon the Democrats who hate their guts? Yes, they should. Why vote for someone who defends people who hate you because of the color of your skin? Why should any individual have to be a groveling apologist because he was born a certain color? Why support a party that is prejudiced against your white child because of the color of his skin? These guys are aiming the same kind of hate at white people as their ancestors used to do at black Americans -- and if you’re a white American who just shrugs your shoulders at that, you’re foolish.

    You often hear this debate in America about whether people are “voting in their own interest.” If you are white, how is it in your interest to vote for a party full of people who denigrate you not because of your actions, but because of your race? How is it in your interest to support people who openly blame you for the problems in their lives because of your race and discount all of your hard-earned achievements because of imaginary “white privilege”? How is it in your interest to support people who gleefully say it will be a better country when more people like you are gone?

  119. Anonymous11:36 AM

    @ Birth of the White American Party

    Well constructed comment.

    As a black independant thinking conservative, I agree with your point. The GOP does, from a personal perspective, "...overwhelmingly believe in judging people as individuals, by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. Still, this is how Democrats approach this issue..."

  120. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Do you believe that the Democrats are not the anti-White party?

    1. Anonymous12:03 PM

      Actually the Democratic party is a anti-black party as they only further agendas advantageous to post civil rights immigrants

  121. Liberals certainly express a point of view about what minorities should do in that situation. They habitually falsely accuse Republicans of hating minorities and then say that means those voters are crazy if they don’t vote for them.

    Whaduh load of BULLSHIT!!!! Libs use stoopid fucking wasicu wastey's EXACT utterances against thwem while wasicus claim they are victims of racial attacks.

    Fuck all you stoopid fucking wasicu wastey Russian bits right in the earhole.

    How you gonna lie yer way out of this mess if Omarosa is right that Drumpf utters the N-word on tape? I know you will excuse him and claim victim hood and resort to whining about HRC's emails because that is all you got. You pathetic POS make me sick to my stomach!

  122. El Chapo11:55 AM

    Field Negro of the Day, Tariq Nasheed:

    Tariq Nasheed✔
    A hispanic white supremacist confessed to racially targeting a Black family in a failed drive by shooting at a Palm Springs hotel

    5:15 PM - Aug 8, 2018

    Ricardo Gomez, of Desert Hot Springs, is accused of shooting at a black man, his wife and their 16-year-old son at a Palm Springs hotel Saturday.

    Trump's America!


    Drumpfuck's voters are fucking insane!


    Another Drumpf supporter. He seemed so nice.


    Russia warns puppet Drumpfuck to do as they say or else he won't get election help.

    No collusion because HRC had emails.

  126. Ex-CIA analyst Phill Mudd explodes over Devin Nunes admitting he’ll protect Trump regardless of collusion facts

    Had enough to convince you this entire wingnut operation needs to be jailed, Wingnuts?

  127. Kill the Communists12:09 PM

    I'd rather have Putin running America than Hillary.


    Truth as it is spoken among men is coming out of the dungeon Russia/NRA have kept it.

  129. d rather have Putin running America than Hillary.

    You already got that and Putin is no better at running the government than you stoopid fucking wingnut losers.

  130. Ain't no Russian ever called me Deplorable.


    Hurry wingnuts, shout censorship.


    Drumpfuck Junior lies just like his old Russian daddy do.

  133. Anonymous12:31 PM

    "How you gonna lie yer way out of this mess if Omarosa is right that Drumpf utters the N-word on tape? I know you will excuse him and claim victim hood and resort to whining about HRC's emails because that is all you got."

    So if Trump said the word "nigger", that means it's ok that Hillary destroyed 30,000 subpoenaed emails?

    All the high crimes of the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration would be wiped away if it could just be proved that Donald Trump said a magic word!

    You and your ilk are insane.


    Blacks are assetrting their rights in whitey's bailiwick and wasicus ain't liking it.

  135. All the high crimes of the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration would be wiped away if it could just be proved that Donald Trump said a magic word!

    You and your sdtoopid fucking incompetent investigator wingnuts had ample opportunities to find any crime HRC may have committed and gotten it easily prosecuted. ASfterall you dumbfuckers control all three branches of government and still can't govern or investigate. Stop whining and own up to the facts that Drumpf and his entire bunch of outlaws are committing actionable crimes, the likes of which HRC or Obama did not do.

  136. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Given JUDGE EMMET G. SULLIVAN is the"FIELD NEGRO OF THE DAY" why didn't Obama consider Judge Sullivan for the Supreme Court nomination?

  137. Anonymous1:03 PM


    Field, Pilot x, Gambler2 ASKA White Woman, Live and Let Live and all

  138. "Actually the Democratic party is a anti-black party as they only further agendas advantageous to post civil rights immigrants"

    Oh, that makes sense now. That explains why all white nationalists and David Duke voted for trump and the GOP, they secretly love Blah people. See, it was a ruse all the time.

    1. "Actually the Democratic party is a anti-black party as they only further agendas advantageous to post civil rights immigrants"

      And if this is the case why don't more white nationalists vote Dem? The south should be full of white Dems as they seem to not like blah people so much. Things that make you go hmmmmmmm.

    2. Anonymous5:34 PM

      You did not answered the question about your messiah NOT nominating slash appointing Judge Sullivan (not a Pilot )

    3. Anonymous8:19 PM

      Still crickets.. cat's got your tongue/ dog ate you keyboards?

  139. Pretty sure Sessions didn't appreciate getting checked by a negro😂Especially when he didn't get chosen as a federal judge. Oh to be a fly on the wall.

  140. Anonymous2:18 PM

    The whole Russian/Trump thing was manufactured by the radical left. Its all fiction with no substance.

  141. Wow, you mean there were what seemed to be insuperable racial divisions in the 1860s? Who could have guessed?
    Lincoln knew how difficult it would be and did the right thing anyway, something that we used to believe defined America.
    Now we do what? Lie and argue about how oppressed we are that our lies aren't taken as gospel?
    Oh wait, that's only Republicans doing that. Democrats are busy trying to save the country from the damage those lies are causing.
    And, just like the time before and the time before that, that's exactly what we will do.
    You're welcome.

    -Doug in Oakland

  142. Anonymous3:53 PM

    anough said

  143. Anonymous3:55 PM

    The whole Russian/Trump thing was manufactured by the radical left. Its all fiction with no substance.
    Ok so everybody can just go home. Thanks troll.

  144. Raygun appointee judge in Manafort case is as big an arrogant asshole as Drumpfuck the dumbfuck is. Je needs to be removed from the bench and re-schooled on courtroom decorum for the presiding fucking judge!

  145. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Waaaa. Our phony investigation is going nowhere.

  146. uiwa's junior sinator, former KGB agent Ivanna Kuturnutzov claims she didn't take any of the three million bucks from the NRA that bought her seat in the sinate.

    Of course she's lying. She is a stoopid fucking wasicu wastey dipshit with hog manure for brains.

  147. Raygun judge is running Devin Numbnuts caliber of judicial interference for Manafort. Multiple grounds for appeal if Manafort skips.


    For the purpose of this 2.5 billion taxcut, banks are not considered part of the financial services industry. Another little taxpayer gift to the extremely wealthy, but don't you know its the leeches on food stamps that are causing this Nation to go bankrupt. That and HRC's emails.

  149. The world's second worst negotiator after Drumpfuck is SIL Kushfuck. His plan for middle east peace is take refugee status away from 7 million Palestinians, let Israel bulid settlements where ever they want and they have already taken away Jerusalemm as Palestinian capitol.

    They are trying to defund the 2 agencies that provide subsistence living for millions of Palestinians. They will most likely let Israel off the hook for providing basics to all citizens in occupied territories. In short they will throw 7 million people who have the right to that land under the bus.


    Poor widdle snowflake got his feelers hurt for passing out hate speech.

  151. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Woe is us, Black oppression, Everything is Racist, The entire system is against us, Lawdy the White Man won't let us off our porch, The whitey hunts us 24/7, don't allow us on TV or in Sports, Black folks ain't allowed to go to school, ain't allowed to drive a car, We ain't allowed no where there is whitey, We ain't allowed to have any Black folk in the media calling for the death of whitey, It against the law for a black person to run for political office in every state, Illegal to produce a Black themed movie in America, Illegal for Blacks and Jews to work on a social justice group, It's illegal for a Black to breathe oxygen. Delusional thinking and outright lies is BLACK PRIVILEGE. Sick of your bullshit....

  152. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.

    1. Anonymous8:23 PM

      A lot of that went on in the slave quarters... isn't it obvious given the various hues. Probably encompass your genetic chromosomes.

  153. I second what Anonymous @ 6:43 said.

  154. Still Anymoose is desperate for a big Black COCK- penis envy or queer doesn't matter. He won't stop his incessant whining until he gets some big Black cock.

  155. And yet another fuckboi7:20 PM

    Woe is us, Black oppression, Everything is Racist, The entire system is against us, Lawdy the White Man won't let us off our porch,
    But yet it's the white fuckboi snowflakes bitching about not having civil rights in DC. Get the fuck outta here with your bullshit Chad.

  156. White male tears7:23 PM

    Wha wha whaaaaaa Jews are replacing us. I can't be a STEM major because I can't get accepted because all they do is admit POC and women. I can't get a job because all they hire are women and POC. Boooo hooo fucking hoooo. I have to go get a tiki torch and march because there'a a genocide going on. Boooo hooooo!

  157. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Only Pastor David Manning of Harlem can save Black Folk......ATLAH !

  158. A Clockwork Watermelon10:59 PM

    Maybe if the "White Priv " chick in SC Fought with Police, tried to taser them or run them down, maybe Fraud Negro would go light on her? Nah....He is a racist.

  159. A Clockwork Watermelon said... just curious- are you the seedless variety or the one Japanese grew in a plastic box to sit flat in the refrigerator? Never mind. I can tell your seedless (brainless) and you ooze the Earth is flat intelligence. Just never seen a commie red outside watermelon.

  160. Here’s the essence of the argument:

    Modern American history has never seen as full-scale an effort to sabotage a valid law as we have with President Trump and the Affordable Care Act — a law whose legality has been upheld twice by the US Supreme Court.

    The president has a legal obligation, under Article II of the US Constitution, to “take Care that the laws be faithfully executed.” That means he must make sure that our laws are implemented in good faith and that he uses his executive discretion reasonably toward that end.

    His agencies likewise have a legal obligation, under the Administrative Procedure Act — the statute that sets the rules for our entire federal regulatory apparatus — not to use their power to engage in arbitrary action.

    The intentional, multi-pronged sabotage of the ACA that we have seen during Trump’s presidency — reaching new heights since attempts by Congress to repeal the law failed — violates both Trump’s constitutional obligations and quite possibly the obligations of his Department of Health and Human Services.

    If Kavanufuck gets confirmed how long do you suppose Article 2 will survive?


    Cops couldn't pull driver out of car for not wearing seat belt because he was buckled in hos seat.

  162. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Mike you are lying again to push the radical left agenda again. That's not what happened and the Chief is backing his officers over the 1.5 hour traffic stop and false 911 call.

  163. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Yisheng = nigger

    lilac = cunt
