Tuesday, August 21, 2018

The bottom of the swamp.

Image result for michael cohen imagesThe trump crime family is shrinking more and more with each passing day. Today, two more of his cronies felt the sting of justice, as prosecutors get closer and closer to the Don himself, Mr. trump.

"A federal jury in Virginia convicted Paul Manafort, President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman, on eight felony counts on Tuesday, but the judge declared a mistrial on the 10 other charges he faced.

Manafort, a fixture in Republican politics for decades, was convicted of five counts of tax fraud, one count of failure to file a report of foreign bank and financial accounts and two counts of bank fraud. A mistrial was declared in three counts of failing to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts, and seven counts of bank fraud and bank fraud conspiracy.

Prosecutors built a case that Manafort for years hid millions from U.S. tax authorities in overseas accounts, spending the money to maintain a lavish lifestyle and lying to banks to generate more cash.
The trial was the first public test of special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation, and while the special counsel was vindicated, the victory wasn't total." [Source]

They are right, it wasn't "total", but it was more than enough. Manafort was found guilty on eight counts of the charges, and even though mistrials were declared on the other ten (he can be retried on all of them), he is still looking at eighty years in the big house with the charges that he was found guilty of.

And then there is Mr. trump's long time fixer and bag man, Michael Cohen. He pleaded guilty to a variety of crimes today, and he joins a long list of folks in trump's orbit who are now felons.

" Longtime Trump personal attorney and fixer Michael Cohen agreed to a plea deal with the Southern District of New York in which he admitted guilt on eight charges and acknowledged that he had discussed or made hush payments to two women alleging affairs with Trump in order to keep damaging information from becoming public, at the direction of and in coordination with a candidate for federal office. That candidate, although Cohen didn't name him, is obviously Donald Trump.

Either of these developments could make for a disastrous week for the President of the United States, who has watched special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian 2016 election interference draw ever closer to him as it has gone along. But for both Manafort to be found guilty and Cohen to not only plead guilty but to implicate Trump in a payoff that violates campaign finance law is, literally, catastrophic for the Trump White House.
While both stories are very big deals, the Cohen plea is more important in terms of its direct impact on Trump." [Source]

Remember when all those trump supporters were shouting "lock her up" about Hillary Clinton? Well somewhere in upstate New York Hillary Clinton is laughing her ass off. 

Memo to Mr. trump: Be careful what you wish for. You wanted to be president, and now you (and those around you) must live with the consequences.    

*Pic from rollingstone.com


  1. Wesley R9:44 PM

    When it's all said and done, Mueller is going to find Donald Jr. and his Son in Law, The Golden Boy broke various laws and the Art of The Deal maybe that he doesn't run in 2020 to keep them out of jail. Also, those non profitable golf courses in Europe are nothing more than money laundering operations. Crime Family indeed.

  2. Lance Cockstrong9:48 PM

    The bottom of the swamp is filled with the corpses of micro dick white boys. Truly a horrifying sight to behold.

  3. Alright, big news. I wonder what they're talking about on Fox😆 Hillary's email? Q anon?
    Que the Russia trolls to go full on more Chicago than house music and Chief Keef😂
    Chicago! Chicago! Chicago!

  4. Anonymous10:30 PM


    ... shouts increasingly nervous gay black blogger for the 389th time this year.

  5. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Hey Nancy Strongcunt, u mad? You sound like a little micro-dicked black fuckboi who's just pissed that all those sexy white women won't give him the time of day.

    Why don't you just try being gay like Field? He gets all KINDS of ass, I hear.


  6. Bloviating Ignoramus10:54 PM

    The best is yet to come Trumptwats ... Can you say ... money laundering? Bannon can (and did)... So can Mueller ...

    Butt Trumpet never wanted to be president ... never intended to be president ... never thought anyone would care less about his dirty deals ... Dirty rotten double cross by Democrats presenting the only tailor made punching bag that he could beat and making Butt Trumpet president ...

    Party's over Trumptwats

  7. Anonymous11:08 PM

    If Big Dick Trump was remotely worried about any of this fake-ass bullshit he wouldn't have been chilling in West Virginia tonight, talking to and listening to real Americans who've been so badly affected by Gay Little Barry's disastrous economic policies. Water off a duck's back. He only worries about real problems, not this tabloid fuckbutter.

    BTW, whatever happened to Omarosa's big surprise? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

  8. Please tell me this is a joke. Jared found trump's trade expert on Amazon😖


  9. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Running total of Obama's accomplishments

    • Appointed NO Black American to the US Supreme Court
    • Betrayed the one who put him on the map, Oprah
    • As a state senator, Obama blocked a bill that stopped late term "Live Birth Abortions" while late term babies died in the state's hospitals
    • Signed legislation so as to assist illegal immigrant children (the DREAM ACT)
    • Refuse , as president, to intervene on behalf of the most vulnerable citizens, who were being slaughtered in Chicago
    • Backstabbed , never repaying the one who taught him the art of public speaking, Jesse, Jackson
    • Threw Jeremiah Wright, Obama's 'father' figure/mentor, under the buss -- JW is still wearing those buss parts
    • Legalized homosexual marriage
    • Obama the consummate wolf in sheep clothing
    • Obama used the entire black community to launch his is personal agenda and never acknowledge his debt to the black community

  10. Jesse Jackson11:27 PM

    Appointed NO Black American to the US Supreme Court
    And Sarah Sanders and Kellywise the Clown can't name ONE negro staffer.

    trump used poor whites to enrich his friends with tax cuts so they can use the money for stock buybacks and not increased wages. He has never acknowledged his debt to the poor white community.

  11. Robert Mueller11:31 PM

    Funny, the top stories are two close trump staffers are convicted but Fox is of course talking about ICE and this asshole at 11:16 wants to bring up a former president.
    Cohen guilty! Manafort guilty!

  12. So Lanny Davis went on the teevee machine and said that Cohen has information that Mueller should be interested in concerning collusion with a foreign government and conspiracy against the United States of America that he'd be happy to share with him.

    Flippityflippityflippityflipflipflip. Flip.

    Take a bullet indeed. (As a "bullet" is slang for a year in the joint, he may just end up taking a couple after all. No-one on the DOJ side is going to be pleased with him for stringing them along this long, and there may still be consequences for him, flip or no flip.)

    -Doug in Oakland

  13. Robert Mueller11:36 PM

    f Big Dick Trump was remotely worried about any of this fake-ass bullshit he wouldn't have been chilling in West Virginia tonight, talking to and listening to real Americans who've been so badly affected by Gay Little Barry's disastrous economic policies. Water off a duck's back.
    Bwahahahahahahahahaha! Yeah right, dumb ass had to go somewhere to find dumbfucks who still back his criminal ass. Genius! Let's tie our future to a fucking 19th century energy source that kills the people mining it.
    Cohen guilty! Manafort guilty!
    So how many people in his administration are convicted or have pled guilty? Now compare that to the Obama administration how many after 8 years? 0? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  14. teh stupid11:40 PM

    Did trump talk about the thousands of opioid deaths in W. Virginia? Did he discuss babies being born addicted to meth? Dumb asses are the poorest state, dig in the ground for shit that will kill them with black lung and are loosing their last tooth because of meth addiction but they love trump. Talk about some stoooooopid mother fuckers!

  15. Anonymous11:40 PM

    “Please tell me this is a joke. Jared found trump's trade expert on Amazon”

    Trump’s economic advisors are all cranks. They are ignoramuses not respected by any mainstream economist.

    Trump hired Larry fucking Kudlow. This guy doesn’t have a PhD in economics. He’s a Wall Streeter with extensive expertise in saying “tax cuts are great!”

    Basically, Trump decided that America’s main problem (besides the presence of “illegals” within our borders) is that China is screwing us. And then he went looking to hire whichever fools would say they agree with this wrongheaded view.

    We should all be very concerned about the future health of our economy.

  16. Jared the Cush11:42 PM

    Was Jared at the WV klan rally? Wasn't he supposed to end the opioid crisis? Oh that's right, he's too busy trying to stay out of jail. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  17. As goes West Virginia11:44 PM

    Trump hired Larry fucking Kudlow. This guy doesn’t have a PhD in economics.
    You mean like the Energy Secretary who only holds a BS in Animal Husbandry? He hires the best people. America is one big dumb country.

  18. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Let's see, Obama's personal attorney just retired from a high powered law firm and is part of a Washington power couple while trump's attorney will be spending years in prison. Obama's campaign chair is a professor at the University of Chicago while trump's campaign chair will be spending years in prison. See a trend?

  19. Anonymous11:52 PM

    “Was Jared at the WV klan rally? Wasn't he supposed to end the opioid crisis? Oh that's right, he's too busy trying to stay out of jail.”

    Leave poor Jared alone. He’s too busy to fix the opioid crises. He’s bringing peace to the Middle East!


  20. Anonymous11:53 PM


  21. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Let's see, Obama's former National Security Advisor is a visiting fellow at American University while trump's National Security Advisor is going to jail. See a trend? Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!

  22. Randy Rainbow strikes again:


    -Doug in Oakland

  23. Fox is all in on the ICE story. It's as if Manafort and Cohen weren't arrested. 😂

  24. The GOP1:00 AM

    Republicans are in trouble. Duncan Hunter was illegally using campaign money and then trying to pass it off as donations to Wounded Warriors? Not to mention Collins in NY. Funny, these were the first two congressmen to support trump. trump has the reverse midas touch. The Republicans are a joke, they want to bring back coal as our major energy source, have just given up on even pretending to be fiscally reaponsible. Right now they are just the party of white supremacists and Pepe trolls.The blue wave can't come fast enough for my tastes.

  25. Anonymous1:26 AM

    “Fox is all in on the ICE story. It's as if Manafort and Cohen weren't arrested.”

    Not sure which story you’re referring to regarding ICE.

    I can tell the Fox crowd are already going frothy-mouthed racist over the Mollie Tibbetts murder story.

    Mollie appears to be the new Kate Steinle — i.e., a vehicle for wingnut hatemongers to lie and pretend that illegal immigrants are more dangerous than native-born American citizens.

  26. Anonymous1:55 AM

    Not sure which story you’re referring to regarding ICE.
    Yup, Mollie Tibbetts.

  27. Sean Hannity's conscious1:59 AM

    Hannity crying over Mollie, so no tears for victims of other crimes? Not even for the pregnant woman killed by her husband? GTFOH! White women have to be killed by a negro or illegal immigrant for the right to give a shit. Pathetic.

  28. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Trump = Blessed and Highly Favored!

    ...mines on the way.

  29. Anonymous8:46 AM

    But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

    Matthew 6:33 King James Version

  30. The guy that killed Mollie Tibbetts wos gainfully employed for the last several years at a prominent iowa wingnut's dairy.

    Manafort guilty of 8 felonies in Trial 1.
    Cohen pled guilty to 8 felonies so far.
    Dumbcan Hunter and wifey poo are indicted by Justice Department.

    What's not to celebrate in the swamp?

  31. Anonymous8:57 AM

    There is no king who was the apple of God’s eye like David. The heart of God had a special affection for the man who was later described by the Lord as, “a man after my heart, who will do all my will.” (Acts 13:33).

  32. Anonymous9:02 AM

    The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

    --James 5:16

  33. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Go ahead start a new thread field as it perturbs you when the exchange goes in a direction not intended.

  34. Yisheng = nigger, lilac = cunt9:29 AM

    Trump supporters deserve to be at the bottom of a swamp...a really deep swamp!

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      Than democrats should take their rightful place -- the bottom of the abyss!

  35. And yet an actual swamp is a much nicer place than your average black ghetto, or hell, you average black household.

  36. Anonymous9:40 AM

    democrats = Sodom and Gomorrah

    1. Anonymous9:45 AM

      Let's see how that works out, in the end , for those who legalize immorality.

  37. Dave Zirin = faggot kike9:56 AM

    I feel sorry for any woman who has slept with a white man. The sight and smell must be nauseating.

  38. Anonymous9:59 AM

    ...because greater is HE that is in you, than he that is in the world.

    1 John 4:4 King James Version

  39. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  40. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.

    For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.

    Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.

    --Psalm 37 KJV)

  41. Anonymous10:10 AM

    If your enemies are hungry, feed them. If they are thirsty, give them something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals of shame on their heads.

    -Romans 12:20

  42. Anonymous10:12 AM

    But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you..

    Matthew 5:44-45

  43. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Exorcisim often required.

  44. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Forgive Rosemary's babies.

  45. Anonymous10:54 AM

    We're going to vibe with you Yaweh … Ambassadors who shows off HIS grace

  46. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Hahahahaha, Donald Trump still fuming about “rats.” Here is his tweet from today:

    “If anyone is looking for a good lawyer, I would strongly suggest that you don’t retain the services of Michael Cohen!”

  47. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:43 AM

    We all know that Trump should be impeached. He has committed at least two felonies in order to win the 2016 election. But as with Richard Nixon, it will take a while to get him out. It can't come too soon.

  48. Blackmoney12:10 PM

    And yet an actual swamp is a much nicer place than your average black ghetto, or hell, you average black household.
    And the average negro ghetto is ten times nicer than the dilapidated trailer park you and your mom live. Then again you hillbillies are so high on meth you don't notice.

  49. "But as with Richard Nixon, it will take a while to get him out. It can't come too soon."

    Exactly, trump and his short attention span should realize this before spouting about witch hunts. It may be better in the end for his to just be quiet.

  50. http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/gop-leader-steve-scalise-may-have-addressed-supremacist-rally

    And people have to wonder why blah people don't vote Republican. Their #3 is giving speeches at hate rallies🤔

  51. “If anyone is looking for a good lawyer, I would strongly suggest that you don’t retain the services of Michael Cohen!”

    How can this be? drumpfuck only hires the best people. He should have seen this coming because he has stated, for the record, he is smarter than his lawyers and his generals and even an uncle who is supposedly a 40 year MIT professor.

  52. Over 50 iowans disappeared in July alone. Only one got near daily front page press. She was attractive and white. Now she isn't.

  53. August 21, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself

    A Russian oligarch just bought BiteGrid, the company that manages Maryland’s voter registration database and candidate management operations.

    I mean, what can you say except that you doubt that he’s up to no bad? You don’t think this is something that ought to raise temperatures enough to boil blue crabs?

    Republican do not appears to be concerned. Democrats has issued a strong foot stomp.

    “We also recently asked Treasury Secretary [Steven] Mnuchin to review the acquisition of ByteGrid in his role as Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States,” the Maryland Democrats wrote.

    They’re counting on Mnuchin, who is obviously out shopping with his wife?

  54. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Only Pastor David Manning of Harlem can save the confused and unenlightened Negro in America......ATLAH!

  55. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Mike from Iowa...God knows you not. You will reap what you have sown during your Evil existence. Satan lives in your heart, mind and tongue.

  56. https://www.ajc.com/news/local/lawsuit-buford-schools-superintendent-recorded-racist-rant/xywRl237UbhMvGUO4EBunN/?ecmp=gwinnett&utm_medium=social&utm_source=gwinnett_fb

    So if educators and administration officials are racist can we not predict how this turns out for Blah kids?

  57. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2018/08/21/confederate-statue-silent-sam-university-north-carolina-chapel-hill/1049796002/

    And another one bites the dust👍🏾

  58. Drumpf's endorsement of Foster Friess for Wyoming's guv backfired. Drumpf was just bragging how his endorsements are better than dean Raygun's.

  59. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Mike from Iowa...God knows you not. You will reap what you have sown during your Evil existence. Satan lives in your heart, mind and tongue.

    Satan pays rent. Your phony god doesn't exist.

  60. Anonymous2:53 PM

    "Manafort, a fixture in Republican politics for decades, was convicted of five counts of tax fraud, one count of failure to file a report of foreign bank and financial accounts and two counts of bank fraud. A mistrial was declared in three counts of failing to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts, and seven counts of bank fraud and bank fraud conspiracy."

    None of which had anything to do with Trump or his Presidency. Witch hunt.

  61. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Progressive Center Lefts are Godless and want to ban religious belief and 1st Amendment rights...…..

    1. Anonymous7:17 PM

      Let see know how that works for you when a doctor gives you news you always feared; or when you become febble left in a nursing home to rot. Be sure to tell the church volunteers not to visit your room.

  62. Dumbest Post of the Day!3:40 PM

    Progressive Center Lefts are Godless and want to ban religious belief and 1st Amendment rights...…..
    We have a winner!

    1. Anonymous3:42 PM

      It should read Progressives have no need to live their lives based on the fear of an imaginary invisible sky daddy.

    2. Anonymous7:12 PM

      The "imaginary invisible sky daddy" create you using 23 pairs of chromosome. Unfortunately, YOU allow aspect of HIS nemesis, Satan, to demonstrate Satan's evil nature. Believers sense Satanic attracts; understanding there is NOT one ounce of good in Satan or his imps

    3. Anonymous7:19 PM

      Let see know how that works for you when a doctor gives you news you always feared; or when you become febble left in a nursing home to rot. Be sure to tell the church volunteers not to visit your room.

  63. Lanny on the teevee machine last night:

    "I can tell you that Mr. Cohen has knowledge on certain subjects that should be of interest to the special counsel and is more than happy to tell special counsel all that he knows -- not just about the obvious possibility of a conspiracy to collude and corrupt the American democracy system in the 2016 election, which the Trump Tower meeting was all about, but also, knowledge about the computer crime of hacking and whether or not Mr. Trump knew ahead of time about that crime and even cheered it on."

    -Doug in Oakland

  64. Anonymous4:30 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  65. Anonymous4:32 PM

    TRUMP [IN JAIL BY] 2020!!

  66. Anonymous5:35 PM

    You Trump haters have been wrong on all things Trump since 2016,why do you think you are right this time??? He did get elected!!!

    TRUMP 2020!!

  67. Another stoopid fucking wingnut assault on women's rights get tossed by appeals court.


  68. No matter how bleak it looks for Putin's butt fucking orange toy, wingnuts could care less and just embrace their constipational duties to shit on the constitution. Bring back the guillotine and let stoopid fucking wasicu wastey heads roll.

    Pretty soon every stoopid fucking wingnut will be under indictment or in prison. And I say to myself, what a wonderful world.

  69. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/8/22/17768840/michael-cohen-campaign-finance-felony-trump-senator

    Vox asked 8 stoopid fucking wingnut senators what they planned to do about criminal Drumpf. Crickets. Dems apparently have no such qualms about making the pathological lying POS lie under oath.

  70. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/fire-department-verizon-data-throttled-net-neutrality_us_5b7d7346e4b0348585fc755c

    Fire Dept claims Verizon has throttled net speed at least three times while fires were being fought.

  71. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/georgia-county-close-polling-places-access_us_5b7c7484e4b07295150dbaf3

    County claimed they closed polling places because of lack of handicapped access, but they have not a single complaint to back up the charges. They just want to prevent minorities from exercising their rights because...racism.

  72. Anonymous7:43 PM

    The left is really going to go batshit when Trump finishes his first term and gets reelected again.... I can hardly wait!!!

  73. Clinton lied about sex and wingnuts impeached him.

    What's that stinking ooze at the bottom of the swamp? Stoopid fucking wingnuts, of course.

    Anonymous said...

    Let see know how that works for you when a doctor gives you news you always feared; or when you become febble left in a nursing home to rot. Be sure to tell the church volunteers not to visit your room.

    This wasn't worth repeating, but for you and your imaginary friend up there or where ever here is a nice friendly fuck you and the imaginary horse you rode in on.

  74. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Extremely amusing news of the day:


    Trump is surrounded by half-assed, incompetent people because nobody decent wants to work for the obnoxious SOB. Won’t it be poetic if that’s what ultimately brings him down?

  75. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.

  76. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:43 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Progressive Center Lefts are Godless and want to ban religious belief and 1st Amendment rights...….."

    2:54 PM

    No, my friend, most of us want freedom from religion. Freedom to live our lives without other people's religious dogma being forced on us by law. We believe in separation of church and state as did Thomas Jefferson and many other founding fathers.

  77. Megabus8:45 PM

    Let's see how quickly peepee man throws his own spawn under the bus, LOL!!


  78. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Mo Money Trump. No Money Obama

    Pro life - Trump

    Baby killer - Obama

  79. Anonymous9:13 PM

    No, my friend, most of us want freedom from religion. Freedom to live our lives without other people's religious dogma being forced on us by law. We believe in separation of church and state as did Thomas Jefferson and many other founding fathers.
    8:43 PM

    Dog whistle.....that means if progressive commie types seized power you would ban religious freedom.

  80. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Again the batshit and lying alt left trying to convince people Trump did something wrong....he broke no laws.

    TRUMP 2020!!

    You know its coming but are in denial.

  81. Kill white men, fuck white women9:17 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  82. Frank Zappa once said: "There may be some evidence that a man named Jesus Christ once walked the Earth, but Satan? That's some serious fiction."

    -Doug in Oakland

  83. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Yisheng = nigger

    lilac = cunt

  84. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:26 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "No, my friend, most of us want freedom from religion. Freedom to live our lives without other people's religious dogma being forced on us by law. We believe in separation of church and state as did Thomas Jefferson and many other founding fathers.
    8:43 PM

    Dog whistle.....that means if progressive commie types seized power you would ban religious freedom."

    Well, my friend if your religious freedom interferes with my religious freedom, then we have a problem. You and I have the right to believe whatever we want to. But neither of us have the right to make our religious beliefs into law. This solid principle is not a "dog whistle,"it's the foundation of our republic.

  85. Anonymous4:16 PM

    LOL...as long as you commie pinko alt left types are calling the shots....right Hitler....

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