Monday, August 20, 2018

The streets take another one.

And now, a public service announcement from the mean streets of Philadelphia.

"When I heard the news that Kristian Marche had died, I was shocked. I couldn’t believe it.

But somehow, I wasn’t as upset as I felt I should be. Especially considering I knew him personally.
Marche, a standout track athlete and Imhotep Charter grad, was killed on Aug. 13, a day before he was to leave on full scholarship to Penn State. He was shot in the head around 9:30 at night, taken to Albert Einstein Memorial Hospital, and pronounced dead at 6:30 the following afternoon.

Though we weren’t especially tight, we both ran track in Philly, so I knew him well enough to call him a friend. What happened to him was undeniably horrific and unfair. So why aren’t I as broken up about it as I should be?

Because in Philadelphia, things like this happen nearly every single day.

Young black men, people with all the potential in the world and their whole lives in front of them — people like me — are gunned down with shocking regularity.

It’s almost like I’ve grown numb to it.

Kristian wasn’t the first kid to fall victim to Philly’s gun violence, and he won’t be the last.
Out of all the people shot in Philadelphia so far this year, 15.6 percent were black males aged 15-20, according to police data. The numbers were similar last year, when black youths that age made up 14.2 percent of the 1,129 total shootings. That means one of every seven victims of gun violence in this city is a young black man on the verge of adulthood.

Because of his talent, Marche’s death got a lot of attention. And he definitely was special in that regard.

He was a Division 1 recruit in both football and track. As a sophomore, he anchored Imhotep’s state championship-winning 4×100 relay team. During his junior year he was a part of Imhotep’s 4×200 relay, which ranked No. 1 in the U.S. That same indoor season he was ranked ninth in the country for the 200m.

His head coach for his first three years at Imhotep, Jerome Lowery, described Marche as a selfless athlete and someone who always really cared about his teammates. Lowery never forgets what Marche did after suffering an injury during his junior year at the state meet.

“I said to him, ‘I don’t want you to run this relay,’ to keep him healthy so he could run at nationals,” Lowery recalled. “He said he would rather run the relays than run individually. That’s one of the memories I’ll always have of him.”

As outstanding as he was on the track, what I remember most about him was his personality. Marche always had fun — sometimes even while he was running.

I ran for Central in high school, and when I saw Kristian at track meets I remember he would always be dancing, rapping or doing something fun, either to get his team going or to throw his opponents off. Even before the Philadelphia Public League Championships, when everyone else was laser-focused and trying to fend of jittery nerves, you’d see him having a blast.

When my school won the championship my senior year, Marche came up to me talking trash — because that’s what we always did. At the state championships the year prior, we played basketball in our down time, not even thinking about the possibility of injury — and then we all play-fought afterwards, because that’s just what we did.

Now, instead of dancing, talking trash and running fast in Happy Valley, Kristian is lifeless, buried underground.

To see Marche lose his life to gun violence — someone who had worked hard, and earned his ticket out of the city — it makes me realize that these killers don’t care who you are.

For black kids in Philadelphia, turning 18 or 21 often comes with a sigh of relief, rather than celebration. On my 18th birthday, friends were telling me “I made it” — as if I had just been drafted by the Sixers — rather than just the normal “Happy birthday.”

We should be worrying about applying to college, applying for internships, keeping up our GPAs, but instead, we are worried about being shot — or burying our friends who have been.

When tragedy like this strikes, you always see people begging for a change or trying to do things to fix the problem, but it seems like nothing ever works. “Something needs to change,” “Put the guns down” — all the platitudes seem so worn out at this point. The people committing these crimes are not listening.

Statistics like the ones above make me think there will never be an end to this senseless killing.
I just hope I’m not next." [Source]


  1. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Running total of Obama's accomplishments

    • Appointed NO Black American to the US Supreme Court
    • Betrayed the one who put him on the map, Oprah
    • As a state senator, Obama blocked a bill that stopped late term "Live Birth Abortions" while late term babies died in the state's hospitals
    • Signed legislation so as to assist illegal immigrant children (the DREAM ACT)
    • Refuse , as president, to intervene on behalf of the most vulnerable citizens, who were being slaughtered in Chicago
    • Backstabbed , never repaying the one who taught him the art of public speaking, Jesse, Jackson
    • Threw Jeremiah Wright, Obama's 'father' figure/mentor, under the buss -- JW is still wearing those buss parts
    • Legalized homosexual marriage
    • Obama the consummate wolf in sheep clothing
    • Obama used the entire black community to launch his is personal agenda and never acknowledge his debt to the black community.

  2. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Perhaps now you'll focus on what really matters instead of expending energy beating the dead Russia horse and worrying about rats, dogs, and the White House.

  3. Anonymous9:57 PM

    A wicked person earns deceptive wages,but the one who sows righteousness reaps a sure reward.

    Proverbs 11:18

  4. I've known a few promising young men who were killed by gun violence. One was a drummer named Eric that I played with a few times and made some jewelry for his mom. He was murdered by someone who didn't even know him in a case of mistaken identity. He was a good drummer and a nice, clean, kid.
    I'm glad I don't have much of that stuff in my life any more, but I know it hasn't completely gone away from this area; even though it has dramatically decreased, that doesn't do anything for Eric and all of the others sent to their graves before they had a chance to do much and for the stupidest of reasons.

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. Anonymous11:28 PM

    The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother’s keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.

    Ezekiel 25:17

  6. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Okay, fine. Actually, it was Samuel L Jackson 25:17

  7. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Gun violence??? Its negroe violence.

  8. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Police Confirm Both of the Bodies Found Were Missing Black Teens:

  9. Eric Holder12:00 AM

    Is this asshat going to post this every fucking day?

    Appointed NO Black American to the US Supreme Court
    That's because Obama isn't a racist like trump. His press secretary and his communications director can't even name ONE negro in his administration. Now that's some sad shit. Explain that shit fuckboi.

    1. trump is a racist12:02 AM

      He did appoint a Latina of Puerto Rican descent. Who did trump nominate? ..........wait for it.........a white male.

    2. Anonymous12:57 PM

      What is the connection between big buff statement and the manner in which Obama mistreated/ disrespected prominent black Americans who helped him become 44.

      Moreover justify or defend Obama.
      blocking a bill that stopped live unborn babies from being slaughtered,

  10. Wanna have fun guys? On your paper money write either "impeach trump" or "trump is a racist". I know it's illegal to write on money so I'm just joking, unless you're some kind of lawbreaking rebel then by all means do it.

  11. White whooteemoos call the police on innocent Blacks, declare it a hate crime!!👊🏽👊🏾👊🏿

  12. Vagina monologues1:03 AM

    Conservatives are batshit pussies.

  13. Can't name ONE Blah person who works on the trump staff but they can employ white racists.

  14. Anonymous6:16 AM

    > But somehow, I wasn’t as upset as I felt I should be. Especially considering I knew him personally.

    > Though we weren’t especially tight, we both ran track in Philly, so I knew him well enough to call him a friend. What happened to him was undeniably horrific and unfair. So why aren’t I as broken up about it as I should be?

    > Because in Philadelphia, things like this happen nearly every single day.

    > Young black men, people with all the potential in the world and their whole lives in front of them — people like me — are gunned down with shocking regularity.

    Passive voice.  Denial of agency.  Who does the gunning down?  Black men do.  YOU are the source of the problem.  It did not exist before you became a presence in Killadelphia, and it will cease when (not if) you are eliminated.

    Which you have earned.

    > When tragedy like this strikes, you always see people begging for a change or trying to do things to fix the problem, but it seems like nothing ever works. “Something needs to change,” “Put the guns down” — all the platitudes seem so worn out at this point. The people committing these crimes are not listening.

    YOU need to change.  Talking trash?  "Play" fighting?  It's all just a warm-up for the shootings.  But when anyone brings this up, you use the "R" word.

    > because of violence in our streets

    Assigning blame to inanimate objects?  This is denial of agency again.  It is because blacks are not controlled by humans, and will not control themselves.

    > Raise your children to respect others and obey the rules set down by our community. And if you can't do that, then you shouldn't be having them in the first place.

    This is the first sensible thing in the whole piece, but "if" should be replaced with "because".  The 20th century history of Killadelphia proves that this failure is innate and black people should not be having children, period.

    No more Africans-in-America.

  15. Anon@6:16, do you know the history if the Irish Scots in this country? I would recommend a couple of books to you if I thought you knew how to read.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Perhaps now you'll focus on what really matters instead of expending energy beating the dead Russia horse and worrying about rats, dogs, and the White House.

    Fucking no minds. drumpf wants another investigation of the debunked HRC is a crook playbook. Wingnuts are trying to tie Mueller into the Benghazi debunked investigation. Maybe they will spend time on the country's problems- like over spending stoopid fucking wingnut liars.

  17. Field, write Fake Noize Talking Points on them there books and Anymoose would lap them up as gospel. Actually, he/she/it would have to have his mommy read them to him, but you get the idea.

  18. Take it from a former wingnut University Law Professor- white privilege exists.


  20. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:22 AM

    To anonymous who said: "Running total of Obama's accomplishments

    • Appointed NO Black American to the US Supreme Court"

    16. Passed Mini Stimuli: To help families hurt by the recession and spur the economy as stimulus spending declined, signed series of measures (July 22, 2010; December 17, 2010; December 23, 2011) to extend unemployment insurance and cut payroll taxes.

    17. Began Asia “Pivot”: In 2011, reoriented American military and diplomatic priorities and focus from the Middle East and Europe to the Asian-Pacific region. Executed multipronged strategy of positively engaging China while reasserting U.S. leadership in the region.

    18. Increased Support for Veterans: With so many soldiers coming home from Iraq and Iran with serious physical and mental health problems, yet facing long waits for services, increased 2010 Department of Veterans Affairs budget by 16 percent and 2011 budget by 10 percent.

    19. Signed new GI bill offering $78 billion in tuition assistance over a decade, and provided multiple tax credits to encourage businesses to hire veterans.

    20. Tightened Sanctions on Iran: signed Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act (2010) to punish firms and individuals who aid Iran’s petroleum sector. In late 2011 and early 2012, coordinated with other major Western powers to impose sanctions aimed at Iran’s banks and with Japan, South Korea, and China to shift their oil purchases away from Iran.

    21. Created Conditions to Begin Closing Dirtiest Power Plants: New EPA restrictions on mercury and toxic pollution, issued in December 2011, likely to lead to the closing of between sixty-eight and 231 of the nation’s oldest and dirtiest coal-
    fired power plants.

    22. Passed Credit Card Reforms: Signed the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure Act (2009), which prohibits credit card companies from raising rates without advance notification, mandates a grace period on interest rate increases, and strictly limits overdraft and other fees.

  21. Anonymous12:20 PM

    23. Destroyed the health care system and caused working class Americans to pay 3-4 times more or go without health insurance....oh wait if you did that you would be fined(taxed) for non-compliance (commie).


    Let's hear another round for white privilege.

    Maybe we can ut white privilege to rest in this case, finally.

  23. Anymoose is lying so much his Grandkid's Grandkid's eyes are shitty brown.

  24. Michael Cohen taking a plea deal. Somethings up.



  25. "Hamed Aleaziz


    For nearly two years, Levy Jaen was detained by ICE and ordered deported.

    Last week, a federal appeals court agreed with his lawyers that he had been a US citizen the whole time."

    You fuckers don't believe it can happen to you, but it can.

    -Doug in Oakland

  26. I am flattered. The Afghan Hound aka Ann Coulter agrees with me Drumpfuck sucks as a negotiator.

  27. Anonymous4:22 PM

    “Michael Cohen taking a plea deal. Somethings up.”

    h/t Charles Gasparino via Twitter

    MAGA = My Attorney Got Arrested.

  28. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:45 PM

    Looks like Trumpie may be in real trouble now that Cohen has taken a deal. Donnie should honored his commitment to help Cohen with his legal expenses

  29. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Manafort found guilty on eight counts.

    The president is starting to look less like a "Donald" and more like a "Don": the don of the Trumperino crime family, under the cloud of a RICO investigation.

    How long before he starts to have "rats" whacked, for breaking omertà? Don McGahn sleeps with the fishes?

  30. Anonymous5:02 PM

    We will now see whether Trump tries to pardon his underboss Manafort, thereby causing an instant constitutional crises.

  31. This is what Drumpfuck and racist stoopid fucking wingnuts have done to America-

    This is a fucking game to these sonsabitches!

  32. Of the 10 counts that got declared mistrial for Manafort, I wonder how many the interference running judge was responsible for?

    Indicting and finding guilty just this one guy is more than were tried and convicted under Obama's reign. The whining should start post haste.

  33. CNN Justice reporter Laura Jarrett tweeted she has been told the tax division of the IRS signed off on the deal with Cohen.

    Gives Drumpf an excuse to go after the IRS and accuse it of working with Dems to take down wingnuts. Maybe wingnuts in Congress can cut the IRS budget even deeper.

  34. Moar bad news for the Emperor-

    But, but, HRC had emails and this was just locker room talk.


  36. Get used to this- A security guard in Kansas City, Mo., has reportedly been placed on leave after a local bartender says he tried to order a “Trayvon Martini,” a reference to the black Florida teenager who was shot and killed by neighborhood watch member George Zimmerman in 2012.

    The bartender, who goes by Alobar Bandaloop on Facebook, wrote in a post that a man identified as Michael Dargy Jr., tried to order the drink last week.

    Bandaloop, who is black, wrote that Dargy described the drink as having watermelon juice and one shot of vodka, “because it only takes one shot to put him down.”

    “The smug look on his face was one of the most punchable looks I’ve ever seen,” Bandaloop wrote in the post. “I’m still stuck in shock that this grown man would say this.”

  37. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Illegal Alien arrested in missing Iowa women's death:

  38. Anonymous6:05 PM

    There was no "real" investigation into HRC email gate among other things.

  39. By real, Anymoose, do you mean railroading her to get a conviction after 30 fruitless fucking years of lies and innuendos? Gotta do better than that.

  40. As a matter of fact, if wingnuts had had any evidence of a crime but weren't sure they could convict her, they would have offered a plea deal of some kind, any kind just so they could say she is guilty. But that has never happened because there is no actionable criminal activity on her part, but I'm sure the prosecutors have committed serious crimes against her. Ask Kenny Boy Starr's hand picked gang of wingnut thugs.

  41. Anonymous6:19 PM

    "Get used to this- A security guard in Kansas City, Mo., has reportedly been placed on leave after a local bartender says he tried to order a “Trayvon Martini,” a reference to the black Florida teenager who was shot and killed by neighborhood watch member George Zimmerman in 2012."

    I guess the bar patron didn't care if a "Trayvon Martini" came with a big glob of the bartender's spit in it?

  42. California wingnut Dumbcan Hunter and his wife have been indicted by the Justice Department.

    The charges of wire fraud, falsifying records, campaign finance violations and conspiracy were the culmination of a Department of Justice investigation that has stretched for more than a year, during which the Republican congressman from California has maintained his innocence.

    Republican Party leaders had long worried that with a potential indictment looming, Hunter's traditionally safe district which makes up much of eastern San Diego County could be at risk of Democratic takeover in November's midterm election.

    Hundreds of thousands of dollars in unusual charges on Hunter's campaign credit card had come under scrutiny, including among other things, an Italian vacation, dental work, purchases at a surf shop, and huge tabs at bars in restaurants in the San Diego and Washington DC areas. Among the most mocked charges was airfare for a pet rabbit to fly with the family, which an aide said was mistakenly charged to the wrong credit card.

    Another one bites the dust and another one's gone. A less than red letter day to be a red letter wingnut.

  43. This afternoon has been such a wonderful revelation of Drumpf dumbfuckery I couldn't begin to be happy that Scalia is still dead and pillow smothered. But I will try my damndest to at least smile.

  44. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Regardless , Trump did not legislate the killing of live unborn babies.

    Obama's megalomania caused him to discard the ones who launched his candidacy; unlike Trump.

    Juxtaposing the two, money man Trump -brought it!. Broke man Obama, was bought (sold his soul to the highest bidder; AND used Chicago's moneyed elite to manipulate the black masses.

  45. Anonymous7:12 PM

    A real Trayvon Martini would be high dose codeine cough syrup, jolly ranchers and some purple soda.

  46. Anymoose, you are one sick puppy with blinders on.

    Trayvon Martin had an Arizona Ice Tea and some Skittles when he was murdered. Had nothing to do with purple drank. As long as you have to make shit up, at least try and be half way accurate, then you wouldn't have to make shit up.

  47. Aardvark7:30 PM

    As a Chinese-American I have to say that blacks and personal responsibility go together like water and oil. Good luck teaching future generations of black kids to treat others with respect. Black adults can't even do that.

    See more at:

  48. If Duncan Hunter goes down, Nunes and Rohrabacher will go with him and we'll be six seats closer to a majority. Valadao's looking shaky in the polls too, and Katie may knock Mimi to the curb, and that would be a big chunk of what we need just from one area.

    -Doug in Oakland

  49. Lance Cockstrong8:02 PM

    Micro dick white boys and their ugly women will never respect black people. It's just not in their DNA.

  50. Turn them seats, Doug and Dems will be able to impeach Raygun and Nixon, the way it should have been done. Then target Drumpfuck the dumbfuck and both Bushwhackers for impeachment and waterboarding.

  51. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Noah and the Flood

    The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. 6

    The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.”

    But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.

    This is the account of Noah and his family.
    Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God.

    Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth. Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence. God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways. 

    So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth… The Lord then said to Noah, “Go into the ark,..

    Genesis 5:32-10:1

  52. Bill Cosby, back before he became a sexual monster, told the story of Noah better than the bible and funnier, too. Most of us have outgrown childish fairy tales.

    If there really was a god, there would not be a single phony right wing kristian alive today and the Earth is infested with them.

  53. Anonymous9:13 PM

    A blog named Field Negro... hummmm?

    Perhaps as a tribute to Black Americans who forparents suffered enslavement. So why not comment about issues relevant to Black America's struggles; exposing manipulators who take advantage of uninformed gullible Black Americans?

    Rather, self absorbed narcissistic commenters turned this forum a political lambaste ( to deflect from actual problems ) of which most black who view this blog know nothing about.

    Great job all you 'altruistic' white people and you House Negros who don't see through the bull****!

  54. Maybe if blacks weren't always so loud and rude and disrespectful people would treat you people with more respect. The Golden Rule means nothing to blacks.

  55. I might have to do jury duty tomorrow. I could probably weasel out of it, but I've never served on a real jury before, and I feel like I probably should if I get called.
    I got called once when I lived in Eureka, and made it through the whole orientation process, but when we came back from lunch and met the judge, prosecution, and defense, I was the first juror they excused.
    Maybe they thought that since I had long hair I wouldn't be good on a felony DUI hit and run jury, but I thought I would do all right.
    At the time I was just glad it didn't make me late for band practice...

    -Doug in Oakland

  56. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Only Pastor David Manning of Harlem can save the American Negro....ATLAH !

  57. Anonymous9:41 PM

    > Trayvon Martin had an Arizona Ice Tea

    Watermelon flavor, you god-damned liar.

  58. Imigrant that killed Mollie Tibbetts worked on a prominent wingnut's dairy farm for the past several years. That could explain his treatment of Mollie Tibbetts. Matter of fact, I'm almost positive wingnuts were feeding him tips in how to handle uppity women, but, I can't prove it.

  59. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Trayvons toxicology report shows early liver failure to codeine found in the "lean" he liked to consume. He also had THC in his system. Not exactly a choir boy.

  60. Anonymous12:04 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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