Friday, September 21, 2018

Racists in powerful places.

Image result for racism images I know that there are a lot of hidden racists in America in positions of power. (Some, like the president, not so hidden.) But does being a racist also mean that you have dumb part of your brain that always has to manifest itself?

"A New Jersey sheriff has resigned after he was caught on tape making racist remarks about African-Americans and the state's attorney general.

The Bergen County Sheriff's Office said Friday in a statement to that Bergen County Sheriff Michael Saudino and four of his undersheriffs resigned, effective immediately.
The statement made no mention of the offensive remarks, stating only that Sheriff's Office Chief Kevin Pell would lead the department until Gov. Phil Murphy (D) appointed an interim sheriff.

In a recording first reported by WNYC News earlier this week, Saudino can be heard making derogatory remarks about black people and disparaging Murphy for his policies and rhetoric. The recording, according to WNYC News, was from Jan. 16.

"He talked about the whole thing, the marijuana, sanctuary state ... better criminal justice reform," Saudino says in the recording. "Christ almighty, in other words, let the blacks come in, do whatever the f--- they want, smoke their marijuana, do this, do that, and don't worry about it. You know, we'll tie the hands of cops."

The remarks caught the attention of numerous local politicians, including Murphy, who demanded Saudino's resignation on Thursday.

"Without question, the comments made on that recording are appalling, and anyone using racist, homophobic, and hateful language is unfit for public office," Murphy told WNYC in a statement. "If indeed that is Sheriff Saudino's voice on the recording, he must resign."

New Jersey state Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg (D) told that she plans to ask the state's Democratic Party chairman if Saudino, who previously identified as a Republican but switched parties prior to his most recent run for office, could be expelled from the party.

"I want it made very clear,'' Weinberg said on NJTV. "This is completely opposite from what the Democratic Party stands for, what Gov. Murphy stands for and what the legislature stands for."' '[Source]

Folks, this is New Jersey, not Mississippi.

 An East Texas school superintendent knows about the history and genetic makeup of black NFL quarterbacks but doesn’t know how to use Facebook.

Lynn Redden is superintendent of the Onalaska Independent School District in the Piney Woods, about 75 miles north of Houston. Lynn Redden is also a fucking idiot. Redden decided that he had something to say about black Houston Texas quarterback Deshaun Watson performance on Sunday, so he waited a few days to really iron out a position that made the most sense and truly encapsulated his feelings about not only the game, but also Watson’s contributions to his team.

On Tuesday, Redden wrote on Houston Chronicle’s Facebook page: “That may have been the most inept quarterback decision I’ve seen in the NFL. When you need precision decision making you can’t count on a black quarterback.”

I imagine Redden then leaned back in his folding chair, turned his “Make America Great Again” hat around, cracked his knuckles and a cold brew and thought, “nailed it.”
Redden realized that he’s racist had made a huge mistake and quickly deleted his post. For the record, the mistake wasn’t that he said it, because he wrote it so clearly he meant it. It was that he posted it to a public page, which he thought was private. Anything he says after this fact is bullshit but we will continue.

Thankfully for the black children who attend school in the Onalaska Independent School District, reader Matt Ericksen captured an image of the comment and alerted the newspaper.....

Redden has apologized for everyone seeing the inner workings of his brain and his true feelings on black quarterbacks being exposed. He even explained that some people may have been taking his comments out of context and noted that he wasn’t being racist but was merely talking about black quarterbacks struggles over the years.

“Over the history of the NFL, they have had limited success,” Redden told the Chronicle. See, soooo not racist at all.

So now the school district wants to talk with Redden about his comments and his contract but the over/under on whether Redden loses his job is about the same as the percentage of black kids in the school district." [Source]

This was Texas, so that's more like it.

*Pic from


  1. Clown World10:22 PM

    "Without question, the comments made on that recording are appalling, and anyone using racist, homophobic, and hateful language is unfit for public office,"

    God forbid anyone charged with law enforcement say anything "derogatory" about black criminality and efforts by elected official to excuse it and interfere with police efforts to address it.

    That's not who we are.

  2. "I want it made very clear," (((Weinberg))) said on NJTV. "This is completely opposite from what the Democratic Party stands for, what Gov. Murphy stands for and what the legislature stands for."

    That's right, the Democratic Party stand for exempting blacks from the consequences of their criminal behavior, because arresting them is racist:

  3. Anonymous10:29 PM

    “Over the history of the NFL, they have had limited success,”

    The best black quarterbacks are like the best black Presidents: Half white.

  4. As Ron Stallworth, who fooled the head of the klan, told us racists aren't too bright.

  5. Ha! The best white QB's are like the best white Presidents, half Black😂😂

  6. What? You mean a bunch of pigs are racists? Well, to quote Snoopy from Peanuts "If they're so smart, why are they pigs?"

    -Doug in Oakland

  7. Anonymous1:02 AM

    You can't shame us anymore, dummy. That's why racism is coming out into the open more and more often - everyone is fed up with your race's awful behavior. We don't care if you call us "that word" anymore - we're tired of you.

    Negro fatigue is real. Let's talk about it.

    -Dr. Neil Goodhead

  8. Anonymous1:30 AM

    Machine Gun Kelly is the greatest hip hop artist ever. This cannot be denied.

    Let's talk about it.

  9. Anonymous2:49 AM

    A black trans man just murdered a bunch of innocent human beings for nothing yesterday in Maryland.

    Let's talk about it.

  10. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Field messes around with other dudes behind his wife's back, just like most black men.

    Let's talk about it.

  11. Anonymous6:57 AM

    1.  Black people commit crimes at a staggering rate.  Leftists deflect blame with passive voice like "shots ringing out".

    2.  Black quarterback makes bad decision, loses game.  Leftists say nothing.

    3.  White guys dares to Notice the association of blacks and crime and black quarterbacks and bad decisions leading to lost games.  Leftist hate mobs formed immediately.

    In Black-Run America, the worst crime is Noticing.

  12. Anonymous8:09 AM

    A loving mother, who effectively raised a secure confidant daughter, established a strong bond- duriing childhood-- never to be broken. That bond transcends friendships and relationships. A wise mother teaches the daughter a mother is a daughter’s only true friend and a mom will love daughter unconditionally. Mother continually and emphatically reminds the daughter:

    (1) NEVER allow anyone to touch inappropriately and always make sure you feel safe

    (2) Explains if anyone's (doesn’t matter who) touch makes you uncomfortable, tell mom you will NOT; under any circumstance, you be “in trouble.”

    (3) A wise mother teaches her vulnerable young daughter how use good judgement

    (4) As a role model, the mother shows the young daughter how to ,appropriately, handle any situations that touches the daughter.

    The daughter learns how to deal with the situation promptly; not worrying about making waves; understanding the goal is to avoid future regrets about past decision.

  13. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Daughter raise by a wise mother has a low probability of being raped a a gatherings or in familiar settings.

  14. The best black quarterbacks are like the best black Presidents: Half white.

    The best wasicu wastey quarterbacks started out half black.

  15. Whales beach themselves for the sole purpose of getting on television. Do we really need to talk about it?

  16. Jack Ketch11:23 AM

    Never apologize for speaking the truth.

  17. StillaPanther211:28 AM

    If you believe that there is a Black-Run America, your belief is that 13 percent of an inferior people controls your 60 plus of superior people. Sad. America Black people were MADE IN AMERICA.

  18. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:07 PM

    Field said: "But does being a racist also mean that you have dumb part of your brain that always has to manifest itself?"

    I have concluded that yes, your garden variety racist is just plain dumb. Racists lack critical thinking skills, make hasty generalizations based on very little data, and generally close their minds to all reason and logic.

    If you doubt me, just read their comments here.

  19. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:11 PM

    Blogger PilotX said...

    "As Ron Stallworth, who fooled the head of the klan, told us racists aren't too bright."
    I agree with Stallworth. Racists lack critical thinking skills and the ability to think logically. If they had these skills, they wouldn't be racists.

  20. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Racism,as american as apple pie,mental illness,ask the Native nation,Chinese,Japanese,Africans,anybody not white! It's practiced with unmatched skill by the europeons!

  21. Anonymous12:34 PM

    "If you believe that there is a Black-Run America, your belief is that 13 percent of an inferior people controls your 60 plus of superior people. Sad. America Black people were MADE IN AMERICA."

    No, these pinhead racists believe that American Jews are a group of super-intelligent but evil white people who have secretly taken over the country behind the scenes, and are controlling the government and media and everything else like malevolent puppeteers.

    And those evil Jews are conspiring to use their power to betray the rest of the white populace by enabling the irresponsible and violent behavior of black people, whom the pinhead racists view as subhuman beasts who cannot be included in human society without destroying it. Why the evil Jews would want to wreck the country they live in is left unexplained, but they are supposedly somehow personally gaining something from their "treachery."

    Anyway, the pinhead racists' actual theory of how the world works is only marginally less ridiculous than what you described, StillaPanther2. It doesn't make any kind of sense.

    But the racists don't care. They've taken their feelings of fear and resentment toward those who are in any way different from them and molded a worldview around those feelings, rather than trying to understand the world through logic and evidence.

  22. "Folks, this is New Jersey, not Mississippi."

    Field, I was robbed of any pride I have in being in the Northeast--that we're more evolved on the white racism front than other places--when Abadou Diallo's story broke. And Abner Louima's story broke. And Eric Garner's story broke.

    Tell those guys they were lucky to be living in New York rather than Mississippi.

  23. Howz this for fair and impartial hearings for Scotus?

    The Honorable cornholed stoopid fucking wingnut from my home state apologizes to Kavanaugh for slight delay in his confirmation. I thought they hade hearings and then a vote. Apparently they already had the vote and the hearings are just whitewash.

  24. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:15 PM

    FEMA Chief to Reimburse Government

    September 22, 2018 at 7:56 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 19 Comments

    FEMA Administrator Brock Long “has been forced to reimburse the government for improper personal use of federal government vehicles and acknowledged ‘mistakes’ that he and FEMA made in using those vehicles,” Politico reports.

    Just one more example of Trump's failure to "drain the swamp".

  25. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:37 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    " A loving mother, who effectively raised a secure confidant daughter, established a strong bond- duriing childhood-- never to be broken. That bond transcends friendships and relationships. A wise mother teaches the daughter a mother is a daughter’s only true friend and a mom will love daughter unconditionally. Mother continually and emphatically reminds the daughter:

    (1) NEVER allow anyone to touch inappropriately and always make sure you feel safe

    (2) Explains if anyone's (doesn’t matter who) touch makes you uncomfortable, tell mom you will NOT; under any circumstance, you be “in trouble.”

    (3) A wise mother teaches her vulnerable young daughter how use good judgement

    (4) As a role model, the mother shows the young daughter how to ,appropriately, handle any situations that touches the daughter.

    The daughter learns how to deal with the situation promptly; not worrying about making waves; understanding the goal is to avoid future regrets about past decision."
    What you say here is good advice, but don't conclude that it will protect females from rape. As a girl in my early teens, I had two narrow escapes one from a neighbor boy I had known for years and trusted, and the other by a man who was a friend of the family that I had known for years and trusted. It was only by chance that I escaped both times.


    I got got got got no time!

  27. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "If you believe that there is a Black-Run America, your belief is that 13 percent of an inferior people controls your 60 plus of superior people. Sad. America Black people were MADE IN AMERICA."
    No, these pinhead racists believe that American Jews are a group of super-intelligent but evil white people who have secretly taken over the country behind the scenes, and are controlling the government and media and everything else like malevolent puppeteers.

    And those evil Jews are conspiring to use their power to betray the rest of the white populace by enabling the irresponsible and violent behavior of black people, whom the pinhead racists view as subhuman beasts who cannot be included in human society without destroying it. Why the evil Jews would want to wreck the country they live in is left unexplained, but they are supposedly somehow personally gaining something from their "treachery."

    The idea of "Black Run America" postulates that contemporary American society is run for the benefit of blacks, not by blacks. This is false in that blacks obviously aren't benefiting from the use of race to divide and manipulate the American people. But it is true that the morality of all of our institutions is evaluated solely on how much they cater to non-whites.

    So who does benefit by the deconstruction of white America? Who actually does control 95% of media? 100% of entertainment? All the movies and TV shows we watch? All the ads we see? All the books that get published?

    That would be Jews. They are not "evil" or "super intelligent", they are a ethnicity based culture that has evolved over the last 2,000 years learning to survive as a minority in countries all over the world. They are a clannish people who demonstrate strong in-group preference. They invented ethnonationalism. They call themselves the "Chosen People", who were promised by their God that they would rule over the rest of humanity.

    It is in Jews interest to keep blacks angry and afraid, to keep whites guilty and afraid, and to weaponize immigration. They have been very successful in America, and displaced the old WASP elite after World War II as the dominant ethnicity in government and academia.

    They don't want to "wreck" the countries they live in, they want to control them for their own benefit. But they do eventually cause enough harm to the host society that they do wreck it, or get expelled before it reaches the point. 109 times so far, and counting.

    Did white people suddenly come up with the idea on their own that their society was evil and the only way to fix it was to import enough non-whites into their countries to make themselves a hated minority? Or did this idea come from a hostile rival culture, bent on revenge for past backlashes and determined to secure their rightful position over the goyim?

    When America becomes a polyglot collection of deracinated peoples incapable of unified action, eternally squabbling over the spoils of a once-great nation, there will still be one unified tribe sitting on top, forever secure in their position.

    This is not a secret plan, it's right there out in the open. Nor is it a plot designed by conspirators. It is the natural expression of a culture.

  28. Cracka Lack2:55 PM

    Redneck kills 9 people in church and gets taken to Burger King on the way to jail.

    You rednecks ain’t shit!

  29. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:46 PM

    Anonymous said in part,

    "When America becomes a polyglot collection of deracinated peoples incapable of unified action, eternally squabbling over the spoils of a once-great nation, there will still be one unified tribe sitting on top, forever secure in their position.

    This is not a secret plan, it's right there out in the open. Nor is it a plot designed by conspirators. It is the natural expression of a culture.

    "My, but your predictions are dire. Seems but one thing to do: Move to a country that is predominately white. Norway and Sweden fit that description.

    BTW, America has always been a polyglot collection of deracinated peoples pretty much incapable of unified action. Have you forgotten the squabbling of religious groups who
    settled in the thirteen colonies? And as I recall, it was a policy of the English government to send petty criminals to "the new world" instead of hanging them. Many of these people settled in the American south, especially in Georgia.

    Do you not know history?

  30. Buffy Wicks just knocked on my door, but I'm still not gonna vote for her.

    -Doug in Oakland

  31. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    Have you forgotten the squabbling of religious groups who settled in the thirteen colonies?

    Doctrinal disputes between ethnically and linguistically homogeneous Englishmen over the finer points of Presbyterianism over Anglicanism are nothing compared to what we will see between Arab Muslims, Nigerian Christians, Mexican Catholics, Indian Hindus and Chinese atheists.

    The intense political acrimony brought on by the fraying of our multicultural society that we are experiencing today are but a taste of what is to come. Once there is no longer a white majority to work against, it will be an absolute free for all.

  32. Anonymous5:04 PM

    "Move to a country that is predominately white. Norway and Sweden fit that description."

    The same thing is happening to every European country. Sweden won't be majority Swedish in 30 years.

  33. A wise son5:19 PM

    Daughter raise by a wise mother has a low probability of being raped a a gatherings or in familiar settings.
    Son raised by a wise mother won't be a internet troll.

  34. Just give up5:21 PM

    Sweden won't be majority Swedish in 30 years.
    Sure it will, what nationality will replace them in their own country? Norwegians? Geez, trolls are certainly dumb.


    This has got to hurt stoopid fucking racists.

  36. Anonymous6:57 PM

    "This is false in that blacks obviously aren't benefiting from the use of race to divide and manipulate the American people."

    Twenty million Affirmative Action hires say differently, and want even more.

    "Sweden won't be majority Swedish in 30 years.
    Sure it will, what nationality will replace them in their own country?"

    Arabs and Afghans and Somalis.  Malmö is already majority non-Swedish.

    "Geez, trolls are certainly dumb."

    You want us to ignore that you were cheering this replacement 5 minutes ago.  You think everyone else is dumb.  That's where you're wrong.

  37. Texas school official who criticized black quarterbacks is out of a job. Cue the wasicu koyote lamentation kerfluffle.

  38. Blacks are pretty racist, especially towards my people, Chinese-Americans. Blacks are huge hypocrites.

  39. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:24 PM

    Anonymous said:

    "When America becomes a polyglot collection of deracinated peoples incapable of unified action, eternally squabbling over the spoils of a once-great nation, there will still be one unified tribe sitting on top, forever secure in their position."

    I disagree. You have simply stated an opinion and provided no support for it. Since its birth, there has been been much more diversity in this country than you are willing to admit. Most of the squabbling you mention has been with us for hundreds of years. The influx of Chinese people to build the railroads, the wave of Irish during the potato famine and each new wave of immigrants has contributed to what you call squabbling. Yet our country survived and became stronger.

    Since the 1970s and the advent of the Southern Strategy see
    Lee Atwater – Southern Strategy. The GOP has waged war on Blacks, women immigrants, and liberals in general. Naturally, we have fought back. But you and other intelligent people have fallen for it.

  40. Fallen in it and gotten it all over themselves.

    -Doug in Oakland

  41. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:21 PM

    Anonymous said:

    "Twenty million Affirmative Action hires say differently, and want even more.: Do you have a source of this claim? If you do, please post it. Thanks.

  42. Anonymous psylee123 said..

    Are Blacks anywhere near as yooge as Sumo rasslers? Lump all Blacks together and I will lump all Asian looking peoples.

    Seems like the Chinese, throughout history, have been some serious hypocrites themselves.

  43. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Do not let the black locust into your country......

  44. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Yisheng = nigger

    lilac = cunt

  45. Anonymous12:32 PM

    athletes in general are over paid cavemen, not to be racist or anything, but the idea that someone gets paid millions of dollars a year just to kick a ball around shows what we truly value as a society. also if you want some fresh squeezed conservative news, check out my blog
