Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Stormy, you were wrong for this one.

I was going to do a serious post tonight about the political climate and how it effects how we deal with natural disasters in this country.

I was, until I saw that Mario Kart Toad was trending on twitter. Me being the curios field Negro that I am, I decided to give it a quick look.

Honestly, I wish that I hadn't done that, because it ruined my entire day and possibly my week.

As you all may or may not know, Stormy Daniels has completed her tell- all book, and in it...I can't even write anymore. I will just let you read the following:

 "On Tuesday, the Guardian published some tidbits from Stormy Daniels’ forthcoming memoir, but you probably only heard about her graphic description of President Trump: “He knows he has an unusual penis … It has a huge mushroom head. Like a toadstool.”*

She added, brutally: “I lay there, annoyed that I was getting fucked by a guy with Yeti pubes and a dick like the mushroom character in Mario Kart.”

Oof. As a longtime Mario Kart “mushroom character” player, my world was turned upside down, just like that. Where do I go from here?

To start, I would ask Daniels and her editor, in invoking “the mushroom character in Mario Kart,” to please respect this icon by referring to him by his name: Toad. And I have to wonder: Is Stephanie Clifford a gamer? A big Mario Kart fan? If so, I assume she doesn’t care for Toad, because if she did, I don’t think her mind would automatically reach for that image when recalling famous, terrible sex." 
But I don’t mean to shame the president, or Daniels’ choice of words for his genitals. I am simply mourning that Toad, in my view the best Mario Kart character—both as a personified mushroom and as a racer—will now forever be associated with an “unusual” penis." [Source] 

To all you folks who loved to play Mario games back in the day, this must be devastating. 

To all you trump supporters out there, now you have something else to fantasize about.   

Pic from wikipedia.com



  1. Anonymous7:58 PM

    So what did we learn?

    Stormy Daniels likes to play Mario Kart, and her book is intended to be comedic.

    And also that Trump possibly has a weird penis, which I really didn’t need to know.

  2. Anonymous8:09 PM

    And you got a J.D. from...a Just Dumb University

  3. Lance Cockstrong8:31 PM

    I would've thought Butt Trumpet's micro dick looked more like soggy asparagus.

  4. Anonymous8:34 PM

    @8:09, and you got a GED from Honkey Tonk reform school for children molested by their relatives.

  5. Dave Zirin = faggot kike8:49 PM

    All white people are mutated in some way so this makes perfect sense.

  6. I haven't and don't intend to read her book, but figure she probably deserves to cash in on having had the misfortune of fucking Fergus.
    I did see some reports of conspiracy theory looking stuff said to be in the book that was probably humor (again, I haven't read it) but will no doubt be used as fuel for the lie factory, like everything else.
    There's no accounting for taste, and I may not understand why she did it in the first place, let alone why she said what she said about it, but perhaps that's none of my business.

    On the lighter side, there's this that I found in Neko Case's Twitter feed:

    The NATIVE
    ‏ @NativeMag

    George R.R. Martin confirms he will be working with Nigerian-American @Nnedi on the HBO adaptation of her book “Who Fears Death”. A stunning Afro-Futurist take on a post-apocalyptic Sudan.

    -Doug in Oakland

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. George R.R. Martin confirms he will be working with Nigerian-American @Nnedi on the HBO adaptation of her book “Who Fears Death”. A stunning Afro-Futurist take on a post-apocalyptic Sudan.

    Her novellas that NEED to be made into a movie are her books Binti and Binti Home!! These is THE most amazing fiction stories I've EVER read!

  9. Ahahahahahaa! A video game of all things! Is nothing sacred anymore? xD

    Although...on second thought...a penis with a “huge mushroom head.” might not be such a bad thing after all...


  10. Yisheng = nigger, lilac = cunt10:12 PM

    Trump supporters think their God and Emperor has a golden penis.

  11. You are right on this. Stormy has gone too far.

    What about all of the thirteen-year-old kids and their younger siblings who are into Mario.

    Dumb fucking slut. No brain.

  12. Anonymous10:47 PM

    “What about all of the thirteen-year-old kids and their younger siblings who are into Mario.”

    I’m gonna have to say that they probably shouldn’t be reading Stormy’s book. To be honest, the book sounds less than edifying for anyone to read, but the tweens definitely shouldn’t.

  13. The point being that it's trending now and it's already on the evening news. Kids aren't dumb.

  14. Portabella President11:57 PM

    Wonder what Melania thinks of a ho’ describing her ho’.

  15. Anonymous10:24 AM


  16. Anonymous10:26 AM

    More pabulum from the violent alt left. Further fueled on this blog, like so many others by Russian operatives.

  17. Anonymous10:49 AM

    You provide a fresh anointing and I’ll be the sacrifice…not my will but THY will be done. “For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever." You are Holy we love you with all of our mind, soul and strength. We give it all to You Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah-Nissi Hallelujah!

  18. Anonymous10:56 AM

    The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock." Matthew 7:25-26

    My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus' blood and righteousness.
    I dare not trust the sweetest frame,But wholly trust in Jesus' Name.

  19. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1

  20. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Soldiers be BOLD because you know who you hope is in!

  21. Jack Ketch11:38 AM

    I'll bet Stormy has the G.I. Joe Kung Fu grip.

  22. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:39 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "More pabulum from the violent alt left. Further fueled on this blog, like so many others by Russian operatives."

    10:26 AM

    Why don't you just go to stormfront and post with your friends and allies? On this blog, we like to see posts that have meaningful messages not lies.

  23. Anonymous12:03 PM

    When did a lady -not a women of substance- who turns tricks for a living get on parity (or earn level of respect ) reserved for those who do NO sleep one’s way to the top? What message does this convey to young impressionable ladies?
    Powerful influential Americans don’t take black democrats ( like the one who writes about another man’s private parts) serious because black democrats don’t themselves seriously. How does another come to this conclusion?

    Only a house Negro (not white) aka a black democratic president, without scruples, had the audacity to legalize immorality.
    BC (the first ‘black’ president –before the black messiah 44) shut it down with welfare reform and three strikes legislation.

    Light weights will NEVER outsmart the heavy weights who created the game.

  24. Anonymous12:50 PM

    "Why don't you just go to stormfront and post with your friends and allies? On this blog, we like to see posts that have meaningful messages not lies."

    The truth worries you doesn't it.

  25. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock."

    McCTurtle allegedly broke his micro dick trying to get a piece of the rock, just like the commercials used to say.

  26. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  27. When did a lady -not a women of substance- who turns tricks for a living get on parity (or earn level of respect ) reserved for those who do NO sleep one’s way to the top? What message does this convey to young impressionable ladies?

    Melanoma Drumpf's name keeps popping up, I hear.

  28. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Can't we talk about 80 IQ Negroes Looting in North Carolina? The Feces Species is a curse upon Earth.

    1. White fuckboys wish the had 80 IQ's4:19 PM

      Well first let's talk about the white priests running a fucking child fucking ring. Talk about that genius.


    2. Another white fuckboi priest4:24 PM

      Anon at 3:21 won't talk about white priests fucking little boys because he probably enjoys doing kinky ass shit like that. Fucking pedophile ass punks. But but but Chicago.

  29. The troubling feces in NC is mostly from the hog farms than have had their offal pits overrun by floodwaters.

    -Doug in Oakland

  30. Another fuckboi4:26 PM

    The troubling feces in NC is mostly from the hog farms than have had their offal pits overrun by floodwaters.
    Nah, because if trump detegulating everything these farms were already dumping shit into the rivers. MAGA bitches.


  31. Anna Massoglia
    ‏Verified account @annalecta

    Supreme Court vacates Chief Justice Roberts’ stay on Crossroads GPS case, presumably meaning the lower court’s ruling—which requires “dark money” nonprofits spending $250+ on independent expenditures to disclose donors giving $200+ in the past year to the FEC goes into effect

    -Doug in Oakland

  32. Everything about Drumpfuck the dumbfuck is a joke, why wouldn't his micro-dick not be, too? Of course, it is probably the bestest joke of a micro dick ever.

  33. What do 3-D printed guns and child molesting have to do with each other? This guy and chances are heza stoopid fucking wingnut.


  34. Yer disaster comforter hostess in chief making everybody's day in North Caratlantic-


  35. https://abcnews.go.com/US/dead-injured-shooting-pennsylvania-courthouse-officials/story?id=57940613

    1 dead and three injured in Wisconsin today, as well. Death and the NRA never sleep.

  36. https://www.the-immoral-minority.com/former-republican-state-senator-from-oklahoma-gets-15-years-for-child-sex-trafficking/

  37. Trump: I should have fired Comey 'the day I won the primaries'

    Delusional. despicable, deplorable, destoopidable. And totally clewless.

  38. https://www.thedailybeast.com/giuliani-to-speak-beside-leader-of-accused-iranian-cult?ref=home

    Screwdy Rudy shilling for anti-american terrorist group with American blood on its hands. Has become an unregistered lobbyist for them. I thought criminal acts were to be investigated by the law and order Drumpfuck Kremlin Krew?

  39. Anonymous7:19 PM

    “The troubling feces in NC is mostly from the hog farms than have had their offal pits overrun by floodwaters.
    Nah, because if trump detegulating everything these farms were already dumping shit into the rivers. MAGA bitches.”

    True! Trump is pro-hog poo pollution.

    Giant Hog Farms Are Fighting for the Right to Keep Polluting. The Trump Administration Is on Their Side.

  40. Anonymous7:25 PM

    “What do 3-D printed guns and child molesting have to do with each other? This guy and chances are heza stoopid fucking wingnut.


    It figures. That Cody Wilson dude is a lunatic libertarian who thinks laws are a problem. Except for the ones that protect rich people’s property rights — those laws he’s fine with.

    Why is it that Republicans are always painting themselves as the defenders of freedom, but then it turns out that everything they want to be free to do is something bad, like acquiring guns nobody has any business owning, or sticking their penises into small children?

  41. Not just hog shit, but remember Drumjpf reversed Obama's order on coal ash and allowed coal companies to dump it into waterways to save money.

  42. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/controversial-gop-candidate-questions-whether-white-nationalist-movement-exists

  43. PilotX stoopid fucking wingnuts must really work at being this dumb. They can't possibly be born this stoopid. And they accuse others of not being educated. My word!

  44. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Stormy is how old?? and still has to strip for a living??? Think she would say or do anything for money??

  45. Anonymous8:20 PM

    The vodka crew is working overtime today!!

  46. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Whoever gets appointed SCOTUS will unlikely affirm or adjudicated cases blocking late term "Live Birth Abortions;" unlike the former State Senator , Obama, who blocked legislation giving rise to live babies from being slaughtered at birth.

  47. teh stupid9:36 PM

    Obama, who blocked legislation giving rise to live babies from being slaughtered at birth.
    Too bad your mother chose to have your dumb ass.

    1. Anonymous10:56 PM

      I understand, the truth hurts!

    2. Anonymous11:00 PM

      Your conciliatory Messiah 44 will soothe your emotions with one of his delusional grandeur speeches!

  48. Stormy already got paid. Look at the fucking liars getting millions from Fake Noize. Talk about people who will say anything for money.

    Let's play stoopid fucking wingnut and define abortions as story telling hour. Nothing to see here. Move along. I made it all better for you dumb fuckers.

  49. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Thank Heaven for white people.

  50. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Stormy be a ho.

  51. "Trump: I should have fired Comey 'the day I won the primaries'"

    Then Hillary would have won. (h/t Juanita Jean)

    -Doug in Oakland
