Sunday, October 28, 2018

A climate of hate.

    Image result for robert bowers
Yesterday, another angry bigoted white male, spurred on by a climate of hatred and intolerance---- a climate created in part by his president--- decided that it was alright to take an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle and slaughter eleven innocent people while they took time to worship.  And while he carried out his cowardly act of terror, he could be heard yelling that "all Jews must die"

This murderer, Robert Bowers, believed that Jews were funding the migrant caravan heading to America (Gee, I wonder where he got that from?),and his social media posts were full of bigotry, racism, and xenophobia. (Sound familiar?) 

What's frustrating is to hear pundits and folks in the main stream media highlight the fact that he was at times critical of Mr. trump. So what? Hey, no one is more critical of the Eagles than I am, but they are still my team. Some of Obama's biggest supporters were also his biggest critics, because he didn't go far enough with some of his policies. The fact that this guy criticized Mr. trump doesn't mean that trump didn't create the climate that he could thrive in. His only issue with trump is that he didn't go far enough with his bigotry and intolerance. 

Mr. trump, just days ago, declared that Nationalism is a good thing, and it is in this climate that we got another bigoted murderer in Kentucky attempt to go into an African American church and do what the shooter in Pittsburgh did yesterday (he settled for killing two elderly African Americans in a supermarket), and like the Pittsburgh shooter, he was full of hatred.

Now all the usual suspects on the right will play the false equivalency game. "Hey, they heckled  republican leaders while they are in public spaces. The rhetoric on both sides needs to be tones down."  Not so fast. The last time I checked, no one died from being heckled. It's just not the same. And whether they like it or not, the leader of this country belongs to their party and the tone that he is setting is what is contributing to this climate of violence and hatred.

There is no denying that incidents of hate have gone way up since Mr. trump's election. It's as if he has given a green light to racists to act on their anger and hatred for others. 

Some writers have been more nuanced than I have when blaming the president for this environment, but the conclusion is the same.

"Most likely, we’ll never know whether one fewer inflammatory tweet or one more conciliatory speech from the president might have averted the massacre in Pittsburgh. And yet, Trump’s reckless determination to crank the temperature of American politics up to the highest possible setting was likely a contributing factor. And that’s why the best analogy for understanding Trump’s responsibility for the rising tides of civic violence in our country may hail from the world of science. 

Scientists cannot definitively determine whether any one particular storm is caused by climate change. But they know that the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events have increased due to global warming. In the same way, it is impossible to definitively ascribe any one particular hate crime or terrorist attack to extreme political rhetoric. But it is clear that the kind of violent and dehumanizing language that is the hallmark of Trump’s political style is likely to increase the number of such crimes. That is enough to make the president morally culpable for an overall increase in civic strife, even if we cannot know whether he is causally responsible for this or that specific act of violence."  [Source]

Oh, we know, and so does he.

*Pic from


  1. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Oftentimes, we may not be able to prove that Trump motivated a specific hate crime. But in a couple of the most recent cases, it’s extremely clear.

    The guy who shot up the synagogue made reference to the conspiracy theory about the so-called “Jew-funded” migrant caravan, which Trump has recently and loudly helped propagate.

    And the guy who sent mail bombs to all the people Trump rants about in his daily Two Minutes Hate, and who drives a van that can only be described as a Trump shrine ... well, it couldn’t be any more obvious where his ideas came from.

  2. I seem to remember that Charles Manson didn't spend the rest of his life in prison because he killed anyone himself, but instead because he inspired others to do so.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Womp womp8:02 PM

    Field Negro: "Blah blah blah racist blah blah blah Trump's fault blah blah blah."

  4. You know I never put it together before, but you're right Doug, Trump is just like Charles Manson.

  5. It's called projection8:11 PM

    The atmosphere of hate and division is largely the result of Democrats' inability to admit they lost an election. It's been a two-year nervous breakdown that would be hilarious if it weren't so dangerous.

  6. "You know I never put it together before, but you're right Doug, Trump is just like Charles Manson."

    Nope, Charlie went to jail, Fergus and W are still at large. And Charlie's race war rhetoric was crude by comparison, but similar, and his body count was far lower.

    -Doug in Oakland

  7. Anonymous8:37 PM

    "Charlie's race war rhetoric was crude by comparison, but similar, and his body count was far lower."

    Perfectly sane comment.

  8. Louis Farrakhan8:38 PM

    Almost no one hates Soros because he is a Jew. They hate him because Soros funds organizations that threaten their homelands.

  9. A COUNTRY of hate, there I fixed it.

  10. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Difficult problem: It should be possible to criticize any powerful group in a democracy, to try to rationally show just how powerful they are, what policies their influence is affecting. This does not make rational critics responsible when a deranged person kills innocent people.

  11. CNN lightens pipe bomb suspect's skin so they can call him a 'white supremacist'.

  12. The Wright Brotha8:55 PM

    I guess Jeremy Wright was right about America.

  13. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Field couldn't care less about those 11 people shot in Pittsburgh yesterday. Every story is only useful if it can hurt Trump. And he only hates Trump because he is a symbol of the White America he hates with all his heart. But of course, it's other people's hate that is the problem.

  14. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Quite a bit of anti-Semitic posts on this blog and FN promotes it.

  15. Anonymous10:44 PM

    The thief (a murdering demon) does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy, I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.
    -John 10:10

    A satanic attack ensues when a demon targets a particular point of entry. A demon launches a major assault against others after zeroing in on an opening/weakness.

    Believers, particularly blacks Americans, dichotomized Christian life. A dichotomy between political sphere and biblical sphere, which leads to own’s devises in a wide range of activities from expressing political preferences --contrary to biblical principles--to immoral relativism.

    Many believers walk right into Satan’s trap never knowing how the enemy pounced on their faith. Satan’s most cunning tactic has always been deception in an attempt to make good “bad” and bad “good.”

    No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

    Matthew 6:24

  16. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:51 PM

    Anonymous Womp womp said...

    Field Negro: "Blah blah blah racist blah blah blah Trump's fault blah blah blah."

    Yes, it really is Trump's fault. Wake up!

  17. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:02 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "The thief (a murdering demon) does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy, I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.
    -John 10:10

    A satanic attack ensues when a demon targets a particular point of entry. A demon launches a major assault against others after zeroing in on an opening/weakness.

    Believers, particularly blacks Americans, dichotomized Christian life. A dichotomy between political sphere and biblical sphere, which leads to own’s devises in a wide range of activities from expressing political preferences --contrary to biblical principles--to immoral relativism.

    Many believers walk right into Satan’s trap never knowing how the enemy pounced on their faith. Satan’s most cunning tactic has always been deception in an attempt to make good “bad” and bad “good.”

    No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."
    Well, Honey, Trump serves money and he's the president. So where does that leave us?

  18. Anonymous11:08 PM

    "This murderer, Robert Bowers, believed that Jews were funding the migrant caravan heading to America (Gee, I wonder where he got that from?)"

    The Honduran terrorvan which Mexico had refused to expel is being provided with food, housing and transport by Pueblos sin Fronteras.  Pueblos sin Fronteras is financed by the Open Society Foundation, a Soros "charity".

    Something strange about the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society... it doesn't bring third-world immigrants into Israel.  If diversity is strength, why not?

    "Now all the usual suspects on the right will play the false equivalency game. "Hey, they heckled republican leaders while they are in public spaces. The rhetoric on both sides needs to be tones down." Not so fast. The last time I checked, no one died from being heckled."

    False equivalence yourself.  Right-wingers don't try to shut down left-wing speeches and rallies.  Right-wingers haven't tried to no-platform leftists.  Right-wingers haven't gotten leftist conferences cancelled.  Right-wingers haven't gone into restaurants and harassed leftists just trying to have dinner.

    "There is no denying that incidents of hate have gone way up since Mr. trump's election."

    Yes, we HAVE seen you refuse to accept the results of a legitimate election and call for "resistance" (overthrow of the elected government).  If you don't like what Americans want for America, go back to Jamaica.

  19. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven
    -Luke 6:37

    Just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise…Love you enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your reward will be great
    -Luke 6:31,35

    If anyone wants to come after Me, let him deny[a himself, and take up his cross[b, and be following Me.
    -Matthew 16:24-26

  20. Anonymous11:21 PM

    To the Jewish :

    Blessed are those who mourn,
    for they will be comforted.

    -Matthew 5:4

    From a Christian:

  21. "Something strange about the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society... it doesn't bring third-world immigrants into Israel. If diversity is strength, why not?"

    Well, perhaps because 1) he's not an Israeli, 2) Israel is halfway around the world from Central America, 3) Israel has the population of Dallas, Texas and every inch of it is contested, 4) Israel is run by a pack of right-wing assholes, 5)You're an idiot.

    -Doug in Oakland

  22. You need a DNA test to get in11:36 PM

    Ethno-nationalism is bad! (Except for Israel)

    Walls are bad! (Except for Israel)

    Racial superemacism is bad! (Except for Israel)

  23. Repeal the 19th amendment11:37 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    "Yes, it really is Trump's fault. Wake up!"

    There's no fool like an old fool.

  24. Anonymous11:58 PM

    “Ethno-nationalism is bad! (Except for Israel)

    Walls are bad! (Except for Israel)

    Racial superemacism is bad! (Except for Israel)”

    No, those things are bad. Including in Israel.

  25. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:19 AM

    Anonymous Repeal the 19th amendment said...

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    "Yes, it really is Trump's fault. Wake up!"

    "There's no fool like an old fool."
    I guess it was foolish of me to think you might have something interesting or intelligent to say in response. Instead you attempted to insult me which is impossible for you to do. LOL! Have a nice night.

  26. "No, those things are bad. Including in Israel."

    Make that especially in Israel, which as I said, is run by a pack of right-wing assholes.

    -Doug in Oakland

  27. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Certainly Mr. Bowers was inspired and instructed to commit this slaughter due to the continual hate speech of Louis Farrakhan. Oh, that's right he's not anti semite, he's anti termite. Fraud Negro, you and your 80 IQ minions are from the Devil himself.

  28. Louis Farrakhan1:24 AM

    dinthebeast said...
    "Make that especially in Israel, which as I said, is run by a pack of right-wing assholes."

    Doug is an anti-termite.

  29. Anonymous1:28 AM

    It’s anti-Semitic to ever say anything about anything a Jew does, goyim.

  30. Thanks Field for a timely and informative post. Still, it is extremely chilling to see these things happen before our very eyes. Keep up the fight Brother Field.

  31. Who gains politically from this event?

    All you have to do to understand what is happening here is look at the way the Jews themselves are celebrating everywhere, dancing around and calling for a complete and total shutdown on goyim being able to speak their minds.

    It wasn’t just on liberal networks, either. Saturday afternoon I was watching Fox News and they had some Jew on there saying that we need to ban speech that is a “dog whistle” for violence, because even if someone is not directly calling for violence they could be signaling it with their “tone.”

    Leftists like Field are barely able to contain their glee.

    Random terrorist attacks are completely immoral and also completely ineffective. The only time any type of violence-oriented political agenda was ever possible, it was in coordination with a legitimate political party – the way the IRA operated, or the way the modern Democrat Party uses antifa.

    Random people shooting random Jews is completely insane, and only justifies further speech prohibitions.

  32. lt. Commander Johnson6:06 AM

    As for Bowers....I think we should bring back the firing squad, and use it on anyone convicted of murder with a firearm.

    As far as the "caravan" goes, some say there almost 14,00 strong.
    Do you have any idea how much crap and piss 14K people produce every day?

    They are crapping and pissing all over Mexico, and they allow it. Where are all these folks getting their food and drink from?

  33. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Yisheng reminds me of Kermit Gosnell.

  34. The Honduran terrorvan which Mexico had refused to expel is being provided with food, housing and transport by Pueblos sin Fronteras. Pueblos sin Fronteras is financed by the Open Society Foundation, a Soros "charity".

    Right wing propaganda sites are promoting this crock of shit. It is part of their alternate reality bullshit. So you know, right up front, it is false.

  35. Michael Dean Miller9:34 AM


    Please don't shoot jews.
    Don't vote for 'em, either.


  36. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:14 AM

    Anonymous said'
    "Yes, we HAVE seen you refuse to accept the results of a legitimate election and call for "resistance" (overthrow of the elected government). If you don't like what Americans want for America, go back to Jamaica."
    So in your eyes criticizing the president means "refusing to accept the results of a legitimate election and call for "resistance" (overthrow of the elected government)"?

    We don't want to overthrow Trump; we just want him to act like a rational human being. Apparently you approve of the hatred and discord he is sowing. You must think it's OK for Trump to advocate violence and call the press the "enemy of the people."

  37. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Yes, it really is Trump's fault. Wake up!
    10:51 PM


  38. Jack Ketch11:14 AM

    "we just want him to act like a rational human being"-by your definition of rational. Similar to your definition of "fair". A one sided, myopic definition.

  39. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I blame Malik Shabazz

  40. Kenny Rogers, a.k.a. "The Gambler"11:17 AM

    We don't want to overthrow Trump; we just want him to act like a rational human being. Apparently you approve of the hatred and discord he is sowing. You must think it's OK for Trump to advocate violence and call the press the "enemy of the people."

    What you are saying is "we don't want to overthrow Trump; we just want him to act like we won the election", and you will sow hatred and discord until you get your way. You'll even cover your own side's violence by accusing Trump of calling for violence.

    The people of America voted, and they chose Trump's vision over yours. To the extent the press tries to undermine this decision, they are in fact the enemy of the people.

    And American democracy is dead if one side refuses to accept the results of elections they lose.

  41. Anonymous11:23 AM

    The centrality of possession to the African is a negation of human agency as the European understands it, an attempt to animalize (that is to say simplify) the nature of man and to place his complexities of extreme good and extreme evil, of extreme talent and crippling disability, into the ownership of a mysterious spirit world that is felt intuitively and never wholly comprehended. He considers himself inwardly always the moved and never the mover, the horse and not the rider. His inner humanity is without form and identity, a man of clay to be shaped by a mystical other. The aggressively bombastic individualism that we see in a Kanye or other rap mogul, or famous athlete, occurs only in the West, in an aping of the apparent spirit of its success, often with significant White admixture in the individual himself. If you begin to listen for this self-denial of agency in African culture, should you have the stomach for it, you will hear it everywhere.

    To the African, the white man is himself a demonic entity, or is collectively under the influence of a demonic entity. His very consistency and seeming immunity to wild swings of emotion and inspiration is inhuman. The will-to-power that he possesses in his endeavors is a will possessed, in the African cosmos, only by spirits, by demons. Only the demon has a consistent will; a consistent mischievousness or violence, or a constant love or benevolence, that alights on and departs from humanity on a whim. Thus the European will always and unfailingly be regarded with suspicion and hostility by the African, just as the honest European sees in the African an unpredictable and inconsistent animal.

  42. All Lives Matter11:32 AM

    Trump is a civic nationalist, not a white nationalist. Trump gets called "racist" because he doesn't specifically exclude white interests from consideration, like every other politician has done for the last half century.

    Anyone who thinks white interests deserve the same consideration as everyone else gets called "Nazi" "alt-right" "White Supremacist" etc. by the Left and their media.

    I love black people. I love all people, including my people. I want the best for everyone.

    What the Left is throwing fits about is that Trump represents a temporary pause on their project to demographically expunge white America from existence. The great threat is that this sentiment might spread to threaten their projects in other white countries. This is the root of the current hysteria.

    The Right is for self-determination and sovereignty for ALL people, including having a Homeland.

    You're for it for everyone EXCEPT White People. You're anti-White.

  43. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Then God spoke to Noah and to his sons with him, saying, Now behold, I Myself do establish My covenant with you, and with your descendants after you; ... establish My covenant with you; and all flesh shall never again be cut off by the water of the flood, neither shall there again be a flood to destroy the earth.

    But Shem and Japheth took a garment and laid it upon both their shoulders and walked backward and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were turned away, so that they did not see their father's nakedness

    -Genesis 9:8-12,23

  44. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:59 AM

    Jack Ketch said...

    "we just want him to act like a rational human being"-by your definition of rational. Similar to your definition of "fair". A one sided, myopic definition.
    Here are my definitions of rational and fair:
    Rational: Having or exercising the ability to reason. Of sound mind. Logical.
    Fair: Free of favoritism or bias. Impartial, just to all partied. Consistent with ethics.

  45. Anonymous12:04 PM

    That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.

    Brethren, I speak after the manner of men; Though it be but a man's covenant, yet if it be confirmed, no man disannulleth, or addeth thereto.

    Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.

    -Galatians 3:14-29

  46. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Chicago October 2018 to Date:
    Shot & Killed: 43
    Shot & Wounded: 190
    Total Shot: 233
    Total Homicides: 49

  47. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
    Hebrews 11:1 without works is dead!

    -James 2:19

    Have faith in God

  48. Anonymous12:43 PM

    We are living in an era of woke capitalism in which companies pretend to care about social justice to sell products to people who pretend to hate capitalism.

  49. What the Left is throwing fits about is that Trump represents a temporary pause on their project to demographically expunge white America from existence. The great threat is that this sentiment might spread to threaten their projects in other white countries. This is the root of the current hysteria.

    Total bullshit. Drumpf represents everything that was wrong with the 1950's America and is trying to turn the page back to those days where he can have the Central Park 5 lynched on his say so.

    Drumpf wants to grab pussys without any repercussions or penalties. He wants minorities to know their place and white women as well. He wants to discriminate because they is what honkys did back then and he needs total control to feel like a man.

  50. The people of America voted, and they chose Trump's vision over yours.

    Not true. Too much Russian interference and too many more people voted for Dems to let Drumpf and Putin steal the election.

    Your days are numbered and karma is gonna be a bitch.

  51. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Imagine abusing a host society by debasing its culture, opening its borders, enslaving its people with debt, gloating about making its majority a minority...and then acting shocked and horrified when there is occasional blowback.

    “Chutzpah” doesn’t do it justice.

  52. The Bad Old Days1:51 PM

    "Drumpf represents everything that was wrong with the 1950's America"

    Record low income disparity.

    Plenty of manufacturing jobs.

    One income enough to support family.

    Housing costs 15% of income (vs. 40-50% today).

    Sexual degeneration not taught to kids in public schools.

    Universities advance culture instead of deconstructing it.

    Entertainment designed to entertain not indoctrinate.

    Press not completely in the hands of ideologues.

    Unified culture with common values and shared dreams.

    Drugs not a problem because widespread despair not present across society.

    Women consider men partners not rivals.

    Black families intact, most kids grow up in two parent families.

    Black neighborhoods are functioning communities with black shops, doctors, lawyers.

    Black neighborhoods have much lower crime rate than today.

    Black music actually music.

    Never again should we go back to the dark days before cultural Marxism! Resist!

  53. "I blame Malik Shabazz"

    Malik was a really good drummer. I got to play with him once, and I attended a few of his gigs in the late eighties and early nineties.

    -Doug in Oakland

  54. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Hitler loved dogs.

    -Doug in Oakland

  55. Never before have so many been so wrong so much of the time. That is life under the OpenGropinFucker, Drumpf.

  56. Take your meds4:08 PM

    One of Trump’s main failings is that he thinks everything is about him. One of his critics’ main failings is that they do too. Field's post make this clear every day.

  57. How bad is it when Matt Sludge takes umbrage with Fake Noize for laughing at Jewish massacre?

    Yeah, but it is the Libs causing all the anti-semitic crap.

    Take your meds said. if Field repeats it often enough even you stoopid fucking wingnuts will finally catch on and see the damage he is doing to America with your consent.

  58. I'd love to hear the reasoning behind this jewel-

  59. Anonymous4:33 PM

    "How bad is it when Matt Sludge takes umbrage with Fake Noize for laughing at Jewish massacre?"

    Matt Drudge is a Jew.

    He is just one of many examples of clueless ethnic/religious/sexual minorities suddenly waking up to the fact that it might not have been such a good idea to join a far-right political party (aka the GOP), since that party not-so-secretly hates them.

    See also: Black Republicans, Latino Republicans, Gay Republicans, Muslim Republicans, and other inexplicable oxymoronic creatures.

  60. Anonymous4:44 PM

    It's worse than you thought. The antisemitic Republican propaganda is not confined to the US; they are also broadcasting it to Latin America.

    Radio Marti, the propaganda channel that the US government uses to try to sell capitalism to the population of Cuba (why are we still doing this in 2018, again?), has been broadcasting videos created by crazypants right-wing outfit Judicial Watch, which warn Cubans that "multimillionaire Jew" George Soros "has his eye on Latin America."


    US Government-Run Network Pulls Segment Calling Soros ‘Multimillionaire Jew’

  61. Anonymous4:58 PM

    NPC Anonymous said...
    "It's worse than you thought. The antisemitic Republican propaganda is not confined to the US; they are also broadcasting it to Latin America."

    You are one of the most reliably NPC commenters I have come across, consistently parroting the most ridiculous narratives fed to you by your programming.

    George Soros actually does fund political organizations around the world. He "interferes" in country's elections and internal politics a thousand times more than the Russians do.

    But if people notice this and have a problem with it, you call them anti-Semitic because Soros is a Jew. Unbelievable.

    And BTW, two of the President's children are married to Jews. His grandchildren are Jews. He has increased US support for Israel and even moved the embassy to Jerusalem.

  62. Anonymous5:18 PM

    "And BTW, two of the President's children are married to Jews. His grandchildren are Jews."

    And yet he's totally cool with encouraging antisemitism for political and personal gain, because he is a malignant narcissist who doesn't care about anyone but himself.

    Gotta get that racist redneck -- er, I mean working-class white regular-guy -- vote if the GOP are going to win the midterms.

    "He has increased US support for Israel and even moved the embassy to Jerusalem."

    Helping the rotten Netanyahu regime in Israel doesn't prove Trump likes or cares about Jews. It is evidence that he really, really hates Muslims. (You know, the guys he lied about having seen celebrating the 9/11 attacks? And the guys whom he's tried to ban from entering the US?)

    Trump and Israel are "friends" in the same way Churchill and Stalin were "friends" during WWII -- they both share the same enemy.


  63. And BTW, two of the President's children are married to Jews. His grandchildren are Jews. He has increased US support for Israel and even moved the embassy to Jerusalem.

    And still makes anti-semitic remarks! Drumpfuck steps on everyone to get where he is going. And then he lies about it and the koyote kerfluffle backs up his lies.

  64. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Logical consistency is unnecessary for progressives.

  65. Anonymous5:28 PM

    "Logical consistency is unnecessary for progressives."

    Haha. Try listening to yourselves.

    This blog's racist trolls: Trump isn't antisemitic!

    Also this blog's racist trolls: Jews are ruining everything. Finally someone is doing something about it! Go Trump!

  66. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Another suspicious package has arrived at CNN.

    Unclear as yet whether it was sent by the MAGABomber.

  67. Goy Orbison5:43 PM

    It's anti-Semitic to pursue your own interests if you aren't Jewish.

  68. Another suspicious package and Drumpfuck the Destroyer is calling the media the enemy of the state.

    But, but he isn't responsible for crackpots sending bombs or murdering Jews. Drumpf and kremlin annex officials are the real victims in the synagogue murders. Ask fat ass Sanders.

  69. "But, but he isn't responsible for crackpots sending bombs or murdering Jews"

    Of course he isn't, you evil idiot.

  70. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Shoot up the front of a GOP headquarters? Vandalism.

    Sent hoax bombs never intended to explode? Assassination attempt terrorism omg he tried to kill them all!

  71. Anonymous7:22 PM

    I blame the libs for that synagogue shooting.

    They made that poor guy think that Trump was the second coming of Hitler and he snapped when the pogroms didn’t start.

  72. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:38 PM

    Anonymous Kenny Rogers, a.k.a. "The Gambler" said...

    The people of America voted, and they chose Trump's vision over yours. To the extent the press tries to undermine this decision, they are in fact the enemy of the people.

    And American democracy is dead if one side refuses to accept the results of elections they lose.
    Yup, the American people voted and more of them voted for Hillary Clinton than voted for Donald Trump. It is only because of our antiquated Electoral College system that Trump was declared the winner. He and all presidents have the responsibility to be fair to all the people, not just those who elected them.

  73. We know, when Drumpf wants his minions to attack the press or demonstrators it is just locker room talk. Like grabbing women by the pussy. Even when he does it it is just locker room talk. But HRC had emails and wingnut heads are still exploding.

    Your day is coming and sooner than you think.


  75. The Day of the Dumb8:59 PM

    "Your day is coming and sooner than you think."

    Says retard from iowa in menacingly incoherent way.

  76. Pee on your parade9:33 PM

    So president pee-pee is sending troops to win the midterms, huh?

  77. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Yisheng wishes Trump would pee on her.

  78. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Rural white America October to date:

    OD's: 30,000
    Babies sold for meth: 35,000
    Number of teeth: 7
    Showers taken: 1
    High school diplomas: 3

  79. Winning!10:22 PM

    The median usual weekly earnings of workers who didn't complete high school grew faster than 6 percent in 2018, significantly outperforming all other education groups. In 2017, this group of workers also saw the fastest growth in weekly earnings.

    Workers of all education levels have lower-than-historic-average unemployment rates. But workers without a high-school degree are outperforming other education groups, with unemployment at ~60% of their historic average

    Donald Trump's economy is DELIVERING ON HIS CENTRAL PROMISE: To bring the most screwed-over group of workers--the ones with least education credentials/skills--back into the economic mainstream. This seems essential prerequisite for American project of social equality.

  80. Drumpf strikes again!10:25 PM

    CNN is reporting that Anderson Cooper received a dildo-shaped bomb up his ass, but fortunately the resident gerbil disarmed and ejected it safely.


    -Doug in Oakland

  82. A Texan8:40 AM

    Here are some blacks that killed whites because they were white, but no big article from field negro. He probably takes joy in white people being killed.

  83. Enema of the People9:38 AM

    Off year elections are supposed to be a disaster for the party that just won the White House, but despite an unprecedented effort by the media to sway the election, the Blue Wave appears to be fizzling. Democrats likely to take a slim majority in the House, but Republicans will actually gain seats in the Senate. If voters could be easily manipulated they would all vote progressive left, like the media tells them to. Voters are finally realizing that the media does not have their interests at heart.

  84. It's called projection9:45 AM

    In July 2016 a black man who “wanted to kill white people, especially white officers” assassinated five police officers.

    The next day, Hillary tweeted the tweet below:

    White Americans need to do a better job of listening when African Americans talk about the seen and unseen barriers that you face every day.

    In contrast, Trump has evidenced nothing but sympathy and compassion for the victims and has denounced in no uncertain terms the motivations of the shooter. Yet the lying press has spent the last few days accusing him of exactly the kind of behavior exhibited by Hillary and other Democratic leaders.

    Liberals are evil and crazy.

    1. teh stupid9:48 AM

      Conservatives are really really really stooooopid.

  85. Conservative Projector9:51 AM

    In contrast, Trump has evidenced nothing but sympathy and compassion for the victims and has denounced in no uncertain terms the motivations of the shooter.
    Bwahahahahaha! You mean AFTER he blamed the press and posted about the World Series? And by the way dumb fuck,Hillary is not the president! And guess what,she was right. Go suck on trump's dick a while longer, you might get what you want.


  87. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Hillary thinks all negroes look alike.


  88. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:42 AM

    Field said:
    "And yet, Trump’s reckless determination to crank the temperature of American politics up to the highest possible setting was likely a contributing factor."
    Of course it was, and we all know that. Although "conservatives" will come here and deny it, their words are meaningless, just another attempt to defend their champion from the truth.

  89. Us and Them10:47 AM

    "Although "conservatives" will come here and deny it, their words are meaningless,"

    Gambler knows what she's supposed to believe, and don't try to tell her different!

  90. Fake News Update10:58 AM

    On CNN, Symone Sanders says "rhetoric matters" minutes after Julia Ioffe compares Trump to ISIS.

  91. America 201811:54 AM

    New York Times (((writer))) openly calling for ethnic cleansing of white Americans:

    If nothing else, at least things are getting clearer every day.

  92. Anonymous12:05 PM

    “On CNN, Symone Sanders says ‘rhetoric matters’ minutes after Julia Ioffe compares Trump to ISIS.”

    Julia Ioffe should not have apologized for saying Trump has radicalized more people than ISIS. This very well may be true.

    And the people he has radicalized pose a greater potential threat to America than ISIS. There are more angry rednecks here than angry Muslims.

  93. Anonymous12:16 PM

    “New York Times (((writer))) openly calling for ethnic cleansing of white Americans:”

    A typically disingenuous wingnut distortion. Goldberg was talking about replacing racists in government, not replacing white people in the population.

    Although the latter is going to happen, more or less. Whites are not going to be “replaced” in society, but are inevitably going to become a minority in just a few short decades, even with zero immigration (which is impossible anyway). So you should probably be working on your “getting along with others” skills, instead of trying to be the biggest asshole you can be.

  94. New York Times (((writer))) openly calling for ethnic cleansing of white Americans:

    Gee, what a surprise. A stoopid fucking wingnut lying about something someone had written, distorting reality and making stoopid fucking wingnuts look like victims.

  95. In contrast, Trump has evidenced nothing but sympathy and compassion for the victims and has denounced in no uncertain terms the motivations of the shooter. Yet the lying press has spent the last few days accusing him of exactly the kind of behavior exhibited by Hillary and other Democratic leaders.

    Total, unadulterated bullshit with a cherry on top.

  96. Anonymous12:55 PM

    If Hitlery believes all Negroes look alike, can one deduce they all think alike too? Field, is Hitlery dog whistling? Good thing she didn't win the election cause she hates Negroes. Are all you Field Hands voting GOP next Tuesday? Is Chelsea a racist like her Mother?

  97. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Where is the HRC outrage Negroes? You know HRC wants you all picking cotton, Field, do you look like Cory Booker or Eric Holder? When HRC goes low do we kick her racist ass in the face? HRC gets a pass just like Pedo Uncle Joe Biden....You remember Clean,articulate, Obama as Pedo Uncle Joe called him don't you? Hoodwinked by the DNC once again Negroes.

  98. Hillary1:09 PM

    All negroes sure vote alike. They pretty much watch the same TV shows, listen to same music, and repeat the same opinions.

  99. Hillary1:10 PM

    They all look like suckers to me!


  100. You can't make this up1:15 PM

    A typically disingenuous wingnut distortion. Goldberg was talking about replacing racists in government, not replacing white people in the population.

    Although the latter is going to happen, more or less. Whites are not going to be “replaced” in society, but are inevitably going to become a minority in just a few short decades, even with zero immigration (which is impossible anyway). So you should probably be working on your “getting along with others” skills, instead of trying to be the biggest asshole you can be


    We're not trying to replace you, but we are! And then we're going to punish you, bigot!


    Blames the orange discolored bomb thrower from the kremlin annex for client's threats to kill Somalis. Ine lawyer has it right. It is Drumpf's incendiary verbiage that is causing these acts of terror.


  103. Biggie1:34 PM

    Trump killed Tupac.

  104. Anonymous2:00 PM

    “If Hitlery believes all Negroes look alike, can one deduce they all think alike too?”

    It’s weird how wingnuts are too stupid to be able to understand the concept of a joke, and yet still manage to somehow find a way to feel superior to others. The delusions of grandeur are truly impressive.

  105. From Twitter:

    "A religious leader just interrupted Jeff Sessions and recited Matthew 25:42—43:

    "I was hungry and you did not feed me. I was a stranger and you did not welcome me."

    He was removed by police.

    Another religious leader defended him.

    He was also removed."

    -Doug in Oakland

  106. And:

    "Judd Legum


    BREAKING: A civil RICO suit has been brought against The Trump Organization, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump and Ivanka Trump in United States District Court for their participation in a pyramid scheme"

    -Doug in Oakland

  107. Anonymous2:25 PM

    “"A religious leader just interrupted Jeff Sessions and recited Matthew 25:42—43:

    ‘I was hungry and you did not feed me. I was a stranger and you did not welcome me.’

    He was removed by police.

    Another religious leader defended him.

    He was also removed."

    Then Jesus showed up, and the Religious Right crucified him.

  108. Anonymous2:35 PM

    HRC joke my ass, You have been hoodwinked "Superpredator". The excuse factory is running 24/7 for Hitlery/DNC. Selective outrage, you Negroes are a joke.

  109. So now that Fergus has announced that he will attempt to supersede the constitution with an executive order, is this the final evidence that he's:

    1) An idiot.

    2) A fascist.

    3) A malignant narcissist who actually believes that what he says overrides the plain language of the constitution.

    4) A liar who will say anything no matter how stupid and wrong to try and hold onto the power he's so inept at using in the face of a midterm election his party is likely to lose.

    5) A Republican.

    -Doug in Oakland

  110. Anonymous3:02 PM

    "1) An idiot.

    2) A fascist.

    3) A malignant narcissist who actually believes that what he says overrides the plain language of the constitution.

    4) A liar who will say anything no matter how stupid and wrong to try and hold onto the power he's so inept at using in the face of a midterm election his party is likely to lose.

    5) A Republican."

    It looks increasingly like number 5 covers numbers 1-4.

    If you are a Republican, then ipso facto, you are an idiot, fascist, malignant narcissist liar.

  111. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Next, I'm waiting for Trump to announce he's repealing the 13th Amendment with an executive order.

    Black people, kindly put on these manacles and report to the nearest Trump casino to work for free.

  112. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:05 PM

    16 cases of white supremacists killings since Trump was inaugurated.

  113. Gothcha now goy3:10 PM

    "I was hungry and you did not feed me. I was a stranger and you did not welcome me."

    Hey stupid Christian, I don't believe in your silly religion but I'll cynically misrepresent a bible verse to try to manipulate you into giving me my way. Jesus says you have to give away your home and everything in it to anyone who wants it.

  114. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:22 PM

    Us and Them said.
    "Gambler knows what she's supposed to believe, and don't try to tell her different!"

    No Kid, It isn't "what I'm supposed to believe"; it's what I do believe from observing politics and current events since 1941. I was around when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, and I remember the day it happened. I have lived under thirteen presidents and Trump. I don't see him as the president because mostly he watches TV, plays golf, and flies around to meaningless rallies.

    So please don't think that I am easily fooled by Fox News and the GOP propaganda machine or any other political entity.


  115. National
    ‘THIS IS A WHITE NEIGHBORHOOD’: Woman greets family by calling their child the n-word, police say

    From WAPO with paywall.

  116. Anonymous3:36 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  117. Drumpfuck only wants to take away birthright citizenship from brown skinned people, not rich Russians. Russians pay mucho dinero to stay in Drumpfuck's apartments awaiting the birth of their soon to be American born little Commies.

  118. Liberal rag WSJ says economy looks to head downward first quarter of 2019.

  119. Anonymous3:46 PM

    "Hey stupid Christian, I don't believe in your silly religion but I'll cynically misrepresent a bible verse to try to manipulate you into giving me my way. Jesus says you have to give away your home and everything in it to anyone who wants it."

    Where is the Bible verse that says to earn as much money as you can, as unethically as you can, and then shit on brown people as often as you can?

    That is Republicans' favorite part of scripture.


    Don't blame fine upstanding neighbor. His gun was drunk. Yeah, that's the ticket. His gun was drunk.

  121. Got a live one here-

    Can't make this shit up. Wingnuts could. I stand corrected.

  122. Fake News Update4:17 PM

    "‘THIS IS A WHITE NEIGHBORHOOD’: Woman greets family by calling their child the n-word, police say "

    Filed with Things That Never Happened.

  123. "Where is the Bible verse that says to earn as much money as you can, as unethically as you can, and then shit on brown people as often as you can?."

    That's from the Book of Goldman-Sachs, the one they hand to Democrats when they send their donations.


    How do they get convinced false flag theories are real? They are stoopid fucking wingnuts easily gullible and misled where ever the hosts want to lead them.


  126. Anonymous4:46 PM

    HRC Loves her some Negroes. HRC in 2020! Clinton/Booker 2020 The Hag and The Fag.

  127. Hoaxes B You4:47 PM

    "How do they get convinced false flag theories are real?"

    Because you Democrats aren't very subtle when you pull this shit.

    Let's have a 75 IQ guy who lives in a van completely covered in Trump stickers mail a dozen fake bombs to the 12 highest profile libs in the country, with psycho written all over the packaging, two weeks before the midterms.

    Also, let's do this in the same law enforcement jurisdiction (Sheriff Steve Israel's) that stood by last year until the schizo kid they were watching got done shooting up a school.

    95% of of hate crime stories turn out to be phony, and the other 5% are exaggerated.

    Your media has lost all credibility and their stories don't matter anymore.

    Womp womp.


    Moar whining. Moar lies from the pathological liar in the Kremlin Annex.

  129. Womp womp. what you say makes sense to other stoopid fucking braindead, inbred wingnuts like you. After that, it is all moar right wing lies.

  130. Vladimir Gluten4:57 PM

    Hey, what ever happened to that Trump-Russia collusion thing? (Asking for a friend).

  131. Porter5:25 PM

    It’s pretty easy to see mass migration as a massive cheat.

    Democracy is hard work. Every society has many disagreements.

    Legitimate politics is convincing enough peers that your position is correct.

    Illegitimate politics is importing enough outsiders to swamp their vote.

  132. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Criticism of the Koch brothers is just anti-Catholicism dog whistling.

  133. "Black people, kindly put on these manacles and report to the nearest Trump casino to work for free."

    Nope, Fergus made the black employees hide in the back when his racist mobster friends came around, remember?

    -Doug in Oakland

  134. Fake News Update6:52 PM

    "Fergus made the black employees hide in the back when his racist mobster friends came around, remember?"

    Another entry for the Things That Never Happened file.

  135. Another entry for the Things That Never Happened file.

    Another lie perpetrated by those lost from reality and spoon fed what to believe by right wing talking points.

    Doug is 100% correct.

  136. Criticism of the Koch brothers should be mandatory.

  137. Drumpf's house negro is tired of politics and carrying messages he doesn't believe?

    Took him long enough to figure this out.

  138. Here's your false flag conspiracy laid out and explained so even inbred stoopid fucking wingnuts can follow along and learn truth.

  139. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Snopes is Fake News.

  140. Anonymous9:00 PM

    The 5 terrorists Obama freed from Gitmo in exchange for deserter Bowe Bergdahl have joined the Taliban’s political office in Qatar:

    Thanks Barack!

  141. Anonymous2:03 AM

    > the people [Trump] has radicalized pose a greater potential threat to America than ISIS. There are more angry rednecks here than angry Muslims.

    The angry rednecks are Americans.  You aren't.  If they're angry with you, YOU need to go.

    Muslims are not American, period.  Muslims forced the creation of the United States Marines to cease their predations on American shipping and enslavement of Americans.  All of you have to go back.

    (So ironic that black people are okay with slavery if white people are the ones being enslaved... or is it just "who? whom?")

    > Black people, kindly put on these manacles

    A large majority of black people cannot pay for what it takes to feed, clothe and house them.  Nobody wants to put manacles on you.  You aren't worth the trouble to have ANYWHERE.

  142. Them dastardly devil demons are part of the committee seeking peace in Afghanistan. Them lousy butchers. Thanks Obama. Maybe they can clean up dumbass dubya's bloody clusterfucking mess over there.

  143. Poor anyfuckingmoose can't let go the fact some POC took his lunch money from him at school. It will fester inside this stoopid fucking wingnut until he goes postal on a bunch of innocent POC.

  144. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Yisheng = nigger

    lilac = cunt

  145. acting dumb when you are really smart…lol.. we call that playing the fool to catch the wise
