Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The (White) Nationalist President.

TWEET MEIn a desperate attempt to rally his white nationalist base, the president of the United States has declared that he will do away with Birthright Citizenship here in the United States by way of an Executive Order. Think about that for a minute. What this man is saying is that he will do away with a very important part of the 14th Amendment of our Constitution because he fears those brown people marching through Central America are coming to get "us".

Mr. trump, in order to do that, would have to amend the Constitution. Make no mistake, he does not have the authority to do that. Yes, his racist base would love nothing more than to chip away at that pesky 14th Amendment which gave citizenship to slaves, but they can't. Not yet. It doesn't mean that he and his pals won't try. In a pathetic attempt to suck up to his golf buddy, Lindsey Graham is already talking about introducing legislation  to amend the Constitution to do away with Birthright Citizenship. That too will not happen, because he needs three thirds of the House and the Senate to do that. Only your typical Cult 45 member would believe such crap. 

But I suppose that desperate times calls for desperate measures. The white nationalist who support trump couldn't be happier with their friend in the White House. He has done all that he can ---short of actually coming out and saying that he is a white nationalist--- to show them that he supports them. His whistling has gotten louder and louder. Recently he called the African American mayor of Tallahassee,  Andrew Gillum, a "thief", and he continues to question the intelligence of Maxine Waters. He did so again recently to his crowd of supporters. Throw in the fact that he is actually sending troops to the US border to stop the "invasion" of the brown women and children coming here to change the makeup of America, and  there is no escaping that we have a White Nationalist in Chief running things..

Today Mr. trump was in Pittsburgh. He was supposed to be comforting the families and congregation of those 11 people who lost their lives on behalf of the rest of us. But he clearly was not wanted. There were so many passionate protesters against his visit, that his handlers had to change his route when he left the Synagogue.

I can't say that I blame the citizens of Pittsburgh, though. He should not have gone. Local officials begged him to postpone the trip, but he refused to do that, because....well, it's all about him. His presence created a logistical nightmare for local authorities, and his visit took away from the families of those people who were mourning the loss of their loved ones.

But this is where we are in America. A white nationalist president creates a climate of hatred that contributes to the slaughter of 11 Jews worshiping in their house of worship, and the same white nationalist president sees it fit to visit their funeral. 

"You know, they have a word. It sort of became old-fashioned. It's called a 'nationalist.' And I say, really, we're not supposed to use that word." But then he did: "You know what I am? I'm a nationalist, OK? I'm a nationalist."

Mr. trump, you left out the word white.


  1. Repeal the 14th amendment9:08 PM

    Mr. trump, in order to do that, would have to amend the Constitution.

    Nope. The Constitution does not mandate birthright citizenship.

    If you were a real American lawyer, you'd know that. You should get your money back for that Jamaican law degree, all $325.

  2. It's called projection9:15 PM

    Mr. trump, you left out the word white.

    Who is Donald Trump to decide what he means by what he says? Lucky for us we have field, who just like a Hawaiian judge, can divine what the President is really thinking.

    What you see says much more about you than it does him.

  3. Anonymous9:21 PM

    If Trump hadn't gone to Pittsburgh you would have accused him of insensitivity and of course racism.

  4. I want to live in a majority white nation. The problem is, so does everyone else.

    In fact, they even break the law and risk their lives to live in majority white nations, but then have the audacity to refer to us as racists because we just want the same thing they do.

  5. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Access to white people is not a human right.

  6. A Clockwork Watermelon9:34 PM

    Illegal Aliens are not under the Jurisdiction of The United States as written in the 14th Amendment. Therefore any child born here of them is not covered under Birth Right Citizenship. SCOTUS will ultimately hear the case, be it that Chief Justice Roberts is a Corporation masquerading as a human being,I have no doubt the American Taxpayer will get screwed on this in the end.ACA ring a bell to anyone?

  7. Fergus is getting desperate now that he's about to lose the majority in congress that has allowed him to get away with all the sketchy shit he pulls all of the damn time.
    Look for him to do more and more outrageous bullshit to try and distract from the walls as they crash in on him.
    Hope that none of his tantrums involve the military actually firing their weapons.
    And those folks who just got jacked up by the secret service while they were trying to mourn their murdered loved ones? They're gonna remember that, especially around the next election.
    As are we all.

    -Doug in Oakland

  8. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:44 PM

    Anonymous Repeal the 14th amendment said...

    Mr. trump, in order to do that, would have to amend the Constitution.

    Nope. The Constitution does not mandate birthright citizenship.

    If you were a real American lawyer, you'd know that. You should get your
    money back for that Jamaican law degree, all $325.
    Well, it does say here in black and white that "all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States..."PLEASE SEE BELOW

    Article XIV (Amendment 14 - Rights Guaranteed: Privileges and Immunities of Citizenship, Due Process, and Equal Protection)
    1: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

    Should I believe you or my lyin' eyes?

    1. Gambler, you are so kind to that troll. You actually took the time to read and give it some knowledge. I bet it won't even thank you.

      Trolls are so ungrateful.

  9. Repeal the 14th amendment9:55 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    "Well, it does say here in black and white that "all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States...""

    "and subject to the jurisdiction thereof" means that they were born here and they are not subject to the jurisdictions of a foreign government, i.e. citizens of another country.

    The purpose was to ensure the newly freed slaves were granted citizenship, not to bestow citizenship for those born of foreign nationals.

  10. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:55 PM

    A Clockwork Watermelon said...

    "Illegal Aliens are not under the Jurisdiction of The United States as written in the 14th Amendment. Therefore any child born here of them is not covered under Birth Right Citizenship. SCOTUS will ultimately hear the case, be it that Chief Justice Roberts is a Corporation masquerading as a human being,I have no doubt the American Taxpayer will get screwed on this in the end.ACA ring a bell to anyone?"
    This sounds like a bogus argument. So if someone who is in the United States illegally and they commit a crime, they can't be arrested because they are not under the jurisdiction of the United States? Please explain that.

  11. This video is so Doug:


  12. A Clockwork Watermelon10:06 PM

    They are arrested as a criminal illegal alien and deported. The problem goes back to the disasterous 1965 Hart/Cellar Act. It has been all downhill since. The SCOTUS has never ruled on the 14th and it's original intent. As i stated earlier, hold on to your wallets.

  13. Repeal the 14th amendment10:15 PM

    "So if someone who is in the United States illegally and they commit a crime, they can't be arrested because they are not under the jurisdiction of the United States?"

    No, everyone is subject to the law. "Subject to the jurisdiction thereof" refers to citizenship.

    The Fourteenth Amendment’s citizenship clause required owing complete allegiance only to the United States in advance rather than automatically bestowed by place of birth, i.e., only children born to parents who owed no foreign allegiance were to be citizens of the United States – that is to say – not only must a child be born but born within the complete allegiance of the United States politically and not merely within its limits.

    Under Sec. 1992 of U.S. Revised Statutes the same Congress who had adopted the Fourteenth Amendment had enacted into law, confirmed this principle: “All persons born in the United States and not subject to any foreign power, excluding Indians not taxed, are declared to be citizens of the United States.”

    Who are the subjects of a foreign power? Thomas Jefferson said “Aliens are the subjects of a foreign power.” Thus, the statute can be read as All persons born in the United States who are not alien, excluding Indians not taxed, are declared to be citizens of the United States.

    Sen. Trumbull stated during the drafting of the above national birthright law debates that it was the goal to “make citizens of everybody born in the United States who owe allegiance to the United States,” and if “the negro or white man belonged to a foreign Government he would not be a citizen.”

    Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee (39th Congress), James F. Wilson of Iowa, confirmed on March 1, 1866 that children under this class of aliens would not be citizens: “We must depend on the general law relating to subjects and citizens recognized by all nations for a definition, and that must lead us to the conclusion that every person born in the United States is a natural-born citizen of such States, except that of children born on our soil to temporary sojourners or representatives of foreign Governments.”

    Framer of the Fourteenth Amendments first section, John Bingham, said Sec. 1992 of U.S. Revised Statutes meant “every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.”


  14. Anonymous10:21 PM

    "'and subject to the jurisdiction thereof' means that they were born here and they are not subject to the jurisdictions of a foreign government, i.e. citizens of another country."

    Fucking hell, you clowns are ridiculous in your detachment from reality.

    Jurisdiction: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

    No national government has jurisdiction within the United States, other than the United States. Has nothing to do with whether a person is or isn't an American citizen. Mexican citizens living in the United States are not living "under the jurisdiction" of Mexico. That's not how anything works.

    You might want to stop taking legal advice from "adolf_3645" at the Daily Stormer and talk to an actual attorney.

  15. Anonymous10:25 PM

    When field says “White nationalist” what he means is “White people who haven’t been taught to hate themselves sufficiently.”

  16. Repeal the 14th amendment10:28 PM

    "Jurisdiction: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

    I think I do know what it means in the context of the 14th amendment.

    I guess we'll just have to wait and see what Brett Kavanaugh thinks it means.

  17. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Obama, Community Organizer of the 1980s

    It was not a “black value system” that propelled Obama for success; being born in a white family, community , and value system had everything to do with his American mainstream assimilation

    The inconvenient truth about Obama "blackness" it is like dead end street.

    •Echoes Jeremiah Wright’s Marxist ideology, Obama said “I
    think when you spread the wealth around,, it’s good for
    •Appointed NO Black American to the US Supreme Court
    • Betrayed the one who put him on the map, Oprah
    • As a state senator, Obama killed babies blocking a bill that stopped late term "Live Birth Abortions" hospitals
    • Support illegal immigrant (the DREAM ACT)
    • Refuse , as president, to intervene on behalf of the most vulnerable citizens, who were being slaughtered in Chicago
    • Backstabbed , never repaying the one who taught him the art of public speaking, Jesse, Jackson
    • Obama used the entire black community to launch his is personal agenda and never acknowledge his debt to the black community

  18. Here are 653 acts of violence, harassment, and threats by leftists on Republicans:


  19. That's how you do it, boys10:57 PM

    Trump paid $130k to bang a porn star.

    Trump won $342k cuz she talked about it.

    Net gain $211k.


  20. James Carville11:05 PM

    If nothing else, this birthright citizenship announcement changes the topic from Holocaust 2 Electric Jewgaloo in Pittsburgh to an issue that’s wildly popular with the GOP base just seven days before the midterms.

    It’s good politics.

  21. All We Need is Hate11:06 PM

    Members of the New International Axis of Far-Right Hate™:


    Who's next?

  22. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Average American - We must put America first.

    Media/ADL/Corporations - Stop being antisemitic!

    Average American - What?

  23. Anonymous11:33 PM

    If this 14th Amendment issue is destined to head to the SCOTUS, Field, you and your fellow Commies on here better abate the hate and start donating blood and organs to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg pronto !

  24. Anonymous11:42 PM

    I'm a Third Generation Holocaust guilt trip survivor.

  25. Listen you morons, if you haven't been born, you're not a citizen of any country. If you're born in the US, you're a US citizen (except for American Samoa, where you are only a US national).
    As much as you don't want it to be like that, it still is.
    Good luck supporting Fergus' lame attempt at fascism as a mid-terms strategy, that's gotta be a stroke of brilliance.
    Now let's see how it works.

    -Doug in Oakland

  26. Well the fun really starts next week when the Dems get control of the House and we get to see trump's tax returns and start investigating the hell out of his Russia deals. I'm buying a ton of popcorn and taking plenty of time off to watch the greatest show on earth. Auntie Maxine is low IQ? Well let's see if she's smart enough to start an investigation. πŸ˜‚

  27. Funny how many people are falling for the scary caravan story. It's a couple thousand babies and moms 1,000 miles away. Yeah, I'm petrified.πŸ˜‚ Conservative snowflakes.

  28. "If Trump hadn't gone to Pittsburgh you would have accused him of insensitivity and of course racism."

    It was his fault this occurred. The killer shot up this particular synagogue because they help refugees and immigrants. He targeted them because he was inflamed by anti-immigrant rhetoric especially from the hater in chief. This might get worse before it gets better.

    1. PX, whooteemoos will NEVER accept responsibility for how racist the US is. NEVER.

      And RIP to the HIV Dr that was killed, I'd heard of his work in HIV from one of my mentors. (:

  29. "Here are 653 acts of violence, harassment, and threats by leftists on Republicans:


    I'm positive this is a legit link and website. 😝You guys are sure trying hard to push the "both sides" narrative. This is what happens when people like trump delegitimize actual journalists. Now we get funky homemade websites that for some are just as legitimate as any other.

  30. Just as suspected, this reaper or whatever site is REALLY reaching for "leftist violence". Here is an example, "October 9, 2018: Hillary Clinton opposes “civility” with Republicans."
    Ooooooooh, Hillary said something mean ooooooh, such hostility. Of course they also included Eric Holder's partial quote. I mean come on, we all know the right has all the threatening assholes and violent goofballs so let's stop with the 653 acts of violence by "the left". Hell, our lady posters on this very blog have been harrassed and threatened by the trolls here so let's not pretend the left is even close to being the violent assholes yhe right tolerates.

  31. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:02 AM

    Anonymous Repeal the 14th amendment said...

    "Jurisdiction: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
    Here is the meaning of the word jurisdiction according to 'The College Edition of the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language":"1. The right and power to interpret and apply the law. 2.Authority or control. 3.The extent of authority or control. 4. The territorial range of authority or control.

    Seems to me that the SCOTUS would have to practice a whole lot of judicial activism in order to rule that the president by executive order can negate this provision of the 14th Amendment.

  32. Anonymous5:28 AM

    Robert Bowers killed 11 people because Louis Farrakhan has been spewing antisemitic hate for decades. I don't recall PDJT calling Jews "Termites" as did Calypso Louie a week before the PGH murders. Perhaps if the Sainted Democrats control the House, they can launch an investigation into the NOI (Nation Of Idiots).

  33. The whole point of ending birthright citizenship would be to make statelessness intergenerational. Trump doesn't solve problems, he makes them permanent.

  34. Anonymous10:17 AM

    @Paradoctor: They aren't "stateless", they have their own countries to go back to.

    It's Americans who are being made stateless. Once our country is gone, we have nowhere to go.

  35. PilotX said...
    "Just as suspected, this reaper or whatever site is REALLY reaching for "leftist violence"."

    The author says:

    "Yes I realize not all of these are acts of violence, but all of them deserve media attention, so that's why I'm doing this. "

    The Left practices organized violence through Antifa groups which are directly funded by Leftist foundations and donors. They practice organized harassment through control of media and corporations. They practice organized dehumanization at the direction of their political leadership.

    They do all of these things every day.

    "Right wing" acts of violence are very rare and are always perpetrated by loners who are not supported by right wing foundations or politicians and often aren't even actually right wing.

    How you see any equivalency between the two sides is a mystery.

  36. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Oprah took a risk endorsing of Obama. Once elected, Obama’s transition team ignored Oprah. Michelle’s jealousy and distrust for Obama kept women away from him.

    Eventually, Oprah got granted an interview. When Oprah and Gayle arrived., the waited quite some time before Michelle showed up to the Yellow Oval Office. Michelle answered questions directed at Gayle making both Oprah and Gayle uncomfortable.

    Oprah clapped back asking Michelle if she and the president still fought. It’s been a “growth point” Michelle replied.

    1. Buck Naked Ho'tus11:18 AM

      I wish I had a rich, best friend.

  37. Anonymous10:43 AM

    PilotX said...
    "If Trump hadn't gone to Pittsburgh you would have accused him of insensitivity and of course racism."

    It was his fault this occurred.

    PilotX is just plain dumb.

  38. Can't blame Drumpf. Sure we can and have and will until you stoopid fucking wingnuts finally see the real truth of what you and Hitler Junior have done to America.

    You are all the orange shithook in the kremlin annex.

  39. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Oprah took a risk endorsing of Obama. Once elected, Obama’s transition team ignored Oprah. Michelle’s jealousy and distrust for Obama kept women away from him.

    Moar pantywaist whinings trying to sow discord before the election. Nothing new here. Nothing ever was here. Fuck traitorous stoopid fucking wasicu wastey wingnuts who hate everything America stands for.

  40. Russian birthright citizenship is lucrative business for Drumpfuck's properties in Florida. Drumpf will make exceptions for whitey wingnut looking people as he will focus on brown skinned and Muslim looking types to keep out.

    Then cry he is not a racist and play the victim card.

  41. Moar whitey terrorism- https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/midwest/ct-indiana-school-bus-deaths-20181031-story.html

    24 year old honky failed to stop for school bus picking up 3 white siblings and killed three and critically injured a fourth.


  42. Anonymous11:35 AM

    HRC says....we need voter I.D. cause all Negroes look the same.

  43. Anonymous11:36 AM

    New Nation News......Criminal Negroes on Parade 24/7

  44. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:09 PM

    Who Be the Haters said:

    ""Right wing" acts of violence are very rare and are always perpetrated by loners who are not supported by right wing foundations or politicians and often aren't even actually right wing."

    How you see any equivalency between the two sides is a mystery.
    Yes, it is a mystery, and I don't see it your way. At the website listed below, you will find 16 cases of white-supremacist-killings-since-trump-inaugurated, many of them with multiple victims.


    Do you have any genuine reports of left-wingers killing anyone since Trump was elected? If so please post them along with the website where they are located.

  45. Anonymous12:34 PM

    B Clinton legislated 3 strikes law (and necessary "welfare queen" reform to stop generational welfare recipients from taking advantage of the system) in which some state implemented the law incorrectly causes some black to remain in prison unlawfully (for three offences--not committed consecutively). Now prisoners are being released (some after a decades) or re-sentenced as a result.

  46. Who be the haters?12:37 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    "At the website listed below, you will find 16 cases of white-supremacist-killings-since-trump-inaugurated, many of them with multiple victims."

    This is a list of crimes perpetrated by individuals the author classified as "white supremacists", most of which had no stated political purpose, and some of which were committed by people who aren't even white.

    If I took a sample from the hundreds of drug-related gang murders (or any other category of murder) that occur each year I am sure I can find many people who were Trump-haters, Hillary bots, or Antifa followers and call them politically-motivated.

    The guy who shot up a congressional baseball game last year was a huge Bernie Sanders nut. Was that shooting Bernie's fault?

    When it comes to organized political violence, there is nothing on the Right. Mobs of masked goons are sent to Trump rallies and conservative gatherings to silence them. Major Leftist foundations fund violent protests to achieve political goals. There are plenty of right wing kooks calling for violence from the dark corners of the internet, but violent rhetoric is legitimized and justified by mainstream Leftist media and organizations.

  47. Porter12:47 PM

    If immigration were an actual benefit, then 2018 America would be an actual Shangri-la.

    But 60+ million post ‘65 migrants later and it is a seething tribal petri dish that is 21 trillion in debt.

    No country can survive many benefits like this.

  48. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Obama anti-Jew

    The Second Coming of the Messiah, Obama, was bias against the Jewish State of Israel. During a private conversation with France President,Nicolas Sarkozy, (who told Obama he couldn’t stand “Bibi” Netanyaha), Obama , in an unguarded conversation, replied “ You’re sick of him? I have to work with him everyday.”

    Six months prior to the Cannes summit, Obama sabotaged Israeli-Palestinian negotiation blaming Netanyaha dispute. In turn, although initially Netanyaha prepared to negotiations based on 1976 borders, Netanyaha rejected Obama’s proposal. Obama’s further fueled Israeli-Palestinian clash.

  49. Anonymous1:06 PM

    on 1967 border (Jewish state)

  50. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Trump is a smelly turd.

  51. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:42 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said: Obama anti-Jew

    The Second Coming of the Messiah, Obama, was bias against the Jewish State of Israel. During a private conversation with France President,Nicolas Sarkozy, (who told Obama he couldn’t stand “Bibi” Netanyaha), Obama , in an unguarded conversation, replied “ You’re sick of him? I have to work with him everyday.”

    Six months prior to the Cannes summit, Obama sabotaged Israeli-Palestinian negotiation blaming Netanyaha dispute. In turn, although initially Netanyaha prepared to negotiations based on 1976 borders, Netanyaha rejected Obama’s proposal. Obama’s further fueled Israeli-Palestinian clash.
    Yawn, what is your point here? Unfortunately Obama is no longer the president.

  52. ""Right wing" acts of violence are very rare and are always perpetrated by loners who are not supported by right wing foundations or politicians and often aren't even actually right wing."

    Unless you count the "sovereign citizen" or "militia" movements, Aryan Brotherhood (which was literally sued out of existence, sort of proving the importance and existence of right-wing financial support to violent hate groups operating in the US) and of course, the Iraq war was just loners with no actual right wing support, right?

    David Neiwert has written about the rise and sustenance of right wing violence in America, if you really want to know what those creeps have been up to for the last few decades. He posted a timeline of major acts of right wing violence since the nineties on Twitter a few days ago, and it was a long list that had no equivalent incidents of left wing violence to bothsides the story with.

    The US left got out of the terrorism business back in the seventies, leaving it as the current cyclical right wing phenomenon it's been since the Reagan administration.

    -Doug in Oakland

  53. No body ever liked natan jehu. He is a thug and a bigger fucking crook than Drumpfuck and his crime family.

    Israel's beef with Obama was the fact that Israel couldn't drag Obama and America around by the military budget nose. Israel has defied more UN resolutions, I'm guessing hundreds, than S Hussein did and we haven't invaded Israel yet.

    Israel is not our friend, but as long as all that jewish money finds its way into politicians pockets, we will probably defend Israel even if they launch nukes.

  54. Anonymous3:07 PM

    "The US left got out of the terrorism business back in the seventies"

    Once they gained control of most US institutions, they didn't need to set bombs anymore. Now they use the power of the state and corporations to stamp on the face of Americans. It is only the rising populist threat that has driven them to sending paid thugs out to fight their street battles.

    We know what's up, and we're going to do something about it.

  55. "it was a long list that had no equivalent incidents of left wing violence to bothsides the story with."

    Conservatives have a hard time understanding proportionality.

  56. Left wing violence is just the latest freak out by Fox News along with the caravan. Remember the knockout game? Me neitherπŸ˜†

  57. https://www.the-immoral-minority.com/the-chairman-of-the-house-republican-campaign-arm-has-finally-found-somebody-in-their-party-too-racist-to-support-steve-king/

    Wingnuts finally figured out harboring blatant racists in their party might not be a good look for this election cycle. But, they are still stuck with the three year old baby in the kremlin annex and hopefully after the New Year, Cantaloopey Calves King will be a really awful distant memory.

  58. The largest, most extreme, violent hate group in America today is the wingnut party with Drumpfuck the terror in the kremlin annex. And it is not even a close contest about who is the second most extreme right wing hate group. (Fake Noize)

  59. https://www.the-immoral-minority.com/robert-mueller-has-referred-claims-to-the-fbi-that-conservatives-are-offering-money-to-women-to-make-up-allegations-against-him/

    Moar right wing hate.

  60. Anonymous4:41 PM

    If you want proof of The knockout game or any other Black on White violence, I invite you to look into the hundreds of videos chronicled by Colin Flaherty. If you're feeling tribal....Tommy Sotomayor has many stories/videos of Black on White violence. The MSM never covers any Black mayhem, not part of Talmud Vision SOP.

    1. Wow, finally someone can find the knockout game!πŸ˜† I guess Fox News got tired and just gave up. Thanks, now I know where to direct people when they aren't paranoid enough.

  61. https://www.rawstory.com/2018/10/best-tweets-jacob-wohls-alleged-attempt-smear-mueller/

    Women were offered 20k to perjure themselves with stories of sex assaults by Mueller.

    This is why many in America refuse to believe women who are actually assaulted by SPOTUS nominees.

  62. https://www.rawstory.com/2018/10/ideologically-motivated-far-right-extremists-killed-close-500-people-since-1990/

  63. Wingnuts just can't do nothing right.


  64. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Trump is upping the number of soldiers he plans on sending to the "emergency" at the Mexican border to 15,000.

    Hey, why not send the whole Army, and the Marines, too? Those impoverished Hondurans are pretty scary. They might look at you, with a sad expression, and ask for something to eat. Clearly a civilization-ending threat.

    And then you'd be forced to nuke them.

  65. "Clearly a civilization-ending threat."

    Conservatives need to be perpetually scared of something. Commies are gone so we have to keep inventing boogeymen.

  66. "Women were offered 20k to perjure themselves with stories of sex assaults by Mueller."

    Only conservatives would be dumb enough to try to commit a crime against the former head of the secret police. Great plan Mac Arthur.

  67. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:24 PM

    Who Be the Haters said:
    "When it comes to organized political violence, there is nothing on the Right."
    Please allow me to correct your statement. At splcenter.org, you will find over nine-hundred hate groups exposed. Many of them are violent, for example Proud Boys, Rise Above Movement, Patriots Prayer, Unite the Right, and Alternative Right.
    I find it difficult to believe that you have never heard of them and the violence they perpetuate.

  68. Anonymous5:38 PM

    SPLC is a far left hate group that is paid hundreds of millions of dollars each year to publish propaganda.

  69. So Steve Bannon held a rally for Republican candidate Steve Watkins in Topeka and 17 people showed up.

    -Doug in Oakland

  70. Hillary5:39 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Women were offered 20k to perjure themselves with stories of sex assaults by Mueller."

    That's impossible. Women never lie.


  71. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    If you want proof of The knockout game or any other Black on White violence, I invite you to look into the hundreds of videos chronicled by Colin Flaherty. If you're feeling tribal....Tommy Sotomayor has many stories/videos of Black on White violence. The MSM never covers any Black mayhem, not part of Talmud Vision SOP.

    Please try to educate yourself. There is a wealth of data here on the internet. Start by checking out the FBI at the web address below.


  72. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:55 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "SPLC is a far left hate group that is paid hundreds of millions of dollars each year to publish propaganda."
    You couldn't be more wrong. I've been involved with this group for about 35 years, and I know they are great people, providing legal assistance for victims of right-wing violence. In addition, the staff at SPLCenter track hate groups, and expose their activities. That is why you have been taught to hate them.

    On several occasions,I have spoken with Morris Dees, the founder of the SPLC. He is a brilliant man dedicated to equal justice for all

  73. Anonymous6:17 PM

    The are few people on this earth as evil as Morris Dees, who has made himself rich peddling lies that have caused incalculable damage to this country. And according to his ex-wife, he is a child molester that went after his own daughter.



    Someone would have to have a severe moral deficit to associate with such a despicable person. Shame on you.

  74. Anonymous6:36 PM

    FBI statistics are even harsher about Negro crime.

  75. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:09 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "The are few people on this earth as evil as Morris Dees,"

    I disagree with you totally. Shame on you for denigrating a great man.

  76. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Gambler thinks it's great to molest your daughter.

  77. "That's impossible. Women never lie."

    Well, for one thing, that's how we know about the scam: they didn't lie, or take the cash, they ratted them out instead.

    -Doug in Oakland

  78. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  79. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Oprah personal favorability dropped after endorsing Obama.

    Audience viewing her show dropped substantially. In fact, her unfavourability jumped from 17% to 26%. The drop in TV rating also caused a decrease in the amount she could charge advertisers

  80. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Oprah is no match for Trump -- she is NO political wonk.

  81. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Everyone wants to be politically actor. Understand paying one’s dues to include political initiation (like ALL organizations including religion) is the ONLY way toward the political arena.

    Otherwise, those desiring pollical relevancy will be relegated to political puppets.

    A thorough understanding of unspoken political rules moves one within close proximity. Newcomers, note, getting appointed to a political position does NOT grant political access; instead, it's getting the feet wet.

  82. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Everyone wants to be a political actor. Understand paying one’s dues to include the political initiation process (like ALL organizations including religion) is the ONLY way toward the political arena.

    Otherwise, those desiring pollical relevancy will be relegated to political puppets. A thorough understanding of unspoken political rules moves enable close proximity. Newcomers, note, getting appointed to a political position does NOT grant political access

  83. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/arts-entertainment/2018/10/31/cnn-host-don-lemon-said-white-men-are-biggest-terror-threat-this-country/

  84. Don Lemon ought to know, he sucks white dick every night:


  85. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:33 PM

    Anonymous said:

    Anoonymous said:
    "There are few people on this earth as evil as Morris Dees,"


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Gambler thinks it's great to molest your daughter."

    Since you didn't provide any data on where you got your lies about Morris Dees, it took some time for me to find it. Your source, "THE HAYRIDE A BLOG PRODUCED BY SCOTT MCKAY.

    According to dozens of comments published on numerous websites and sports-related online forums between 2004 and 2009, Scott McKay, the owner and publisher of The Hayride, allegedly has an extensive track record of defrauding and scamming numerous readers, dating back to his first publication, the now-defunct Purple and Gold.

    Unlike you, I make every effort to post my sources. I think maybe you have been misled by a con artist much like you have been misled by the orange con artist in the White House.

  86. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Why the IRS stopped auditing Churches—even one that called Obama a Muslim

    Decision on investigations of churches is frozen for foreseeable future.

    Imagine that!

  87. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Parishioners don’t want their main employee to go to jail.

  88. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    "Unlike you, I make every effort to post my sources"

    Unlike you I know how to Google. Don't like the source I linked? Try searching "Morris Dees divorce records". You'll get over 100,000 hits detailing what he did to his daughter. The man is absolute scum.

  89. Tiny town11:29 PM

    Anonymous Pilot Rex said...
    Don Lemon ought to know, he sucks white dick every night:


    And that takes all of what, 10 seconds?

  90. As wide as the sea11:31 PM

    The size of Oprah’s ass is no match for Trump -- she is NO wide load, whack job.

  91. What has the world come to when little half white men brag about a US president smashing a prostitute while married?

    Y’all are some unethical, hypocritical, sorry mutherf*ckers!

  92. "Don Lemon ought to know, he sucks white dick every night"

    Why anyone would know that and then want to share this info is beyond me. TMMFI

  93. President Upgrade12:11 AM

    Bill Clinton diddled a fat Jewish intern with a cigar in the Oval office and got impeached.

    Barack Obama got a blowjob from Larry Sinclair in a limo and paid $250.

    Trump banged a porn star and made $211,0000.

  94. We don't usually get trick-or-treaters here, so we didn't buy any Halloween candy. Got some anyway tonight, and gave them bananas instead of candy. They didn't seem to mind.

    -Doug in Oakland

  95. "Got some anyway tonight, and gave them bananas instead of candy."

    How fucking racist can you get?

    Fuck you, cracker.

  96. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Wall Street's campaign contributions are flowing mostly to Democrats


  97. "Wall Street's campaign contributions are flowing mostly to Democrats"

    Sure, they know who's gonna win 2018. Can't wait for impeachment hearings to begin. Gotta order lots of popcorn.

  98. Robert Mueller1:13 AM

    Trump banged a porn star and made $211,0000.
    He'll be in jail soon enough.

  99. Garbage Man3:41 AM

    Fuck you. Kiss my ass.

  100. Governor Gillum!!!!!!!!!!!πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

  101. Governors Adams and Gillum!!!!!!πŸ‘ŠπŸ½πŸ‘ŠπŸΎπŸ‘ŠπŸΏ

  102. DeSantis must be an Ivy League legacy admit, he can’t debate worth a damn and speaks like a whooteemoo.

    Or did he buy his way in like the ho’ smasher?

  103. his racist base would love nothing more than to chip away at that pesky 14th Amendment which gave citizenship to slaves, but they can't.

    That pesky 14th amendment was the excuse the activist right wing SPOTUS installed dumbass dubya as potus instead of election winner, Al Gore.

    It was a one time thang for the SPOTUS back then, not to be considered precedent.

  104. Seen Drumpf's newest, blatantly racist ad aimed at Dems?


    Wingnuts are so desperate they will say and do anything to pick up a few racist votes. And then they claim victimhood when they are called racist for being racist. The whatever is worse than scum of the earth.

  105. "The Fourteenth wasn't in the original, and it can be taken out again just as the Eighteenth was."

    Yeah sure, good luck with that.

  106. Governors Adams and Gillum!!!!!!πŸ‘ŠπŸ½πŸ‘ŠπŸΎπŸ‘ŠπŸΏ

    And Jealous!πŸΎπŸŽ‰πŸ‘πŸΎ

  107. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Progressives get off on watching Americans be hurt and killed, and call it racist if someone tries to stop it.

  108. Anonymous10:59 AM

    One of my neighbor’s kids dressed in black face last night. I doubled her candy.

  109. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:30 AM

    Anonymous said:

    "Gambler thinks it's great to molest your daughter."

    I followed your advice and Googled Morris Dees’ divorce and found that your sources are right-wing ideologues who will say and/or do anything to discredit people on the left. They include such stellar persons as Scott McKay, David Vitter, and James O’Keefe. These men are amoral and will do anything to achieve their goals.

    I think you may be somewhat like them, as you accused me of supporting child molestation, even though the “child” who was the step-daughter was eighteen years old. So easy for you people to lie isn't it?

    Have a nice day.

  110. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:46 AM

    Anonymous said:
    " The Fourteenth wasn't in the original, and it can be taken out again just as the Eighteenth was."
    True, but so can the Second Amendment and all of the ten that make up the Bill of Rights, and all the other amendments. However, it ain't gonna' happen, so don't hold your breath. This is a fight you can't win.

  111. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Man carjacked in Wrigleyville Tuesday evening, just hours after police execs boasted about city's carjacking rate:


  112. Wingnut false flag operation Part what comes after a gazillion?


    Liars and fakers is all wingnuts got. And yet, Anyfuckingmoose will swear it is all gospel.

  113. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    Anonymous said:

    "Gambler thinks it's great to molest your daughter."

    I followed your advice and Googled Morris Dees’ divorce and found that your sources are right-wing ideologues who will say and/or do anything to discredit people on the left. They include such stellar persons as Scott McKay, David Vitter, and James O’Keefe. These men are amoral and will do anything to achieve their goals.

    I think you may be somewhat like them, as you accused me of supporting child molestation, even though the “child” who was the step-daughter was eighteen years old. So easy for you people to lie isn't it?

    She was sixteen, and even if she was 18, it would still be creepy as hell.

    And apparently you consider official court documents "right wing sources".

    Typically for a progressive, you project your own failings on those you hate. You are the amoral one. And apparently immoral as well.

  114. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:15 PM

    Anonymous said:
    "Typically for a progressive, you project your own failings on those you hate. You are the amoral one. And apparently immoral as well."
    I don't believe a word of anything I read on a right-wing web site. Nor do I believe anything a right-winger writes or says. You people lie about everything, just like your orange, idiot leader.

    BTW, I am not a hater. I don't hate you or anyone else. Hate eats at the one who hates and isn't healthy. Have a nice day.

  115. "I don't believe a word of anything I read on a right-wing web site. Nor do I believe anything a right-winger writes or says"

    The truth of a statement doesn't matter to a leftist. The only thing that matters is who benefits.

    The progressive worldview cannot be maintained in the face of reality, therefore reality must be ignored.


  116. Winning!2:11 PM

    Wages and salaries jump by 3.1%, highest level in a decade:


    Thanks President Trump!

  117. "Your position is totally contemptuous of the rights of the citizens of the USA, the history of the Fourteenth Amendment, and the rule of law in general. In other words, stereotypically black."

    If by stereotypically Black you mean factual and correct you would be right. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan also holds the same interpretation as does Field so looks like serious law makers think trump is wrong (shocking huh).

  118. "If you were actually a lawyer rather than a radical activist, you might try studying it first. Start here:

    So how would you know what a "real" lawyer would know? Are you a licensed attorney yourself? Of course not, you have no clue what you're talking about. Most lawyers learn the law in law school not on blogs. I would recommend you get a law degree and some experience before criticizing and trying to school a successful lawyer.
    πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚He gave you a blog as if he's studied and understands this issue.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ Your trolls are a trip. Now they're law school professors after reading a blog entryπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  119. Poor dear Whining, if Drumpfuck hadn't helicoptered his way to the mountain summit, he would never ever see the top. He is basking in the hard work Obama and Dems did to straighten out another clusterfuck financial wreck stoopid fucking wingnuts engineer with monotonous frequency- like everytime they get put in charge of the economy.

    Growth for next year os predicted to be 2% or less because of debt, deficits and tariffs, all engineered by stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  120. Anonymous said...

    Progressives get off on watching Americans be hurt and killed, and call it racist if someone tries to stop it.

    Yer white privilege does not guarantee you safety from the consequences of yer actions. Yes, it may be illegal to murder, at least if the alleged victim be white, but that won't save yer cracker ass when you piss of the peasants enough to make them revolt and you stoopid fucking wingnuts are revolting pigs.

  121. https://www.rawstory.com/2018/11/5-funniest-moments-jacob-wohls-hilariously-failed-press-conference-smearing-robert-mueller/

    False flag failure. How not to fake a false flag smear of respected Republican.

    Stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  122. " The Fourteenth wasn't in the original, and it can be taken out again just as the Eighteenth was."

    So go ahead and try. The lesson it would give you on how things really work would do you good. And good luck on getting 2/3rds majorities in congress to advance your little project, but that would be part of the lesson: big changes to the US government require buy-in from a broad spectrum of the constituencies that comprise the population for a reason. And that reason is so that recently popular cranks can't do much lasting damage on a whim.

    -Doug in Oakland

  123. Toobin calls a spade a spade- https://www.rawstory.com/2018/10/cnns-jeffrey-toobin-just-called-kris-kobach-racist-face/

    Kremlin Annex has scrubbed any mention of executive order creating Kobach's failed, phony voter fraud commission.

  124. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Stacy Abrams looks like her ceiling is the manager of a DMV office.

  125. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/414380-cop-killer-in-trumps-new-ad-actually-came-back-to-the-us-under-bush

    This is so fucking funny. Can't wait for the false flag accusations against Dems.

  126. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Democrats side with illegal aliens who murder Americans over the citizens they are supposed to protect.


  127. Sean Hannity5:59 PM

    Democrats side with illegal aliens who murder Americans over the citizens they are supposed to protect.
    Wow, this bot has Fox News talking points down. Now take yer stoooooopid ass back to Breitbart where idiots like you belong.

  128. Anymoose ever the racist.

  129. Don Lemon swallows6:28 PM

    Micah Xavier Johnson, for example, who shot 11 cops in Dallas in July 2016, killing five, and told police during a standoff that his aim was to kill white people, was not classified as a terrorist. Think there are other such cases?

  130. https://www.axios.com/corporate-america-leans-gop-2018-midterms-bba60824-cc7b-4fdc-ab7c-5386f2b5f24a.html

    Large ass wingnuts get largesse from korporate taxcuts korporations for 2018 midterms. Whitey is a prostituted whore.

  131. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Racist Gillum campaign and staffer(s) outed by Project Vertas Video. Cancel all popcorn.

  132. Channel Fuckboi7:01 PM

    Racist Gillum campaign and staffer(s) outed by Project Vertas Video. Cancel all popcorn.
    Were there people dressed as pimps and prostitutes this time? If not you're right, cancel the popcorn.

  133. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.dailycaller.com/2018/10/31/gillum-campaign-caught-veritas

    Um, yeah. A low level staffer uses the c word for white people. (clutching pearls)
    Des done found us out! (in my best Amos and Andy voice) Oh Lordy!

  134. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:34 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Racist Gillum campaign and staffer(s) outed by Project Vertas Video. Cancel all popcorn."
    Project Vertas? Doesn't that include James O'Keefe, the accused felon who escaped without being sentenced to prison when the charges against him were reduced? Seems Mr. O'Keefe has the reputation of a lying con man similar to the one Donald Trump has.

  135. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.

  136. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA Child Molester Fan said...
    "Seems Mr. O'Keefe has the reputation of a lying con man similar to the one Donald Trump has"

    Video doesn't lie.

  137. Video doesn't lie. Stoopid fucking wingnut. O'Keefe's videos always lie. Always have. Always will. Learned from dead Breitbart. Too bad he isn't dead O'Keefe.

  138. Testicle Sweat11:24 PM

    Yisheng = nigger

    lilac = cunt

  139. Anonymous11:25 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  140. Anonymous11:11 AM

    So how would you know what a "real" lawyer would know?

    Known too many lawyers and law students.  They know the difference between decisions, dicta and legislative intent.

    A real lawyer would first look at any decisions referencing the relevant language.  Absent that, he'd go into the debate surrounding the Fourteenth, particularly the phrase "and subject to the jurisdiction thereof".  This essay quotes liberally from the transcript of the debate, including discussion of the very issue of children born to aliens on US soil.  Since it took an act of Congress to give US citizenship to Indians born on reservations on US territory (which didn't happen until 1924), it must obviously require an act of Congress to establish birthright citizenship for the children of aliens.  There has been no such act, therefore babies born to illegal aliens do not acquire citizenship thereby.

    Yer white privilege does not guarantee you safety from the consequences of yer actions.

    So this "white privilege" is a non-privilege.  Gotcha.

    good luck on getting 2/3rds majorities in congress to advance your little project, but that would be part of the lesson: big changes to the US government require buy-in from a broad spectrum of the constituencies that comprise the population for a reason.

    The states of the Confederacy were held at gunpoint to vote for the Thirteenth and Fourteenth.  Neither would have passed without massive coercion.  There's precedent.

  141. What is constitutional, is what the Supreme Court says is constitutional. It has overturned itself and its previous decisions many times before. It can overturn Roe/Wade, or any other law. It could find the 14th amendment unconstitutional on whatever grounds they choose.
