Saturday, November 10, 2018

Caption Saturday.*

  • Image result for image trump abby phillips question

I need a caption for this pic.

Example: You are one uppity Negro, you know that? I like black females to act like Diamond and Silk. 


  1. Anonymous5:42 PM

    9 arrests for voter fraud in Texas (funny, not one of them white-looking):

    Brenda Snipes fails to follow Florida's voting laws, not issuing MANDATORY reports due 30 minutes after the close of polls:

    Official records show UNDERAGE (ineligible) people voting in Florida:

  2. Bigleague bullshitters have zero evidence that anyone underage voted. They claim they have voting age people who might be related or they have records off someone of a certain name being underage but can't verify it. Your ironclad proof is total bullshit, like usual.

  3. Anonymous6:01 PM


    I hate to nitpick about typos, but come on, Field.

  4. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Trump, bored with race-baiting over Latino migrant caravans, returns to race-baiting over uppity black reporters.

  5. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:12 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "9 arrests for voter fraud in Texas (funny, not one of them white-looking): ....etc. etc. etc.
    Please don't think that anyone with half a brain would believe this post.


    Read it and weep, wingnuts. No voter fraud in Florida.

  7. Anonymous6:49 PM

    “Please don't think that anyone with half a brain would believe this post.”

    The post isn’t wrong. Evidently, a few people have indeed been arrested for organized voter fraud.

    But it remains to be seen whether there really was a genuine crime here or whether this is some kind of politically motivated hit job by a crazy wingnut prosecutor. (Remember the GOP’s mostly fabricated story about voter fraud by ACORN a few years back? What a pile of crap, which went on and on like the fake Benghazi investigation or the fake Hillary’s emails extravaganza.) The details sound pretty outlandish, honestly. Trying to rig a municipal election by manipulating a handful of votes in some Texas town? What would even be the point? Why risk jail time for such small-potatoes stakes?

    In any event, even if true, this story in no way validates the wingnut conspiracy theory that there is a widespread practice of voter fraud by the Left. There is not.

  8. Lance Cockstrong6:51 PM

    Butt Trumpet: My dick really is bigger than you microphone.

    Black female reporter: No, it's actually as small as that finger you're pointing, and that might be generous.

  9. Michael Dean Miller8:00 PM

    "The video was not doctored and you're just talking shit."

  10. Look what I learned, I can count to one.

  11. Anonymous8:12 PM

    French newspaper Le Monde has revealed that last spring, while meeting with the visiting leaders of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, “Trump opened by attributing to [the Baltic leaders] the responsibility for the war in Yugoslavia.”

    Once again, our president is a giant ignoramus. He did not know the difference between the Baltic states and the Balkan states. There is never a moment when he is not somehow embarrassing our country.

  12. Anonymous8:23 PM

    To make matters worse, Trump's wife is from a Balkan state, Slovenia.

  13. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Looks like Goolag is censoring inconvenient facts tonight.  Try again l8r.

  14. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Trump: "Fag Negro is a hack."

    Black: "I know. He is a disgrace to our race."

  15. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Goolag still censoring.  What worthless scum they are.

  16. Anonymous9:33 PM

    If only Africans were forbidden to enter West Virginia (a state which they profess to despise because too white), the stabbing murder of Angela Seal by Roger Lee Lemons Jr. never could have happened.

  17. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:04 PM

    Are incidents like this one ever going to stop?

  18. West Bygod10:14 PM

    If only Africans were forbidden to enter West Virginia (a state which they profess to despise because too white), the stabbing murder of Angela Seal by Roger Lee Lemons Jr. never could have happened
    If goofy white boys weren't allowed in California 12 shooting victims would still be alive. And if you stopped using meth several thousands live would be saved in W. Virginia

  19. forgotten man who got stiffed by trump10:18 PM

    There is never a moment when he is not somehow embarrassing our country.
    But he cares about the forgotten man.

  20. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.

  21. Anonymous10:24 PM

    "But he cares about the forgotten man."

    No, he pretends to care about the forgotten (white) man. Then he passes economic policies that will inevitably screw over that same man, while helping rich people like himself.

    And then he punishes brown people, just for kicks, helping nobody.

  22. Anonymous @ 10:22 FTW!!!

  23. Fergus *channels his inner Palin*: "No fair, these questions are too hard!"

    -Doug in Oakland

  24. Anonymous10:55 PM

    If goofy white boys weren't allowed in California

    Who would do this disallowing?  The White boys who made what is now known as California?  You worthless idiots....

    NOTHING you want in the USA would exist without White boys.  Everyone else who doesn't have their permission to be here, GTFO.

  25. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:05 AM

    Anonymous said:

    "NOTHING you want in the USA would exist without White boys. Everyone else who doesn't have their permission to be here, GTFO."
    Here's the beauty of America, NOBODY has the right to to tell other Americans that they should get out. - Not even you. So please, try to mellow out. Hating others isn't good for your health or your soul.

  26. "NOTHING you want in the USA would exist without White boys."

    Wrong. Nothing YOU want. California was doing just fine before the white man showed up. Not everyone is as fucked-in-the-head as you. I grew up in the parts of California that were (at the time) still not made over in the white man's image, and there wasn't a damn thing wrong with them.

    -Doug in Oakland

  27. Thanks to anymoose and white men for the lack of giant Redwoods, old growth forests and an abundunce of smog, oil spills, acid rain, pipeline failures, nukular war millions less shaggy, furry animals running around, etc, etc, etc...

  28. Michael Dean Miller said...

    "The video was not doctored and you're just talking shit."

    8:00 PM

    Prove it, fuck! Show the original with the doctored video and repeat what you just said so we can all laugh in your dumbfuck face.

  29. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Please don't think that anyone with half a brain would believe this post.

    Anyone with a whole brain would check out the provenance of the site if they had doubts.  This is from the WHOIS record from, a fact anyone can check:

    Registry Domain ID: 28156683_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
    Registrar WHOIS Server:
    Registrar URL:
    Updated Date: 2018-04-11T14:04:55Z
    Creation Date: 2000-05-31T06:06:29Z
    Registry Expiry Date: 2019-05-31T06:06:29Z
    >>> Last update of whois database: 2018-11-11T01:33:23Z <<<

    For more information on Whois status codes, please visit


    The "" site is an affiliate of a regional TV station.  It is as real as anything on the Internet.

    The ravings of "GAMBLER2" are half-brained at best.  Facts contrary to the Narrative are disregarded with prejudice, no matter how well-supported.  There is no actual thought occurring there.

  30. "I hate to nitpick about typos, but come on, Field."

    :)*Saturday* has been corrected.

    Hey, it's been a long week.

  31. We, meaning the worst government the US has ever been forced to endure, has irrefutable proof the pussy grabber in chief committed campaign finance fraud, among various and sundry other crimes, and refuses to indict his orange shithole.

    However, mention HRC's name and the stoopid fucking wingnut knives come out in full force with phony accusations and have done so for over thirty years.

  32. Arizona Dem Senate candidate is up by 29000 votes against freaking wingnut. Good news for Democrats and America.

  33. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:54 AM

    Field said:
    ":)*Saturday* has been corrected.

    Hey, it's been a long week."

    No need to apologize. I make typos all the time, but then I'm eighty-two. So I hope to be forgiven for them.

    Thanks for creating this site.

  34. And another fuckboi12:13 PM

    NOTHING you want in the USA would exist without White boys. Everyone else who doesn't have their permission to be here, GTFO.
    Yeah, especially goofy fuckboi behavior and mass shootings. We would be better off without the likes of you so YOU GTFO! Little bitch ass fuckboi.

  35. Tucker Carlson's lies12:51 PM

  36. Anonymous1:13 PM

    The violent alt left bullying people and claiming they are against bullying.

  37. Anonymous2:05 PM

    NOBODY has the right to to tell other Americans that they should get out.

    All Americans have the right to tell not-Americans to get out.  You can tell who is a non-American by what they turn their surroundings into.  Detroit, St. Louis, Selma, Memphis... cities built by whites that Africans turned to shit.  They call themselves African-Americans but the last word is a misnomer.  No matter where they are, they remain Africans and will never be anything else.

    Here's the beauty of America

    Here, go look at what Detroit used to be:

    Now look at what Detroit is today:

    You call that "beauty"?  Proof that you are either insane or evil.

    California was doing just fine before the white man showed up.

    Let's just bulldoze Oakland, then.  It wasn't there before the white man showed up, so obviously nobody wants it and we're better off without it.  Come to think of it, you weren't there either.

  38. Even back in 2012 there were literally HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of non-citizens on Florida voter rolls:

  39. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Listen here darky, I've told you and your fake news crew don't ever ask me Presidential questions, now get!

  40. Let's just bulldoze anymoose. We were doing fine w/o the perpetual whining and victim carding.

  41. First Black-owned bank in South Africa collapsed because its owners looted it:

    The similarity to black-run cities in the USA is no coincidence.  To have a first-world society, you have to have low corruption.  Black people think corruption is just taking care of themselves, their family and their friends.  And that is why they can't build or even maintain anything more complex than a mud hut.

  42. Africa was just fine until whitey showed up and looted the natural resources, just like whitey did everywhere whitey went.

  43. Woman steals $1600 worth of cookies from her daughter's Girl Scout troop.

    Of course, she's a (very fat) black woman.

  44. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Negro Gunshot victim pistol-whips negro man who shot him aboard Red Line in South Loop, police say:

  45. "Let's just bulldoze Oakland, then. It wasn't there before the white man showed up, so obviously nobody wants it and we're better off without it."

    Try it. I dare you. I have actually seen photos of the places where Oakland is now before it got "developed" and they look much more like somewhere that would be good to live than they do now.

    But undoing the damage man has done isn't feasible until after man has gone. Then nature will take it all back with a quickness.

    And also, you are wrong. There were many native settlements in what is now the East Bay long before the white men came to slaughter them.
    That's why the main drag in Emeryville is called "Shellmound": it sits on what was the place the Ohlone buried their dead.

    -Doug in Oakland

  46. So a hundred years ago this morning the guns fell silent in World War One, for what would turn out to be just a twenty year armistice in "the war to end all wars."

    -Doug in Oakland

  47. Fucker Carlson6:03 PM

    The violent alt left bullying people and claiming they are against bullying.
    The lying right playing the victim card while decrying the victim card. Bunch of snowflakes.

  48. Crime: it goes with meth and shine6:06 PM

    Giving meth to kids and of course they are trailer park whites.

  49. Anonymous7:00 PM

    A topical song:

    It Never Rains On Donald Trump's Hair

    (To the tune of "It Never Rains in Southern California.")

  50. Mike from Iowa is a loon7:11 PM

    "Africa was just fine until whitey showed up and looted the natural resources, just like whitey did everywhere whitey went."

    When the Minoans and Etruscans were using copper and bronze tools and building in dressed stone, Africans were hunting with wooden spears and living in mud huts.

    When the Romans were building continent-spanning roads and aqueducts, Africans were hunting with wooden spears and living in mud huts.

    When Arabs sailed their dhows down the east coast of the continent in the 7th century AD, they marvelled at the Africans hunting with wooden spears and living in mud huts and wondered if they were even human*.

    When the Portuguese and Spanish and Dutch became good enough seafarers to sail down the west coast of Africa, they found Africans hunting with wooden spears and living in mud huts.  They didn't go into the interior because tropical diseases would have killed them.

    When the English and French and Belgians colonized Africa, they mostly conquered Africans fighting with wooden spears (and some more advanced weaponry sold to them as trade goods) and living in mud huts.  They had a much easier time conquering Africans than the English colonists did fighting Indians.

    When the European colonists left, they left behind roads, schools, railroads, electric systems, water works, sewage systems and all the other parts of 20th century civilization.

    But Africans can't even maintain those things, let alone build them.  This is why Africans are going back to living in mud huts, and all their dreams have turned into an Empire of Dust.

    * Africans are as genetically different from Europeans as coyotes are from N. American wolves.  That makes them a separate species.

  51. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Owning one’s projection is courageous and humbling; particularly Michelle Obama possesses the very indiscretion she dislikes about 45. Michelle’s entire family considers her a bully. She has a temper for which the media went out of their way to protect.

    Barry Obama's (Harvard Law School) classmate said Michelle flew from Chicago to visit Barry often; driving around in his raggedy Toyota. Both argued constantly. Michelle showed up unexpectedly at the library where Barry studied with girls. Michelle became so enraged she possessively put her hand on his shoulder then gave Barry a glaring look as if you know what time it is! Another time, Michelle threw a fit when she found Barry with another woman. Michelle drove a lot of Barack’s friends away with her rude cantankerous demeaner.

    Fast forward, Michelle went in on Tavis Smiley during the debate at Howard University. After the debate- camera still rolling- she went on stage yanked Smiley by the back of his jacket saying “why are you messing with Barack” in front of thousands.

    Michelle interfered with White House policy sending scolding emails. Michelle bullied White House staff, many hid in closets when she walked the halls. So who is the really bully…you know the saying you can take the rat out of the hood but you can’t take the hood out of the rat. Just watch reality TV shows with “accomplished” black “professionals.”

  52. Master race my ass7:40 PM

    Assholes like anon 7:11pm like to talk about how superior whites are and negroes inferior while being totally dependent on the state and gainfully unemployed. Maybe he worked a day or two at a fast food restaurant but was fired for incompetence. Bwahahahaha!

  53. Way off topic, but here are some of the transcripts from wingnuts when they conducted interviews with Blasey-Ford and Kavernmouth. Little surprise he actually corroborated much of her testimony against him-

    First, all questioners names were redacted, but it appears that the interviews were conducted entirely by the Republican Senators or their staff. Democrats objected to the 2nd two interviews taking place before the FBI investigation was complete and it appears Democrats asked no questions.

    The 9-17-18 interview pertained to Dr. Ford’s allegations and, surprising, contained several admissions by Kavanaugh that corroborated her testimony, even though Kavanaugh denied the alleged attack. Corroborating admissions included:

    – Kavanaugh was evasive when asked if he knew Ford, yet admitted he recalled her name. p.6:10-22 (page 6, lines 10 through 22)

    – He admitted that he couldn’t “rule out” being at parties where Ford was present. P. 7:1-4

    – He admitted frequently attending parties with Mark Judge. P.9:14-21.

    – He admitted that there was drinking at these parties and that at times there were no parents present. P.10:2-19

    – He admitted partying with girls from Holton Arms School. P.10:20-25, p.11:1-1-2.

    – He equivocated about having a sexual encounter with any girl from Holton, denying only sexual intercourse. P.11:18-25.

    – He admitted going to parties in suburban Maryland homes (where Ford alleged the assault occurred). P.12:8-13.

    – He admitted drinking at these parties but evaded answering how much he typically consumed, although he denied blacking out. P.14:8-24.

    These admissions constitute evidence that corroborates part of Dr. Ford’s testimony by placing Kavanaugh in the general area at the time period in which the attack was alleged, showing a relationship with Ford and girls from Ford’s school, and documenting that he drank at these parties.

  54. President Super Duper Downgrade7:55 PM

    So who is the really bully…you know the saying you can take the rat out of the hood but you can’t take the hood out of the rat. Just watch reality TV shows with “accomplished” black “professionals.”
    Man please. You can't find ANY evidence of the Obamas being anything but dignified. Next you are comparing the POTUS to scripted reality show actresses and actors? Ooookkkkaaaayyy. So that's how low the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania has lowered the bar. He is just as trashy as trash tv stars. Good thing the Dems retook the House so that trash can be taken out.

  55. When the Minoans and Etruscans were using copper and bronze tools and building in dressed stone, Africans were hunting with wooden spears and living in mud huts.

    So, you weren't even shittable on a fence post then as they hadn't been invented.

  56. When the Romans were building continent-spanning roads and aqueducts, Africans were hunting with wooden spears and living in mud huts

    What possible use for aquaducts and continent spanning roads did early Africans have? They didn't nave horses to ride or chariots. You are a loon.

    Like Native Americans, their lifestyle suited their purposes. Nature provided them everything they needed without the diseases and shit whitey dropped on them.

  57. Fuckboys are kinda dumb8:02 PM

    So who is the really bully…you know the saying you can take the rat out of the hood but you can’t take the hood out of the rat. Just watch reality TV shows with “accomplished” black “professionals.”
    This idiot doesn't have command of the English language. Either a Russian or just a stupid cracker. Also notice he bases his opinions of other races on reality tv. Got a real genius here. Who is the really bully? Bwahahahahahahahahaha

  58. Anonymous11:14 PM

    DNA cracks a murder case from 2001, and it turns out that the white education major was killed (and probably robbed) by.... an African.  So surprising.  Not.

    "A cigar and beer can that investigators watched the 38-year-old toss provided DNA that turned out to be an exact match to the DNA found at the crime scene 17 years ago, according to an arrest warrant obtained by FOX35."

    Africans have NO place in America (or anywhere else outside of Africa).  None.  Whatever they might have been owed, they have forfeited through their parasitic and murderous behavior.

  59. Anonymous11:33 PM

    So funny that twatwaffle @ 7:40 PM talks a bunch of shit, but can't refute one single fact.

  60. Anonymous11:50 PM

    "What possible use for aquaducts and continent spanning roads did early Africans have?"

    Shaka Zulu marched armies over long distances.  Had HE no use for roads?

    Oh, right... what he built and conquered scarcely outlived him.  He created no civilization to live beyond himself.  If it hadn't been for Europeans meeting him and setting down records of what he said and did, his memory would be gone today.

    People who can't create cities have no need for aqueducts to supply them with water.  Check!

    "They didn't nave horses to ride or chariots."

    Despite having elephants, bovines and equines ready to hand, Africans were too stupid to domesticate animals to ride or pull vehicles.  Check!

    "You are a loon."

    SJWs Always Project.

    "Like Native Americans, their lifestyle suited their purposes. Nature provided them everything they needed without the diseases and shit whitey dropped on them."

    African diseases prevented "whitey" from doing much of anything in the African interior.  The Africans imported to America proved fairly resistant, otherwise they would not still be in America today.  Your assertion is total bullshit.

    Unlike almost every other living race of hominins, Africans never developed anything they got into something better.  That ranks them among the most worthless in existence.  Non-existence is what they deserve as a consequence.

  61. Anyfuckingmoose proves once again he can't handle the truth. Had there been a need for any of the shit you mention to be used by Africans, they themselves would have invented their own. But they had no use for it. Why would a conquering people used to taking shortcuts over the river and through the woods decide they needed roads when they had only foot soldiers, including their commanders?

    You just are too fucking intelligent, which explains your political choices, I guess.

  62. Anonymous2:21 PM

    "Had there been a need for any of the shit you mention to be used by Africans, they themselves would have invented their own."

    Because Africa is a world-wide center of invention.  NOT!

    "But they had no use for it. Why would a conquering people used to taking shortcuts over the river and through the woods decide they needed roads when they had only foot soldiers, including their commanders?"

    Rome's armies travelled on foot and found roads to be useful when trying to get places faster.  They were also useful for trade in peacetime.  Are Africans a different species that gets no advantage from roads?

    Africans obviously find advantage in crossing the Blue Nile.  If they're such great inventors, why can't they repair the Sebara Dildiy bridge instead of hauling people across the missing span with ropes?

    The truth is that Africans are too dumb to do that, but "mike from iowa" proves once again he can't handle the truth (part of which is that Africans ARE a different species).

  63. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Everyone knows that civilization, medicine, science and math began in Africa. With that being said, Europeans have gone out of their way to steal it all, claim they invented it and demonize and dehumanize the people of color that they stole it from.

    With this being said, anytime you are asked an intelligent question, by an articulate Black individual, your first inclination is to "Attempt" to keep them from speaking at all, talk over them or say things to try and make them appear ignorant.

    Her question was 1000% " intelligent....which is why it ticked him off.

    A typical and ignorant white response to an intelligent "person of color."

    Nothing new under the sun.

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