Thursday, November 08, 2018


There was a massacre today in America (no, not what happened to republicans in the House), and another American community has been ripped apart by a tragedy. 

This latest American terrorist slaughtered 12 people and then apparently turned the gun on himself. I will give you one guess (only one) to tell me his race and his gender.

I am not going to write about the NRA or the gun debate in this country, because it won't do any good. If a school full of little children can get slaughtered and Americans shrug their collective shoulders, what's 12 more kids partying to country and western music in a club?

Meanwhile, in Washington, a totally unhinged president continues to battle the free press. If you didn't see his press conference yesterday, please take the time to watch it. It was, in a word, crazy. He called out an  African American  reporter as being racist, and he ordered one of his flunkies to take the microphone from a reporter. He has since revoked that reporter's White House credentials, after lying that the reporter assaulted the women who went to get the reporter's microphone. I watched the video tape over and over (not the doctored one the White House put out) and there was no assault. 

Still, I can see why Mr. trump is in a bad mood. He has to know that Mueller is winding up his Russian investigation, and now that the democrats control the House, Washington will be known as subpoena city for the next two years.  Make no mistake, he is doing his best to protect his family and the crooks who surround him. And his first order of business was to fire Jeff Sessions ("the only confederate monument that he didn't leave standing"), and to hire a sycophant in his place to protect "the family".

The acting attorney general has already said that he will not recuse himself, and trump said that he could "fire everyone right now".

"If Robert Mueller is fired, there will be holy hell to pay."  

That was Lindsey Graham. But that was many rounds of golf ago. He is now trump's boy, and he is one of the people on team trump making sure that there will not be hell to pay. 

*Picture from


  1. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:54 PM

    Congrats Field, excellent post. There are many more of us with you than you may know.

  2. And due to Fox News and right wing talk radio trump could stomp a baby holding a puppy to death on live tv and they would chant four more years. But like the rest of us real Americans I'm going to wait to see what Mueller reports before having an opinion. Good post.

  3. Anonymous6:05 PM

    April Ryan is to journalism, what Fraud Negro is to Lawyers. Keep pushing Commies, keep pushing.

  4. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Trump is “shook,” as the young folks like to say, now that Republicans have lost the House. His epic tantrum/press conference made this crystal clear. And his firing of Sessions was another tell.

    He is panicking like a trapped rat, knowing all his dirty deeds are now on the verge of coming to light. There will be lots of cursing out White House staffers, and 3 AM rage-tweeting, and stress-munching of Big Macs now and for the foreseeable future.

    Trump’s tailor might want to go ahead and let out the ass of his suit pants right now.

  5. Anonymous7:29 PM

    MK Ultra

  6. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Lemme guess, the dummycrats will call for more gun control,real agenda is to disarm America paving the way for Socialism then Totalitarian rule. Who is controlled by the Russians??

  7. Has Screwdy Rudy bothered to register as a foreign agent, yet? New York Congressman Jerold Nadler is in line to head the House Judiciary Comm and he promises a hard look at Kavernmouth's perjury in front of the Senate that wingnuts won't bother to check. I expect a dozen or so cabinet officials are being looked at for perjury, as well.

    Ratfucker Drumpf's back is against the wall and he will probably give his biker buds the okay to violently attack congress and offer to pay their legal bills and pardon them as well and then blame it on HRC's emails.

  8. Anonymous7:33 PM

    What about the negroe murder rate in America??? Why is that avoided like the plague?

  9. There may be one or 2 reporters at Fake Noize professional enough to carry April Ryan's credentials bag. The rest aren't qualified to suck the sweat stink out of Druuumpf's Depends.

  10. It was gratifying to see Trump call out that sheboon as racist.

  11. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:04 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Lemme guess, the dummycrats will call for more gun control,real agenda is to disarm America paving the way for Socialism then Totalitarian rule. Who is controlled by the Russians??
    Try to calm down. Most Democrats own guns. We are not trying to disarm America. We know we need our guns to protect us from the White Nationalists, Nazis, and would-be dictators.

  12. Drumpfuck does not have a single racist bone in his body. They all are racist, sexist, misogynist, narcissistic, xenophobic, homophobic, pathological liar-ic and nasty fuckers, too.

  13. "It was gratifying to see Trump call out that sheboon as racist."

    It must be gratifying to see a respected journalist do their job just like you work the fries.


    1. It's gratifying to see this while the racist Mike Dunn rots in jail.


    They're gonna investigate the shit out of trump so let's hold their feet to the fire.

  16. PX: And she has the seat that used to be Tom Price's and Newt Gingrich's. Things are changing.

    -Doug in Oakland

  17. Anonymous10:47 PM

    For Trump's latest racist stunt, he has announced he will automatically refuse the asylum applications of migrants that do not enter through established ports of entry. Which is, you know, illegal, because that's not what our obligations say under refugee treaties, and being president does not give him the power to just rip up those treaties. So he will get sued. Again.

    Speaking of lawsuits, Stacey Abrams is suing over claims she was shafted out of uncounted absentee ballots in one Georgia county. This was a filthy dirty race, so the fight over it could well involve a bunch of litigation.

  18. Hey Doug, check this.


  19. Anonymous11:51 PM

    "Most Democrats own guns. We are not trying to disarm America."

    It doesn't matter what YOU are trying to do.  It only matters what THE PEOPLE YOU PUT IN POWER are trying to do.  They have made no secret of their desire to disarm America.  And that is why you must NEVER be allowed to put anyone in power, period.  You are too stupid.

    "We know we need our guns to protect us from the White Nationalists, Nazis, and would-be dictators."

    As if the death toll of KCMO, St. Louis, Chicago, Atlanta, Newark, Detroit, etc. has anything at all to do with any of those groups.  Nope, it is at least 90% blacks and often 100%.  White nationalists would be an improvement, as they would isolate the blacks so they could only prey on each other.

    As for "would-be dictators", that is an apt description for those who have imposed racial "integration" on people whose lives have been made vastly more miserable thereby.  That would be you.

  20. PX: Billy!

    -Doug in Oakland

  21. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Here's some crazy news. Several of the people at the California country music bar that got shot up this week were also in attendance at the country music festival in Las Vegas that got shot up last year.

    So, does this qualify as good luck (that they managed to survive not one but two mass shootings) or bad luck (that they managed to be present for not one but two mass shootings)?

    I dunno. But if I were them, I probably would never set foot at a country music event ever again.

  22. Anonymous4:36 AM

    In celebration of all the subpoenas the Democrat-controlled House will soon be issuing to the Trump crime family ...

    Trump Arrest Montage

  23. Blogger PilotX said...@ 11:18 PM

    That is strange because I thought ZZ were big Bush suporters. Good for them. Better for America.

    Stoopid fucking wingnuts will sue to have this newest mass murderer stricken from the records because he used a .45 cal Glock instead of the preferred AR. Then they will brush it under the rug and blame HRC's emails.

  24. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Shit, Chicago does that type of carnage every week, week after week.

  25. Anonymous8:37 AM

    22-year-old Muslim woman living in Alabama worked to facilitate support for al Qaeda, feds say:

  26. Anonymous8:40 AM

    "Try to calm down. Most Democrats own guns. We are not trying to disarm America. We know we need our guns to protect us from the White Nationalists, Nazis, and would-be dictators."

    But you don't believe in the Second Amendment as an Individual Right, you are being a hypocrite again and an out right liar. Gambler Goulash......


    Another unhinged Drumpfuck sycophant goes after CNN and apparently Don Lemon because he is so beautiful.

  28. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Shit, Chicago does that type of carnage every week, week after week.

    Figures, it takes a whole city a week to do the carnage one unhinged stoopid fucking wingnut can do in a few minutes. Walk prowd anyfuckingmoose.

  29. Still the question of whether Whitaker, former scam artist, can legally do anything, not having been approved by Congress.

    There were huge demonstrations in NYC and in 50 other locations across the nation, but maybe they were premature. And when did demonstrations affect this administration anyway? Trump has to know he's in deep shit no matter what.

    If only the Democrats can act like a political party that's been insulted and trashed, instead of the "reasonable sensitive, and forgiving" party. Be soldiers, dammit.

  30. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:03 AM

    Anonymous said:

    "I dunno. But if I were them, I probably would never set foot at a country music event ever again."
    Seems to me if you made that choice, you would be allowing a terrorist to have control over your life.

  31. SPOTUS Uncle Tom Thomas sez no way, Jose on appointing an unapproved by Senate choice for any constitutional office.

  32. Blogger anotherbozo said... Voters fully expect Dems to act like the adults in Congress and when Dems stray too far from getting America on track from wingnut clusterfucks, they pay dearly at the ballot box.2010, 2014 and 2016 should convince you of the truth of my post.

    Drumpf claimed he was saving Medicare from Democrats before this election.

  33. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Democommies as usual trying to steal elections in AZ, FL. Anytime a commie or a Negro loses at anything cries of racism and oppression are soon to follow. Sure is funny that you shines are putting your faith in Pelosi, dementia and parkinson's have not been kind. RBG is on the way out, SCOTUS nominee will surely cause commies/Negroes to melt. MAGA popcorn by the bushel. If you think Pussyhats, Soyboy Antifa fagz, and 75 IQ BLM parasites are going to force REAL Americans to accept the Marxist Bullshit you peddle, you are sadly mistaken.

  34. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:58 PM

    Anonymous said:

    "MAGA popcorn by the bushel. If you think Pussyhats, Soyboy Antifa fagz, and 75 IQ BLM parasites are going to force REAL Americans to accept the Marxist Bullshit you peddle, you are sadly mistaken."

    We peddle democracy, Honey. Sorry, but your orange dictator is going down.
    BTW, where's your proof that anyone besides Republicans are trying to steal the election? Face it your political philosophy is out of date.

  35. "Here's some crazy news. Several of the people at the California country music bar that got shot up this week were also in attendance at the country music festival in Las Vegas that got shot up last year."

    C&W not that popular out here. Makes sense that some were in both audiences.

    Poor Miss Lindsey, a new AG will be appointed, and it doesn't look like it will be him, even after all the public sucking of Fergus' little dick.

    Or who knows? Maybe it will be him, but Fergus holds grudges and Miss Lindsey ran against him, so I doubt it.

    -Doug in Oakland

  36. Anonymous2:23 PM

    “Blogger anotherbozo said... Voters fully expect Dems to act like the adults in Congress and when Dems stray too far from getting America on track from wingnut clusterfucks, they pay dearly at the ballot box.2010, 2014 and 2016 should convince you of the truth of my post.”

    I think the 2010 and 2014 losses were mostly about the Dems not being able to magically cause an instant turnaround in a horrific economy, as many people wanted, and not being able to prevent racists from having a meltdown because a black man ended up in the White House. Although, the Dems could have helped themselves a bit by putting some effort into countering the tsunami of Republican scaremongering lies about Obamacare; those were also a factor in the beatings they took.

    2016’s loss was about the Dems having a less-than-stellar candidate (and for the record, I think Bernie would also have been a less-than-stellar candidate, just in different ways). And 2016 was about Republicans and Russians cheating, on an industrial scale.

  37. Anonymous2:58 PM

    “Seems to me if you made that choice, you would be allowing a terrorist to have control over your life.”

    Yeah, I was making a bit of a joke there. Country music doesn’t cause mass shootings. I’m no fan of that genre of music, but I can’t fault it for driving up homicide numbers.

    However, those folks who escaped two bloodbaths are going to need some serious therapy for their PTSD, all joking aside.

  38. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Mike from Minsk:

    "Figures, it takes a whole city a week to do the carnage one unhinged stoopid fucking wingnut can do in a few minutes. Walk prowd anyfuckingmoose."

    The recent bar shooting is a one time event. The carnage in Chiraq happens every day, week after week, year after year.

  39. Anonymous3:32 PM

    “The recent bar shooting is a one time event. The carnage in Chiraq happens every day, week after week, year after year.”

    Haha, no it isn’t. Mass shootings happen weekly in America now. Some are less massive than others — “only” three or four gunned down, versus dozens — but mass shootings are anything but rare or exceptional.

  40. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:38 PM

    Anonymous said:
    "However, those folks who escaped two bloodbaths are going to need some serious therapy for their PTSD, all joking aside."
    Sorry, I missed that you were joking.

    True. My adult daughter escaped the first one. Thankfully she wasn't at the second. She has experienced some difficulties and has sought counseling. She has returned to attending concerts, and sometimes I've gone with her.

  41. 307 mass shootings in 311 days so far this year. Anymoose needs more split hooves to count to 307- alot more.


    Drumpf was deeply involved in hush money payofs to Stormy and Karen MacDougal according to WSJ article.

  43. Drumpfuck lied some moar- Trump endorsed 75 candidates, of whom 21 or 28 percent won. This was the lowest win rate of the other national figures — nearly 50 percent of Vice President Pence’s endorsements won, and over 50 percent of Obama’s and Biden’s endorsees won.

    Drumpfuck is telling his in bred blind followers everyone he endorsed won.

  44. Just heard this and if there is one big mouth, pain in the ass pro football player that had to get injured I am glad it turns out to be Saint's newly acquired mouth that never shuts up, team headache Dez Bryant. Tore his schilles in practice today. Karma bit his ass like Karma bit wingnuts ass.

  45. “Let’s blame the Russians and demand an immediate apology from President Putin!”

    Why not just give him an orange lipped blowjob, crooked mangled apricot in the kremlin annex. You wouldn't be bogus potus if not for Putie.

  46. So Arizona's wingnut head of elections doesn't think it is fair to count mail-in ballots in the 2 largest Dem counties in Arizona with the Dem Senator holding on to a 10k margin.

    Rick Scott is screaming voter fraud in Florida although no one has reported any.

    And Drumpfuck wants the Black lady in Georgia to admit defeat and take her place where women of color belong.

  47. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:41 PM

    Mike, Republicans are always sore losers.

  48. Anonymous7:08 PM

    307 shootings....The vast overwhelming majority of them are Negro on Negro crime. Maybe Negroes are the problem, not guns?

  49. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Gambler Goulash:
    "True. My adult daughter escaped the first one."


  50. The one thing these mass shootings have in common is ....wait for it....guns.

  51. Anonymous7:27 PM

    The one thing these negroe crimes and violence have in common is...wait for it...negroes.

  52. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Last update: Nov 9, 2018 @ 10:00 am

    Chicago November 2018 to Date
    Shot & Killed: 7
    Shot & Wounded: 35
    Total Shot: 42
    Total Homicides: 10

  53. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:19 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Gambler Goulash:
    "True. My adult daughter escaped the first one."


    I see the stupid trolls are back with nothing intelligent to say. And I don't give a shit whether or not you believe me.

  54. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:59 PM

    mike from iowa said...

    "The one thing these mass shootings have in common is ....wait for it....guns."

    Another things mass shootings have in common: Mostly white shooters. Why are white men so violent?

  55. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:16 PM

    Anonymous said:

    "It doesn't matter what YOU are trying to do. It only matters what THE PEOPLE YOU PUT IN POWER are trying to do. They have made no secret of their desire to disarm America. And that is why you must NEVER be allowed to put anyone in power, period. You are too stupid."

    This is nonsense. You must think that sensible gun control, such as requiring background checks and gun owners to be licensed is akin to disarming the public? You should see a shrink about your paranoia.

    As for your calling me stupid, it's typical of folks on the right. I forgive you.

  56. Anonymous10:18 PM

    307 mass shootings in 311 days so far this year.

    Where are you getting your numbers from?

    Where are the specifics on each one?

    WHO is responsible for the bulk of them?

  57. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:32 PM

    Anonymous said:

    "But you don't believe in the Second Amendment as an Individual Right, you are being a hypocrite again and an out right liar. Gambler Goulash......"
    Can't you wingers ever disagree with folks who have different views without insults and name calling? I guess not.

    I might remind you that some of the greatest legal minds in the country past and present have disagreed regarding the interpretation of the Second Amendment. Some have taken the position that regulating the sale of fire arms is permitted under this amendment.

    Please explain why you think I am a hypocrite. Thanks.

  58. One other thing most mass shootings have in common is that their white, male, perpetrators have histories of abusing women, and this latest asswipe (I refuse to give him what he wanted by publishing his name) checks that box also.

    Perhaps if his female track coach hadn't been persuaded into letting him back on the team after he assaulted her so as to "not ruin his career as a Marine", he might have been forced to do something about his mental issues before he blew all of those holes in people.

    And perhaps if the goddamn NRA hadn't sued to halt the ban on high-capacity magazines, fewer folks might have gotten holes blown in them.

    People who stand up for the rights of asswipes like this guy to gear up to kill as many people as possible do no favors to everyone else who want guns to remain legal.

    Y'all keep pushing it into the insane slaughter zone and resisting any efforts to slow the killing, and sooner or later something you (or me, or any other gun owner) won't like will get enacted out of sheer frustration, desperation, and residual conscience.

    If you want to not hate the solution to the problem, try participating in it instead of stamping your feet and yawpig "NO! NO! NO!" and denying there is a problem.

    Which will be difficult for you, since you are a part of the problem, but that's your own doing, not ours.

    -Doug in Oakland

  59. Lance Cockstrong11:23 PM

    Just another micro dick white boy compensating with his precious gun. I wonder how many times he fucked his gun barrel.

  60. White men are depraved, but blacks shoot each other every day and yet you never hear a peep from black "leaders," including the allegedly intelligent field negroes.

  61. With all of the smoke in the air from that fire up by Chico, the sun just looked like a weird, orange dot this afternoon.
    This shit shouldn't be happening the second week of November.

    -Doug in Oakland

  62. So I was watching the evening news and saw a close friend of the mass murderer. He was having difficulty accepting the truth because he cared about this man. He thought that he knew him. Yet in his testimony, was the kernel of truth. He said that he believed that the man had suffered from PTSD. However when his friends asked him about it he would always say that he didn't like to talk about it.

    This guy was so tortured by the things that happened to him in his two tours of duty in the wars that he simply could not re-adjust to civilian life. He was ruined. He could no longer feel happiness. So he went to the happiest place that he could think of. He went to a major Country Western venue with a great reputation for good times and great events. He went to College Country night with line dancing, dancing lessons and promenading.

    Then he started killing people while he was FBing and Instagraming. He was just so fucking miserable inside his own skin that he tried to kill as many of the happiest people that he could find. So he chose college kids out learning to line dance.

    Poor fucking bastard. Look on the bright side. At least he wasn't killing Jews,

  63. I believe Field has made it quite clear he does not have the answers for Black or White violence, but moar guns isn't the answer.

  64. Hey stoopid fucking wingnuts, remember the good old days-

    That is correct. Stoopid fucking wingnuts lead thre fight to deny veterans ptsd benefits because stoopid fucking wingnuts didn't believe ptsd was even a thing.

  65. But its Dems that hate our veterans. Also HRC's emails.

  66. Anonymous8:49 AM

    "You must think that sensible gun control, such as requiring background checks and gun owners to be licensed is akin to disarming the public?"

    Nazi Germany disarmed the Jews by first registering all their guns.  You think Nazi Germany is not an example of things to be AVOIDED?  And you can't "license" a Constitutional right.

    "As for your calling me stupid, it's typical of folks on the right."

    If you're unable to understand what your "sensible gun control" leads to, given all the historic examples, you're definitely stupid.  If you are being disingenuous, you're evil.

  67. Why ain't you stoopid fucking wingnuts reminding us Dems of all the voter fraud going on in Florida? Florida officials say it ain't happening , but Drumpf says it is and you know Drumpf would never lie to his minions, right?

    What about Arizona? Is it fair to wingnuts to count Dem mail in votes while the Dem candidate has a lead that is growing? Arizona wingnuts didn't think so.

  68. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:11 AM

    Anonymous said:
    "If you're unable to understand what your "sensible gun control" leads to, given all the historic examples, you're definitely stupid. If you are being disingenuous, you're evil."
    So I am stupid, disingenuous and/or evil if I don't agree with you? I can see from this response that you are not willing to discus this topic in a logical manner, so I will provide you with some food for thought.
    Weimar Republic
    GERMAN HISTORY [1919–1933]
    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
    See Article History
    Alternative Title: German Republic

    BTW, What other "historic examples" do you have?"

  69. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:33 AM

    Here's an interesting article regarding Black soldiers' role on D-Day.

  70. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Africans:  Making Australia just a bit less boring!

  71. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:43 AM

    Here's another voter suppression move by Republicans.

  72. Nazi Germany disarmed the Jews by first registering all their guns. You think Nazi Germany is not an example of things to be AVOIDED? And you can't "license" a Constitutional right.

    America isn't Nazi Germany yet, although stoopid fucking wingnuts are pushing us in that direction. Complete with brown shirts, skinheads, white supremacy themes and speeches that sounded better in original german.

  73. Max Eden

    This is a good question, deserving of a short Twitter thread. Basically, Broward's Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes is both incompetent and as crooked as the day is long. 1/x

    After progressive Democrat Tim Canova lost in a primary to Debbie Wasserman Schultz, he suspected that there may have been fraud involved so he launched a suit to find out

    As part of this suit, he asked for an injunction against the destruction of the paper ballots and eventual access to them. After stonewalling for many, many months Brenda Snipes admitted - oops - she destroyed the ballots after she was told not to.

    She ended up paying his legal fees for the suit. That's nice. But that wasn't the only time she (almost certainly) intentionally treated the law like her plaything.

    Florida Republicans complained that she had opened thousands of ballots in secret, and suspected that she was simply throwing away Republican ballots, so they filed a lawsuit and a judge told her "you may not open early/absentee ballots in secret!"

    Then on primary day, she filed an injunction against the order and opens ballots in secret anyway!

    Anyway, this is the woman who now says that she can't tell the public how many more ballots she will end up counting, with both a Senate and a Governor race hanging tightly in the balance. Very reasonable to suspect that she may try to steal both for the Dems. #voterfraud fin.

  74. "If you're unable to understand what your "sensible gun control" leads to, given all the historic examples, you're definitely stupid."

    Australia, for example.

    -Doug in Oakland

  75. Max Eden was employed at American Enterprise Institute which should give you an idea where he's coming from.

  76. Anonymous3:03 PM

    For those interested in news of black Republicans, it looks increasingly like Mia Love is going to lose her House seat. The vote-counting process appears to be glacially slow for some reason in her Utah district, so we probably won’t know this for certain until the middle of next week.


    We have irrefutable proof Drumpf is a fucking criminal. Moar proof than has ever been presented against HRC. Why hasn't Drumpf been gang banged by wingnuts who pretend to be for law and order?

  78. Anonymous3:17 PM

    "America isn't Nazi Germany yet, although stoopid fucking wingnuts are pushing us in that direction. Complete with brown shirts, skinheads, white supremacy themes and speeches that sounded better in original german."

    Mike from Minsk is bullshitting again. It the left that want to disarm you, tell you what to say and think(PC),brainwash your kids and then make it legal to have sex with them(hollyweird) and have open borders and destroy our immigration system to buy votes and increase crime.

  79. Anonymous3:19 PM

    "sensible gun control" is a code phrase for confiscation and totalitarian rule(NAZI)

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. Anonymous3:37 PM

    “‘sensible gun control’ is a code phrase for confiscation and totalitarian rule(NAZI)”

    “Opposition to sensible gun control” is a code phrase for “I am one of the dangerous whackjobs who would deservedly have his guns seized if the U.S. regulated guns like every other first-world nation.”

    P.S. You aren’t afraid of gun control laws causing a Nazi takeover. You are afraid of gun control laws preventing a Nazi takeover, because you are a Nazi.

  82. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:43 PM

    Mike from Iowa said:

    "America isn't Nazi Germany yet, although stoopid fucking wingnuts are pushing us in that direction. Complete with brown shirts, skinheads, white supremacy themes and speeches that sounded better in original german."

    True. And the Wiemar Republic had a history of only about 14 years, while the United States was created almost 250 years ago. We have had much time to create democratic institutions and practices that hopefully preclude a totalitarian tyrant from taking over.

  83. Anonymous5:33 PM

    "We have had much time to create democratic institutions and practices that hopefully preclude a totalitarian tyrant from taking over."

    The Founding Fathers did that.  It is called the Second Amendment.  While it's not perfect, failing rather badly in 1861-65, we haven't had another problem of anything like that magnitude since despite the tyrants pushing their power.  The backlash they've gotten has ONLY forced them to back off BECAUSE the population is armed.

    Your "common sense" means disarming exactly those people who push back, and you know it.

  84. First thug Anyfuckingmoose sees will take his gun and shove it down his throat because, like you usually find with ammosexuals, they piss their pants when threatened and run like scared rabbits.

  85. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:07 PM

    Anonymous said:

    "Your "common sense" means disarming exactly those people who push back, and you know it."

    Please refrain from trying to tell me what I know. I'm not a child, and you aren't my parent anyway.

    You are the one who appears to lack common sense, but I won't try to tell you what you know. Have a nice day.

  86. I'm Chinese-American and find it odd that a black would be so concerned about white people shooting up a redneck club when you people shoot up your dirty ghettos all day every day.

    See more at:

  87. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  88. Go ahead and replace the idiot Sessions with your loyal stooge. Get him to fire the special counsel.
    I'm sure that somehow that will work better for you than it did for Nixon, but even so, now that we have control of the house, as soon as you fire them, we'll have them testifying in congress, under oath, on national television about what their investigation found.
    Face it, Fergus, you're fucked.
    The noose is tightening around you and your band of idiots and felons.
    And your children. Watching you throw them under the bus one by one will be disgusting but not surprising.
    That's just the kind of motherfucker you are, and everyone with two working neurons to rub together knows it, and has known it for a long ass time.

    -Doug in Oakland


    Not that I needed any more reasons to hate the Russia/NRA or stoopid fucking wingnut ammosexuals, but man do they make it easy to hate their guts.

  90. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Snopes is bullshit and an alt left web page that is baseless.

  91. Testicle Sweat6:17 PM

    Yisheng = nigger

    lilac = cunt

  92. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Snopes is bullshit and an alt left web page that is baseless.

    Snopes verifies their information unlike alt right sites that just plain make shit up.
