Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Election Day.

  • Image result for black jim crow voters image

Should be fun tonight. Dems still have PTSD from 2016, so all is quiet on the blue front. They don't want to jinx anything. 

trump is hunkered down with some Bic Macs and watching FOX VIEWS and CNN, while he stuffs his face and hopes for a 2016 repeat. 

My prediction. Republicans hold on to the Senate and even pick up a seat or two. Dems win back the house but not by crazy margins. More like a strong blue ripple instead of a wave. 

Governor's races? Who knows? Abrams will probably lose in Georgia,  and Gillum will more than likely win in Florida.  Here in Pistolvania, the democratic Governor, Wolf, will win by double digits. The democratic senator, Bob Casey, will win big as well.

Please don't hold me to those picks tomorrow. :)     



  1. Dems pick up Va congress seat from Nasty Comstock. Ga Guv race a toss up. Gillum and Nelson ahead in Florida.

    Lots of voting problems and voter intimidation in various locales.

  2. Lance Cockstrong8:29 PM

    Hopefully we won't get a flood of more limp dick, micro dick white boys taking up more space in Washington. Butt Trumpet and his legion of retard supporters don't need any more jerking off material.

  3. Fact of the Day8:41 PM

    White people and their food are bland af.

  4. Anonymous8:46 PM

    The Georgia governor's race is a tainted joke cuz of Kemp. Abrams better sue for an independent recount is she loses. He has tried to screw her over repeatedly with voter suppression tactics.

  5. the0clean0slate9:11 PM

    I'm a 6'5 Chinese-American and don't think that blacks should feel so entitled at the voting booth. I know your white liberal masters always kiss your ass at every opportunity, but they don't really care about you. You would realize this if your brains could actually handle critical thinking.

    See more at:

  6. Two down, eleven to go.

    -Doug in Oakland

  7. Fox News projects that the Democrats will win control of the house.
    They lie so much that this might not be a good sign, but we'll have to wait and see.
    Meanwhile, three down, ten to go in the house, and it looks like they're keeping the senate.

    -Doug in Oakland

  8. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  9. Governor hedgefund bites the dust in Illinois.

    -Doug in Oakland

  10. River Phoenix10:10 PM

    I'm a 6'5 Japanese-American and don't think that whites should feel so entitled at the voting booth. I know your Fox News millionaire masters always kiss your ass at every opportunity, but they don't really care about you. You would realize this if your brains could actually handle critical thinking.

    See more at www.fuckboysareassholes.org

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. When do we start the impeachment parties?🎉🍾

  13. "Governor hedgefund bites the dust in Illinois."

    Well, unions will survive another 4 years in our great state.👍🏾

  14. https://www.yahoo.com/news/official-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-going-congress-024553307.html?soc_src=newsroom&soc_trk=com.apple.UIKit.activity.PostToFacebook&.tsrc=newsroom&fbclid=IwAR2q_2FeWI-1WNB6MPGAU5lhXm0vaxoVgvR22GrUCAk-j10dDDD87pHeHVw

  15. https://theslot.jezebel.com/florida-just-passed-the-largest-expansion-of-voting-rig-1830271149

  16. Rodney Davis is down almost 2 to 1 with 29% reporting, so my Illinois friends are feeling good.

    In Florida, ex-felons are getting their voting rights back.

    -Doug in Oakland

  17. Kobach loses in Kansas. Imagine being such a fucked up Republican that the state that twice elected Brownback prefers a Democrat to you.

    -Doug in Oakland

  18. Anonymous10:33 PM

    “Governor hedgefund bites the dust in Illinois.”

    Good riddance.

    It’s not exactly exciting to see one tycoon with no political experience replacing a different tycoon with no political experience. That part of Illinois’ governor’s race has been less than stellar.

    But it’s damn good to see Rauner, with his “balance the books by screwing the workers” attitude, get canned. Seriously, fuck that guy.

  19. Anonymous10:35 PM

    “Kobach loses in Kansas. Imagine being such a fucked up Republican that the state that twice elected Brownback prefers a Democrat to you.”

    Hahahahaha, good riddance, again.

    Bye-bye, KKKobach!

  20. Skeeter10:35 PM

    Why is it every single election in Florida, no matter what the office, always comes down to a few thousand votes?

    I swear Florida could be voting between ice cream and a kick to the head and the results would be 50.5%-49.5%.

  21. Anonymous10:42 PM

    “Why is it every single election in Florida, no matter what the office, always comes down to a few thousand votes?”

    Because it is a “purple” state, with roughly as many Republicans as Democrats?

  22. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Florida dodges a bullet, as Gollum concedes.

    Tom Steyer just flushed $38 million down the toilet.

  23. Anonymous11:08 PM

    CNN's Jake Tapper: "A lot of the Republicans who were critics of President Donald Trump...they are being defeated."

    GOPe being decimated.

  24. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Anti-Semitic Muslima Congressional candidate, Ilhan Omar, who married her brother, wins woman beater Hakim Muhammad (aka Keith Ellison)’s Minnesota House seat.

  25. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Missouri senate seat held by McCaskill, which all polls had tied, just called for Hawley by ten points.

  26. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Wow, it is looking like Lauren Underwood, a black Democrat, may have won a congressional seat in a very white, fairly rural seat that has mostly elected Republicans!

    I am frankly pretty stunned, but pleased, by this. She seems like a great person, and I had thought the Dems had sent her on a suicide mission by running her in that district. Glad to have been wrong about that.

  27. Steve King down by four points with 55% reporting.

    NYT calling the house for Dems with >95% certainty.

    We needed seven to win the house and more than ten to win the senate, and we're getting somewhere between 7.5 and 8.5, which historically speaking, qualifies it as a wave election.

    -Doug in Oakland

  28. Anonymous12:01 AM

    “Rodney Davis is down almost 2 to 1 with 29% reporting, so my Illinois friends are feeling good.”

    Rodney Davis is now looking like he might hold onto his seat in central Illinois. If he does, it will be by the skin of his teeth, though.

    However, Dems kicked ass in Illinois overall.

    Won all positions in state executive branch and majorities in both legislative houses. Total Democratic dominance of Illinois state government.

    And gained two US House seats, taken by Lauren Underwood and Sean Casten.

    Definite blue wave washed away the garbage in Illinois.

  29. Anonymous12:08 AM

    How is Stacey Abrams doing?

    1. Jontavious Lamarcus Jenkins IV12:36 AM

      The dumb gap toothed commie sow lost. LoLz!

  30. Dennis12:12 AM

    Paul Ryan was ostensibly a friend who could only make Trump look bad. Pelosi is an enemy who can only make Trump look good.

  31. Remember Kim Davis? The fundie who refused to issue marriage licenses to gay couples and got thrown in jail for it?
    She just lost to a Democrat.

    -Doug in Oakland

  32. Anonymous12:22 AM

    GOP deserved to lose the House because they wouldn't serve their voters. They refused to repeal Obamacare and secure the border. A LOT of GOP squishes with liberal voting records...lost. There's a lesson in there.

  33. Anonymous12:38 AM

    “Paul Ryan was ostensibly a friend who could only make Trump look bad. Pelosi is an enemy who can only make Trump look good.”

    Nothing can make Trump look good.

  34. Anonymous12:41 AM

    For Gillum, Abrams and O’Rourke to lose — and to such awful characters as Desantis and Kemp and Cruz — is really sad. And for Steve King to win is unspeakable. Sad to see McCaskill and Heitkamp and Donnelly lose as well. So tonight’s news is mixed. Trumpism is still on the march.

  35. Anonymous12:41 AM

    “GOP deserved to lose the House because they wouldn't serve their voters. They refused to repeal Obamacare and secure the border. A LOT of GOP squishes with liberal voting records...lost. There's a lesson in there.”

    The GOP deserved to lose the House because they failed to stand up to a mentally and ethically challenged orange fascist. There’s a lesson in there.

  36. Anonymous12:57 AM

    “For Gillum, Abrams and O’Rourke to lose — and to such awful characters as Desantis and Kemp and Cruz — is really sad.”

    Gillum and Abrams were long shots to begin with. Not so surprising they didn’t win.

    And O’Rourke coming anywhere close to actually knocking off Cruz? That should have Republicans absolutely shitting their pants in fear. Demographics are not on Republicans’ side in Texas. The Latino population in that state is growing steadily, and the now openly racist GOP is alienating them steadily, thereby guaranteeing they all grow up to be good Democrats.

    It’s only a matter of time until Texas turns into California. Tick-tock, hillbillies.

  37. Anonymous1:02 AM

    Tick tock monkeys.....

  38. Anonymous1:02 AM

    "Tick-tock, hillbillies."

    Tribalism is everything.

  39. You're all invited to my impeachment party!😝😝😝

  40. Well, the ACA, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are safe for two more years.
    Unless they try to kill them in the lame duck, which would doom Fergus' reelection plans, but they may be getting sick of him anyway.

    -Doug in Oakland

  41. A-men to that. The unchecked republican stranglehold on power is broken. I know a lot of Trumpies that honestly believed that democrats would be crying tonight because of the red tsunami that would occur because all working Americans understood that Trump cared about them and that he was the great emancipator who finally broke the establishment in D.C. aka drained the swamp. Those guys are licking their wounds like dogs.

    Good news in demographics. The underlying factors that led to the retaking of the House are extremely encouraging. We won the hearts of women, independents and white college students all at better than 50% voting democratic. So the writing is on the wall for the Trump presidency.

    Was anybody else shitting bricks? I sure as hell fell a lot better.

    So I finally heard Stacey Abrams speak in Georgia tonight. She is one powerful and amazing woman. She may very well have won the race without the active voter suppression organized by her very opponent. I really liked her. Fucking awesome.

    So twenty of the seats that fell to the democrats were taken by women. Thank you patriotic American women! Women hold the key to the future. It's too bad that republican women haven't been able to help out very much so far. I think it was a good ten years ago since we have had a nice wave of females in congress. It was like all of the gains of the late twentieth century had simply been erased. Thank the Goddess. Praises be.

  42. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Why won't that fat cat turd head nigger bitch in Georgia just concede?

    Is she afraid she'll have to get a real job?

  43. Anonymous7:06 AM

    LOL, "cat turd head." I'm sharing that with my Facebook buddies.

  44. Anonymous7:08 AM


    -Stacey Abrams

  45. America is still in deep racist denial and with scumbag senate getting a little redder, it will only make it easier to stack the courts with the absolute dregs of scum masquerading as judges to ensure Negroes know their place. The same goes for women, too.

    Drumpf can insulate himself from having to answer any criminal charges while he pretends to be a leader. A few more derelict judicial nominees ought to just about save his ass from any responsibility. Fuck all wingnuts everywhere.

  46. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Midterm Election, Most House Seats Lost by President's Party in Power

    2010 Obama: -63
    1994 Clinton: -52
    1958: Eisenhower: -48
    1974 Ford (Nixon): -48
    1966 Johnson: -47
    1946 Truman: -45
    2006 Bush: -30
    1950 Truman: -29
    1982 Reagan: -26
    2018 Trump: -26

  47. Crinkle Cut11:04 AM

    Russia apparently interfered in the Senate, but not the House. Their sophistication and guile continues to grow.

  48. Anonymous12:16 PM

    “I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."

    -Philippians 4:12


    "Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."

    1 Peter 5:6-7

  49. Dog sez eat shit and die, motherfucker anymoose. Then he said to shove yer phony piousity up yers where the sun don't shine. Then he said take 60 million of you with you when you leave this universe and spend the rest of yer miserable days in warm hell. And he concluded with , "Have a Nice Day".

  50. "Midterm Election, Most House Seats Lost by President's Party in Power"

    Hope this makes you feel better. Now on to investigations and impeachment.

  51. https://www.gregpalast.com/salon-watch-journalist-greg-palast/

  52. Anonymous2:16 PM


    Stacey Abrams lost in Georgia by about 64,000 votes. Could Kemp’s voter suppression efforts have accounted for at least 64,000 lost Democratic votes?

    The grim answer is: maybe. He invalidated an awful lot of voter registrations for no good reason, and pulled all kinds of additional shenanigans to keep black people away from the polls. Things are still rather Jim Crowish down there in Georgia, when it comes to voting.

  53. Read the reports from GA polling places yesterday morning. No working voting machines for four hours at the precinct and hundreds of voters had to leave without voting. Multiply that by a few dozen precincts and there's your 64,000.

    Still we won seven governorships, including Michigan, Wisconsin, Kansas, and Maine, slowly undoing the damage from 2010.

    Three states in the deep south voted to expand Medicaid, and that combined with the newly Democratic state governments will get health insurance to millions of more people, which is what the Democrats were running on this time.

    We won measure 4 in Florida that re-enfranchises ex-felons. That's over a million votes in must-win Florida that Fergus will be up against in 2020, if he makes it that far.

    California stepped in it again, but it wasn't all bad. They failed to repeal the gas tax, which is good, but failed to pass the rent control measure, which is bad. A bunch of Republicans who always win won, so no surprises there, really, but the Democratic majorities in the state government expanded a little.
    Tony Thurmond lost, which is a drag, but the measure requiring caged animals to have more room won, which is good.
    Barbara Lee won with 87%+ of the vote.
    Buffy Wicks beat Jovanka Beckles, and although I didn't vote for her, she'll still do a good job, so I'm OK with her victory. She came to my house, fergawdsakes.

    All told, a pretty good election. The NYT is calling the overall popular vote D+9.4, which does qualify it as a wave election.

    Now let's see what Maxine Waters and Adam Schiff do as committee chairs...

    -Doug in Oakland

  54. "All told, a pretty good election. The NYT is calling the overall popular vote D+9.4, which does qualify it as a wave election."

    Not to gloat but what happened to the rivers of liberal tears? Maybe next time.😝

  55. https://thinkprogress.org/so-the-house-democrats-just-won-subpoena-power-now-what-41bc228e7715/

  56. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Fascism is coming to this nation, and not a moment too soon.

    Q Anon predicted this.

  57. Sessions resigned and the new AG will likely block Mueller's investigation to protect the worst fucking criminal ever in the kremlin annex.

    And I am still burdened with 'Cantaloupe Calves' King the Drumpfuck clone from iowa's 4th district shithole. It is a shithole solely because of shithead King.

  58. Anonymous4:19 PM

    You should move to Maxine Water's district, mike. They'd love you there.

  59. OK, the 9.4 number was from last night, and they're saying it's somewhere in the sevens today, but that's still on par with the "blowout" election of '94, so yup, it was still a wave.
    Wow, it looks like Dana the fuck Rohrabacher lost his seat.

    -Doug in Oakland

  60. Anonymous4:53 PM

    I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but ... union-buster Scott Walker got his pink slip yesterday.

    Ding-dong, the Koch brothers’ bitch is dead!

  61. Howz this for wingnut chutzputtz- https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/mcconnell-warns-new-house-dem-majority-against-presidential-harassment

    Watch out or McCTurtle will spank.

  62. Moar good news for deficit loving stoopid fucking wingnuts- enjoy -

    The federal deficit increased $35 billion in October compared to the same month last year, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) said Wednesday.

    The U.S. spent $98 billion more than it took in during October, the first month of the 2019 fiscal year, according to the latest CBO report.

    The spike in the deficit was fueled by the Republican tax law, which substantially cut revenues without offsetting them. It was also inflated by a bipartisan agreement to increase discretionary spending.

    Top administration officials have repeatedly claimed that strong economic growth would produce a surge of revenue to bring down the deficit, even as the White House's own projections put the 2019 deficit at moar than 1 trillion fucking wasted bucks.

  63. And in news of the "fraying coalition of the fringes", a Black employee in a Florida Burger King lets herself be captured on camera yelling "Fuck you you White piece of shit" at a Hispanic couple who objected to unsanitary handling of their food:


    The answer to "can't we all just get along?" is "not as long as Black people keep being... well, Black."

  64. OK, I read that wrong. It wasn't three states in the deep south, it was "three deep red states" Idaho, Nebraska, and Utah.

    They don't see them as wasted, Mike, they see them as priming the campaign donor pump.

    -Doug in Oakland

  65. https://www.rawstory.com/2018/11/georgias-gop-gubernatorial-candidate-brian-kemp-released-personal-info-290000-voters-declares-victory/

    Fucking prick just doing his job- releasing private voter information after the election. Castration with a dull knife and no salve doesn't seem harsh enough punishment. Maybe being whipped, tareed and feathered and then lynched while people shoot him would be appropriate.

    Stoopid fucking wingnuts are the most disgusting pieces of shit this world has ever seen. Bar none.

  66. https://www.rawstory.com/2018/11/black-michigan-republican-accepted-campaign-cash-group-tied-white-nationalists/

    Apparently this Drumpf ass licker doesn't know what color he is.

  67. Anonymous6:23 PM

    “OK, I read that wrong. It wasn't three states in the deep south, it was ‘three deep red states’ Idaho, Nebraska, and Utah.”

    The South will hang on to the bitter end, refusing to expand Medicaid. Only Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, Arkansas, and Louisiana have gone ahead and done it, while the rest have continued to boycott it, despite the fact this program basically constitutes free healthcare for their citizens (paid for by federal taxes on the citizens of wealthier blue states).

    Southern states mostly won’t sign up, anyway, because they hate their poorest citizens. Because many of their poorest citizens are *racist white guy whisper* black people.

  68. Love your people6:37 PM

    There is nothing wrong with nationalism, white, black, or whatever.

  69. Anonymous7:34 PM

    "Apparently this Drumpf ass licker doesn't know what color he is."

    If your politics are supposed to be determined by your skin, then

    1.  "Equality" is a lie.
    2.  There is no such thing as "civic nationalism".

    And that means there is not one American among you, and you ALL have to go back.

  70. Black Americano7:45 PM

    And that means there is not one American among you, and you ALL have to go back.
    Nonsense, there is that pesky 14 amendment soooooooo, yeah. So that makes me more American than your Russia loving ass. You can hold your breath til we all leave.

  71. Q Anus7:48 PM

    Q Anon predicted this.
    Predicted what? Don't be shy with facts and links. Thanks (preparing for a snarky answer with no facts to back it up).

  72. https://www.yahoo.com/news/house-democrats-likely-launch-wide-ranging-probes-trump-administration-050149619.html


  73. Dr. Dena Grayson
    ‏Verified account @DrDenaGrayson
    13h13 hours ago

    Now that Putin’s favorite congressman, Dana Rohrabacher (R-Moscow🇷🇺) has been DEFEATED, the next step is to remove Putin’s favorite “president,”

    -Doug in Oakland

  74. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Good one Dugg!

  75. your politics are supposed to be determined by your skin, then

    Not politics, wingnut negro accepting campaign contributions from white racists is about as hypocritical as one can get, unless it was a Democratic negro getting contributions, then the joke would be on whitey.

  76. Anonymous9:53 PM

    "Nonsense, there is that pesky 14 amendment"

    That only makes you a United States citizen.  You will NEVER be American.  What's happening now is the Americans are seceeding and leaving you "citizens" to fend for yourselves.

    You will not do well.

  77. Amerigo Vespucci10:10 PM

    You will NEVER be American
    Says who? You? How would you know Ivan?Bwahahahahahaha

  78. moron from iowa10:12 PM

    Democracy won't exist in America until we stop white women from voting and allow voters in Los Angeles and San Francisco to pick the senators from Missouri and Indiana.

  79. You will not do well.
    Ah, I'll be fine commie. Bwahahahahaha!

  80. Anonymous10:53 PM

    "Q Anon predicted this.
    Predicted what? Don't be shy with facts and links. Thanks (preparing for a snarky answer with no facts to back it up)."

    QAnon predicted there would be lots of stupid racist people on Reddit who would believe his preposterous conspiracy theory, which he created as a prank.

    And QAnon was right.

  81. Anonymous11:05 PM

    QAnon predicted there would be lots of stupid racist people on Reddit who would believe his preposterous conspiracy theory, which he created as a prank.
    Nobody really believes that stuff. Right?

  82. GrannyStandingforTruth11:32 PM

    Where is Field? The election was yesterday. This is not like him to miss posting a topic for today. I pray that all is well with him.

  83. Anonymous11:33 PM

    "OK, the 9.4 number was from last night, and they're saying it's somewhere in the sevens today, but that's still on par with the "blowout" election of '94, so yup, it was still a wave.
    Wow, it looks like Dana the fuck Rohrabacher lost his seat."

    Dems won by a 7.1 percent margin. Unfortunately, this only translated to a 28-seat gain in the House. That's enough to take control, but not as many as there should have been.

    Some douche in these comments earlier touted the fact that the Republicans had won 63 seats in the "wave" election of 2010. Woo-hoo! The GOP is number one, amirite? Except that that 2010 "wave" involved a Republican margin of victory of 6.8 percent -- LESS than the Dems' margin of victory this year.

    So why the huge difference between the two years in the number of seats picked up? Well, the easy answer is: The system is rigged. The United States is not as democratic as it purports to be. And in particular, the Republicans used their victory in 2010 to intentionally rig the system to keep themselves in power through extensively gerrymandering House districts.

    So, as usual, we have Republicans proudly celebrating the results of their cheating, as if this were an actual accomplishment and not proof that they're scumbags.

  84. Anonymous11:36 PM

    I should point out that there are still, like, 15 races uncalled so far, so the Dem victory could get a little bigger yet. But my overall point stands.

  85. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Best part of this election, besides Republicans losing control of the House?

    A dead pimp won a seat in the Nevada legislature.

  86. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Motel 6 has to pay $7.6 million in damages to its Latino guests to settle a class action lawsuit for routinely ratting them out to ICE without ICE having to get warrants for their information.

    Expect wingnut world to have a freakout about this, and make Motel 6 into a tragic victim of "the libtards."

  87. The 2010 election was right before the post 2010 redistricting that gerrymandered the districts so far in the Republicans' favor that we needed a six point victory in the house this time (and in 2012, 2014, and 2016) to break even.

    As for the senate:

    "Mark Copelovitch
    ‏ @mcopelov
    22h22 hours ago

    Senate popular vote:
    Democrats: 40,558,262 (55.4%)
    Republicans: 31,490,026 votes (43.0%)

    Senate seats: Republicans +3"

    ...the Republicans got beat in the popular vote by 12 points and nine million votes, and gained three seats.
    All of that on top of some of the worst and most blatant vote suppression ever in a US election.

    I'd say that things aren't looking too good for them for 2020 and beyond.

    -Doug in Oakland

  88. And about those Georgia precincts without voting machines yesterday morning? Seems they just found thousands of them wrapped up and stored in a warehouse...

    -Doug in Oakland

  89. Anonymous12:21 AM

    "So why the huge difference between the two years in the number of seats picked up? Well, the easy answer is: The system is rigged."

    No, moron, the actual answer is there is no such thing as a national popular vote for House or Senate seats. Dems racked up big surpluses in one-party districts and states. In Califoria, there wasn't even a Republican on the ballot, and the two democrats got a combined 6.8 million votes. That alone is 2/3 of your margin.

    You are almost as dumb as Doug.

  90. Anonymous12:25 AM

    "Senate popular vote:
    Democrats: 40,558,262 (55.4%)
    Republicans: 31,490,026 votes (43.0%)

    Senate seats: Republicans +3

    ...the Republicans got beat in the popular vote by 12 points and nine million votes, and gained three seats."

    Yeah. With the Senate elections, though, the Republican advantage was just a result of luck rather than cheating, as was the case with the House. The vast majority of the Senate seats up for election this year happened to be ones that were already held by Democrats, so there were few opportunities for picking up new seats.

    Of course, the very existence of the Senate is a highly undemocratic feature of our federal government that favors Republicans, but that's another story.

  91. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    "Where is Field? The election was yesterday. This is not like him to miss posting a topic for today. I pray that all is well with him."

    Granny, I'm sorry to have to inform you that Field was deported back to Jamaica yesterday when ICE agents caught him trying to vote. He knew the risks but did it anyway, and now he has to pay the price of living in a black-majority country for the rest of his life.


  92. Civics 10112:32 AM

    "the very existence of the Senate is a highly undemocratic feature of our federal government"

    America is a Republic, not a democracy.

  93. Anonymous12:33 AM

    "No, moron, the actual answer is there is no such thing as a national popular vote for House or Senate seats. Dems racked up big surpluses in one-party districts and states. In Califoria, there wasn't even a Republican on the ballot, and the two democrats got a combined 6.8 million votes."

    Some of the Dems' electoral disadvantage does come from the fact that they tend to live in urban districts with very high concentrations of Dem voters. Which is sub-optimal for the party in a political system that does not use proportional voting (another undemocratic feature of the US, by the way).

    But a lot of it is indeed the result of deliberate Republican gerrymandering of districts after winning control of state governments in 2010. I don't expect you to admit your side constantly cheats. It is your nature to lie about literally everything.

  94. Anonymous12:38 AM

    (((ACLU))) comment on Sessions resignation: “Jeff Sessions was the worst attorney general in modern American history." I guess because he recused himself from the Russia investigation.

    Eric Holder ran guns in Mexico and was held in criminal contempt of Congress.

    Janet Reno burned children to death.

    But that Sessions guy, oy vey!

  95. Anonymous12:38 AM

    "America is a Republic, not a democracy."

    "Republic" means a country with an elected head of state, rather than a monarch.

    From what I can tell, Republicans do want a king -- an obnoxious racist orange one -- so, despite the name of their party, they seemingly don't much like republics. And don't like democracy, either.

  96. Plugs Biden12:41 AM

    95% of D voters think it's important to elect fewer men to public office. 93% think it's important to elect fewer whites.

  97. Anonymous12:45 AM

    Antifa mob terrorizes Tucker Carlson's wife and children while he is on air doing his nightly show.

    The Left is so cool.

  98. Hos 1, Dems 01:11 AM

    Democrat defeated by dead brothel owner in Nevada legislature race.

  99. Poor little poopy-pants Ted Nugent is just SO MAD that Michigan elected a Democrat that he could just scream, but still can't play for shit.

    -Doug in Oakland

  100. Post election fit for a probable honky took out his frustrations on college kids. http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-thousand-oaks-20181107-story.html

    12 dead.

  101. Poor little Tucker Fucker Carlson loves to dish it but whines when the chickens come home to roost. You wish it on others. Now deal with it fuckface.

  102. Anonymous9:41 AM

    "chickens come home to roost"

    No, thugs coming to your home when they know you are at work in order to terrorize your family.

    What does Tucker Carlson "dish" that's merits this?

    What the fuck is wrong with you people?

  103. whitey mass killer in Thousand Oaks drove his Mother's car to the bar where he opened fire.

    In an interesting bit of Karma, https://www.cbsnews.com/news/scott-walker-narrowly-loses-wisconsin-governors-race-and-he-cant-ask-for-a-recount-because-of-a-law-he-put-in-place/

    Stoopid fucking wingnut figured he go on winning forever and decide to outlaw recounts. Guess which dumb fucker can't contest his close election loss? Karma's a bitch and will eventually get all stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  104. Tick Tock9:46 AM

    BREAKING: Supreme Court: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 85, hospitalized after fracturing 3 ribs in fall at court.

  105. Norm Chomsky9:54 AM

    America is a Republic, not a democracy
    Or more accurate a democratic republic. Education has failed you once again.

  106. Well........9:55 AM

    95% of D voters think it's important to elect fewer men to public office. 93% think it's important to elect fewer whites.

  107. Tucker is a punk10:01 AM

    No, thugs coming to your home when they know you are at work in order to terrorize your family.
    Of course no link so troll pulled this out of his ass. Triggered as snowflake Tucker probably had someone look at him mean. Boo!

  108. Anonymous10:06 AM

    SCOTUS Nominee in 5 4 3 2 1..... Bwahahahahahahah

  109. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Just what the country needs....more unstable femcunts and outdated farm equipment in office. Can you say SHITHOLE ?

  110. Wasicu mass murderer enter bar and took out security guard and then killed the first arriving CHP officer. So much for having good guys with guns take care of the bad guys with guns.

    But they shoulda had hundreds of gunslingers in there. That would have solved the problem. Only if they knew who the original shooter was.


  111. What does Tucker Carlson "dish" that's merits this?

    Are you really that fucking uninformed or is it brainwashing that makes you miss the most obvious clews?

  112. Conservative=pussy10:22 AM

    Typical conservative snowflakes. Crazy white guy wingnut shoots up a bar crickets, some people say mean things to Tucker Carlson it's the end of the world! Dear god.

  113. https://www.mediaite.com/online/sarah-sanders-panned-for-using-doctored-video-to-justify-acosta-ban-surely-you-dont-trust-infowars/

    Pig Sanders libels CNN news. Good show.

  114. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Some disturbing news:

    Actual Nazi Arthur Jones managed to garner 26.5% of the vote in Tuesday’s election for an Illinois congressional seat.

    Granted, probably a large portion of that 26.5% was Republican voters reflexively pulling the lever for a guy with an “R” after his name, without realizing that guy was someone running on a campaign platform of genocide against Jews and people of color. But I wish there were some way to find out how many did know his views and voted for him anyway.

    And also, shouldn’t the Republican Party have made some effort to warn people away from voting for Jones, after making the mistake of letting him onto their ticket in the first place by failing to run a real candidate in the primary? Just a little PSA: “Hey, guys, don’t vote for Jones. He makes our party look extremely bad.”

    But apparently, Trump’s GOP don’t care anymore about being associated with Nazis. Another ugly sign.

  115. So the orange shit fer brains in the kremlin annex thought winning trade wars was easy. Apparently it is, for the other side. While American farmers are bearing the brunt of getting Drumpfucked in the ass, China's exports are rolling along at record pace.


    Fuck Drumpf and fuck wingnuts.

  116. Anonymous3:03 PM

    No more so than the Democrats care about associating with BLM, The New Black Panthers, or Antifa, who are every bit as reprehensible as Nazis.

  117. https://www.thedailybeast.com/marsha-blackburns-gut-reaction-to-thousand-oaks-shooting-protect-the-2nd-amendment?ref=home

    Never would have guessed this answer from a disease ridden stoopid fucking wingnut pigwoman.

  118. Anonymous3:44 PM

    “No more so than the Democrats care about associating with BLM, The New Black Panthers, or Antifa, who are every bit as reprehensible as Nazis.”

    Sorry, no, BLM and Antifa are not as reprehensible as Nazis. Opposing racism is not equivalent to being racist.

    You might be closer to the mark with the New Black Panthers, but you’d have to look long and hard to find any Democrats “associating” with those nutjobs.

  119. Mainstream Dems do not associate with extremist groups and I seriously dout George Soros backs any of them. But that won't stop wingnuts from lying about Soros and antifa as well as everything else.

    You should worry about the unhinged 2 year old in the kremlin annex using a Breitbarted video claiming it shows CNN reporter Jim Accosta karate chopping and intern. You stoopid fuckers will stop at nothing to impugn decent people's reputations for the fuck all of it.

  120. Anonymous7:32 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  121. Sinema pulls ahead in Arizona. It's not over yet, but she could still win.

    -Doug in Oakland

  122. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:15 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Just what the country needs....more unstable femcunts and outdated farm equipment in office. Can you say SHITHOLE ?
    If you hate democracy so much, why not move to a totalitarian country?

  123. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:39 PM

    PilotX said:

    "Not to gloat but what happened to the rivers of liberal tears? Maybe next time."😝

    I'm crying liberal tears from laughing so hard over the election results. Looks like Dems are going to end up with more than 30 flips in the house. And some races that were called for Republicans too early now look like they are going Democratic. 😝

  124. Kurt Eichenwald wrote a long thread on Twitter explaining how actually good we did on Tuesday, and some if the implications for the future.


    -Doug in Oakland

  125. Testicle Sweat7:16 PM

    Yisheng = nigger

    lilac = cunt
