Thursday, November 29, 2018

Unfit for office.

Image result for crAZY TRUMP IMAGES     The following essay is a must read for all who want to know what kind of man  Americans elected to be their president. It's from a newspaper in Montana of all places. 

The field Negro education series continues.

"Author, social commentator, public speaker and actor, Fran Leibowitz recently said, “the biggest danger of Trump is that he’s a moron...You don’t know anyone as stupid as Donald Trump.” She believes naked racism was behind Trump’s election. “He allowed people to express their racism and bigotry in ways they haven’t been able to in a long while, and they love him for that.”

WaPo opinion writer, Jennifer Rubin, writes, “...Trump’s tenure seems rockier than ever...entirely unfit (temperamentally, intellectually and in every other imaginable way)...becoming worse with time...The quality of each new addition to Trump’s worse than that of the person being replaced, while qualified, ethical public servants want no part of this train wreck.”

WaPo’s David Nakamura writes, “Trump’s continual verbal assaults against black reporters, candidates and lawmakers...renew criticism that...he employs insults...aimed at making his African American targets appear unintelligent, untrustworthy and unqualified...” He recently launched well-reported personal attacks against three black female journalists. “...attacks he levels against people of color including black professionals...are straight out of historic playbooks about black workers and professionals...not being qualified, nor intelligent, nor having what it takes to succeed in a predominantly white environment.”

Princeton’s African American studies chairman said, “Trump’s not subtle...It’s understand this as a central part of who he is.”

And close to home: {Montana}

As Republicans bashed Democrats for “mob” tactics ahead of the midterms, Trump praised Gianforte’s assaulting a reporter.

A White House correspondent said, “Americans should recoil from...Trump’s praise for violent assault on someone doing his constitutionally protected job...celebrating criminality by someone sworn to uphold our laws, and an attack on the First Amendment by someone who soon after, solemnly pledged to defend it.”

It’s time for change!" [Source]

Well, if Mr. Mueller has his way (and judging from the news lately,it looks like he is getting there), a change will be coming really soon. 


  1. Lance Cockstrong8:42 PM

    After the well endowed Barack Obama graced Washington with his presence for 8 years, micro dick white boys like Butt Trumpet are all unfit for office.

  2. Dave Zirin = faggot kike8:55 PM

    White people are losers. They have nothing to offer the world anymore.

  3. What? Fergus isn't fit for the presidency? Who could have known that?
    Oh, right, any sentient organism that had ever heard of Fergus.

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. Thomas Farr bites the dust.

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. Trump sucks, but most blacks aren't fit for office either. Look at black-run cities like Detroit and Baltimore. Absolute shitholes. That's the best you people can do. LMAO

  6. Piss Colored Money11:06 PM

    Trump sucks, but most whites aren't fit for office either. Look at white-run states like Mississippi and West Virginia. Absolute shitholes. That's the best you people can do. LMAO

  7. Adam Schiff's office received a letter claiming that G Papa was all bragging about "collaborating" with the Russians... This investigation is gonna be amusing at the very least.

    -Doug in Oakland

  8. Most black women are unfit to be called "beautiful," unlike us proud Chinese-American women.

  9. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Most black women are unfit to be called "beautiful," unlike us proud Chinese-American women.
    Kind of weird that white fuckboys are now calling themselves Asian women. Time for some serious house cleaning Field.

  10. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Hey feelz, how about those Marine reservist being assaulted in Philly?

    Can we get a shout out?

  11. Blacks are the epitome of whiny little bitches. They (you) are unfit to be allies to any race of people due to your entitlement and insularity.

  12. I'm not a 'da rasis'7:01 AM

    Trump is way better than the stupid half breed gay Muslim nigger Obummer and his ugly she male tranny wife that won't shut and move to Africa.

    Trump is imperfect, but he did repeal a lot of asinine regulations made by the zero negro that obliterated job creation.

    Once field negro is a stupid ape who is only good enough to be a farm implement.

  13. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:51 AM

    Trump has a long history of being an amoral, dishonest con man. However, many American voters were not paying attention to current events over the years and had no knowledge of his behavior. Because the GOP vilified Hillary for thirty years, there were some voters whose motto was, "Anybody but Hillary." Add to that, Hillary ran a poor campaign and made the mistake of attacking Bernie during the primary, thereby alienating some of his supporters. Put all of these things together and you have makings of a disaster, thus our nightmare - President Trump.

  14. TOTALLY unfit for anything.

  15. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Here's a hint for all you entitled Africans and those who pedestalize you:

    Those who matter, don't care.  Those who care (that's you), don't matter.

  16. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:03 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "Here's a hint for all you entitled Africans and those who pedestalize you:

    Those who matter, don't care. Those who care (that's you), don't matter."

    Please go to Storm Front to post your garbage. We have serious issues to discuss here.

  17. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Serious issues, like today's microaggression which DEMANDS another trillion dollars in reparations?  LOL


    Drumpf keeps moving the goal posts of his investigation from no deals with Russia ever to we had one during the campaign, but everyone knew about it. No contacts between campaign and Russians to everyone had contacts but there was no collusion and if there were it wasn't illegal until it is indeed illegal.

  19. Deter Naturalist1:46 PM

    Funny. For all the hate some blacks have for whites, why is desegregation or Section 8 good?

    It seems like black kids have to sit next to a white kid to learn.

    It seems like black people want to live in majority-white neighborhoods.

    It seems like the first thing lots of black people want to do is get away from concentrations of other black people.

    Why is every city now mostly populated by and run by blacks so awful?

    Maybe the answer is right in front of us.

  20. "It seems like black people want to live in majority-white neighborhoods."

    Says who? Got any data to back that up? Most people I know are more than happy to live in a majority blah neighborhood. Now I do see many whites trying to buy property in majority blah areas though. Some people may want a diverse neighborhood or many different ethnicities not specifically white.


    Micro dicks know their limitations.

  22. Cohen is flipping and singing up a storm. Who knew he could dance like that?

    -Doug in Oakland


  24. Anonymous2:59 PM

    "Drumpf keeps moving the goal posts of his investigation from no deals with Russia ever to we had one during the campaign, but everyone knew about it. No contacts between campaign and Russians to everyone had contacts but there was no collusion and if there were it wasn't illegal until it is indeed illegal."

    Soon we will be at: Okay I rigged the election but so what everyone rigs elections the Democrats did it tooooooo.

    (In fact, the wingnuts have already laid the groundwork for this with their "thousands of illegals are voting!" malarkey.)

  25. Love scratching my asshole4:15 PM

    This whole cult/Klan of Trump is almost as bad as anything the 1980's puked out.

  26. Nigg-I mean blacks are insufferable in every aspect of life. Fuck all of you.

  27. Black men are gross. How can any self-respecting woman be attracted to them?

  28. Byron Wong4:58 PM

    As a Chinese-American I have to say that blacks need to get over themselves. You people have affirmative action from your white liberal masters, and yet you still bitch and moan 24/7. You people have such low standards that you raise your kids to be reliant on bullshit like affirmative action. Your morals are disgusting.

    See more at:


    St Louis wasicu cops beat a Black undercover cop and when they found out he was a cop tried to hide evidence.

    Unfit foe service?

  30. 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Anchorage, Alaska today. Is it a dire warning to Drumpfuck the other shoe is about to drop?

  31. Bryan Suzuki6:20 PM

    As a Japanese-American I have to say that whites need to get over themselves. You people have white male affirmative action from your white conservative masters, and yet you still bitch and moan 24/7. You people have such low standards that you raise your kids to be reliant on bullshit like white male affirmative action. Your morals are disgusting.

  32. Anonymous6:22 PM

    "St Louis wasicu cops beat a Black undercover cop and when they found out he was a cop tried to hide evidence."

    Two thoughts:

    1) This police brutality scandal is worse than usual because the beating was clearly premeditated. It's not often that you have emails establishing that the cops in question were eagerly anticipating the opportunity to act like violent thugs. It's unsurprising, in a way, since this was a planned anti-police protest, and you know the cops do hate the protesters. But it's not every day that there is proof.

    2) Why was the black cop on undercover assignment, masquerading as a protester? What, exactly, was his mission? There might be something shady going on there, too. Just saying.

  33. Kaitlyn is really Bruce6:39 PM

    Black men are gross. How can any self-respecting woman be attracted to them?
    Puuuleeeaazzzzeeee. Your gay fuckboi ass comes here everyday pretending to be a girl to get some black schlong. Weirdo.


  34. 2) Why was the black cop on undercover assignment, masquerading as a protester? What, exactly, was his mission? There might be something shady going on there, too. Just saying.

    Article clearly stated he was in the protest crowd looking for law violations so arrests could be made. It sounds almost like entrapment- joining the crowd to get them to commit a crime they might not have otherwise committed without his help.

  35. Wash Rinse and repeat6:43 PM

    So we have the 8'10 Chinese guy insulting negroes and the crossdresser saying how disgusting negro men are. All we need now is the daily Chicago crime report and we have the usual comment section at Field Negro.

  36. Yisheng = nigger, lilac = cunt6:52 PM

    Trump supporters are all unfit for decent lives on this earth.

  37. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  38. From Steve Benen:

    Rachel joked on the show last night, "Oh, I don't know. Doesn't every presidential candidate in every election offer a $50 million gift to a foreign leader who at that time is running a military intelligence operation to help that candidate become president in the United States? Don't they all do this?"

    -Doug in Oakland

  39. Fact of the Day8:43 PM

    White people and their food are bland af.

  40. So it would appear that Lance has been right all along:

    -Doug in Oakland

  41. Anonymous9:24 PM

    As a Martian I have to say that you Earthlings should get over yourselves. You bitch and whinge 24/7 about different races of Earthlings, but frankly you all look alike to us Martians. You Earthlings have such low standards that you fall for Ponzi schemes and empires. Your lack of unity is disgusting.

  42. Chiefs cut Kareem Hunt. Now who's gonna represent the AFC in the Super Bowl?

  43. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.

  44. White feminists are retarded cunts11:19 PM

    Trump's Republican Party is worthless. The Democratic Party is worthless. Politics in this country is fucked.

  45. Kill white men, fuck white women11:59 PM

    Kill white men.
    Fuck white women.

  46. Poppy is toast.

    -Doug in Oakland

  47. Hitler Weasel Bush bit the big one @ 94. Figures. We'll have to dig his carcass up like Raygun, Ford and Nixon to impeach his ass like it should have been done decades ago.

  48. Sorry Doug. I didn't get the Poppy reference until I saw Hitler weasel was toast.


    Only 11 messages plotting journalist's death? No wonder drumpf don't believe it. He likes yoooooge numbers of messages.


    Justice? Finally? Maybe?


    @ women of color get lengthy prison sentences for unknowingly illegal voting. White JP handed in forged signature petitions and gets probation. Good thing white privilege isn't a thing, innit?

  52. Too bad, so sad about Poppy (not really) In good news Scalia and Ailes are still dead.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Officials must be wingnuts. Proudly home schooled and illiterate meaning sick of being educated.

  55. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Officials must be wingnuts.

    You mis-spelled "niggers".  It's DC, and almost every District employee is black.

  56. You misspelled racist as in anyracistmoose.

  57. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Racism:  daring to notice the truth, and speak or act on it.

  58. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:34 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Racism: "XXXXXXXXXX"
    Racisn: Mental illness.

  59. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:15 PM

    Anonymous said: "How about being too clueless to properly spell "racism"?"

    That's a simple typo, my friend. I'm surprised you didn't figure that out by yourself.

    Racism is a mental illness, no matter what group the racist belongs to. Hating everyone in a given group based on the actions of some in that group is a mental illness. And apparently you have it.

  60. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Way to dodge all the real issues to focus on trivia.

  61. Anonymous10:22 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  62. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Yisheng = nigger

    lilac = cunt
