Saturday, December 01, 2018

Caption Saturday.

I need a caption for this pic. 


  1. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Donald: “Say, where did you guys find your journalist chopper-upper crew? I need some back in Washington, and I’ve already got an Acosta-sized bag they can use ...”

  2. You said you'd buy her for how much?

  3. Anonymous12:47 PM

    And now, for some Christmas cheer!

  4. Anonymous1:15 PM

    "You from one of those "shithole" countries????!!

  5. Ctrl+Halt+Del1:24 PM

    Don your credit card was declined and as for your daughter... no, we don't eat swine!

  6. How come I don't get to sit with the cool kids any more?

    -Doug in Oakland

  7. you got Dumbo, the unknown Arab comic, the Bimbo and some guy. You got nothing.

    Lock him up. Lock him up. Lock her up and ?

  8. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Bad ass Michelle O had so much to say about M Trump…now let’s see if the attention seeking Michelle O talk shit to M. Trump’s face (at the funeral). Awkward!

  9. Melania is a ho6:20 PM

    Bad ass Michelle O had so much to say about M Trump…now let’s see if the attention seeking Michelle O talk shit to M. Trump’s face (at the funeral). Awkward!
    Not at all. Fuck that foreign ho.


    1. Filed under: no shit Sherlock.

  11. Anonymous6:49 PM

    @Melania is a ho

    Great articulation...just tell us how you really feel!

  12. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Low class blog! In fact, why no recent blog awards? Go figure!

  13. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Uninformed Obama minions breeds ignominious niggas

  14. Anonymous7:18 PM

    “Bad ass Michelle O had so much to say about M Trump…now let’s see if the attention seeking Michelle O talk shit to M. Trump’s face (at the funeral). Awkward!”

    So you think people should start fights at other people’s funerals? Classy. I’m guessing you aren’t at the top of many event guest lists.

    Anyway, we know your response would vary depending on the party involved, because you’ve got racist double standards.

    Trump starts the fight? He’s just standing strong against the snowflake libtards.

    Michelle Obama starts the fight? Yet more proof that them Negro baboon women are primitive and can’t be allowed in polite society.

  15. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:29 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    “Bad ass Michelle O had so much to say about M Trump…now let’s see if the attention seeking Michelle O talk shit to M. Trump’s face (at the funeral). Awkward!”

    Anonymous: " So you think people should start fights at other people’s funerals? Classy. I’m guessing you aren’t at the top of many event guest lists.

    Anyway, we know your response would vary depending on the party involved, because you’ve got racist double standards.

    Trump starts the fight? He’s just standing strong against the snowflake libtards.

    Michelle Obama starts the fight? Yet more proof that them Negro baboon women are primitive and can’t be allowed in polite society."
    This is a great post calling our the wingnuts for their double standard hypocrisy.

  16. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Michelle Obama talked shit to WH staff to the point where they hid in closet when she walked the halls of the White House...real class act!

    Michelle's brother wrote, in his book, she's a hellraiser and found it hard to believe anyone would marry the bully.

  17. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Bully is one thing M Trump is NOT;' unlike her predecessor.

  18. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Michelle’s a bully her husband is a baby killer …real class acts!

  19. Anonymous7:45 PM

    @ Anon 7:29 PM

    If it is such a great fucking post ..."calling our the wingnuts for their double standard hypocrisy." Why the hell hasn't the blogger received any recent awards?!



  22. PX: Darwin award candidate in Arizona.

    -Doug in Oakland

  23. Ctrl+Halt+Del10:56 PM

    Essentials for a memorable Prom night..a dick, a cunt and two sheiks.

  24. "She is a fair-skinned, golden haired reincarnation of the ancient Goddess, Nefertiti. A vision of loveliness. I must have her for my wife!"

    "Believe me! I feel the exact same way."

  25. "PX: Darwin award candidate in Arizona."

    I would make him a longshot. There's a lot of stupid out there.😆

  26. BTW Doug, bought two Gibson Les Pauls. A Black Beauty Custom and a Supreme. These will be my first.

  27. My cheap-ass black Les Paul has been my main guitar ever since my '67 SG and my Yamaha SA2100 got stolen. I got it used for a good price, and I had always wanted one, and all in all I'm pretty satisfied with it.
    I just wish that I felt like playing more often.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Get in gear bro. There's a guy based in Newark who's getting divorced and has to find a home for his 22 guitars. Some vintage Gretsch ect. He practically gave me the Les Pauls because he knew they were going to a good home. Felt bad cause he only wanted a couple hundred but he says they have to go😳

  28. Here's how the Russians got to trump. Rachel Maddow usually turns out right so maybe this is it.🤔

  29. Lem's Tip and Link Combo5:04 PM

    Nice camel Mr Trump

  30. PilotX- I sent an inquiry to a friend in ther Black Hills who was an avid collector of guitars and still has quite a collection, about your new acquisitions- I hope you don't mind. I wasnted to know about them just as instruments because I know almost nothing about them. This was his reply-

    Hi Mike, I am not an expert in guitar values, but I have studied them a bit as I was a guitar collector for many years and still have quite a bunch. Les Pauls are incredibly desirable guitars. Vintage Les Paul Standards from 1958-1960 can bring up to $100,000-250,000 for mint non-celebrity guitars. Vintage models from other years are quite sought after and certain models can bring thousands of dollars. Newer Les Pauls are pretty costly, but not so much as vintage models from before 1970 or so (even later post 1970 models cost a bunch these days). The Black Beauty is very desirable and depending on the year can be worth a lot (perhaps 5 figures or possibly more in some cases for so-called PAF models with the original "patent applied for": or "PAF" humbucker pickups), although not as much as the 58-60 Standard. I am not familiar with a model called a "supreme." So, your friend could have something quite valuable. Hope this helps. bcb

    I wsn't curious about appraised values, just collector and player values. Any way, you and Doug might be on to something valuable.

    1. Thanks Mike but these are 2005 models. The Black Beauty is worth $2,000-$3000 the supreme can fetch maybe $3,500. Obviously since you know I'm cheap I didn't pay anywhere close to that. I'm just happy to have a real Les Paul cause I own a few knockoffs.

  31. Yeah, I got my Les Paul from a guy my friend John brought over after my guitars got stolen and I cashed out my vacation time at work.
    The guy needed cash right then for his rent and brought four guitars with him to try and sell.
    The first case I opened had a nicer SG than the one I had just lost in it and there was pain on the guy's face when he saw that I liked it, so I bought the Les Paul instead.
    There was no way I was gonna take that guitar from him, especially while I was still stinging from losing my own favorite guitar, and all I had to spend was $400, and I couldn't have made myself offer him that for the SG, which at the time was worth at least a grand, and god knows what it would sell for now.
    I'm happy with the Les Paul. It's not a project like the SG was (I replaced the one piece bridge/tailpiece with a tune-o-matic bridge and a stop tailpiece, and removed the extra pickup that was on it when I got it, and glued a bar magnet out of an old Carvin pickup underneath the stock bridge pickup to make it more even with the DiMarzio in the neck position and touched up the paint when I was done) but really, all of that stuff was to make the SG play like a Les Paul, and the Les Paul already does that, even if it's not as nice of an instrument.
    Maybe after we move I'll feel more like playing again. I've got a Zoom 505 with a headphone jack, so I don't have to set up my amp, which is large, heavy, and old, so I won't even have to worry about pissing off the neighbors...

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. 😂 I have to wait for my wife to go out of town so I can crank the amp. Fortunately it wasn't the Black Beauty with the extra pickup, I think it's ugly and for me being the vain guy I am looks trump sound but I always wanted to personally test the idea that Gibsons and Fender amps are the best combo.

  32. Doug, with the orange imbecile in the kremlin annex, you should feel more like singing the blues than you ever have.

  33. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Fella shoots a cop with an AK-47 in Daytona.

    He's was out on bail for threatening to kill a cop a few months ago.

    Behold the face of Criminal Justice Reform. We Wuz Kangz and sheeit!

  34. Ctrl+Halt+Del said...@ 10:56 is the leader so far. Will be tough to beat. :)

    A strong second place showing for Anon @ 9:09 A.M.

  35. Cheap PilotX? The most I ever paid for a vehicle in 50 years of driving was 3300 and I once paid 3000 for a 14 year old Grasshopper lawn mower. Not cheap. Think wise or frugal.

  36. Anonymous10:24 AM

    "what up my sand nigga"

  37. My friend Jack swears by that combination. A Les Paul and a Fender Twin. He's been using it since the seventies, and has toured the western part of the US a few times, even Alaska with them.

    -Doug in Oakland

  38. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes6:39 PM

    Did you steal that headdress from the Andy Griffith Show?

    Security! Call Barney Fife!
