Thursday, January 31, 2019

"The chosen one."

You have to be a special kind of stupid to believe that God wanted trump to be president. But don't laugh, that is exactly what Sarah Huckabee Sanders told a Christian broadcasting station recently. 

If God really planned to give us trump as president, God really has a sick way of showing love for the people she created. Atheist all over the world must be saying, I told you so. 

Still, I never understand when folks say God wanted a particular outcome and not another. I mean some white Christian conservatives hated Obama, and yet he was president for eight years.Did God give us Obama as well? Did God put democrats in the House these past mid-terms by helping them to take so many seats from republicans? I mean all this God love from right-wingnuts just doesn't make sense when she has been throwing them so much shade recently.

The funny thing is that trump himself has embraced this farcical mantra that he is some kind of religious man of God. So much so that he is doing dangerous things such as speaking out for  bible literacy tests in public schools. This from a man who couldn't even quote his favorite bible verse when asked. (He literally made up his own passage in the bible.)

 I am quite sure the last time Mr. trump touched a bible was when he accidentally touched one on a night stand while in a hotel room with one of his jump-offs.  It's kind of ironic that a man who has cheated on numerous wives, and has been accused of rape, is the religious leader that Christian conservatives choose to embrace.

But hey, to each his or her  own.

 "I think God calls all of us to fill different roles at different times and I think that he wanted Donald Trump to become president," Sanders said, according to CBN News. "That's why he's there and I think he has done a tremendous job in supporting a lot of the things that people of faith really care about."

I have a verse for Sarah. It's from the book of John: "God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” 

The truth part is going to be a little tough for the flock . 


  1. Yisheng = nigger, lilac = cunt9:47 PM

    The white race is useless.

  2. Yisheng = nigger, lilac = cunt9:48 PM

    The white race is worthless.

  3. Yisheng = nigger, lilac = cunt9:49 PM

    The white race is beyond saving.

  4. God apparently wanted Field Negro to run a bitter, racism-chasing blog where he shows up every couple of days to express his hatred for the country he moved to, cuts and pastes some prog boiler plate peddling anti-white resentment, and wets his pants over the President again.

  5. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Fag Negro is a hack.

  6. Jussie Jimes10:26 PM

    Just stepped out for a banana smoothie when two hoodie wearing black thugs surrounded me and said "Aren't you that handsome weightlifter from the Field Negro comment section??" Before I knew it they were giving me noogies and pouring grape soda on me while shouting "This MeToo country!"

    Kamala's America y'all.

  7. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Remember That Gay Couple Married by Ruth Bader Ginsburg? They Just Got Charged With Rape:

    BTW, does anyone know where RBG is?

  8. It does say in the book that god promised not to destroy the world with a flood again. Perhaps he is having to get creative with his world destroying methods?

    -Doug in Oakland

  9. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Again, as I commented on your last blog post, wingnut Christians are bad Christians.

    They have rationalizations and excuses galore for all their extremely un-Biblical behavior, including their support for Trump, who does not even pretend to follow any of the tenets of Christianity. If there really is a God, Donald the unrepentant sinner is at high risk at any given moment of being smote by lightning.

    Here is one such lame rationalization:

    The biblical story the Christian right uses to defend Trump
    Why evangelicals are calling Trump a “modern-day Cyrus.”

  10. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Its part of Gods plan for Donald Trump to save America.

  11. Anonymous11:12 PM

    “Its part of Gods plan for Donald Trump to save America.”

    Are we absolutely sure it’s not Satan’s plan?

    Satan gets quite upset when God tries to steal the credit for his work.

  12. Anonymous11:17 PM

    More pabulum from the radical left....

  13. Your god does not exist.

  14. Anonymous12:31 AM

    When has the religious right not been hypocrites?

  15. How modest of Sanders to speak for God. And by some strange coincidence, her political views are the same as God's; so if we want to know God's politics, then we just have to consult her. How convenient!

  16. Anonymous3:30 AM

    The epic dumbasses behind the Wall GoFundMe have decided to take their dumbassery to the next level and attempt to build the wall themselves. This will end in tears for them, and hilarity for the rest of us as we laugh and point. (This all assumes, of course, that it doesn't turn out that the whole thing was a fraud, in which case the money will be confiscated anyway.)

    It is all so absurd that I can barely convince myself that the following is not a headline from the Onion:

    Conservatives head to Texas to try to build their own wall

  17. Anonymous3:53 AM

    Oh yeah, and Kris Kobach is involved, because he doesn't have any pressing racist activities to keep him busy, so why not join this hopeless, doomed, private wall-building crusade?

  18. I grant you that it is extremely difficult to believe, Field.

    The first time I heard anybody say it, I unscrewed my head and shook it up real good. I screwed it back in as carefully as I could.

    What the fuck?

    I can imagine that there are still Nazis who believe that Hitler was elevated to power by the Lord God Almighty.

    These fucking bitches are dead serious. The best argument that they can come up with to support this view is that Trump has switched to pro-life. They also cite that he has promised to only approve conservative judicial nominees. Serious as a fucking heart attack.

  19. I did not become angry until someone compared him to King David.

  20. Anymoose Hack is a Field Negro Hacker and a piss poor one at that.

    As I have said re-peatedly- there is no god because if there was there h/she/it would never allow stoopid fucking wingnuts to be shit out on fence pos5ts.

  21. LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) – Werner Co., the maker of ladders and other products, will shutter its plant in the Jeffersontown area and lay off all 118 workers by March of 2019.

    The Greenville, Pennsylvania-based company said in a statement Tuesday that it would transfer the work to its Juarez, Mexico plant, which has excess capacity and makes similar products.

    The Louisville plant, at 11225 Bluegrass Parkway, makes aluminum ladders, wood attic ladders and fall-protection products like ropes and harnesses.

    Just the ticket if you expect a new wall in yer life.

  22. Anonymous6:06 AM

    How low can a nigger sink? You ask.

    Jiggaboo Domonique Cordero Smith caught on security camera breaking into a funeral home and raping a corpse might be your answer.

  23. Lance Cockstrong6:47 AM

    Like guns, many white boys cling to there bibles to compensate for their pathetic micro dicks. Butt Trumpet, his whore, and his retarded supporters are no different.

  24. Dave Zirin = faggot kike6:55 AM

    The thing about Christianity, and religion in general, is that dumbasses use it as a replacement for their brains.

  25. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Field negro is faggot nigger and a lying one at that. The cocksucking coon has to pick on a white high school teenage kid even after the jew media like the NY Times, WAPO, CNN exonerated him. Now you keep posting those pics of The Orange Man until you can lie about another white kid. You hear me down-low BOY?

  26. Jussie Smollett did not refuse to hand over phone records to cops ... rather, he didn't want to turn over his phone ... sources directly connected to Jussie tell TMZ.

    The sources say cops "informally asked" Jussie if he would surrender his phone ... to verify he was talking to his manager on his cell when he was attacked. We're told he felt "uncomfortable" doing that and declined, but he was never asked about phone records. A Chicago police official had said Jussie refused to turn over both the phone and records. We're told Smollett has already said he will provide the records, and is in the process of gathering them.

    The sources want to clear up 2 other points. First, there are reports that Jussie told cops his assailants were wearing MAGA hats. The sources underscore what TMZ first reported ... that Jussie never said the men were wearing the hats. Rather, they screamed "MAGA country."

    And the last point ... there are reports that Jussie had the rope around his neck long after the incident when he was being treated at the hospital. We're told that is not the case. He did have the rope around his neck when cops arrived at his building 42 minutes after the incident. The sources say he kept it there to "preserve the evidence."

    Sounds like a hate crime except to stoopid fucking whuiteys.


    Moar Drumpf lying and winning. Tired, yet.

  28. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I have a verse for Sarah. It's from the book of John: "God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”

    It's truth that blacks are far more likely to be criminals than whites.  It's truth that blacks are far more likely to be welfare parasites than whites.  It's truth that blacks are far more likely to bear their children outside of marriage than whites.  It's truth that it's multiples of times more likely for a black to kill a white than vice versa.  It's truth that it's multiples of times more likely for blacks to kill someone period.

    Try swallowing those truths before you look for the speck in your brother's eye.

    Jiggaboo Domonique Cordero Smith caught on security camera breaking into a funeral home and raping a corpse

    Jungle bunnies will muh dik anything.  What's amazing is that the media dared to publish anything about it.  When 3 jigs murdered Austin Burroughs they wouldn't publish his picture because white people can't be victims according to The Narrative so they had to conceal that he was white:

    Sounds like a hate crime except to stoopid fucking whuiteys.

    Sounds like Crystal Gail Mangum and Tawana Brawley to people with brains.

    Watch for this clown to be quietly written out of the show, if it isn't just cancelled outright.

  29. Hate Crime Update10:19 AM

    "Sounds like a hate crime except to stoopid fucking whuiteys."

    You'd have to be a dishonest, Trump Derangement Syndrome suffering moron to believe the Jussie Smollett story.

    mike checks all three boxes.

  30. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Take a peek of the mugshot of this inked up, snake headed shine son of the monkey president. The coon sexually assaulted a 7 year old (gender not disclosed). Yes folks, this is how the nigger rolls.

  31. Awww, here's stoopid fucking whitey ra-ped, killed and partially ate girlfriends corpse. At least he wasn't black, right stoopid fucking whiteys?

    ps he was found competent which i9s a first fo9r a stoopid fucking wasicu wastey.

  32. exonerated magat hat brat In your wildest dreams, dickhead. The magat fagat should have been charged with being an ugly white privileged POS and then eviscerated on the spot.

    Only in dumbfu8ck drumpfuck's magat infested world can whites ever be the victims of their own policies.

  33. Any of you micro dicked, magat hat infested stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys figure out why the poor widdle inno0cent racist shit need to hire a wingnut PR firm to lie for him?

    Of course not. Yours is not to reason why yours is but to repeat wingnut lies.


    Every fucking right wing nut job has connections with Putin and Russia. Hang them all.

  35. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Guaranteed way to make the hick who thinks black people are so wonderful that he lives in a 1% black county totally lose his shit:

    Paint MAGA all over his house in red paint.  Paint his car too.  And wear earplugs, because the screams of rage will be audible from Jupiter.

  36. Fuck you, bitch, my Jeep is already red. You wanna try painting magats on the rental house we'll test yer ability to dodge pellets and deer slugs at close range.

    BTW I fully believe any Black or Latino or other POC is every bit as good and likely better as a person than you shit fer brainns stoopid fucking trailer trash inbred wasicu wasteys.

  37. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Coon impregnates his niece, 14 while she was babysitting now a suspect in her disappearance.

    The swag just oozes out of this nigger.

  38. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:55 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Its part of Gods plan for Donald Trump to save America.

    11:02 PM

    Donald Trump is the antichrist predicted in the Bible. Just kidding folks, but doesn't act like it?

  39. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:06 PM

    Donald Trump is the antichrist predicted in the Bible. Just kidding folks, but doesn't act like it?

    2:55 PM
    Sorry, folks, but my eighty-two-year-old eyes aren't working as well as they used to. The last line of my post is supposed to read, "but doesn't he act like it?

  40. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Confucius say beware of nigger sow around hot grease:

    Police: Fight between 2 women leads to child burned by hot grease

  41. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:11 PM


    There is an very disturbing article on Think Progress today describing how the white nationalists and other thugs are targeting journalists. It's well worth reading.

    The weaponization of ‘learn to code’
    Inspired by Trump's rants about "the enemy of the people," far-right trolls aim their memes at newly-unemployed reporters.

    Think Progress 2/1/2019

  42. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Now we know the Iowa loser doesn't even own a house.

    No wonder he hates white people and loves blacks:  only blacks make him look good by comparison.

  43. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Isn't it funny how "learn to code" was career advice when directed at W. Virginian coal miners, but now that it's aimed at out-of-work "progressives" it's hate speech?

    The left has no principles except "die, Whitey."

  44. Anonymous3:34 PM

    So 2020 dem platform is

    -no private healthcare.
    -kill fully formed 2 seconds from birth babies
    -70% marginal tax rates on people they hate
    -ban nearly every gun
    -also you're racist

    This is basically a right wing parody of a dem platform and it's real.

  45. Anonymous4:00 PM

    "There is an very disturbing article on Think Progress today describing how the white nationalists and other thugs are targeting journalists. It's well worth reading."

    Someone over the age of 22 actually reads that agitprop?

  46. Orange is the new black4:16 PM

    "The weaponization of ‘learn to code’"

    Back when Obama was waging a war on coal, and when Hillary was making campaign speeches promising to put coal miners out of work, 'journalists' at Buzzfeed, HuffPo, and other smarmy leftist rags were poo-pooing the predicament of those stranded economically by regulatory devistation of their livelihoods by admonishing them and offering the advice to "just learn to code".

    When these writers were hit by layoffs due to the glut of factually-challenged, uninformed, elitist liberal propaganda, it was an opportunity for social media karma that couldn't be passed on.

    Don't worry about the poor hack's feelings - Twitter went about banning any user who Tweeted "learn to code" to one of these cretins, citing a violation of their posting rules. Never mind that thousands of blue check Twitter accounts that just the week earlier sent tweets calling for the Covington Catholic students to be murdered and their school burned down saw no suspensions at all.

    It sure is nice to be able to speak power to truth, isn't Granny?

  47. OMFG! I've never bothered to buy a new vehicle in my life. Never wanted to own a home. Never flown. Rode on one train. Never took a regular vacation. I must be super mfi.

    There is much more to life than owning shit. I own yer ass. That is more than enough to last me a lifetime and beyond. And nearly all POC are still infinitely better humans than yer skanky wasicu ass.

    As for that stoopid fuckinbg Sanders bitch, she considers Putin god because he chose Drumpf to be bogus potus.

  48. Orange is the new black is lyi9ng his ass 9off about Obama and coal, as all stoopid fucking wingnuts do because fake noize tells them to.

    But it is so much easier for them to believe lies when searching for the truth is an exhausting button click or two away and totally out of sight.

  49. From Steve Benen:

    "Donald Trump has now been in office for 24 full months -- February 2017 through January 2019 -- and in that time, the economy has created 4.78 million jobs. In the 24 full months preceding Trump's presidency -- February 2015 to January 2017 -- the economy created 5.08 million jobs.

    The White House has not yet offered an explanation for why job growth has slowed since Trump took office."

    -Doug in Oakland


    Had nothing to do with largest fentanyl bust ever. That occurred at legal entry post.

  51. Another "chosen" one-

    Nuther wasicu stoopid fucking wingnut chilod molestor. At least he wasn't black and HRC had emails.

  52. Anonymous5:11 PM

    "-no private healthcare."

    Damn straight. Private health insurance sucks and should be banned. The countries with the best-ranked health systems in the world do this. Why shouldn't we?

    "-kill fully formed 2 seconds from birth babies"

    No. This is a wingnut strawman. Nobody is proposing this, and recently enacted blue state abortion laws don't actually do this.

    "-70% marginal tax rates on people they hate"

    70% marginal rates on the very richest Americans would be perfectly sensible, from the perspective of maximum benefit to the economy and society. But the Democrats aren't, in fact, proposing this. This is strictly an Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez talking point.

    "-ban nearly every gun"

    Nope. Another strawman.

    "-also you're racist"

    You are a racist, Mr. Troll. In fact, probably not just a racist but a bonafide Nazi.

    Personally, I'd vote for a dedicated FBI unit tasked with monitoring probable domestic terrorists like you, 24/7.

  53. Director Homey5:27 PM

    "Personally, I'd vote for a dedicated FBI unit tasked with monitoring probable domestic terrorists like you, 24/7."

    Stalinist abuse of power is why we must never let the Left get back in control of the country.

  54. Porter5:31 PM

    When these writers were hit by layoffs due to the glut of factually-challenged, uninformed, elitist liberal propaganda, it was an opportunity for social media karma that couldn't be passed on.

    The left’s billionaire patrons seem to be redirecting their propaganda budgets away from click-mill, retard employment communes.

    Obviously they weren’t producing enough succulent GDP growth to justify the investment. Sad!

  55. Lying stoopid fucking wingnut sinator Marloboro Barbie from South Dakota, also number 2 in the sinate, introduces bill to save the koch bros and walmart heirs billions in estate taxes while lying about farmers having to sell their land to -pay the tax. That lie hyas been debunked every time it is brought up and South Dakota's newest governor campaigned on the very same lie and was elected. She claimed her family had tom sell the farm to pay taxes after her dad died. She was proven to have lied constantly about it and still got elected.

    There are so few people who will ever have to pay any estate tax that this is nothing but more pesos for billionaires only.

  56. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Mike hates farmers


    If you see a homeless black, just shoot them.

    Anyfuckingmoose, your a fucking liar. I do not know a single farmer who will ever have to pay any estate tax the way the law is written today. But what do you expect from a moose?

  58. Winning!5:55 PM

    300,000 new jobs in January. Real wage growth of 3.2%.

  59. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Where's RBG?



    Stoopid fucking wingnuts can't do anything right. They have listed tens of thousands 9of legal voters as illegal voters.

  61. Anonymous6:05 PM

    God wanted trump as president.Um hmm! Since God has never talked to anyone,how would Willard Scott with hair know that?

  62. LMAO.

    Baby killing enthusiast Governor of Virginia Ralph Northam's 1984 medical school yearbook page:

    Which one is him, the one in blackface or the one in the KKK hood?

  63. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Prediction: Prog media will eventually absolve Northam of his sins because he his such an ardent advocate for infanticide. And a democrat.

  64. Anonymous6:16 PM

    "Prediction: Prog media will eventually absolve Northam of his sins because he his such an ardent advocate for infanticide. And a democrat."

    There is no infanticide. Wingnuts are taking some muddled, confusing comments Northam made in an interview, and distorting them to imply that a Virginia abortion bill does something it doesn't actually do.

    But hey, carry on lying. That's your standard operating procedure.

  65. Anonymous6:18 PM

    "Stalinist abuse of power is why we must never let the Left get back in control of the country."

    Welp, I guess you're going to going to be very distraught when it happens.

  66. Anonymous6:29 PM

    "Which one is him, the one in blackface or the one in the KKK hood?"

    Doesn't matter.

    "Prediction: Prog media will eventually absolve Northam of his sins because he his such an ardent advocate for infanticide. And a democrat."

    Let's hope not because if he resigns Justin Fairfax, a frat brother of mine, will become governor and since he was not elected as governor he can run again and have two terms as Virginia governor. Man, that would be some kind of luck!


  67. Conservatives are kinda paranoid6:31 PM

    "Stalinist abuse of power is why we must never let the Left get back in control of the country."
    Paranoid much?

  68. Conservatives are kinda dumb6:33 PM

    But hey, carry on lying. That's your standard operating procedure.
    Conservatives aren't big on facts. Just look at their leader.

  69. I have it on at least as good an authority as fake noize that magat hat brat was the second gunman on the grassy knoll in 63 Dallas.

  70. Anonymous8:07 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  71. Anonymous8:12 PM


  72. Cletus the Fetus9:56 PM

    Don't worry Ralph Northam's career was just a clump of cells.

  73. On my way to the grocery store I saw a MAGA hat on the sidewalk with dog shit in it, and I said "Look, it's upside down."

    -Doug in Oakland

  74. Anonymous11:02 PM

    "Don't worry Ralph Northam's career was just a clump of cells."

    Well, if this yearbook revelation does succeed in an early-term abortion of his governorship, the wingnuts who published it will have achieved their goal: ensuring the state of Virginia is now run by a black man.

    Wait ... that wasn't their goal?


    P.S. Whether Northam stays or goes, abortion will still be legal.

  75. Anonymous11:12 PM

    If "wingnuuts" had this yearbook, they would have used it last year to derail his campaign.

  76. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Dem/media complex is just changing the headline from

    "Virginia Governor Calls For Infanticide"


    "Virginia Governor In Racist Yearbook Picture"

    Damage control. Get him out of the picture now.

  77. Anonymous11:15 PM

    "Well, if this yearbook revelation does succeed in an early-term abortion of his governorship, the wingnuts who published it will have achieved their goal: ensuring the state of Virginia is now run by a black man."

    Lemonade out of lemons. Ha!


  78. Anonymous11:28 PM

    "Damage control. Get him out of the picture now."

    He's a white male. 100% expendable.

  79. Anonymous11:33 PM

    "Dem/media complex is just changing the headline from

    'Virginia Governor Calls For Infanticide'


    'Virginia Governor In Racist Yearbook Picture'

    Idiot. The old photo of the governor and some buddy of his reliving the "glories" of the Confederacy (in what was probably a very bad attempt at humor) was published by a right-wing media outlet. Hardly a left-wing conspiracy.

    And there was no need to change the subject from the dumb "infanticide" story. That's a lie that is only believed by people who already hate the Democrats anyway.

  80. Anonymous11:33 PM

    They quickly did the math

    Northam's abortion comments were indefensible. He had to go. BUT if they force him out over that it concedes ground to the right

    If they force him out over 'racism' it's just another example of a White man being punished

    So PRESTO! Blackface photo.

  81. Anonymous11:40 PM

    If Democrats were Republicans, they would have publicly attacked Northam for the infanticide remarks and pressured him to resign for it. But Democrats are way smarter than Republicans.

  82. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Norhtam beat a black opponent in a primary and then he won the general by running that ridiculous MAGA-truck-chasing-browns ad. All that time, this yearbook was just sitting in a library, publicly available, waiting to destroy him …

  83. Anonymous12:24 AM

    BREAKING: Chicago PD just released this photo of Jussie Smollett’s attackers:

  84. Governor Northam's back-to-back scandals this week reveal that in America, it's a greater political liability to *appear* to have been *complicit* in racism at some time in your life than to openly support infanticide.

  85. Yes Nick, that's because other than the hardcore religious right no one believes the right wing smears about infanticide. This is just the latest talking point pushed by Fox. But you're right it is a win-win for Dems, they get rid of old Al Jolson wanna be and get an exciting young Black governor with a bright future for two terms. So please, Republicans by all means push his resignation as quickly as possible.

  86. Black History Minute2:29 AM

    There has never been a successful black governor in America.

  87. Lt. Commander Johnson4:51 AM

    Tho it's OT...I'm sure you have seen this mess going on with Venezuela.

    Here's a bit of history you may not know:

  88. As a 6'2 Chinese-American I have to say that if blacks are stupid enough to believe that God chose Obama to be President (and you people are), then it's fair to say that Trump supporters are stupid enough to believe that God chose Trump (and they are).

    See more at:


    Wingnuts be lying about New York abortion bill. What a fucking surprise.

  90. Ironclad proof that there is not god- There has been a lot of outrage expressed in the wake of McConnell’s chutzpah, but I think Ed Brayton’s response at Dispatches from the Culture Wars is my favorite.

    The man who refused to allow even a committee vote on Obama’s Supreme Court nominee for nearly a year so a Republican could appoint the next justice is accusing someone else of a power grab? The fact that he wasn’t immediately struck dead by lightning is powerful evidence that there is no god (or that god is a first-class jerk, take your pick). This is Trumpian-level lack of self-awareness and shamelessness. I can’t imagine how the man sleeps at night, other than on a pile of money.

  91. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:19 AM

    Black History Minute said...

    "There has never been a successful black governor in America."

    2:29 AM


    Well there may be one soon. What exactly is the point of your post?

  92. What ever happened to incriminating Keith Ellison domestic violence video stoopid fucking wingnuts were going to lynch Ellison with?

    The one that apparently never existed.

  93. Anonymous11:19 AM

    "The one that apparently never existed"

    Believe women, mike.

  94. Anonymous11:42 AM

    PENCE 2024!!

  95. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Anonymous said...
    BREAKING: Chicago PD just released this photo of Jussie Smollett’s attackers:

    12:24 AM


  96. "There has never been a successful black governor in America."

    Deval Patrick was very successful.


  97. "There has never been a successful black governor in America."

    Douglas Wilder.

  98. Anonymous12:10 PM


  99. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Make no mistake: The Dems had that photo of Northam for months and leaked it to turn people’s attention away from full-term abortion.

    The Left’s policies only work as superficial sound bites. Abortion becomes far less popular the more people learn about the details.

  100. Anonymous12:37 PM

    “The Left’s policies only work as superficial sound bites.”

    Your description of the Left’s abortion policies IS a superficial soundbite.

    Nobody is advocating for killing healthy, full-term infants. That is not a thing.

  101. "Tokens"

    Nope, duly elected by the voters.

  102. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Make no mistake: The Dems had that photo of Northam for months and leaked it to turn people’s attention away from full-term abortion.

    Another blatant lie from DErum0pfuck the junior racist of FN blog. Wingnuts have always accused Dems of wanting abortion on demand and is a blatant lie of the first order.

    What isn't a lie is the fact stoopid fucking lying stone waste of white have never heard a single Democrat claim to b3e for abortions. OTOH< SFW are against women's rights and prove it everyday with crackdowns on women exercising their constitutional right to control their bodily reproduction functions.

    Wingnuts are all for giving a fetus full rights upm until birth then the fetus is stripped of its rights and has to fend for itself because the koch bros need more tax refunds.

  103. Abortion becomes less necessary when poor people are educated about reproductive health, given ample birth control choices and educated so as not to stop using birth control because wingnuts claim all kinds of made up side effects.

    The only women feeling guilty about an abortion are controlled by stoopid wasicu fucking male wingnuts who tell them what to sa76y and do.

  104. Women's right to choose absolutely anything1:56 PM

    "Nobody is advocating for killing healthy, full-term infants. That is not a thing."

    Not yet.

    But now we've extended it right to the moment of birth according to Cuomo, and a little bit after, according to Northam.

    And whether or not the infant is healthy and full-term, the baby can still be killed if it will adversely affect the mental health of the mother, according to Tran.

    We've seen a continuing slippery slope as the position of abortion advocates becomes more and more radical, and as this has become one of the key ideological anchors of the Democratic party. If you can kill a baby a few minutes after it is born, why not an hour? Or the next day? Or if mom feels stressed after a year?

    This is the death cult that "women's choice" has become.

  105. Well, if the religious right is serious about ending abortion there are steps that can be taken such as teaching comprehensive and fact based sex education, promoting condoms and other preventative measures, ect. We all should pursue ways to limit the number of women seeking abortions. That being said, what a woman does with her body is her business.

  106. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Northam's problem is that he showed the cards of the Democrat's hand on abortion a little too soon.

    Dems realize the country is not quite yet ready to embrace infanticide, and this reveal could hurt their chances in 2020.

    So bam! Drop the hammer on Northam to change the subject. As a plus, another old white male Dem gets shuffled off the stage in favor of a non-white substitute. Win-win.

    This is the fate, in one form or another, for all white male Democrats politicians.

    And maybe spend a minute or two pondering who it is that is driving all these policies designed to drive down the birth rate, prevent family formation, and convince women to aspire to a life as childless economic drones who believe that there is nothing more sacred and holy than their right to terminate their pregnancy whenever and however they want.

  107. The first mention of abortion in literature was 1550bc, and nobody gave a rat's ass about it (except Catholics), even evangelical Christians until the right wing made it into a political "wedge issue" and spoon fed it to the Pig People as the liberal evil du jour.

    If you can't get pregnant, it's none of your goddamn business.

    -Doug in Oakland

  108. "Dems realize the country is not quite yet ready to embrace infanticide, and this reveal could hurt their chances in 2020."

    Don't worry Doug, the right will find another shiny object to chase and the whole "infanticide" crap will go away. I'm sure we'll be back to nigger nigger nigger in a few hours.

  109. Anonymous2:28 PM

    “And maybe spend a minute or two pondering who it is that is driving all these policies designed to drive down the birth rate, prevent family formation, and convince women to aspire to a life as childless economic drones ...”

    Lemme guess. There are lots of (((parentheses))) involved?

    You’re probably the same dude who tried to shoehorn Trump’s hostility toward the Venezuelan government into a Protocols of the Elders of Zion conspiracy theory.

    Did the Jews cause the polar vortex, too?

    What a clown you are.

  110. Anonymous Women's right to choose absolutely anything said...

    Fuck you. I get to decide when abortion WILL BE retroactive and mandatory for you lying right wing POS. And my decision is irreversible and automatic every time one of you inbred trailer park fake noize clowns opens yer pie hole.

  111. wingnut gawd is love.

    Way to jump to conclusions w/o knowing all the facts. The guardians didn't kill him. The snow they buried him in did. Fucking liberals always blame the good people for bad things that just naturally happen around them.

  112. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:08 PM

    Anonymous ? said,

    And whether or not the infant is healthy and full-term, the baby can still be killed if it will adversely affect the mental health of the mother, according to Tran.

    This is pure, unadulterated bull shit. No one is going to do this. If the child will adversely affect the mental health of the mother, Social Services will take custody of the child. No on is going to murder him/her. How stupid are you anyway???????


  114. "How stupid are you anyway???????"

    You're talking to people who think it was a good idea to elect trump and Palin would make a good VP.

  115. Replies
    1. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Katelyn (Bruce) Davidson is trolling for BBC.

  116. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:17 PM

    dinthebeast said...

    dinthebeast said:
    The first mention of abortion in literature was 1550bc, and nobody gave a rat's ass about it (except Catholics), even evangelical Christians until the right wing made it into a political "wedge issue" and spoon fed it to the Pig People as the liberal evil du jour.

    Way to go Doug! Are you a history teacher?

    And a couple more points - The right wingers don't really care about fetuses. Their aim is controlling the behavior of women and producing more white babies because whites are lagging behind in population growth.


    How did you spend the first week after the gubmint reopened, Douche Daddy?

  118. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:29 PM

    The Brutal Story of Jake Eakin, Child Murderer Turned Anti-Abortion Zealot

    He murdered his twelve-year-old friend. Now he's out of prison and harassing women at abortion clinics.

  119. "And a couple more points - The right wingers don't really care about fetuses. Their aim is controlling the behavior of women and producing more white babies because whites are lagging behind in population growth."

    And let's be clear: they are terrified of women and hate the idea of them thinking and acting in their own interests because they aren't likely to give them what they want.

    -Doug in Oakland

  120. Late term abortions aren't infanticide, they are pregnancies gone horribly wrong that require medical intervention.

    -Doug in Oakland

  121. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  122. Anonymous6:40 PM

    >> Well there may be one soon.

    And real Communism has never been tried, but THIS time it's going to work!

    >> What exactly is the point of your post?

    Probably showing how much damage you idiot "progressives" do.

    >> Abortion becomes less necessary when poor people are educated about reproductive health, given ample birth control choices and educated so as not to stop using birth control because wingnuts claim all kinds of made up side effects.

    Mandatory Norplant for welfare cases from puberty to menopause would eliminate 72% of the abortions in Mississippi and not require ANY education.

    >> I get to decide when abortion WILL BE retroactive and mandatory for you lying right wing POS. And my decision is irreversible and automatic every time one of you inbred trailer park fake noize clowns opens yer pie hole.

    If you said that about black criminals, you'd be kicked off all social media.  White privilege is a lie.

  123. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Granny clueless said...
    And whether or not the infant is healthy and full-term, the baby can still be killed if it will adversely affect the mental health of the mother, according to Tran.

    This is pure, unadulterated bull shit. No one is going to do this.

    Watch the video Granny.

  124. "If you said that about black criminals, you'd be kicked off all social media. White privilege is a lie."

    Because there's never been anything rude or degrading about blah people. Rick Santorum said "it's not my job to make blah peoples' lives easier". He finished second in the GOP presidential primary and is a CNN contributor so I guess that statement is flawed at best.

  125. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Whose job is it to make blah people's lives better?

  126. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Whose job is it to make blah people's lives better?

    Who the fuck appointed you to make Black lives worse?

  127. Lifesitenews is a far right loony bin with little acquaintance with truth.

  128. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:38 PM

    Anonymous said:

    "Watch the video Granny."

    6:58 PM

    Why would I watch it? It's probably something James O'Keefe cooked up.

    See: James O'Keefe Pays $100,000 To ACORN Employee He Smeared ...

  129. "Whose job is it to make blah people's lives better?"

    As the President of the United State your job is to make everyones' life easier not pick on one group to score cheap political points or am I wrong?

  130. "James O'Keefe Pays $100,000 To ACORN Employee He Smeared ..."

    Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.😂

  131. James O'Keefe has never seen a pimp in his whole stupid life, but apparently believed he could impersonate one with shit he saw on TV...

    -Doug in Oakland

  132. Anonymous9:53 PM

    "As the President of the United State your job is to make everyones' life easier not pick on one group to score cheap political points or am I wrong?"

    You mean those like deplorable rural white people?

    This is Black Run America. Every government policy has to first and foremost put the needs of blah people ahead of any other considerations.

  133. "You mean those like deplorable rural white people?"

    You mean the ones every politician breaks their back to kowtow to? Yup.

  134. From NYT re O'Keefe and ACORN- Here is what I found: O’Keefe almost certainly did not go into the Acorn offices in the outlandish costume — fur coat, goggle-like sunglasses, walking stick and broad-brimmed hat — in which he appeared at the beginning and end of most of his videos. It is easy to see why The Times and other news organizations got a different impression. At one point, as the videos were being released, O’Keefe wore the get-up on Fox News, and a host said he was “dressed exactly in the same outfit he wore to these Acorn offices.” He did not argue.

    But Breitbart told me that, after doing his own examination, “I am under the impression that at no time was he ever dressed as an elaborate pimp” in the offices. Because O’Keefe was apparently carrying the hidden camera, he is generally not visible in the videos, but he is seen briefly entering the Baltimore office wearing a blue shirt and chinos.

    The whole setup was illegal.

  135. PilotX is dangerously insane9:55 AM

    PilotX can't tell the difference between "it's not my job to make black peoples' lives easier" and "I get to decide when abortion WILL BE retroactive and mandatory for you" (premeditated murder).

    As the President of the United State your job is to make everyones' life easier

    Obviously it's time for the POTUS to make white people's lives easier by (a) eliminating immigration which drives housing costs up and wages down, and (b) segregating blacks again to slash the amount of crime they have to suffer.  Black people won't have it any worse because they have to live with themselves anyway and will always be the ones killing each other over the last chicken wing or the "correct" recipe for purple drank.  No one else does that.

  136. PilotX is dangerously insane said...Spoken like a true Steve King believer/white separatist/racist scum.

  137. "Black people won't have it any worse because they have to live with themselves anyway and will always be the ones killing each other over the last chicken wing or the "correct" recipe for purple drank."

    People kill people for any number of reasons. Ted Bundy killed women because I guess he stuttered as a kid? Not sure why the kid in Louisiana killed his family and was captured on his way to kill his grandmother. Ah, who knows.

  138. "I get to decide when abortion will be retroactive and mandatory for you".

    Um, last I checked it was still a woman's choice and not some goofy politician. I know the right likes to use scare tactics to get the less intelligent to fall in line but I wouldn't worry too much about this if I were you.

  139. "segregating blacks again"

    Good luck with that. Where do you reside? I wanna move in next door.😂

  140. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Where do you reside? I wanna move in next door.

    Chautauqua, NY.  I'm sick of the damn Secret Service.

  141. "Chautauqua, NY. I'm sick of the damn Secret Service."

    Well, still a blue state. I'm down, see ya soon neighbor or as TPC would say neighbour.

  142. PilotX the retroactive and mandatory abortion decisions is my scare tactic. As soon as I receive my superpowers, you will instantly see a better less white America.

  143. Well the villian has the power to resegregate America so you'll be in for a helluva battle. Like the end of Glass.
