Saturday, February 02, 2019

Caption Saturday.

Image result for trump wall images

I need a caption for this pic.

*Pic from


  1. A brilliant plan to keep illegals out. One sight of that name and they'll immediately go back home.

  2. Anonymous7:03 PM

    I built a wall to keep out all Blacks, Hispanics and anyone else brown or beige.

    Don't want them in any of my properties. EVER!!!!

  3. Just like any other real estate developer, I (DJT) want something that I can leave my name on forever & ever even if it useless, inefficient, amoral, expensive, amoral, etc.

  4. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Dotard Drumf's beauteous white prison wall.

  5. Prince Prospero says come to the party.

    -Doug in Oakland

  6. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Exterior view of the Trump Presidential Library (of picture books), AKA the Trash Mahal.

  7. Huddled masses yearning to be oppressed10:39 PM

    PilotX said...
    "A brilliant plan to keep illegals out. One sight of that name and they'll immediately go back home."

    I guess all the racism and oppression aren't enough to keep them from risking life, limb, and jail time to break in.

  8. Anonymous11:37 PM

    YouTube now has video of Ralph Northam's Michael Jackson moon walking performance:

    Gotta say, that white boy can dance.

  9. Anonymous11:58 PM

    "I guess all the racism and oppression aren't enough to keep them from risking life, limb, and jail time to break in."

    Nope, not when you're fleeing poverty that is the consequence of the culture of Latin American corruption bequeathed by the white, racist conquistadors.

  10. Great big beautiful fencing adorning the Trump Mausoleum.

  11. "I guess all the racism and oppression aren't enough to keep them from risking life, limb, and jail time to break in."

    Nope, not until they saw trump's name. 😂

  12. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Only a miserable nigger would do this to a dog (In the video, pic of the complaint Gordon Turentine is a Male/B)

    Indianapolis man arrested after dog found frozen to death was tossed in dumpster


    Look at this Houstonian blah man going to prison for dogfighting. Damn blah people anyway. Wait. What? He's a snowflake? Impossible sez racist wasicus.

  14. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Attention white women, once you spread for the nigger, your dead.

  15. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:26 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "Attention white women, once you spread for the nigger, your dead.

    8:53 AM"


    Attention, Anonymous threatening white women, go to hell. You got no say about it, puke face. You need to mind your own business.

  16. "Attention white women, once you spread for the nigger, your dead."

    You're as in you are. YOU'RE welcome.😂

  17. "Indianapolis man arrested after dog found frozen to death was tossed in dumpster"

    Well there was a zebra found frozen to death in a field. We know that wasn't a Blah person with a zebra.😝

  18. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

    Anonymous said...

    "Attention white women, once you spread for the nigger, your dead.

    8:53 AM"


    Attention, Anonymous threatening white women, go to hell. You got no say about it, puke face. You need to mind your own business.

    You sound frustrated this morning. What no DP action by bbc??

  19. Towns put up fences around cemeteries to keep dead people out. How well does that work?

  20. Anonymous12:18 PM

    This may be Trump’s biggest (and most hilarious) lie to date. When is this carnival freakshow president NOT lying?

    NYT: White House says Trump's tan is the result of ‘good genes’

  21. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:24 PM

    Anomyous Said:

    "You sound frustrated this morning. What no DP action by bbc??"

    No,,I'm not frustrated, I"m mad as hell. No sniveling Nazi or white nationalist is going to tell me whom I can take to bed or marry.

    BTW, what do DP and bbc stand for? Can't you write in English?

  22. Gambler 2- DP is double pentration and BBC is British Broadcsating Co....big black cock. Someone thinks it is clever.

  23. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Ah, I'm crushed...Gambler2 ASKA White Woman is mad at me.

    Will this peace offering let us be friends again?

    Police: Sex Offender Charged With Rape After Being Found With Missing 14-Year-Old

    If your in the NYC area, you can bail out in a few hours. Even if you reside on the West Coast, there's numerous flight to JFK leaving in a few hours.

    I wouldn't procrastinate too long, a fine strapping buck like that is in high demand by all the coalburners.

  24. "Anonymous said...
    Exterior view of the Trump Presidential Library (of picture books), AKA the Trash Mahal.

    9:40 PM"

    This will be tough to beat.

  25. "Dotard Drumf's beauteous white prison wall."

    This had me cracking up as well. :)

  26. "If your in the NYC area"

    You're=you are not your. Spend less time posting racist stuff and more time at the library. You are making the rest of the racist trolls look bad. Well then again even the president doesn't have a good command of the English language so at least YOU'RE in good company.

  27. Europeon on my leg and telling me it's raining5:19 PM

    Poor black, brown and low status whites for $2000 Alex.

    What is the view of the wall they will have if Trump and his gang make America great again?

  28. You have to be this white to pass through this wall.

  29. Anonymous6:15 PM

    How long does it take for a white woman that fucks a nigger to start taking on her feral chimps traits?

    2 instances in last couple of days for your perusal:

    Baby’s mother ‘looked away’ as dad delivered fatal beating, Macon murder warrant says

    Saline County arrests made in connection with animal cruelty videos

  30. Anonymous6:43 PM

    How long does it take a white woman that fucks a inbred sister fucker to start taking on his feral ape ways?

    For your perusal, mom injects her children with meth and allows two men to molest them.

  31. Anonymous6:46 PM

    How long does it take for a white woman that fucks a nigger to start taking on her feral chimps traits?
    So white women have feral chimp traits? Never seen that, I mean except for anon 6:15's mother/auntie.

  32. The caption game is kinda fun but the racist comments like anon 1815 aren't so much.

  33. Quit telling me it's raining and Europe in on my leg7:37 PM

    Trump partners with Kraft ....proposes building the wall with Cool whip

  34. Yuri Peon on my leg7:39 PM

    Europeon...dang auto correct

  35. Even trump's wall is racist. All white.😂

  36. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Trump’s daily office schedules have been leaked by someone inside the White House. It turns out that 60% of his last 3 months have been spent on “executive time.”

    Remember how Fox News ranted about Obama being lazy for basically his entire presidency, and complained if he took a vacation, like, ever?

    Wingnut hypocrisy is apparently limitless, but I guess I can’t complain too much. If Trump is busy napping, tweeting, or watching Fox and Friends, at least that is a part of his day when he isn’t busy issuing executive orders that are illegal and/or evil.

  37. Yuri Peon Ellis island class of 194610:25 PM

    Trump border guard (pictured right ) working despite expired visa.

  38. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:33 AM

    Mike from Iowa said:

    "Gambler 2- DP is double pentration and BBC is British Broadcsating Co....big black cock. Someone thinks it is clever."

    Thanks, Mike. I had the family and some friends in for a Super Bowl party. So I've been busy all day and didn't have a chance to check in here until now. And anyone who thinks this post is clever is an idiot.

    I find it quite astounding that some dumb fuck I don't even know, or ever want to know, thinks it's appropriate to comment on my sex life.

  39. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Designed and built by white people.

    1. "Designed and built by white people."

      That's new. trump usually uses cheap foreign labor.😆

  40. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:57 PM

    PilotX said:
    "Designed and built by white people."

    "That's new. trump usually uses cheap foreign labor.😆"

    LOL Good one, PilotX!

  41. Postical@5:54 PM is a runner up.

  42. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Whites build

    Blacks destroy

  43. Anonymous12:42 PM

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