Sunday, February 03, 2019

When the ghosts of racism past comes calling.

I am always amused at some folks who are surprised when a democratic politician gets caught with his or her pants down and their racism undies get exposed. Here is a newsflash for some of you: racism is not exclusive to the republican party or folks with conservative or right-wing political leanings. Just ask Bill Maher. (Really dude? Fried chicken jokes?) I am still not sure why that dude thinks he has a black card. But I digress.

Anyway, the curious case of Virginia Governor Ralph Northam  had us all scratching our collective heads. There he was (or now he says he wasn't) in a college yearbook in the year of our Lord 1984, posing in a klan outfit or in black face (he wasn't sure which one) for all the world to see. I swear you can't make this stuff up. His nickname in school was "coonman" for crying out loud.

But it get's crazier. The governor actually said that he put on his black face so that he could play Michael Jackson in a dance contest, and that he had a lot of black friends. Yes, he really said that. This was 1984, before Michael became white, so I guess that it's possible. But why do it in the first place? 

Honestly, I actually feel sorry for this guy, because he represents what is wrong with so many folks of his ilk in this country. He is a casual racist, who still doesn't understand the historical significance of his actions. The problem for him is that he is a democrat, and democrats, unlike their republican pals, will not embrace such an individual in their party. Had he been a republican they would have rallied around him and told the liberal snowflakes to get over it. (Still crickets from trump on Mr Nazi himself, Steve King.)The democrats can't afford to do that, because there are too many people of color under their tent.

Governor Ralph now says that he is not stepping down, and that it was not him in any of those pictures that have been floating around from his college days. I wonder what made him decide to change his mind. First he said that he was in the picture, now he says that he isn't. Clearly he did something similar because he would not have though that it was him in the first place.

If someone told me that there is a sex tape floating around out there with me and Emayatzy Corinealdi, I would be like no way, because I know that I never had sex with Emayatzy Corinealdi. But if I had sex with Emayatzy Corinealdi and someone said there was a sex tape out there, I would probably do what Governor Ralph did when he first heard of the racist pictures: admit that it was me getting my business on with the Nubian beauty. Clearly he did something similar to what is being alleged, and he is now trying his best to do damage control.

Over the weekend the usual suspects piled on, and folks on the right feigned outrage for political reasons. The chorus has grown louder and louder for the Governor to step down. 

My two cents: Governor Ralph should step down. Not because he is any different than the thousands of racists in similar positions, but sadly for him, because he was caught. 


  1. I can take this either way. 1. He remains in office and to prove he's not racist he has to remove all confederate monuments in Virginia and put a stop to all this Robert E. Lee day bullshit. 2. He steps down and my frat bro takes over and ends all that tomfoolery in Virginia. I can go either way but it may be a more dramatic image if it's a white guy calling for an end to confederacy worship.

  2. Anonymous11:05 PM

    I’m sure it won’t make that much difference to a lot of Democrats, but it’s worth pointing out that this is a 35-year-old picture. Whatever Northam’s beliefs were back in med school, they aren’t necessarily the same now. People do change their attitudes with time and experience, so this isn’t actual proof that today he is still a racist or okay with racism.

    Anyway, regardless of whether one is or isn’t willing to give ol’ Ralph the benefit of the doubt on that question, it’s rather amazing that a career politician could have gone decades without news of this photo ever surfacing until now. In the age of oppo research, dirty tricks, and amateur internet sleuths, I would not have expected to see this.

    Then again, Virginia is still the South. Things just ... work a little different down there. It’s frankly pretty shocking that a school would ever have allowed such a photo to appear in their yearbook in 1984.

  3. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Robert E. Lee is one of the greatest americans who ever lived. If you would do some homework you might find out.

  4. Anonymous11:10 PM

    If all Confederate Monuments are removed, will negro crime go down? will negro IQ go up? will negro fathers stay in the home? will negro test scores improve? will negros quit killing negros at alarming rates?

  5. If all the confederate monuments went down, would anonymoids gain names and a face?

  6. Anonymous11:36 PM

    “Robert E. Lee is one of the greatest americans who ever lived. If you would do some homework you might find out.”

    Robert E. Lee was a traitor to America. That makes it hard for him to be one of the greatest Americans who ever lived.

    And he LOST, by the way. Statues dedicated to Lee are just very large “participation trophies” for racists.

  7. Jack Ketch11:53 PM

    Ghosts. Don't forget to look under your bed for monsters. Hint...they're all white, too. Boo!
    Get a life, dude.

  8. Anonymous12:51 AM

    Russian hooker admits making up the Trump collusion story in return for Mueller springing her from jail in Thailand:

    This is the end of the line for "muh Russia!"  It's also the end of the line for Mueller.

  9. I don't know what he was thinking when he ran for governor with these kinds of skeletons in his closet, or whether he would be worthwhile in the job as the person he is now, but I do know that there are a bunch of people who worked their asses off to get him elected who are now regretting all of that work and effort on his behalf and may think twice about that level of participation in the future.
    Dude needs to apologize to them and his state and go the fuck away.

    -Doug in Oakland

  10. Anonymous1:39 AM

    Northam shouldn't have to resign because of a hilariously stupid picture from 35 years ago. The people of Virginia elected him governor because of what he is today: A disingenuous liberal liar who panders to the fears black people and the conceits of white people.

    He's a scumbag who won election by accusing his Republican opponent of being racist. He ran that ridiculous campaign ad that showed two MAGA hat wearing yahoos running down brown children in a pickup truck. He's a real piece of shit, but that's what a majority of Virginians wants their governor to be.

  11. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:47 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Robert E. Lee is one of the greatest americans who ever lived. If you would do some homework you might find out."

    11:07 PM

    I've done a lot of home work on Robert E. Lee and the Civil War in general. Robert E. Lee was a traitor to his country. His lame excuse was that his first loyalty was to Virginia not to the United States. He took up arms against his country and by so doing caused the deaths of thousands of Americans on both sides of the conflict. How anyone can venerate this man is beyond ludicrous.

    BTW, my grandfather fought in the Civil War for the Union.

  12. Anonymous2:03 AM

    "He's a scumbag who won election by accusing his Republican opponent of being racist. He ran that ridiculous campaign ad that showed two MAGA hat wearing yahoos running down brown children in a pickup truck. He's a real piece of shit, but that's what a majority of Virginians wants their governor to be."

    To be fair, his Republican opponent was racist. That doesn't stop being true, whatever this old picture says about Northam.

  13. "Robert E. Lee was a traitor to America."

    No, he was a loyalist to his state.

    Prior to the Civil War, America was a collection of sovereign states joined together in a voluntary union. Up until then, it was assumed a state had the right to leave that union should the people decide remaining was no longer tenable. The Confederacy adopted a constitution in line with the founding principles of America, and they considered themselves to be the preservers of of the original spirit of federalism.

    I grew up as a Northerner, and my ancestors fought for the union. I always dismissed Southerner's claims that the war was not about slavery, but about the sovereign rights of states. Slavery was an evil that should have been addressed in 1789 instead of 1860, but the South had a point about the preservation of the concept of federalism. I believe that absent the war, slavery would have been abolished within a generation, and probably in a way that would have given blacks a more satisfactory restitution, and America a more lasting resolution.

    Robert E. Lee was an honorable man and a great leader who played a pivotal role in American history, and I think he deserves to be memorialized.

  14. Anonymous2:09 AM

    "To be fair, his Republican opponent was racist."

    Because he dressed up in blackface and/or klan uniforms?

  15. Anonymous2:37 AM

    Jussie Smollett update: He did not/does not have broken ribs and he was not hospitalized.

    None of the video surveillance from the area shows any evidence of an attack.

    He still won't let the CPD see his phone.

    He still had his Subway sandwich when he returned to his apartment.

    Amazing how wrong the reporting has been.

  16. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Blacks love chicken - why deny it? It just makes you look stupid. Like everything else you write.

    P.S. - Tom Brady is the motherfuckin' MAN!

  17. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Once this Jussie Smollett incident is exposed for the hoax that it is, watch how fast people like Foolish Negro drop it.

    It'll be like it never happened.

  18. Anonymous6:42 AM

    And it never did.

  19. Anonymous7:39 AM

    YOU (GOD) have won again!!! Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that HE is LORD. GOD will fight the battle.

  20. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Know Ye this after the devil finish using you; he WILL turn on you.

  21. Anonymous8:09 AM

    “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both..."

    -Matthew 6:24

  22. Anonymous8:31 AM

    But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

    -Matthew 6:33

  23. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Stop killing babies Pharoah!

  24. A typical U.K. reaction to last night's football game.

  25. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Good read right on point Field.

  26. PilotX said...
    I can take this either way. 1. He remains in office and to prove he's not racist he has to remove all confederate monuments in Virginia and put a stop to all this Robert E. Lee day bullshit. 2. He steps down and my frat bro takes over and ends all that tomfoolery in Virginia

    1. Racial blackmail and manipulation is how Black Run America works.

    2. Your frat bro has got a problem:

    Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax issued a statement early Monday after an online article hinted at sexual assault allegations against him in 2004.

    The site “Big League Politics” shared a private post from a woman who said an office holder who assaulted her at the the Democratic National Convention was about to get “a very big promotion.” She says her attacker won a statewide office in 2017.

    On Monday morning, Fairfax released a tweet that said “the person reported to be making this false allegation first approached the Washington Post ... after being presented with facts consistent with the Lt. Governor’s denial of the allegation, the absence of any evidence corroborating the allegation, and significant red flags and inconsistencies with the allegation, the Post made the considered decision to not publish the story.”

    "Red flags" with story about a Democrat, but nothing fishy in Nathan Phillips’ wild tales, or anything anyone said about Kavanaugh, Roy Moore or Trump.

    The Washington Post spends $5 million on an ad touting the importance of journalism, but it can’t spend 5 minutes doing actual reporting.

    Credibility Dies in Bias

  27. Anonymous11:15 AM

    The continual Negro plague on America.

  28. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Real news doesn't have to spend $5 million on a Superbowl ad to tell you it's real news

  29. Fairfax denied claims of sex assault. We gonna get another fake/non existent Ellison video showing proof the assault never occurred?

  30. Wingnut double standard- Drumpf is a known/proven racist and has been his entire life. Get him to quit? Hell no, HRC had emails.

    How many times has Drumpf lied/changed his stories about his history of racism? Too fucki9ng many to count, for sure.

  31. Brett Kavanaugh11:42 AM

    "Fairfax denied claims of sex assault."

    Oh, I guess that settles it.

  32. The Amazon Post11:44 AM

    "How many times has Drumpf lied/changed his stories about his history of racism?"


    Maybe you can name one?

  33. Who can this racist POS be?

    None other than Mitchie the racist McCTurtle.


    Need moar?

  35. Washington “Democracy Dies in Darkness” Post isn’t even running a story, twelve hours *after the unfairly accused politician issued a public denial*.

    There are distinctions between the Fairfax and Kavanaugh accusations—but every one of those distinctions shades towards reporting the Fairfax accusation and spiking the Kavanaugh ones:

    * Fairfax accuser identifies time and place with specificity
    * Fairfax accuser shares Fairfax’s politics
    * Fairfax accuser immediately identified herself
    * Fairfax allegations not done at the direction of political opposition

    I don’t think that’s enough to report, but it's a hell of lot more than they had with Kavanaugh.

    I can’t emphasize the political smear motivation angle enough. Senate Judiciary Committee has a marvelous procedure for investigating salacious claims without exposing accusers or accused to a circus. Many candidates withdraw when investigation done. Dems went with circus at expense of Ford.

    That was a hugely cynical demonstration that the Democrats didn’t believe a single word of the allegation and didn’t remotely care about the issue. They just wanted to smear Kavanaugh and knew regular procedures would not accomplish that. And the media happily helped.

  36. Fairfax isn't up for a lifetime appointment he is unqualified for.

    There will be no senate vote to save his ass regardless of guilt or innocent.

    The stakes are much lower overall.

    As for details from the alleged victim, see Gennifer flowers recollections of a long term affair with Bill Clinton that started in a Little Rock hotel years before the hotel was built. Or the woman who signed 2 affidavits claiming Bill Clinton did not rape her, claiming years later Bill Clinton raped her.

  37. Senate gave FBI 72 hours to investigate Anita Hill's accusations against Uncle Tom Thomas. 72 fucking hours.

    For Kavernmouth the did not interview the defendent or the accuser and skipped the most relevant witnesses due to orders from Drumpf. Fuck you whining wingnuts.

    Wingnut voters are why we can't have nice things in America.

  38. Michael Moore enlightened me that Northam was pushed by many because he was a "moderate Democrat" and theoretically capable of winning over Virginia Republicans on the way to the governor's office. He defeated a more clearly progressive candidate. Now that "moderation" has come back to bite the party.

    Then Charles Pierce at Esquire pointed out the timing of Notham's exposure. It wasn't an accident that Northam had fought for a woman's right to choose and infuriated Virginia conservatives before the yearbook page saw the light of day. Chances were they were sitting on it until the right time. Pierce says we shouldn't underestimate the ratfucking mentality of Republicans, which did away with Fannie Mae and a few compromised Democrats in the past. They get into every Democrat's trash, try to find dirt, and the wait for the best time to go public. They didn't give a shit about the racism, they just knew it was a good card to hold until the right time.

  39. I don't think it's the GOP. If so the best time would have been right before the election ensuring their candidate's victory. Blah folks were leery of Northam to begin with when he left Fairfax (06!) off his official campaign literature. This smells like something else.

  40. Anonymous1:54 PM

    “Then Charles Pierce at Esquire pointed out the timing of Notham's exposure. It wasn't an accident that Northam had fought for a woman's right to choose and infuriated Virginia conservatives before the yearbook page saw the light of day. Chances were they were sitting on it until the right time.”

    I doubt it had anything to do with the abortion bill. You’re telling me that Republicans are completely fine with a Democratic governor, but only until he is in a position to sign that bill? C’mon, no they’re not. There is never a day when the GOP would not want to drive a Democrat out of office.

    My guess is that this wingnut website only recently acquired this photo of Northam. Otherwise, they’d have used it before the election. Same with the (unproven) assault allegation against Fairfax.

  41. Anonymous2:22 PM

    "It wasn't an accident that Northam had fought for a woman's right to choose and infuriated Virginia conservatives before the yearbook page saw the light of day."

    It wasn't an accident that the photo stayed under wraps through the general election when those conservatives could have used it to win, and ONLY came to light when

    (a) attention needed to be deflected from abortion comments, and
    (b) there was a chance to put a radical leftist in the governor's mansion.

    The conservatives thought the picture was too vague to be credible, and thought they were being "decent" by not trying to use it.  Progressives have no scruples whatsoever and will use anything, even create hoaxes.  Progressives live by lies.

  42. "The conservatives thought the picture was too vague to be credible, and thought they were being "decent" by not trying to use it."


    1. Nah, they know they have the same pictures in their yearbooks they're trying to hide😂

    2. Anonymous3:44 PM

      I know, right?!! I didn’t read past the part where Republicans were supposedly “being decent.” I fell out of my chair laughing after that.

      We’re talking about the same party that just shut down the government, punishing government workers and anyone who needs federal services, in an attempt to extort Democrats into building a pointless wall so America can be more racist? (And Trump is now threatening to pull some new outrage if he doesn’t get his wall.)

      And the same party that spent eight years claiming Obama wasn’t really an American citizen, but was probably a secret America-hating Muslim jihadi?

      “Decent” doesn’t appear anywhere in the Republican playbook.

  43. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Dems are the party of grifters, rapists, pedophiles, tranny bathrooms, infanticide, racial antagonism, and white genocide. They don't know what "decent" is.

    Republicans are the stupid party, who can't even find the most politically damaging yearbook picture in history.

    Democrats are the evil party.

  44. Fairfax accuser also wasn't date rape drugged like Blasey Ford.


    Wasicu judge and wasicu defendant. Lets blame the victims

  46. Anonymous4:38 PM

    The Washington Post spends $5 million on an ad touting the importance of journalism, but it can’t spend 5 minutes doing actual reporting."

    The post didn't report on the allegation against Fairfax because it was entirely uncorroborated. In fact, not only did no one witness the events in question, but the accuser never even mentioned it to anyone else at the time. This only came up after Fairfax got elected. Of course, this does not prove her accusations were false. There is just not much to prove they are true.

    The wingnut media outlet that broke this story obviously has a different journalistic standard -- i.e., if it will damage a Democrat, they publish it.

    And please don't come back at me about blah blah Kavanaugh blah blah double standards. I personally had big objections to the Democrats' Senate examination of the allegations against Kavanaugh. (Mainly, they were ancient history, and therefore the likelihood of resolving them with any degree of confidence was always near zero. And the Senate has no business in any event making itself the finder of fact in an attempted rape case; we have criminal courts for that purpose.)

  47. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:42 PM

    2:07 AM said:
    I grew up as a Northerner, and my ancestors fought for the union. I always dismissed Southerner's claims that the war was not about slavery, but about the sovereign rights of states. Slavery was an evil that should have been addressed in 1789 instead of 1860, but the South had a point about the preservation of the concept of federalism. I believe that absent the war, slavery would have been abolished within a generation, and probably in a way that would have given blacks a more satisfactory restitution, and America a more lasting resolution.

    Robert E. Lee was an honorable man and a great leader who played a pivotal role in American history, and I think he deserves to be memorialized.

    Nope, Robert E. Lee was a traitor who took up arms against his country. You may believe that hogwash regarding the Civil being about states rights, but you will find that not very many believe you. The war, as is the case in all wars, was about economics. Powerful, wealthy southerners needed slave labor in order to maintain their prosperity. In addition, they were afraid of the growing industrial wealth and power in the north. So they decided to create their own country free from those pesky northerners who wanted to abolish slavery.

  48. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:45 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Jussie Smollett update: He did not/does not have broken ribs and he was not hospitalized.

    None of the video surveillance from the area shows any evidence of an attack.

    He still won't let the CPD see his phone.

    He still had his Subway sandwich when he returned to his apartment.

    Amazing how wrong the reporting has been."

    2:37 AM
    So please tell us how you know all this. Were you there? Were you tailing Jessie?

  49. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:49 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "The continual Negro plague on America."

    11:15 AM

    Gambler2 says, The continual Nazi, wh1te-nationalist plague on America.

  50. Dems are the party of grifters

    Snowgrif5t Snoozy Palin and Barstool Palin are lock step stoopid fucking wingnut grifters. The whole Drumpf family are grifters.

  51. Ghosts of racism's past wear Magat hats and confederate flags and are lily white.

  52. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Gambler2 says, The continual Nazi, wh1te-nationalist plague on America.

    If they're so nasty, why not split off a part of the USA and just let them have it to run as they want without any non-whites, and never bother you again?

    Or is the whole point to force them live with, work for and suffer the dysfunctions of non-whites?

  53. Anonymous6:32 PM

    "If they're so nasty, why not split off a part of the USA and just let them have it to run as they want without any non-whites, and never bother you again?"

    Why does the rest of the USA owe you dysfunctional nutjobs anything? Whom do you expect to hand you free land so you can build your Whitopia, anyway?

    Why don't you just move to a whiter country, like Iceland or Ukraine or something?

    Or, you could grow up and learn to play nice with others, like big boys. That is always an option, you know.

  54. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:42 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said:
    "Gambler2 says, The continual Nazi, wh1te-nationalist plague on America.

    If they're so nasty, why not split off a part of the USA and just let them have it to run as they want without any non-whites, and never bother you again?

    Or is the whole point to force them live with, work for and suffer the dysfunctions of non-whites?"

    Since you and people who think like you are a small minority, why don't you all leave? Go buy an island somewhere and leave us normal people in peace?

  55. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:46 PM

    Mike from Iowa said:

    "Ghosts of racism's past wear Magat hats and confederate flags and are lily white."

    Yes, Mike. I wish they would all go away and leave us normal people alone. All they do is perpetuate hate and evil.

  56. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Since you and people who think like you are a small minority, why don't you all leave?

    And go where, and upset the people who already live there who don't want what we want either?  The United States of America is OUR COUNTRY.  It's the work of our ancestors and is our rightful inheritance.  Up until 1948 we could keep blacks and Mexicans and Chinese and whatnot out of our neighborhoods and didn't have to hire them if we didn't want to.

    That started disappearing 71 years ago by Supreme Court fiat.  We'd love to get it back so we can just be left in peace.  If we're a "tiny minority" then it wouldn't even need a very big chunk of land to just let us move to it and leave us be, would it?

    You really don't like the idea of "racists" being left in peace, do you?  I think you know that it wouldn't be a "tiny minority" after all, and that is what really scares you.

  57. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:02 PM

    From the front page of today's Talking Points Memo

    Texas’ Bogus Noncitizen Voter List Included Naturalized Elections Staffer

  58. N.P. Character7:03 PM

    "All they do is perpetuate hate and evil."

    Agreed. I sure hate those evil people who don't have normal opinions.

  59. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:52 PM

    1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
    2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
    3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
    4. Supremacy of the Military
    5. Rampant Sexism
    6. Controlled Mass Media
    7. Religion and Government are Intertwined
    8. Corporate Power is Protected
    9. Labor Power is Suppressed
    10. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
    11. Obsession with Crime and Punishment
    12. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
    13. Fraudulent Elections
    14. Obsession with Crime and Punishment

    Looks like Trump is using this as his play book, especially items one, Two, and twelve.

  60. Hey Field, check this! The Minister is a Que!😂

  61. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Robert E. Lee in 2020 Granny Mud Shark you ain't normal. None of you lefty commies with low IQs are normal.

  62. Viva la resistance8:40 PM

    Anon @ 8:21 is a prime example of the uneducated that trump loves.

  63. Fidel Castro8:42 PM

    Robert E. Lee was a commie traitor anybody who supports traitors is obviously a commie too.

  64. Vladimir Putin8:44 PM

    Robert E. Lee was responsible for more American deaths than any foreign general thus we love him.

  65. Bloviating Ignoramus9:00 PM

    I have lived with diversity my entire life and feel very much enriched by it. Things are different now than they were in the 60s 70s and even 80s. Back trhen My diverse group of friends and I have always been rather uninhibited with ethnic humor. I like to think the intent was to trivialize the differences between us. No question this can be a treacherous slope and can easily give rise to misunderstandings unless there is sufficient familiarity between those involved. And you have to be prepared to be on the receiving end and not get all sensitive. In keeping with that principle I supported Jesse Jackson for president and continued to even after his own infamous Hymietown remark. Sadly things are different now and we have all become hypersensitive and at each others throats.

    As for Northam, he has beclowned himself with his Butt Trumpet-esque denial just after profusely apologizing, and as such has blown whatever chance he had at redemption.

  66. George9:29 PM

    "I supported Jesse Jackson for president and continued to even after his own infamous Hymietown remark."

    Some Diversities are more equal than others.

  67. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Wow the 80 IQ crowd is real stoopid tonight. Must be due to Black Hysteria Mumf???

  68. Anonymous10:04 PM

    George Washington Carver invented peanut butter.

  69. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:05 PM

    Anonymous ssid:

    "...States of America is OUR COUNTRY. It's the work of our ancestors and is our rightful inheritance."
    And the work of millions of black slaves was nothing? Their descendants have no right to their "rightful inheritance"? Chinese immigrants did most of the work building the transcontinental railroad, but their descendants have no right to be here? I could go on, but I think you get my point.

    Here's a news flash for you: white people were not the only group of people who built the United States of America.

  70. Anonymous11:11 PM

    "And the work of millions of black slaves was nothing? Their descendants have no right to their "rightful inheritance"? Chinese immigrants did most of the work building the transcontinental railroad, but their descendants have no right to be here? "

    Don't forget the mules. They did a lot of work too.

  71. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:11 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Robert E. Lee in 2020 Granny Mud Shark you ain't normal. None of you lefty commies with low IQs are normal."

    Well Honey, you may be wrong, and you may be right. I guess you'll just have to live with it. LOL

    You can always chose to stop coming to this blog if it bothers you a lot.

  72. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Anonymous Viva la resistance said...

    "Anon @ 8:21 is a prime example of the uneducated that trump loves."

    8:40 PM

    Yeah. Sad isn't it?

  73. Washington Post on Fairfax:

    “The woman described a sexual encounter that began with consensual kissing and ended with a forced act that left her crying and shaken,” The Washington Post reported. “She said Fairfax guided her to the bed, where they continued kissing, and then at one point she realized she could not move her neck. She said Fairfax used his strength to force her to perform oral sex.”

    I guess you gotta keep Governor Klan Kostume in office.

  74. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:20 PM

    Anonymous said:

    "Don't forget the mules. They did a lot of work too."

    11:11 PM

    Blatant non sequitur, or was this an attempt at humor?

  75. So now it's the year of the pig, so live it up Pig People, this is your time to shine.

    -Doug in Oakland

  76. Anonymous12:53 AM

    “Blatant non sequitur, or was this an attempt at humor?”

    Standard Nazi humor. He’s saying blacks didn’t count as people who built our nation, because blacks were never people at all, just livestock. Same junk he always posts.

  77. Anonymous4:29 AM

    99.9 % of all white people are racist. indicated by the zip codes in which they live.

    Remember....racists are judged by what they do....and not by what they say.

  78. Anonymous4:32 AM

    The reason why Blacks are perpetually taken advantage of all over the world is because they are the most
    "FORGIVING" AND "TRUSTING" race of people.

    It is for this reason that whites are known as "MASTER DECEIVERS" and blacks will continue to be taken advantage of by them.

  79. Anonymous4:37 AM


  80. GrannyStandingforTruth5:24 AM

    Hi Field,
    It’s exhausting scrolling through your comment section to avoid reading the Stephen Miller clones, who flock to your blog like flies, hateful comments. I love Twitter’s block and mute button. It’s a useful tool when you want to filter out ignorance.

    My visits are sporadic, so I guess it doesn’t matter. Just thinking it’d be nice to be able to read comments of those who contribute intelligent discourse without having to wade through endless derogatory B.S.

  81. Anonymous7:38 AM

    To anon 10:04 pm......And George Jefferson owned a dry cleaning store. Wakanda Forever !

  82. Hey Granny! Flew over your town a few times. 😆

  83. "Just thinking it’d be nice to be able to read comments of those who contribute intelligent discourse without having to wade through endless derogatory B.S."

    There's a way to do it and even keep free speech going. Just let trusted posters post freely and if you're a racist or an anon your comments get filtered so you have to click on them to read. I do it just to hear the howls of the trolls. Gotta have a dream right?

  84. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:40 AM

    PilotX said,

    "Just thinking it’d be nice to be able to read comments of those who contribute intelligent discourse without having to wade through endless derogatory B.S."

    I'm with you PilotX. I think this is a great idea. Set it up so that we have to click on the racists' rants if we want to read them. It's a waste of time to read them anyway.

  85. Moar recent ghosts coming back to bite lying colluder Drumpfuck in the gonads.

    Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Bring back the smart black guy to replace the repulsive stoopid fucking wasicu wastey moron.


    Don't want kids learning fairness in a capitalist world.

  87. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Is it racist to do whiteface? Wayans Bros., Eddie Murphy, etc. Is a film White Men Can't Jump racist?

  88. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:55 AM

    Anonymous said,
    Here's a news flash for you: white people were not the only group of people who built the United States of America.

    Why do you stop at "people"? Horses and oxen were indispensible until the steam engine came along, and had major roles where there weren't any blacks at all. What about THEIR "inheritance"?"

    I see you do not respond well to logic and employ the usual racist's tricks with changes to the argument. So not wishing to 'cast pearls before swine' any longer, there's just one more Point I want to make. Let me remind you that in the last hundred years and two world wars, white people killed over sixty-million mostly, white people. And you and your fellow white supremacists have the audacity to come here and whine about how terrible black people are.

  89. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:03 PM

    From the front page of this morning's Daily Beast

    Florida Man Murdered His Wife—Then Whacked Her Whole Family: Police

    Shelby John Nealy allegedly impersonated his slain wife in text messages for nearly a year.

    BTW, Shelby John Nealy is white.

  90. "Just thinking it’d be nice to be able to read comments of those who contribute intelligent discourse without having to wade through endless derogatory B.S."

    But you don't HAVE to read the whole comment when you find the same tired bullshit repeated over and over and again and again, and if it's some new bullshit, I kind of want to know about it, because I'll probably be dealing with it in the future and I'll probably want to spend 30 seconds or so finding out what the truth of the matter is so I can whack down the trolls if for some reason I feel like doing so.

    -Doug in Oakland

  91. Anonymous3:53 PM

    May all you nigger lovers on here soon experience the joys of diversity as this coon coddler did. At least he picked up a paycheck for doing it. You cuckolds and the coalburner on here are what the commie jew Karl Marx coined "the useful idiot."

  92. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:48 PM

    Anonymous at 3:53PM

    From the front page of this morning's Daily Beast

    Florida Man Murdered His Wife—Then Whacked Her Whole Family: Police

    Shelby John Nealy allegedly impersonated his slain wife in text messages for nearly a year.

    BTW, Shelby John Nealy is white.

    Why don't all you Nazi lovers go to storm front or some other shit-for-brains, right-wing site? You are wasting your time here. This site is for people who use their brains to actually think.

  93. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:56 PM

    Anonymous 3:53 PM said...

    "May all you nigger lovers on here soon experience the joys of diversity..."
    And may all you Nazis enjoy your stays in prison.

    Not wishing to 'cast pearls before swine;' Let me remind you that in the last hundred years and two world wars, white people killed over sixty-million mostly other white people. And you and your fellow white supremacists have the audacity to come here and whine about how terrible black people are.

  94. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Jungle Bunny Lead Poisons Step-Brudah To Deff Over Plate Of Food At Super Bowl Party


    Alabama cop got to murder another brother. No charges filed against cop. Go figure.

  96. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Hey Gambler2 ASKA White Woman AKA mudshark:

    Go take this nigger in ALL 3 of your holes.

    Negro arrested after sexually assaulting woman w/ disabilities he met on Tinder

  97. Anonymous5:51 PM

    This is why niggers belong in cages:

    Sow arrested after exposing herself near Oklahoma City library

  98. GrannyStandingforTruth6:08 PM

    Hey Pilot,

    How are you? Good to see your fonts.

    Usually, when I stop by, I scroll until I see the names of people that I know have something intelligent and worthwhile reading. There are certain people on here that I like reading comments.

    My spirit is sensitive and picks up on bad spirits. A vile spirit is not a good feeling. It's like being deprived of oxygen. I wonder how long it will be before their hate consumes their body with cancer or some deadly illness. When the head is sick, the whole body is sick.

    Many of the people that used to post on here follow me on Twitter. It is my hope and prayer that they’ll all return and post again on Field’s blog. I’d love to see his blog return to its former state. The conversations back in those days were enlightening, informative, and edifying.

    Having to scroll through Stormfront, Stephen Miller clones dumping their insecure, angry, poisonous, racist, hateful, negative, ignorant rants in the comment sections is exhausting. I don’t care if they like me or not as long as they stay on their side of the fence and don’t mess with me or mine. They don’t have to worry about me coming to dinner. Unlike them I don’t hang around people I don’t like or force myself on them and invade their space. The way I see it this world is big enough for both of us to live in without invading each other’s space. Live and let live.

    Hello Gambler2ASKA White Woman,

    I love your style and enjoy reading your post. You bring an intelligent discourse to the table and a good dose of truth.

  99. Anonymous6:30 PM

    'Scientific racism' is one of the dumbest terms I've ever heard, but it's also brilliant. It just proves that the word 'racist' is nothing more than a meaningless smear, when scientific facts can prove the points that 'racists' are making, they just brand it as such.

    'Racist' is an anti-intellectual term used in a pathetic attempt to discredit anyone who dares touch upon truths that invalidate the puritanical views of liberalism. They just dismiss these findings as 'racist' and never bother trying to refute it.

    Calling someone a 'racist' when they tell the truth about certain taboo issues that challenge the orthodoxy of racial Marxism is the modern day version of calling people 'heretics'.

  100. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:31 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous 5:06 PM said...

    "Hey Gambler2 ASKA White Woman AKA mudshark:"

    Fuck you, idiot. Go away. No one wants you here.

  101. GrannyStandingforTruth6:31 PM

    Hi Doug,

    I don't even attempt to read any of their comments. It vexes my spirit. I want to keep the other side of me under control. It's too much work involved in repenting and cleansing my spirit. LOL. Usually,when I see Anony as the author I keep it moving.

    Btw, I like reading yours, PilotX, and Mikes'comments, and Field's topics. Field grabs my attention the way he masterfully presents a case.

  102. Anonymous6:55 PM

    "'Scientific racism' is one of the dumbest terms I've ever heard, but it's also brilliant. It just proves that the word 'racist' is nothing more than a meaningless smear, when scientific facts can prove the points that 'racists' are making, they just brand it as such."

    No, it just proves that science progresses, and views of the world that were once believed to be factual (or at least possible) are later shown to be totally wrong. This is fundamentally how science works!

    Certain scientists once believed all objects contained a substance called "phlogiston," and if an object caught on fire, that hot, red stuff we call "flames" was just the phlogiston escaping, like air leaking out of a balloon. But it turned out there's no such thing as phlogiston.

    Certain scientists also once believed you could determine a person's criminal tendencies by measuring the dimensions of their head (phrenology). But that turned out to be junk, too; psychology and head dimensions aren't related.

    For a long list of other disproven scientific theories, see superseded theories in science.

    You are determined to believe in a disproven theory of human biology from the 19th century that got tossed on the scrap heap along with phlogiston and phrenology. You believe in this failed theory, not because there is real evidence to support it, but because of your own personality disorder -- it makes you feel good to be told you are superior to people who don't look like you.

  103. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:55 PM

    Anonymous GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    "Having to scroll through Stormfront, Stephen Miller clones dumping their insecure, angry, poisonous, racist, hateful, negative, ignorant rants in the comment sections is exhausting. I don’t care if they like me or not as long as they stay on their side of the fence and don’t mess with me or mine. They don’t have to worry about me coming to dinner. Unlike them I don’t hang around people I don’t like or force myself on them and invade their space. The way I see it this world is big enough for both of us to live in without invading each other’s space. Live and let live.

    Hello Gambler2ASKA White Woman,

    I love your style and enjoy reading your post. You bring an intelligent discourse to the table and a good dose of truth."

    Thank you for the kind words. I feel pretty much like you do. I wish they would all go back to their own kind and post their poison there. I know they are miserable people. No one who feels good about themselves can spread hate and lies the way they do. But sometimes I feel compelled to answer them. I've been standing up for truth and justice all of my life, and at 82, it's probably too late to change now. Once again, thank you!

  104. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:20 PM

    Mormon Church filmmaker admits to sexually assaulting young boy — and the church did little in response

    *****************I guess you know the perp. is white.

  105. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

    I just love when an over-inflated boot-lipped boon eats my poosay:

    Girl says ex-corrections officer abducted, sexually assaulted, and threatened to shoot her

  106. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:15 PM

    Anonymous Who Doesn't Have the Balls to Post with a Screen Name Said:

    "I just love when an over-inflated boot-lipped boon eats my poosay:

    Girl says ex-corrections officer abducted, sexually assaulted, and threatened to shoot her"

    ROTF LMAO. I am laughing at your pitiful attempt to insult me. Don't you know that I don't give a rat's ass what you think of me? Your opinion means nothing. Have a nice night!

  107. Anonymous8:15 PM

    We are so lucky Gambler2 ASKA White Woman is here help black people understand this big, complex world we live in. She always knows just what she is supposed to say.

  108. DNA isn't real8:23 PM

    "No, it just proves that science progresses, and views of the world that were once believed to be factual (or at least possible) are later shown to be totally wrong. This is fundamentally how science works!'

    Yes! Just like how we used to believe in evolution, but now we Know there are absolutely no differences between human populations and all people, no matter how distantly related, have exactly the same abilities and predilections.

  109. The Trumpening8:28 PM

    It's very sad and hard to believe that we have an American president having to fight an American government to protect American citizens.

    Things need to change.

  110. Anonymous8:34 PM

    What did the ghost say?

  111. You know how I know the woman accusing Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax of sexual assault is telling the truth? The day after it happened, she put a second front door on her house.

  112. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Let me remind you that in the last hundred years and two world wars, white people killed over sixty-million mostly, white people.

    There were at least 100 million (and maybe as many as 161 million) killed in Communist democides alone in the 20th century, so what are you leaving out here?

    At least 45 million of those were Chinese killed by Chinese (Communists).'s_Republic_of_China

    At least 15 million and more likely 20 million or more killed in the Soviet Union.  There's your 65 million right there, and we haven't mentioned ONE white perpetrator (Chinese are not white and the Jewish heads of the Bolshevik regime did not consider themselves white).

    You've been shot down on your claims of how the Chinese built California and blacks built everything else, writing Americans out of the history of America.  You do not respond well to logic and employ the usual "progressive" tricks with changes to the argument.  The facts about the genocide in Rwanda and the one about to happen in South Africa are beyond dispute, including that the perps are 100% black.  Still, you and your fellow "progressives" and "anti-racists" have the audacity to whine about how terrible white people are.

    If white people are as horrible as you claim, why haven't you at least removed your own sorry self to atone for your existence?  Maybe you can will your house to some illegal aliens and take one last shot at the society which birthed you and created everything worthwhile around you, you ungrateful wretch.

  113. Anonymous9:29 PM

    5 million people off food stamps. Millions of jobs added. Economy growing almost twice as fast as 2017. Wages rising. Unemployment at historic lows for minorities, women and disabled.

    Democrats don't applaud.

    But they really care about everyday Americans.

  114. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:41 PM

    The Trumpening said...

    "It's very sad and hard to believe that we have an American president having to fight an American government to protect American citizens.

    Things need to change."


    Things are changing. Democrats now control the House of Representatives, and it's going to be a bumpy ride for liar Trump.

  115. Anonymous9:44 PM

    "Immigrants have to come here legally."

    Only half the room stands and applauds.

  116. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:45 PM

    Anonymous said, (Speaking of Gambler2)

    "........She always knows just what she is supposed to say."

    Yup, she speaks the truth.

  117. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:11 PM

    Anonymous said:
    "There were at least 100 million (and maybe as many as 161 million) killed in Communist democides alone in the 20th century, so what are you leaving out here?"

    Didn't think about that. So now it's Over 200 million killed by whites. You just strengthened my point. Thanks.

    Then Anonymous said:
    "You've been shot down on your claims of how the Chinese built California and blacks built everything else, writing Americans out of the history of America."

    Either you are a liar or you can't read very well. In my post I did not claim that the Chinese built California - this is ludicrous. I said the Chines played a big role in building the trans Continental railroad (historical fact). Nor did I say that Blacks built everything else. I simply pointed out the contribution of Blacks to the economy of the south during slavery (also an historical face). And I said nothing to write whites out of history.

    BTW" Did you ever attend school? You reading comprehension is really, really bad.

  118. Fuck heroin, and fuck the way people who are high on it behave.

    -Doug in Oakland

  119. Welcome to trump's America where it's cool once again to insult people of color and fear monger about foreigners. Some like it this way. Maybe the next president can bring us together. Right President Harris?😂

  120. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:18 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Immigrants have to come here legally."

    Only half the room stands and applauds.

    9:44 PM

    Yeah, it looks just like it did when Obama gave his State of the Union addresses. Only it's a different side of the room that is standing up - the Republicans. When Obama spoke, the Republicans sat on their hands and the Democrats stood up.

  121. Anonymous10:26 PM

    “5 million people off food stamps. Millions of jobs added. Economy growing almost twice as fast as 2017. Wages rising. Unemployment at historic lows for minorities, women and disabled.

    Democrats don't applaud.”

    Why should they? Trump has done his utmost over 2 years with his idiotic trade policy to wreck the already-good economy he inherited. Should they applaud the fact he hasn’t successfully wrecked it yet?

    Or maybe they should applaud the fact that his shitty tax cut has shifted a lot of the wealth generated by that healthy economy OUT of the pockets of poor and middle class people and INTO the pockets of the rich? Nope, I don’t think they’ll be clapping for that, either.

  122. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Democrats hate jobs.

  123. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:41 PM

    PilotX said:
    Welcome to trump's America where it's cool once again to insult people of color and fear monger about foreigners. Some like it this way. Maybe the next president can bring us together. Right President Harris?😂

    I like the way you think, PilotX. In the latest Move On poll of Democrats' preferences, she is in the lead.

  124. From Taegan Goddard:

    “The investment firm founded by the chairman of Donald Trump’s inaugural committee, Tom Barrack, developed a plan to profit off its connections to the incoming administration and foreign dignitaries,” according to a confidential memo obtained by ProPublica.

    From the memo: “The key is to strategically cultivate domestic and international relations while avoiding any appearance of lobbying.”

    -Doug in Oakland

  125. Butthead12:05 AM

    Democrats hate jobs.
    Anonymous trolls hate thinking.

  126. Millions of people tossed off welfre so stoopid fucking wingnuts could use that money to pay for koch bros taxcuts, not because the economy floated poor people's boats.

    Unemployment for blacks and latinos rose last year. Why? Because Drumpf does nothing for POC except take credit for policies that have been working for years.

    How much has the deficit and debt grown under Drumpf? Why didn't he tell you the facts of life- his taxcuts for the koch bros benefited only the koch bros.

  127. Anonymous12:06 PM

    What is the controversy here???

  128. Anonymous12:17 PM

    I said the Chines played a big role in building the trans Continental railroad (historical fact).

    You said, and I quote, "Chinese immigrants did most of the work building the transcontinental railroad".  That is a falsehood.  Chinese were only employed on (a) less than 39% of the mileage of (b) one small segment of the US rail network that (c) already extended from the east coast all the way to Omaha when the final segment was begun.  It is 1153 miles from Omaha to Baltimore, 1242 miles to NYC.

    Further, you have changed your position without admitting it and both positions are false to fact.  That makes you a liar.

    I simply pointed out the contribution of Blacks to the economy of the south during slavery (also an historical face). [sic]

    A contribution overwhelmed by everything they have destroyed since 1865.

    And I said nothing to write whites out of history.

    You refused to mention them while attributing their work on the TCRR to Chinese.  Liar liar support hose on fire!

    You [sic] reading comprehension is really, really bad.

    So ironic for this to come from someone who is so upset she can't even use the correct possessive pronoun.

    It's possible that you have more schooling than I do, but there's no question that I got more and better education than you did.  I am smart and educated enough to disbelieve the equalist propaganda machine.  You aren't.

  129. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Millions of people tossed off welfre

    Let's toss 2/3 of blacks off of SNAP so that they stop consuming 3 times their share.  We can do the same for public health insurance and get rid of TANF entirely.  THEN the system will be fair!

  130. Anonymous12:39 PM

    What is racist about the pics??

  131. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:45 PM

    Anonymous said...

    I said the Chines played a big role in building the trans Continental railroad (historical fact).

    You said, and I quote, "Chinese immigrants did most of the work building the transcontinental railroad". That is a falsehood.

    *****************Gambler2 replies:
    The railroad began in Sacramento, California and there was already a relatively large Chinese population in the northern part of the state, the company decided to begin recruiting Chinese laborers. These workers were willing to lay tracks in dangerous areas for extremely low pay and were also viewed as peaceful and submissive. They proved themselves to be efficient laborers, and the generally balanced diets they followed made them healthier than their Irish coworkers. By the time the Union Pacific and Central Pacific railroads met in Utah in 1869, Central Pacific had recruited thousands of additional workers directly from China. When the Transcontinental Railroad was complete, Chinese laborers made up over 90 percent of Central Pacific's workforce."

  132. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:50 PM

    Anonymous said:

    "I simply pointed out the contribution of Blacks to the economy of the south during slavery (also an historical face). [sic]

    A contribution overwhelmed by everything they have destroyed since 1865."

    Your response here is total bull, fabricated by by right-wingers with tiny minds, or did you make this up all by yourself?

  133. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:13 PM

    Anonymous said:

    "And I said nothing to write whites out of history.

    You refused to mention them while attributing their work on the TCRR to Chinese. Liar liar support hose on fire!"

    These are my exact words from my original post that got your bowles in an uproar. And I quote as follows.

    "white people were not the only group of people who built the United States of America."

    I questioned your reading comprehension because any person with normal reading comprehension would recognize that the word "only" acknowledges
    that white people also helped to build the country.

    Oh, and by-the-way, the word "you" instead of the possessive "your" was a typo. I assure you I do know the correct usage.
