Monday, March 11, 2019

Bubba the Love Sponge, a massage parlor owner, Tim Apple, and the week just started.

What a time to be an American.

The president of these divided states said that all democrats hate Jews, and he lied to us about a trivial slip of the tongue that he uttered on live television.  Throw in the fact that he was meeting with the head of the massage parlor where Robert Kraft was arrested-- she was quite possibly selling access to him to Chinese state officials--- and you have a very bizarre time in our history.

So there is a lot of craziness going on around this president, but one thing we know for sure is this: His television station will continue to support him and put out propaganda to prop him up no matter what. They will do everything in their powers to make sure that nothing can bring him down. It's no wonder that the democrats refused to have their debate on that network. Some folks say that it's a mistake, but I say what difference does it make?  A debate among democrats  won't change the mind of one single trmpnut who watches that network.

Speaking of  trump state television, it seems that a couple of their hosts have found themselves in a bit of hot water recently.

"Fox News has distanced itself from critical remarks about Islam by one of its commentators and has received calls to fire one of its primetime hosts for comments that were criticized as misogynistic, adding to renewed scrutiny of the cable news channel.

On Sunday night, the liberal activist group Media Matters for America released recordings of a variety of comments Tucker Carlson made during appearances on a radio show in which he disparaged sex workers in Florida and described women as being “primitive.”

Carlson, who joined the network in 2009, made the comments on a radio talk show hosted by “Bubba the Love Sponge” (whose real name is Todd Alan Clem) from 2006 to 2011. Carlson was a host on MSNBC from 2005 to 2008. He has also worked for CNN and PBS.

Carlson described both Oprah Winfrey and Hillary Clinton as being against men and described other women including Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan and Arianna Huffington in derogatory terms.

Shaunna Thomas, co-founder of the women’s rights group UltraViolet, called for Carlson’s removal in a statement sent to NBC News.

“Tucker Carlson is a dangerous misogynist,” Thomas said in the statement. “Carlson’s defense of domestic abusers and child rapists, and his perverted comments about young girls, are nothing short of horrifying. Unfortunately, they’re also not surprising. This report shows exactly who he is and has always been. Fox News should fire Tucker Carlson immediately.”

Fox News declined to comment. Carlson did not immediately respond to a request for comment. "

Well Tucker finally did respond, and like his buddy in the White House, he has refused to apologize for his vile behavior.

" Fox News’ Tucker Carlson on Sunday refused to apologize for a series of past comments about women and issues like statutory rape that surfaced in a YouTube compilation by Media Matters for America (MMFA).

During call-in segments on “Bubba the Love Sponge Show” between 2006 and 2011, the future Fox News host said that women enjoy being told to “be quiet and kind of do what you’re told” suggested that statutory rape isn’t like “pulling a child from a bus stop and sexually assaulting” them and described Martha Stewart’s daughter, radio and TV personality Alexis Stewart, as “c–ty.”'

In a statement on Sunday night, Carlson said, “Media Matters caught me saying something naughty on a radio show more than a decade ago.” (He sidestepped the fact that some of the highlighted comments occurred as recently as 2011.)

“Rather than express the usual ritual contrition, how about this: I’m on television every weeknight live for an hour,” Carlson continued. “If you want to know what I think, you can watch. Anyone who disagrees with my views is welcome to come on and explain why.”

Just like his pal, he is always looking for ratings. 

*Pic from


  1. Wesley R7:53 PM

    Someone needs to organize a forum with AIPAC and ask what are the exact trigger words that prompt them calling someone anti-semitic. However they would never show up, if you had the chance of watching a youtube video called 'The Lobby', you will see that AIPAC does exactly what REP.Omar said, they scream Anti-Semitic!, in order to shut down the conversations about the Israeli Government's wrong doings.

  2. Anonymous8:21 PM

    “Bubba the Love Sponge” has a real knack for getting people to disgrace themselves on tape.

    He is also the guy who invited Hulk Hogan to come over and bone his wife, and filmed it. Besides the boning of Bubba’s wife, the recording also showed Hogan saying a bunch of racist stuff about black people.

    Then said racist sex tape got leaked and published online by Gawker, and Hogan responded by suing Gawker into bankruptcy (with the vengeful financial assistance of billionaire libertarian d-bag Peter Thiel, whom Gawker had previously outed as gay.)

    A sordid affair all around.

  3. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:00 PM

    Anonymous said:
    "A sordid affair all around."

    8:21 PM

    Not surprising since everything about the Trump Crime Family is sordid.

  4. What did we expect when we elected a reality show star, which I knew was eventually going to happen just not so soon. Say hello to President Phil from Duck Dynasty in 2024😬

  5. Anonymous9:19 PM

    “Say hello to President Phil from Duck Dynasty in 2024��”

    I’m not sure who is phonier — a fake hillbilly (the entire Duck Dynasty family) or a fake “business genius” (whose chief skills are inheriting a real estate empire from his dad, and telling people they’re fired).

  6. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Not surprising since everything about the Trump Crime Family is sordid.
    9:00 PM


    1. Anonymous10:18 PM

      It's the boy who cried wolf. This is like a Geico commercial.

  7. Anonymous11:00 PM

    "It's the boy who cried wolf. This is like a Geico commercial."

    I think you mean Comcast commercial.

    This would make Trump Pinocchio.

  8. Anonymous11:07 PM

    "Carlson described both Oprah Winfrey and Hillary Clinton as being against men and described other women including Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan and Arianna Huffington in derogatory terms."

    But where's the lie?

    Carlson for President 2024!

  9. The malignant narcissist can't admit to even the tiniest of failings, and that is usually their weak point as reality doesn't care about the state of anyone's ego, but becomes an entirely different critter when the narc has extensive authority and power over others who might make him look bad just by being less fucked up than him.

    The fit Fergus will throw when the consequences begin the mastication of his posterior will be epic, and we should be doing everything we can to remove the military from his available options for throwing it.

    My congresswoman, Barbara Lee is working on that still, but the poltroon McConnell will block any effort at mitigating the danger in a misguided attempt at saving his own political skin.

    That anyone has taken Tucker Carlson seriously at all after what Jon Stewart did to him is a testament to the effectiveness of the propaganda his employer serves up 24/7/365.

    -Doug in Oakland

  10. But where's the lie?

    Carlson for President 2024!

    Off script, stoopid. You must have meant where is the collusion?

  11. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:46 AM

    alternet has an article up this morning that traces the roots of institutionalized racism. It's recommended reading for all you folks out there who post here and deny the existence of white privilege.

  12. If I may play devil's-advocate here...

    Age-of-consent laws are necessary, but also somewhat arbitrary. You have to draw the line somewhere, but why 18? Why not 19? Why not 17? You can't derive the exact number from first principles, so legislatures rely on habit and custom. These differ from time to time and place to place, which causes no end of dispute. Since these laws are necessary but arbitrary, they are what I call "necessary stupidities"; a grey area which blows the minds of binary thinkers, such as ideologues and robots.

    I hear that there are "Romeo-and-Juliet" laws, giving lenience to couples aged 18-and-17.

    This is not to say that an ideological robot like Carlson understands these nuances, or any other.

  13. Also, for what it's worth, Carlson wasn't wrong about Paris Hilton. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

  14. Our ship of fools is already underwater. And still ripping refugee families apart, in spite of a court order to stop. And the obscenity of Trump's proposed budget. And Pelosi taking impeachment off the table, after giving war criminal Dubya a pass.

    But even Hollywood lets us down? After "Green Card" got best picture I knew there's no hope. WASF.

  15. Drumpf swears (against video evidence) he did not call Tim Apple Tim Apple. He claims he said Cook real softly. And it still said Apple. Another day moar lies.

  16. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:03 PM

    Anotherbozo said:

    "And Pelosi taking impeachment off the table, after giving war criminal Dubya a pass."

    I think there may be some hope left. As you may recall, the Democrats did not attempt to impeach Dubya because there was no way to get a conviction in the senate. A guilty verdict requires 67 votes in the senate. The same situation applies now, but Nancy left the door to impeach Trump open should there be enough evidence to cause the required number of Republicans to vote for it.

    It seem to me that there is no upside to impeaching a president and failing to get a conviction.

  17. From The World's Most Dangerous Beauty Salon- today- Y’all, Eric Trump was either asleep or drunk from 1993 – 2001 and then again in 2008 – 2016. Allow me to offer proof. He went on teevee and said this about us —

    “I’ve never seen hatred like this, and to me they’re not even people. It’s so, so sad, I mean morality is just gone, morals have flown out the window we deserve so much better than this as a country. You know it’s so sad. You see the democratic party — they’re imploding. They’re imploding. They have no message.”

    E Drumpfuck must have never met his dad. Unless he believes spousal cheatibng, not paying taxes, wages or suppliers are good things to do.

  18. Anonymous1:30 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

    1. Yep, 20 years for fraud, and 20 years for treason.


    Drumpf's safe havens for criminal friends and wadnted desperasdoes from around the world. Drumpfuck, of course, will deny knowing them.

  20. Paradoctor1:45 PM

    Trump 20 to life!

  21. Nancy can count to 67, and she's still responsible under current campaign finance rules for raising a boatload of cash for the Democratic party.
    Want to change that dynamic? So does she, thus the contents of HR1, which would be a good first step toward removing such extraneous considerations from the making of policy.

    -Doug in Oakland

  22. Dfrumkpfuck is in a funk now that Nancy decided he is not worth the trouble of impeachment that wingnuts would block regardless of what crimes he is found guilty of.

  23. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:35 PM

    Michael Madarasz said...

    "Yep, 20 years for fraud, and 20 years for treason."

    7:38 PM

    And another 20 for being such an asshole.

  24. Anonymous11:35 PM

    alternet has an article up this morning that traces the roots of institutionalized racism. It's recommended reading for all you folks out there who post here and deny the existence of white privilege.
    It's a bunch of lying lies written by liars!  What's one of the FIRST things it says?  "For instance, Northam referred to Virginia’s earliest slaves as “indentured servants.” His ignorance...."

    Ignorance, or historical fact?

    What makes John Casor’s story distasteful is the fact that he was not only the first slave but was actually owned by another black man believed to be from Angola named Anthony Johnson.

    Johnson was brought to Virginia as an indentured servant in 1619 and by 1623, he had worked out his period of indenture and had obtained his freedom.

    Social Justice Warriors have declared historical fact to be UN-SPEAKABLE!  If they were only ignorant, they could accept correction and be forgiven.  But they are not ignorant, they are evil.  So are you, Gambler2.  You know better, but you lie anyway.  You are one of the people of the lie who are born of your father of the lie, and you will burn in hell for it.

  25. Anonymous3:30 AM

    Gotta say, I am amused by the following story about "oppressed" MAGA hatters:

    Trump fans use Yelp-like app to look for safe spaces which avoid 'MAGAphobic' businesses

  26. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:48 AM

    Anonymous said:
    "It's a bunch of lying lies written by liars! What's one of the FIRST things it says? "For instance, Northam referred to Virginia’s earliest slaves as “indentured servants.” His ignorance...."

    Ignorance, or historical fact?

    What makes John Casor’s story distasteful is the fact that he was not only the first slave but was actually owned by another black man believed to be from Angola named Anthony Johnson.

    Johnson was brought to Virginia as an indentured servant in 1619 and by 1623, he had worked out his period of indenture and had obtained his freedom.

    Social Justice Warriors have declared historical fact to be UN-SPEAKABLE! If they were only ignorant, they could accept correction and be forgiven. But they are not ignorant, they are evil. So are you, Gambler2. You know better, but you lie anyway. You are one of the people of the lie who are born of your father of the lie, and you will burn in hell for it."

    WTF - No need to get totally unhinged over historical facts. First, the fact that some Blacks came to America as indentured servant does not negate the fact the over a time span of about 200 years millions of black slaves were sold on the American continents.
    It is also true that some blacks held slaves. SO what is your point? Keeping slaves was OK since some Blacks did it too?????

    And just how are you going to justify the treatment of Blacks since the day slavery was abolished?
    As for my going to hell, well if I o, I'll see YOU there and we can discuss this.

    Here are a whole bunch of references for you so you can be prepared to debate me when we meet in hell.

    Davis, J.B. “Slavery in the Cherokee Nation.”
    Chronicles of Oklahoma, Vol. 11, No. 4. December 1993.

    Gates Jr., Henry Louis. “Did Black People Own Slaves?”
    The Root. 4 March 2013.

    Gates Jr., Henry Louis. “How Many Slaves Landed in the U.S.?”
    The Root. 6 January 2014.

    Hall, Kermit L. The Oxford Companion to American Law.
    New York: Oxford University Press USA, 2002. ISBN 0-195-08878-6.

    Halliburton Jr., R. “Free Black Owners of Slaves: A Reappraisal of the Woodson Thesis.” The South Carolina Historical Magazine, Vol. 76, No. 3. July 1975.

    Johnson, Michael P. and Roark, James L. Black Masters: A Free Family of Color in the Old South. New York: W. W. Norton, 1986. ISBN 0-393-30314-4.

  27. Anonymous11:18 AM

    All alt left pabulum.

  28. Anonymous 11:35 PM is a "blind guide" who "strains at a gnat but swallows a camel".
    Matthew 23:24.

  29. ""

    I have to check that out Gambler. Seems to me America's bi-polar religiosity has a lot to do with the treatment of some of its citizens because how do you square that circle? How can good Christian people treat some people so badly unless you take a Calvinistic view and some folks are inherently superior and some inferior.

  30. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:52 PM

    PilotX said:

    "How can good Christian people treat some people so badly unless you take a Calvinistic view and some folks are inherently superior and some inferior."

    I have asked that question a thousand time or more in my long life, and I still don't know the answer. Perhaps it's cognitive dissonance (as I'm sure you know) is the ability of the human mind to hold two conflicting beliefs at the same time.

    As I see it, it's impossible for Christians to justify bigotry since Jesus taught that we should love one another.

    1. It makes sense to me if you believe people are in the condition they are in because that's how god ascribes it. America is great not because of luck and geography but because god loves us and not "them". It helps because conservatism is inherently selfish as is capitalism.


    Couldn't have happened to nicer people🙄

  32. Manafort gets 7.5 years in Prison from latest judge plus a huge indictment/ pardon proof headache from NY state.

    Happy Days are here again, wingnuts are going down again.


  34. Gambler2ASKA White Woman:
    You wrote:
    As I see it, it's impossible for Christians to justify bigotry since Jesus taught that we should love one another.

    Alas, I must beg to differ. History proves that it is, in fact, possible for Christians to justify all sorts of things, and quote chapter and verse in support.

    I express my own views about holy texts in the following fable. You may read this tale any way that you wish.


    Revelations Revised
    an Underfable
    by Paradoctor

    Once upon a time, God said unto Buddha, “O Enlightened One, what is to be done? For those who hear my words hear them any way they wish, and misquote them to send their own messages, not mine.”

    Buddha said unto God, “O Creative One, you are more creative than you realize, for you have given them no mere Message. Instead you have given them a Language, fit for sending any message.”

    God said unto Buddha, “Then they are not my servants; they are my children.”

    Buddha said unto God, “And for that you must forgive them.”

    Moral: The audience is always right.

  35. Anonymous4:25 PM


    The sentences are starting to pile up.

    Manafort is Manafukt. I bet he is starting to wish he’d cooperated with Mueller, instead of staying loyal to malignant narcissist Trump, who may well not repay that loyalty.

  36. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:58 PM

    Paradoctor said:"
    Alas, I must beg to differ. History proves that it is, in fact, possible for Christians to justify all sorts of things, and quote chapter and verse in support.

    I express my own views about holy texts in the following fable. You may read this tale any way that you wish."

    My take on how Christians justify all sorts of things is that they are Christians in name only. They do not follow the teachings of Christ - hence the name Christian is fake.

    Personally, I am not a Christian, but I try to follow Christ's teaching because I think they are the key to living a happy, productive life. I do not think that the Bible is the word of God, but it is interesting as a historical document. And thanks for your story about Buddha. It made me smile.

  37. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman:

    It is my pleasure to serve. :-)

    What we differ on is a question in linguistics: namely prescriptivism versus descriptivism. What does a word mean, and how should you use it? In this case the word is "Christian". Prescriptivism says that the use of a word ought to be governed by its meaning. Descriptivism says that the meaning of a word is, in fact, governed by its use. The former is an ethical theory; the latter is a scientific theory.

    I think you'll agree that it is neither ethical nor scientific to use words in ways that directly contradict their stated meanings. That is why I say we should retire the word 'conservative', for they do not conserve.

  38. Anonymous9:10 PM

    "WTF - No need to get totally unhinged over historical facts."

    God DAMN, woman.  It certainly DOES matter that the source you cite as an authority and moral inspiration is CONDEMNING A MAN FOR SPEAKING THE TRUTH.  And whether Northam stays or resigns, Fairfax would be gone by now if he wasn't black.

    "First, the fact that some Blacks came to America as indentured servant does not negate the fact the over a time span of about 200 years millions of black slaves were sold on the American continents."

    The fact that THE man who fought THE case which established chattel slavery of Africans in the English colonies WAS HIMSELF A BLACK MAN FROM AFRICA (who worked off his own indenture instead of being owned for life—no small hypocrisy there) certainly DOES negate white guilt in that matter.

    The fact that there is not one call for "reparations" from the descendants of black slaveholders or the African tribes which sold slaves to the triangle trade proves that there is no actual standard of guilt at work here.  It is a pure racial guilt trip.

    "Keeping slaves was OK since some Blacks did it too?????"

    You can't condemn the white descendants of slave owners without condemning the black ones too.  Preaching white guilt is race treason.

    "And just how are you going to justify the treatment of Blacks since the day slavery was abolished?"

    Keeping them from intimidating, stealing, bullying, robbing, raping and murdering is the only justification I need.  Their 12.4% of the population does 52% of the murders and an even larger fraction of the armed robberies.  That is enough justification to KEEP THEM OUT BY LAW.

    "Here are a whole bunch of references for you so you can be prepared to debate me when we meet in hell.

    Davis, J.B. “Slavery in the Cherokee Nation.”
    Chronicles of Oklahoma, Vol. 11, No. 4. December 1993."

    Oh HO ho!  Where are the demands for "reparations" from the Cherokee?  Where in the books in white schools are the notes that the Cherokee (and HOW many others?) kept African slaves and are also "guilty"?  For that matter, where in those books are the details that Anthony Johnson's suit established chattel slavery of Africans in the first place, or that Africans still enslave each other in Africa to this very day?

    Given that, not one single white person in America has anything to apologize for to any single bigoted, entitled African-whatever.  Whites owe them NOTHING.  Not even the time of day.

  39. Anonymous9:17 PM

    I say we should retire the word 'conservative', for they do not conserve.

    They don't even conserve the girl's bathroom (or prison) against "transgenders" with dicks.

    "Conservatism" is a joke.  Reactionaries are the cool kids now.  Let's end women in the military, gay marriage, and "civil rights" for the provably inferior because TRUTH!

  40. There hasn't been anything conservative about the Republican party or the conservative movement for years. That whole "conserving norms and traditions" thing has long since fallen to the Democrats, the supposed liberals, to do in their spare time if they want to see it happen at all.
    But that whole "standing athwart history yelling stop" trope just doesn't sell any more, not even to the Pig People, who may be kinda dumb, but still want their slice of what's there to be had.
    And by the way, you're an idiot.

    -Doug in Oakland

  41. It's a cycle, about a lifetime long. The open racists are out again, and so are the open fascists. Now socialism, too, is cool again.

    Judging by some of the comments here, the racists and fascists have passion but lack talent and integrity. They argue badly, and in bad faith.

    I hope that the social democrats will be smarter and more honest.

  42. ☝️ What you said....

  43. "Keeping them from intimidating, stealing, bullying, robbing, raping and murdering is the only justification I need."

    That's a silly argument because by that logi all people of all races would be treated badly as all ethnicities/races commit crimes. Why treat all folks a certain way for the actions of a minuscule fraction of the group? Interesting opinion though.
