Wednesday, March 13, 2019

When your sense of entitlement can land you in jail.

"The only thing I like about rich people is their money.”
Nancy Astor the Viscountess Astor    

So now that America is learning that it isn't those poor "undeserving" black children taking their children's spots in elite colleges and universities, I hope that folks will think twice the next time they scream affirmative action. 

Most of us are not surprised that these pay to get your child in college schemes have been going on. And we are all aware that this is just the tip of the iceberg. Entitled children and their entitled parents just can't go to good old State U with all the common folks. The scary thing is that these children already have all the money and resources at their fingertips, so they really should be getting into these prestigious schools on their own merit. 

Anyway, the more I hear and read about this story, is the more I want to see Mr. trumps high school and college transcripts. He likes to say that he is smart, and brag about the fact that he went to Penn, but the truth is he has fought like hell to keep his grades a secret, and the folks at Penn won't even acknowledge him or take his money.  

Make no mistake, Mr. trump is no different than the folks who got busted for trying to cheat to get their children in college. Just look how he got his daughter and  son- in- law security clearances. 

This is how democratic lawmakers feel about it.

"Just look at the President and his Administration. The working class are held to one standard, while the likes of Ivanka and Jared can be granted security clearance over the objections of intelligence professionals."

Yeah, I can definitely see Daddy trump pulling some strings to get his children special treatment that they don't deserve. Kind of like his daddy did for him.   


  1. From Twitter:

    Bess Kalb
    ‏Verified account @bessbell

    Now that the Hollywood Bribery Ring has been busted, the only thing helping rich kids get into college are legacy admissions, private tutors, board member connections, unpaid summer internships, interview coaches, and a lifetime of Ivy-bound grooming!!!

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. Anonymous10:52 PM

    And they blame minorities for taking their seats in academia...???? BULL SHIT

    And this is just the tip of the iceberg.
    Now they are trying to keep all of the Asians out.

    Asians have been outscoring white kids on the ACT and SAT with some even getting perfect scores.

    So now the elite schools have instituted a "Personality Test" to give prospective students. Which in itself is biased because anyone with even half a brain knows that your personality is subjective to a person's
    "PERSONAL" opinion about you.

    It's just another racist tactic on the part of the "devils." Satan never takes a holiday and white folks will go to any measure to remain on "TOP."

    However, the Asians are not going to take this lying down....they are already filing a class action suit.

  3. Guess the Covington brats won't be going to college, now that their parents can't buy 'em in.

  4. Tarzan Lord Of The Apes12:32 AM

    Told ya this was gonna happen.

    Tomlin is next, with the Steelers. Juju can't save him by himself.

    Lynn, maybe right behind him, with a broken leg or two.

  5. This could get awkward-

  6. It's not enough that all the legal ways rich kids can worm their way into elite colleges were sufficient, their helicopter parents have to bribe and swindle. This is beyond disgusting, but also hilarious. We can only imagine the entitled monsters daddy's little girls and boys will appear in class, ready to produce their mediocre work and argue that it's wonderful. Pity the professors.

    And finally all those racists so upset by affirmative action can STFU.

  7. And to think these bought and paid for imbeciles are running the planet. trump loves the poorly educated because he's one on them.

  8. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Lisa Page confirms that the Obola "Justice" Department ordered the investigators into Hillary's handling of classified information NOT to charger her with gross negligence:

    Looks like a whole bunch of people are going down for obstruction of justice, maybe Obola himself.

    1. Anon@4:28, that story has already been debunked.

  9. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:38 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Lisa Page confirms that the Obola "Justice" Department ordered the investigators into Hillary's handling of classified information NOT to charger her with gross negligence:

    Looks like a whole bunch of people are going down for obstruction of justice, maybe Obola himself."

    Don't get excited; this is much ado about nothing. The DOJ has the final say regarding whom to prosecute, who is charged with what and when. It happens every day. If you and your house Rep doing the questioning knew how the justice department routinely works, you would understand this. You are grasping at straws.

  10. That college admissions scandal sure is something else!!!

  11. Anonymous11:11 PM

    It's not enough that all the legal ways rich kids can worm their way into elite colleges were sufficient, their helicopter parents have to bribe and swindle.

    Isn't it great that you can get it all for FREE just by being black?

    We can only imagine the entitled monsters daddy's little girls and boys will appear in class, ready to produce their mediocre work and argue that it's wonderful.

    Affirmative-action grading has been a thing for decades already.

    And to think these bought and paid for imbeciles are running the planet.

    Well, at least they aren't building pedestrian bridges that fall down and kill people.  That's still a "minority-owned business" thing.

  12. Ctrl+Halt+Del11:49 PM

    "So now that America is learning that it isn't those poor "undeserving" black children taking their children's spots in elite colleges and universities..."

    Low status Neuropeons have no spots in elite colleges and universities. This is why they bristle at the thought that we do. They realize that they don't have the proper breeding to be accepted in those circles. To make it simple this is why Trump is so popular amongst them as he is the proverbial black sheep of the elite who has never really fit into the "in" crowd but, as a result of the back room gerrymandering and white privileged pandering and his ability to hold a pen and sign the necessary bills, has oozed and slithered his way into office.

  13. "Well, at least they aren't building pedestrian bridges that fall down and kill people."

    Dumb rich people are doing all kinds of shit that kills us. trump is killing the entire planet.

  14. Don't come at us pilots trump😂


  15. Well, at least they aren't building pedestrian bridges that fall down and kill people. That's still a "minority-owned business" thing.

    Gave most of their political bribes to stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  16. Anonymous9:37 AM

    field negro said...
    Anon@4:28, that story has already been debunked.
    7:47 AM

    By whom??? Libtards??

  17. Mike Wallace11:42 AM

    By whom??? Libtards??
    By actual journalists not Faux News. Leave the bubble homie.

  18. Dear Field Negro, I see that it is time once again to spray for anonymous trolls. So riddle me this:
    How many trolls does it take to change a light bulb?

    None! They'd rather stay in the dark.

  19. There is an undeniable right wing tilt to law enforcement and always has been.
    Look at what wingnuts have said about Drumpf himself and still were able to serve his administration. Lisa Page testimony means nothing.

    Meanwhile Drumpians in New Zealand hosed down 49 innocents in Mosque attacks. Whether they hailed Drumpf or not is irrelevant. They are whitey wingnut supremacist, anti-immigrant types- just like the orange cluster fuck in the kremlin annex.

  20. SOB videotaped the slaughter and even showed himself.

    Get out the popcorn and watch yer newest hero, stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys.

  21. So Drumpfuck the Deplorable offers murder victims best wishes. What a fucking mow rawn!

    Right wing mega church pastor calls the slaughter a false flag,.

  22. "Dear Field Negro, I see that it is time once again to spray for anonymous trolls. So riddle me this:
    How many trolls does it take to change a light bulb?

    None! They'd rather stay in the dark."


  23. Anonymous1:51 PM

    "So now the elite schools have instituted a "Personality Test" to give prospective students. Which in itself is biased because anyone with even half a brain knows that your personality is subjective to a person's"

    And that personality better be liberal. The kids with church activities or 4-H club participation get their applications tossed in the trash can.

    The liberal elite cheat their way in and give seats to minorities in compensation, while middle and working class white kids get frozen out.

  24. Anonymous1:57 PM

    "Meanwhile Drumpians in New Zealand hosed down 49 innocents in Mosque attacks. Whether they hailed Drumpf or not is irrelevant."

    Trump didn't import millions of people from incompatible cultures into Western democracies, globalist progressives did. This is Judeo-Capitalism in action.

    We're just seeing a prelude to the war that is coming. Multiculturalism simply does not work. Those who spread this message do so not because they advocate violence, but precisely because they want to AVOID it.

  25. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Fifty people killed at a nightclub in Florida: "It was a gun crime that had nothing to do with the shooter being Muslim."

    Fifty people killed at a mosque in New Zealand: "It is a white supremacist gun crime that is Drump's fault."

  26. Anonymous2:07 PM

    The New Zealand shooter hated Conservatism.

    He called himself an “eco-fascist.”

    His favorite government was Communist China.

    Drumpf's fault.

  27. "We're just seeing a prelude to the war that is coming. Multiculturalism simply does not work."

    Um, ok. Nah it works, some people are just inherently unstable and don't need access to guns.

  28. Fifty people killed at a mosque in New Zealand: "It is a white supremacist gun crime that is Drump's fault."

    Congrats, anyfuckingmoose finally figured it out. Knew he couldn't be THAT stoopid.

  29. Anonymous3:32 PM

    White privilege: Always being blamed for things that you have absolutely no control over. Always being asked to apologize for these things. Being hated whether or not you do apologize.

  30. Anonymous4:24 PM

    1) Feinstein gave an internship to the son of wealthy donor
    2) Then he got hired as Senate IT guy despite felony
    3) Fired, then hired back again
    4) Hacked+blackmailed Congress
    5) Facing major charges
    6) Mommy used the $ to get him out of jail
    7) DOJ plans plea deal to hide facts

    Jackson Cosko is the ultimate Bernie Bro. A socialist even though his dad BUILT A BUILDING NAMED AFTER FEINSTEIN'S HUSBAND.

    Cosko allegedly stole far more Senate data than was immediately realized. But Feinstein is top Dem on Judiciary Committee. And the court BANNED REPORTERS.

    Like a repeat of the Chinese spy on her staff, who she lied was a mere driver and then let retire+not be prosecuted.

    No one will realize the extent of the Cosko breach bc the judiciary will not make a major case out of it. Feinstein will then rely on to say 'see, no big deal'

    Obvious by now: Dems don't actually care about hacking of politicians

    The 'DNC hack is an ASSAULT ON DEMOCRACY' indignation was just part of the concerted effort to attack Trump

    Didn't care when China hacked OPM
    Nor when NRCC was hacked
    Nor the Awans in the House
    And not Cosko

  31. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:06 PM

    Anonymous said...


    Do you have even one reference to support your claims? If you do, why didn't you post it? Don't expect us to believe you accusation without any back up. We are smarter than that.

  32. Anonymous6:43 PM

    No, you're not.

  33. Anonymous7:09 PM

    The New Zealand massacre would not have happened were it not for the vile, evil people pushing toxic diversity on the West.

  34. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:26 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "No, you're not.

    6:43 PM
    Well, we are a hell of a lot smarter than you; that's for sure.

  35. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman:
    Riddle me this:
    Who is a troll trying to impress?

    The troll!

  36. "The New Zealand massacre would not have happened were it not for the vile, evil people pushing toxic diversity on the West."

    I guess in an abstract way your argument works, had they not been there they would not have been killed. Interesting argument.

  37. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Bataclan - 130 People Butchered in the Name of Islam.

    "The father of one victim described how his son had been disemboweled and castrated, with his testicles found in his mouth."

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