Monday, April 15, 2019


TWEET MEI have a few things on my mind.

So Tiger won the Masters yesterday, and America was euphoric. What he did was amazing, and he should be celebrated for playing a very difficult sport and being the best that ever did it. But I am sorry, I am not a fan of Tiger Woods the person. I am not and have never been on the Tiger bandwagon. I think that that he is a bad human being.

 Still, I can appreciate his game without appreciating who he is as a person.

Speaking of bad people, Laura Ingraham of FOX News is a truly despicable human being. I mean it takes a special kind of asshole to laugh and make fun of a fellow human being's funeral.

 I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, because she made fun of Parkland survivor David Hogg not getting into the college of his choice.

I am sure that FOX won't do the right thing and fire her,because she fits right into the culture that they have over there.

Today is tax day in America, and the president of the United States is still refusing to release his taxes for the American people to see. He lied and told us that he would release them after elections,  and that as soon as he was no longer being "audited" he would release them. It turns out that him being audited does not prevent him from releasing his returns, and he has vowed to go to the Supreme Court to prevent us from seeing what kind of financial schemes he has to hide. Hell he is even trying to make the argument now that he is being audited because he is a Christian. 

One of the co-equal branchs of government known as congress, is now requesting to see his returns, and the IRS Commissioner has a legal obligation to release the returns to them for oversight purposes. The president is not above the law, no matter what he thinks. 

Finally, a redacted version of the Mueller Report will be released on Thursday, and we know that it cannot be all peaches and cream for trump and his coterie, because he is once again trying to discredit law enforcement officials ("they were dirty cops") and the Mueller team.

I suspect that on Thursday Mr. trump will try to hijack the news cycle to drown out the news that will follow the releasing of the report.

Hold on for the ride America, there is no telling what the lunatic in chief will say or do this time.


  1. Drumpfuck is more terrorist and asshole than kristian, even by fauxknee wingnut kristian standards. And those are probably his best points.

  2. He’s being audited? As in, clearing out his thetans? No wonder it’s taking so long. But if they cleared out all his thetans, then there’d be nothing left.

  3. Anonymous11:10 PM

    “He’s being audited? As in, clearing out his thetans? No wonder it’s taking so long. But if they cleared out all his thetans, then there’d be nothing left.”

    Nah, Trump isn’t s Scientologist.

    Scientology is a con and a cult. And Trump doesn’t need those. He has his own con going, and is the leader of his own cult.

  4. He is master con man because evangelical Christians feel persecuted so he plays to them by claiming to be persecuted because of his faith. And these fools fall for this? Seriously?

  5. And I think Tiger was too cheap for his own good. Dude was a billionaire and couldn't break off his side pieces. Damn shame cause it cost him hundreds of millions.

  6. I agree. Prepare for a distract-o-fit of epic proportions in 3...2...1...

    -Doug in Oakland

  7. What is surprising is that trump supporters aren't the least bit curious why he is lying and fighting so hard to keep his tax returns secret. I mean bruh is getting a bit extra lately.

  8. Anonymous12:24 AM

    “He is master con man because evangelical Christians feel persecuted so he plays to them by claiming to be persecuted because of his faith. And these fools fall for this? Seriously?”

    No, the self-righteous fundies damn well know Trump is an un-Christian scoundrel who can’t successfully even pretend to be pious. They have have this whole stupid rationalization they use to justify why it is “godly” for them to vote for such a ultra-sinful dirtbag.

    The biblical story the Christian right uses to defend Trump

  9. Frank Marshall Davis12:37 AM

    "trump supporters aren't the least bit curious why he is lying and fighting so hard to keep his tax returns secret"

    What was Obama hiding by refusing to release his birth certificate for four years?

  10. I'm with you Field.

    As an aside, I take exception to Tweeter losangelesconfidential for claiming that Hussle did not help to co-create beloved anti-trump rant, "Fuck Donald Trump."

    I know it was an insignificant brush stroke in the career of a guy who really cared about his community. But it meant a lot to me. Somebody hipped me to the song the night that the monster was elected. It was about the only thing that helped me to hang on.

  11. Anonymous at 12:24

    Man am I glad you're not a troll/provocateur. Usually I never click on hypertext from people I don't know.

    It's really not as simple as you think. True, they do look past his sexual pecadillos. But understand, he has not been reported as harassing women or infidelity since his presidency or even his candidacy. On some level the fundies know that he has never spent five minutes reading the Bible and he only goes to church for a foto-op with Melania. But their love for Trump goes much deeper. And, no, they do not know that he is the most godless son-of-a-bitch in damn Washington. Their love for Trump has more to do with his political positions on wedge issues, most notably abortion. That issue alone sets him aside as a golden idol. He has been compared to more than King Cyrus. Some have dared to compare him to King David. I know. What could possibly be more disgusting and damning blasphemy?

  12. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Fellow Human Being ? Hahahahahahahahaha Now that is some funny shit.

  13. Thanks for putting the Medal of Freedom award in context. I was thinking Woods was letting the side down by agreeing to get anywhere near our Foul Leader, but you remind us that Tiger is no moral ideal either. Not quite to say that they deserve each other, but not as if some great force for truth and justice were associating himself with the ultimate Thug.

  14. Balzac8:12 AM

    Flying Junior said...
    "It was about the only thing that helped me to hang on"

    Just stop.


  16. Anonymous10:16 AM

    mike and his conspiracy theories.

    Keep hope alive!

  17. Anymoose and his head buried either up his ass or in the sand, or both.

  18. Anonymous10:30 AM

    “Their love for Trump has more to do with his political positions on wedge issues, most notably abortion. That issue alone sets him aside as a golden idol.”

    And that’s why the fundies vote for him. Because he will advance the sexist, homophobic, Christian-supremacist policies they crave, even though he doesn’t live anything like a devout lifestyle.

    Then again, a lot of the fundies don’t always live a devout lifestyle, either. The Christian Right is riddled with sexual hypocrisy. They are very much Team “Do As I Say, Not As I Do.”

  19. Anonymous10:47 AM

    I should add one thing:

    It’s not just the fundies who take this attitude about Trump. Most of his supporters know, on some level, that Trump is an awful person. They just don’t care.

    The wrongness of the Trump supporters doesn’t consist of believing that Trump is better than he is; it consists of believing the Left is worse than it is. The disinformation campaign waged by the GOP and its media enablers centers on fearmongering about the terrible things lefties allegedly want to do to Middle America, such that an awful person like Trump appears to be the lesser of two evils.


    Made monkeys improve and made stoopid fucking wingnuts whine that monkeys are even smarter than stoopid fucking wingnuts. When wingnuts learned the recipients were rhesus macaque monkeys, they immediately imposed a ban on Muslim sounding monkeys.

    Can't have Muslim monkeys spreading sharia monkey law all over the place, now can we?

  21. porky from iowa12:13 PM

    mike implants human genes into pigs every day.

  22. "What was Obama hiding by refusing to release his birth certificate for four years?"

    Time for new trolls Field cause these aren't even trying.😂

  23. "What was Obama hiding by refusing to release his birth certificate for four years?"

    He knew trump's "investigation" would turn up the truth so why bother😂

  24. Frank Marshall Davis3:50 PM

    Maybe Trump should use the Obama strategy and issue some fake photoshopped tax returns.

  25. So mayor Schaaf has publicly backed my stance and said "all are welcome" in response to Fergus trying to use her as campaign fodder.

    -Doug in Oakland

  26. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:18 PM

    Anonymous Frank Marshall Davis said...

    "What was Obama hiding by refusing to release his birth certificate for four years?"


    Obama wasn't hiding anything, Frank. He released his birth certificate on June 13, 2008. But that wasn't good enough for crazies, such as you. So on April 27, 2011, Obama released his Hawaiian, long-form, birth certificate. It matched the one he released in June 2008 and contained additional demographic information.

    It was Donald Trump that fanned the lie regarding Obama's birth place. Trump,s hatred for Obama is born of envy. Obama is smart, honest, compassionate and a gentleman. In other words, Obama is everything that Trump is not.

  27. The only fake birth certificates issued were issued by stoopid fucking wingnuts to outrage their base and that is all.

    If Drumpfuck's dad was born in Germany as dimwit swears, where did the fake New York birth certificate come from?

  28. Obama never issued fake tax returns, either.

  29. Bill Ayers4:52 PM

    Obama never earned an honest dollar in his life.

  30. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:53 PM

    Need I say anything more?

  31. Granny Genius5:26 PM

    Only really smart people know that there is no God.

  32. Bill Ayers is dyslexic. He says Obama when he really meant to say crooked Drumpfuck.

  33. Catholic adoption agency in Michigan is suing the state for making them allow same sex couples to adopt. Catholics fear the competition for their own kiddie diddlers, I guess.

  34. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Yes, since some homosexual priests abused children in their care, let's allow other homosexuals to adopt children. What could go wrong?

  35. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:54 PM

    Anonymous said .....

    "Granny Genius said...

    Only really smart people know that there is no God."

    5:26 PM

    LOL - There you go again telling everyone what you think I believe. You really are the "town clown", you know.

  36. Anonymous6:06 PM

    “Obama never earned an honest dollar in his life.”

    Seems like you misspelled Trump as O-B-A-M-A.

    Trump inherited a vast sum from his father, and has spent his entire career lying and cheating. Very little of his wealth has been “earned” in any meaningful sense of the word.

  37. Anonymous6:15 PM

    “Yes, since some homosexual priests abused children in their care, let's allow other homosexuals to adopt children. What could go wrong?”

    Who says it was “homosexual” priests? Catholic clergy raped plenty of girls, too.

  38. Trump built buildings and businesses.

    Obama never had a real job. He took money for a book he never delivered. He got a second advance from someone else and then had Bill Ayers write his 'autobiography'. Tony Rezko bought his house for him. When he left office, he was paid off with tens of millions of dollars from Leftist publishers and media companies.

    He didn't build that.

  39. Anonymous6:23 PM

    So I just checked with the Internet and, yep, wingnuts are still assholes who are capable of turning literally any news story into some kind of baseless racist conspiracy theory.

    Notre Dame Cathedral fire spurs Islamophobic conspiracy theories on social media

  40. "Who says it was “homosexual” priests? Catholic clergy raped plenty of girls, too."

    The USCCB initially acknowledged the problem of gay priests. In 2004, it declared that "80 percent of the abuse at issue was of a homosexual nature" and went on to affirm that "an understanding of the crisis is not possible" without referring to "the presence of homosexually oriented priests."

  41. Anonymous6:29 PM

    "baseless racist conspiracy theory"

    Says muh Russia clown.

    875 Churches desecrated by Muslims in France since 2016, and the most iconic Cathedral in the country burns to the ground during Holy week.

    Noticing is racist.

  42. Anonymous6:46 PM

    “875 Churches desecrated by Muslims in France since 2016, and the most iconic Cathedral in the country burns to the ground during Holy week.

    Noticing is racist.”

    Haha, how did I know that this blog’s Nazi trolls would be on board with this?


    Newsweek has an article from March, 2019 about Catholic church desecrations in France and not a single word about Muslims doing any of it.

    So, once again, wingnut racists are pissing on our pant leg and telling us it is raining.

  44. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:08 PM

    "Obama never had a real job. He took money for a book he never delivered. He got a second advance from someone else and then had Bill Ayers write his 'autobiography'. Tony Rezko bought his house for him. When he left office, he was paid off with tens of millions of dollars from Leftist publishers and media companies."

    He didn't build that.

    6:21 PM

    Your post is all right-wing lies which were debunked long,long ago. I guess you must be a slow reader, or maybe you don't bother to read any site that actually checks facts.


    Jewish pre-school was aware a teacher was abusing young kids and did nothing. Nothing about the teacher being gay and no comments about competing with Catholic kiddie diddlers, either.

  46. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:17 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "875 Churches desecrated by Muslims in France since 2016, and the most iconic Cathedral in the country ""burns to the ground during Holy week.""

    It didn't burn to the ground, dude. Pictures available at this web site.

    You might want to check the facts before you post next time.

  47. Anonymous7:31 PM

    “Your post is all right-wing lies which were debunked long,long ago. I guess you must be a slow reader, or maybe you don't bother to read any site that actually checks facts.”

    It’s also based on the laughable right-wing talking point that says working for the government somehow doesn’t count as “real work.”

    I want to make some popcorn and watch while this troll informs a Navy Seal that he doesn’t have a “real job.” That ought to be an extremely short conversation.

  48. "It’s also based on the laughable right-wing talking point that says working for the government somehow doesn’t count as “real work.”"

    My dad worked for the US Forest Service for thirty years, first doing road location and later after learning the material and taking the tests, as a construction inspector.

    I went out on both jobs with him, and I can assure you that they were real work.

    -Doug in Oakland

  49. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Forest Service does something.

    Obama was a community activist, served two years as Senator where he did nothing, and then fucked up the economy for 8 years, imposed an unconstitutional health care grab, started two wars, and committed the biggest crime in US presidential history by using the FBI and the CIA to spy on the opposition candidate.

  50. kike from iowa8:47 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    "Newsweek has an article from March, 2019 about Catholic church desecrations in France and not a single word about Muslims doing any of it."

    So you're saying it's the Joos....

  51. The Dude Abides8:49 PM

    Granny Context said...
    "It didn't burn to the ground, dude."

    Just a little smoke damage.

  52. Anonymous10:19 PM

    How many People did Negroes kill so far this week?

  53. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Black Man accused in attack on 5-year-old boy at Mall of America appears in court:

  54. Anonymous12:07 AM

    "Obama wasn't hiding anything, Frank. He released his birth certificate on June 13, 2008. But that wasn't good enough for crazies, such as you. So on April 27, 2011, Obama released his Hawaiian, long-form, birth certificate. It matched the one he released in June 2008 and contained additional demographic information."

    Bullshit, he released a bullshit COLB not a birth certificate. Why are all his school records sealed???

  55. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Notre Dame was arson.

  56. Oh look, Orly Taints is back.

    -Doug in Oakland

  57. "Oh look, Orly Taints is back."

    Oh dear god no. Tell me you're joking.

  58. "Bullshit, he released a bullshit COLB not a birth certificate. Why are all his school records sealed???"

    Because he is a secret Muslim Kenyan given the name Barack Obama because he would be the perfect person to take over America and force us into Sharia law.🙄

  59. Anonymous2:00 AM

    muh Russia!

  60. All Presidents in the modern era since Nixon have released their tax returns but none have ever shown their birth certificates or college grades. Just stick with precedent. There is a reason trump, the current president, is avoiding doing something all others before him have done. What is it? But but but Obama.........weak.

  61. Disinformation.

    That pretty much sums it up. If only Hitler, Stalin and Mao had such powerful media machines at their command, their empires might never have crumbled to the seas.

    How do you reason with someone who believes that the Clintons are criminals, Obama was a Manchurian candidate and Muslims set fire to the Notre Dame?

  62. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Doug, please share more stories about people you may or may not know. And don't leave out the burritos. Thanks in advance.

  63. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Doug says...

    "I went out on both jobs with him, and I can assure you that they were real work."

    So that's when you decided to become a parasite. It all makes sense now. Thanks for sharing.

  64. Bullshit, he released a bullshit COLB not a birth certificate. Why are all his school records sealed???

    So anyfuckingmoosepussy, are you now claiming Obama was born dead? Really sounds like something you would come up with.


    Proof positive all pedos are not homosexual.

  66. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:12 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "Bullshit, he released a bullshit COLB not a birth certificate. Why are all his school records sealed???)

    12:07 AM

    Well, a COLB is what I got back when I ordered my birth certificate. Does that mean I was born in Kenya?


  68. "Well, a COLB is what I got back when I ordered my birth certificate. Does that mean I was born in Kenya?"

    If you're a dimwitted trump supporter then I guess that's what it exactly means.🤔

  69. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Flying Junior said...
    "How do you reason with someone who believes that the Clintons are criminals, Obama was a Manchurian candidate and Muslims set fire to the Notre Dame?"

    1. The Clintons are criminals. Whitewater, cattle futures, millions in speaking fees from foreign interests, a shady influence peddling foundation, classified information on an illegal private server, destruction of evidence subpoenaed by Congress. This is not even debatable.

    2. Obama was too incompetent to be a Manchurian Candidate, but his past is a myth and there were forces, both foreign and domestic, who orchestrated his rise. Civil Rights icon Percy Sutton spilled some of the beans in an interview right after the 2008 election, which was quickly memory-holed:

    3. Accidents happen, but burning down the most iconic cathedral in France the week before Easter, after literally hundreds of Muslim attacks on French churches in the previous year, has to raise the strong possibility that this was an intentional act motivated by religion.

    We swim in a sea of disinformation. You really should try applying reason when analyzing facts that don't support your preconceptions.

  70. Anonymous1:39 PM

    The Trump Regime is nothing more than the American Empire without its propaganda mask.

    The Democrats don't oppose the Trump Regime because of its anti-immigrant xenophobia, thinly disguised racism, abrogation of civil liberties, support of Wall Street, or militarism. They oppose Trump because he has done these things TOO openly and thus shown the world the true face of America.

    The Democrats look back with nostalgia to the good old days of Barack Obama-- the Predator Drone President who launched more drone strikes than George W. Bush and started criminal wars against Libya and Syria based on lies; prosecuted more whistleblowers than any other president in US history; and pushed through billion dollar bailouts for "too big to fail" Wall Street financial firms through the TARP policy.

    The Demorats and Republicons are two sides of the same coin.

    A pox on all their houses.

  71. anymoose with shit for brains-

    Whitewater- White House investigation determined Clinton's were victims, not criminals.

    InvestigaTion into trading found no irregularities or criminal acts by HRC.

    Clinton Foundation has been investigated and audited and no criminal charges were ever filed.

    Surprised you didn't pinkie swear HRC sold all of our Uranium to0 Putin. If that were true, one would think magat hat wearing bitches like you would have been ecstatic for Drumpf and HRC.

    Having late classified material was determined not to be a crime because there was a lack of intent to share or peddle info- like the time Drumofuck held an open briefing at Drumpf Dump South with Japanese PM and paying guests where he divulged secret info intentionally and did so at a later date with RussiaN AGENTS IN THE KREMLIN ACCESS.

  72. Been literally thousands of attacks on all denominational churches in Europe, but only right wing , usual suspect sites claim Muslims are doing this.

    Investigators at Notre Dame think maybe an open flame used by construction workers sparked the blaze.

  73. Another black hate attack on white children:

    An Aurora man has been arrested in connection to a hit-and-run collision which took place on April 5. Oghaleoghene Atuno, 21, was arrested on suspicion of using his vehicle to run over two boys, ages 11 and 12.

    Law enforcement said security footage from the area showed Atuno circling the cul-de-sac several times before allegedly hitting the boys. The boys were walking on the sidewalk.

    It's fashionable for intellectuals to deplore Whiteness, an apparent political priority for Congress to hold hearings decrying white people, but these kind of ideas trickle down to violent young men, like the Mall of America heaver, the two men who beat a pregnant white woman, and, apparently, this guy.

  74. Two men charged with assault after allegedly beating immigrant from Togo wearing "MAGA" hat:

    Two men in Maryland were arrested and charged with assault and robbery last weekend after allegedly attacking a man wearing one of President Trump's signature "Make America Great Again" hats.

    The Montgomery County Police Department said in a statement Monday that the suspects, Jovan Crawford and Scott Duncan Roberson, began harassing the victim about the hat as he walked in an area in Germantown, Md., on Saturday. The suspects are accused of beating the victim, Atsu Nable, after he told them he was entitled to his own political beliefs.

    Punch that Nazi, right?

  75. Ivanka " Grope Toy" Drumpfuck Kushner CLAIMS she turned down job as head of world bank she was never qualified for.

    White privilege is real.

  76. America2:50 PM

    I wish Obama would have turned down job as President he was never qualified for.

    AA is realer.

  77. Privilege is as privilege does2:59 PM

    Jews' right to exist is super obvious, non-negotiable, and even trumps the right to exist of others around them.

    White Americans' right to exist is a monstrously immoral and dangerous terrorist conspiracy theory that must be punched in the face.

  78. Good news for brain damaged Pig People:

    "Researchers partially revive pig brains four hours after 'death' "


    "Relax, at no point did the disembodied heads achieve anything near consciousness"

    Which wouldn't go too far toward cramping the style of your average brain-damaged Pig Person, so hurray for modern medicine, maybe those opioid ODs aren't really the end for y'all...

    So stock up on BrainEx, "a unique anti-coagulating oxygen-carrying solution laden with pharmacological agents" now, because you never know when that four-hour time window for becoming the undead might be sneaking up on you. I mean, how could you tell, anyway?

    -Doug in Oakland


    witless whitey woman rides again. Had child with magat infestation. All Drumpf voters, I'm sure.

  80. What are the chances Drumpfuck comes out early tomorrow claiming the Mueller report exonerates him entirely, clearly letting it slip he has had early access to report?

    His bought and paid for AG has been trying to discredit results of the report, which is not whaT the AG is supposed to be doing. He is not the pissant potus personal lawyer being paid by the taxpayers.

  81. Anonymous5:59 PM

    “Two men charged with assault after allegedly beating immigrant from Togo wearing ‘MAGA’ hat:


    Punch that Nazi, right?”

    They needn’t have bothered beating him up. If he is a person of color and he voted for Trump, then he has already punched himself in his own face.

  82. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Another black hate attack on white children
    You're they same type of asshole who has nothing to say when whites attack and molest their own. Fucking hypocrite. Go stick yourself.

  83. Jussie6:35 PM

    "You're they same type of asshole who has nothing to say when whites attack and molest their own."

    You're the same type of asshole who pushes the concept of "hate crimes" where the racial makeup of the victims and perpetrators matters.

    You're the same type of asshole spreads the falsehood that the minority of crimes where the race of the victims and perpetrator are different aren't overwhelmingly black-on-white.

    You're the same type of asshole that blames Trump for a non-existent spike in white-on-black hate crimes while not assigning any blame to Leftist media and politicians spouting anti-white rhetoric.

  84. IISIA6:50 PM

    And yet still not a peep from this asshole about white kids raped by white men. Why do you support white men raping white kids? Sick badtaed!

  85. Anonymous6:53 PM

    “You're the same type of asshole who pushes the concept of ‘hate crimes’ where the racial makeup of the victims and perpetrators matters.”

    It’s not only the racial makeup of the perp and victim that matters. It’s the provable motive that matters.

    And this is where you keep lying, pretending that every crime by a black person against a white person is a hate crime, simply because their races are different. Even though you have no evidence of any racist motive.

    That’s not what hate crimes are.

    1. Anonymous8:04 PM

      That’s not what hate crimes are.
      You're talking to an idiot who doesn't understand the concept of false equivalences. Then again no conservatives do.

  86. Anonymous8:19 PM

    "false equivalences"

    White on black: Hate Crime

    Black on white: Not a Hate Crime

    Both are Trump's fault.

  87. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Barry was a foreign exchange student. US citizen yes, natural born US citizen, NO.

  88. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:05 AM

    Jussie said....

    "You're the same type of asshole spreads the falsehood that the minority of crimes where the race of the victims and perpetrator are different aren't overwhelmingly black-on-white."

    No, in truth you are the asshole who spreads the falsehood of black on white crime.

    Interracial Crime Study Finds Whites More Likely to Assault Blacks ...
    Jun 22, 2018 - Whites are more likely to assault and use weapons against African Americans and Hispanics than the reverse, according to a forthcoming study ..

  89. Anonymous2:18 PM

    another bullshit libtard propaganda piece. written by daft alt left types.

  90. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Barry was a foreign exchange student. US citizen yes, natural born US citizen, NO.

    10:30 PM

    The only way you can make this claim is to completely ignore all the empirical evidence against it.
