Saturday, April 13, 2019

Caption Saturday.

Image result for william barr images

I need a caption for this pic.

Example:" I have the report right here, but unfortunately it's written in disappearing ink."  

Pic from


  1. Crimes that would be national news if "white privilege" existed10:49 PM

    Two "teens" brutally assault a pregnant woman in Quincy, MA:

    "QUINCY, Mass. —

    "A pregnant woman’s pained screams could be heard in a Quincy courtroom Thursday as Judge Mark Coven watched a video that prosecutors say shows the woman being beaten by two Quincy teenagers outside a downtown post office....

    "Johnson-Nurse will remain behind bars after his bail in a pending armed robbery case in Suffolk Superior Court was revoked."

    What's the rationale for allowing release of such soul-less criminals under any circumstances?

    A black "man"* attempts to murder a 5-yr-old white boy by throwing him off a third-floor balcony in the Mall of America:

    A black "man"* is finally sentenced after he randomly murdered Karina Vetrano, a white woman just out jogging:

    "Lewis, who didn't appear to know Vetrano, allegedly told detectives he "just lost it" and strangled Vetrano after spotting her on the jogging path, according to a statement that prosecutors read aloud during his arraignment.

    Vetrano "didn’t do anything," Lewis allegedly told police. "I was just mad at the time. I beat her to let my emotions out. I never really meant to hurt her. It just happened.""

    "It just happened."  Would we accept this from ANYONE else?  SHOULD we accept it from anyone who is considered an adult, allowed to vote and own deadly weapons?

    * I am using scare quotes around "man" because men have moral agency.  They don't beat and kill random women and children for any reason, let alone being "mad at the time".  Anyone who performs such an act or uses or accepts such an excuse is not a human being.  They are dangerous apes in human form, and should be removed from all non-African lands By Any Means Necessary.

  2. Don't worry Ferg, Poppy didn't get in trouble and neither will you.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. "According to this paper, 13 do 50, they're shooting babies in the face, burning them alive, smothering them at nurseries, and throwing them off balconies, but white people say mean words sometimes, so we must have congressional hearings about the rise of white supremacy."

  4. Trump's Tax returns6:43 AM

    If President Obama had done one quarter of this, he'd be in jail right now.

  5. When I said Drumpfuck had done no wrong
    and there was no collusion with Russia going on,
    believe me, baby I lied.

  6. In classic poker face: "Oh, my! These are not the hearing documents. Seems I brought the letter auditioning for my AG job."

  7. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Black Man Charged with Throwing Boy, 5, from Mall of America Balcony Had Previously Been Banned for a Year

  8. Anonymous10:54 AM

    "Trump will win in 2020"

  9. Anonymous10:55 AM

    "white privilege does not exist"

  10. Anonymous11:01 AM

    "Ahh says here that the average Negro IQ is 80.... Wow Mr. Chairman, that's retardation."

  11. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Clearly a Nazi.

  12. Anonymous11:29 AM

    I swear, the dog ate my 'real' completed report. What happen was...

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Black Man Charged with Throwing Boy, 5, from Mall of America Balcony Had Previously Been Banned for a Year

    Been there, done that. Do try to keep up, gomer.

  14. I'll answer that once I've checked with my instructions here from the President.

  15. Anonymous12:02 PM

    “No, Senator, I am not John Goodman. I will, however, be portrayed by John Goodman on SNL when they satirize the lies I am about to tell you.”

  16. Anonymous12:05 PM

    “No, Senator, you cannot have the president’s tax returns. I have, however, prepared a one-page summary for you, written in crayon. It says, ‘Donald paid all his taxes and stuff, like a good boy.’”

  17. Anonymous12:10 PM

    CBS now advocating violence against "Nazis":

  18. Josh, cowering in his subterranean negro-proof bunker12:38 PM

    Mysterious bowls of mashed potatoes are appearing all around a neighborhood in Mississippi. Clearly, this must be part of the dastardly negroes’ “war on white people.” I demand Tucker Carlson investigate this threat, before it’s too late!

  19. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:44 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Black Man Charged with Throwing Boy, 5,..."

    How may times are you idiots gonna post this same story?

  20. Anonymous12:46 PM

    “CBS now advocating violence against ‘Nazis’:”

    No, a fictional character from a CBS TV show is advocating violence against Nazis.

    Not really the same thing.

  21. Didn't Eisenhower advocate violence against Nazis?

    -Doug in Oakland

  22. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Eisenhower meant real Nazis, who haven't existed in 74 years.

    CBS means "white people".

  23. Enforcement2:59 PM

    That 5 year old white boy was a Nazi. You could tell because he was blond.

    Throwing him off that balcony was a required response.

  24. Enforcement3:13 PM

    Pregnant white woman attacked by two blacks, kicked in stomach as they said, “I hope he dies.”

    That fetus was a Nazi. You could tell because his mother was white.

    Kicking him out of that womb was a required response.

  25. Deadly tornado strikes Mississippi, bringing weekend death toll to 3

    Blame Drumpf. Whitey is in charge of everything in America. These are all whitey's fault.

  26. Mnuchin sent the letter to advise Neal the IRS wouldn't be meeting the midnight deadline for turning over six years of Trump's tax returns and other documents. Which is an interesting fact in itself, given that Neal's letter saying GIVE IT was sent to IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig, not Mnuchin, who is quite the butt-insky. As Neal's letter states, the relevant law (§6103 of the Internal Revenue Code) is pretty darn unambiguous on how that works:

    Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request[.] [Emphasis added.]

    So SUckretary of the Treasury is blaming Dems for weaponizing the IRS to obtain legally documents the IRS is obligated to turn over on request. There ain't a single member of the Drumpf cabasl that could tell the truth if their children's lives depended on it. They would kill their own kids and blame HRC for it.

  27. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:39 PM

    Tiger just one his fifth green jacket today, winning the Masters in Augusta. BRAVO, Tiger!

  28. I think the criterion on whether someone is a Nazi or not is whether they claim to be a Nazi, at this point.

    -Doug in Oakland

  29. Anonymous7:11 PM

    “I think the criterion on whether someone is a Nazi or not is whether they claim to be a Nazi, at this point.”

    I think the criterion on whether someone is a Nazi or not is whether they want to live in a non-democratic nation with a white supremacist set of laws.

    If they do, they are Nazis, however they choose to describe themselves, and whether they choose to sport swastika tattoos or not.

  30. Actually there are a host of other racist, bigoted, xenophobic identities to choose from, which makes the specific choice to identify as a Nazi all the more deserving of ridicule and ostracism.

    -Doug in Oakland

  31. I'm just going to sit here and pretend to read this report because we all know I cleared trump of any wrongdoing months ago. Now if I can just remember not to say that out loud I should be straight.

  32. Anonymous8:39 PM

    “I think the criterion on whether someone is a Nazi or not is whether they claim to be a Nazi, at this point.”

    I think the criterion on whether someone is a Nazi or not is whether they want to live in a non-democratic nation with a white supremacist set of laws.

    1. Almost no one claims to be a Nazi at this point.
    2. Almost no one wants to live in a non-democratic nation with a white supremacist set of laws.

    Some white people want the right to advocate for their interests as a people, the same rights promoted by the dominant power structure for all other peoples. They want to stop being forced to pay for their replacement by angry, hostile immigrants who demand special privileges and accommodations. These are the people you call Nazis, racists, bigots, and supremacists.

  33. "Almost no one claims to be a Nazi at this point."

    So they don't need to be branded as Nazis.

    Nazi isn't the only descriptor for the newly fascistic (accidentally or otherwise) bent in our civil discourse, and as it has a very specific history and some precise definitions, I do advocate for adhering to them.

    I'm related to some folks who had to go shoot at Nazis, and who were shot at by Nazis, and I don't think they, were they still around, would appreciate the conflation of punk-ass right wing extremists with the fuckers they had to upend their lives and go stop from rolling across Europe.

    When I say Nazi, I mean Nazi.

    Words, what do they mean and how do they work?

    -Doug in Oakland

  34. Anonymous12:52 AM

    Doug knew someone who had to go and maybe shoot at Nazis. So Nazi.

  35. Trump's Tax returns6:59 AM

    Attorney General or Private Attorney


    No, they do not.

  37. At least we're not speaking German10:07 AM

    Doug said...
    I'm related to some folks who had to go shoot at Nazis, and who were shot at by Nazis, and I don't think they, were they still around, would appreciate the conflation of punk-ass right wing extremists with the fuckers they had to upend their lives and go stop from rolling across Europe.

    I too have relatives, now deceased, who fought Nazis in WWII, as do I would suppose a majority of Americans, as over 16 million served during the war.

    I am pretty certain, were those 16 million still around to see what their victory has brought the West, with many of their great cities in ruins, homosexuality being promoted in schools, gay marriage, tranny bathrooms, hormonal and surgical mutilation of children, communist indoctrination universities, and their government subsidizing the invasion of tens of million of third world colonists into all of the countries that "won" the war, that they would thought they had lost.

    I am also pretty certain that their deeply held beliefs in God, country, and the American Nation would get them labelled "Nazis" today by people like you, and if they thought about it, they would wonder if maybe they had fought for the wrong side.

  38. trump came up with his AG after watching an episode of the Flinstones.

  39. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:45 AM

    At least we're not speaking German said...

    "I am pretty certain, were those 16 million still around to see what their victory has brought the West, with many of their great cities in ruins, homosexuality being promoted in schools, gay marriage, tranny bathrooms, hormonal and surgical mutilation of children, communist indoctrination universities, and their government subsidizing the invasion of tens of million of third world colonists into all of the countries that "won" the war, that they would thought they had lost.

    I am also pretty certain that their deeply held beliefs in God, country, and the American Nation would get them labelled "Nazis" today by people like you, and if they thought about it, they would wonder if maybe they had fought for the wrong side."

    You don't speak for anyone who fought the Germans or anyone else who believes in democracy. No one would wonder if "they fought for the wrong side."

    What the hell are "tyranny bathrooms? And whom do you claim is performing "hormonal and surgical mutilation of children? And if you claim that there are "communist indoctrination universities," please name them. I think you have serious mental health issues, otherwise why are you posting such nonsense here?

  40. Thinks: "Lemme just importantly straighten out my nothing burger papers here"

  41. Anonymous11:08 AM

    The law abiding white nationalist has his shit together and just wants a place to raise his family that approximates the country he inherited from his parents and grandparents. He doesn't hate other people, he just wants a place for his own people in America's future.

    The sociopathic white supremacist is an unemployable loner who gets swastika tattoos and wants to deny other peoples the same rights he wants solely reserved for whites. He hates other people because he needs an excuse for his own failed life.

    There are a million white nationalists for every white supremacist, but the Left conflates the two because they need the specter of Nazis to hold their coalition together and to justify their project to demographically transform America.

  42. Nadler's America11:42 AM

    Enforcement said...
    That 5 year old white boy was a Nazi. You could tell because he was blond.

    Throwing him off that balcony was a required response.

    Pregnant white woman attacked by two blacks, kicked in stomach as they said, “I hope he dies.”

    That fetus was a Nazi. You could tell because his mother was white.

    Kicking him out of that womb was a required response.

    Congress is helping incite this with their anti-white hearings.


    Drumpf lied about everyone getting a taxcut (and a 4k raise) and now he is lying claiming higher wages led to smaller refunds when people are discovering ,no, their taxes did go up.

    By the way, wingnuts eliminated SALT taxes mainly in densely populated blue states on the coasts. Drumpf has weaponized every area of government to try to become a dictator.


    Good shooting, Ollie Northon.

    Meanwhile high lying sweathog spokesanimal Sanders says if Drumpf sends immigrants to sanctuary cities it is Dems fault.

    Her lies are on par with pathological orange fucker Drumpf.

  45. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:23 PM

    "Congress is helping incite this with their anti-white hearings."

    11:42 AM

    Please list the "anti-white" hearings currently or recently held in congress. We normal people haven't heard about them.

  46. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Granny Mudbog, I guess your beloved PMSnbc channel did not cover the Nadler lie fest?Colin Flaherty on a daily basis will get you up to speed concerning the Anti White agenda. Happy Listening !


    This is beautiful- a pig shoots an unarmed prisoner in a holding cell with a service revolver instead of the taser he thought he had. Guy doesn't know the difference in feel between weapons. Make him a cop. Guy violated police department policy by wearing taser on same side as revolver. It was neither justified or criminal so they "excused" his behavior and did not charge him. Excuse? BTW both thye pig and the victim appear to be wasicu savages.

  48. If Notre Dame in Paris was a black attended church, Drumpf would have been calling for an investigation on HRC and Obama's whereabouts in recent days.

    I see the fire as dog's retribution for the Catholics harboring and covering up all them there wasicu kiddie diddlers for decades.

  49. Anonymous3:53 PM

    "I see the fire as dog's retribution for the Catholics harboring and covering up all them there wasicu kiddie diddlers for decades."

    You are a stain on this earth, not worth the air you breathe.

  50. Anonymous4:04 PM

    "and further we find that global warming/climate change to be a hoax"

  51. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Winter Storm Wesley, an Early April Blizzard and Ice Storm for the Plains and Midwest (RECAP)

  52. Anonymous4:11 PM

    White Pregnant victim randomly attacked by group of negroe teenagers speaks out:

  53. I am pretty certain that your certainty is an error brought on by the propaganda you consume.
    Most of those made of stern enough stuff to take up arms against the Nazis were also adaptable to their situations and wouldn't needlessly cling to the outdated hatreds that underpin your ideology.
    And none of them, that is not one who actually saw what the Nazis did would ever for any reason wonder whether they fought for the right side.

    -Doug in Oakland

  54. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Progressive Center Left=Nazi

  55. Anonymous5:51 PM

  56. Anymoose @ 3:53 admires kiddie diddlers.

  57. Exactly how many times did Obama the GOAT accuse members of the opposition party of being terrorists?

  58. Minnesota Muslim Dem Congresswoman needs extra capitol security after Drumpf brands her terrorist.

    30 years ago wingnuts had the human decency to shove this POS out of office, before they all became power mad and corrupt codsuckers. Wingnuts have destroyed the very fiber of congress and want to destroy the rest of the country because they will never get everything their way. Fuck them and the fucking fools that vote for these terrorists. Rot in hell!


  59. from an Alaskan blog you never heard of-

    2. William Barr's Past Summarizing For Congress

    Just Security has an article on a 1989 situation where then Attorney General William Barr misled Congress with a summary of a Justice Department document that, when finally made public, showed Barr's deception. An excerpt:
    "Members of Congress asked to see the full legal opinion. Barr refused, but said he would provide an account that “summarizes the principal conclusions.” Sound familiar? In March 2019, when Attorney General Barr was handed Robert Mueller’s final report, he wrote that he would “summarize the principal conclusions” of the special counsel’s report for the public.
    When Barr withheld the full OLC opinion in 1989 and said to trust his summary of the principal conclusions, Yale law school professor Harold Koh wrote that Barr’s position was “particularly egregious.” Congress also had no appetite for Barr’s stance, and eventually issued a subpoena to successfully wrench the full OLC opinion out of the Department.
    What’s different from that struggle and the current struggle over the Mueller report is that we know how the one in 1989 eventually turned out."

    It got Barr off the hook in the short term and he was no longer Attorney General when it was finally made public. My experience is that people tend to use the same strategies that served them in the past. If Barr can keep the Mueller Report hidden until after the 2020 election, he'll have done his job. Compare this good-old-boys-protecting-their-own behavior with the tell-it-like-it-is language of people like Elizabeth Warren and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez!

    Geez, the more things change them more wingnuts stink!

  60. Austin Mayor Steve Adler:

    Let me ask you this question: Wouldn't it be great if we had a president who was really smart? I mean really really really smart. Somebody who spoke multiple languages, including having a beautiful command of English.

    Wouldn't it be great, if we had a president who understood that freedom is sacred? And sometimes "freedom to," like freedom to be who you are, and to love who you want, is as important as freedom from someone you fear. Who helps us understand and grow from what we fear, instead of weaponizing fear for political gain.

    Wouldn't it be great if we had a president who was genuinely humble? Who knows good policy cannot be uncoupled from facts and science. Who stands for democracy and knows that our country's march toward progress happens when we increase our access to the ballot, and that wealth inequality threatens that very democracy.

    Wouldn't it be great if we had a president who listens? And actually answers questions. And in his answers teaches us something about nuance. Someone we would want our children to emulate. Someone who rallies our better souls.

    Wouldn't it be great if we had a president who was a generation that will actually live with the consequences of the decisions that we make today?

    Wouldn't it be great if we had a president who was really smart? Did I already say that? And we know it not because he says he's smart, but because we hear what he says and we see how he acts.

    Wouldn't it be great if we had a president who fought and stood for our security? As a lieutenant in intelligence in Afghanistan. Someone who understood that security meant more things, like economic security, and climate security, and cybersecurity.

    Wouldn't it be great if we had a president who was a new kind of messenger? Who speaks to our ideals and values as Americans? Someone not limited by litmus tests, and someone it is impossible to slot on a spectrum.

    Wouldn't it be great if we had a president who holds his faith in his heart? Knows the importance it plays in his life, but does not use it, as a cynical tool, to achieve power.

    And wouldn't it be great, if we had a president, who was thoughtful, rational, intelligent, deliberate, who simply told us the truth?

    Wouldn't it be great if we had a president like Pete?

    (h/t:Crooks and Liars)

    -Doug in Oakland

  61. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Buttgig is just another lying conman.

  62. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Why someone insists on running when he's already got the nickname "Buttplug" I don't know, but since he's got Deep State connections there's no way there isn't an agenda involved.

  63. Fergus ran, and that lowered the bar to the "syphilitic howler monkey" zone.

    -Doug in Oakland
