Tuesday, May 14, 2019

A killing in Texas.

Image result for texas images   This past Monday night a police officer in Texas shot and killed a black woman (who screamed that she was pregnant) in her apartment complex.

I am posting this tonight because I don't ever want this type of story to become just another dog bites man news item. 

 "A woman was shot and killed during an altercation with a police officer Monday night in Baytown, Texas, after she resisted arrest and grabbed the officer’s taser, police said.
An officer in the city east of Houston was patrolling an apartment complex when he recognized a woman who lived there who he knew had prior warrants, police said.

When police tried to arrest the woman, 45, whose name they are not releasing at this time, she resisted arrest, said Steve Dorris, a Baytown police lieutenant and public information officer.
The officer was “forced to deploy his taser” on the woman, but it wasn’t “effective,” Dorris said. The woman grabbed the taser and used it on the officer who was trying to arrest her.

The woman’s actions “forced the officer to draw his duty weapon and fire multiple rounds at the suspect who was struck at least one time," Dorris said.

The woman was declared dead at the scene and the Harris County District Attorney’s Office is now assisting in the investigation, police said.
The fatal incident was recorded on social media and went viral, with some commentators questioning why the incident ended in the woman's death.

In a Snapchat video of the incident, the woman told the officer she was pregnant. Police and family members were not able to confirm whether the woman was pregnant, but her family told NBC’s Houston affiliate KPRC-TV that she had two children, both in their 20s.

Witnesses at the apartment complex told KPRC that the woman was "not a bad person," and that she would “just walk around, smoke her cigarettes and walk her dogs.”

Another neighbor, Taylin Inniss, said she heard the shots, and when she learned that someone had been killed at her apartment complex, she didn't believe it.

"They must’ve had a couple of words. Things went a whole different way, and he shot her, and I really feel for the family and I hope they get some type of justice," Inniss said. "I just pray for them honestly because life is short nowadays."

Baytown police are not naming the officer who shot the woman, but said he has worked as an officer for 11 years." [Source]

Incredibly, the police department issued a statement saying that they do not believe that the woman was pregnant as she screamed before being killed. As if it's alright to shoot and kill an unarmed woman. 

Also, the police want the person who video taped the killing to come forward. They were not pleased with a citizen exposing their behavior for all the world to see. 

 "It’s unfortunate that somebody take a tragic incident like this and start posting it on social media. That’s extremely disrespectful for everybody involved,” 

No chief, what's "unfortunate" is that one of your officers is so poorly trained that they have to take the life of a woman in this manner. I will take being alive over being disrespected all day long. 

Had that been a dog, Fido would be alive tonight. Because sadly the lives of some people are not worth as much as our pets. 

It's clearly a sad state of affairs here in America, and it seems that more and more of these types of incidents are happening every day.   

The police officer involved has now been placed on a paid administrative leave, and it will be interesting to see what becomes of his career.

 Personally, I have some strong feelings about how this will all turn out, and I can assure you that they are not good.  


  1. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Thank you again trump, but stand by. Karma is on it's way. You, the so called commander in chief started this hate. Officers of the 'so called country of laws, remember your 'oath'; sounds like this person was a target, and this animal on the 'force' attacked. You the military officers, commanders, admirals, remember the 'Uniform code of military justice', this bit$h can not order you to jump off a cliff. Article 134. No one is bigger than the UNION.(Right)?

  2. Let's see, outstanding warrants, resisting arrest? Last I checked, neither of those were capital crimes, so it's at least good that the officer wasn't a judge, although he acted as one when he executed her.

    I still say we should take the guns away from the cops for a week, and then fire all of the ones who refuse to work without them on the spot, and permanently blacklist them so they don't just get jobs in the next county like the OHA cops did back in the eighties.

    Guns can have a corrosive effect on some minds that way, as they can be seen as a magic solution to problems that really require more thought and effort than the pull of a trigger to resolve.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. "A woman was shot and killed during an altercation with a police officer Monday night in Baytown, Texas, after she resisted arrest and grabbed the officer’s taser"

    End of story.

    Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

  4. Anonymous12:01 AM

    As if it's alright to shoot and kill an unarmed woman.

    As if it's all right to resist arrest and seize an officer's weapon.

    I will take being alive over being disrespected all day long.

    Your type kills over "disrespect", so shut yo' mouf.

  5. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Packs of screaming Laqueshas are why we can't have nice things anymore.

  6. Alyssa Milano's sex strike didn't last 24 hours, I just banged her.

  7. Comey is going down (and he will rat on Obama/Mueller).

    Imagine a world where Obama, Clinton’s, Comey, Kerry are all in jail. The Democrats would be wiped out for a generation.

  8. Shouldn't be a cop if you can't arrest one woman without resorting to lethal methods. The job just isn't for some.

  9. Shouldn't be a pilot if you can't fly one plane without resorting to autopilot. The job just isn't for some.

  10. Anonymous1:48 AM

    “Incredibly, the police department issued a statement saying that they do not believe that the woman was pregnant as she screamed before being killed. As if it's alright to shoot and kill an unarmed woman.”

    But she wasn’t an unarmed woman. She was armed with the officer’s Taser, which she’d already used on him. At least that’s assuming the police have told the truth about how events unfolded.

    The cop will argue that she could have kept jolting him, and then while he was immobilized, done him serious injury or killed him in an effort to escape. He can probably convince a jury he was justified in shooting her.

    I don’t know what this woman was thinking, resisting arrest so forcefully. Were the charges she was facing worth this risk? She made a huge mistake here.

  11. Conservatives' loverboy was in favor of gun control.


  12. "I don’t know what this woman was thinking, resisting arrest so forcefully."

    I read she was mentally unstable and on medication.

  13. Donald ain't Humping4:23 AM

    Alyssa Milano's sex strike didn't last 24 hours, I just banged her.
    Puleeeze, your incel ass can't even get with Rosy Palm and her 5 sisters! Bwahahahahahahahaha! Ain't had pussy since pussy had you! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  14. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Repatriation of the Negro in 2020 !

  15. Anonymous8:05 AM

    How many White people did Negroes kill or rob this week so far? Colin Flaherty knows.

  16. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I recently saw a video of a cop who was pushed and punched by a white guy. Yet the cop didn't fire on the man. When the guy, who was bigger than the cop, violently resisted arrest, the cop actually ran for cover and called for backup. Yet this POS in blue shoots a 44 year old black women 5 times.

  17. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:03 AM

    CopX said...

    "Shouldn't be a pilot if you can't fly one plane without resorting to autopilot. The job just isn't for some."

    1:40 AM
    This comment is beyond dumb. All commercial pilots learn to and do fly without autopilot.

  18. Anonymous10:14 AM

    uptownsteve55 said...
    I recently saw a video of a cop who was pushed and punched by a white guy. Yet the cop didn't fire on the man. When the guy, who was bigger than the cop, violently resisted arrest, the cop actually ran for cover and called for backup. Yet this POS in blue shoots a 44 year old black women 5 times.
    Different cop you moron.

    There are over 900,000 police officers in the country.

    There are over 14 million non-traffic violation arrests in the US every year.

    Every situation is unique, and some go bad. They are all investigated, and must be judged individually.

    Blacks commit more crimes, and have higher arrest rates. They are also much more likely to violently resist arrest. Despite this, whites are more likely to be shot by the police.


  19. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:30 AM

    This is for the idiot who keeps posting that Blacks are so violent. The suspected killer here is a white guy.


  20. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Blacks make up only 13% of the population of the US, but commit 50% of the murders.

    Blacks make up only 13% of the population of London, but commit 50% of the murders.

    Wherever they live, blacks have higher violent crime rates than people of other races.

    It's not racism that other people, including police, view blacks as being more dangerous, it's black people's behavior.

  21. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:49 AM

    To 10:40 AM,

    Are you talking about arrests or convictions? Source?

  22. Anonymous11:49 AM

    “I read she was mentally unstable and on medication.”

    Sounds possible. So many of these officer-involved shootings involve mentally ill people who can’t easily follow orders or understand what’s happening to them.

    A big part of reducing the number of these shootings will require training police officers on how to recognize mental illness or disability, and how to avoid physical confrontation with mentally ill people. Deescalation isn’t always possible, but if you can calm someone down and avoid a violent reaction, you should. A lot of officers don’t know how to do anything beyond barking orders and employing force if they don’t get immediate compliance with them.

  23. "Shouldn't be a pilot if you can't fly one plane without resorting to autopilot. The job just isn't for some."

    Um, ok.

  24. "A lot of officers don’t know how to do anything beyond barking orders and employing force if they don’t get immediate compliance with them."

    Exactly, and people need to realize that some situations require a different approach and some thought. For example, a deaf person needs to watch what you are asking them to do and if they attempt to turn around after you told them to face the car you don't automatically assume they are not complying and shoot them. Hell, if school and church shooters who are armed and dangerous can be apprehended without violence surely a lone woman can be taken into custody alive. I mean if that's really your goal.

  25. "This is for the idiot who keeps posting that Blacks are so violent. The suspected killer here is a white guy."

    My buddy who is a professor at UGA knew her. Tragic.

  26. "This comment is beyond dumb. All commercial pilots learn to and do fly without autopilot."

    You're responding to a conservative troll. They traffic in false equivalencies and bad faith arguments. But yes, very very dumb comment.😂

  27. Anonymous12:44 PM

    "’Shouldn't be a pilot if you can't fly one plane without resorting to autopilot. The job just isn't for some.’

    Um, ok.“

    Some supremely ignorant people think that autopilot is capable of executing all tasks required to fly the plane: takeoffs, landings, course corrections, everything. So, basically, they really believe pilots today only sit there like Homer Simpson at the nuke plant and push a big red button if something goes wrong and the autopilot needs rebooting. It’s useless trying to explain to them that modern aerospace technology is good, but not that good.

    Maybe the troll you are conversing with is one of those fools.

    I used to occasionally read a column called “Ask the Pilot”, which answered all aviation-related questions, and it used to really burn the writer that people constantly sent in questions implying his job didn’t involve doing any actual work and that planes just fly themselves.

  28. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Black woman kills 74 year old elderly handicapped man by pushing him out of a bus in Las Vegas.


  29. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Chicago May 2019 to Date:
    Shot & Killed: 21
    Shot & Wounded: 84
    Total Shot: 105
    Total Homicides: 21

  30. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Don't fight the police and you wont get shot or arrested. She was not pregnant. That's a ghetto technique used by negroes on weaker less savvy officers.

  31. Anonymous1:17 PM

    If this woman were White and had shot up a church and murdered its parishioners, the police would have not killed her.

    Hell, they would have taken her to her choice of fast food restaurant to receive a meal of her choice like the mass murderer Dylan Roof got!

  32. PilotX said...
    "This comment is beyond dumb. All commercial pilots learn to and do fly without autopilot."

    That was the point. I know as much about flying an airplane as you do about policing.

  33. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Dylan Roof...Dylan Roof... Blah, blah, blah. If The Negro is so put upon by White Police, why are there so many Negroes alive and in jail? Would not the racee PoPo just kill them all and not waste time with arrest and Trial/Conviction? Crime is indeed a Negro entitlement program. Learn to live in a civil society and maybe your problems may greatly lessen, Oh 80 IQ Pyramid Builders. 75% of ALL mass shooters in America are Black.

  34. Wasicu sexual predator manages to assault 4 moar women while wearing electronic device. https://abc7.com/sex-offender-with-gps-monitor-accused-of-4-sexual-assaults-at-ie-trail/5300346/

  35. 8 year old wasicu ambusher accidently shoots mother with loaded gun at ball ark. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/8-year-old-boy-accidentally-shoots-mother-baseball-game-gun-n1005876

  36. Blair2:37 PM

    Good for Alabama. I’m not especially interested in abortion as an issue but I support anything red America does that might make blue America willing to allow them autonomy. Maybe if Roe is overturned that will help move us toward Abortions for Some, Mini American Flags for Others.

    For the same reason I enthusiastically support the second amendment. Let us go and then you can grab as many of your own people’s guns as you want.

  37. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:46 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "’Shouldn't be a pilot if you can't fly one plane without resorting to autopilot. The job just isn't for some.’

    Um, ok.“

    Some supremely ignorant people think that autopilot is capable of executing all tasks required to fly the plane: takeoffs, landings, course corrections, everything. So, basically, they really believe pilots today only sit there like Homer Simpson at the nuke plant and push a big red button if something goes wrong and the autopilot needs rebooting. It’s useless trying to explain to them that modern aerospace technology is good, but not that good.

    Maybe the troll you are conversing with is one of those fools.
    True. He/she should ask her-self/his-self, If the auto pilot can fly the plane by itself, why do planes have pilots?
    One of my grandsons is a commercial pilot. After thousands of flying hours, he got his private license. He then under went months of intensive training in order to fly with the air lines. Pilots actually do fly the planes.

  38. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Hahaha, they’re now selling a special coin to the fundies, printed with a Bible verse attempting to rationalize why it is okay for Christian zealots to vote for the very un-Christian Trump.

    Red state America is simultaneously a comedy and tragedy.

  39. https://local.theonion.com/insecure-frustrated-bully-with-something-to-prove-cons-1819575405

    -Doug in Oakland

  40. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:20 PM

    Anonymous said.....

    "ALL mass shooters in America are Black."

    You lie. Definitions of "mass shootings" very from different sources. However one thing is clear: the terrorist attacks involving the murder of many people gathered in one place have been perpetrated by white males.


    Of the 10 deadliest shootings in the U.S., five have taken place in the past three years.



  41. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Diversity Mayors Reveal Weakness Of Multicultural America


  42. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Black woman, 25, shoves elderly white man off bus so hard it killed him after he asked her to be nicer:


  43. She dindu nuffin, I'm sure. It's not like black women are murdering white babies in nurseries, setting them alight after kidnapping them, beating the elderly in nursing homes, and pushing 74-year-old men to their death out of buses because they had the audacity to speak to them.

    Black women, in 2019, are exponentially more violent than the height of fucking slavery with slave masters' cruelty.

    Police sometimes act accordingly and prove their worth as public servants.

  44. That statement above might objectively be the dumbest thing ever posted on the Internet.

    1. Josh is kinda dumb5:22 PM

      That goes without saying, it WAS posted by Josh's dumb ass.

  45. "That was the point. I know as much about flying an airplane as you do about policing."

    I've been a LEO so that statement is false.

  46. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Josh has an unparalleled ability to live in a bizarre fantasy world completely divorced from observable reality.

    This is hall of fame-level delusion.

  47. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Slavery really wasn't that bad.

  48. 74 year old took his time dying. My guess is stoopid fucking wingnuts tortured him for a few weeks and then smothered him. But I have no proof.

    I'd like to see a town run by blacks with nearly all police officers black harass whitey day and night, write tickets for the most mundane offenses, shoot a bunch of unarmed wasicus and claim they were frightened by ugly white faces and had to defend themselves. Maybe plant evidence or just outright lie to the courts.

    Whitey be shitting bricks to be treated the way whitey treats blacks.

  49. Josh is an attention whore7:54 PM

    Josh is just an attention whore.

  50. Anonymous7:59 PM

    “Josh is just an attention whore.”

    Unfortunately for Josh, I don’t think that’s true. Besides being a troll, I think he might be slightly insane.

  51. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:01 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Diversity Mayors Reveal Weakness Of Multicultural America"

    The only weakness America has right now is the fault of Donald Trump. He has given classified information to the Russians, alienated our allies, started a trade war, put children in cages after separating them from their parents, told more than 10,000 lies and is refusing to abide by the Constitution.

  52. They just made it a more serious crime in Alabama to abort your rapist's fetus than to rape a woman and impregnate her.

    -Doug in Oakland

  53. Anonymous8:24 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  54. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Anonymous Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

    He then under went

    2:46 PM

    underwent is one word

  55. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    "The only weakness America has right now is the fault of Donald Trump. He has given classified information to the Russians, alienated our allies, started a trade war, put children in cages after separating them from their parents, told more than 10,000 lies and is refusing to abide by the Constitution."

    Name one lie.

    Name one violation of the Constitution.

    What classified information did he give to the Russians?

    Which allies has he alienated?

    You know that no children were put in cages, right?

    You are on board with China stealing jobs and intellectual property from Americans?

    Sources please.

  56. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Emmanuel Aranda pleads guilty to the attempted murder of 6-yr-old Landen Hoffman at the Mall of America:


    What was the last time a white perp threw a black kid off a building, or deliberately ran one over with a vehicle?  There are FIVE TIMES AS MANY white people in America as there are blacks.  White people have something like 400 million guns between them.  Where's the white mayhem that even compares to "the hood"?  Granny?  PilotX?  Feeled?  Anyone?

  57. Anonymous9:25 PM

    This is for the idiot who keeps posting that Blacks are so violent. The suspected killer here is a white guy.

    So ONE crime by a white guy is morally equivalent to the daily mayhem committed by blacks?

    Talk about anecdata.  Talk about innumeracy!

  58. STFU white fuckboi9:47 PM

    So ONE crime by a white guy is morally equivalent to the daily mayhem committed by blacks?
    Because we all know there is only one white crime per day.

  59. Remember the Iraq war? That was a white guy thing.

    -Doug in Oakland

  60. White guys do have a tendancy to shoot up classrooms and churches because they know no one is armed. Such noble men, we should all strive to be more like them.

  61. https://mobile.twitter.com/TravelNoire/status/1128842529833738242?s=09

  62. Anonymous11:29 PM

    "This is for the idiot who keeps posting that Blacks are so violent. The suspected killer here is a white guy."


    There's one dead person in this scenario: a Black woman.

    And there's one shooter who is alleged to have murdered her: a White male.

    But in the "Alternative Facts" unreality of the White Right, the Black woman deserves to be dead, and the White male is a victim who is being unfairly maligned.

    That's Crazy Cracker values for you.

  63. Anonymous11:46 PM

    “They just made it a more serious crime in Alabama to abort your rapist's fetus than to rape a woman and impregnate her.”

    Women wouldn’t be punished for procuring abortions under Alabama’s new law, only the doctors who perform them. (The effect of Georgia’s similar abortion law is murkier. It’s unclear whether women could be prosecuted under that law, and for what circumstances.)

    I think the GOP have fucked up politically with this move. In recent years, they have successfully been whittling away at abortion rights in the red states by keeping their efforts on the downlow. By taking a direct run at Roe v. Wade, that strategy has been killed off.

    The Dems can now strongly appeal to angry female voters by running on a platform of imposing expansive abortion rights on all 50 states by federal law. As if hatred of Trump and his antics wasn’t already going to get him and his congressional enablers drop-kicked out of office, they’ve now doubly screwed themselves.

  64. Grampa Woody- https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/report-trump-revealed-covert-israeli-mission-in-syria-to-russians-1.5626703

  65. Grampa Woody- one lie? Try https://www.politifact.com/personalities/donald-trump/statements/byruling/false/

    Take your pick there are over 11000 lies and mis statements to choose from.

  66. Grampa Woody- https://www.google.com/search?q=trump+violates+the+consytitution&oq=trump+violates+the+consytitution&aqs=chrome..69i57.9902j1j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

    There are many articles explaining which violations Drumpfuck the dumbfuck has undertaken. Enjoy, loser.

  67. Tribal values do not belong in civilization9:33 AM

    Here is a textbook example of black blindness.

    >> There's one dead person in this scenario: a Black woman.

    This blindness does not see lawful authority.  It does not see outstanding warrants.  It does not see violently resisting arrest.  It does not see armed (stolen Taser) assault on a police officer.

    >> And there's one shooter who is alleged to have murdered her: a White male.

    All this blindness sees is tribe vs. non-tribe, and nothing else.

    Such blindness is an inborn racial disability.  Blacks are unfit to live in civilization, and must be confined separately so civilization can exist.  Back to Africa is sufficient separation.

    >> But in the "Alternative Facts" unreality of the White Right, the Black woman deserves to be dead, and the White male is a victim who is being unfairly maligned.

    >> That's Crazy Cracker values for you.

    Africa is totally free of "Crazy Cracker values", if you hate them so much.  "Crazy Cracker values" or s#!+hole country, take your pick.

  68. Jack Ketch9:56 AM

    Future felon factory closed for good. Well done.

  69. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:21 AM

    Tribal values do not belong in civilization said...

    "All this blindness sees is tribe vs. non-tribe, and nothing else."

    Yes, I agree, but it's white people, such as you who are blindly fighting for their tribe. In your world diversity is feared, scorned, and opposed with extreme violence. You are terrified because of the demographics that show the white population declining while the POC population grows.

    You adhere to you tribe to the point of condoning the death penalty for a woman who had warrants, and who resisted arrest. It must be a tough life for you being so afraid of other people who aren't white.

  70. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:01 PM

    Grampa Woodley said...

    "Name one violation of the Constitution."

    Here you go, Grampa Woodley

    May 15, 2018 - When President Trump tweeted on Sunday about ZTE, the Chinese telecom company, he initially left more than a few pundits and reporters ...

    The Emolument Clause that Trump has repeatedly violated can be found in the last paragraph of Section 9, Article 1. of the US Constitution.

  71. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Trump has not violated the the emoluments clause, and it has been so ruled in court.

    Try again Granny.

  72. Tribal values do not belong in civilization1:10 PM

    >> You adhere to you tribe to the point of condoning the death penalty for a woman who had warrants, and who resisted arrest.

    You had to omit "assaulted a police officer with a Taser" in order not to sound totally ridiculous even to yourself.

    >> It must be a tough life for you being so afraid of other people who aren't white.

    I'm not the least bit afraid of them.  If they get out of line, I am ready to defend myself up to and including shooting them to death.  What I'm afraid of is our anti-white police and legal system which will do its best to kill me for daring to try to stay alive and unharmed when faced with such an assault.  You and your totally misplaced sympathies and warped thinking are part of that.

  73. Federal judge rejects Trump request to dismiss Democrats' Emoluments Clause lawsuit
    BY JACQUELINE THOMSEN - 04/30/19 06:04 PM EDT

    From THE HILL

    Anyfuckingmoose, do try to keep up with reality and recent news.

  74. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:18 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Trump has not violated the the emoluments clause, and it has been so ruled in court.

    Try again Granny."

    12:35 PM

    Oh but he has and we all know it. How about all the Russian money that was donated for Trump's inauguration and what happened to it?

    The Constitution, Article 1. Section 9 Says; "No title of nobility shall be granted by the United states: And no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the congress, accept any present, emolument, office of title of any kind whatsoever from any king, prince, or foreign state.

    Have a nice day, youngster.

  75. https://www.rawstory.com/2019/05/republicans-confirm-activist-who-thinks-abortion-causes-cancer-to-lifetime-federal-judge-appointment/

    Welcome to 1900 America.

  76. https://www.rawstory.com/2019/05/negroes-arent-american-white-supremacist-robocalls-defend-woman-who-chased-and-shot-black-man/

    Wasicu bitch allegedly chased a black guy she claimed ran from an accident site. Didn't realize leaving the scene was punishable by death from stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  77. Judge Vitter, from my comment @ 1:23 PM is the wife of former Looseranna Senator David Vitter, he of the diaper wearing romps with prostitutes. She claIMED.....Vitter is more commonly known as being the wife of former GOP Senator David Vitter, and standing beside him in 2007 as he confessed to having been caught in a prostitution scandal.

    Before that, as Louisiana’s The Advocate reports, Wendy Vitter “proclaimed to reporters in 2000 while responding President Bill Clinton’s affair scandal that she would be ‘a lot more like Lorena Bobbitt than Hillary,’ referring to the Virginia woman who infamously severed her husband’s penis in 1993.”

    You noticed that her hubby still has a pecker according to informed sources. So she's a liar, too. Must be in the DNA of all stoopid fucking wingnut hypocrites.

  78. Anonymous1:55 PM

    "Anyfuckingmoose, do try to keep up with reality and recent news"

    The second suit will be dismissed just like the first.

    And Trump has not received illegal donations from Russians or any other country.

    Try again Granny.

  79. https://www.salon.com/2019/05/15/investigating-the-investigators-republicans-roll-out-a-dangerous-new-gambit/

    Who knew Barr was an extreme right wing ideologue hired, not as AG, but as a paid warrior to protect the bogus Russian plant in the kremlin annex.

  80. First emoluments case was set aside by the judge who ruled right wing nut jobs had no staNDing to bring this case. The wingnuts included Drumpf's buddy Deepockets Chopsooey.

  81. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Investigators: Convicted black serial killer could be connected to more murders in Southeast Louisiana:


  82. Investigators: Convicted black serial killer could be connected to more murders in Southeast Louisiana:
    Bet they have lots of practice with all these white dude serial killers running around. Bet he didn't shoot up a school full of kids, that's crazy eyed white guy shit.

  83. https://www.theroot.com/watch-texas-police-try-to-arrest-an-innocent-black-man-1834787657

  84. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:48 PM

    Anonymous said....

    "The second suit will be dismissed just like the first.

    And Trump has not received illegal donations from Russians or any other country."
    It doesn't matter what you think or what you say, Trump has repeatedly broken the law, wiped his butt with the Constitution, and created chaos every where he goes.

  85. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:54 PM

    Anonymous said...


    Wow! How shocking - a convicted serial killer "could be connected to more murders"! Gee, I bet no one saw that coming. Why post this?

  86. Russians laundered 30 million through Russia/NRA and it found its way into Drumpfuck's campaign fund.

  87. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-06-29/trump-campaign-broke-law-by-soliciting-foreign-donations-complaint-alleges

    Drumpf solicited funds from foreign MPs. Illegal as hell, but the rules do not apply to stoopid fucking cheating wingnuts.

    Drumpf claims ignorance, which I will allow he is among the most ignorant POS in the world, but ignorance of the law is no excuse and you will find maNY people jailed for not knowing the rules. Yet Drumpf keeps getting do-overs, just like his golfing.

  88. Looseranna's thresh hold for black guilt is skin color. You black, you guilty For whitey, white privilege rules the day. You white, see you later.

  89. https://www.rawstory.com/2019/05/toddler-apprehended-at-the-us-mexico-border-dies-in-el-paso-after-weeks-in-hospital/

    Another day another casualty for Drumpfuck's body count of innocent civilians around the world. Drumpf stopped reporting civilian casualties by drones because he was getgting grief for targeting them.

  90. https://www.rawstory.com/2019/05/bidens-committed-no-wrong-doing-in-ukraine-despite-guilianis-pleas-prosecutor/

    Gonna hurt, innit, wingnuts. No black involved except black hearted stoopid fucking wingnut haters.

  91. https://www.rawstory.com/2019/05/trump-administration-diverted-62-million-from-struggling-us-farmers-to-corrupt-businessmen-in-brazil-report/

    Drumpf funneling money meant for US farmers to corrupt business owners in Brazil all the while his DOJ is investigating these 2 brothers.

  92. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    "It doesn't matter what you think or what you say, Trump has repeatedly broken the law, wiped his butt with the Constitution, and created chaos every where he goes."

    Actually it does matter that you can't cite one instance where Trump has broken the law, one part of the Constitution that he has violated, or name one single lie he has told.

    Yet you mindlessly repeat the lies you hear as justification for your resentment of what Trump represents to you.

  93. Grampa Woody is a typical stoopid fucking Drumpftard who refuses to believe his easily debunked claims are so easily debunked. Every claim you made was debunked with evidence provided. Then you turn to fake noize talking points and pretend all is well in wingnut goofy land.

  94. https://www.rawstory.com/2019/05/house-committee-chairmen-demand-investigation-into-russian-oligarchs-200-million-investment-in-mcconnells-kentucky/

    McCTurtlefuckface and his wife are both the kind of crooks wingnuts think the Clintons are.

  95. https://www.rawstory.com/2019/05/michael-flynn-cooperated-with-mueller-investigation-by-turning-over-tape-of-trump-ally-attempting-to-obstruct-inquiry-report/

    Moar obstruction by Drumpfuckers. Hang them all. But, HRC had emails. Wah,wah, wah.

  96. Grandpa Woodley said...

    Actually it does matter that you can't cite one instance where Trump has broken the law, one part of the Constitution that he has violated, or name one single lie he has told.
    Maybe you can't read very well or you have trouble understanding English. I will try one more time.
    1. Trump broke the law (See US Constitution; last paragraph of Article 1, Section 9) by taking foreign money to pay for his inauguration.

    2. RECENT LIE:
    DONALD TRUMP said on TV on May 14, 2019 Tariffs are "paid for mostly by China, by the way, not by us."
    — PolitiFact National on Tuesday, May 14th, 2019
    This is a lie.

    3.Which allies has he alienated? Oh, just Canada, The United Kingdom. Germany, France, and just about all other nations that once were our friends.

    Give it up, Grandpa Woodley. We can do this for days or weeks and I will prove you wrong every time. Have a nice night.

  97. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Did y'all see how the white supremacists put all those black men in dresses and skirts at those awards??? They sure love to feminize the black man and then hold him up as an example!

  98. Whatever happened to those hundreds, or was it thousands, of indictments that would lead to all of the Dems being arrested and frog marched out of congress by Marines? Starting to think it was BS.🤔😆

  99. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Heh heh, Italy has just fired 6 sub-heads of intelligence agencies and is probably going to turn Mifsud over for questioning in the Papadopoulos case.

    The drainage ditch is making inroads into the (international) swamp.

  100. PilotX, I believe the total was 3k sealed indictments against Obama and Dems.

  101. Anonymous12:01 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  102. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Booker/Harris 2020!

  103. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:38 PM

    Democrat/Democrat 2020! No matter who they are, they will be a thousand times better than Trump. My dog would better than Trump

  104. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Your dog would vote better than you, Granny.

  105. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Were any of the PoTUs wives rich or wealthy when he dusted them and bought them to America?

    Also, now the white men (who we all know have such an inferiority compels that they can't live without enslaving something) have voted against abortion in 2 states.
    Just another way to keep control over white women.
    I guess the "ME TO" movement was more than white men could handle.

    Hey white girls...this is what happens when you're white men scare and bully you into voting against your own best interest.

    P.S. Isn't it funny how all of these guys who are voting against abortion (even in cases of incest or rape) are the first ones to pay their Mistress Whores lots of money to abort the babies they make from their EXTRAMARITAL AFFAIRS.

    "Don't blame white men for overturning ROE VS WADE... Blame white women."

  106. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Were any of the PoTUs wives rich or wealthy when he dusted them off and bought them to America?

    Also, now the white men (who we all know have such an inferiority complex that they can't live without enslaving something) have voted against abortion in 2 states.
    Just another way to keep control over white women.
    I guess the "ME TO" movement was more than white men could handle.

    Hey white girls...this is what happens when your white men scare and bully you into voting against your own best interest.

    P.S. Isn't it funny how all of these guys who are voting against abortion (even in cases of incest or rape) are the first ones to pay their Mistress Whores lots of money to abort the babies they make from their EXTRAMARITAL AFFAIRS.

    "Don't blame white men for overturning ROE VS WADE... Blame white women."


  107. شركة تنظيف مكيفات بالرياض
    تمتلك افضل الطرق والمعدات في تنظيف الواحدات الداخلية والخاريجة للمكيفات توفر تنظيف المكيفات الاسبلت الفريون الكاست شركة غسيل مكيفات توفر خدمة تعبئة الفريون بسعر مميز شركة نظافة مكيفات تساعد علي رفع كفاءة التشغيل مرة اخري
    شركة تنظيف مكيفات اسبلت بالرياض
    شركة تنظيف مكيفات

    افضل شركة رش مبيدات بالرياض فنحن نقدم خدماتنا المتميزة في رش المبيدات الى المنازل والفلل والمحلات التجارية والفنادق المختلفه حيث تعتمد الشركة على مجموعه من المبيدات الآمنه والفعالة والموثوق فيها بإعتماد وزارة الصحة السعودية.

    لذلك تحرص شركتنا ارخص شركة مكافحة حشرات بالرياض كأفضل الشركات الموجودة فى الرياض على التخلص من جميع الأفات الشرسه مثلا الفئران وغيرها من القوارض التى من الممكن ان تكون سبب فى تدمير اغراض اى منزل او قد تسبب بعض الامراض اونقلها.

  108. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:54 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Your dog would vote better than you, Granny

    9:59 PM
    My dog ain't old enough to vote, son,'cause she's only twelve. But if she could vote, she wouldn't be voting for Trump.
